Chapter 42 Orc Town
The Misty Mountains are the longest mountain range in Middle-earth, stretching more than 800 kilometers from south to north.

It is a mountain range that was forcibly pulled up from the earth by Morgoth using his own power in ancient times.

It is said that Morgoth acted madly in order to protect his subordinates from the hunt of Orome, the hunter in Vera.

To the north, it borders the Gray Mountains, the Gundabad Mountains, and the Angmar Mountains.

Go south directly to the Ferry of Rohan, where Saruman's Isengard is located.

Among them, the two most important gaps that can cross the mountains are Gao Pass and Hongjiao Peak.

And now, the members of the expedition team are walking on the road of the high pass.

In fact, there are two high and low passages here in the high pass, and the lower one is relatively wide and easy to walk.At the end of the Second Era, during the Great War of the Last Alliance, armies passed through here.

The roads at high altitudes are very steep, and ordinary people in the brigade will not be able to cross them.

But in recent years, the activities of orcs have been very frequent, and the low roads are very dangerous.

So the expedition team, at the suggestion of Gandalf, set foot on the road to the heights of the High Pass.

Yes, due to Alan's influence, the Baidaohui did not hold a meeting in the valley.

Therefore, the gray-robed wizard was able to set foot on the Misty Mountains with the dwarves.

At this time, the horses in the team could no longer follow them, so everyone shared the supplies above and drove the horses back.

Bilbo Baggins was a little worried about them, but according to Gandalf, they would go back to the valley without any problems and live there.

At this time, Allen was more worried about the safety of the expedition members.

Because the cave in Orc Town has been dug here, and the moment of fate will be born at this time, he doesn't know whether to stop it.

Allen was a little anxious, so he could only sullenly, doing investigative work in front of the team.

But without horses, Alan couldn't get too far away from the team, and the efficiency of detection was very low.

Fortunately, the team trekked in the mountains for more than a week, and did not encounter any accidents or enemies.

The weather has also been good, which made Alan feel better gradually, and gave up the idea of ​​interfering in anything.

Although the road is relatively difficult, everyone is in a good mood, talking and chatting along the way.

After all, everyone rested well in the valley, and their physical and mental strength have fully recovered.

But all of this was ruined today. In the torrential rain, even though everyone was wearing rain ponchos, the cold rain still soaked through everyone's clothes.

The roads in the mountains also became slippery and difficult to walk under the blessing of rain. From time to time, there were gravels and muddy water on the top of the head.

Allen keenly sensed that something was wrong, and asked to reduce the speed of the entire team. Thorin Oakenshield looked at the bad weather and agreed.

Even if the speed is reduced, there are many dangers along the way.

Fortunately, other people said that the dwarf chassis is stable, and the two big races have rich experience in wild survival.

Only Bilbo Baggins, who had a small sword hanging from his waist, was particularly uncomfortable.

The hobbit had never traveled such a steep road in all his life around Hobbiton.

And the current predicament made this hobbit, who had never traveled far, feel extremely difficult.

In a short period of time, his life was in danger many times, and members of the expedition team helped him to varying degrees.

Otherwise, his little life would have been lost in this dangerous mountain long ago.

And our leader, the venomous Thorin Oakenshield, was extremely dissatisfied with the hobbits, thinking that Bilbo Baggins had dragged down the whole team.

Even to save Bilbo's life, he did not forget to speak a few heart-wrenching words.

The dangerous environment and heart-pounding words made Bilbo Baggins' thoughts constantly changing.

Allen could see that the hobbit's nostalgia for the valley was getting deeper and deeper.

However, something even more unlucky happened. A boulder that looked bigger than Allen flew towards him who was walking at the front of the team.

The boulder didn't attack Allen deliberately, but smashed hard in front of Allen.

The rumbling sound reached Allen's ears instantly, and the splashed fragments even scratched his sweaty cheeks.

Death has never been so close to Allen. At that moment Allen stopped, and after a few seconds of being stunned, Allen turned around and yelled for everyone to back off.

The team fell into chaos for a while, but soon, under the command of Thorin Oakenshield, Gandalf and Allen, they ran towards the original road, away from the stone giant battle site.

Even so, there would be deafening noises coming from behind from time to time, forcing everyone's footsteps to become more hurried.

Soon, everyone came to the back of a mountain, and rumbling sounds kept ringing from the other side of the mountain.

Everyone panted with livid faces, and no longer had the desire to speak.

The heavy rain in the sky has never stopped, but the rumbling sound finally subsided after an hour.

Everyone had no choice but to continue to walk heavily on the road between the mountains.

