Pendor continent.

White Deer Castle, located on the eastern border of the Kingdom of Lions, is the territory of Lord Monteverde. It is extremely close to the edge of the Noldor Forest.

White Deer Castle may have been built to strengthen contact with the elves. After all, the first king of the Pendor royal family, King Kavala, had half elven blood, and they could even be called close relatives.

However, time has changed, vicissitudes have changed dramatically, and the Kingdom of Pendor has now fallen apart. This castle has become an outpost for the Lion Kingdom to monitor the elves, and it may also become a bridgehead for future attacks on the forest.

In autumn, it was a dark and windy night, and even the stars could not be seen in the sky. Several groups of well-equipped elves took advantage of the refreshing autumn wind to swarm out of the forest.

They were marching so fast that they arrived at the city before the defenders of White Deer Castle could react. They looked like they were about to attack the city. The elite elven cavalry continuously patrolled the castle.

This is to tell everyone that they have blocked this place and not even a bird can leave.

Among the teams with bright armor and high morale, silver flags fluttered in the wind, embroidered with a golden griffon standing up and roaring.

Immediately, Allen, dressed in silver armor, accompanied by Rissa Dilan, came to the city gate. Before making a formal call, he glanced at the family emblem hanging on the city gate.

It was a purple flag with three golden keys crossed together, which represented the family of Lord Monteverde.

"People inside, listen, I, Allen, a direct blood relative of the ancient Pendor royal family, declare the Lion Kingdom as a rebel in the name of the late King of Kavala. Your so-called King Ulric I is a thief. His His father, grandfather, and the shameless Duke Alfred of Lion City are all usurpers.

Now, as King Pendor and the Lord of the Silver Throne, I order you to surrender before dawn, then all the past will be forgotten. If you refuse, then only blood and fire will greet you! ! "

Along with the breeze, Allen's clear voice spread throughout the sky above White Deer Castle, while the defenders on the city wall looked at each other. Most of them had no idea what the people in front of them were talking about. The Kingdom of Pende had long since disappeared. Almost 200 years ago.

Only the 31-year-old Lord Monteverde and the bachelor beside him understood the meaning of these words. They looked at each other under the light of the fire, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Regardless of whether the other party is of the bloodline of the Pendor royal family or not, does it have enough ruling power to claim the entire Pendor continent.

But the army of elves in front of them has actually surrounded White Deer Castle. Once the negotiations between the two sides fail, the few defenders in the castle will not be able to stop the elves' blades and bows.

The number of people in this elven army was so great that Monteverde even had the idea in his mind that the elves came out in full force to take revenge on the Lion Kingdom.

No, they are just going to invade the Lion Kingdom, but they are just going to counter the rebellion.

The most important thing is that most of the troops of the Lion Kingdom have been stationed at Qicha Fortress under the leadership of Ulric and are confronting the empire. No one may come to ask for help.

It has to be said that the man who calls himself King of Pendor has chosen an excellent time to conquer the so-called "rebels".

Even if Ulric led the army and arrived in time, he would probably not be able to defeat the elven army with such a mighty appearance in front of him. I am afraid that he could only rely on enough depth to delay the attack and wait for other forces to enter.

Because almost all human forces have no good opinion of the Noldor elves, which is the main reason why they have been hiding deep in the forest.

However, no matter how things develop, as long as there is a battle, White Deer Castle will definitely be reduced to ruins.

On the cool autumn night, cold sweat had soaked Lord Montever's clothes. His thoughts were extremely confused, and he didn't know how to make a decision for a while.

If the opponent is a raider from Jatu or an army from the Raven Kingdom, then Lord Monteverg has no choice. For the reputation of his family and the glory of his persistence, he can only fight to the end, and then be killed. The captured family pays a ransom to get the person, this is the way to go.

But the other party came as the Pandor royal family and promised to let go of the past, which left a little room for choice.

Because 200 years ago, Lord Monteverde's family was also a vassal of the Pende royal family. At that time, the royal family members suffered heavy casualties due to the plague in just three months, and were unable to effectively manage the kingdom.

