Since its establishment thousands of years ago, the Black Gate has only been truly breached once during the final alliance war at the end of the Second Era.

That time, both the losing Mordor and the victorious Alliance suffered huge losses, in exchange for nearly a thousand years of peace and more than 2000 years of dormancy.

Now, in the Fertility Moon of 2964 of the Third Age, Black Gate was once again besieged by the Alliance. The Black Crow army surrounded Black Gate. After a short rest, they were ready to officially attack Mordor.

More than half a year has passed since the Battle of Pelennor Plains.

In that battle, the overwhelming force of Mordor was finally defeated, but the Alliance was also severely damaged, especially the defenders guarding Gondor, who were almost completely wiped out, and the reinforcements that arrived were also fighting against the enemy. There were many casualties.

Just resting and recuperating took more than half a year.

In the middle, a lot of things actually happened. For example, Gondor's prime minister and lords all maintained a good relationship with Aragorn who came from afar.

However, both sides had a tacit understanding and did not discuss any topic about the ownership of the throne. Everyone seemed to be observing, waiting, waiting for the end of the war, and observing Aragorn's behavior.

Perhaps, when the right time comes, Ecthelian will officially hand over the power in his hands to the young man who once served him.

Allen was not involved in this matter. On the one hand, it was a matter between Gondor and Arno, and he did not want to express his opinions during such a sensitive period.

On the other hand, he was very busy. As expected, the Dongyi people attacked Varonian with far more power than any previous time. The power left by Allen and the efforts of Fatis barely blocked the opponent in the red. East of the Water River.

But friction is still escalating, and large-scale battles often occur.

Many times, Allen would fly directly over and take command personally, killing a few Nazgûl who were getting in the way.

Eriador is not particularly peaceful. Although most of the dark minions have been eliminated, there are still one or two Nazgul who are disturbing the lives of civilians under Sauron's instruction.

However, Lord Golden Flower guarded the rear and solved all problems.

Moreover, for more than half a year, the two sides were not in peace. Allen led the troops to retake Kelandros, which facilitated subsequent operations.

Lady Galadriel and many other big men guarded Osgiliath, guarding against Sauron's sudden attack.

King Senger, on the other hand, led a large number of Rohan's knights to patrol the outskirts of Mordor, chasing down the scattered orcs floating outside.

Big Brother Cirdan directly led a mixed fleet of elves and Gondors to attack Umbar, which was occupied by pirates. He burned a large number of the opponent's ships and eliminated the possibility of the pirates quickly attacking Gondor by relying on ships in the future.

Everything is preparation for the attack on Mordor.

Now, the alliance's army has once again gathered outside the Black Gate. Their strength far exceeds that of last time, and they are determined to defeat Sauron.

When Sauron returned to Barad-dur, only his adjutant Sauron stood on the city wall, looking indifferently at the Alliance soldiers who had begun to form their troops.

If it was an encounter, it might be a battle with an unknown outcome, but attacking the tall and solid Black Gate?

It's better to save your energy, the few troops outside are simply not enough to consume.

At this time, gusts of breeze blew over the Black Gate. In an instant, a violent tornado suddenly appeared and moved along the wide wall on the Black Gate. It sucked the orcs responsible for guarding into the sky and then threw them violently. Down.

Only the huge trolls withstood the violent wind. However, a flash of lightning flashed across them, and their hands that were holding on to the city wall lost their strength, and their brains became groggy due to the electric shock.

A few silver rays flashed, and several stunned trolls died on the spot. At this time, the tornado that cleared the entire city wall also blocked the orcs who wanted to rush up under the command of Allen.

"Crench, crunch."

The wooden turntable, which could only be pushed by several trolls, moved little by little after Allen tried his best, and the two doors that were originally tightly closed also slowly opened a gap.

A large white light also appeared at this time, and five hundred well-armed griffin knights walked out of the white light. Most of them descended into the Udon Canyon and entangled with the orcs who wanted to support the city wall.

The shouts of death started immediately after the tornado disappeared.

A small number of people appeared next to Allen and pushed the turntable with him. As a result, the speed at which the black door opened was greatly increased, and it was completely open after a while.

