"I don't understand why you have to lead your people into such a dangerous situation. You clearly know that there are quite a few enemies here, and it will take me a certain amount of time to be ready. Thorin , I need an explanation."

Although he spoke in a reproachful tone, Allen's tone was quite calm. The empty soup bowl in his hand was gently placed on the broken stone table next to him.

But the left hand that he clenched tightly revealed that his heart was not as calm as he showed.

Just now, Allen received the battle report from his subordinates. Even not counting the summoned lion hunting knights, more than a hundred of his subordinates died directly, and they were all elites wearing full sets of armor.

Most of the deaths of these soldiers were caused by direct hits to their vital points with blunt objects through their armor. They lost their lives within a short period of time after being injured, and there was no way they could be saved.

Although dozens of soldiers survived, their serious injuries prevented them from ever setting foot on the battlefield again.

Allen's ability can only speed up the recovery of injuries and save the lives of his subordinates as much as possible, but it is far from being able to revive bones and the living dead.

Whether it was the Battle of the Five Armies or the battle to expel the Dongyi, Allen had never seen so many elites die. Moreover, those hundreds of lion hunting knights would probably require a huge amount of dinars and reputation to make up for it. This would require A long, long time. The time spent must be calculated in years at least.

Saving Thorin and preventing important allies from falling in the Gray Mountains was what Allen had to do, but he still couldn't accept such casualties.

"Explain what? The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. The enemy is retreating steadily amidst our anger. Shouldn't I take this opportunity to pursue them? Shouldn't I give the enemy more time to gather more powerful forces? And , didn’t we win?”

In the firelight, Thorin, who was still wearing his armor, spoke extremely calmly. Based on his understanding of Allen, this accusation would definitely come. It was just a matter of time.

"It is true that we won the battle, but how many loyal people have you lost in the Gray Mountains in the past few years? And I almost lost nearly a thousand elites in this battle. I have only ruled Rovanian for just over 20 years. The population is only so small, and your Lonely Mountain has only been restored for ten years. How many veterans are there who are fully armed and ready to go to the battlefield? Can we continue to waste as much as the orcs? Can we afford it? "

Allen knew Thorin's stubbornness very well. He didn't expect these words to affect Thorin's determination, but at the very least, he needed a reasonable explanation and a guarantee that this situation would not happen again in the future.

A guarantee from the king.

Thorin was silent, and the long sword in his hand kept stirring the wood burning in the campfire. The jumping flames raised large areas of sparks, reflecting the bearded and uncertain face of the dwarf.

"Ellen, no matter what, you once promised, I remember you and I remember it."

Thorin was well aware of Alan's loss, and even felt guilty, but he could not retreat at this time.

"I remember, Thorin. Of course I will not forget my promise. It's just that this is not how the battle is fought. We still have time and can use our wisdom to reduce the casualties of our men. Those dirty guys are not worth the huge sacrifice we have made. At the price, Mordor is dormant, Dongyi has also become calm, we still have plenty of time, don’t we?”

Allen's tone softened. He had no intention of breaking his promise. He just hoped that Thorin could stop the attack, discuss the next plan with him, and not rely on the lives of his subordinates to get through this recklessly.

"You still have time! Allen!! You still have time, but I may not."

Thorin's tone suddenly became fierce, and he took off his helmet and threw it aside.

Under the illumination of the fire, what struck Allen's eyes was the silvery white hair, the wrinkled face, and the gray and white beard. These features all showed that the dwarf in front of him had entered the final stage of life. .

"My hair has turned completely white two years ago, and the wrinkles on my face have become more and more numerous. Allen, your reputation for being knowledgeable and memorizing has spread throughout the Middle Earth. You should understand what this means."

Looking at Thorin in front of him, Allen stood up in surprise. Of course he understood what this meant.

Once most dwarves begin to show symptoms of aging, it means that their life has entered a countdown, and they will leave this world and go to the Hall of Mandos in no more than ten years at most.

This is true for almost all dwarves, and few can escape this pattern.

