Chapter 41 Glen and Estelle

Late at night, Alan, who was lying near Thorin Oakenshield, did not fall asleep.

He had been quietly observing Thorin Oakenshield, who was also unable to sleep and was tossing and turning.

Before that, Allen had no choice but to say those words recklessly in the cave.

The dwarf prince's resistance to elves was too strong.

Now, the plot has undergone tremendous changes under Allen's intervention.

Radagast, the brown-robed wizard, will definitely not drive his rabbit wooden pry to Eriador's side again to deliver the news of Dol Guldur to Gandalf.

Because as early as last year, under the influence of Allen, Gandalf already knew about this.

As for the expedition team, due to Alan's warning, everyone's footsteps were much faster than in the movie. It was impossible for the wolf cavalry to catch up with Alan and his party in a short period of time.

So whether Gandalf can still find a chance to let the entire expedition team enter the deep valley, it becomes unknown.

In addition, if everyone didn't enter the deep valley, they would soon enter the edge of the Misty Mountain Range. At that time, the speed of the team would definitely be greatly reduced.

If these dozen or so people were overtaken by wolf cavalry in the mountains, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Alan was actually worried about another thing, that is, under his own interference, the map of Thorin Oakenshield was not shown to Lord Elrond.

So who will interpret the information on the map?Alan himself?
If the final result was like this, then Alan would definitely not tell Thorin Oakenshield at this time.

By Gandalf's side, he didn't want to do this. It was too conspicuous. It is impossible for a human being to have enough time to learn so much knowledge.

He would rather wait until the last day of Durin to tell Thorin Oakenshield this information on the Lonely Mountain.

At least Gandalf wasn't around at that time, and these dwarves didn't care too much about these details.

Moreover, Allen was certain that Thorin Oakenshield would agree to his proposal.

The dwarf prince, who is neither stupid nor ill, knows that he needs the help of the elves?
Didn't Gandalf say "You need the help of the elves." It made him feel arrogant, so he couldn't get off the stage.

Facing a man with strong self-esteem like Thorin Oakenshield, he absolutely cannot directly reveal his weak side.

At the very least, let his dignity be preserved, otherwise, when Lord Elrond made an invitation, Thorin Oakenshield could obviously take the dwarves away.

But he didn't. Instead, he went in with a group of dwarves. This meant that Thorin Oakenshield was only asking for face. As long as there was a step, he would walk down it.

Therefore, Allen gave him a step now, that is, he does not need to come forward, and the information on the map is handled by Allen and Gandalf.

In this way, he can barely take care of his face and get the corresponding information. This is the best way Allen can think of.

If Thorin Oakenshield still refuses to compromise tomorrow morning, then Alan will have no choice but to part ways with the members of the expedition after leaving the Misty Mountains.

Originally, Allen didn't intend to participate in the plot of the Black Forest, did he get caught between the two big guys?I can only try my best to help them deal with each other.

After Allen returns to Wilderness Village, he will prepare to send troops to Changhu Town.

Thorin Oakenshield would almost find the secret door at that time, but he couldn't find the keyhole if there was a secret door, and he was anxious about some of them.

At that time, Alan took a look at the map, and then told Thorin Oakenshield that he could barely understand it, then the initiative would come to Alan.

At that time, whether Alan will help him, when to help him, and what price he needs to pay to help him will depend on Alan's mood! !

Allen thought about these messy things for most of the night, and in the end he just fell asleep for a while.

The next morning, Thorin Oakenshield, who hadn't had much rest all night, handed the map to Allen with his neck stuck.

His complexion was extremely ugly. When he handed over the map, he repeatedly emphasized that his team would never enter the gate of the valley.

Aaron took the map and handed it to Gandalf beside him. The two exchanged a look, and smiled quietly while carrying Thorin Oak Shield on their backs.

Not long after, the whole team, led by Gandalf, embarked on a wilderness with heather, and headed for the valley.

The weather was not particularly good, and it was raining lightly. Although this would wash away the smell of the team, it also caused a lot of trouble for the team to move forward. The dwarves were always muttering and complaining.