The coalition forces that had been prepared rushed in amidst the sound of horns, and together with the gryphon knights who had appeared here long ago, they killed any enemies in front of them.

What was supposed to be a very difficult siege suddenly turned into an encounter. The orcs who were not fully prepared were retreating steadily under such attacks.

Soon, groups of Harads rushed over from the direction of Iron Mountain Pass. They wanted to join the battlefield and stop the enemy in the Udon Canyon.

In order to completely break through the enemy's interception, Allen once again summoned the remaining two knights.

The Radiant Knights directly blocked the Harad people's charging momentum, while the Lion Hunting Knights directly cut off the opponent's formation from the middle, making it difficult for the opponent to look at the beginning and the end.

The Harad people who were suddenly attacked, let alone supporting the orcs, could not even hope to form a formation to defend themselves.

The armored heavy cavalry didn't care at all about the spears in the hands of the Haradh men. With the power of high-speed charging, they knocked the opponent away heavily.

The orcs, who had not waited for support, finally could not hold on in the face of the unstoppable power of the coalition forces and collapsed. The road they got out of the way was quickly occupied by the charging Rohan Knights.

Except for a few orcs who fled into the Ash Mountains, most of the defeated enemies were killed by the Rohirrim in this desolate land.

The light cavalry has a unique advantage in chasing down the defeated army.

The coalition forces that rushed into the canyon killed the enemy like a torrent, chasing them all the way out of the Iron Mountain Pass and into the smoke-filled and ashes-covered Gorgellos Plain.

Tens of thousands of Rohirrim on horseback were divided into two teams to patrol the surroundings, covering the alliance's infantry advancing towards Barad-dur where Sauron was located.

The vanguard that opened the way for the army were the three knights summoned by Allen. Any enemy troops who tried to block them would be defeated and dispersed by them who were tireless and useless in life and death, and were subsequently killed one by one by the Rohirrim who arrived.

Although it was the first time for both parties to cooperate, they had developed a tacit understanding with their superb fighting skills.

Of course Allen was not idle. He spent a lot of dinars to greatly increase the marching speed of the infantry who relied on walking on two legs. It only took the coalition forces less than half a day to fight all the way from the Black Gate to Baja. Ladur.

Sauron, who was standing in the tower, dismissed this. Compared to the siege 3000 years ago, the formation in front of him was nothing at all. Back then, even Gil-galad and Elendil took seven years to force him out of the tower.

Compared to the situation at that time, these troops in front of them were nothing at all, and would soon be exhausted by reinforcements arriving from all over.

By then, he would still have enough time to play slowly with that bastard wearing the Silmaril.

Unfortunately, today is not 3000 years ago. Allen is fundamentally different from Gil-galad and Elendil.

After all the soldiers were ready, he ignored the taunts coming from the top of the tower, escaped the attacks of flames and falling rocks, and came to the Tower of Barad-dur.

Looking at the dark wall in front of him, Allen put his right hand up. Feeling the evil power contained in it, he activated the ability brought to him by the rhythm of the "earth stone".

Waves of weak fluctuations began to appear on the wall. After a few seconds, the fluctuations changed from weak to strong. Gradually, Barad-dur began to shake, as if it was undergoing a violent earthquake.

"Crack", a huge crack appeared on the wall of Barad-dur, and countless gravel and wood began to fall from the tower.

At this moment, Allen had already left the dangerous area with the help of the power of the wind, but his power was not interrupted. Through the transmission of the earth, the vibrations continued.

Under the shaking, Barad-d'ul was crumbling.

Standing at the top of the tower, Sauron was finally stunned. When he built Barad-dur, he spent a lot of thought and even left part of the power of the Supreme Ring in the foundation. This made Barad-dur extremely difficult. Break through.

And it also allows him to return to the tower at any time through the power of the ring. Even if it is destroyed, it can be rebuilt in the future.

But such a long period of violent shaking is a challenge that Baradur has never accepted. Moreover, the cracks like lightning and the stones that are constantly falling apart illustrate the outcome of this confrontation. .