The fatal thing is that the Kingdom of Pendor was in dire straits at that time.

In the north, Crowland asked for help due to the massive invasion of the Misty Mountains, but the kingdom received no support due to the "Blood Plague". These lords guarding the north felt that they had been betrayed, and then became independent.

To the west, Vanskerry's pirates saw the opportunity and occupied the coastal areas of Panda continent, establishing the country of Fieldsway belonging to the raiders.

In the south, the vanguard of the Bacchus Empire has invaded the Pendor continent on warships. For various reasons, the lords who were threatened by foreign enemies finally followed Alf, the powerful lord of Lion City who was willing to take the lead. Duke Red.

There were countless touching, but also helpless and despicable stories. To sum it up in one sentence, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

In the end, the griffon flag fell into the dust, and the fierce lion flag stood up against the wind. In the simple values ​​​​of Pendor, this is indeed tantamount to rebellion.

Now, the person in front of me openly told everyone in White Deer Castle that your king is back, and he has brought thousands of elves to fight against the rebellion! !

This is to tell everyone that if you don't surrender, you will die, because no king will tolerate a traitor alive, even if he pays a ransom! ! !
Silence is the main theme at this time, and only the "crackling" sound of the burning torch stirs people's anxious heartstrings.

Facing the threat of blood and fire, almost all the defenders of White Deer Castle were looking at their lord, with expressions on their faces that included hope, perseverance, and uncontrollable fear and panic.

Allen under the city wall is not in a hurry, and he also knows that this kind of thing cannot be rushed. What he wants is to conquer, not to destroy.

It is very simple for Allen now to rush into the castle and kill, then light a fire and burn the place into devastated ruins.

It’s just that he doesn’t want to do this. Destruction can’t solve any problems. A huge empire always needs people to manage it. This place is not like Calradia. His background here is noble but very humble, and he has no family support. .

Then, it is inevitable to win over other nobles. Allen does not have enough time to train his team, and the elves are not suitable as human lords.What's more important is that this continent has gods, and correspondingly there are demons. Unscrupulous destruction is likely to lead to more unscrupulous evil.

At least this is the case in the continent of Pendor, such as the [Egolem the Devourer] who symbolizes disaster.

Allen doesn't want to face the guy who summoned the low-level demon now. He hopes that Lord Montever can understand the current affairs like his ancestors 200 years ago and choose to be loyal to him without retreat.

Therefore, Allen is willing to leave some time for the other party, and at the same time reflect on his fantastic journey in Pendor Continent.

Ever since the dwarves took back Gundabad Mountain, Rovanian has entered a relatively peaceful state. Even Sauron, who was extremely defensive, seemed to have accepted his fate, and rarely caused any trouble.

Then, Allen spends most of his time on government affairs. Because Jamila is pregnant again, most matters require his consideration and decision-making.

In addition to spending the rest of the time with his family, Allen began a simulation on the continent of Pendor. According to his current abilities, he is considered top-notch even in this world where demigods are rampant, and he no longer needs to act like before. Be careful.

Therefore, relying on this unparalleled power in the continent, Allen helped the elves a lot, recovered many elves who had been sold and imprisoned, and also helped them repel several invasions from Jatu and the conquests from the Ebony Knights. , the number of slave traders killed can be said to be countless.

I don’t know if it was because of these things that finally impressed the four Noldor elves’ heads. To put it simply, their favorability reached the top.

Or maybe it's because these beings who have lived for thousands of years see other possibilities in Allen and want to strive for better living conditions for the Noldor elves.

On a bright moonlit night, these four handsome men who were thousands of years old appeared together to find Allen, saying that they would help him restore the country. For a moment, Allen thought that he had triggered the main mission of the Sons of Prophecy to unify the continent. .

After some heart-to-heart but tentative exchanges, Allen finally came to the conclusion as to why these four people were preparing to invest in him.

His current identity is a direct blood relative of the Pendor royal family. This has been verified by the Noldor elves. As long as he raises the banner of restoration and has strong strength, he will get twice the result with half the effort and the possibility of success. It will be very high.

