Chapter 4 Fatis and Kress

I don't know when the sunny weather hid, and I shyly hid behind the gloomy dark clouds.

Under the dark clouds, a group of elite cavalry appeared from the southern hillside, stepped on the green ground, and quickly returned to the camp.

At this time, Allen was still sleeping on the table, with a young girl waiting beside him.

The movement of the cavalry returning to the camp woke up Alan who was sleeping. Alan got up and subconsciously grabbed the clothes that had slipped off his shoulders. When he turned his head, a girl with fair hair and blue eyes and a gentle smile was standing beside him. around.

Oh, Jamila, Allen nodded and smiled at Jamila and said, "Thank you." Jamila shook her head with a smile.


The shout of a cavalryman returning to camp attracted Allen's attention. He had short, slightly whitish brown hair, which was just trimmed casually. His heavy bags under the eyes, huge nose, and full beard made this man look like he was 40 years old. He looked like a young man, but his black and white eyes revealed a determined look that did not match his decadent appearance.

Allen was sure in his heart that this person should be Fatis.

"Everyone has worked hard, how is the situation outside?"

Allen first said his hard work to the cavalry returning to the camp, and then asked Fatis about the investigation.

"Alan, the situation is terrible. I have never seen such a thing in Calradia."

As he spoke, Fatis with a serious face untied a black object from his horse and threw it on the ground.

"Orcs, goblins or goblins?!"

Alan looked at the head covered in black blood on the ground with some uncertainty, guessing the origin of this thing in his heart.

"Black blood? It seems that the half-orcs in the Lord of the Rings are black blood. Could it be that they came to Middle Earth?"

Fantasy creatures like half-orcs are too popular. Most fantasy worlds have this species, but the specific details and names are still different.

For example, Allen is most familiar with the Warhammer in the Middle Ages. Similar species are green skins. They have a branch called goblins. They look quite similar to the things on the ground, but most of them have green skin. They are One kind seems to come from mushrooms, and it reproduces by spores and photosynthesis. Commonly known, a head is planted in autumn, and thousands of seeds will be born next year. Fortunately, it is not this stuff, otherwise Allen will run away if he can’t run away. I can only wait to die┓(`)┏.

And the most primitive and common half-orc in the Lord of the Rings, called Orc, is more in line with this head on the ground.

Gray-black skin, sparse hair, ugly face, uneven and dirty teeth, and of course, the most important thing is black blood. Allen kicked his head on the ground to confirm that the new blood that flowed out was also black After that, I felt relieved.

If you have to rank the fantasy world, the place that Allen doesn't want to go to is the medieval warhammer. It is a world full of despair. It is a kind of despair that you can't get rid of the established destiny no matter how hard you fight. , don't say that I only have one simulator, even with a red police base car, it may not be able to resist the past.

But the Lord of the Rings is different. If it is the fourth era, under the protection of King Elessa, as long as the household registration problem is solved, how can you live the life of a big boss by relying on the simulator, although there is no Internet, But Allen felt that he could be wronged and wronged.

But what about other eras?Anyway, as long as it is not the first era, I should be able to struggle with these subordinates and the simulator.

"Alan, do you know this thing?"

Fatis keenly noticed the changes in Alan's movements and expressions, and he was sure that Alan might know this thing, half of his worries were put down, and the serious expression on his face also reduced a lot.

"I know what this is. These are dirty half-orcs, also called orcs. They are servants of darkness and minions of the devil. This is not a species of Calradia."

Allen answered Fatis's question with his mouth, but he was thinking of Fatis's message in his mind.

Fatis is actually a young man with a middle-aged face and a sad look on his face. This is when a person suffers a major change, and his appearance has changed. According to the Internet, he is only in his twenties. He was a serious son of a nobleman who was once an officer of a cavalry regiment in Swadia.

He was able to give up his bright future and choose to wander because he accidentally killed his own brother while fighting for a woman.

It should be that this woman bet on both sides and fooled the two Fatis brothers. In the end, the younger brother took the initiative to attack and was killed by Fatis by mistake.

Now he is on the journey to atone for his sins and seek spiritual salvation. Since he can serve as an officer in this team, the behavior of this team must have been approved by Fatis.

And I must be an upright and kind leader. This is not an easy task. I have to pay attention to it in the future. Allen silently speculates about his future acting direction.

As soon as he heard that this thing was not a creature of Calradia, Fatis suddenly picked it up again, and hurriedly asked, "Then what are we now?"

