After receiving the mission, busyness and running were Allen's main theme during this period. The task of suppressing rebellion was not actually difficult in an era similar to the Middle Ages.

For those places that have not been exposed but have some signs, Allen will send the Nords in his team to cooperate with the money offensive to go to the fellow villagers to have a drink and find out if there is anything strange in the village.

There will always be some villagers who are jealous of money. While receiving dinars, they will reveal some information that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

But for Allen, it doesn't matter whether the news is true or false, as long as it exists. He is here to clean up the rebellion, not to be the master of Qingtian.

As long as we follow the clues and arrest the highest-ranking rebels in a very short period of time, the matter will be over. After all, most of the rebels are a mob. Without a leader to take the lead, it is actually difficult to make waves. .

If you encounter those who do not resist, then lock them up and wait for detailed investigation after the war. Even if you arrest the wrong person, it can still have the effect of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger.

If you encounter someone who resists, it means you have a guilty conscience, and killing them without mercy is the fastest and most appropriate way.

As for those places that have already raised their flags and started to rebel, the army will naturally step forward to directly suppress them. All the leaders will be hanged, and all the kittens and puppies will be captured for hard labor, and they will be wiped out with a thunderous force.

In order to prevent several groups of rebels from gathering together and forming a greater threat.

It's just that the rebel activities in various places are like a prairie fire. As soon as one area is extinguished, there are panicked messengers on the other side, holding urgent documents in their hands, coming to ask for help.

Ailu's team may still be chasing the rebel soldiers who burned, killed and looted near Feilchen on the seaside today. Tomorrow, they may be in Kurum, dozens of kilometers away, besieging the lord's manor where the dark flag has been hung.

The fighting was not intense, but it happened very frequently.

Especially recently, two scarred cavalrymen each brought bad news, that is, the two castles near Sargos, Ruda Castle and Tikhlog Castle, only persisted in this rebellion. In just one month, it was captured by the dark cultists who cooperated inside and outside.

This is an extremely dangerous thing for the kingdom's army who are fighting on the front line, and Allen needs to be rescued as soon as possible. Rebellions everywhere are like raging fire, and a large number of civilians are in dire straits. They also need help.

Some lunatics who believe in the dark sect will sacrifice civilians who do not believe in the religion, that is, burn them alive. The cruel behavior is simply appalling.

In the end, Allen, who had no other skills, had to take some risks and divided his soldiers into three teams. At the same time, Dantès and Porcha were given the status of captains, allowing them to each lead a light force and go first. Resolve rebellions in villages.

Most of them are village elders or low-level nobles who are unwilling to stir up troubles among the villagers. The main components of the rebel team are bewitched villagers and local ruffians who fish in troubled waters. It can be said that there are few elite troops. And little.

Moreover, most of the villages are not protected by city walls. At most, they are just a lord's manor with low walls. According to the abilities of Dantès and Porcha, there should not be much problem in dealing with them.

Allen himself led the most elite troops to attack the two castles that had fallen. According to the intelligence, the senior leaders of the remaining troops were bewitched by darkness, and some of the soldiers were coerced and had to join the rebellion. .

It can be said to be a very hard nut to crack.

Most of the castles in the Kingdom of Nord are made of wood and stone, built on dangerous slopes, surrounded by terraced fields and orchards opened by villagers. They can barely be self-sufficient in life.

The main defense target of these two castles is the elite cavalry of the Kingdom of Redian, and the quality of Nord's infantry is very strong, so the roads leading to the castle are mostly rugged, and the area left within the city walls is also large, which can be used if necessary. When possible, stock up on enough supplies and soldiers.

But these urban defense facilities, which seem to be advantages, are not a big problem for Allen.

The rugged road determines who has more elite troops and who can take the initiative in this siege battle. Allen's personal super combat strength is enough to defeat the rebels step by step. They simply defend Don't live on dangerous mountain roads.

Even if there are many officers in the rebel army who have also mastered the use of qi, no one can beat Allen, who has lightning in his left hand and flame in his right hand on a path that can only accommodate one person.

When the team arrives under the city wall, there is no need to rush to besiege them, they just need to be ready for battle.

Waiting for the time to arrive at a dark and windy night, Allen climbed the city wall alone. He only had to choose a wide enough place to summon the Lion Hunting Knights with less than a hundred people. With the advantage of surprise, it was enough to defeat him in a short time. Occupy the city gate.

