If Allen wanted to confront Ulric stationed at Qicha Fortress, he would even be able to intimidate the nobles around him to sway.

The power he currently possesses does not reach this level.

Of course, if you just compare the eliteness of the troops, it is definitely more than enough.

The fighting power of the Noldor elves is the best in the continent of Pendor. Whether it is long-range output, close combat, or even if they are extremely bad at fighting on the spot, they are the best in the continent. No knight is confident that he can defeat a Noldor head-on. Elf.

But fundamentally speaking, it is far from enough for an army to have only elites, or in other words, [-] elites.

If we talk about the two surprise battles at White Deer Castle and Changhe Town, we can certainly handle them, and it can even be said to be easy, but if we want to defeat a kingdom army with complete arms, this number of people is a bit stretched.

Even if he can win, I am afraid that many elves will have to pay the price with their lives. If Allen wants to use the power of Elacle in the future, he must pay more attention to this.

The population of elves is too small, and too many casualties may cause dissatisfaction among the four family heads.

In order to truly unleash these elite combat capabilities, at the very least, a large number of auxiliary troops are needed to handle the necessary but fragmented tasks of transporting grain and fodder and stationing in camps.

And after the battle officially begins, a sufficient number of ordinary troops that can contain the opponent's strength, commonly known as cannon fodder, are also needed to create a decisive blow for these elves.

And these all take a certain amount of time to prepare.

However, Allen believes that he can still buy some time.

The messengers Faucher sent out before have been overtaken by the Twilight Knight, who is faster and has better endurance. The team that ran the farthest, that is, the few people who took the boat to report the message to Lion Lake City, were Allen flew over and killed him on the spot.

Of course, it is impossible to hide the news from Changhe Town forever, but as long as the messenger is killed, the clear news turns into an undetermined rumor, and then it is delivered according to the normal speed and method. , then it will be much slower.

When a war begins, the most indispensable thing between the two countries is rumors. The lords and nobles who get the news usually send people to investigate to avoid being deceived.

What's more, the army of the Bacchus Empire is stationed opposite Ulrik. He cannot retreat easily. Retreating means that the Lion Kingdom has given up the Qicha Fortress and its defense against the Bacchus Empire.

Behind the Qicha Fortress is the capital of the Lieshi Kingdom, Lieshi City.

For Ulrich, this is a dilemma.

And the kind of individual lord who listens to the wind and comes to support as soon as he gets the news is usually a fool.

Like this, Allen doesn't mind multiple captives in the dungeon, and maybe he will have one more vassal who is determined to stay on the ground.

Nobles with simpler ideas are always easy to fool. However, this situation is rare or even impossible. Even the lords who act fairly upright are still human beings. They just don't want to do evil, but what is it? I still understand evil.

At the same time, in order to prevent his enemies from getting specific information prematurely, Allen also scattered all the Twilight Knights. They would kill any suspicious elements wandering around Long River Town and cast a layer of light on the area. Thick fog of war.

This series of actions should be enough to buy a month. Even Lord Monteverg has this idea.

Then all that's left is to recruit troops.

The location of Changhe Town in the Lion Kingdom is not particularly good. Although it is right next to a lake, the river connecting the lake is very short. It does not flow directly through Lion City, the most fertile area in the kingdom. Instead, it flows into a large mountain. , became an underground river.

Therefore, without access to ships, the business atmosphere here is not particularly strong, and it is not as good as that of Shihu City further north.

But even so, there is a lot of wealth in the Duke of Alama's treasury, because Longhe Town is the largest town closest to the Noldor Forest. There are some shops selling elven goods here that are very popular among the nobles. Every year, there are a large number of merchants and Representatives of the nobility came from elsewhere to purchase these extremely expensive goods.

Alama would be merciless simply by collecting taxes.

Now, the money is cheaper for Allen.

Soon, news that the new ruler wanted to recruit troops spread throughout the streets and alleys of Changhe Town, as well as the surrounding manors and villages within a day.

The remuneration was extremely generous, including food and housing, while the settling-in allowance was twice as high as before. This was extremely rare in the Lion Kingdom, which implemented a feudal system of nobles. In many cases, the lords recruited serfs without paying them.