Sauron didn't want to be buried in the ruins that were about to collapse, so he jumped directly from the top of the tower without having time to think. His body was strong enough to withstand such an impact.

However, before Sauron landed on the ground, surging bright flames enveloped his body. The light from the Silmarillion ignored the hideous and terrifying body and directly burned his evil and dirty flesh. soul.

After the Lord of Mordor fell heavily to the ground, he was so weak that he couldn't even lift a finger, but he was still tenaciously alive. 】

As long as the Supreme Ring is not destroyed, he will never truly leave this world.

Allen, who had been waiting for the opponent to land, walked over and grabbed the Dark Lord's head, then dragged the opponent's body, step by step towards the Mountains of Doom.

He would not make the same mistake as Isildur. As long as he did not touch the Supreme Ring and directly threw Sauron's ring-wearing body down the Mount of Doom, he would be able to destroy the opponent.

Sauron, who knew that he had failed, had been waiting for the other party to snatch his ring. It was not until Allen walked firmly onto Mount Doom that he finally panicked.

The groveling flattery and endless flattery, accompanied by the long speech-like praise, reached Allen's ears through a weak voice.

Sauron, who is flexible and flexible, once again showed the cunning in his heart. He wanted to deal with Allen the same way he dealt with Al Farazon.

Use temporary overtures and false surrender to save your own life.

But Allen deeply understood how vicious and evil the other party was. Even a poisonous snake that could not be touched was not one ten thousandth as good as the other party.

Trust me, I just read "The Silmarillion" in vain.

Ignoring Sauron's pleas and walking without sleep for two days, Allen entered the interior of the scorching volcano. Seeing that any words were ineffective, Sauron began to curse with extremely vicious words.

Allen still dragged the opponent's tall and ferocious body regardless, all the way to the edge of the cliff.

"Myron, I wish you a pleasant time with Morgoth in the Void."

After saying that, he kicked Sauron down, who was unable to move, and did not forget to use the brilliance of the Silmarillion to cover the opponent to prevent Sauron from recovering his strength before falling into the magma.

"I curse you." With a voice that grew further and further away, Sauron's figure fell towards the hot lava, and a rickety figure actually jumped over Allen.


After reacting, Allen subconsciously reached out and grabbed it, but it was already too late, and then he gave up the idea of ​​flying down to save the other party.

He chose to respect Guru's fate.

Allen looked at the short figure and landed on Sauron. He ignored the scalding heat and wanted to snatch the ring from Sauron's dark palm.

Finally, he succeeded! !
However, Gollum, who held the ring high, was quickly swallowed by the lava, and the Supreme Lord of the Rings, which symbolized power, also ushered in its final fate after struggling for a moment, turning into a pool of gold water, and then in the lava. There is no trace in it.

At this moment, Allen could no longer feel the temptation of the ring. Along the way, in addition to Sauron's words, the ring also kept tempting him, as if Sauron was not his real master.

Of course, the temptation may indeed come from the master's instruction. As long as Allen is greedy, Sauron can survive.

Anyway, it's all over.

Allen slowly stepped out of the Doomsday volcano, and a huge shadow slowly rose from the crater, accompanied by lightning and thunder, seeming to want to resist the established fate and make the dark clouds covering Mordor darker.

The shadow grew bigger and bigger, and the lightning and thunder seemed to form an illusory crown for him. However, a gust of wind blew from the west, and the shadow disappeared without a trace.

Standing at a high place, Allen felt the vibrations of Mount Doom, and watched the Black Gate and many towers carrying evil power in the distance turn into ruins one by one amid the wails, which represented Sauron's true demise.

However, Mordor did not have a scene similar to the sky falling and the earth falling like in the movie. Allen's behavior of asking the soldiers to leave Mordor was unnecessary.

Gandalf flew over from a distance with the help of the Eagle King. Of course he knew that Allen had succeeded, but he still came over out of worry.

Soon, Allen returned to Minas Tirith with his old friends. He had completed the most difficult things, and the rest could be solved by others.

From now on, the only thing that Allen really needs to worry about in Middle-earth may be the gem on his forehead.

Everything else is just minutiae. (End of chapter)

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