The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 78 Simulation, clues to improve individual strength.

Chapter 78 Simulation, clues to improve individual strength.

In the end, the shrewd and beautiful Caroline left Wilderness Town with most of her clan.

She left behind Gail and dozens of wounded, as well as [-] young people who were responsible for taking care of the wounded. It would be good for young people to stay in the big cities for a long time to gain experience.

Before leaving, Caroline talked with Gail in private for a long time. She mainly told her little friend who didn't think much, to try to see more and think more.

She hoped that Galdo would take a look at the living standards of the people here, and look more at the attitude of the people here towards those in power.

Think more about how to build a good relationship with the rights holders here, especially the relationship with Alan. After all, this is related to the future life of the tribe.

These few requests from her are really too difficult for Gail, and it is estimated that this rough guy can't do anything well.

Caroline knew it herself, but what could be done?

As the most prestigious leader of the three villages, she needs to go back and inform everyone of these things, and be ready to start cooperating with Wilderness Town.

At the same time, she also needs to discuss with the prestigious old people in the village, should all of them participate in this work?If all of them participate, the whole family will be relocated to a more suitable place to live.

These tasks are even more difficult, and it is also very reluctant to ask Gail to go back to complete them. The two powers benefit from each other, whichever is more important, and the two powers harm each other whichever is less. In the end, Caroline can only go back by herself.

And Gail, under Allen's solicitation, became Allen's guard, and this duty will continue until the cooperation between the two parties ends.

Allen didn't think about asking Gail to do too many things, he just needs to send a letter or a message, which is to be responsible for the information exchange between Wilderness Town and the other three villages.

There is nothing wrong with Gail's character and ability to do this job.

In addition, Allen also wanted to see if he could gain Gail's allegiance by relying on his personal charm and the strength of Wilderness Town over time, so as to further gain the allegiance of Pine Tree Village.

As for whether Gail would be able to bow down and kneel down because of the previous rescue in the Black Forest, Alan never thought of such a good thing.

Gail's character is indeed frank and straightforward, but he is not stupid. This big man who is nearly two meters tall knows himself very well, otherwise he would not listen to Caroline.

Moreover, after all, he still has to be responsible for the hundreds of people in Songshu Village. Although Gail's parents left early, his grandfather is still alive and helping Gail set up a place in Songshu Village. It is impossible for him to say such a thing The final decision.

As for becoming Allen's guard for a short period of time, Gail didn't have any resistance.

On weekdays, Gail wouldn't do too much in Pine Tree Village, and Alan wouldn't restrict his freedom too much, so he could go back and visit often.

Gail also felt that after becoming Allen's guard, he could better complete the tasks Caroline had given him.

In addition, the food here is so delicious that Gail is not particularly willing to leave.

In fact, Alan's first impression of Gale was also very good, and he deliberately wanted him to be his No.2 attendant.

This position has been vacant since Elaine became the commander of the infantry corps.

Allen has never found a particularly suitable candidate. Originally, he planned to remain vacant until Bud's son Bain grew up and let him take over the position. After three to five years, let Bain Go back and pick up Bud's shift.

After all, Allen may live longer than Barin. When Bard accepts Iluvita's gift and leaves Arda, Barin will definitely become the second lord of River Valley City. At that time, Allen He also has enough prestige and connections to control this feudal official,

It's just that now, Allen has taken a fancy to Gail, a straightforward guy, and it would be good to stay by his side as a servant, or as a personal bodyguard in the future.

It's just that this matter has to be considered in the long run, don't be in a hurry, you have to take your time, Alan still needs to observe.

After agreeing on the employment, Allen chose a room for Gail in the lord's house, and at the same time arranged for Alice to inform Jamila to entertain the remaining northerners.

And Allen returned to his bedroom, lying on the bed exhausted, looking at the simulator whose cooldown time was refreshed due to opening a new world, eager to go to the new world to have a look.

It's just that Allen thought about it carefully, let's simulate after waking up, and don't have too much mental exhaustion and sleep for a long time.


