Chapter 66 The End of Azog II

Just when Allen led his subordinates to fight the troll hard.

From the ruins above Raven Ridge, there were bursts of shouts of killing. The dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield and the half-orcs led by Azog also broke out in fierce battles.

The ruins of the outpost on Raven Ridge itself were not particularly large, and Azog, who had ambushed with his personal guards, could easily squat down on the dwarves who were searching for him.

The first to enter Azog's ambush was Feili's group. The young dwarf prince encountered a sudden attack from a half-orc in a narrow tunnel.

Fili, who was caught off guard while walking, was hit on the left arm by a heavy blow from Azog.

Suddenly attacked by such a huge force, this stocky young dwarf directly smashed a big hole into the cliff of the abandoned outpost.

This helped the dwarf team virtually, because the two ends of the tunnel were already full of orcs.

Fili was lying outside the collapsed wall at this time, his left arm was twisted in an abnormal shape, and he was also in a semi-conscious state.

But at this time, the dwarves were in a group of five, and the other four elite dwarves with extremely rich combat experience reacted immediately to Azog's sudden attack.

Two of them jumped out of the hole, dragged Philip out and ran away.

The other two also used their lives to block the delaying half-orc's pursuit, and used their lives to resist the half-orc's attack at the entrance of the cave.

Afterwards, Fili, who woke up from a coma, endured the severe pain from his left arm, and with the support of two veterans, he shouted for help from the other dwarves.

Soon, the dwarf squad led by Thorin Oakenshield, Kili, and Duvalin also came to support after hearing the sound. After gathering together, they rushed towards Azog.

When they arrived, the two dwarf warriors who were resisting the pursuers were already under the frantic attack of a group of Uruk soldiers, and there was no movement.

Sorin Oakenshield, who came with the soldiers, happened to see this scene. Without too much nonsense, the two teams killed each other fiercely.

Although the number of dwarf warriors is much smaller than that of Uruk soldiers, they are skilled in coordination and martial arts. Under the leadership of Thorin Oakenshield, they are full of fighting spirit and are truly elite.

Even though the number of Uruk soldiers is more than double that of these dwarves, after they form a formation, they still maintain the upper hand in battle, and Uruk soldiers continue to die at their hands.

And Sorin Oakenshield, who was fighting with the soldiers of Uruk, stabbed the half-orc to death with a sword. When the dwarf prince drew his sword, he raised his eyes and saw Azuo standing on the ruins. grid.

He raised his right foot and kicked the enemy's corpse out, and at the same time shouted loudly at his enemy: "Azog!!!"

Azog, who was above the ruins, heard it. He looked at Thorin Oak Shield, who was out of breath, and smiled ferociously on his scarred face, before retreating into the darkness.

In fact, Azog was waiting for the ogre's support, but for some reason, their figures were not seen for a long time, but the sound of shouting and killing from the middle of the mountain came up faintly, and the half-orc decided not to wait.

Seeing Azog submerged into the darkness, Thorin Oakenshield thought that this guy was going to run away, and couldn't help feeling anxious, he slashed and killed the Uruk soldiers in front of him even harder, wanting to pursue Azog.

Of course Azog will not run away, he also has revenge for the humiliation of the broken arm, not only Thorin Oakenshield wants to kill Azog, Azog also wants to kill Thorin Oakenshield.

If possible, Azog even Kili and Fili, these two young dwarves with the blood of the royal family, would not let them go, and let Thror's blood die in his own hands.

Soon, he led a dozen pale orcs with huge bodies like him, and walked out from the darkness of the ruins.

These pale orcs are the elite of his personal guards, and they are also members of his lineage, all of which have slightly inferior combat power to him.

Azog led them and rushed straight towards the dwarf team. As soon as he joined the battlefield, he brought tremendous pressure to the formed dwarf warriors.

What these pale orcs generally use are not those small scimitars, but giant axes, maces, maces and other weapons that are more suitable for their size.

These powerful weapons gave these pale orcs the upper hand in the fight with the dwarf warriors.

Their powerful attacks are enough to repel the solid dwarves and create more attack opportunities for the more flexible Uruk soldiers.

For a while, the dwarves fell into a disadvantage in the battle with the orcs.

Several dwarf warriors broke away from the dwarf team under the attack of these pale half-orcs. Their figures could not withstand such an attack, and they were instantly surrounded by Uruk, which was several times their size, struggling hard.

And the other dwarves can only try their best to resist these huge white half-orcs, and have no time to care about them.

And Azog even held his mace and charged towards Thorin Oakenshield. He wanted to personally deal with the dwarf who cut off his arm.

Facing Azog's fierce attack, Thorin Oakenshield could only dodge in embarrassment. He had been fighting the orcs for a long time.

Many half-orcs died under his sword, and the few half-orc corpses lying there are only part of his victory.

But the price was that Thorin Oakenshield's body was exhausted.

Even though Thorin Oakenshield's heart was still filled with the desire to fight and the anger of revenge, he knew his physical condition.

