"Gandalf, believe me, how could we, who had just regained our homeland from the evil dragon, be unprepared for this? This is not the Blue Mountain. Don't worry, there will be solutions to what you are worried about. It's not worth it. We retreat at this time and give up everything we have gained before.”

Facing the wizard's reminder, Thorin did not pay too much attention. He and his people had been preparing for many years to regain the lost kingdom. Of course, they would not forget the evil dragon that had brought them heavy pain.

To be more precise, it is a cold dragon that has no wings and cannot breathe fire.

To this end, they have prepared some powerful weapons, but it is difficult to transport them. Even if they separate the various parts, it will require a lot of livestock and manpower. After all, the roads in the Gray Mountains have long been abandoned. .

Facing Thorin's confidence, Allen was already a little surprised. His dwarf friend gave him too much shock today.

As for how to deal with those evil dragons that are like war weapons, Allen also has some ideas of his own, but his method takes too long. Even if he has a rough location, it still requires months and months of searching.

Now, Allen was a little curious about what Thorin had prepared.

"So, my respected Lord Thorin, what countermeasures have you prepared? Can you satisfy the old man's curiosity at this moment?"

Allen didn't need to ask questions, but Gandalf couldn't bear it anymore. Most of the time, he was helpless about the dwarves' stubbornness.

"It can't be the wind crossbow and black arrow. The past years have proved that the effect of these two weapons is not ideal. Even if they hit, it is difficult to cause damage to the enemy's hard scales."

The wizard who always likes to be confused, but likes to have a clear understanding of his own questions.

"No, it's a more powerful crossbow and a more powerful crossbow bolt. It was born out of the dwarf's axe."

As he spoke, Thorin looked at Allen and nodded slightly.

"This is also thanks to the real silver from Khazad-dum. All the metal parts of the heavy crossbow are made of improved alloys. The pulling force of the crossbow arm is extremely strong, and the crossbow arrow is extremely powerful after being launched. We are still here The arrowhead was mixed with meteorite from the Black Arrow, and was tested on the remains of Smaug's corpse. One blow shattered the dragon's leg bone."

At the end of the sentence, Thorin's tone became high-spirited and he waved his clenched fists twice.

In his opinion, the dwarves finally had weapons that could deal with evil dragons, and they no longer had to run around being chased like before.

Dwarves create wealth, while dragons plunder wealth. The nature of both parties determines that it must be a life-or-death situation, especially when the territories they inhabit are adjacent.

Although there is no trace of the evil dragon in the Gray Mountains at this time, it is entirely because the wealth created by the dwarves in the past has been plundered.

Why did Smaug go to the Lonely Mountain?It's not because the battle in the Gray Mountains is too fierce, he himself is not willing to fight to the death with the lower level Lenglong because of his dwindling wealth.

What's more, during the battle, there were filthy creatures like half-orcs fishing in troubled waters. They also stole a lot of gold, silver and jewelry.

"If this is the case, then I need to leave. I will go deep into the north and monitor the movements of the enemies. And you, my friends, must move quickly. Although the evil dragon does not have a good impression of the orcs, But greed is engraved in their bones. If there is enough wealth as reward, you will definitely face that terrifying creature again."

After pouring out the remains of the tobacco bag, Gandalf's tall body stood up again. In fact, the wizard had been running non-stop for a long time, and he was about to leave again after not even half an hour of rest.

"Gandalf, you should take a rest. It's still dark outside, and it won't be too late after dawn if you have to hurry."

Looking at the dusty gray robe wizard, Allen tried to persuade him to stay. Even though he knew Gandalf's true identity, he felt that the other party was working too hard.

"It's too late. The enemy is flying in the air. Although the cold cold and fierce winds in the north will greatly slow down his speed, I have already fallen too far."

"In that case, accept this gift, Gandalf."

Seeing that his efforts were useless, Allen took out two pieces of food from his backpack, one was elf biscuits Lambas wrapped in oil paper, and the other was a whole bag of nectar Miruvo.

This kind of food, which is like a strategic material, cannot be produced in large quantities in Allen's territory. After all, Beorn has just obtained the formula not long ago, but a small amount of ration can still be achieved.

Allen, on the other hand, brought some with him when he went north in case of emergencies, but he just needed it at this time.

"I believe they will bring you some help along the way."

Gandalf, who was friends with the elves, only needed to smell it for a moment to understand how valuable Alan's gift was, and it could indeed bring him great help.

"You always bring me great surprises, Allen. I have accepted your gift. Goodbye, my friend, I am leaving immediately."

Gandalf took the gift and left without looking back. After the wizard left, Alan and Thorin, who had their own thoughts, lost interest in continuing to talk. After a very short greeting, the two of them were speechless. The remaining crackling sound of gunpowder remains.


Allen, who was not sleepy, murmured this word in his mouth. Allen, who had once faced Smaug, had a far superior understanding of the power of this creature.

Even an elite warrior like Hermione would be slapped directly into a near-death state, and he was still protected by the emerald rune armor. If it was an ordinary armor, Allen might have lost his personal guard captain.

Although Thorin was confident in the weapons he prepared and had experimented with Smaug's corpse, Allen still felt unsafe because the dragons in Middle-earth were not like other magical worlds.

From Allen's understanding, whether it is the guardian dragon of Azeroth or the five-color dragon in DND, their bodies are naturally top-notch materials. After death, they will be made into various shapes by skilled craftsmen and accomplished alchemists. A top-notch equipment.

However, the evil dragons in Middle-earth are different. Their power comes entirely from the dark power contained in their bodies. This power comes from Morgoth, which was built by the former Dark Lord in order to resist the army of Valinor. weapons of war.On the contrary, there are almost no famous weapons in Middle-earth that contain materials from evil dragons. You must know that during the War of Wrath, the evil dragons of death could literally cover a mountain, not to mention the most powerful fire dragon "Ankara Gang" It is so big that it blocks out the sky and the sun.