Allen didn't directly go back to Fatis' question, kicked his head on the ground again and asked: "Let's not talk about this, let's talk about the investigation last night and today, I need some information, I I'm also very curious about how this thing came from on the ground?"

Faced with Alan's question, Fatis didn't say much, calmed down, and described in detail what happened from last night to morning.

The team was indeed stationed in the camp around Weizan yesterday, and there was nothing abnormal in the first half of the night yesterday. In order to guard against retaliatory attacks by pirates, Fatis specially asked for more crossbowmen to guard the camp around.

Speaking of these camps, this is the predecessor of Allen, and it was established for the convenience of leading troops for a long time to hunt down pirates near Riwacheze.

Although the local residents also hated these pirates who seemed to be inexhaustible, they had a good impression of Alan who cleared up these moths.

However, the rights holders in most areas do not welcome elite troops like Allen to enter and station in their territories.

Therefore, after winning the permission of the highest-ranking nobleman in this area, Mali Gaboye, Alan's predecessor took out a considerable amount of remuneration from his pocket, hired local villagers in various villages, and established a considerable amount of money around the village. A camp for mercenaries.

Halfway through the report, Fatis also praised Alan without hesitation: "Alan, I have to say it once, that is, you, I have never heard of it, which mercenary leader, for the team members There is a safe and comfortable living environment, and you will spend so much energy and money building these camps, it is really kind of you to treat your subordinates.”

Allen, who heard the praise inexplicably, understood what was going on in his heart, so he could only respond with embarrassment, "It should be." Is it not good?
The topic went back to this morning again. Fatis was woken up by Desaiwei, and the third person to be woken up was Jamila, because Jamila took care of Alan's diet and daily life for a long time, and Alan also did it more than once I have emphasized that unless it is absolutely necessary, no more people are allowed to enter their tents.

Although what happened in the morning was bizarre, there was no imminent crisis, so Fatis told Jamila to wake up Alan. After waiting for a while, he found that Alan had not appeared, so he led the cavalry out to investigate.

But when it came to this, Fatis mentioned that after Jamila entered Alan's tent, he came out immediately, and it was not clear what happened inside.

Although Fatis's decadent face became a little elated and gossiping when he mentioned this, Allen didn't have any intention of satisfying Fatis' curiosity, but continued to ask about the orcs. Case.

Next, Fatis began to talk about their investigation. He led the cavalry to investigate the surrounding area around the camp, and found that the east side of the camp was an endless forest, while the west side was a mountain range that spread to the horizon. , The big river flowing in the middle cuts off the wilderness between the two.

The specific situation is that they rode horses and jogged north along the river for more than half an hour, but found no human habitation, then turned around and circled eastward from the wasteland, and then walked south for more than an hour, and the result In one of the fords of the great river he overtook a small company of orcs riding black wolves.

In such an encounter, Allen could imagine that for species like orcs, who can be seen as being not in the order camp at a glance, Fatis will definitely clean them up as monsters, not to mention that they are riding wolves.

This is actually mutual. When these wolf cavalry saw humans like Fatis, their first reaction was definitely not to come up to say hello, hello, hello, hello, everyone.

So the battle must be on the verge of breaking out. After a brief confrontation of more than 20 cavalry, the two sides rushed towards each other brandishing their weapons. Although Fatis and the others had been running for nearly 2 hours, the Swadian cavalry were quite powerful. Tough, he wiped them all out at the cost of only one person being slightly injured.

When Fatis reported here, he paused, looked at Alan's expression, spread his hands, and said, "At this moment, I can't find Kress."


Hearing the news, Allen was taken aback.

That's right, Kress slipped away quietly by herself at this time. She felt that these obviously not fun things must be doing something bad, so she used the tracking skills she learned from Desaiwei, quietly slipped away.

She knew that Fatis would definitely prevent her from acting without authorization, so she cut first and played later. When Fatis commanded the army to clean up the battlefield and didn't notice her, she quietly crossed the river beach along the trail of Orc.

Noticing that Kress had slipped away, Fatis crossed the river bank and searched for a while, but after being fruitless, he had no choice but to return with the cavalry with his head and trophies.

But Fatis said he was used to it, and he also believed that Kress would come back safely.

Not to mention Kress's sturdy throw, the first-class white steed she was riding could guarantee Kress's safety. That horse was full of spirituality and extraordinary.

Fatis said that he had been greedy for a long time, but it was a pity that Alan gave the horse to Kress in order to thank Kress for saving his life.

Kress's riding skills are not particularly good, but the two of them have been together for a long time, and they have a tacit understanding.

