Chapter 256 Support
In the howling cold wind, Allen, wearing an elf cloak, was walking on a winding and long mountain path. A team hundreds of meters long followed closely behind him, each of whom was dressed in a thick suit Protected by gray hooded cloaks, at the same time, they also carry on their backs a huge backpack for humans, which is full of portable supplies.

It's just that between walking, the armor's light will still shine in the sun in the open cloak, and it will be covered again soon.

In the pine forest or bushes in the distance, the figures of Noldor rangers would occasionally flash by. They were responsible for guarding around the team, lest any blind half-orcs ambush their large army.

And the guide who guides the whole team is an extremely tall dwarf, because this is the middle of the Gray Mountains, which was the territory of the dwarves thousands of years ago.

Due to the severe cold weather in the north, this hillside on the south side of the mountain range has formed a distinct and extremely different climate environment.

At the foot of the mountain, there are four distinct seasons, a green and dense forest is connected to the endless green grassland, where it is midsummer.

Just as the altitude increased slightly, the climate in the middle of the mountain range gradually became colder. Only some hardy pine trees and shrubs could survive here tenaciously.

As for the place closer to the top of the mountain, apart from the white snow, there are only jagged rocks and steep cliffs left.

Here it is unbearable and brutally cold.

Such a strange phenomenon has caused most of the hillside to be covered with two tones of black and gray, which looks ominous from a distance.

Elves and humans who are keen on beautiful things will never survive in such a harsh environment. Only dwarves who are born with very toughness will open up paths in this dark tone to facilitate transactions between clansmen and humans. .

After all, dwarves are by no means surviving on rocks alone, as they have been told, nor do they ever include rocks in their rich and varied diet.

"Alan, we need your help."

More than a week ago, Allen, who was studying the spell magic in Greyburg, received an old friend of his in surprise, that is, Bahrain's brother, Duvalin, the tallest of all dwarves.

According to the information known to Allen, Duvalin, who is Thorin's right-hand man, should drive out the half-orcs in the Gray Mountains. He shouldn't come here during this period, or he shouldn't come here alone.

Because the agreement between Allen and Thorin was to meet in Greyburg, and then discuss the expulsion of the misty mountains and the gray mountain half-orcs.

As for why not gather in the Gray Mountains?
That is naturally because those palaces that were full of joy and glory in the past have long been ruined by evil dragons and half-orcs.In the dwarf kingdom at this time, not to mention providing a camp for the soldiers brought by Allen to rest, even the basic food and drink to maintain morale is a big problem.

Therefore, Allen actually has no plans to attack the orcs in a short period of time. He is waiting for the gathering of food and grass, which will take at least two autumns.

Since coming to Fort Grey, Allen just took his soldiers and swept through the forest at the foot of the mountain. Apart from breaking through a simple half-orc fortress and killing dozens of unlucky ghosts who had no time to escape, it cost a lot of money. It was not a short period of time, but it did not achieve too many military victories.

It's just that there are no more half-orcs who don't open their eyes to spy on humans in the forest, which can be regarded as achieving the main purpose of stabilizing the place.

On the contrary, the soldiers who brought Greiburg spent nearly a year to open up a large area of ​​land nearby. At this time, the green wheat has begun to ear, and it is estimated that the harvest will be ready in two months, because It was already the summer of 2951 of the Third Age.

If this trend continues, Allen feels that his people will soon be able to settle down near Greyburg, and after a year or two, with a stable rear, he can let go Hands and feet led the soldiers into the Misty Mountains.

And with the help of the skin-changing people and the small animals, all the orcs north of Steele Mining Town were driven to the Angmar Mountains further north.

There, the dwarves will build fortifications on Gundabad Mountain. At the same time, with the help of humans, they will completely prevent the possibility of the orcs from invading the north again. At the same time, they will open another road between Eriador and Rovanian between lines.

Although this line is not of much commercial value, it is of great military value, which is equivalent to holding a sharp sword on the neck of the northern half-orcs.

It's just that Allen's plan was broken by Du Valin's arrival, because Allen's friend told a very unexpected news at the banquet. The half-orcs had the upper hand.

And following Du Valin's narration, Allen also understood the reason for all this, it was because the dwarves were advancing too fast.

In just two years, the dwarves started from the eastern end of the mountains in the dry yellow field, swept through the dirty tunnels, pulled out the simple fortifications, and drove the half-orcs to the west for hundreds of kilometers.

