The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 79 What the northerners have heard, the initial idea of ​​the intelligence system

Chapter 79 What the northerners have heard, the initial idea of ​​the intelligence system
There is a place in Wilderness Town that is respected by almost everyone. This kind of respect is different from the awe and love that the people have for the lord, but a kind of gratitude that comes from the heart.

This place was the hospital that James was in charge of, and it was only natural that a man well-liked by the townspeople run a respected place.

Of course, there must be Allen’s credit for this. The hospital is an institution directly under the Kingdom’s cabinet. Allen had devoted a lot of resources here before, giving James almost all the power. The current status of the townspeople Recognition is inseparable from Allen's preference.

At this time, in a certain ward of the hospital, there were two injured northern humans sitting on the bed leaning against the brick wall, eating the lunch in front of them.

It was a sick meal, and it was usually given to patients recovering from serious injuries.

A large piece of honey cake can keep the patient in a good mood, a bowl of broth can give the wounded enough energy to recover from the injury, and there is an extra large piece of grilled fish to supplement enough protein.

It's winter now, and Allen doesn't have enough energy and time to play in the greenhouse, so there are no green vegetables now.

If it is a warm season, some vegetables will be rationed and some dietary fiber will be added.

That's right, such a particular menu, of course, was ordered by Allen.

Alyx, whose left leg was torn off a large piece of muscle by the warg, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said vaguely to his brother: "Brother, do you think the people here eat so well every day? You Look at Pete who takes care of us, he also has three meals a day, although there is no meat, but it is much better than ours to keep full."

As he said that, Alex picked up the broth in front of him, took two sips, and then said in a low voice, "Brother, do you think Chief Gael will take us to stay and serve the king here?"

The other person was Ole, whose left forearm had been bitten off by a wolf. He was Alex's brother.

At this moment, he was carefully holding the spoon with his good right hand, sending the broth in the bowl to his mouth, the depression on his face could not be saved even by honey cake.

Ever since he lost his left arm, Ole felt that it was inconvenient to go anywhere. He even spilled soup several times. This outstanding hunter in the past was full of depression and felt that he might as well die like that. .

He said to his younger brother in a low voice: "Alex, don't think so much, don't you see how many people are in this place? Didn't you see how prosperous this place was when you came? King Alan stayed What do we do? What's more, I'm disabled now, what else can I do? Maybe you still have a chance? I don't know!"

Speaking of Ole at the end, he was a little excited. As the eldest brother, he thought much more than that. He didn't know what price that Gail guy had paid to allow them, the wounded, to receive such preferential treatment here.

You must know that there were nearly 50 wounded people brought back by Allen at the beginning, and 42 people survived at this time, and the seven people who died were all seriously injured in their internal organs. Well, even James can't do anything about such a wounded person.

It is not the first time for the elder Ole to participate in this kind of hunting. The wolves in the forest and the humans living in the same area are natural enemies. Either you kill me or I kill you. Sometimes, they even want to kill you. Facing the common attack of wargs and orcs.

Many injured people did not die in the fight with the enemy, but died under the inflamed and smelly wounds, and less than one-third of them survived.

Earlier, some companions who had recovered from their injuries would still have a fever, weakness, panic, and suddenly died of convulsions in a coma. At that time, no one knew why.

It wasn't until a scruffy man who called himself a brown-robed wizard taught them how to make a potion that this situation disappeared.

After arriving at the hospital in Wilderness Town, Ole's eyes were opened. Those guys who claimed to be doctors tied him up after arranging everything, and tied him up very tightly.

Then before Ole figured out the situation, he handed a cup of extremely spicy liquid to his mouth, motioning for Ole to drink it.

After drinking it, Ole instantly felt as if his chest had been tested by fire, and then he fell into a whirlwind.

In the blurred vision, Ole saw those doctors in linen shirts cut off the flesh of his left arm bit by bit with a knife. The strange thing is that the pain from the wound became more and more painful. Low, and finally, Ole, whose mind was full of mud, fell asleep in a daze.

After Ole was woken up again by the pain of his arm injury, this is what he looks like now.

Not only the two brothers Alex and Ole, but all the remaining northerners were surprised by the life of the residents of Wilderness Town. It was different from the shock and envy when they saw the city wall, but the life of the residents here. The way is full of incomprehension.

In the past few days of their lives, they discovered that there are many places that are different from them.

For example, the clothes worn by the people here are not very good and gorgeous, but they are not tattered, and they are kept a little tidy, especially now, when there is no need to go to the fields to work in winter.

And most of them seem to love cleanliness. It is very common to wash hands and feet after work. There are also special places for people to dump dirty water in various places in the town, and the clean water they use can also be used in various places in the city. Cellar access.

After dark, these people will not go back to the house to sleep immediately, some of the women are either in company or with their children, wandering in a street that specializes in selling various items, and occasionally women who are mothers bite Gritting your teeth and buying a piece of candy for your distressed child.

Most of the men will gather in the taverns in the city, holding a glass of beer or mead, discussing loudly the day's work, previous wars, and gossip about the lord and the mayor.

Of course, there are not all men here. A few boys from the north met Desaiwei whom they were familiar with, and at the invitation of Desaiwei, they each drank a glass of mead.

Soon, there were a few more regular customers in the tavern, but most of the time, they would drink a glass of wine together, and no one laughed at them. Most of the people here were no more than these northerners two or three years ago. How strong are young people.