In the early morning of the next day, Allen woke up full of energy, and then turned on the simulator.

【The emulator is starting】

【Welcome to Calradia Magic Continent, Dark Age】

【Time: Unknown】

[Location: On the bank of the Yu River a few miles away from Zenda]

[Your father is a small merchant who roams the Nord Kingdom and the Vikia Kingdom all year round. When you were very young, your father sent you to school to study cultural courses, and you graduated soon after being smart. 】

[After graduation, you started to participate in your father's business, traveling between the two kingdoms. 】

[Today, a group of people who were going to Zenda were attacked by bandits on the bank of Youhe River. After a battle, they were captured. 】

【Now, you who came here just sorted out your memory. When you opened your eyes, you found that you and your father were kneeling beside a big river, and your father was wailing and begging for mercy. 】

[You turn your head and look, a crudely made big ax has already beheaded your father who was begging for mercy, and what fell on the grass was a frightened face, and a pair of worried eyes, looking at you intently at this moment, The blood spurted from the neck splashed into the river, was instantly dispersed and diluted by the river water, and disappeared without a trace. 】

【You stared blankly at all this, as if you were adapting to the sudden bloody scene. 】

【At this moment, the owner of the big ax is walking towards you with a grinning grin. 】

【Facing the bandit covered in blood, you didn't have time to think too much. With your bound hands, you pulled hard and the rope broke. You immediately jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the bandit with the big axe. 】

[During this process, you obviously feel that your physical fitness has become stronger again. 】

【The bandit who was approaching you was startled by this sudden scene, and then his surprised expression became shattered under your seemingly weak fist. 】

【You hit with all your strength and smashed his head directly】

【At this time, a dozen gangsters who were searching for loot were attracted by the movement here. They looked at you covered in blood and the headless corpse lying on the ground, and they froze in place. 】

[They can't imagine that a frail businessman who was crying bitterly a few minutes ago can now smash a person's head with his bare hands. 】

【You didn't waste even a second. After you punched your father-killing enemy, you immediately bent down and picked up his big axe, and then rushed towards the group of bandits with the largest number of people. 】

[The astonished gangsters also reacted one after another. They killed people like hell. Facing such a situation, they didn't panic, but instead came to double-team you. 】

[However, you are surrounded by the enemy, wantonly wielding this crudely made big axe, venting the anger that cannot be suppressed in your heart. 】

[Those bandits who came to surround you soon suffered heavy casualties. Their stumps were mixed with blood, and they were scattered everywhere. You, who were still standing on the field, seemed to be a person who had just returned from the blood hell. demon. 】

【The remaining scattered people no longer dare to approach your side, but all backed away and looked at their leader. 】

[It was a middle-aged man wearing a pointed helmet and worn plate armor. Before the battle, he was sitting on a carriage, wiping the two-handed sword in his hand with a piece of linen. 】

【Now, he is frowning and looking at you with surprised eyes, as if he wants to read something from you. 】

[At this time, you are already holding the big ax and walking in the direction of the bandit leader. Your enemy did not hesitate, and raised the giant sword with both hands to welcome in your direction. The days of licking blood on the edge of the knife did not teach this vagabond The knight flinched, but instead a page full of jungle. 】

【At the moment of contact, you have the upper hand. The big axe's attack contained anger and power. After parrying for a while, the enemy backed away with a face full of horror. 】

[At this time, the leader of the bandit is actually wearing a plate armor and wants to start a fight with you in civilian clothes. Sometimes his legs will glow slightly red, and his speed at this time will It suddenly becomes very fast, making it difficult for you to grasp his rhythm. 】

【You don't know whether this is an illusion or some other ability, but you are not afraid at all, and your abundant physical strength supports your continuous attacks. Under such a fierce offensive, your enemy's face will soon be covered with sweat. 】

【Just when you thought the enemy was about to lose his hold, the bandit leader's expression suddenly turned grim. 】

[After dodging one of your attacks, his whole body glowed with red light, he leaned forward and rushed towards you, and the two-handed sword in his hand was also stained with light, stabbing at your heart like a bolt of lightning Come on, this is too fast, more than double the speed before. 】