Allen doesn't care about this, since it's not his own money he's spending anyway. His current situation is a big gamble, and he must put all the chips that can be put on the table.

If he wins, he will sit on the Silver Throne and become the new king; if he loses, his own life will probably not be in danger, but it will be a waste of the investment of the Noldor elves, and he will need to continue to lie dormant and wait for the next opportunity.

Of course, the next opportunity may not come in time.

In the first few days, no one paid any attention to the recruitment point. Commoners, landlords, nobles, merchants, and even the gangsters who were walking on the streets were all waiting to see if any warriors would dare to be the first to sign up. .

After all, whether the other party can gain a foothold in Changhe Town is a question. When the Duke of Alama comes back, there may be a situation where you can take money but not spend it.

Moreover, any resident of Changhe Town who has some wealth will inevitably be involved in some hatred with the Noldor elves, and they are also worried that they will suffer malicious revenge after joining the other party.

Another part of the reason is that when the Duke of Alama responded to the king's call, he had already taken away a group of soldiers. Those who wanted to make a fortune by fighting had basically left.

The rest are civilians who live an honest life. They are unwilling to go to the battlefield unless they have to.

For various reasons, the recruitment offices located in various streets were very deserted. It could be said that not a single person signed up.

However, Allen was not in a hurry because he knew that this situation would not last long.

Sure enough, three days passed quietly, and some people couldn't bear it anymore and started to inquire about the news.

They also have no choice.

Ever since Changhe Town changed hands, the town has basically come to a standstill. Many people have lost their jobs, and most of them earn daily wages.

In layman's terms, what you earn today will be eaten tomorrow, and what you will eat the day after tomorrow will be earned tomorrow. Such families basically have little surplus food, and naturally have no ability to withstand risks.

And this group of people, the kind-hearted Lord Faucher has helped Allen select them, they are the civilians who once helped defend the city on the city wall. These people are not even considered militia. Allen did not make things difficult for them. Put it back.

If you lock them up and have to control their food and drink, they will definitely be resented by others over time. It is better to be more generous and release them in exchange for some goodwill.These people who were released made a living by doing odd jobs on weekdays. During the war, they helped the nobles defend the city to get a little salary to buy food, or they simply received part of the food and went home to support their wives, children and parents.

However, the battle ended quickly, and the nobles were imprisoned one by one. In the past few days, the new rulers had forcibly stopped most of the commercial activities in Changhe Town, leaving these poor civilians There are not many ways out.

Perhaps to put it simply, Allen left them a way to survive, which was better than being forcibly recruited.

Soon, when some people returned home with food, settlement fees and a contract, the once unattended recruitment point was instantly overcrowded.

After all, most adult men living in this era will not watch their wives and children starve. In order to survive, these low-level civilians basically do not care who they are loyal to.

Their basic desire to do things is just to survive. Those rules and regulations such as honor and hatred cannot restrain these low-level people.

We are going to starve to death, who cares if we have some or not.

Only those with rights and permanent property, that is, the nobles and landowners, are still struggling with whether they should become a "shameless" wallflower, abandon the Duke of Alama at this time, and join the service of the new king.

These days, they have been active. Many people have prepared extremely expensive gifts and want to meet the new ruler. However, Allen ignored them and handed over the job to his newly appointed mayor. Long, Paul.

This former tavern owner had served Allen for nearly seven or eight years. He was loyal enough and knew the major families in Changhe Town extremely well.

Recently, Allen sent a total of 120 Noldor rangers to assist Paul and let him deal with the nobles who have been in the city for a long time.

The order is to kill some of the unscrupulous people who sell elves, win over some allies who can be won over, and finally suppress those disobedient troublemakers.

As for what needs to be done specifically, Allen can just let Paul do it himself.

Because this town will be managed by him in the future, in order for future work to be carried out smoothly, and for his family to obtain a knighthood, Paul will definitely try his best to get rid of those nobles.

This was an opportunity for the family to change its destiny, so he couldn't help but work hard.

Of course, Allen himself is also very busy. He is receiving waves of griffon knights who come to him.

In just one week, dozens of knights and hundreds of attendants came to Changhe Town, and they called Allen "Your Majesty" as soon as they met, as if they knew who they wanted to be loyal to from the beginning. .

