Chapter 67
No matter what the cause of the war is, and where its purpose leads to, the war is bound to be accompanied by a large number of casualties.

Allen didn't know the specific situation on the side of the dwarves and elves, but the field hospital he temporarily established in River Valley City was already full of wounded.

The militiamen in Changhu Town spent a whole day trying to get all the humans, elves, and dwarves who were still moving on the battlefield to the hospital in River Valley City.

Although they didn't participate in the frontal battle, they carried hundreds of people back and they were exhausted all day.

Not only that, they also prepared hot food and a lot of hot water before the soldiers came back, so that the soldiers who fought on the front line could eat hot soup and hot dishes in time after they came back.

Now, they were already too tired to hold on, and Alan arranged for them to rest as soon as they came back.

Although these people did not face the enemy directly in this battle, their contribution also made Allen feel that they should have a part in the credit list.

The wounded who were brought back have been treated briefly by more than a dozen of James' apprentices, and their injuries will no longer deteriorate. In the future, they will recover under the careful care of the doctors.

After all, James is Allen's military physician, and his specialty is extremely suitable, and the level of apprentices he taught is not bad.

It's just that there are too many injured people, and treating the wounded is an extremely energy-consuming task, and they are also very tired. At this time, there are two on-duty personnel left, and the rest of the people also went to rest.

The wounded elves had been picked up by the people arranged by King Thranduil. The woodland elves left some ointments, which they said were extremely effective for wounds. Alan accepted them after thanking them.

The dwarf was also carried away by the old man Bahrain, and he also conveyed the news of Sorin to Allen.

Tomorrow morning, a post-war meeting will be held in the Serain Hall of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom. At that time, all the leaders of the forces will be there, and everything will be explained.

The Serain Hall is the square where the dwarves piled up their treasures. Last time Allen went to fetch the Starlight Gem, he went there under the guidance of Bahrain. I have to say that there are shining golden lights everywhere, eye-catching and captivating. Soul.

Allen speculated that Sorin arranged the meeting place there, probably related to the distribution of wealth.

The Durin royal family who had just recaptured the Lonely Mountain wanted his neighbors and allies to intuitively see how much treasure he could get, so as to demonstrate the strength and generosity of the dwarves.

It can't be that you are full and full, and you just want to show off, right?

As for whether it will cause confusion?Allen hadn't thought about this issue. The character of King Thranduil and Lord Elrond can still be trusted, and Thorin probably thought so too.

But that's all for tomorrow morning, Allen doesn't want to think about it,

He is currently in the field hospital, visiting more than 200 wounded who survived the battle.

Allen suffered a great loss this time, and Fatis reported the casualties not long after the troops returned.

500 spearmen guard the walls of Dale City at all times, standing at the forefront of the battle, and receiving the key care of the troll catapults.

Their casualties were also the heaviest among the three troops. In the end, only more than 200 people were able to stand. One captain was killed, another was seriously injured, and four captains were killed and five were injured. A total of 140 and eight people were buried here. , 110 and five people were lying in the hospital.

Among them, 52 were slightly injured, 36 were seriously injured, and 27 were determined to be disabled in the second half of their lives.

Although the hoplites withstood the most dangerous places, they were better equipped and protected their vital points, so 48 people were injured and 12 people died.

Even the infantry commander Allen and Nord's royal guards suffered injuries of varying severity.

In addition to Gandalf's magic, Alan's prestige as a lord and the background of most of the officers also played a key role in the infantry regiment being able to walk out of the city wall to fight the enemy despite such heavy casualties.

Bundak's marksman unit, which spent most of its time shooting from the rear, did not join the frontal battle until late in the battle.

So their casualties were not particularly large, with 45 injured and 28 killed.

When the cavalry troops were dispatched, it was already the moment of the final battle, and they had never experienced a cruel tug-of-war.

Most of the casualties were caused when Fatis led the cavalry to charge, and the battle after that was relatively easy.

Therefore, the cavalry corps wounded 42 people, killed 18 people, and lost more than 50 horses.

More than one-third of the casualties were serious, and the number of direct deaths was close to 200.

When Alan held this battle report, not only was his heart trembling, but even the hand holding the battle report trembled slightly.

In fact, Alan had long thought of the difficulty of this battle, because the enemy's strength is indeed very strong, and Azog is an excellent commander.

Even so, Allen had to take soldiers into battle in this battle
Wilderness Town, as the most powerful human force in the north, cannot avoid participating in this decisive battle.

Allen spread the news of the orc attack everywhere, and tied the woodland elves to the chariot. In the end, Allen did not send soldiers.

Then in the future, Wilderness Town will have no allies in the north, and the relationship that Allen has worked so hard to build over the past few years, and the friendship between him and the elves and dwarves will also collapse in an instant.

