"Galdo, what is that?" Looking at the slightly calmer sea, Allen asked Linton Elf who recognized the monster with lingering fear.

"That terrifying thing is called a sea snake in ancient records. It is said that it is a monster that evolved over time from the evil dragons that survived the first era. There are not many such terrifying creatures in the entire Beleghel. Ai Lord Lun, I have to say that your journey is very challenging."

Galdo's handsome face was full of the look of surviving a disaster. He had encountered a monster like today only once a long time ago, and it was still fresh in his memory.

Many years ago, he was still very young and often followed Lord Cirdan on adventures at sea. After encountering a sea snake, he was surrounded by dangers several times and left his life on the sea.

In the end, relying on super high navigation skills and a long-lasting tailwind, I barely escaped from the opponent's terrifying Shekou.

Those bows and arrows and heavy crossbows are actually very difficult to cause damage to such a huge creature. When he gave the order to attack, he was just making a final struggle before his life disappeared.

"Lord Allen, sea snakes have a strong sense of territory and will never allow us to wander here. I think the best choice is to leave here as soon as possible."

One thing that Gardan did not mention was that the sea snakes were extremely vengeful and would launch extremely crazy and long-lasting revenge on other creatures that invaded their territory. Last time, they were chased for a day and two nights.

After suffering such a big loss this time, God knows what will happen to this sailboat next. The other party's intelligence far exceeds that of ordinary beasts.

"You drive the ship and leave this area first. After I find what I want, I will naturally find a way to find you."

Allen looked at Sangorodrim not far away, jumped up, and jumped directly into the sea under the incredulous eyes of everyone.

"Alan!!" "Your Majesty!!"

After Allen's figure disappeared on the water, Bilbo and Hermione reacted, but they had no time to stop it.

"Quickly, go catch up with your king!!"

Bilbo was a standard landlubber. He knew himself very well and did not jump into the water with his friends because that would just add to the chaos.

At this time, the extremely anxious hobbit urged the elves around him to recover Alan, but the people around him did not take any action.

"Lord Galdo, please follow His Majesty's orders and leave. I think you, who are very familiar with this kind of monster, should know where is safe."

Hermione's expression was very serious. Since the king he was loyal to had made a decision, all he had to do was complete the order.

"Mr. Baggins, please leave the edge of the ship. I will ensure your safety before His Majesty returns." Hermione gently pulled the hobbit back.

"Everyone! The left helm is full, the ship is full sail, let's hurry up and get out of here."

Since none of Allen's subordinates had any objections, Galdo didn't want to stay here for a moment. Even a look at such a monster would make his soul tremble, so he had to leave as soon as possible.

Just like that, the white sailboat made a big circle in the wind and rain, and left in the direction it came from, leaving only the dark clouds behind it and the gradually rolling waves of the sea.

At this moment, Allen is running in the cold sea. Yes, he is running rather than swimming.

The moment before falling into the water, Allen cast an ability that he did not often use, the water protection from the water stone.

A transparent film isolates all the seawater around him, while allowing Allen to breathe and move freely in the sea. The situation is almost the same as on land.

It's just that although this membrane can isolate the seawater, it cannot isolate the coldness carried by the seawater.

In order to prevent himself from being frozen into a popsicle in the sea, Allen had to move the Qi in his body to maintain his body's temperature.

However, this problem is nothing to him. The recovery speed of Qi can catch up with the consumption.

With this barrier, Allen ran in the water and soon arrived at Sangorodrim.

Looking at the seemingly vertical cliff in front of him and the traces left by the years, Allen nodded.

“It’s nice signage and access.”

Without advanced technology, a person searching in the sea would definitely need a conspicuous and solid marker to guide the direction.

If you have something as a reference, you can quickly figure out your own situation after losing your bearings. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time.

Quickly exploring down the rock wall, after about a hundred or ten meters, Allen found a half-collapsed cave entrance with falling rocks piled everywhere.

This is not the formal gate of Iron Hell, but a back door dug halfway into the mountainside.

Allen guessed that this might be a trail to facilitate the orcs to use when patrolling. After all, the south of this mountain used to be the Angband Defense Line.

For a short period of time, Morgoth was so beaten by the sons of Fëanor that he did not even dare to leave the door. He could only squat in the deep darkness, brewing vicious plots against the elves.

With such a small door, it is also convenient to observe the movements of the Noldor elves.

At this time, Allen was a little hesitant, because the mountain peak in front of him had been severely hit during the war, and those narrow paths had probably been submerged and disappeared.

Should we save time and take some risks, or should we seek safety and find the gate to Angband?

"Clatter la la la."

A violent wave suddenly came from behind. Allen, who had been prepared for this for a long time, quickly ducked into the cave along the cracks in the rocks without any hesitation.

If this sea snake really evolved from an evil dragon, then the trait of holding grudges must have been inherited in the same vein. Allen had already thought of this result when he entered the sea.

At this time, the monster really abandoned the ship at sea and chased it from the sea. Allen thought this was a good thing.

His men should be safe. After all, there are ordinary people on the ship, even if they are skilled in combat, they can deal with such large monsters.

And this sea snake seemed to know very well who posed the greatest threat to it. After discovering Allen, it directly launched a sneak attack.

Allen was not particularly worried about this. He had a way of moving quickly in the sea.

The wind can carry him flying in the air, and it can also speed up his movement in the sea water, but it consumes much more energy.

Although it didn't last long, it was definitely enough to escape the pursuit of the sea snake and fly out of the sea.Looking at the densely packed, intertwined teeth in front of him, they hit the edge of the cave in front of him with a bang, and Allen walked towards the darkness behind him without looking back.

At present, he has no means to harm this monster, so he should go explore the cave first.