[You finally know that this is not an illusion. This guy really shines. With your strong physical fitness, at this moment when you were caught off guard, you moved your body slightly to pass the vital point of the heart, but the enemy's two-handed sword still pierced through the body. Through your lungs. 】

【You feel a chill in your chest, and before the pain reaches your brain, the ax in your right hand slashes at the enemy's neck. 】

【A human head flew out under your vigorous slash, and the body sprayed with blood fell down in front of you. 】

[You are enduring the pain, holding the two-handed sword with your left hand, your originally handsome face is covered with blood, and your eyes are full of hatred, looking at the little guys around you. 】

【Those guys with crude weapons in their hands looked at each other, but they didn't run away. Instead, they moved slowly towards you cautiously, as if they were waiting for your death. 】

【You are enduring the pain from your chest, breathing gently and tearing, preparing for the final fight, you know you still have the ability to make the final blow. 】

[You pretended to be helpless and shook your body, attracting those gangsters to rush towards you quickly. At the moment you knelt down, the guys who thought you were dead accelerated towards you, and then circled around Through your kneeling figure, surrounded by their leader. 】

[Obviously their target is not you, but the bandit leader behind you. 】

【While the few of them were groping for the bandit leader, you slowly stood up again, swung the big ax in your hand, and hacked them to death before they could react. 】

[The entire river bank is full of densely packed corpses and stumps, including bandits, guards, and merchants. At this moment, you finally couldn’t hold on, your eyes suddenly became blurred, and you sat slumped land. 】

[At this moment, a white figure sneaked out from the grass in the distance, looking at the corpses all over the ground, he quickly came to your side, looking at you who was still a little moving. 】

【With blurry eyes, you can barely see the person coming, and you can find out his identity from your memory. This is Manid, one of the businessmen you partnered with, and then you fell into darkness. 】


[When you weakly opened your eyes, you were lying in a narrow wooden room, covered with a thick woven linen blanket, and on the bed next to you was lying your savior, Mani Germany. 】

【Your slight movement woke him up immediately, and then he picked up a cup of warm water, carefully fed you, and at the same time told you about the current situation one by one. 】

[The location you are at right now is Zenda's "Carnival Boar" tavern. Now, more than two months have passed since that battle. 】

[During this time, you have been in a coma, and you can only barely rely on milk, rice porridge, and broth. These extremely easy-to-swallow foods are hanging your life, and your body is also under the care of Manid. Under the care, it has been restored well, at least it has been kept clean and tidy. 】

[When you first entered Zenda, you were seriously injured. Several businessmen who survived because of you left quietly. Only Manid stayed with you and spent a lot of money. The expensive doctor, it is said that he knows how to heal the "Qi" of others. 】

[But you have suffered too much injury. After the doctor treated you, he only gave you a resigned diagnosis. However, Manid did not give up because of this. During the battle, your figure like a demon god, deeply It was deeply imprinted in his heart, and this businessman who was robbed many times in the business was deeply touched. He is going to wait for you to recover from your injuries, and he will be loyal to you and find a powerful lord for himself. 】

[In order to treat your injuries, Manid sold all the goods, even sold the worn-out plate armor of the bandit leader and the "Qi" cultivation method on him, leaving only the one that will hold you The two-handed sword that passed through the chest. 】

【And most of the dinars obtained from the sale are used to treat your injuries, while a small part is used to bury those companions who died on the banks of the Yu River. 】

[However, Rogge, the free knight who followed Manid to investigate the situation on the battlefield, gave Manid a large bounty after confirming the identity of the bandit leader, otherwise Manid would have sold the long Sword, and then went out to beg for food. 】

【You stared at the long sword with special significance beside the bed, thanked Manid hoarsely for his care during this time, and then, feeling the condition of your body, struggled to sit up. 】

[It has to be said that your strong physical fitness forcibly pulled you back from the gate of hell. 】

