[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the highest status in the world, King. 】

[The following permissions will be open to you. 】

[Rising reputation: omitted]

[The Knights are at your service: omitted. 】

[Currently meeting the standards of knights: None. 】

[Light Reappears: Now that you have become the king and are on the opposite side of the Dark Sect, the power left by the Holy Kingdom among the people will continue to gather towards you. They will be of great help to you, and accordingly, you This will also bring you into the sight of the God of Darkness. As your power continues to develop, you will definitely become a thorn in the opponent's side and a thorn in the flesh. Work hard, new king. 】

[Restrictions: You cannot appear in the Magic Continent with a new identity before losing your identity as king. 】

At present, the strength of the Glorious Empire is still too weak. Even if Allen and his soldiers quickly captured Albuk Castle, the territory they occupied was only a quarter of the original size of the Nord Kingdom.

If you want to establish a complete knighthood, there are still some shortcomings in strength.

However, Allen still made a change to his existing power.

The mercenaries who had been following him in battles were resettled one by one.

There were a very small number of soldiers who did not want to become regular soldiers, and those who stayed would continue to serve. For those who did not want to stay in Wacheze, Allen paid severance pay and asked them to return to Zenda and continue to wait for a suitable employer.

For those who were willing to continue to follow him, Allen renegotiated the salary with them, and was also responsible for finding a place for everyone to live in Wuche. The warriors who performed well in the battle were also given some unowned land.

Fortunately, it can be rented to farmers who have just arrived in Wocheze for farming.

At first, the original residents of Wocheze were somewhat repulsive to a lord who was not a Nord, but Allen's army was extremely disciplined after entering the city, and he himself had no intention of changing the living habits of the local residents.

Moreover, Allen was quite generous, and the wages paid to the soldiers greatly improved the local prosperity. In addition, a small number of mercenaries were Nords, and they vigorously promoted their regiment leaders in the tavern.

Gradually, Allen's name was gradually accepted by the people. After all, compared with the Dark Sect, the ruler in front of him was much better.

In addition, after a preliminary investigation, Allen immediately released most of the prisoners held in the castle. These were low-level nobles in the city who were dissatisfied with the rule of the dark sect. They had good reputation and wealth in the carriage.

These people are naturally grateful to Allen.

Soon, life in Wocheze returned to its previous state, and Allen's rule barely had some foundation in terms of military, people's livelihood, and town management.

When Wocheze's rule stabilizes, the rest must be left to time. After all, Allen's power is not very strong at the moment, and he cannot fight against the invasion of the dark sect alone. He can only rely on his personal strength to protect himself. .

The army from Ruidian had arrived near Fort Tihlog in early summer, while Yarogork placed his army at Fort Tihlog near Zenda, forming a strong attack on the land that the Dark Sect had occupied. It was a pincer attack from both sides.

It's just that these two kings are also extremely thieves, and they are not willing to let their soldiers fight for Ragnar.

Therefore, after assuming a posture of attacking at any time, the two sent a messenger respectively, asking the Dark Religion to stop the siege of Sargos, and let the army return to Tiha for negotiations, and to carry out negotiations on Nord's existing territory. divide.

In Allen's view, this is a kind of temptation. Harlaus and Yarogork did not fully accept the statement in Ragnar's request for help. What if the Dark Religion would be satisfied with taking Nord's land? .

Even if this cult has an unsatisfied desire, as long as it can be delayed for some time, maybe it can dig out a few pieces of meat from Ragnar's body. In short, it still needs to see the benefits first, and this battle will not be in vain.

Allen scorned the idea of ​​these two kings. Unless the two of them were able to inflict pain on the Dark Sect on the battlefield, it would be impossible to negotiate.

Allen sent the reconnaissance cavalry all the way to the vicinity of Kurum, always paying attention to the negotiations between the two parties, and he took the time to bring the previously hidden wealth to Wucheze, and purchased equipment and supplies with great fanfare.

And sent Dantes back to Zenda to recruit soldiers for himself and reorganize a new mercenary group to deal with the next changes.