Now, he couldn't even withstand Azog's full-strength attack, so he could only seek opportunities to fight back while constantly dodging.

The situation of the dwarves on the field is also precarious. With the cooperation of dozens of Uruk soldiers and a dozen pale orcs, they have been completely suppressed, and the moment of death is not far away.


At this moment, a roar that belonged to a beast alarmed everyone present, and Beorn's figure appeared in front of everyone along with the roar.

As soon as the big bear appeared, it fixed its eyes on Azog who was fighting with Thorin Oakenshield. Driven by hatred, Beorn knocked away everything on the road.

Whether it was Uruk, the pale orc, or even the dwarf, they all flew out under the impact of his huge body.

And Azog, who heard the cry, also saw Beorn while attacking Thorin Oakenshield.

He never thought that he would see the playthings in the old cage in this place, but Azog also knew the horror of skin-changing people.

Knowing that the danger was approaching, Azog used a fierce attack to force Thorin Oakenshield back.

Afterwards, Azog quickly turned around and ran to a ruin. Before Beorn caught up with him, he climbed up and disappeared into the darkness. Then a voice came out, "Gather to me."

The half-orcs who were closer to him on the field pushed their opponents away one after another, gathered towards Azog, guarded near the ruins of Azog, and confronted Beorn who arrived later.

At this time, Azog came out of the darkness again, looking down at Beorn.

Azog's heart was full of anger, as long as he was given a little more time, Thorin Oakenshield and these dwarves would surely die in his hands.

And Beorn, who was in the air, raised his head, staring at a pair of blood-red eyes, gritted his teeth, fixedly staring at Azog, and walked forward slowly.

Beorn didn't particularly care about these enemies blocking him, he was just worried that Azog would run away. .

At this time, Alan, who was walking on two legs, finally climbed up, saw Azog standing on a high place, and took out the Noldor Rune Bow without hesitation.

Azog, who had been watching closely for a long time, immediately discovered Alan and the Twilight Knight led by him, and at the same time recognized Alan's identity.

After seeing Alan take out the bow and arrow, Azog turned around and hid in the shadow of the ruins again.

His unbearable voice sounded from the ruins: "Humans, dwarves, elves, and that ridiculous skin-changing man, you are just struggling for death. My army is about to cross the mountains and enter the isolated area. Mountain."

As if to confirm Azog's words, at this moment, the bats that covered the sky and the sun flew to the top of Raven Ridge, and then launched an attack on everyone on the field.

Whether it was Allen and his elves, or Thorin Oakenshield and his dwarves, even Beorn, the skin-changing man, was under the attack of bats, constantly waving his own weapons, driving watching them.

After all, these bats are so huge, each with a wingspan of more than one meter. Together, they can even drag Duvalin from the ground abruptly.

It was Allen who had quick eyesight and quick hands, and managed to hack two of the bats to death with his giant sword, saving the dwarf warrior Duvalin, otherwise this guy could only be aggrieved and fell to death.

Seeing this scene, Azog flashed out of the shadows, laughed loudly, and continued after laughing: "You see, you see, this is the power of my lord, be afraid, be good at shaking!" , you are all going to die here today."

Then, with the cooperation of bats, the orcs fought with everyone again.

But Azog didn't come down, and looked at his own army complacently, and approached the coalition army that was preparing for battle in the lonely mountain.

Just when Azog was overjoyed, dozens of big eagles flew from the southwest of the lonely mountain.

Faster than their figures are their cries.


This is the support that Ladagast invited from the Misty Mountains according to Gandalf's suggestion.

And Azog also heard this voice, and instantly turned pale with fright, turning his head to look at the big eagles.

At this time, several big eagles had already flown over Raven Ridge. They just used the wind pressure during the flight to disperse the countless bats here, and then they followed other big eagles towards the area that was about to engage the coalition forces. The orcs rushed away.

And Azog stared blankly at the sudden accident. He still did not forget the fear these big eagles brought to him in the Misty Mountains.

Only now, the envoy of Manwe brought him even more intense fear. Under the attack of the eagle, his second legion was defeated, and then was massacred frantically by the charging coalition forces.

Such a strong psychological gap made Azog stunned in place, and then he felt an unbearable pain in his thigh.

The pain made his legs go limp, and he fell into the ruins.

It turned out that it was Allen who had escaped the attack of the bat. He saw that Azog was just shaking his head and looking into the distance, but his body was standing still.

How could Alan let go of this situation? Immediately, he quickly opened the rune bow and shot an arrow at Azog, directly shooting at Azog's unprotected thigh.

The cone-headed arrow shot by Allen directly penetrated Azog's thigh, and then the pale orc fell from the ruins.

Beorn, who had been keeping a close eye on Azog, got rid of the Uruk soldiers around him, rushed over, and knocked away the half-orcs who were about to cover Azog.

Immediately afterwards, two slaps hit Azog's chest, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out from Azog's mouth.

