During these seven days, Allen witnessed countless horrific and cruel torture instruments in the dark, sharp spikes, rough iron frames, and the mottled blood on them had not completely fallen off after being soaked in the seabed for thousands of years.

Even in his sleep, Allen would be awakened by the sight of these torture instruments.

The slaves who were tortured so much used whatever tools they could find on the solid walls of the prison to leave curses one after another in Quenya and Sindarin to accuse themselves of their misery.

"I curse, I curse you Morgoth!! You will always live in endless desires that cannot be satisfied, until the destruction of this world!!"

"Elantari, when can you, the glorious one, appear, drive away the boundless darkness and pain here, and sweep away all the dirty enemies into the void!!"

After seeing these words, Allen felt deep despair and mournful wails, which made him speed up his exploration. Allen was worried that he might go crazy if he stayed in such an environment for too long.

In order to prevent himself from entering those horrible rooms again, Allen used tools to make various marks on the wall, and when he encountered the stairs, he would only choose the downward path, because Allen's destination was at the tip of Angband. In the deep palace.

It was once lit by fire, full of weapons that brought death and torture, and above a high staircase stood the throne of Morgoth.

And the sword Ringil was under the throne's stone slab, and Morgoth trampled it underfoot day and night.

The stairs in Angband are as complex as a maze, densely packed throughout the fortress, and each door is almost the same, and there are no hints like the dwarves' patterns.

Allen always chooses the largest arch in sight to try his luck, because Morgoth's dark body is as tall as a black tower, and a door that is too small should not be able to pass.

Finally, after crossing a giant arch that had collapsed, Allen saw countless huge steps going up. The light from the crystal lamp could not even reach the top.

Each level of those huge steps is at least one meter high. If he could not move easily in the water, then just climbing these steps would be strenuous enough.

After an unknown amount of time, Allen, who was moving up the steps, saw the smashed throne and a stone slab that he was longing for. Under it was buried the sword of the High King of Elves, Ringir.

But this stone slab seemed to be welded to the ground, and the long sword in Allen's hand had been broken off without moving it at all.

"I don't believe it anymore."

While thinking about it, Allen exchanged a chisel with a cold light from the simulator. The sharp edge of the chisel was even engraved with the sigil of the Noldor clan.

This thing was originally used to carve patterns on steel, which can be said to be extremely sharp, but now it is used by Allen to split stone slabs.

"Ding" "Ding" "Ding" "Ding"

The sound of knocking echoed in the hall. Although swinging the weapon in the water would encounter great resistance, the protection of water still gave Allen a point of strength, allowing him to successfully complete the knocking action.

As the hammer continued to hit, tiny cracks gradually appeared on the stubborn stone slab. This made Allen overjoyed when he saw hope. He swung the hammer harder, again and again, until a piece of stone was cleaned and exposed. A little bit of the sword's blade was showing off the cold light.

Seeing the light of the sword, Allen played with the tools in his hands more carefully, smashing the stone slab bit by bit until the sword body was completely cleared. Then he put down the tools in his hands and smashed the Linjil that had been buried for thousands of years. Hold it in your hand.

Even after thousands of years, this elf sword is still sharp, and when it is swung, the blade shines like a star.

With a "swish" sound, the sharp blade cut off two dark and smooth heads smoothly.

I don't know since when, the entire hall was filled with dense black shadows, surrounding Allen who was sitting on the throne.

What a group of monsters they were. They were about the same size as orcs. They had no legs, and their lower bodies had snake-like thin tails. There was a thin film between the sharp claws, just like some amphibians. .

There are no eyes on the smooth head, and there are only two dark holes in the nose. A mouth big enough to crack the ears, covered with densely packed sharp teeth, and a snake-like long black tongue that keeps spitting. .

Allen looked at the enemy's appearance and felt as if he had traveled to the world of Cthulhu, and his SAN value was rapidly declining.

"唰" "唰" "唰" "唰"

Ringir's brilliance shone frequently in the hall. One enemy after another died under the sharp sword. The black snow instantly polluted the originally clear sea water, and the corpses scattered aside were even more... The monsters swarmed up and tore it into pieces.

Watching the monsters gnawing at his own kind, Allen kept killing the enemies that were approaching, kicking aside the corpses they left behind to gain some space for himself to move around.

But the enemies surrounding him were endless, and they were so dense that they couldn't be killed. Seeing the space around him getting smaller and smaller, Allen gritted his teeth, replaced a steel shield from the simulator, and used it to block the enemy. his upper body.

Then, Allen took a deep breath, then summoned up the strength of his whole body, using the wind to increase his speed to the limit, and his body hit it like a cannonball, leaving a series of snoring bubbles in place. .

The hard shield knocked away one enemy after another, and the ones floating in the sea seemed like fallen leaves, unable to stop the rampaging Allen.

The shimmering Ringirs crisscrossed each other, and the flashing edges passed through the bodies of countless monsters, stopping their movements and taking away their lives.

As the shield in front of him was gone, Allen quickly waved the sword in his hand, killing several monsters that had just bitten his legs, and fled along the stairs he came from without stopping.

When will this killing end? I don’t know how many monsters have died under Allen’s sword just now, but the ones chasing him are still so dense that they can’t be counted.

Run, hurry up and run.

The stairs in front of him seemed endless. Allen ran forward, passing through countless arches, big, small, broken, and complete. More monsters appeared out of nowhere and blocked Allen's path. On top of it, it was then chopped into pieces by the sword edge that braved the cold light.

Thanks to the marks he had made on the stone wall, Allen escaped in a very embarrassed manner, but the path never went wrong. The correct route that he had originally explored for seven days was completed in just two hours, and he came again. In the hub of this fortress.