Therefore, Allen did not regret it, and made corresponding preparations.

It's just that no matter how well prepared, now that this report represents nearly two hundred lives, this lord who is far from being qualified, feels a little uncomfortable for a while.

In the end, Allen sent all his subordinates out and locked himself in the room alone. He needed to be quiet.

Just a moment later, Allen walked out of his room, and then came to the field hospital to visit the soldiers who survived the battlefield.

During the visit, Allen comforted the injured soldiers constantly, telling them that the battle was over and Wilderness Town had won the final victory. They were all brave soldiers and they were doing well.

Allen promised the wounded that the supplies needed to recover from the injury, as well as medical resources, will be sent here in a steady stream, and everyone can recuperate here with peace of mind.

At the same time, he also promised a lot of rewards and guaranteed that the disabled will have a stable life in the future.

When Allen was speaking, the ward kept a certain amount of silence. Many soldiers gritted their teeth and endured the pain, listening to Allen's speech.

On the one hand, they did it out of respect for their lords. After all, Allen had not treated them badly over the years, and also showed them enough strength.

On the other hand, they are also very worried about their future life. Those soldiers who were slightly injured are fine and don't have so many worries.

Those who are seriously injured and those who are destined to be disabled for the rest of their lives are more concerned. They are basically the pillars of the family.

So they listened very carefully, especially the part that Alan promised. After listening to it, their frowning brows finally relaxed, and even the pain from the wound didn't seem so serious.

Most of the injured here are forest residents. They have been living in the shadow of the half-orcs, and their thinking is relatively simple.

Although they have experienced extremely arduous and dangerous battles today, in this dark recovery and turbulent era, where is it not dangerous?
Have family and friends died at the mouth of wargs and at the hands of goblins?

Now that their families are living a stable and safe life under Alan's protection, it is also a normal return to sell their lives to serve Alan.

Moreover, those who survived the battlefield were able to receive rewards and promises, so most of them naturally relaxed, because their lords never said nothing.

After Allen finished speaking, he also found that most of the wounded were quietly relieved, with a relaxed expression on their faces.

In order not to affect the rest of the soldiers, Allen left the hospital quietly after finishing his speech. He still had a lot to consider.

What kind of compensation should those soldiers who died in battle give to their families?To burn their bodies and go back with their ashes?What kind of rewards will be given to the surviving fighters, and how many levels should they be divided into?
Allen thought about these things over and over on the bed, until he fell asleep in a daze, before he came up with a little bit of specific ideas.

The next day, just after Allen had a simple breakfast, Kili came to invite Allen himself.

You know, Fili and Kili are the only two boys in Thorin's bloodline.

Unless Sorin can get married and give birth to a prince, the heir to the Lonely Mountain King will have to choose one of Kili and Fili.

After recapturing the Lonely Mountain, Kili was able to invite Allen, which also showed Sorin's respect and importance to Allen.

This young man, Fili, was seriously injured. Although there is no danger of his life, his left arm must not be saved. Yesterday Allen watched James' apprentice perform an operation on Fili.

By the time Allen arrived at the resplendent hall with his main subordinates, most of them had already arrived.

Thorin was very heroic and cleared out a place among the large treasures, and set up a big conference table.

At this time, many people were already sitting on the table, including Lord Elrond, King Thranduil, Ironfoot Dyne, the gray robe wizard Gandalf, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, and most of the expedition team. dwarves.

At this time, there was an empty chair at the front on the left side of the table. Gandalf was sitting next to this chair, and Lord Elrond was opposite it.

Under the guidance of Qili, Allen walked over. Before sitting down, Allen greeted everyone on the table. After all, they are all acquaintances, and Allen still understands this politeness.

Alan, who sat down after saying hello, chatted with Gandalf next to him.

After a while, Sorin, who put on luxurious clothes again, walked down the stairs surrounded by piles of treasures. His figure was shrouded in golden light, and behind him was an old dwarf holding a box Bahrain.

The dwarf prince looked in good condition, and unlike before, his expression was no longer so gloomy, and his face was full of a confident and kind smile.

As he walked down the stairs, his eyes did not miss the treasures around him, and his attention was always on the people sitting in the middle of the venue.

Sitting there were his relatives, his clansmen, his friends, and his comrades-in-arms.

Without the help of these people, Sorin would never be able to regain his homeland, and even his entire bloodline would be ruined in this expedition.

Thorin, who had a great understanding, finally understood what is the most precious wealth.

Soon, Sorin came to the main seat of the table, greeted everyone, and sat down.

Looking at the confident Thorin, Allen knew that the dwarf prince was the real protagonist in today's scene.