As long as the outer city gate is breached, the castle is already breached for Allen.

In the end, after three months, Allen snatched back the Rudaburg and Tichlog Castles that had fallen into the enemy's hands, and at the same time rescued the imprisoned lord's relatives. The castle was again controlled by the loyal family, and This crisis has been successfully resolved.

Those isolated villages can be a little chaotic. It doesn't matter. The castle and its nearby gathering places must not be chaotic. After all, a safe marching route must be left for the retreat of the army and the convoys transporting supplies.

In order to prevent the large army from being made dumplings or cutting off the food route, this is extremely dangerous.

In fact, the actual fighting time of the entire team was not very long. Most of the time consumed was wasted on trivial matters such as traveling, repairing, and collecting supplies.

Although Allen held the certificate given by Ragnar, which clearly stated that mercenaries were allowed to collect food and grass in various parts of the kingdom, the left-behind nobles and village elders in various places rarely cooperated obediently.

As a last resort, Allen will choose to buy it, and then leave enough proof for Ragnar to reimburse him. At this moment, Allen, who owns a team, is not worried that Ragnar will not buy it.

If money has no effect, or the opponent is too greedy, Allen will choose to leave with his troops and collect food and grass elsewhere, regardless of whether there are signs of rebellion here.

Because the remaining food and grass do not allow large troops to stay here for a long time to search for potential risks that may launch a rebellion, leaving a small number of troops is tantamount to risking the lives of his own men, which Allen will not do.

However, this is how the world works. When a rebellion breaks out, those left-behind nobles and village elders will be the first targets. Who makes their families rich and have food, but they are still unwilling to believe in the God of Darkness? .

In the end, the death of the whole family is considered a minor matter. In many cases, the whole family is burned alive and becomes the chicken that scares other villagers.

In the end, after getting the news, Allen will return "by the way" to rescue the trapped villagers, collect enough supplies "by the way", and then continue to other places to put down the rebellion.

This series of actions will of course waste a lot of time.Sometimes, the world is so abstract, and simple kindness cannot save a fool who is bent on death. In this era, being able to restrain his subordinates from fighting, burning, killing, and looting is already the best that Allen can do. Be kind.

In this way, Allen spent another three months cleaning up a lot of rebels on the way back to Sargos, and also wiped out a ragtag group that was preparing to besiege Sargos.

This force is not very powerful and cannot really capture Sargos. After all, this is the capital of the Kingdom of Nord. It can be said that the city is well-defended with high walls and deep walls. King Ragnar left a force behind before leaving. The loyal city defenders maintained order in the town.

Now that Allen has seen it, it will be destroyed if it is destroyed. However, the general commanding this team is very special. He is a charming female archer with waist and hips, long legs and beautiful back. In the battle, she relies on a chain of arrows and The special attack that affected the mind forced Allen's attack back.

Then, under the protection of a small team of Doomsday Thunders, they fled the battlefield leaving behind a series of enchanting laughter.

Allen knew that the woman in cool clothes was most likely the archer leader of the Dark Sect, Hull, who was known as the "Kiss of Death". The fall of the two previous castles must have been related to her.

For Allen, this is not good news. The Dark Religion still has enough power to send a general to stir up trouble behind enemy lines, so the Kingdom of Nord must be at a disadvantage in the frontline battle.

Sure enough, Allen, who reunited with Dantès and Porcha in turn, and returned to rest near Sargos, soon received an order from the king to summon him. Ragnar, who led the army in person, did not know when he returned to his capital. .

King Nord was in very bad condition at this time. The wrapped bandages, the pungent smell of medicine, the pale face and the gradually thinning brown hair all showed that King Ragnar was under tremendous pressure at this time.

After a simple banquet, Ragnar, who has the standard attributes of a Nord man, told Allen very directly that he needed Allen's team to go to the front line because the first confrontation between Nord and the Dark Order failed. .

On the battlefield, the Dark Religion's archers and cavalry units have an absolute advantage, while the Nord Kingdom's only infantry can evenly match the enemy.

Nord, who had a huge disadvantage in terms of arms, only persisted near Tiha for half a year before being defeated by a powerful enemy. As a last resort, the remaining troops could only retreat to Tiha and Kulin Castle to make final preparations. desperate resistance.

