Chapter 5
Under the dark sky, a group of wolf cavalry was wandering through the wilderness with hundreds of captives.

Their dirty faces were full of cheerful smiles. The sunny weather this morning was really not good for Oak, and they harassed the village all night without any results.

After dawn, they had to retreat. Unexpectedly, the sky soon became cloudy. With the help of the weather, these wolf cavalrymen turned around and killed a man with a carbine, hit the village by surprise, broke the defense of the village, and the man who could fight back They were slaughtered cleanly, and the whole village was burned down by them.

Now, they took the remaining old, young, women and children, and marched towards Dol Guldur according to the order of their leader, the Orc King, intending to pay tribute to Sauron, who cultivated power there, with the captives in their hands.

At this time, Allen, who was chasing up with his troops, crossed a hill and found their figures. The distance between the two sides was less than one kilometer.

"Catch up and kill them."

Allen, who was shouting, urged the horses and led the crowd towards the Orcs.

Of course, a sneak attack is impossible. In fact, the sound of horses running is very loud. Even if they are stepping on soft ground, the movement of more than 20 horses running wildly is enough to startle a warg with sensitive hearing.

Facing Allen's charge, the half-orc team stopped.

Soon, a half-orc whose body and mount were far stronger than other wolf cavalry came out. He waved the weapon in his hand and shouted a few words, and then led most of the wolf cavalry to face Allen and the others to attack. counterattacked.

And the remaining wolf cavalry, waving their whips, drove hundreds of humans to the south quickly.

The troops of both sides approached quickly under the gloomy black clouds.

Allen, who was rushing to the front of the team at this time, was in a wonderful feeling.

He thought he should be excited, scared, at least his hands should be trembling.But no, the right hand holding the heavy lance is extremely firm, what should be paid attention to when charging, what to do when facing cavalry, what to do when facing infantry, the enemy throws garbage at you and shoots at you How should you deal with it, as if the body is in turn telling the brain what to do.

This gave Allen a sense of fragmentation, as if his body was not being directed by him, but he was actually just a spectator.

Watching the Rhodok sharpshooters on horseback shoot at the fifty or sixty wolf cavalry on the opposite side, watching them hang the siege crossbow on the hook of the saddle, draw out the straight-edged machete with their backhand and continue to charge.

Watching Desaiwei constantly draw his bow at the edge of the team to shoot at the enemy's mounts, every time he draws a bow, a wolf will fall to the ground, watching Kress quickly throw the javelin in his hand at the approaching enemy, every time A single javelin can cost a warg his knight.

Watching Fatis, Elaine, Jamila and a dozen Swadian knights brandishing their weapons, they followed closely behind him.

In the end, he saw that he rode his horse and accelerated, ran towards the extraordinarily tall Oak, swung his right arm vigorously, and directly poked the opponent's head with a quick shot.

Pulling the rein with his left hand, the warhorse under his crotch dodged deftly and passed the bite of the wolf. Allen then pressed his right arm hard, and stabbed the lance into the chest of the second oncoming enemy .

Afterwards, he let go of the lance, drew out the knight's long sword casually, and hacked to death a wolf who wanted to attack his mount with a single strike. With the final right strike, an Orc's head flew straight up.

Allen, who had no enemies in front of him, rode his horse and galloped forward for tens of meters. After stopping the horse and slowing down for a while, he felt that he had regained control of his body. Before he had time to think about it, he hurriedly drove the horse to turn around and prepare for support own subordinates.

However, the battle was over, and the two cavalry teams decided the winner in a stagger. Only Kress and Desaiwei were still chasing and killing a small number of wolf cavalry and wargs who started to flee in all directions.

The combat effectiveness of half-orcs is very low, especially the half-orcs in the Misty Mountains. They are thin and small, with hunched backs and long claws.

Of course, they are also Sauron's minions, and together with the half-orcs of Mount Gundabad in the War of the Ring, they restrained the elves in the Black Forest.

But their weapons and equipment are so poor that Sauron is tantamount to stocking them.

Only when you think about them when doing dirty work, the benefits are almost equal to nothing, that is, Asog rules Moria, and is close enough to Dol Guldur to get the care of the big boss.

In fact, Sauron's direct descendants are half-orcs active in Mordor and Dol Guldur. The troops in these two places are better equipped and have strong combat capabilities.

Therefore, even if the half-orc riding a wolf confronted the elite led by Allen, they would be defeated in a short time.

And Allen's men were actually not much better. The eight Rhodok sharpshooters were all lying on the ground, life and death unknown. After all, they were not professional cavalry, and they were probably scum of level 2 riding.