Allen discovered that these dwarves really like to complain, especially after encountering unhappy things.

The noise was as loud as hundreds of ducks calling at the same time, which made Alan very irritable.

Their characters are too straightforward, so that they are not able to hide their thoughts.

Even the two young royal families, Fili and Kili, are not immune. In comparison, the performance of the two kings, Sorin and Dyne, can be said to be much better.

That afternoon, Gandalf led the team into a very hidden path.

This place is extremely secretive. If someone hadn't led it, Alan would never have noticed that this place is actually an entrance

When a group of people walked to the entrance, they faced a narrow valley, the width of which could only accommodate two people walking side by side at most.

They trekked in the valley for a long time before they came out. At this time, it was already approaching night.

Everyone rested for a night in a slightly wider place, and then embarked on the journey again.

Compared with the front, the road behind is much easier to walk, and it is obvious that someone regularly maintains the road.

Soon, a group of people walked out of the winding passage and came to the top of the valley.

Glen, located in a canyon in the wilderness, was opened up by the elves led by Elrond in the second era. It is a very hidden and beautiful home.

Once upon a time, this place also faced the threat of darkness, and was besieged by the army led by Sauron. The elves living here launched a tenacious resistance, but they were not conquered in the end.

So after that, this area became the largest gathering place of elves in Eastern Eriador.

Now, Allen is following Gandalf along the steps on the cliff towards the deep valley.

The dwarves stayed behind Allen, where they camped and waited for them.

What could Ellen and Gandalf say?I can only go with them.

Ellen, who was following Gandalf, walked while admiring the scenery here.

He looked at the rumbling waterfalls next to the elf living area, and he didn't understand.

How do these elves live in such a noisy place?Can they sleep well at night?Won't you be mentally weak?
Many records say that this is a beautiful and comfortable place, and the beauty is very beautiful, but Alan doesn't know how to talk about it.

As the two walked towards the canyon, the roar of the waterfall gradually became quieter, leaving only the gurgling sound of the small river flowing on the rocks.

Immediately afterwards, the two crossed a stone bridge and entered the gate of the valley.

Lord Elrond promised to help last year, so the rest is pretty smooth

Being kind, he also personally sent messengers to invite a group of dwarves to the deep valley.

With the invitation of the elf lord, Thorin Oakenshield did not continue to be stubborn, and lived in the valley.

That night, Lord Elrond got the map, and he, who was very knowledgeable, saw the moon text on it at a glance, but the time was wrong, so he asked everyone to stay here for a few more days.

The people who came down all the way, naturally wished for it, even Thorin Oakenshield expressed his gratitude to Lord Elrond.

After all, Lord Elrond at this time not only did not stop them, but also helped them, and this dwarf prince was not an uneducated person.

Regardless of others, Allen rested comfortably in this pleasant climate and beautiful scenery.

He likes to stay near the waterfall on weekdays, watching the water fall from a high place and splash into the pool.

But the sound it makes is not noisy at all, but very pleasant.

In this regard, Allen only thought of the word magic.

During this period, Lord Elrond also came to chat with Allen many times, with various contents.

Most of the time, Allen could only listen quietly, because there were some things he thought he couldn't say, and some things he didn't know clearly.

But there are also many times when Allen can barely communicate with this boss, such as the many wars that humans participated in during the Second Era.

Another example is the war between the Kingdom of Arno and the Witch King of Angmar that took place in the third era. Allen knew a lot about it, so he said a few more words, and at the same time expressed his regret for the Kingdom of Arno.

Soon the two were chatting about the kings of men, the Numenorans.

Of course Allen knew the origin of the elf lord in front of him and the Númenorans.

As a descendant of Eärendil, this half-elf has the right to choose. Elrond, who loves life, chose to become an elf and has lived from the first era to the present.

But his twin brother chose human beings and became the first king of Númenor.

In other words, all the royal families of Gondor and Arnor are his descendants.

