Now that he has become one of his own, Lord Monteverg no longer has the responsibility to continue to monitor the Noldor elves, and instead leads most of the defenders to directly join the team outside the city.

At this time, the number of Allen's troops reached as many as 2000, and the next target of this team was Changhe Town, which was relatively empty of troops. According to the news from the spies, there were only about 1000 defenders there.

As a loyal supporter of Ulric, Duke Alama, the lord of Longhe Town, recruited a large number of soldiers and responded to the call from the king. Before leaving, he even took away the most elite Horn Summoning Rangers under his command.

At this time, it can be said that it is the best time to attack Changhe Town.

Originally, Lord Monteverde suggested going to the north to persuade the lords of Brave Shield Castle to surrender to avoid accidents during the siege, but Allen told him that he did not need to worry too much about this, and he would handle it himself.

Tonight, the two sides had been facing off for several hours. The elves didn't feel anything, but the human soldiers were still a little tired, so the team simply rested outside the castle for half a day.

In the afternoon, they will head to the southeast under the leadership of Islandil, while Allen will take Rissadilan to Fort Brave Shield.

Although this is a barony, it is located on the edge of the grassland and is close to the forest to the west, so there are very few stones. Most of the city walls are wooden structures, and they are not very high. The main defense targets of the castle are also the Jatu people. .

Its main function is to serve as a warning and a deterrent. The nobles of the Lion Kingdom have never thought that a castle alone can stop the plunderers on horseback.

To do this, I'm afraid we need to build a Great Wall.

When the bright full moon hung high again, Allen, who stayed outside the city wall, saw the tied-up Baron Alfred. He was brought out after being stunned by Lisa Dilan.

It has to be said that although this arrogant elf's character is not very good, his sneaking and assassination skills can really be said to be at their peak.


The Baron woke up instantly after a glass of cold water was splashed on his face. Just as he was about to shout a curse, he opened his eyes and saw a sharp blade with a cold light, and then he closed his mouth knowingly.

He is 55 years old this year. Although he acts extremely coldly on weekdays, he also understands how to act calmly in front of a sword.

Allen had no intention of persuading Alfred to surrender, and he didn't need to. He just asked the baron who was kneeling on the ground to guard the Brave Shield Castle and closely monitor the movements of the Jatu people.

Although these raiders also suffered considerable losses in the recent war, they were the tribe of "Destroyer" Zhuda. There was another extremely powerful Ma tribe on the grassland, belonging to another Jia. The leader of the picture, "Warlord" Zakhar.

Compared to the bloodthirsty and cruel Juda, this young man has a longer-term vision, is very generous, and respects honor in his actions. He is also very concerned about the situation in Pendor, and will not focus on the disasters of one place in the Noldor Forest.

Compared to the fiery Judah and Zakhar, who is good at learning and brave in change, this guy even wants to learn the forging skills of Noldor and witches, which worries Allen even more.

At first, Alfred's expression was extremely angry. Let's not say who the young man opposite was. What was he doing guarding the grassland border for so many years?
Isn't it just to monitor the Jatu people? Isn't it worth tying myself out and stressing it again?Who are you insulting? ! !
After all, their family is also a long-established noble in the Pendor continent, ruling the two fiefdoms of Brave Shield Castle and Eagle Claw Castle, and has been dealing with the Jatu people for almost 200 years.

After seeing the ring on Allen's hand, Alfred's mood calmed down instantly. He thought of a lot for a while, but he did not dare to express the questions in his heart.

Allen didn't want to explain too much, but stretched out his right hand towards the flat grass in the distance, and then shook it hard.

A howling wind blew up, turning countless withered grass blades and flying randomly in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the increasingly violent hurricane began to circle in place, and the roar became louder. A tornado wrapped in flames rose straight into the sky, and the fire illuminated the entire night sky.

Countless lightning bolts, like silver snakes, struck down suddenly and shuttled freely through the strong wind, adding a hint of violence to this fierceness.

Even though he was far away, Baron Alfred could still feel the shocking heat, and stared dumbfounded at the spectacle in the distance that was no less than a miracle.