There are three or four Swadian knights standing on the ground in formation. Their horses were besieged by wolves during the battle, but their riding skills are superb. Even if the horses were attacked and fell to the ground, they could still react quickly and find the same The companions who landed fight together, and the companions who can still ride on the horse at this time are only half of what they were when they came.

"Fatis, Fatis, take all the riders who are still on the horse and follow me to continue chasing, and everyone else will clean up the battlefield!!"

Allen roared to convey his order. He knew that he didn't come here to kill these Orcs, but saving people was the real purpose.

After hearing the order, Fatis shouted at the knights to follow, and Allen turned and led them to chase the remaining Orcs.

The remaining dozen or so wolf cavalrymen saw that their large army was wiped out, and they drew their weapons and began to massacre the prisoners. After a round of slaughter, seeing Allen and his people quickly pressing over, the wolf cavalrymen left behind. The captives who were still alive scattered and fled.

Allen led the cavalry directly to the enemy with the largest number of people and chased them up.

But in the short-distance running, the speed of the horses is not superior to the descendants of these wolves, and the horses are also very tired. After carrying Alan and the others for a long distance, there was another fierce battle. It is really powerless to continue chasing and killing these fleeing scum.

Seeing that the enemy was getting farther and farther away from him, Allen stopped his pursuit and led the people back to the captive.

After being massacred by the Orcs for a round, there were still nearly a hundred captives left. At a glance, no adult men could be seen, all of them were old, young, women and children.

Allen rode on the horse, glanced at the women and children who were cowering and afraid to speak in the face of great changes, and shouted loudly:
"Who is in charge here? Find someone who can speak."

There was confusion in the crowd, and an old woman with white hair and hunchback and wrinkled face walked out of it. She bowed very humbly to Alan who was sitting on the horse, and said gratefully after getting up: "My lord, thank you for your hard work. Come, save us, let us get rid of the tragic fate, and take the liberty to ask, are you from Rohan or Long Lake Town?"

Allen looked at the old woman who was older than his grandmother, hurriedly dismounted, and came to the old woman.

He said softly: "We are neither from Rohan nor from Changhu Town. I and my people migrated here from far away and plan to settle in this area."

A look of surprise flashed across the old woman's old face when she heard this, and she said, "My lord, this is not a good decision, the half-orcs in the Misty Mountains have become active again, since the great battle between the dwarves and the Orcs many years ago , the half-orcs in the Misty Mountains have been silent for a long time, and it was at that time that my grandfather's grandfather led the people to settle down in the forest near the old ferry. It has always been relatively safe here. When I was young I often go together with other children to collect fruits in the forest and catch fish by the river, but I didn’t expect to settle down for such a short time.”

The old woman was in a daze for a moment, feeling startled that she shouldn't have said these things, and quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, my lord, once people get old, they like to talk about useless things."

Allen waved his hand to indicate that it didn't matter, and said in his heart, why these words are useless, they are very useful, but he asked: "Then what are your plans next? I can arrange someone to take you back."

The old woman cheered up slightly, her face was full of worry, she looked at the young leader in front of her with cloudy eyes, and then looked back at the survivors, and said sadly: "What else can I plan?" Well, the village has been destroyed, and all the men who can fight have been slaughtered. Only these women and children are left. If you are willing to protect us, we hope to start a new life under your authority. .”

Alan thought for a while, and felt that he could agree to this request. Alan didn't think too long about the team's later development, and the time he came here was too short. As for whether to settle here, it doesn't always matter. Is there a saying?Do you say that you have traveled through time when you meet people?
Allen's current idea is very simple. If this land has its own owner, then Allen doesn't mind being attached, as long as he has a certain degree of autonomy.

And the secular power structure in The Lord of the Rings is no different from that in early medieval Europe.

There is no one here, I live here, then this land is mine, if you refuse to accept, we will fight, whoever submits first will lose, although Allen is not willing to conflict with humans, dwarves or elves, but I don't mind grabbing a piece of land from the Orcs, but the process is more troublesome and takes longer.

Moreover, Alan roughly figured out his position by talking with the old woman in front of him.

The old woman said about the Orcs in the Misty Mountains, and mentioned that she lived near the old ferry. If it was really the Misty Mountains and the nearby old ferry that Alan knew, then the location would be clear.

This is the Great Wilderness on the east side of the Misty Mountains in the Central State Continent. The ferry the old woman mentioned connects the old pass in the Misty Mountains and the old dense forest road on the edge of the southern Black Forest.

If it is not clear, the Lonely Mountain Expeditionary Team in the Hobbit Journey was attacked by Azog. After the Eagle rescued them, they were thrown to Karl Rock near here, which is a bit far away. It is 60 miles north from here. The kilometer should be there, and Allen decided to go to this famous scenic spot tomorrow to check in.