[In the days that followed, you began to recover from your injuries in Zenda. After recovering from your injuries, you went out with the free knight Rogge to fight against bandits several times, and became a well-known bounty hunter. 】

【You haven't forgotten Manid, you gave him most of the money you got from fighting the bandits, let him do some small business in Zenda, you told Manid, one day, you will take him away, Manid agreed with a face full of joy. 】

[This simulation is over and has been archived. 】

[Retain the identity of Zenda bounty hunter, give up this identity, you can gain the allegiance of Manid, and the simulator cools down for 3 days. 】

[You have obtained a two-handed sword. 】

[Please note that you have obtained the special ability of Calradia Magic Continent, the clue of "Qi", this ability can be accumulated and exchanged. 】

[Friendly reminder for experienced players: There are many types of qi, please choose the one that suits you for cultivation, it can be used and restored in the real world, but due to environmental problems, cultivation is extremely difficult and dangerous, so it is not recommended to try. 】

[Get rewards of 20 reputation points and 2000 dinars. 】

[The simulation can continue, yes/no? 】


Allen rubbed his slightly swollen head, looked at the simulation results, and guessed about clues about Qi.

In fact, the red light glowing from the bandit leader's body is the so-called "Qi", which is the unique ability of the soldiers of the Magic Continent.

With the blessing of this ability, the gangster's combat power was more than doubled in an instant, causing Allen to be severely injured without fully adapting.

However, according to Allen's observation, that kind of "qi" consumes a lot of physical strength and should not be used easily.

And those gangsters spared Alan, and they should have searched for the practice method on the bandit leader, but in order to save Alan's life, Manid sold the practice method.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the character is still alive, the cultivation method will be available sooner or later, and Manid is also very important. Isn't Alan short of a finance minister?

When he summons Manid and let him familiarize himself with the business environment of Middle-earth with Stephen, he should be able to take up the post of Minister of Finance soon.

It's just that this down-and-out businessman may still need some credit to get this title.

Although Allen knew that Manid had saved his life, it was in a simulation after all, and it was unlikely that he would be accepted by the existing members of the cabinet.

After all, Allen was lying down and sleeping at home, and a lifesaver appeared beside him, which was too troublesome to explain.

And after all, Allen has pulled up an administrative organization that looks quite formal. As a direct beneficiary, Allen can't just give titles to others at will like the grass-roots team in the past.

If you do this, it will not only show that the title given by Allen is too cheap, but also make other people think that as long as you please Allen, you can gain rights, which is not conducive to managing a formal organization.

However, as a king, Alan still has many ways to realize his ideas. The big deal is not to give him a title and let Manid do this job as a king's servant or subordinate.

Anyway, there is no suitable candidate now. After Manid has been working for three to five years and everyone gets used to the results, Manid will be given the title of Minister of Exchequer, so that Allen's administrative team can be regarded as Complete for now.

However, in Allen's memory, there seems to be an irreconcilable conflict between Manid and Allen, but this is not the same world anymore, and the timeline is different. There should be no problem, right?

Even if there is a problem, Allen can reconcile the work of the two people so that they are not in the same place as much as possible, and the problem can be solved.

This is not a particularly difficult thing to do.

Just looking at the simulator, Allen was still a little eager to try, but after thinking about it, he closed his eyes, and there is still a lot of work ahead.

The refurbishment of the Old Forest Road required his attention, as did the training at Hermione.

That's not the case, the breeding of the offspring of the elf horse is probably about to have results, and he is also planning to visit the horse-grazing village after a while.

In addition, he also wanted to discuss some things with Radagast.

This encounter made him feel that it was time to start preparing an intelligence gathering team.

 Thanks to all the little friends who helped to catch bugs. I really don’t have enough time as a part-time job. Generally, after everyone points it out, I will modify it after communicating with the responsible editor and transparency boss on Monday morning. Thank you for your continued support. Support, thank you, please ask for a monthly ticket, please subscribe, please recommend, please ask for comments, please add group 739020905 thank you. (ω)(ω)(ω)
(End of this chapter)

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