After a while, the grassland gradually became quiet, and the Baron also recovered from the shock. He turned to look at the two people who kidnapped him.

Allen and Lisa Dilan had left here quietly, and then Elfriede, who was kneeling on the ground, struggled to stand up and began to yell, calling for his men who were also alarmed.

He is still in a state of being tied up. Although the treatment is very humiliating, he does not dare to feel a little hatred in his heart, only boundless fear and happiness.

If that fire tornado appeared in the sky above Brave Shield Castle, the family fortune that had been accumulated for hundreds of years might be lost in one fell swoop.

Allen didn't pay much attention to Baron Alfred's thoughts. He believed that the other party could make rational and aristocratic actions. After all, it was a family that had existed for hundreds of years. This should still be a factor. of.

But it might be a bit troublesome to deal with the Duke of Amara in Long River Town. The opponent is an emerging nobleman promoted by Ulric. Although it has some relationship with the old Pendor royal family, he is also a vassal of the vassal. I guess He won't give Allen any face.

That means that blood must be paid in order to open the gate of Changhe Town.

By the time Allen and Islandil reunited, the city wall in the distance was already faintly visible, and it was filled with densely packed soldiers.

Troops numbering up to [-] marched along the road in a majestic manner, which would inevitably attract a lot of peeps. The other party had obviously gotten the news and responded hastily.

When Allen went to the city gate to shout, the other party directly refused to negotiate and expressed his determination to resist with a hail of arrows.

What's more, he took off his pants directly on the city wall and started peeing, and the dirty words were endless.

The defenders were trying their best to stimulate the enemies outside the city to attack the city. After all, Changhe Town had a high wall and was surrounded by a wide and deep moat. Any enemy who wanted to climb the wall would have to pay a huge effort. cost.

Moreover, the opponent seemed to have only more than 2000 people. Even if they were all elves with superb archery skills, they would not be able to break through the city wall in a short time, let alone completely besiege this lakeside town.

Lord Faucher, the son of the Duke of Amara, has summoned all the men in the city who can bear arms and asked them to assist the defenders in their defense. Although these men's combat effectiveness is not very good, their number is already in the thousands.

There is no training, but you can poke the enemy with the weapon in your hand. Moreover, the residents of Longhe Town and the Noldor elves have a long-standing feud. Forcher even used this reason to spread the news in the city that the enemy would massacre the city. Enhance the soldiers' belief in fighting to the death.

In addition, he also sent several teams of messengers to Qicha Fortress overnight. As long as he persisted until reinforcements arrived, the enemy would have a high chance of retreating.Changhe Town has also experienced elves attacking the city before. As long as we deal with it properly and persist for ten days and a half, the city can still be defended.

However, the gears of fate will not go according to one person's thoughts. When a white light appeared in the Changhe Town Square, a large number of cavalry wearing plate armor suddenly appeared and slapped Lord Faucher in the face. It extinguished his unrealistic illusions.

This was a silent elite cavalry group. It only took a few minutes to gather into dozens of columns in the not-so-wide square.

Then, the sound of horse hooves sounded like thunder. In the astonished eyes of all the defenders, the Lion Hunting Cavalry Regiment summoned by Allen rushed straight to the city gate along the road in the city.

Before the battle began, Faucher also placed some troops under the city gate to prevent the enemy's spies from risking their lives to open the city gate.

However, the small number of defenders, faced with such a large cavalry force, had no blocking effect at all and was scattered.

The gate of Changhe Town was lost.

As for the suspension bridge that had already been pulled up high, two arrows flew in and exploded the iron ring. It fell down with a "boom" and the door was slowly opened at this time. There was a loud shout of killing.

A large number of garrison soldiers quickly moved towards the city gate. Soon, two to three hundred Changhe Town elites holding extra-long halberds were already fighting the galloping cavalry on the streets.

Although these halberdiers are jokingly called the Lion Realm Honor Guard by many, their physical fitness is extremely strong, even far exceeding that of the Lion Hunting Knights from Calradia.