No half-orc tribe along the way could withstand Thorin's anger, even if several half-orc leaders who were driven to a dead end united and tried in vain to start a decisive battle with the dwarves in the mountains to avoid the fate of being slaughtered.

But how could the half-orc, who had just recovered, beat the prepared dwarves on the frontal battlefield.

In the case of huge gaps in combat skills, weapons and equipment, and personnel quality, even though the number of orcs was extremely large, far exceeding the number of dwarves, they were still defeated by the high-morale Durin clan in a very short period of time.

In this way, the decisive battle to save the situation turned into a ridiculous collapse. For a while, a large number of half-orcs fled towards the west. Even the goat cavalry who could jump across the mountains could not defeat the enemy in a short time.

Then, all the half-orcs in the Gray Mountains knew the intention of the dwarves, and driven by fear, they began to flee all the way west, and as time went by, this fleeing team became larger and larger, and the number of half-orcs also expanded. A tipping point has been reached, a tipping point for the emergence of outstanding orcs.

As dark minions, the orcs serve undoubtedly Sauron who is far away in Mordor. When Nazgul, who represents the dark lord, appears in front of the orcs, they will unconditionally follow the instructions from Sauron. Order.

It's just that the half-orcs living in the gray mountains are free-range most of the time, so according to their own living habits, when the number gathers to a certain level, if there is no leader who can shock everyone, then they will Will spontaneously fight for a leader.

There is no need to mention the bloody and cruel process, because such things are enough to wake up a normal human being in his sleep. During the battle, the half-orcs involved will not care about anything. Those leaders with higher intelligence, Will use all means imaginable to let himself win.

Of course, Thorin didn't know what happened at this time. This was the result of Alan's calculation based on his knowledge of orcs.

At this time, the King of the Mountain returned to the long-lost dwarf palace during this period, and began to repair the damaged halls and gates, preparing to use this place as a bridgehead to attack Gundabad Mountain.

Like Allen, Sorin also needs to accumulate strength and stockpile enough supplies and equipment for a big battle.

And this also gave the half-orcs a chance to breathe again, and more importantly, at this time they are no longer a mess, there has been a leader accepted by most of the half-orcs, and this half-orc leader has With cruelty and cunning far beyond the same kind.

In Duvalin's description, the fate of the dwarves became gloomy at this moment, because although the soldiers brought by Sorin were very elite, they were not too many in number. All tunnels and mountain roads.

From that time on, a large number of wolf cavalry began to move between the mountains at a speed far exceeding that of the goat cavalry. Of course, they did not foolishly attack the heavily guarded mountain gates of the dwarves, but focused on harassing the dwarf supply team.

Their purpose is not to massacre with the advantage of numbers, but to destroy the wooden carts transporting supplies while attracting the attention of the dwarven guards, kill the livestock pulling the carts, and burn the flammable food and supplies by the way. all clean.

After all, the dwarves are not Dongyi people who migrate with their families at every turn. On the contrary, their combat methods tend to be more elite. When they come out to fight, they will never bring enough supplies for several months or even years, and they will be frequently harassed in the transport convoy. Under such circumstances, Sorin, who regained his homeland, fell into a passive state.

In fact, even if they lost their sources of supplies, the dwarves did not immediately fall into a desperate situation, because no matter what, the gathered half-orcs could not defeat Thorin head-on, and the dwarves who still had a lot of supplies at that time could choose Leave, go back to the vicinity of the Lonely Mountain to make more preparations, and then come back here again.

But Sorin did not choose this way. In his opinion, such a move was no different from running away, and it would make the efforts of the Durin clan in the past two years a joke, so he chose to move forward, and chose to attack the half-orcs. Brave attack.

As long as they can seize the opportunity of a decisive battle and defeat the gathered half-orcs again, the crisis facing the dwarves will naturally be resolved at this time, because then Thorin will have enough manpower and enough time to re-plan the transportation route. You can even get material supplies from Greyburg.

However, after the half-orcs discovered the dwarf's intentions, they had no intention of fighting at all. It is estimated that their newly elected leader knew very well that according to the current strength of the half-orcs, it is impossible to fight Thorin on the frontal battlefield. It's a showdown.

So facing the pursuit of the dwarves, they have been fleeing westward after hastily taking care of them. Although they paid a lot of money along the way, the dwarves did not find a chance to defeat them in one fell swoop. complete.

