Late at night, dark clouds covered the crescent moon and broken stars, leaving only darkness between the sky and the earth.

The city walls of Wocheze were flickering with lights, and from time to time a group of guards holding torches would pass by, guarding against possible night attacks by the enemy.

Even though they have occupied Wocheze for a long time, the security in the city is still not particularly stable. The tough and harsh management policies, coupled with the fear of sacrifice, have allowed the Dark Sect to still not suppress the resistance of the residents in the city.

In the city, small-scale conflicts often occur. Either there are sounds of swords clashing in dark alleys, or someone is assassinating people in a complex place like a tavern.

The blood of the Nords is so explosive.

This kind of thing annoys the officers of the Dark Sect who are responsible for public security here, and they are often woken up by others while sleeping.

"Sir, it's not good, it's not good!!"

Tonight, a rapid knock on the door rang again, waking Dakar who had just fallen asleep due to drunkenness.

As an extremely capable subordinate of Fenrir and one of the captains of Doomsday Thunder, Dakar not only has strong fighting skills, but also has very good physical fitness. Even if he is well prepared, he will not sleep for three days and three nights. What.

But being woken up in the middle of sleep is very annoying, especially if it happens once or twice every day, who can stand it.

"What's up??"

Even though he was angry when he woke up, Dakar could barely maintain his dignity and would not curse when he got up.

"The city gate has been lost, and a group of people are coming towards the castle!!"

The voice outside the door was filled with anxiety and panic, as if he had seen something incredible.

"What? How is this possible, just because of the insignificant rebels in the city?"

In shock, Dakar immediately rolled up from the bed and shouted: "Why are you still standing outside the door? Come in quickly and help me put on my armor."

The armor of Doomsday Thunder is extremely thick, and it looks like a small steel fortress after wearing it. However, because it is too heavy, it is best to have someone to help when wearing it.

Just a few minutes later, Dakar was fully armed, and the jet-black armor shone with a deep light under the light.

And he also took advantage of this time to understand what was happening in the city.

It is said that more than ten minutes ago, for unknown reasons, two well-equipped cavalry suddenly appeared in the square in the city. One of them pounced directly on the city gate, and after opening the city gate, they started a fierce battle with the defenders.

The other group has already attacked the outside of the castle, and Doomsday Thunder, who is keeping watch at night, and other castle guards are trying to resist it.

Shock, surprise and disbelief filled Dakar's mind.

The rebels in the city should not have such strength. A month ago, he and Lord Fenrir sacrificed at least a thousand surrendered Nord soldiers in Poseidon Square. How could the other side still have so many people in the city? ?

Or well-equipped cavalry?Where are all the horses hidden?
"I really saw a ghost!!"

Dakar cursed angrily, but he was not panicked in his heart, because he was very powerful and had a profound knowledge of the "Holy Flame Art" passed down from the top of the sect. He was the only one among the Knights of Doomsday Thunder. Second to Fenrir's existence.

During the half-year campaign in Nord, he had not encountered a particularly difficult opponent, and the knights of Doomsday Thunder were even more invincible, often driving Nord troops all over the mountains and plains.

They are not disposable items like Python Fang.

Therefore, even though the situation seems to be very critical now, Dakar, who is carrying a huge flame-shaped sword, is not in a hurry, but gathers the soldiers on the road as he walks.

After a while, more and more heavily armed soldiers gathered around him, almost two hundred of them, half of whom were Doomsday Thunder directly under Dakar's command.

The shouts of killing were getting closer and closer, mixed with thunderous roars from time to time.

Until after turning a corner, the fierce battlefield suddenly appeared in front of Dakar.

On a long staircase, two colors, black and white, were fighting desperately, and the flag displayed by the opponent was very unfamiliar, as if it was an eagle, not a griffin, not a lion.

And a figure covered in silvery white light in the crowd was killing people. The long sword in his hand shined like a star under the blessing of Qi, and every time it shined, it brought out a blood-red color.