Their bloodline is also entangled with the Noldor elves. Now the relationship between the two parties can be said to be very good. These four believe that if Allen can establish a country, the living conditions of the elves will be much better, at least. Able to have multiple allies in the human world.

What makes others even more excited is that Allen's own power is very powerful, quite similar to the strong man in the era when magic was rampant. This is the last straw that makes them make up their mind.

After some discussion, Islandil's family sent 800 troops, Aldaria's family sent [-] troops, Fergas An'er and Kelevon Ill each sent [-] troops, plus With the few human private soldiers that Allen himself had carefully saved, he finally managed to assemble an army of [-] people.

After the meeting, before leaving, Islandil left a ring engraved with the gryphon mark for Allen, saying that it was a heritage of the Pendor royal family, and something good might happen after wearing it.

Allen put the ring on his left hand suspiciously. The griffin's symbol did flash for a moment, and nothing happened after that.

Since I couldn't figure it out, the matter was put aside.

Subsequently, the Noldor elves spent nearly a month gathering the army, and Allen collected a lot of supplies for the battle through Paul, who helped him run a shop in Long River Town.

Of course, as long as the town is captured, the army will naturally not be short of supplies. Even if the Lion Kingdom is plagued by bandits all year round, there is never a shortage of food in the warehouses of the nobles.

The time came quickly. Emperor Marius of the Bacchus Empire brazenly assembled his domestic troops and declared war on the Kingdom of the Lion because of a cow.

However, the real reason is that Juda's previous war of invasion of the Noldor Forest affected Changhu Town and Lion Lake City. Jatu and the Lion Kingdom fought several battles in this area, seriously damaging Ulric's strength.

Emperor Marius seized this opportunity and prepared to expand the territory of the Bacchus Empire. Of course, part of the reason was also because the snake worshipers in the territory suddenly became much more at ease, allowing him to free up more energy.

After Allen learned the news, he openly led his army to surround White Deer Castle. He still had this little bit of strategic thinking.

Moreover, Allen's name was still to counter the rebellion, and there was no need to declare war at all. No force in the Pendor continent could challenge him.

Time passed bit by bit in Allen's thinking, and the distant east began to slowly turn white.

The hasty-tempered Lisa Dilan had already begun to walk around impatiently, and said bitterly: "Sir, let me go, and I will ensure that I can take off the other party's head quietly, and then open the door for the army."

Allen chuckled and shook his head. If he wanted to behead someone, would he still need the help of his subordinates?It doesn't take much time to kill all the defenders of White Deer Fort, but that's not what he wants.

"Squeak ~ ah ~"

Not far away, the two heavy wooden doors studded with steel nails slowly opened, and Lord Monteverde in military uniform slowly walked out with his family and knights loyal to him. His face was extremely haggard, and his eyes were full of worry. Bloodshot.

Allen burst out laughing when he saw this scene. He walked up alone, and then Rissa Dilan, who was not aware of it, followed closely. The army behind the two of them remained motionless, watching everything quietly. happened.

Seeing Allen who dared to greet him alone, Lord Monteverde's haggard face showed a trace of emotion. This calmness and confidence alone were enough to prove that the equally young king in front of him was good enough.

"Dear Your Majesty, thank you for your patience. After thinking about it all night, I think that standing with you is the most correct and honorable choice at this time. Please generously accept my humble allegiance."

As he spoke, Lord Montever knelt down on one knee and handed over his sword with both hands, while his family and knights behind him also knelt down.

Allen was naturally familiar with the ceremony of allegiance. He picked up the sword, tapped on both sides of the Lord's shoulders, and then said: "In the name of the Pendor royal family, I swear to Eunomia, the goddess of order and enthusiasm, I accept your allegiance from generation to generation until the destruction of the contract or the end of the world."

After speaking, Allen retracted his sword and stretched out his left hand wearing a griffin ring. Lord Monteverde lowered his head and kissed the ring.

At this point, the contract is completed. (End of chapter)

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