However, the Dark Sect relied on its absolute numerical advantage to besiege the two castles, directly cutting off the two defenders from wanting to support each other.

After the defeat of the army, King Ragnar handed over all the troops on the front line to his most trusted vassal, Marshal Iden, who was also the lord of Tiha.

As for himself, he returned to Sargos, preparing to use Jelborg Fort, Herusberg and the capital Sargos at his feet as the second line of defense to guard against the enemy's next attack.

However, the war situation at this time was so urgent. After the defeat, Ragnar knew very well that relying solely on the army of the Kingdom of Nord could not resist the invasion of the Dark Religion. He must recruit all allies who could help him to deal with this. The kingdom is in crisis like never before.

In fact, before inviting Allen, King Ragnar had already sent two teams of messengers to his two neighboring countries, Ruidian and Vecia.

Although there are no short stories in this world such as "the lips are dead and the teeth are cold" and "the skin is gone, the hair will be attached", but the simple emotions made Ragnar write a very simple truth in the letter.

If my country is occupied by the enemy, then the enemy will never let you two go. Now the war is burning in Nord, and it has not affected you yet. This is the best time to support me, otherwise, this will happen. The fire will definitely burn down the table where you eat.

At the same time, Ragnar exaggerated the power of the Dark Sect in his letter, emphasizing that he and his vassals did not know how long they could resist, and requested that the other party's support must be quick, otherwise, he might give up on the king. Identity and existing beliefs, direct delivery.

In fact, being able to write such a humble letter asking for help is not easy for Ragnar, who is arrogant and considers himself noble. But seeing that he has been forced to a dead end, there is nothing good he can do except ask for help. Method.

Allen's army completed its mission with minimal losses in this rebellion, and the rescued nobles, in order to get rid of their labels of incompetence and failure, also explained this mercenary army to King Ragnar of strength.

In particular, he emphasized the power of Allen, saying that he possesses power that is unmatched by ordinary people.

For King Ragnar, who lacks an army and high-end power, this kind of news is simply a timely help. As soon as he finished writing the letter asking for help, he arranged for people to invite Allen. Of course, in order to protect his own face, he said that he It's called "Summoning."

It's just that the current King of Nord can no longer afford any decent remuneration. The cost of hiring Allen's army is already very high, and King Ragnar is still a master who likes to hunt and entertain.

The Kingdom of Nord has been doing well in recent years. Even though Ragnar has spent some money, there is still some gold and silver in the treasury. But judging from the current situation, he, the king, will still have a lot of money to spend in the future, especially It's the vassals, they are the ones who need to be appeased the most.

Therefore, there are two choices before Allen. One is a land donation document, which writes the obligations and responsibilities that both parties need to complete.

Allen didn't take a closer look. The general meaning is that in this war, if Allen can stand firmly by Ragnar's side and make contributions in the battle against the dark sect, then Ragnar will defeat Kuru. Mu and all the surrounding land were donated to Allen.

And allowed Allen to hire people from the Kingdom of Nord to build his own castle, becoming the second count with real power on this continent who could remain neutral and not subject to any kingdom.

Allen has no interest in such conditions as bluffing a child. Let's not talk about whether Ragnar can withstand the attack of the Dark Religion. Even if Nord wins, will he be considered to have made a contribution by then? Isn’t it just a word from the king?
Even if it means taking a thousand steps back, the seemingly generous Ragnar really gave up the land, but what about the threat from Wikiia?No matter how strong Eren is, he can't defeat a kingdom.

Moreover, the land near Kurum is closely connected to Zenda. No one can guarantee whether there will be any conflict with Count Alassis.

You know, most of Allen's soldiers have stayed in Zenda and received favors from the Earl.

A qualified leader should try to avoid putting his men in a dilemma, because people's hearts simply cannot stand the test.

The other option is the highly hyped one by King Ragnar, who says that it is an heirloom obtained by his ancestors who fought against the heaven and earth for three days and three nights in the storm when they were adventuring on the sea. It contains extraordinary contents. General energy.

It was a sky-blue diamond-shaped gem, and a never-ending wind seemed to be blowing inside.

[Congratulations to the player, you have obtained the most precious treasure of the Magical Continent, the "Stone of Qi", the inspiration of the wind. 】

After getting the prompt, Allen's hand holding the gem never let go, and King Ragnar also showed a relieved smile on his pale face. (End of chapter)

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