The flames filled the entire neighborhood.

The tall Sauron walked forward slowly against the backdrop of flames. His power was so powerful that it was impossible to look directly at him, and his evilness made people tremble with fear. The whole of Minas Tirith was in fear.

Not only the defenders of Gondor, but even the orcs and trolls who were minions, no one dared to approach the dark lord who was so proud at this time.

He moved forward step by step, forcing the royal guards who still had some courage to retreat.

Ecthelion and his son were also among them. Although they were still shouting for resistance, the warriors who dared to stand in front of Sauron were unable to pose any threat to the terrifying Sauron.

In front of that huge hammer, sophisticated armor can't protect these warriors at all. With just a light blow, someone will fly high.

The defenders shed heroic blood and retreated all the way.

The door on the first floor was tightly closed, but it could not stop Sauron's footsteps. The second door followed, but the result remained the same.

The third, fourth, fifth... While the gate was being torn apart, the number of royal guards in the royal city was also decreasing.

Until, during Sauron's leisurely stroll, they retreated to the seventh floor of the White City, to the Tower of Ecthelion, to the Fountain Square, behind the white trees, and to the edge of the high cliff.

The young Denethor looked down, and saw that the city was already filled with flames and evil. Countless orcs poured into the city, unleashing their innate cruelty wantonly.

The defenders, who finally got rid of Sauron's power, fought desperately with the enemy on the streets and in the houses. The situation was precarious and they were almost completely wiped out.


The evil language spit out conditions that could never be accepted. Ecthelion struggled to raise the sword in his hand, and the anger on his face was like a spark against the abyss.

"Unless I die."

Without getting a satisfactory answer that made him happy, Sauron's face that seemed to be able to swallow all light erupted with flames wrapped in thick smoke.

The ferocious hammer, covered in blood, made an ear-piercing whistling sound when it was swung, and hit the two people who still had hope and tried to resist with unparalleled power.

With a "bang", the smoke and dust dispersed, and the white slate cracked into pieces.


A figure stood in front of Sauron at this time, and behind him were the shocked Ecthelion father and son.

Allen looked at the magnificent White City in the past, which was now like a purgatory on earth. His heart was filled with raging anger, and the Silmaril embedded in his helmet also shone with dazzling brilliance.

Boundless thick smoke spread from Sauron's body, shrouding the entire square in darkness, and his tall and ferocious body was looming.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed everywhere in the stone-paved square.

Sauron has always been known for his cunning. He recognized the gem and was unwilling to face the light from the twin sacred trees. The smoke from Mount Doom was enough to help him hide his figure.

The wind blew across the tall fountain square and suddenly became violent. The thick smoke that had been motionless began to roll violently, flying into the sky as the strong wind swept.

The noise that echoed everywhere also fell silent as the thick smoke dispersed.

At this time, Sauron's figure had appeared behind Allen, and the hammer with flashing black light was raised high and hit the obstructionist who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Of course Zoro knew who the other party was. He once extended an olive branch to the other party, but was decisively rejected. If he refused, he would just die.

Without the interference and smoke, Allen moved his body and quickly avoided the fatal blow. In a flash of cold light, Ringir's sharp edge cut off most of the spikes on Sauron's shield and left a mark on it. deeply scarred.

This hasty sword was originally aimed at his abdomen, but was blocked by Sauron who was well prepared.

At this moment, rolling flames surged out from Sauron's body and swept towards Allen, who had just stood firm. The silver-white figure flew into the sky blown by the wind.

Then there was a thunder, and the chain lightning released by Allen lit up with dazzling white light, heading straight for the dark body standing in the square.

A thick black smoke rose up and enveloped Thunder at an extremely fast speed, one black and one white disappearing into the sky at the same time.

The evil and ancient language sounded again in the tortured White City, and a large ice cone glowing with darkness enveloped Allen flying in the air.

The Silmarillion surged with bright light, forming a large screen of light in front of Allen, turning the evil ice cone invisible.

The rescued Ecthelion father and son watched the fight between black and white and kept moving back. The flames released by Sauron slowly eroded the entire square.