"In recent years, I have always dreamed of a solid and vast palace. Its tall walls seemed to be made of steel. There I could vaguely hear the calls from my ancestors. At that moment, I knew that my time was short. too much."

As he spoke, Thorin picked up his own bowl of broth from the side of the campfire and drank it. In the past few days, Thorin particularly likes to eat very hot food. .

This allows him to feel the warmth of life.

"But, but I remember you are only 205 years old!!"

Allen's words were full of surprise. For a while, many words of comfort filled his heart, but in the end he swallowed them all.

He knew that his old friend did not need pity, but what he cared about more was his support for him.

It was just a question in his mind, but Allen still asked it.

"According to the lifespan of your family, you still have a lot of years at least, and you shouldn't."

"Yes, yes, according to common sense, I still have at least a few decades."

Thorin, who had finished drinking the broth, interrupted Allen who was somewhat incoherent. His eyes were firm and there was no wave on his wrinkled face.

"Perhaps this is destiny. If the gods need my service, then I will go there happily. Allen, death is not worth fearing. It's just that I still have things to do before I leave."

Speaking of this, Thorin's tone softened.

"Alan, with you and me helping each other, Gushan is developing very fast. It does not lack wealth to begin with, but it is too small and can no longer provide a decent job for all the dwarves. Many tribesmen They all went to the Iron Hills to dig new veins, but you also know the situation there, it is a place with only steel."

As he said that, Thorin sighed inaudibly. Many dwarves were unwilling to go to the Iron Hills. The reason was also very simple. Digging for iron and forging it was not as easy as directly digging for gold, silver and jewelry. Forging jewelry was so comfortable and easy to obtain. The rewards are also vastly different.

But due to livelihood and the king's order, they had to go. What does this mean? It means that the development of Gushan has slowed down.It's just that Thorin will not mention this to Allen.

"Now, there have been other opinions among my people who believe that all the Khazad should not be trapped in the Lonely Mountain. Some people mentioned this. We were once in the rich country of the Gray Mountains. Some people also mentioned that That place, which in its glory was called Khazad-dûm, is now called the dark place of Moria. I don’t need to say more about the horror there.”

Allen's eyelids jumped when he heard this, and he instantly understood why Thorin was so anxious.Now, although Thorin is old, he is not confused. His prestige in regaining the Lonely Mountain is enough to convince all the tribesmen to obey orders and stay in the Lonely Mountain and Iron Hills instead of running around.

It’s just that the life span of the King under the Mountain is less than ten years. So after Thorin’s death, the next person to inherit the throne will be Feli. Perhaps the dwarf prince who followed Alan to conquer Mordor has grown a lot, but he is still young. , I'm afraid he won't be able to have the same prestige as Thorin.

Not to mention the young Fili, in the original trajectory, even the more prestigious Daine failed to stop Balin who was determined to go his own way, and Balin's insistence directly led to the tragic death of hundreds of dwarves in Moria, and the losses were probably more than Thorin's campaign in the Gray Mountains.

Of course, as an ordinary dwarf, Thorin definitely does not have the ability to predict the future, but as an excellent leader, he may have guessed this possibility.

Then, in order to consolidate Philip's rule after he succeeds to the throne, and to find a broader home for his people, Thorin must take back Mount Gundabad before he leaves this world, and use it as a fortress to block the orcs. To the west, the Angmar Mountains remain a stable gray mountain range.

With such a goal, Thorin had to be anxious and take risks to start ruthless battles with the enemy again and again, because he really didn't have time.

Allen, who wanted to understand everything at this time, looked at his old friend with white hair and sighed deeply.

He did get a vague explanation from the stubborn and arrogant Thorin, but this explanation was a bit heavy for him.

For a moment, Allen wanted to ask Thorin if he wanted to extend his life so that he could have more time to complete these unfinished business.

However, now is not a good time, and Allen cannot guarantee whether the elixir will have the same effect on dwarves.

You know, even Sauron's power ring cannot affect the lifespan of the dwarves. It is the magical power inherent in Middle-earth, and the elixir is still imported.

