Chapter 65 The End of Azog Part [-]

Raven Ridge, located on the mountain range to the south of the Lonely Mountain, is a very high hill.

Due to the good view here, when the Lonely Mountain Kingdom was prosperous, the dwarves also built many outposts on it to guard against dark forces coming from other directions.

These places have not been repaired since Smaug took possession of the Lonely Mountain.

After all, the dragon doesn't even have a servant.

And the leader of the half-orcs, the number one thug of the Dark Lord in the north, the pale orc Azog, placed his headquarters on one of the outposts.

This outpost is located on the mountain between River Valley City and the Lonely Mountain Kingdom, overlooking most of the city of River Valley City, and the battlefield in front of the gate of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom can also be seen at a glance.

I have to say that Azog chose a good place.

It's just that the situation of this pale orc is not very good.

He took a look at the Uruk soldiers who had collapsed on the frontal battlefield.

After a while, take a look at the northern half-orcs that have appeared in the northwest.

Immediately, this excellent general among the orcs estimated the strength of both sides in his mind, and decisively issued an order for a full-scale attack.

The dull horn sounded again from the direction of Raven Ridge, spreading in all directions.

This order has no effect on the Uruk soldiers on the frontal battlefield.

Driven by the cavalry and chased and intercepted by the infantry, these guys have completely collapsed and dispersed.

Not to mention fighting the coalition forces head-on, even the task of rushing to Raven Ridge could no longer be completed.

However, the Snagas who came from Gundabad Mountain suddenly accelerated their marching pace, and they could already vaguely receive Azog's order.

It was at this time that Allen led his bodyguards and two skin changers to the foot of Raven Ridge.

And Thorin Oakenshield led his elite cavalry unit, rode goats, and rushed towards Azog's headquarters nimbly from the cliffs and cliffs.

They were going to execute the beheading operation.

And Allen could only obediently walk up the old and dilapidated mountain road.

After all, no matter how strong the elf horse is, it can't climb mountains.

The arrival of Allen and Thorin Oakenshield finally alarmed the orcs on Raven Ridge.

Especially Azog, who was standing in the command position before, with an uneasy face, was surprised after hearing such news.

Although Azog was afraid of the surprise attack of thousands of elves, he didn't mind killing dozens of desperate guys.

In particular, he learned that Thorin Oakenshield led the dwarves, and the elves were led by the fellow who had shot him in the left arm.

These are all his enemies.

Azog's scarred face quickly turned from surprise to a smirk. Unexpectedly, these two people ran over to die now.

Azog kept a lot of soldiers and elites in Raven Ridge, and he was not afraid of a small group of enemy raids.

It's just that Azog had to be more careful about his collapse on the frontal battlefield and his previous experience.

He didn't want to repeat the scene in front of the gate of Moria again.

Thinking of this, Azog began to give orders loudly.

"Let all the soldiers do their best to prevent the elf cavalry from approaching the top of the mountain."

Afterwards, he said to his personal guards: "Get those four trolls ready, once the battle starts on the top of the mountain, let them support here immediately."

Seeing his subordinates leave with orders, Azog smiled sinisterly.

Then he left the podium with dozens of personal guards and walked towards the outpost where only the ruins remained.

Azog was going to lie in ambush here, to give Thorin Oakenshield a big surprise, to avenge the humiliation of the severed arm.

Azog had also given up his command on the frontal battlefield, and the Uruk soldiers had already collapsed, and it was meaningless to command or not to command.

And his other legion, more than 2 northern half-orcs, has not yet fought the enemy. At this time, there is no need for too much command.

In Azog's plan, he had enough time to play with Thorin Oakenshield.

So, when Thorin Oakenshield led the dwarven goat cavalry and climbed to Azog's command, there was no one there.

Sorin Oakenshield, who was looking around, saw a large number of half-orcs from Gundabad Mountain, not surprisingly.

Looking at the half-orcs pouring out of the mountain continuously, Thorin Oakenshield's mood fell into the bottom of the valley again.