In Allen's impression, the land between the Black Forest and the Misty Mountains has no owner at this time, at least there is no major force.

Most of the northern humans gathered in the river valley city-states on the northern edge of the Black Forest, and at most some forest dwellers established villages in the nearby forests.

The most powerful one should be Beorn near Karl Rock. He is not an easy person to deal with, but he lives alone, and as far as Allen knows, his clan does not have many people, or he is the only one left. ?

As for Maya who also lives in this area, as long as he doesn't wreak havoc on the environment or disturb his life, Radagast won't care about adding Alan and his neighbors.

And the present time is more than 100 years after the battle between the dwarves and the Orcs. The Orcs are so arrogant, it must not be after the Battle of the Five Armies, because that battle also destroyed the Orcs in the Misty Mountains. Before the Great War, they spent most of their time making orcs with their tails between their legs.

Then it was before the Battle of the Five Armies. The distance between the Battle of the Five Armies and the battle between the Dwarves and the Orcs should be a hundred and a few decades. Alan didn’t remember the specific time so clearly. The time span here is still a bit long. Alan Unable to pinpoint the current year.

But being able to come to the third era is also a good thing. At least Alan still knows a little bit about the major events in this time period. To walk, elves are not as good as dogs to survive on the battlefield.

Don't you see, when the Twin Towers were plotting, the Ents were besieging Isengard with the belief that they must die, which is enough to see the tragic extent of the war in the First Era.

So in the current situation, there is no way to go back anyway. If possible, Allen hopes to use his own efforts to shelter some northern humans who have suffered a lot in this era.

And you can also witness great deeds one after another. Although it can't keep up with the War of the Ring, you can still participate in the Battle of the Five Armies. If you have a chance, you can also look at the treasures left by Thorin Oakenshield and Smaug. This talkative dragon is also very good, and the movie is not as good as being on the scene.

"We have also just migrated to this place. Currently, the conditions may be difficult, but my people will arrive here one after another. I think life will always get better and better. I mean, you are welcome to join. "

Due to his inexperience, Allen, with a somewhat cramped expression, formally responded to the old woman's request.

When the old woman heard that Alan agreed to her request, she forced a smile on her face, and continued to forcefully say, "My lord, thank you for your kindness."

She paused and continued: "I'm so old-fashioned. I haven't introduced myself for so long. My name is Dossie Lessing. You can call me Dossie."

Allen nodded and returned: "Just call me Allen."

After speaking, he called out Fatis who was bandaging the villagers, introduced each other to the two sides, and asked Fatis to help Dossley bury the people who were killed by Oak. The wounded who were dealt with were found a way to be carried back to the camp, and they were saved as much as possible.

After arranging everything here, Allen got on his horse and rushed back to the previous battlefield. From a distance, he saw Jamila bandaging the wounds of three Luoshen who were sitting on the ground.

On the other hand, Elaine took four horseless Si cavalry and three Luoshen who could still move, and piled up the enemy's corpses to prepare for burning.

Desaiwei was on guard at a high place. After seeing Alan coming back, he waved his hand to say hello to Alan. Kress, where is Kress?Oh, squatting by the pile of corpses and looking for something.

Allen was a little curious about what Kress had found, but it was obviously not the most important thing at the moment. Allen should go and see the wounded first.

Allen, who was approaching, greeted Jamila, who was bandaging the wounded, and nodded in response to the greetings of the wounded. Then he noticed two comatose Luoshen next to him, and the two wounded could be seen The bloodstains on their faces had been cleaned, and they lay there motionless, only their slightly heaving chests could prove that they were still alive.

After finishing bandaging her hands, Jamila waved her hands to wipe the sweat off her face and said with a smile, "Your Excellency, are you back? How is the situation ahead?"

Allen looked at Jamila, who had covered his face with blood and didn't know it, a little strange. Why can Jamila, who is kind in the game, still laugh at this time?Is it because I am used to seeing life and death?

"People have been saved, but let the remaining scum escape."

Allen answered Jamila's question, then squatted down and asked cautiously: "How about the casualties? These two people?"

Jamila was taken aback, and the smile on her face became more gentle: "My lord, what's wrong with you? The two brothers, Arnold and Arnold, are really lucky. When they fell, they just broke their heads. Who told them to be brave?" Come on, it deserves it, if you break your neck, you can't save it. Fortunately, you are just in a coma now, and you should be able to recover after lying down for a few days. This time is really lucky, there is no companion who died directly .”