After all, it is more reassuring to have the power yourself.

In this way, the simulation in the Magic Continent has come to an end. Even if Allen does not perform the simulation, time will flow by itself. He only needs to observe it regularly.

On this day, Rovanian, who had once again survived the cold winter, ushered in the year 2963 of the Third Era. Spring was coming, flowers were blooming, and everything was recovering. Allen and Jamila finally found a free time, and spent time in Feslet's Hiking nearby.

"Alan, Andrea and Cress will go to Rohan together this time. There won't be any problems, right?"

Jamila nestled in Allen's arms, with a smile on her lips. This kind of life is rare for the two of them.

Ever since I came to Middle-earth, I have rarely had a peaceful life. Either the Orcs came to invade, or the Dongyi people invaded, or I helped this and that, traveling thousands of miles to maintain the relationship with my allies.

It is really not easy to be able to set aside some time to play like now.

"It'll be fine. Grim went with them. You also arranged for a team of female rangers to follow them. This kind of power can already solve most problems in Middle-earth."

Allen, who was sitting on the grass at this time, had a relaxed smile on his face. Rovanian was developing extremely fast. Not only was the population increasing significantly every year, but more and more fields and orchards were opened in the countryside. , there is a thriving scene everywhere.

The army also expanded as productivity increased, with the number of permanent troops recruited from more than 1000 to 3000.

In addition to 500 heavy infantry and [-] archers, Allen reorganized a light cavalry of [-] people. When Fatis led the team to open up the land, he took away almost all of Feslet's troops. cavalry troops.

It is necessary to re-establish an organized rapid force.

In addition to permanent soldiers, as the population increases, the number of young and middle-aged people is also increasing. Once a war breaks out, the number of conscripts will be much higher than before.

After all, it has been more than 20 years since Allen came to Rovanian, and almost two generations have grown up.

If we give up production, empty out our inventory, and recruit 1 troops, it is still possible. But in that case, there will probably be only the old, weak, women and children left in the country. Once the war fails, the kingdom that Allen worked so hard to build may It will fall apart.

He would not do this unless absolutely necessary.

The military service system plus conscripts is the military service system currently used by Allen. Small-scale wars are maintained with permanent conscripts. When a large-scale crisis occurs, an order is issued to call in conscripts.This is more suitable for Rovanian's current situation, and other military services are still not in line with the current social situation.

"I'm not worried about their safety. I'm talking about whether your 25-year-old daughter, who has no intention of getting married, and the playful Kress will cause any trouble in Rohan. It became an annoying diplomatic incident.”

Jamila squinted her eyes, enjoying the moment of tranquility. She still had some objections to Allen allowing her daughter to travel to Rohan, but since Allen had already agreed to this kind of thing, she couldn't say anything else.

"It doesn't matter. Her father still can't settle the matter. Besides, Sengel's little daughter was born and she sent a special letter to show off to me. Then I must not let my daughter send a gift to congratulate me. Besides, I Let Kress bring a letter over there, they will help us take good care of our daughter, don’t worry.”

Gently stroking Jamila's long golden hair, Allen looked unconcerned. What kind of trouble could he cause in Rohan? As long as he didn't abuse the horses in front of the Rohirrim, he could do anything with his face. Able to sit evenly.

Besides, he has been using his "Eye of the Sky" to look at his daughter every day recently, and she is having a lot of fun playing on the grassland.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

Shouts came from a distance, breaking the rare comfort between the two. It was Allen's attendant Barron who ran over from the direction of Fishlet on horseback.

The two of them looked at each other, and they both understood the same thing. Something must have happened.

Allen stood up with Jamila in hand, briefly cleaned up the dust on his body, and asked Barron, who had dismounted and walked over:
"What's the matter, so anxious?"

Looking at Barron who was sweating profusely, Allen was a little confused. Everything had been arranged when he came out. He also left his son with the cabinet officials. There shouldn't be anything urgent.

"Your Majesty, Queen, Mr. Baggins from Hobbiton has arrived and is resting in the banquet hall."

Bilbo?Allen was a little confused, why did he come here suddenly?