Allen felt very strange about this, but the answers given by these fanatical knights were very consistent, and that was the guidance from Eunomia, the goddess of enthusiasm.

In the end, Sir Azrael, the recognized leader of the Griffin Knights, gave an extremely reliable explanation, that is, the goddess Eunomia, the only faith of the ancient Pende Kingdom and the first main god of the mainland, was inspired by the goddess Eunomia. The rise of the Pendor royal family was at this time, so the Griffin Knights were directed to find their new king.

And the time was the moment when Allen put on the ring on Elacle. As the person involved, he truly understood why Darion, who had always claimed to be the ruler of Pendor, said that this ring symbolized the king. identity of.

Indeed, this ring was worn by the real son of the prophecy and played an extremely crucial role. A steady stream of griffon knights came to Changhe Town and gathered under the banner of the Griffin King.

Now, Allen has more elites under his command, and there are also a large number of instructors to train civilians who have been recruited into the army.

It does not mean that we need to teach them how to fight in a short period of time, but that we only need to teach these people how to wear equipment and how to march with the large army.

However, the team that came to the door was not only the resurrected ashes of the Griffin Knights, but also Sir Morcas Vilar from the Realm of Crows.

This burly knight claims to be Baron Villar and the legal lord of Dagon Castle. He is a loyal descendant of the North. For more than 200 years, his family has been seeking the unification of the North and the Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, I lead the famous Snow Lion Legion.

As warriors who remain loyal to the Kingdom of Pendor, we will fight for anyone who strives to unite the North with the Heart of Pendor. I once served Ulric, but he was a complete coward, and now, he may not even No more plans to reconquer the North.He doesn't deserve to sit on the Silver Throne!

So, we intend to help you, true royal blood, however, our coffers have been pretty empty lately, and if you pay us, I think I can find more soldiers to serve you. "

For Allen at this time, of course, the more fighting power that comes to his door, the better. Due to the confiscation of his house, he is not short of money now. Compared with the cold gold, this kind of fiery courage and determination is more worth cherishing.

Time passed bit by bit, and Changhu Town gradually became lively due to the recruitment of soldiers.

Now, not only civilians, but also captured soldiers, nobles who want to speculate, businessmen who think they have good martial arts skills, and those brotherhood members who want to get rid of the past have joined the army.

Allen will also give them generous salaries and an excellent contract based on their physical fitness and the equipment they brought when they joined. The highest reward even includes a large number of shops and titles.

Some of the original owners of these wealth are in prison to plead guilty, while others have been hanged in Sentinel Square in Changhe Town.

Some people may see this part of the benefit, so they take risks. Allen doesn't care about the reasons. At this time, all he cares about is the results.

Corresponding to this excitement, the Twilight Knights are bringing back more and more heads, which shows that a large number of nobles are beginning to pay attention to Changhe Town. The news of the fall here may have spread throughout the kingdom.

Allen knew that the time for him to set off had arrived, and the power he had at this time was already considered powerful.

In just one month, more than 2000 civilians signed up and received simple armors and weapons. In other words, Allen used food and gold coins to hollow out the low-level young adults living in Changhe Town.

Sir Mocas Villar, the captain of the Snow Lion Legion, brought an army of more than 1000 people with a large amount of wealth given by Allen. Most of these people were cavalry and came from the Raven Realm. Those in the team were well-equipped. The knights with majestic horses are mostly descendants of the exiled northern nobles.

As for the gryphon knights who have reunited under the king's banner, there are only more than 100 gryphon knights and only more than 300 attendants. The number is not even one-fifth of what it was in its heyday.

But after they received the guidance, they rushed over with their attendants without hesitation. It can be said that they were the most loyal group of people under Allen's command. After all, the Noldor elves were just guest troops.

At this point, the number of soldiers under Allen's command has snowballed to more than 6000, and they are quite elite. Although the number is not as large as that of Ulric's Kingdom army, it already has a certain deterrent effect.

Coupled with Allen's various abilities, he has a very high chance of winning in a head-on battle with the enemy.

The horses neighed and the trumpets sounded.

On an increasingly chilly morning, a large army set off from Changhe Town and marched along the shore towards Lion City.

The new mayor of Changhe Town watched his king leave on the city wall under the protection of many elves. He still had a lot of mess to deal with next. (End of chapter)

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