Then Beorn bit Azog's body, and frantically shook Azog, using his body as a weapon, hitting the pale orcs around who were about to come to rescue.

The big bear wantonly vented the anger in its heart, and when it was almost vented, it let go of its mouth, and threw Azog's body into the field, just like a piece of rag that fell right onto Thorin Oakenshield's body forward.

Thorin Oakenshield looked at this enemy who had been ravaged so much and was still alive, without saying anything, he just raised his weapon high, and under Azog's still horrifying eyes, he swung his sword down and cut down Azog's head.

After that, Thorin Oakenshield looked at the dead Azog, and he relaxed in his heart, as if a heavy burden on his body just disappeared.

After standing in a daze for a while, the dwarf prince suddenly sat down on the ground as if he couldn't support himself.

The dwarves hurried over and anxiously asked their king if there was a problem.

As for the half-orc guards who were still alive on Raven Ridge, when they saw that their leader was dead, they were all terrified and ran towards another road.

Beorn still wanted to chase, but was stopped by Alan.

"Beorn, let them run. Soon they will spread the news of Azog's death to the entire Orc army. By then, no Orc will dare to fight against us."

Allen immediately looked at the comrades around him, and said loudly: "Everyone, we have won this battle."

After finishing speaking, Allen also sat on the ground with his buttocks. Along the way, he also struggled to get here from the frontal battlefield, and his body was almost close to the limit.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, Allen finally relaxed, and the Twilight Knights behind him also sat behind Allen one after another, and they were also tired.

Only Beorn, the big bear, was tireless, turned and walked down. He wanted to see what was going on with Woolf.

In fact, without looking, Allen can guess that with the appearance of the big eagle, the Uruk soldiers defending Raven Ridge must have almost collapsed.

Otherwise, even if the body is close to the limit, Alan will lead the soldiers to rush down again instead of sitting here.

Sorin's situation is similar. Not long ago, he was deeply troubled by the dragon's disease and couldn't extricate himself.

Now that he has gone through many battles, his mental and physical strength have both reached the limit, and he sat on the ground uncontrollably.

At this time, the dwarves had already separated some soldiers and began to collect the corpses of the clansmen who died in battle.

At this time, Thorin, who was struggling to stand up, came to Alan's side. Such a fierce battle made Thorin Oakenshield have no desire to say anything else.

Instead, he directly asked about the situation of his father, Thrain II.

"Alan, is my father in good health? When will he be able to return to Lonely Mountain?"

Allen doesn't know about Serain's situation. In the movie, Serain is really alive and well, and he can even fight with Gandalf, who is a master of both swords and sticks.

But a few days ago, Allen learned from Gandalf that Thrain II's situation was actually not good.

After all, the current King of Lonely Mountain is almost [-] years old, which is also a long life among the Dulin royal family.

And he was still under Sauron's torment for decades. To be honest, Allen felt that it was a miracle that the old man was still alive.

In Allen's memory, the dwarf's lifespan will not be enhanced by the Ring of Power. It can only be said that Thrain II's desire to survive is too strong.

Alan, who had several messages flashing through his mind, did not answer Thorin's question directly, but looked at the sober friend and said, "Sorin, after the matter is over, I suggest you go to Rose Lorien to see He, that place is very suitable for patients to recuperate."

Sorin's face became much more desolate when he heard it. He could tell from Alan's words that his father's condition was very bad.

While Alan and Sorin were talking, the half-orc army from Gundabad Mountain had collapsed.

They were attacked by dozens of big eagles at the beginning, these huge birds living in the Misty Mountains, although they couldn't cause them too many direct deaths.

However, relying on their wings and the wind pressure generated during flight, the big eagles are enough to disrupt the formation of the orcs, and at the same time make these smaller guys directly enter a state of dizziness.

Lord Elrond, Thranduil, Gandalf, and Ironfoot Dyne led all the soldiers on the field, and charged directly at these half-orcs.

With the help of the great eagle, they unstoppably slaughtered the orcs from the Misty Mountains.

Especially the light cavalry led by Fatis and the goat cavalry led by Ironfoot Dyne. They charged and slashed all the way, completely separated from the main force, and went deep into the enemy.

As long as the big eagle swooped down from the sky and broke the formation of the orcs, they would immediately rush in and kill them.

The half-orcs were attacked so violently, and they didn't get any further orders for a long time. They soon fell into a situation of fighting on their own. Afterwards, the news that Azog had died spread like wildfire.

The half-orcs who lost their leader immediately panicked, and then began to flee in large numbers.

The coalition forces have been chasing and killing them, until the sun went down, exhausted, and then returned to the lonely mountain.

According to incomplete statistics, at least nearly 2 of the half-orcs who came to support died under the cooperation of the eagle and the coalition forces.

After midnight, all the members of the coalition army returned to the lonely mountain.

And Alan and Thorin had already walked down Raven Ridge.

Thorin returned to his kingdom of the Lonely Mountain.

And Allen returned to River Valley City.

 Here's today's update (`н)
(End of this chapter)

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