Suddenly, a melodious horn sounded, no, not one, as if in response, waves of whining horns sounded at the same time.

It was the trumpet of the north, from the Karen Pines, from Rivendell, from the Golden Forest, and from the Dark Forest and Rhovanion.

"Father, reinforcements have arrived!!"

Denethor had never felt that hope was so close to him. In his sight, first the boundless knights appeared from the north of the Pelennor Plains.

Under the sunlight, the cavalry troops gathered together by humans, dwarves, and elves, like blazing white flames, rushed towards the orc troops gathered at the gate of Minas Tirith with unparalleled power. .

In order to enter the city as quickly as possible, these evil minions had no discipline at all, and they all crowded at the door.

The charging cavalry were like hammers, knocking the black army of Mordor apart and turning into countless sporadic black spots escaping in all directions on the vast Pelennor Plains.

Ships filled with soldiers sailed down the Anduin River, pointing directly at Osgiliath, which was occupied by the enemy. Thousands of soldiers wearing elite armor stepped off the ships.

The rain of arrows overturned the defensive formation that the orcs had finally set up. The human warriors with high morale defeated the opponent with just one charge.

Immediately, a fierce battle broke out in the city. Countless orcs fled from the east gate of Osgiliath to Minas Morgul, while others were driven to the Pelennor Plain in the west.

But even so, Sauron's army still had absolute numerical suppression. After the initial panic, countless orcs and a large number of trolls gathered again amidst whips and curses.

They gathered into an extremely dense formation and became entangled with the cavalry whose speed had slowed down.

Under the orders of Sauron's adjutant, a large group of black orcs rushed towards Osgiliath, which had changed hands again, blocking the northern army that had retaken the city in the city. In the distant sky, a few black spots were flying in the dark clouds. Below them were seemingly endless armies. The huge mammoths were mixed in the crowd and made loud calls.

The odds of victory and defeat seem to be constantly flipping.

At this moment, an endless fleet floated from the direction of Pelagir, and countless green figures suddenly appeared. The mountain residents who had turned into undead were running on the river, rushing towards the Harad people on the east bank. passed.

It was a reinforcement force that Aragorn invited from the White Mountains that was nearly 3000 years late.

Before setting off, Allen asked his students to bring Anduriel, which was enough to prove their identity, and the star of Elendil, the symbol of the High King of Numenor.

So far, it seems that the effect is very good and has met the expectations.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the undead, fear spread to the hearts of the Harad people in an instant. The howling sounds caused by fear, coupled with the behavior of turning around and running away, alarmed the already restless mammoths in the team.

The stampede, chaos, and sudden collapse of morale caused the Haradh people, who were originally serving as reinforcements, to quickly lose their due combat effectiveness.

The Witch King, who was riding a flying monster, saw that the army he had finally raised was collapsing, and he commanded his mount to rush down without hesitation.

He himself has the power to command the undead. These cursed mountain residents will soon taste something a hundred times more terrifying than the curse, which is eternal slavery.

At this time, a loud eagle cry sounded in the north. Mrs. Galadriel stood on the back of the Eagle King and raised the crystal bottle in her hand against the fierce wind.

A clear light flashed, shining on the Witch King who was descending at a rapid speed, and an angry cry rang out.

"Do not!!"

The Witch King did not retreat. His master retrieved the treasure, and his strength also increased a bit. Facing the lady who had lost the water ring, he still barely had any resistance.

However, another big eagle also flew over from a distance. Gandalf's figure was on it, and the wand in his hand shot a pure white light towards the Witch King.

At this time, the Witch King no longer dared to stay where he was. He was so frightened that he drove the giant beast to fly away.

The lady and Gandalf did not pursue him. As long as they could defeat Sauron, this evil existence that was attached to its master would disappear in an instant.

The ships sailing on the river were not affected by these battles. They stopped steadily at Harold Port, and soldiers holding flags stepped off the ships.

The leading one comes from the Kingdom of Arno in the north. It is a flag representing the king. It is surrounded by more than a dozen flags embroidered with various emblems, including the flag from Doamroth, from The banner of Urameton, the banner of Pinaskarin, etc.
That signified the arrival of the Lords of Gondor.