Although the road was somewhat damaged by the battle of stone giants, it is still possible to pass through with caution.

It's just that it takes a lot of time, and everyone looks more tired.

Thorin Oakenshield asked Allen to find a suitable place to rest. Allen nodded and set off.

Not long after, Allen finally found a cave in a slightly hidden place. It was very wide and very dry inside, which was very suitable for everyone to camp here.

Allen didn't know if this was the cave in the movie, or if it wasn't, and he didn't care anymore.

What he knew was that the current expedition team was in very poor condition. If they didn't rest, their tired bodies and tense spirits might kill them.

Thorin Oakenshield, who got the news, asked if the cave was safe.

Allen frowned and said, "None of the caves in the Misty Mountains is safe. You'd better sleep with one eye open."

Thorin Oakenshield smiled when he heard it, but didn't say much.

Due to Allen's previous suggestion, Thorin Oakenshield lived in Glen for a long time.

As Lord Elrond showed no objection to the matter of the expedition, and helped the dwarves a great deal.

This changed Thorin Oakenshield's attitude towards the elves of the valley, and made him grateful from the bottom of his heart for the efforts made by Aaron and Gandalf.

So after walking out of the deep valley, Thorin Oakenshield secretly expressed his gratitude to Allen, and Allen felt it and responded.

This greatly eased the relationship between the two, and made the conversation between Allen and Thorin Oakenshield no longer as formal as before.

Everyone was very tired. When they heard that there was a place to rest, they quickened their pace. After a while, they arrived at the camping place under the guidance of Allen.

Everyone built a fire, and after eating something, they began to rest. Too many things happened that day.

At this time, Bofur was watching the night, Bilbo was planning to escape, and Ellen was close to Gandalf, afraid to sleep.

He was a little worried that this cave was also connected to the orc town. Allen even thought that all the caves near the high pass led to the orc den.

Sure enough, when everyone was resting, the orcs attacked as scheduled.

Although Bilbo, who was about to run away, warned them, everyone was caught in a sudden panic by the orcs, but Gandalf and Alan were not found.

Gandalf used magic in Alan's earlier warning, which made Gandalf and Alan next to him inconspicuous.

After waiting for the commotion to subside, the two jumped into the orc town before the stone gap closed.

It was damp and gloomy here, and only a few torches brought a little light here, and Allen, who was in the middle, could barely see the road under his feet clearly.

The person in charge here is Allen's old friend the Orc King.

His subordinates often use this method to capture passing caravans.

Therefore, the expedition team was not deliberately ambushed, but encountered a trap of orcs.

A large number of orcs ran towards the depths of the cave along the wooden suspension bridge.

They wanted to see who was so lucky to catch the prey today.

After all, it has been a long time since there have been any pedestrians on Gaokou Pass.

Allen hides in the dark. He doesn't have the talent of a hobbit, and he can slip away quietly in the crowd. He needs to hide well.

After all the orcs had left, Allen drew out his long sword and followed along the path the orcs had walked.

After Allen jumped down, he couldn't see the old man. It may be that the wizard's magic affected Allen's sight, or he may have his own plan.

In short, it was not Alan's turn to worry about his safety, so he tidied up a little bit, and Alan followed along the path the orc had gone to.

Alan, who was walking along the road, saw a little bit of blue light falling into the depths of the darkness just after turning a corner. It was Bilbo Baggins and his sting.

Allen knows that the gears of fate are rolling, and the ring that affects Middle Earth will also find its new owner at this time.

It's just that what this ring didn't expect was that it was not a good thing to go from the hands of an otaku to another strong-willed Buddhist player.

In fact, Allen was on the road, and he had always thought about whether to tell Gandalf about the ring early. This matter has been entangled in Allen's mind for a long time.

Only in the end, Allen decided not to speak.

Allen had a lot of worries. In fact, Sauron's strength had almost recovered at this time.

His shadow has once again shrouded Middle Earth a long time ago.

Think about it, ten years later, Sauron showed his chariots and horses in Mordor and told everyone that he was back, and he has been fighting against Gondor ever since.

It is conceivable how strong his strength is at this time.

Another concern of Allen is the white robe wizard Saruman.

If at this time, Gandalf knew the whereabouts of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, he would definitely call everyone in the White Daoist Society to discuss how to deal with it.

Then this Supreme Ring will have a great probability of falling into the hands of Saruman, the leader of the White Daoist Society. Alan cannot accept this result anyway.

At that time, the War of the Lord of the Rings will definitely be advanced. In addition to dealing with Sauron, the good camp will also have to deal with Saruman who has fallen into power and possesses the Lord of the Rings.