"Well, that's the only way to go."

After Allen sighed and expressed his helplessness, he arranged for Fatis to take the cavalry down to rest, and at the same time called Jamila to prepare lunch.

Poor Yamila, the daughter of a big businessman, has to cook for a bunch of rough men. At this moment, Desaiwei came back with a strong stag on his back, his dark face was covered with sweat, He said with a smile that he wanted to get a whole roasted deer for everyone.

Allen had to sigh that the mentality of this group of people is really good.

However, Allen is still a little worried about Kress. This little sister may be the only uncertain factor in the team. I don't know whether to say that she is a bold person with high skills, or she has a strong subjective initiative in her work, and she actually left the team. , Going to track down the enemy alone.

However, in the game, Kress's character is a bit reckless and extremely courageous. He once sued Artiman for meddling in front of the protagonist.

She said that she just cut open the enemy's stomach to find the loot. What's the fuss about it? Allen was stunned for a long time when he saw this conversation.

She should be from Vikia, and her father seems to have died early. Originally, their family also owned land, but was forced by relatives, so her mother had to go to a noble family to be a cook, and she followed.

When she grew up a bit, she did some shameful things for some nobles because of her better skills. After a series of complicated events, she regained her freedom.

She should be the youngest person in the team, about fifteen or sixteen years old. Although she has experienced all kinds of darkness and lacks awareness of general moral concepts, she has a cheerful personality, sympathizes with the weak, and values ​​friendship. The relationship with Desaiwei in the game is particularly good.

And Desaiwei's guiding and tracking abilities are the strongest in this team. As long as Kress learns a little bit, he should be able to come back safely, right?

"Enemy attack, due south, prepare to fight!!!"

Just when Alan was debating whether to take Desaiwei and the cavalry out to find Kress, Bundak, who was standing on the wooden watchtower, yelled and startled Alan who was in deep thought.

Allen quickly boarded the wooden platform where Bundak was located, and looked towards the south, only to see a white spot rushing towards the camp along the hillside a few miles away under the dark sky.

And seven or eight black dots are chasing the white dots from left to right, they are getting closer and closer, and it is Kress riding a white horse, and seven or eight wolf cavalry are chasing behind her.

"I'm back, please help!!"

A girl with short reddish-brown hair was holding the rein in one hand and galloping wildly, holding a ragged child in the other, shouting loudly.

The Rhodoks sharpshooters guarding around the camp had already begun to snipe and kill the wolf cavalry who were chasing after Kress. Fatis, who had just gone down to rest, heard the movement, got on his horse and rushed out with a few people again.

Then all the cavalry rushed out one after another, even the brother who was slightly injured was no exception.

And Jamila and Desaiwei, who were preparing food, held the weapons beside them and rushed to the gate of the camp to guard the camp. Even Yatiman pulled out the long sword at his waist and made a defensive posture .

All of this was done in just a few minutes. Allen stepped down from the high platform, and Allen, who was already fully armed, was already waiting with Allen's weapons and horses.

The young and handsome face was full of eager expressions. I didn't expect this young man to be a fighting maniac.

But it was not Alan's turn to do anything, and the battle was over. Fatis rushed out with light cavalry to catch up with the wolf cavalry who were about to turn around and retreat, and the rest was nothing more than a massacre.

"Boss, boss, prepare to save people. A village has been attacked by these monsters."

The red-brown long-haired girl was sweating profusely while walking and shouting with the child in her arms, and rushed towards Alan.

"Cut first and play later, right? Just slipped away without saying a word, right? Huh?"

Allen cooperated with Allen to help him put on the armor, while staring at the girl with freckles on her face that had not yet bloomed.

After a pause, he asked angrily, "I'll talk about your matter later, how many are there?"

"There should be fifty or sixty of them, all of them are monsters riding black wolves. When I came back, the village had just been captured by them. If we were quicker, we should be able to save a lot of people."

Kress, who was originally full of anxiety, instantly turned unhappy. He felt that he was not wrong, but he didn't dare to refute Alan directly, so he turned his head resentfully and answered Alan's question. , Then pouted and kicked away the Orc's head at Alan's feet.

"Okay, I see."

After getting the news, Alan thought for a while, and felt that he should save those villagers. According to his own observation, most of the people in the team should hope that he would give the order to save the villagers, and his predecessor would inevitably issue the order to save the villagers. .

Even if you don't talk about the importance of acting, just follow your own heart, Allen still wants to save people, and Allen has estimated the combat power, and he should be able to fight.