Finally, the team that disembarked from the ship were the Linton elves from Gray Harbor. Lord Cirdan led thousands of troops from the Kingdom of Arnor to deal with the pirates who invaded Gondor.

Aragorn, who received help from the undead, helped many Gondor lords and drove away the Eastlanders who came ashore with the pirates.

At this time, with the help of the sea breeze, they arrived at the battlefield on time. After all the soldiers got off the boat, they bravely rushed towards the enemy who was ten or even ten times their size.

After a brief period of panic, the orcs, who were attacked from multiple sides, managed to gain a foothold due to the huge numerical gap. However, they were retreating steadily in the face of the warriors whose fury was enough to burn the entire plain.

At this time, loud eagle calls sounded in the sky. It was the big eagles that were coming. The three skin-changers jumped directly from the sky, transformed into huge giant bears and smashed into the formation of the orcs. .

The undead who had driven away the Harad people also rushed over from a distance. Their ferocious faces and bodies fearless of swords divided the huge orc army into pieces.

At this point, the orcs' numerical advantage has been greatly weakened, and it is difficult for them to hold on under the attack of multiple forces.

The situation repeated itself again.

Normally, Sauron would have a hundred ways to enslave those cursed mountain residents, but the human in front of him was too difficult to deal with, leaving him no room at all.

The shield in his hand had been chopped into pieces, and the armor on his body had suffered many damages. The evil soul that had just been recovered became weak in the face of the light of the Silmarillion.

Fire and hurricane, thunder and darkness, wax and wane in the highest place of White City.

The originally clean, beautiful and charming Fountain Square had been turned into ruins during the battle between the two.

The beautiful fountain was struck by lightning and shattered into pieces. The white stone slabs were burned black by the flames, with cracks like spider webs appearing. The withered white tree was broken by Zoro's hammer.

Facing the complete form of Sauron, Allen was under a lot of pressure. The opponent was powerful and cunning. Even with the help of the Silmarillion, he still had to work hard to deal with the opponent's various tricks.

Just as the two sides were fighting again, Gandalf and Lady Galadriel, with the help of the Great Eagle, had approached the seventh floor of the White City.

Seeing the arrival of his allies, Allen stepped up his offensive. The ringir in his hand turned into pieces of cold light, approaching Sauron's ferocious body, and the Silmarillion on his forehead continued to glow with white light.

Sauron also discovered this. He laughed loudly and spit out a large piece of billowing flames mixed with fire poison from his dark helmet. He immediately pushed back Allen who wanted to entangle him personally.

Then, a circle glowing with fire appeared behind him, and the scene revealed inside was the Tower of Barad-dur filled with darkness.

Sauron walked in with his feet raised, and left the White City before Gandalf and Lady Galadriel arrived, leaving only an extremely arrogant laugh, as if he was not running away, but retreating after having enough fun.

With the departure of the Lord of Mordor, the orcs fighting in the Pelennor Plains completely collapsed. The evil minions who originally invaded the city were driven out by the three knights summoned by Allen.

During the long march, Allen finally established a firm foothold in the Magical Continent. He established a third order of knights called Glory, mainly the Free Knights and supplemented by many Nord nobles who defected.

At this time, under Allen's order, they killed any enemy who dared to stand in front of them, and pushed all the way outside the White City.

The sounds of fighting, shouts, cries, and the songs of the soldiers marching forward bravely created a scene of blood and fire on the Pelennor Plains.

Finally, before the afterglow of the sun completely dissipated, the battle was finally over. The orc army was too numerous. Even though the grass was covered with corpses, many enemies still fled back to Mordor.

Fire, smoke, blood and mutilated limbs gathered on the originally fertile plain, silently telling the blood and cruelty of this war.

The reinforcements coming from various places finally stopped chasing the enemy and began to clean the battlefield and count the casualties.

Today's battle is finally over.

However, this does not mean that the war between the Alliance and Mordor is over. (End of chapter)

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