He doesn't believe that this stupid snake can stay here without having to eat?
This cave opened halfway up the mountain becomes narrower as you go inside, and the darkness reaches its peak here, swallowing up all the light.

Allen's eyes, which can see through the underworld, can still barely see one or two meters around him in such darkness.

At this time, Allen was somewhat grateful that he had come to such a narrow tunnel instead of an extremely empty cave.

If there were no surrounding stone walls as a reference, then he might be no different from a blind man at this time.

Because at that time, all the eyes could see was the dark sea water and nothing else.

Suddenly, Allen's heart moved, and a bright lamp shining with layers of clear light suddenly appeared in his right hand. Even if he was in the sea, it was not affected at all. The light released drove away the darkness that enveloped everything. .

This kind of crystal lamp that does not require fuel and is not afraid of wind and water comes from the continent of Pendor. It is one of the commodities sold by the Noldor elves to the human world. It is expensive, very expensive. Its price can be almost as heavy as diamonds, and Very hard to sell.

In Pendor, a small bag of diamonds is worth ten thousand gold coins.

Allen has never paid attention to such a luxurious thing. With that kind of money, he could hire a small team of cavalry to serve him for a long time.

However, the situation was different now. No matter how expensive it was, he had to bite the bullet and buy it. Otherwise, after getting out of this narrow passage, he would have to wander around Angband in the dark.

So how long will it take to find the sword Ringir? !
Money should be spent on such a blade. After it is used up, it can also be used as a gift to comfort your angry daughter, killing two birds with one stone.

With the help of this clear light, Allen avoided the occasional broken weapons and walked along the gravel-filled passage for more than 200 steps until he came to a downward staircase.

After a slight hesitation, Allen walked down the stairs. He hoped to resolve the matter here as soon as possible, not only because the cold dragon might attack the Gray Mountains at any time under Sauron's instigation.

It's also because this underwater fortress, which is full of darkness, has an indescribable sense of weirdness.

It was too quiet, really too quiet. Apart from his own breathing and heartbeat, he couldn't hear anything. There was no other sound at all.

And where the light touches, not to mention fish, such as seaweed and shellfish, have never appeared. It is as if thousands of years have passed, but no living creature dares to break into this place and break into the torture that Morgoth once dominated. hell! !

Exploring in such an environment, Allen's nerves were always tense and he could not relax at all.

He knew nothing about anything here and couldn't figure out why this happened.

Is it the lingering power of Morgoth that still terrifies this place?

Or after the War of Wrath, some terrifying and abnormal creature reoccupied this place?

Allen knew very little about this record.

The unknown is the most terrifying thing. All the feelings finally converge into two words, very dangerous.

In such a dark and strange environment, Allen suppressed his tense nerves and explored a very long distance down the stairs.

Even Allen himself couldn't determine how much time he spent on this journey.

The stairs wound around several turns in the mountain, and then a huge stone hall appeared in front of him. The light from the crystal lamp could barely reach the top of the cave.

The road in the hall is very flat and has obviously been carefully repaired. On both sides of the road are huge black stone pillars, carved with daunting images and words, telling those who see them the cruelty and ambition of the owner here.

Allen kept moving forward along the road to the stone hall. When looking around, he found that there were many arches on the dark walls, and he didn't know where they led.

Obviously, he was very lucky. The stairs going down did not collapse, allowing him to reach the transportation hub of the fortress smoothly.

Similarly, he was also very unlucky, because there were countless arches waiting for him to explore. If he explored them all, it would take a lot of time. This was once an extremely wide and deeply excavated cave. Garrison troops in key areas.

The more effective method, apart from exploring the past bit by bit, is the only Eye of the Sky that can only be used once a day.

It's just that the roads in this fortress extend in all directions. Although the ability of using the Eye of the Sky can lock the general range, the roads leading to the target still need to eliminate wrong choices, and then confirm the correct ones one by one in this dark and strange environment. path of.

It's just that it's too quiet here, and there seems to be some power that is interfering with Allen's mind.

Normal people often feel uncomfortable after staying in an extremely quiet environment for a long time. If the environment is still very small and the scenery in front of them has almost no change, then the damage to the spirit will be even greater.

In prisons, this kind of torture is often used to deal with extremely vicious criminals. In layman's terms, it is solitary confinement.

No matter how powerful Allen's body is and how many magical powers he has mastered, in terms of mental strength, he is just a slightly stronger ordinary person.

Soon Allen felt something was wrong. He was obviously irritable and wanted to yell, use violence, use fire, and use thunder to destroy everything around him.

Just like humans desperately want to get clean water when they are thirsty, Allen himself cannot control this desire to destroy everything.

But he was awake. Whenever he could no longer suppress himself, Allen would enter the simulation and go to the Noldor Elf Elacle to stay for a day or two.

Go to Sophia to have a chat, talk about your heart, take a look at the beautiful scenery around you, go to Lord Islandil to talk about the situation in various countries on the continent, and talk about the elves' next plan.

If he really can't suppress his desire to kill, Allen will go to Lord Aldalia to hunt in the northwest of the forest. Of course, their prey is not animals, but the Jatu team who are alone on the grassland.

For the elves, their biggest enemies are always the barbarians who rush into the forest. Killing them is to reduce their own casualties.

In this way, Allen relied on various methods to relieve his spirit and searched Angband for a long time.

When you're hungry, you take out the sausages and take a few bites. When you're thirsty, you take out a few bottles of wine. When you're sleepy, you just find a small corner to squint for a while.

There was no desire to leave Angband at all, because Allen himself didn't know if he had the courage to come in again.

Time passed quietly like this. If the time is determined by the number of times the Eye of Heaven was used, Allen stayed alone in this dark seabed for about seven days. (End of chapter)

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