The victory in the frontal battlefield made Thorin Oakenshield full of hope. As long as Azog was successfully killed and the expedition to recover the Lonely Mountain would be successfully concluded.

Now, his desire to kill Azog became more urgent.

This urgency prompted Thorin Oakenshield to act impulsively. He could guess that Azog must be ambushing him somewhere, but Thorin Oakenshield didn't care.

Because Thorin Oakenshield knew that he had to kill this pale orc as soon as possible, so as to make the boundless orcs lose their command.

Only the armies of dwarves, humans, and elves can have hope of victory.

Thinking of this, Thorin Oakenshield looked firmly at his fellow clan and said, "Everyone, our victory is just around the corner. As long as we find that bastard Azog and kill him, we can truly take back the Lonely Mountain." , Qili, Feili, and Duvalin, you each bring a few people to search, and the rest follow me."

Facing Thorin Oakenshield's order, it was naturally impossible for any dwarf to raise objections.

A group of dwarf warriors who originally planned to raid Azog divided into four teams and walked towards the ruins of Raven Ridge, searching for traces of orcs everywhere.

These dwarf warriors knew that the half-orcs must be in ambush in the ruins, and danger could come to them at any time.

But they were not afraid, following the king and dedicating their lives was the loyalty printed in their bones.

While the dwarves were searching for Azog everywhere, Allen was blocked by hundreds of Uruk soldiers on his way up the mountain.

They did not take the initiative to attack Allen, but held up their weapons one after another, blocking the road that Allen must pass up the mountain.

These Uruk soldiers formed a dense formation, gritted their teeth and opened their mouths, speaking some ugly words.

"Look, aren't these elves with thin skin and tender meat?" "I think they must taste good." "I want to take the first bite first,"

From the point of view of the Uruk soldiers, they had hundreds of people, but they couldn't stop the dozen or so people in front of them. They were a little worried that these guys would stop attacking them.

Alan looked at the Uruk soldiers blocking the road and knew that Azog was ready.

At this time, Thorin Oakenshield may have arrived at Azog's command post.

That pale-skinned, sinister and cunning guy couldn't have been killed so easily.

He must have ambushed, ready to give Thorin Oakenshield a big surprise.

Allen didn't want his friend to die so bleakly on Raven Ridge in the end.

Thinking of this, Allen felt a little anxious. He needed to rush to the top of the mountain to support Thorin Oakenshield as soon as possible.

Allen felt that it was time for the two skin-changers, Beorn and Woolf, to show their strength, and let Azog take a look at the gift he had prepared for him.

Allen looked back at the two skin-changers who were also riding on the horse, and said, "Please."

Beorn and Wulf nodded, got off their horses, and walked towards the Uruk soldiers.

The Twilight Knights also dismounted quickly, clenched their weapons tightly, and were ready to charge.

Yes, Alan handed over the two mounts of the Twilight Knight to the two skin changers to ride them, otherwise the untransformed skin changers would not have such a fast speed to keep up with Alan's personal guards.

That is to say, the skin-changer has the ability to tame animals. Even ordinary knights can't tame elf horses at all, and they will be thrown off the horse the moment they get up.

Of course, the skin-changing man has many abilities, such as transforming into a bear during battle.

At this time, Beorn and Wulf had already walked in front of hundreds of Uruk soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, amidst bursts of roars, Beorn and Wulf, under the dull eyes of many Uruk soldiers, became two men nearly three meters tall, four meters long, and more than one meter wide. , and a big bear covered in scars.

The huge and majestic figures of the two of them are enough to occupy the mountain road, and the two angry bear faces looked at the half-orcs above the road.

After the transformation, the skin-changing man remembered the persecution of his family by the orcs in the past, his eyes were already bloodshot, and he opened his mouth wide and roared angrily at the Uruk soldiers.


The Uruks who have lived in Dol Guldur all year round have never seen such a formation before. They grabbed their weapons tightly and looked at the two roaring bears anxiously.