It's just that the character of the dwarves is indeed quite straightforward, and they don't even have a brief opening remark.

As soon as Thorin sat down, he motioned Balin to hand the box to King Thranduil of the Woodlands.

At the same time, he said calmly: "Thank you very much, Your Majesty Thranduil for abiding by the contract and helping us resist the attack of the orcs. This is the other half of the Starlight Gem. Afterwards, I will arrange personnel to send one-thirtieth of the wealth here to the woodland." kingdom."

It was originally a word of thanks, but it was so awkward when it came out of Sorin's mouth.

This is for sure. The more than 100 years of grievances between dwarves and elves cannot be eliminated in a single battle. It is enough to be so official and polite.

And King Thranduil ignored Thorin, he had now opened the box containing the Starlight Gem, and the bright light reflected on his face.

Thranduil waved his hand behind him, and Legolas, who was standing behind him, handed over a richly decorated box, and when he opened it, it contained the other half of the Starlight Gem.

Thranduil carefully put the two gemstone necklaces into a box, gently stroked the token of love between him and his wife with his right hand, and then tightly closed the box.

The elf king didn't have much thought to talk to the dwarf, he just nodded to Thorin, and didn't give any further response.

Sorin didn't care, but expressed his gratitude to Lord Elrond.

"Dear Lord Elrond, thank you very much for bringing your soldiers to support Lonely Mountain. Your support is very timely for this battle. At the same time, thank you again for your support and blessings in the past. To express the gratitude of the dwarves, I will give you one-thirtieth of the treasure here, and I hope you will not refuse."

Lord Elrond thought for a while after hearing this, and nodded in agreement.

Although Elrond was not that keen on wealth, but with this wealth, the nearly two thousand elves he brought would not return empty-handed.

After Thorin finished communicating with Elrond, he looked at Gandalf, and he said loudly: "Gandalf, my forever friend, I will always thank you for everything you said to me at the Prancing Horse Inn, thank you For helping us in the expedition, thank you for finding me a great snitch and a staunch ally."

Sorin, who was speaking, paused for a moment, glanced gratefully at Alan and Bilbo Bajin who was not far away, and continued: "Now, as the heir to the King of the Lonely Mountain, I announce that Gandalf the Gray Robe, will You are a friend of all the Durin dwarves, no matter where you are, as long as there are Durin dwarves, you will be treated like a VIP."

Gandalf saluted Thorin with a smile on his face. The gray-robed wizard was very satisfied with the current situation. The Lonely Mountain was taken back by the dwarves, and the relationship between the woodland elves and the dwarves has eased. greatly enhanced.

He no longer had to worry that Sauron would pass through this strategic location to rebuild the Kingdom of Angmar and threaten the stability of Eriador.

As for the preferential treatment of the Durin dwarves, it is also very useful for Gandalf, a wizard who runs around all the year round. Gandalf never dislikes his many friends.

After that, Sorin looked at Allen, his eyes were full of gratitude.

The dwarf prince stood up, took a deep breath, and said loudly to everyone: "Here, under the witness of everyone, I will represent the dwarves of the Durin family, thank my best friend, and thank you for killing the dragon." The one, the king of the city-state of Rovanian, His Majesty Allen."

Alan was taken aback for a moment when he heard Sorin calling himself the king, and then he came to his senses.

This should be Thorin's good intentions. As the future King of Lone Mountain, he recognized Alan's status as king, which means that from now on, all Durin dwarves will recognize Alan's legality to River Valley City and Long Lake Town. rule.

Just as Allen wanted to thank him for this, Thorin's voice sounded again.

"At the same time, I have one more thing to announce. I will fulfill the contract and hand over one-fifteenth of the wealth here as a reward for the expedition to His Majesty Allen, not only that."

With a wave of his hand, Sorin focused everyone's attention on Bilbo Baggins, and continued to speak loudly: "This kind hobbit, Mr. After the charitable deeds of Changhu Town, and as a reward for killing the evil dragon, I decided to hand over one-fifteenth of my treasure to Allen."

Allen, who had already speculated about this, looked back at Bilbo Baggins.

But at this time, the hobbit, who had already attracted the attention of the audience, just scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

Allen knew that even if he counted the entire Middle-earth, there were not many people who could match this hobbit, and even Allen himself felt ashamed.

It's just that the hobbit left his seat under everyone's gaze.

He came before Thranduil, took out a beautiful pearl necklace from his bosom, held it in both hands and presented it to the king of the woodland.

This pearl necklace was discovered by him before fighting the dragon.

At that time, he felt that this necklace was very suitable for the elf king in front of him, so he stuffed it into his pocket.

At this moment, Bilbo stammered nervously and said, "Great King of the Elves, I ask you to accept this gift from me, as a reward for your hospitality and as an apology for my offending you."