However, no craftsman would use the materials from the dragon.

Because after the death of such evil creatures, the dark power in their bodies will continue to escape. Any creature that comes close to them will be harmed. It will also contaminate the surrounding land to the point of being unable to farm, and their bones and scales will also be damaged. It will lose its previous solidity as its power dissipates.

For peaceful creatures, dragons are a threat when they are alive. After death, they are useless and even rot on a piece of land. Smaug fell into the lake, and the power in the water continued to wash away his life. The darkness that spreads out.

With the help of this power, this evil dragon did not continue to affect the basic lives of the people in Changhe Town. Otherwise, Allen would have had a hard time dealing with this disgusting thing.

It is precisely because of this that Allen feels that Thorin's test does not have much reference. Whether the heavy crossbow, which the dwarves have high hopes for, can cause fatal damage to the cold dragon in the next battle is also unknown.

It's just that if it's such a spoiler, Allen won't mention it to Thorin at this time. He knows his character too well, he is loyal and loyal, and he can go out of his way for his friends.

But his personality is too stubborn, and his words of persuasion may be counterproductive. They have known each other for ten years, and he has not succeeded in persuading Thorin as many times as one hand.

Therefore, Allen is also preparing to implement his plan to find a weapon that can really hurt the dragon.

In his memory, there are two weapons that are more suitable for him. One is the weapon of the human hero Tuor, "Drumborleg". It is an ax and hammer. In the battle of the Fall of Gondor Forest, He killed many enemies, including three Balrogs and an Orc leader transformed from Maia.

And using this weapon basically doesn't pose a big burden to Allen, because this weapon is an heirloom of the Númenor royal family, so it can be used as long as it is used, and there is no issue of inheritance.

But after thinking for a long time, Allen gave up on Drumborleg. Númenor was too far away from Eriador, and this weapon fell into the abyss when the island sank. , it takes too long to find it.

The other one is the sword of Fingolfin, the second high king of the Noldor elves, "Ringir". This long elven sword that shines like a star once cut down many people in the dark camp in the hands of the Noldor high king. The power of Morgoth, the most powerful demon king, can be imagined.

At the very least, killing a fire demon or a cold dragon should be as easy as playing. Allen is ready to set off to find this sword, and he has already used his own ability to locate the approximate location of the sword.

After the War of Wrath, the Noldor elves once carefully searched Angband, the base camp of Morgoth, but they were not accomplished enough in this area.

Those Maia who came to support were unwilling to help them because of what the Noldor elves had done in the past, which resulted in the High King's sword remaining in Angband.

In the blink of an eye, Angband sank into the deep sea due to changes in the earth's crust. It would be difficult for Allen to find this weapon, and he might need permission from some beings.

As he thought about it, he felt sleepy, but instead of falling asleep, Allen turned on the simulator.

When Allen opened his eyes, he had arrived at the camp outside Sargos City. At this time, Calradia had been dragged into the war again.

The only difference from the past is that this time the war was started by the Dark Sect. Half a year ago, they finally launched a long-awaited invasion war in a warship.

With the help of internal agents, an overwhelming army descended on Calradia unexpectedly, showing its bloodthirsty and sharp fangs to all the natives. They almost wrote the words "Those who stand in our way shall die" on the black flag. , and the first one to bear the brunt is the Nord Kingdom on the sea.

At the moment of life and death, King Ragnar quickly summoned his vassals, and within half a month he gathered thousands of elites, preparing to launch a desperate resistance against the enemy in Tihar.

However, the dark sect's long preparations were not without effect. Although they could not penetrate the king's direct vassals, the weak but numerous lower nobles were still bewitched by them.

The power of faith is sometimes so terrifying, not to mention that the Dark Sect has many abilities to confuse people, and at the same time, they do not lack wealth.

The rebellion broke out at the beginning of the war. The lords from various places who led troops to support the king began to panic after receiving messages from their families.

Everyone is afraid that when they go back, the rebel flag has been planted at the city gate.

Losing territory is a very serious mistake for a noble. It is so serious that even if the kingdom takes back the land, it may not be returned to you.

Strength, power, favor, wealth, the nobles will decide the ownership of a piece of land after many contests. It can be said that if any noble loses the territory, it is equivalent to losing the foundation of the family's survival.

Under such circumstances, Ragnar showed the basic qualities of a qualified king. In a meeting, he promised all his vassals that he would raise a new army to ensure the security of the rear. Spend a lot of gold and silver to appease the restless army.

The army hired by Ragnar is Allen's mercenary army staying in Zenda. Since absorbing Dantes (the original protagonist)'s troops, Allen's subordinates have exceeded [-], and all of them are Elite, becoming Zenda's most powerful mercenary in one fell swoop.

Being strong meant that more mercenaries would defect to the army. Coupled with Allen's good reputation on the mainland, this happened more frequently, and the number of troops continued to expand.

Recently, many of Zenda's most famous freedom knights have been recruited by Allen, and he is not short of money.

As early as when the Sky Stone was found, there was a large amount of gold and silver jewelry in the secret room there. It would not be a problem to support an elite army for a long time, not to mention that there are still continuous tasks at this time, so this mercenary Able to obtain more wealth.

If it were a peaceful time in the past, the kings who ruled this continent would never allow such a powerful army to escape their control.

However, at this time, the once proud King Ragnar not only spent a large amount of wealth, but also asked Allen to help him in a good manner, and the reward was even given a noble title.

Chaos is always a ladder for some people to climb. (End of chapter)

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