Even Uruk soldiers with excellent discipline, under such circumstances, began to feel timid in their hearts, and slowly retreated.

Beorn and Woolf, who were angry, didn't give them much time to think.

After the roar of the sky, the two big bears vigorously exerted their limbs, ignoring the weapons in the hands of the Uruk soldiers, and rushed straight towards them.

Allen and his Twilight Knight guards followed closely behind Beorn and Woolf, and also charged towards the enemy.

And those Uruk soldiers blocked on the mountain road faced the charge of two big bears, and at the moment of contact, they were knocked away by the powerful force generated by the two big bears' charge in an instant.

As for the Uruk soldiers in the back row, seeing such a powerful enemy, some of them had completely lost the courage to stick to the mountain path, turned their heads and ran in the opposite direction.

Some Uruk soldiers summoned up their courage, waved their weapons, and slashed at Beorn and Wulf.

It's just that their seemingly ferocious attacks couldn't cause any serious damage to the two big bears.

Then these brave Uruk could only be knocked to the ground by two big bears in desperation, and fell to the bottom of the cliff.

Beorn and Wulf rushed up the mountain path like this, and most of the Uruk soldiers who stood in their way could not escape the fate of death.

Some Uruk soldiers were directly hit by two big bears and flew to the bottom of the cliff, and the shrill screams sounded from Raven Ridge from time to time.

Some were stepped on by Beorn and Woolf. The terrifying weight of the two big bears directly broke the tendons they stepped on during the charge.

What's more, he was directly bumped into the fleeing team of Uruk soldiers, causing a lot of chaos,

Those Uruks who were lucky enough not to die in the impact would also be killed by the swords of the Twilight Knights who followed after standing up in a daze.

That quick and ruthless sword quickly took away the lives of the fish that slipped through the net.

More than a dozen elf horses ran behind the Twilight Knight, causing secondary damage to the enemies lying on the ground.

From time to time, there were undead Uruk soldiers who were trampled on their faces by their horseshoes, and died amid painful muffled groans.

In this way, Alan and his party chased and killed the half-orcs who originally wanted to stop them, and rushed all the way to Raven Ridge, and the road was full of enemy corpses.

This is why Allen never let Beorn and Woolf show up. He knew that Azog must have left a lot of troops in Raven Ridge to protect his own safety.

He just wanted these two skin-changers to give Azog a big surprise, and this surprise would be delivered to Azog soon.

In fact, in Allen's original plan, he was just planning to take Beorn to raid Raven Ridge, leaving Woolf to stay on the frontal battlefield to cooperate with the human army, but who knew that Lord Elrond would lead the army to rush Come to support.

Then Allen could only "reluctantly" send a bigger surprise to Azog.

It was just the fighting sound of the skin changer and Alan chasing and killing Uruk soldiers in the middle of the mountain, which immediately attracted the attention of the four trolls on standby.

The order they received was to support the top of the mountain after hearing the sound of fighting.

It's just that their simple thinking has no time to worry so much. Seeing that the enemy has rushed in front of them, they roared angrily, rushed out of their hiding places, and rushed towards Allen's team.

At this time, Allen was chasing and killing Uruk soldiers. He had just arrived on a platform when he saw four trolls rushing towards him.

When Beorn and Woolf saw it, they roared, changed their targets instantly, and rushed towards the two trolls. The same huge body slammed into the trolls.

Its powerful impact directly knocked down two of the trolls, while the other two skipped over the two skin-changers and continued to charge towards the others.

And those who met them were Alan and Horimion who rushed out of the team.

Beorn, who had just knocked down the ogre, shook his head, then stood up, and trampled heavily on the chest of the ogre.

This time, the ogre, which was nearly four meters in size, screamed in pain, but such an attack was not enough to kill the ogre.

The ogre, who recovered quickly, punched Beorn heavily in the face, knocking him staggering.

After reacting, Beorn stared at the blood-red eyes, threw the ogre who had just sat up, and bit his neck.