This is already a very remarkable feat for a creature like a half-orc.

And the most favorable condition for the half-orcs in this pursuit battle is that they eat almost everything, even if they die on the road, they will become the full food of other half-orcs the next day. It is already very good food, at least meat, it is better than some weeds and leaves, and it lasts longer in the stomach.

It's just that the dwarves can't do it. They won't eat the corpses of half-orcs, let alone devour their own people cruelly. Even with their super high physical fitness, they carry enough food when they leave the palace, but Facing the half-orcs who have been fleeing all the time, there is always a time when they are exhausted.

At this time, Sorin, who led the team, corrected his mistake in time. He knew that if he continued to chase his tribe, he would die of hunger and exhaustion sooner or later. Raise the butcher knife.

After half a month of pursuit, the half-orcs stopped fleeing, and the dwarves returned to their own country again. The situation seemed to be back to confrontation, but Thorin's predicament became more serious.

If the previous dwarves still had enough conditions to leave here and return to the lonely mountain, but now they have lost this opportunity, because the food piled up in the warehouse is only enough for them to walk less than one-third of the distance.

Even those dwarf cavalry riding bighorn sheep were willing to give up their mounts, but they could only walk less than half of the distance, not to mention that many dwarf cavalry were unwilling to eat their companions who were born and died.

At this time, Duvalin, who was the tallest and the most eager to act, stood up. He knew that Thorin was unwilling to give up the kingdom he finally regained, so he didn't propose to leave here at all.

Instead, he expressed that he was willing to risk his life and go to Greiberg along the tributary of Huixiangshui to seek help from humans. Even if the human leaders there could not make a decision to support, Duvalin could also take a boat along the Andu River. Because Dahe rushed to Feslet quickly, he didn't believe that Allen would watch his allies get into trouble.

Moreover, Feslet is closer to where they are now, and roads have been built on the former wasteland. If it is just to pass the news, then Allen, who has the elf horse and Mearas, can do it. The order for support was sent to Greyborg within a few days.

As long as he gets a batch of material support, Sorin will be able to persist for a longer period of time, and then Dyne, who is guarding the Lonely Mountain, will have enough time to gather a force to support the Gray Mountain Range again after he gets the news. The problem faced by the dwarves was naturally solved.

As Du Valin expected, it was naturally impossible for Allen to watch his allies fall into a dangerous situation, even if he thought that this situation was entirely caused by Thorin.

It's just that Allen also understands the stubbornness that belongs to the dwarves, and Thorin is still one of the best, so the immediate predicament is actually inevitable.

Soon, the troops under Allen gathered together. They put down their hoes and sickles, picked up their spears and bows again, and followed their lord towards the Gray Mountains. Unlike before, this troop already had very uniform equipment.

Among them, [-] archers and [-] spearmen are all equipped with the green leaf armor that Allen started to build a few years ago. The team of thousands of people gathered into a gray-blue torrent in the sun, flickering. The shining spear blades swim like silver fish dotted in the water.

In addition, Allen also brought a hundred heavy infantry, they were wearing the shiny silver Noldor rune armor, this is the latest elven armor engraved by Allen, and they have not even had time to get one loud name.

These armors with good protection but low weight are very suitable for humans to fight in mountains, and they also allow soldiers to carry more supplies.

Therefore, the team led by Allen quickly boarded the Gray Mountains under the escort of the cavalry, and arrived in the middle of the cold and windy mountains after a few days, almost approaching the former kingdom of the dwarves.


A sharp and resounding sound rose in the sky, the arrows of the Rangers of the Noldor, and it signaled the approach of the enemy.

"Enemy attack, everyone is ready to fight."

Allen's loud voice spread the combat order throughout the entire army, and soon, a defensive-oriented formation appeared between the mountains, and the enemy, like a black tide, also rushed from the hillside with the help of the dark clouds in the sky. rushed down.

The battle is about to begin.

 The first two days did not follow the plan, because the pressure of work and life was too great, and it was fine to be splinted at work. For two consecutive days, the bicycle was out of gas, and it was pushed nearly ten miles under the sun of more than 30 degrees. It’s a bit unbearable, I don’t have the desire to code words at all, and I have recovered a little in the past two days, but June is indeed a month when I plan to rest, and the number of updates will be very small. If you like it, you can consider raising it. , Look again next month, next month I should resume normal updates.

(End of this chapter)

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