Seeing his subordinates retreating steadily under the attack of the enemy, Dakar shouted loudly, raised the flame-shaped giant sword in his hand and rushed forward, the jet-black flames blazing on the bright silver blade.

Allen, who was leading the Griffin Knights to advance, saw an extremely arrogant guy rushing directly towards him, and subconsciously there was a chain lightning.

The exploding electric light broke through the rising black flames, causing the opponent to stand straight on the spot. Then there was a flash of silver light, and the sharp sword tip was inserted directly into the helmet's observation hole.

With a click, Dakar's life passed away along with his cracked skull. Allen did not pull out his sword, but waved his hand casually, and a mace on the ground automatically flew into his hand. .

This thing is still effective against enemies wearing heavy armor.

The remaining Dark Cultists were horrified when they saw their commander being hit by the opponent with just one move. However, their worship of the God of Darkness quickly calmed them down and they shouted "For the God of Darkness". With the cry of "the coming of God", he rushed towards the gryphon knight who was silent and only knew how to fight.

But in a competition of morale and fighting courage, how could these people compare to the Knights who were not afraid of life and death and did not know pain.

Soon, the knights wearing the new gryphon armor quickly defeated the darkness, and then under Allen's order, the enemy troops in the castle were purged.

There is almost no possibility of persuading dark cultists like this to join the army to wake up, and keeping them is always a disaster.After Allen had completely occupied the inner fort, the battle at the city gate was basically over. After all, most of the enemy's elites were in the inner fort, guarding valuable prisoners and stocking warehouses with weapons, armor, and supplies. .

The city gate itself is not particularly important in their opinion. After all, when Fenrir left, he had defeated the Nord lords near Wucheze one by one. If there is no accident, it should be impossible for the enemy to gather into an organized group. force.

Unfortunately, the army currently commanded by Allen was an accident that spread here.

Of course, this misfortune is only for the dark sect. For the Nord lords following Allen, this is a happy thing.

After wandering around for almost half a year, they finally took back a town again. The stable and prosperous aristocratic life seemed to be waving to them.

Soon, all the cultists in Wo Cheze were wiped out. The time they occupied was too short, they had almost no popular base, and they only did some outrageous things.

Not only did they make large-scale sacrifices, but they also collected the food that the civilians used to survive the spring and summer seasons and transported it to Sargos as military rations.

How could such behavior not be hated by others, so the enemies who were defeated and fled from the battlefield had no way to hide, and were often kidnapped by Nords with strong martial arts and sent to Allen.

It was already three days after waiting for the enemies in the city to be completely dealt with. Eight lords who had participated in the siege battle gathered in the banquet hall of Wocheze, and they were ready to distribute the spoils.

In the announcement of Haidayar, almost all the lords got a village and a territory to settle down.

This satisfied everyone, but when Lord Haida announced that the carriage belonged to Allen, some different voices appeared below.

Telgeyar, whose territory was originally near Wocheze, expressed opposition. Gundyar's family lost Wocheze. According to the laws of the kingdom, the fiefdom must be redistributed.

However, Allen's identity is just a mercenary, and he has not established a vassal relationship with Ragnar. Legally speaking, he is not qualified to obtain a fief, which he cannot accept.

Allen looked at Turge, who was full of doubts and was safeguarding the interests of the kingdom, and was not angry. In this sensitive period, loyalty is not necessarily a bad thing.

His face was calm and he said in a calm tone: "I am not ruling Wocheze in the name of Ragnar. The contract I signed with him is to counterattack the dark sect that occupied Tiha. I think the current Nord Kingdom will temporarily Without this ability, I will continue to abide by the contract as long as Ragnar is ready.

Next, I will occupy Wocheze in my name and re-establish a stable kingdom in this troubled world. "

Listening to Allen's unconventional words, Turge's face was full of surprise. It is impossible for such self-proclaimed king to be recognized. If anyone dares to call himself a king, then whoever sits on the throne will What should five people think?
Ragnar, Yarogerk, Harlaus, Grievous and Saiga are unlikely to recognize Eren's identity.