After thinking about it, Allen looked around at the people who were gradually surrounding him, looked at their eager eyes, and announced his decision loudly, "Everyone, 10 minutes of preparation time, after 10 minutes, all those who can ride horses will gather here .”

The subordinates who received the order returned to their tents one after another, and quickly put on their armor while helping each other.

And Allen, who was wearing the armor, got on his horse very naturally, reached out and took the heavy lance and cavalry kite shield handed over by Allen, and then Allen, who was full of excitement, also turned on his horse and followed Allen out of the camp .

The cooperation between the two was extremely smooth, as if this scene had happened between them countless times.

Allen, who walked out of the camp on a horse, was a little at a loss. In his impression, he had never ridden a horse before, at most he had seen it.

And when things are imminent, these things are done subconsciously, without thinking at all, as if the brain is desperately saying "I won't, I won't, I won't", while the body responds faintly, " It's okay, let me show you a hand."

Things were a bit strange, but what made Alan feel even more strange was that several Rhodok marksmen actually pulled out their horses from the stables, turned on their mounts, and followed Alan.

"Since when has there been a cavalry archer with a siege crossbow? Could it be that this is a newly developed tactic? This is too messy." Allen complained about his predecessor in his heart.

After a while, Fatis, Desaiwei, Kress and even Yamila came to Alan's side in full armor. Alan looked at the weak girl Yamila strangely, and suddenly came to his senses. .

I myself trained them in the direction of heavy cavalry, nothing more than a different focus. Desaiwei strengthened cavalry and shooting, Kress focused on throwing, and Jamila was a heavy cavalry.

The last ones gathered were the fully armed Swadian knights. They wore barrel helmets, sleeveless plate armor, cavalry shields, cavalry swords on their waists, and heavy lances in their hands. behind.

Of course, this is not their real perfect body, the real perfect body, the horse also needs to wear heavy armor, but this time it is a pursuit, not a charge, so the vest is not needed.

Allen looked inside the camp, pointed to James who pulled out a mule, and Yatiman who shouted "I can also ride a horse, but I don't have a horse", and pointed at Bundak who couldn't ride a horse on the high platform. Shouted: "Take them to guard the camp, we will go back as soon as we go."

After Bundak heard the order, he nodded expressionlessly, reassuring Allen.

Then Allen looked back at the more than 20 people following him, and felt that he should say something in this situation.

Many movies, novels, before the battle, they will instill in their little brother the correctness of the battle, the noble behavior of their own behavior,

Immediately, Allen, whose soul was flaming in the second grade, commanded the horse to turn half a circle, facing the crowd, and said proudly:

"My friends, my soldiers, I have always wanted us to be a noble and beloved team, I hope, with faith in our hearts, we should always do those honorable things; I hope, with weapons in hand We who are always going to kill those who deserve to die; I hope that we who have strength should always help those who are in trouble. Now, the people who are in trouble are waiting for us who hold sharp weapons to save them. Everyone, we What should I do?"

"Of course we should help them, as we have done before, kill the robbers, kill the people who hurt others for their own self-interest."

Fatis with an excited face roared in response to Allen's words, driving everyone else to roar.

Allen raised the heavy lance in his hand in response to the roar of the crowd, motioned for Kress to lead the way, pulled the rein, and shouted "Let's go", and the war horse under his crotch followed Kress to the south. .

It was more than half an hour later, near the old ferry. Since Desaiwei discovered something new here, it took a little time to find the footprints. Everyone else took advantage of this time to rest and eat something.

Allen was chewing the air-dried beef that Allen handed over, looking at the large swaths of dirty blood on the ground, and listening to Desaiwei's analysis.

Desaiwei's expression was serious, he looked down at the footprints on the ground, and loudly reported his analysis results to Allen:
"My lord, I think we are going to continue chasing towards the south. Look at these footprints. It should be that dozens of wargs and hundreds of humans came from the other side of the river and stayed here for a while. Then Heading south, the footprints are very new, so it shouldn’t be too far.”

"The corpses are gone too. The corpses of those monsters were in this place at that time."

Fatis, who was chewing something, came over and said casually.

"They won't leave corpses behind. If they are extremely hungry, the bodies of the same race are also a kind of food for them. At least it is no problem to feed wolves."

Allen said casually something that frightened Desaiwei and Fatis.

"So, in the face of this evil creature, we must not show mercy. The two of us must be at odds with each other, but these are all later, Desaiwei, you will lead the way, Fatis, and tell everyone to go. "

The whole team quickly headed south under Allen's order.

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(End of this chapter)

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