They are also wearing heavy plate armor with excellent defensive performance, and this does not affect their movement and speed.

His skills in killing enemies in battle are even more superb, especially the long halberd in his hand that acts like an arm, which can be said to be perfect for restraining the cavalry.

After a while, these elites divided the battlefield and annihilated bit by bit the Swadia knights who refused to retreat at the city gate.

For Lord Faucher, the city wall is no longer the most important area in this siege. The top priority should be to kill or drive back the enemy troops who occupy the city gate, and then close the gate.

Otherwise, if the elves with superb archery skills are allowed to enter the city, the defenders who are at a high place without much cover will be no different from living targets.

The city wall of Changhe Town does not have wall stacks facing the city. Although Lord Faucher is young, he has rich command experience, and he still has some battlefield awareness.


Putting down the sapphire sigil bow in his hand, Islandil shouted and pulled out the Elven Scimitar from his waist. In the flash of cold light, the figure had already stepped onto the suspension bridge, as fast as an arrow leaving the string.

The sentries of Changhe Town who were guarding the city wall only saw a figure flash past, and they didn't even have time to loosen the bowstring between their fingers.

Nearly a hundred Twilight Knights, as well as many noble knights and Noldor Rangers, rushed forward. Their weapons were all swords, shields and bows. The shimmering shield on their left arm was raining on the city wall. The arrows rushed into the city gate.

After these elves stood firm, they quickly took off the sigil bows on their backs and started shooting behind the friendly troops. Amidst the sound of the bow strings being pulled, Noldor sigil arrows with armor-piercing properties flew toward the enemy. Weak spots in the armor.

Amidst the wails one after another, the heavily armored halberdiers fell to the ground one after another.

In an instant, the heavy armored defense line built by the defenders under the city gate was breached. A large number of elven soldiers began to pour into the city and started close combat with the soldiers defending the city.

From this moment on, the siege battle officially entered a street battle as brutal as a meat grinder.

"The battle is over. Surrender. I will give you the treatment that a nobleman deserves. If you continue to resist, it will only cost your subordinates more unnecessary lives. Don't force me to kill you."

Allen's voice was as cold as the cold wind. What was even more penetrating than the cold wind was the talisman sword placed on Lord Faucher's neck.

Looking at the bodyguard lying on the ground who was electrocuted to black, and then looking at the battle in the city that could be described as breaking down, Lord Faucher nodded palely, and then made a gesture to the trumpeter beside him.

His brain was like mush at this time, and he really couldn't figure out how all of this happened. This was far beyond his cognition.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep."

As the trumpet sounded, the city that was still fighting fiercely gradually became quiet. The garrison commanders who were leading their troops to support the city stopped and looked at Lord Faucher's position with disbelief on their faces, and then He put down his weapon and knelt on the ground.

After all, their allegiance is to the Duke of Alama, not to the city of Changhe Town, nor to the many civilians and nobles whose fate is unknown. The monarch has surrendered, so why do they have to fight to the death?

Surrendering obediently and then writing a letter asking your family to send the ransom is the best choice at this time.

In this way, a siege battle that was likely to last ten days and a half ended quickly in the face of Allen's many abilities.

The residents who came to the city briefly and were ready to save money and food, but before they could make corresponding plans, they heard the announcement of the cavalry shouting along the street.

"Now this place belongs to the Kingdom of Pendor. Before receiving the order, anyone can only go out at noon. Anyone who violates this will be shot to death!!"

Such a harsh decree was issued because he was worried that some desperate nobles would try to kidnap the savior. Allen himself had done this countless times, so he was naturally prepared for it.

It's not that I'm really afraid that Faucher in the prison will be kidnapped, it's just to prevent some troubles in this city. After all, this place will soon belong to Allen.

So far, Allen does not have a fiefdom of his own. Changhe Town is very good, and Paul, who has been running a shop in the upper city all year round, is very familiar with this place. Now he has led a whole team of elves to become the leader of Changhu Town. The mayor of.

Allen also plans to rest here and make more preparations for the next war. (End of chapter)

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