Looking at the astonished Terge, Hedayar, who was silent on the side, spoke: "In today's turbulent and troubled times, whoever has the ability, who has the strength, who can lead us to repel the invasion of the dark sect, is King, Ragnar has a noble status, but now he is trapped in Sargos and unable to move. I believe that before long, the Kingdom of Nord will cease to exist.

Turge, your family has been passed down for hundreds of years. However, if Lord Allen did not lead us to repel the enemies of Wocheze, would your territory come back?Do you dare to claim Loire as your own?Without territory, how can you talk about glory and tradition. "

Having said this, Haidayar's face was very grim, he glanced at everyone present, and continued: "If anyone doesn't agree with my statement, you can leave. In two days, we will go and take back Albuk Fort. When the time comes, all you have to do is not hold back.”

At this time, Allen looked at the lords present, smiled, and said some dangerous words in a gentle tone.

"In the past few days, we have indeed cleared away most of the enemy troops near Wucheze, but there are still a small group of enemies who have fled here when the situation is bad. If you act alone, you are likely to encounter them, even if they are If we don’t run into them, I believe it won’t be long before the enemy’s commander, Fenrir, will come back.”

Speaking of this, the smile on Allen's face became even brighter.

"Although the most important target of the Dark Sect is Sargos, that guy Fenrir has a very arrogant personality and it is impossible to bear a little defeat. Sooner or later, I will have a battle with him here. At this time, you leave the car It’s not wise.”

Although it is said very tactfully, in fact it is no different from a threat. It is almost like pointing at the nose and saying, given your strength, without my protection and without the wall of the city, you will die very miserably if you go out.

However, this is also a sincere reminder from Allen. With Terge and the few lords around him, not even a charge from Doomsday Thunder can be stopped.

If you leave at this time, you will really die without a burial place. Everyone present understands this truth.

Allen was also very helpless. If he were in a game, he would have expelled these disobedient people one by one.

Anyone who cares about their loyalty will die.

It's just that this is not a game. If he wants to gather strength as quickly as possible and let the soldiers display their due combat effectiveness on the battlefield, he really has to count on these people.

In Calradia, knowledge is very closed, and civilians are almost unable to effectively manage fiefdoms and command the army. In other words, the deep-rooted feudal ideology makes it impossible for them to do such things.

Now, under the coercion of the dark sect, Allen does not have enough time to re-educate and break the tradition. If it is too late, he can only choose the method most suitable for this era to rule.

Therefore, Allen maintained the greatest patience for these nobles who were still able to do things. He believed that these few Nord nobles who were relatively smart would make the right choice.

Time passed little by little in silence. Hedayar had already made it clear that he was on Allen's side. He looked at the nobles who were still hesitating on the field and handed Olav Jarl a very covert message. wink.

In fact, Haidayal was also worried that if the ink-printing continued like this, the impatient Allen would make other choices. From the very beginning of the migration, he understood the current situation and the way of war had changed.

The example of Yumongund told him that a powerful combat power has obviously exceeded the role of the city wall, and they do not have an advantage in the human sea tactics, so finding a powerful force to protect themselves is the best choice.

"I agree with Lord Haida. Ragnar may be dead by now. Besides, when your fiefdom was captured by the enemy, did he send troops to protect you? We now have the right to choose a new follower. This is not a violation of the contract. I have decided to follow Mr. Allen from now on. If he asks me to go east, I will not go west. If he asks me to mount a horse, I will never chase the chicken."

When Olaf stood up and made his choice, the other lords secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want to be the first, so they were waiting for such an opportunity.

Soon, Allen got the weakest of all his thrones, named the Glorious Empire, which made it clear that he would fight the Dark Sect to the end. (End of chapter)

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