Thranduy looked at Bilbo Baggins in front of him, then at the exquisite necklace, and said calmly, "I knew that there was a thief who lived in my country for a while, And stole the key from under the noses of my guards, and set the dwarves free."

Bilbo Baggins, holding the necklace in both hands, became even more nervous when he heard these words.

It was just a beautiful king's hand that pushed back Bilbo Baggins' necklace. At this time, King Thranduil had a serious expression on his face.

He spoke again, but in a very soft voice.

"Bilbo, you are not only an outstanding snitch, you are also a respectable hobbit. Even I have only seen a few people about your greatness."

As Thranduil glanced at Alan, Alan didn't feel it. What he was thinking about now was how to distribute those treasures and spend them.

And Thranduil's voice didn't stop, he continued to say to Bilbo Baggins: "That's why I can't accept your gift, now, as the King of the Woodlands, I declare that you will become a friend of the elves, and I too will always welcome you as a guest in the Woodland Kingdom."

At this time, Bilbo Baggins finally relaxed, but he did not take back the pearl necklace, but said again: "Then, Your Majesty, as a testimony of our friendship, I hope you will accept this necklace. "

This time Thranduil did not refuse, and calmly put away the necklace. Finally, Bilbo heaved a sigh of relief, saluted respectfully, and sat down in his seat.

As the episode ended, Thorin's voice sounded again, this time speaking directly to Alan.

"Alan, in order to thank you for your help along the way, thank you for your warm hospitality in Wilderness Town, thank you for killing the dragon, thank you for leading the troops to defend the lonely mountain, and thank you for helping us kill Azog."

Speaking of this, Sorin smiled and looked at his people, the dwarves in the expedition team, and continued: "Kili, Fili, Balin, Duvalin, Beaver, Bofur, Bumbur, Dori, Ou Twelve of them, Rui, Nuo Rui, Oyin, and Groin, are willing to donate one-fifth of their wealth to you."

After Alan heard it, he turned to look at the dwarves with an incredulous expression, and the dwarves smiled and waved to Alan to show that it was true.

He really didn't expect that these dwarves would do such a thing. At this moment, he felt a little unreal.

But Allen immediately reacted, and he was going to reject the gift, because Allen felt that what he got was enough, and it was enough for him to use.

Seeing the tragic experience of the dwarves, Allen felt that the more treasures the better, the wilderness town could not withstand the attack of the dragon.

At this time, Sorin saw Alan's plan, and interrupted his human friend directly.

"Alan, I hope you don't refuse this gift. I have promised you that I will give you a gift worthy of our friendship. I think these treasures are very suitable, and I can't offer anything else , to thank you for your help."

Thorin did promise Alan many times during the trip that he would give Alan a gift.

Alan didn't pay much attention to this sentence, did he ever think about what Sorin would give him.

But Thorin, who was awake, remembered that his gift hadn't yet been seen. Aaron did a lot of things after that, not only killing Smaug, but also facilitating the contract between the dwarves and the woodland elves, and keeping the Lonely Mountain.

In the end, he took his own soldiers and participated in the battle to defend the Lonely Mountain, and assisted Sorin in killing Azog.

These things are not within the scope of the contract, if Bilbo Baggins saved Thorin's life.

So after all this was over, Thorin, who wanted to understand many things, believed that Alan was his biggest helper in getting back the Lonely Mountain.

Of course, what Sorin didn't know was that, if the original trajectory was followed, Alan would have saved his blood of Durin's royal family.

In any case, in order to thank Alan, Sorin discussed with his people all night yesterday, and decided to donate another part of the treasure to Alan to repay Alan's kindness.

Alan never thought that he could get such wealth. Facing Thorin's insistence, he looked back at the dwarf friends who nodded to him.

In the end, Allen nodded to Thorin and sat down. He didn't want to say anything, and he didn't know what he should say at this time.

In the end, Thorin announced that after a period of time, he would go to Lothlórien to welcome back his father, Thráin II, and let the King of the Lonely Mountain continue to come back to rule the Lonely Mountain.

At that time, Lonely Mountain will hold a grand banquet. Sorin extended a warm invitation to everyone in this hall, hoping that everyone can attend, and he will arrange someone to notify you of the specific time.

At this point, the meeting is over.

 Help a group of author friends, push the book, the title of the book is "I don't know how to be a licking dog!" 》, the author is late to Fengsheng. I read chapter 1.2. After all, he has only written four chapters now. It should be a book that focuses on describing the charm of women. There are not many such descriptions in my book, so if you are interested, You can raise it for a while, thank you all, and ask for a monthly ticket to pass it away

(End of this chapter)

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