Then the world will enter the era of twin towers competing for supremacy, which is simply a nightmare mode.

Allen didn't dare to imagine what kind of disaster his people would suffer by that time.

Allen also thought about whether Gandalf would go directly to Mount Doom after learning of the whereabouts of the Supreme Ring, and then Allen denied this idea.

In the original trajectory, after Gandalf determined the whereabouts of the Supreme Ring, he still asked Frodo to take the ring to the valley, where he consulted Lord Elrond.

So at this time, Gandalf will indeed change his route after knowing, but it is more likely to go to Rose Lorien, and then organize a meeting to discuss how to deal with it.

At this time, Saruman has sunk into strength, but he has not exposed it. He has many opportunities and is aboveboard.

After thinking about it, Allen felt that it would be better for him not to do anything, but to find more opportunities to develop his own strength and bring a new possibility to the Lord of the Rings War.

As for whether to keep it for his own use, Allen scoffed at it.

Let's not talk about whether Allen can control the power in the Lord of the Rings.

He didn't have Bilbo Baggins' wanting and wanting.

So at this time, when he saw that ray of blue light, he went straight forward without hesitation.

Until he saw a bright, empty cave full of orcs crawling everywhere.

There are at least a thousand of them densely packed.

And a huge half-orc was leading a few small half-orcs singing heavy metal music, and in front of his eyes were the dwarves who had been captured.

Allen crawled and slowly approached the concert site.

When he got closer, Alan saw Gandalf, who was hiding in a corner and didn't know what he was preparing for.

Gandalf also noticed Alan, and he put his index finger next to his mouth, signaling Alan to keep quiet.

Alan knew what was going to happen next, so he narrowed his eyes consciously.

He knew that the time to get away was coming.

Soon, Gandalf released the magic he had prepared for a long time.

A burst of strong light, accompanied by a strong wind, hit the orcs around.

The strong light directly blinded all the orcs, and the strong wind almost blew out the nearby fires.

Then Gandalf's voice, loud and majestic, echoed through the cave.

"Take up your weapons and fight, quick."

Inspired by this voice, the dwarves who recovered faster grabbed their weapons one after another.

Accompanied by Gandalf's voice, "Follow me."

Everyone ran after Gandalf.

Soon, the cave was in chaos, and the dwarves fled along the narrow road while fighting with the besieging orcs.

These half-orcs seemed to be inexhaustible. They waved the scimitars and wooden sticks in their hands, and blocked everyone like crazy.

In just ten minutes, hundreds of orc corpses lay on the road the dwarves walked on.

And Allen followed at the end of the team, running fast while killing the dregs who blocked him.

As the team kept running, some half-orcs holding bows and arrows soon appeared everywhere in the cave.

Arrows swished over the dwarf's head, and the team fell into danger for a while.

Faced with this situation, Allen decisively put away the long sword in his hand and took out the Noldor Rune Bow.

He came to the center of the procession, and under the cover of the other dwarves, he shot the orc archers.

After all, he doesn't know Legolas' gorgeous bow fighting skills, and he can kill all directions with a bow.

Under Allen's precise attack, these half-orc archers suffered heavy casualties, and no more bows and arrows attacked the team.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone speeded up again to catch up with Gandalf.

Just when everyone stepped on a wooden bridge, the wooden bridge deck broke suddenly, and the orc king appeared in front of everyone.

He waved the scepter in his hand and attacked Gandalf. The powerful force forced the gray-robed wizard back.

At this time, behind everyone was a black orc, and in front of them was a half-orc king who blocked the road by himself.

Allen didn't want to wait for the big guy to say anything, he raised the rune bow in his hand, and shot an arrow towards his head, nailing him to the bridge deck.

It can be regarded as revenge for the soldiers who died in the past few years.

It's just that Allen forgot that the wooden bridge under everyone's feet couldn't bear the ravages of the Orc King's corpse at all.

It broke while shaking, and he was caught off guard, and fell into the deep pit with all his companions.

Fortunately, there were many dwarves under Alan, and he was not injured at this time.

Unfortunately, Alan, who fell all over the place, just reacted.

The huge body of the orc king pressed heavily on everyone, causing secondary damage to everyone.

Even before that, Alan sensed the danger and struggled to turn over
But the left arm was still suppressed, and bursts of piercing pain hit Allen's brain.

 I opened my eyes and saw that I actually had a helmsman. Thank you, Mr. Chen Lubai. Thank you, thank you. I will try to update more tomorrow. By the way, the movie will be over tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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