However, this place has been completely occupied by monsters, with densely packed black heads and mouths full of sharp teeth, all facing Allen.At this time, Allen already understood that there was only one way left to get through, and that was to kill. Kill all the enemies in front of him and pile up a road with corpses.

At this moment, Allen, who had been suppressed for a long time, released his desire to destroy everything, and a roar full of rage resounded throughout the hall.

Ringir's cold light shines like thunder, crushing countless enemies in one attack after another. Every step forward by Allen means the death of several monsters. However, the enemies are still endless, and they still rush forward without fear of death. .

In this endless killing, the black blood spread rapidly, and soon became so thick that it could not be penetrated by sight, and the remaining limbs and broken arms of the monsters were sprinkled all over the stone hall.

After an unknown amount of time, the panting Allen finally stopped swinging his sword. At this time, he had broken through the sea of ​​blood and arrived at the tunnel he first walked down. There was no movement behind him.

Those eyeless monsters seemed to have been killed by him, and they seemed to have become timid in the face of such a brutal massacre. It is also possible that they had received enough food and returned to their deep and dark lairs with satisfaction.

In short, the surrounding environment finally became quiet again. Allen raised his legs and stepped on the stairs back to the sea, with only one thought left in his heart.

"The sea is such a scary place. I will never come again."

Along the extremely dark tunnel, Allen quickly walked out of Sangorodrim. The light here was much better. Looking up, the mottled sunlight penetrated from the water.

It should be a sunny day at this time. Allen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the sunshine. He did not want to encounter a rainstorm again. Next, he would need to fly in the sky of the sea for a long time to find the sailboat that had left here.

He was unable to fly for long periods of time in violent storms and was even at risk of being struck by lightning.


A terrifying roar suddenly sounded. Allen turned around and saw a big mouth full of sharp teeth quickly attacking in his direction. Damn it, it was that vengeful sea snake.

Allen, who had just been killed from the monster pile, his eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot eyes. A large number of bubbles appeared in the figure that was floating upward. The somewhat embarrassed figure flashed to the side with a "whoosh" and avoided the face. A big and intimidating mouth.

Senbai's sharp teeth are densely packed all the way to the bottomless throat. The target bitten will probably be ground to pieces and then swallowed into the stomach.

Allen, who dodged to the side, did not escape from the water, but grabbed the sea snake's dorsal fin tightly, and then inserted the Ringil in his hand fiercely.

The seemingly tough and smooth scales on the sea snake's back were as if they were nothing under Ringir's sharpness, and the sword blade sank smoothly into the hilt.

Allen released his left hand that was holding the dorsal fin, held the elf sword tightly, controlled his body and slashed downward, opening a huge wound more than ten meters long on the long body of the sea snake.


The severely injured sea snake was instantly gripped by fear. Although it had lost the ability to speak due to living under the sea all year round, the monster's IQ had not regressed.

Now it already knows that this human being who can release lightning has the ability to harm himself even in the water. The desire to survive makes this huge sea snake twist crazily and quickly escape towards the depths of the ocean.

In this sea area, it is the overlord in itself and has domesticated a large number of dependents.

The huge water flow coupled with the crazy twisting of the sea snake made Allen's body swing wildly like a leaf drifting with the current. It took a huge amount of strength to even stabilize his body.

But Allen no longer wanted to give the sea snake a chance to escape. He held the slippery dorsal fin tightly with his left hand, and nailed Ringil into the scales with his right hand, using the cross section of the sword as a fixation, in the crazy current. , one bloody hole crawled toward the sea snake's head step by step.

He wanted to cut off the monster's head and kill it completely here.

As the pain pierced into the body continued to approach the brain, the sea snake seemed to have anticipated that its death was imminent. Its huge body twisted even more crazily, and at the same time it let out an extremely shrill scream from its open mouth.

As the sound waves spread in all directions, a large number of black spots rose from the bottom of the sea and quickly approached the fighting man and snake.

It was the eyeless monsters who fought with Alan in Angband.

In that darkness, they had received orders from the sea snakes, so they went to a place that even they themselves were afraid of to hunt down a human being.

At this time, these eyeless monsters felt the call again. Their gods seemed to have encountered something extremely terrifying, and the urging voices were full of fear and despair.

Seeing the relatives swimming towards him, the sea snake once again accelerated its dive speed. As long as those useless things could pose even the slightest threat to the humans on its back, it could escape.

The injuries suffered on the body can be recovered immediately after a period of rest. When the time comes, it will definitely come back with revenge. Even if it cannot defeat the human in front of it, its companions will be swallowed by him.

However, several rays of sword light completely cut off the sea snake's hope of escaping. Ringir's sharp sword edge cut through the sea snake's scales, flesh, and spine.

Its terrifying and ferocious head was completely separated from the body, the terrifying gaping mouth no longer moved, and there was no trace of brilliance in those pale white eyes.

The huge snake body also slowly lost its strength and continued to slide towards the bottom of the sea.

After seeing this scene, countless black spots instantly fell into frenzy and began to swim around crazily. But soon, they gathered together again, lying on the body of the sea snake, gnawing at the sea snake crazily. Exposed flesh and blood.

Allen, who was watching this scene, quickly floated up and rushed out of the sea along the steep Sangorodrim. After splashing, he staggered and landed on the flat mountain. Then he sat down on the ground and fell into In drowsiness.

Fighting all the way from Angband and then fighting to kill a sea serpent is nothing more than holding on.

And this scene happened to be seen by the hobbit on another mountain. (End of chapter)

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