While talking, Jamila's expression gradually became a little lonely, "Unlike the last time, Arman was shot in the head, and he just disappeared."

If you don't die directly but go into a coma, will you recover in a few days?Allen was a little confused for a moment whether this was reality or a game.

But since Jamila said so, Alan felt that he shouldn't be too surprised. It's better to observe more. There is something wrong with this team. Afterwards, Alan comforted the wounded and said hello to Jamila. , ready to go to Kress to see what this little girl is looking for.

"Find anything interesting?"

Allen, who was already quietly standing behind Kress, said suddenly.

Kress, who was concentrating on searching for loot, jumped forward when he heard the sound, and a throwing knife quickly appeared in his hand.

Then he turned around and saw that it was Allen, with an angry expression on his dirty face: "Boss, don't talk like that behind my back suddenly, I'm going to throw you with a throwing knife, I'm very accurate, Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh." Kress said as he threw the throwing knife, of course, he definitely wouldn't actually throw it.

After making a fuss for a while, Kress took out a pendant from somewhere on his body. It was a small piece of rough sapphire, which had only been polished initially, and there were spots of skin in many places.

But this does not hinder its beauty. The exposed part is a deep sea blue, shaking slightly in Kress's hand, flashing a charming light, and a thin hemp rope is just tied to the sapphire's In the depression, judging from the moistness of the gemstone skin, the former owner should have loved it very much.

"This is for you."

As he spoke, Kress approached Allen, lowered his head and whispered, "Boss, don't be angry with me anymore, do you think I could have saved so many people if it weren't for me?"

Allen didn't actually have the idea of ​​getting angry, but just responded in some specific scenarios that he thought was the most appropriate, so as not to arouse the suspicion of other people in the team, but until now, Allen felt that his performance was okay, that is, Sometimes it feels like I'm not quite myself.

Picking up the sapphire in Kress's hand, Allen picked it up and looked at the sky. Unfortunately, it is cloudy now. If the sun is good enough, this gemstone should be more beautiful. Then he stretched out his hands and lifted the gemstone Hanging around Kress' neck.

Although it is said that this gem was found from a pile of dead people, Kress probably wouldn't care about this kind of thing, at least Alan didn't see any emotion from Kress's happy face.

Subconsciously pinching Kress's face, Allen was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and said with a smile: "You can only go back after you clean yourself up." After speaking, he left in a happy mood.

Alan, who didn't want to do anything, went back to Jamila and sat down next to him, chatting with the wounded casually, trying to get to know himself from them. previous performance.

In the end, before we had a few words, I saw the young man Elaine walking over with a limping Orc with his hands bound.

"My lord, this guy is still alive, do you want to have a trial?"

Allen pulled the rope hard, and Oak staggered and knelt down in front of Allen. Although he was kneeling, he looked at Allen with disdain.

Allen looked at Oak kneeling in front of him blankly, "Heh!" He sneered, stood up and grabbed his collar, and with a lot of force, he was slowly lifted up from the ground, reaching a Height at eye level with oneself.

Allen stared into his eyes and said slowly: "Who is your master? Where are you taking these prisoners?"

It can be seen that this Orc is in great pain, his feet are kicking wildly, trying to find a support point for himself, his bound hands are swinging wildly, and an ugly voice squeezed out from his throat: " Since you dare to touch the tribute that the leader gave to the Lord, the leader will definitely not let you go."

"Who is your leader? Is it Azog? Borg? Or that fat man from Orc Town."

The raised Oak had a grim face, and the saliva in his mouth flowed onto Alan's hand, but he still spoke stiffly, saying:

"You don't have to bother to ask, because you are all dead, and my leader will definitely come with a boundless army..."

Alan didn't even let him finish his sentence, so he threw him to the ground. After taking a few short breaths, the dirty guy laughed sinisterly, with undisguised mockery and Contempt: "Heh~heh~heh~heh~, be afraid, scum, you have moved the tribute that the leader gave to the Lord, soon, soon you will all be killed, captured, and enslaved, the leader I will never let you go."

"Okay, I know that fat man in Orc Town is your leader, so you don't need to say so much."

Just now when Allen said a few names, when it came to Azog and Borg, the Orc's eyes didn't respond at all. When he heard the word "dead fat man", Orc's eyes immediately changed, and Allen was shocked. Know who he is.

Allen waved his hand, "Send him on his way."

"Okay, my lord."

Allen replied, turned around and kicked Oak who was lying on the ground hard, and dragged him towards the pile of corpses that had been set on fire.


Allen, who sat down again, exhaled lightly, and looked at the thick clouds in the sky.

"Just don't let it rain."

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(End of this chapter)

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