But Allen didn't say much. He didn't know which information was top secret, and he could only make some comments on the current Kingdom of Gondor and the Dúnedain who were active in Eriador.

Even so, Allen expressed too much information.

Finally in a chat, Elrond asked Alan's age.

What he was curious about was how Alan, who seemed to be in his early 20s, knew so much.

At the same time, Elrond also had some speculations about Alan's origin.

At this time, Alan was only about 20 years old from the outside, but in fact he was already in his early 40s.

Alan didn't want to lie to the elf lord, nor could he lie to the wise half-elf.

Therefore, Allen truthfully told Elrond his age.

That conversation was over.

In the next few days, Elrond did not come to Alan.

Allen also thought that he had gained the trust of Elrond during the chats of the past few days, so he gradually felt relieved.

But soon, Lord Elrond introduced a young man to Allen, that was Aragorn, of course, at this time he was still called Estel.

Lord Elrond called him the only son of his friend, and he is currently living in the valley.

At that time, the ten-year-old boy, who was already in full bloom, stood beside his mother Gilleen, looking at Alan with elegance and confidence.

Although Alan has always wanted to see Aragorn when he was a child, the fact that he received asylum here is a secret, and now even Aragorn himself does not know his life experience.

Therefore, Allen didn't know how to mention this to Lord Elrond, and even he had given up on this idea.

Now, this boy suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and Allen didn't know what to say.

But this little accident did not prevent Allen from liking the boy in front of him very much.

In the chat, his words were well-organized and contained truth, and he had begun to possess the wisdom of an elf.

But he retained his pride in his heart, and he acted boldly and decisively without fear.

After meeting with Allen many times and getting to know him well, he actually asked to have a swordsmanship competition with Allen.

Who made Alan always tell him something about fighting the orcs.

This aroused Gillian's dissatisfaction, but Allen didn't care and agreed.

Because Allen will leave the valley tomorrow and embark on a journey again, and the next meeting may be decades away, and this is just a small request.

It's just that Allen doesn't know much about swordsmanship at all. He has always relied on his senses and physical fitness far beyond ordinary people, as well as his knowledge and proficiency in various weapons.

This led to Alan's incomprehensible holding back and undoing moves, often just one move, which drove this proud young man into a desperate situation.

The results of several competitions were like this, which made Estel feel a little depressed. He was surrounded by extremely old elves, and no one could compete with him.

He also always thought that his sword skills were quite good, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even pass a single move in front of Allen today.

In fact, he always thought of Alan as a young man under 20 years old.

Looking at Estelle who was depressed in front of him, Alan pondered for a while and made a decision.

In fact, Allen had always wanted to give this boy something, but he searched all over his body and couldn't find a suitable gift.

But today, he pulled out the Noldo Rune sword from his waist, and casually drew a few sword flowers in front of Estel.

The bright silver blade reflected several sharp rays of light in Estelle's eyes, and the talisman engraved on the blade seemed to emit a faint silver light, which attracted the young man's attention.

Allen held the long sword in front of his eyes, looked at it, and said to Estel: "This long sword has not been with me for too long, but the evil people who died under its sharp blade , I don’t know how many, because there is nothing memorable, I have never named it.”

With that said, Allen handed the sigil sword to Estel, Estel took it in a daze, and Allen patted him on the shoulder.

He smiled and said: "Today I will present it to you and name it Hope after your name. I believe that you will be able to obtain a weapon that is more suitable for you in the future, but before that, I hope it can always protect you. , work for you."

The boy was stunned, and looked at his mother aside. Strangely, Gilleen didn't object, but asked Estel to thank Allen.

Allen waved his hand, bid farewell to Gillian mother and son, and ended today's meeting.

Early the next morning, the members of the expedition had packed up and were ready to leave.

Elrond told Alan that if he had time, he would always be welcome in the valley, and at the same time prepared three bags of Miruvo as a gift, which he gave to Alan, Gandalf and Thorin Oakenshield.

In this way, everyone left the deep valley and embarked on the journey again.

(End of this chapter)

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