Sensing the danger, the ogre escaped Beorn's bite, pushed Beorn away who was pounced on him, then stood up, and rushed towards Beorn.

The two behemoths were torn together like this.

Woolf, on the other hand, bit the arm of the smallest troll on the field, and dragged him vigorously.

After transforming into a bear, Woolf's enormous strength even allowed him to drag a two-meter-tall ogre and run, and the direction he was running was exactly where the cliff was.

At this time, some Uruk soldiers, seeing the help of the trolls, actually mustered up the courage to run down the mountain again.

Allen quickly commanded six Twilight Knights to intercept them.

Allen couldn't let those guys who reconnected and gathered affect other people's battles with the trolls.

The other six twilight knights were guarding the elf horses, took out the Noldor rune bows, and pointed the cone-headed arrows at the ogre.

Their Noldo Rune arrows have been used up in previous battles, and Alan can't buy such arrows now.

Even if it can be bought, Allen can't afford it now, so he can only wait for the simulator to recover and think of other ways.

These cone-headed arrows were replenished by Allen when he gathered cavalry in River Valley City.

At this time, Alan and Horimion were constantly entangled with the ogre during the battle.

Within their attack distance, dodge the attacks of these monsters.

Give the twilight knights in the distance a chance for a fatal blow.

Soon, at the skin-changer, the winner was decided, and Woolf just bit the smaller ogre like that,

Regardless of his attack in the struggle, he just dragged the poor guy, ran all the way to the edge of the cliff, and threw him out.

This ogre, which was only two meters in size, was thrown directly under the cliff due to the inertial push. Even if this guy was full of desire to survive and grabbed the edge of the cliff at a critical moment, he was caught by Woolf who came over. Slapped down.

Then Woolf ran towards Beorn to support him, and with a violent collision, he knocked the ogre who was fighting with Beorn to the ground, and he himself rolled out of the impact.

Beorn, who was relieved of the pressure in front of him, seized this opportunity, opened his bloody mouth, and bit the ogre's neck fiercely.

The sharp fangs broke through the rough skin of the troll and pierced into the flesh.

The injured ogre struggled violently, Beorn didn't give him more chances, and bit even harder.

At the same time, his two front paws were firmly supported on the ground, and his head was pulled back suddenly, half of the ogre's neck was torn off by him.

Then the troll in front of him stopped struggling, and black blood sprayed Beorn's face, making his scarred face even more hideous.

But he didn't care about these, but rushed towards Allen with Woolf who had already stood up.

On Allen's side, the battle is over.

The two trolls were slightly attracted by Alan and Hermione, and they were shot with cone-headed arrows all over their bodies by the Twilight Knights who had been preparing for a long time in the distance.

That is to say, the penetrating power of the cone-headed arrow is far inferior to that of the Noldo Rune arrow, otherwise, the two of them would have died long ago.

At this time, the shouts of killing on the mountain road became more and more intense.

Those half-orcs who ran up the mountain gathered again and rushed down towards the platform.

Six twilight knights holding swords and shields were fighting against them with all their strength, but they kept retreating in the struggle.

Because it is not difficult to kill Uruk soldiers, but it is too difficult to ensure that all intercept and help them,

Now, the Twilight Knights have been unable to stop the impact of a large number of Uruk.

However, there is no need for them to intercept now, Wulf's figure appeared behind them.

The Uruk soldiers, who had originally summoned up their courage because of the troll's participation in the battle, immediately stopped their downward steps when they saw the suffocating huge figure, and slowly retreated back again.

Looking at the retreating Uruk soldiers, Wulf didn't want to let them go. With a roar, he rushed towards the retreating Uruk soldiers.

At this time, Holimion, who received Allen's order, carried his sword and shield, led the six Twilight Knights who had blocked the enemy, and followed Woolf to kill the Uruk soldiers again.

And Allen took Beorn and the remaining Twilight Knights and rushed towards Raven Ridge on the other side.

 (_) I've had some karavans recently, let's do this first, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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