In the end, all the plans and words in Allen's heart were suppressed, leaving only one sentence.

"Thorin, what's the next plan?"

"It's easy, Alan."

Thorin's brows relaxed, and a slight smile appeared on his face, and then the dwarf king took out a well-drawn map from the package.

"Alan, we are now in the west of the Gray Mountains, only about ten days away from Gundabad Mountain, and the orcs in this area have been defeated by us. It is impossible to threaten us in a short time. At present, I am prepared to lead my soldiers to continue chasing the enemy without giving them a chance to gather. On the other hand, we also need to hoard enough supplies to wait for an opportunity and then capture Gundabad Mountain in one fell swoop."

Listening to Thorin's plan, Allen looked at the map in front of him and thought about it.

Not to mention that Gundabad Mountain is the holy land of the dwarves. The location of this place is also extremely important. It is the center point of the Angmar Mountains, the Misty Mountains and the Gray Mountains. As long as you control this place, you have mastered the connection between the three mountain ranges. important channel.

In the future, whether it is marching troops, traveling by car to trade, or transmitting information, there will be a good choice. Moreover, occupying this place can also isolate the power of the orcs in the north, making them unable to support each other, which will provide more favorable conditions for eliminating these guys in the future. conditions of.

However, Allen felt that there was still a big risk in attacking so hastily.

He pointed north of the Misty Mountains.

"Always pay attention to the enemies in the Misty Mountains. I only cleared the orcs near the high pass. Most of the other enemies are hiding in the mountains to the north. They will appear behind us at any time. Being attacked from both sides will put the war into an extremely disadvantageous situation."

Thorin glanced at the location on the map and looked at Allen with some confusion.

"Is that so? Unless there is something special, these guys all work on their own and rarely have the opportunity to join forces with each other."

Allen shook his head helplessly. It was obvious that his old friend did not notice anything unusual about the heavy rain during the day. The changeable weather in the Gray Mountains misled him. Allen needed to tell his friends that Sauron had intervened in the war. Among them, he will not give up this passage that he has mastered for a long time.

"So, the most powerful dwarf king in the north prepares to take back his former home, and the ruler of Rhovanion prepares to step into these murky waters."

A loud and familiar voice suddenly rang out, interrupting Allen's words. He looked back and saw that the person coming was the gray-robed wizard who had been a guest at Fishlet some time ago.

"Gandalf, didn't you go traveling? How did you come here at this time?"

Different from Allen's surprise, Thorin just nodded and said: "Long time no see, my friend." Perhaps the dwarf was used to the sudden appearance of the wizard.

"Yes, it may have been a long time. It has been so long that I almost don't recognize you, Son of Thrain."

Gandalf's tall figure quickly came to the bonfire, holding a bowl of steaming broth in his hand, and then sat down unceremoniously opposite the two kings.

"Alan, now, let me answer your question. I just went to the Black Forest to investigate. When I came back, I heard from your beautiful wife that you had left your capital, and you had brought a lot of people with you. Army, do human minds always change so quickly? And when I came to this mountain range at full speed, the traces left by you after the battle were as obvious as the firelight in the dark. In short, you should know why I can find Are you coming over here? Okay, the questions have been answered. Now it’s time for me to make suggestions about this farce. I hope you will withdraw as soon as possible."


"This is impossible!!"

Allen and Thorin gave their own answers respectively.

"Don't refuse in a hurry, my friends. Have your eyes only noticed the evil running around in the mountains, but ignored the darkness hovering in the sky?"

Gandalf's gray eyebrows trembled.

"That mass of darkness is heading north, north!! You should be able to think of something, right?"

Gandalf, who was drinking broth, looked at the two kings in front of him, then placed the soup bowl next to the fire, took out the pipe that had been with him for a long time from his arms, and blew out smoke rings one after another in the darkness.

The wizard believed that his words were clear enough. He was talking about the evil dragon, the evil dragon hiding in the cold northern region. (End of chapter)

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