To travel?

Perhaps seeing Allen's inner doubts, Jamila said gently: "Go back. Don't you always say that it's great to have friends from far away?"

"That's right. If anything happens, you'll know it when you meet."

Allen nodded, helped Jamila onto the horse, and said apologetically: "Then I'll take the first step."

Immediately, a gust of wind blew, and Allen's figure became smaller and smaller under Jamila's gaze.

"Let's go, let's go back too."

Jamila calmly ordered the guards around her.

Life is always so busy, when can we really relax?

When Allen saw Bilbo Baggins in the banquet hall, he couldn't help but doubt his eyes. The old friend who was smoking a pipe in front of him didn't have many traces of joy on his face, and some were actually faint. Sad and confused.

Suddenly, an uneasy feeling came over my heart.

"A rare visitor, Bilbo, why are you here? You should ask the caravan to send a letter in advance so that I can pick you up."

No matter what, Allen was very happy to see Bilbo. This was one of the few friends he had in Middle-earth, and it could be said to be a life-long friendship.

"Ha, Alan, no matter when we meet, you are so young. Could it be that your true identity is an elf?"

Bilbo and Ellen, who barely smiled, were joking. It was true that the two had known each other for more than ten years, and Ellen's appearance had hardly changed at all.

Seeing Bilbo who was obviously worried, Allen's uneasiness became more and more serious. He asked tentatively: "I think you seem to be worried about something? Have you encountered any problems? Do you mind chatting with me? ?Maybe I can help you.”

Hearing Allen's question, Bilbo looked around subconsciously and found that there were no outsiders around. Then he said sheepishly: "I lost something. Although it is very valuable, you also know that I also I’m not the kind of person who is particularly stingy. I just don’t know why, but I can’t let it go. By the way, do you still remember the ring I showed you?”

! ! ! !
Allen's face suddenly became solemn, and thousands of thoughts in his heart suddenly burst out, like a ball of wool that had been played with by a cat for a long time, and he couldn't find its head at all for a while.

At this time, he could only nod his head expressionlessly, take a deep breath of the newly lit Old Toby, and after exhaling a puff of smoke, he asked in as calm a tone as possible: "When did you throw it away?"

lost?Such a shining Supreme Lord of the Rings, just throw it away?
"It was last year, when I celebrated my birthday. You also know that the weather last year was particularly warm, the harvest in Hobbiton was excellent, and the warehouses were full of food, so the banquet that day was a bit more grand. You also know that I There are many relatives.

Then, then, I drank too much and fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, it was gone, gone like a bubble. "

That is, they went specifically for the ring. They must have been observing it for a long time. They completed the goal quickly and accurately when given the opportunity. This is not something that the ring spirit can do. Those people have long been captured by the Netherworld. My brain was frozen due to strength, and I couldn't perform such delicate operations.

"Is there anything you're not looking for? For example, strangers or strange phenomena that you can't usually see?"

While smoking a cigarette, Allen gently pressed his index finger on the table.

There is a [-]% chance that Sauron did this, but Allen couldn't figure out why he could know the whereabouts of the ring?

It’s only right that China should be the only one who knows the news at this time.

Therefore, Allen still wanted to confirm the specific information. If some evil person who knew some magic accidentally discovered that Bilbo's ring had unusual power and quietly stole it, there are some possibilities. of.

"Ah, yes, Hals who was working the clock said that the moonlight was very bright that night, so he saw three guys in black robes with extremely pale faces wandering around my house. He said that he had never seen them before. A man with such a melancholy expression.

However, you also know that there are more and more caravans now, and there is an endless stream of outsiders coming to Shire. I can't rely on this to conclude that the three of them stole my things. "

Pale?Wearing a black robe?Dark Númenóreans?
"I think I have a rough idea of ​​who did it. Bilbo, my old friend, I have arranged a banquet. Let's have a good drink later!"

It's been lost for half a year, so there's no rush. Let's wait until the "Eye of the Sky" cooldown ends tomorrow and confirm the location of the ring. (End of this chapter)

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