Of course, the observation of these young people will not be interrupted by drinking.

During their observation, they further found that most of these children living in towns do not need to help the adults at home, but go to a place called a school to study.

A few of them ran over out of curiosity, wanting to see what they were doing, but they all said they didn't understand what they were doing when they came back.

And the thing that shocked them the most happened on the third day they came here.

It was extremely cold that day. In order to get some money for drinks, they planned to go fishing in the Anduin River under the guidance of the tavern owner.

After all, the tavern is also a government agency, and there will be a certain amount of purchases every day, but indiscriminate hunting and killing will never be allowed.

Of course, this does not include those fishermen who have opened ponds on the banks of the big rivers and have started farming. They are the main force providing large quantities of fish.

When they reached the gate of Wilderness Town, they happened to see thousands of soldiers, led by a three-star flag with a crown, running south along the road, which should be the very old road.

The hundreds of galloping cavalry in the team, as well as the nearly thousand well-armored infantry, brought a great shock to the few young men in the north who were about to go fishing.

Of course, this matter must have been arranged by Allen, and he didn't want to show these northerners his own strength, there is no need for that.

On the morning of the second day after his return, he summoned Fatis and asked his military minister to take most of the soldiers to search the black forest to the south to see if there were any traces of a large number of wargs.

Even if you can't find a large number of enemies, you still have to bring some deterrence to those scattered scum.

This is not only for Tyre and the others who are still exploring on the Old Jungle Road, but also for the safety of the future project implementation process.

Allen didn't want to have a wolf with no eyes every day to harass the working northerners.

For this matter, Allen also asked Beorn, who came to discuss business matters, to arrange for one or two tribesmen to follow the army to clean up those fish that might have slipped through the net.

Alan's friend, the skin-changer Beorn, has been very proud recently. On Raven Ridge in the Lonely Mountain, he personally avenged his family. After returning from the battlefield, his wife gave birth to him a big fat daughter. Both sons and daughters are winners in life.

When he learned of Alan's needs, he readily agreed, and he arranged for the new skin-changer Ogris to cooperate with Fatis to complete the work.

It turned out that due to the defeat of the orc army in Gushan this time, less than one-fifth of the number was killed by the coalition forces.

They had no strength and no leader, so they had no choice but to retreat into the tunnels deep in the Misty Mountains. They never dared to harass creatures frequently in various places in the Misty Mountains as before. of other species.

At this time, two hidden skin-changing families learned about the situation of the Lonely Mountain Battle from the mouth of the bird, and then came down from the Misty Mountains to join Ellen.

Afterwards, Allen introduced their two families to Beorn. They are both skin-changers, and they should have more common languages.

Now, in the oak forest to the west of Wilderness Town, there are already four families and thirteen skin-changing people. Unknowingly, Beorn's people have also grown a lot.

When Beorn came this time, he brought Alan a gift, which was a hound that had just grown up.

Even Alan, who had never raised a dog in his previous life, recognized the breed of the dog in front of him at a glance. Isn't this a golden retriever?But why is it so big?

This shoulder is nearly one meter high, right?The body length must be more than one meter.

There are also strong muscles, light yellow hair, simple and honest face, intelligent eyes, and the talent to understand human speech, which is very attractive to Allen.

Overjoyed, he directly named his pet dog after the god dog in ancient times, Juan, hoping that it would be equally loyal to protect the owner.

Juan, who had already known his fate, stuck out his pink tongue and licked Alan's outstretched palm without any instructions, and then squatted in Alan's footsteps, like a loyal guard.

Allen was very satisfied with Juan and was very grateful to Beorn, but Beorn told Allen not to care. This was just a little friendship in return.

Without Allen, he would not have his current life, let alone the extremely difficult thing of revenge.

When Beorn came this time, he mainly talked about large-scale honey farming and dairy farming. Kress passed Alan's information to them very well.

This matter is not difficult for the skin-changer. Beorn has extremely rich knowledge in breeding, but he lacks a certain amount of manpower now.

Beorn hopes that Allen will arrange for some animal-friendly residents to help with the work by tomorrow spring.

On the other side of the oak forest, Beorn has cultivated a large area of ​​gardens. If there is no accident, there will be a certain amount of honey in tomorrow's autumn.

However, the cycle of cows may be longer. After all, the number of Beorn domesticated is not too large, and it takes a certain amount of time to reproduce.

These requirements are nothing to Allen. Jamila sitting next to him has already recorded the matter. I believe she will select suitable personnel soon to assist the skin-changing man to complete these tasks.

After discussing these simple matters, Allen and Beorn chatted about another matter.

That is the ability to communicate with animals. Allen wants to use the special and concealed nature of animals to initially build his own intelligence system.

Originally, Allen planned to visit Radagast, the brown robe wizard, to see if he could pass on this ability.

It wasn't until I saw Beorn today that I realized that Beorn also has this ability.

Isn't this the darkness under the lights?The relationship between Allen and Radagast is not particularly good, at most, they agree with each other.

Whether people teach or not, whether they can teach, Alan has no certainty in his heart at all.

But Beorn is different. Even if this ability cannot be taught, Beorn's son, Grim, has expressed his willingness to serve Allen many times.

It's just that Allen considered that the two families are so close, that Grimm has just turned 15 years old, and that Marianne is still pregnant, it is not so appropriate to rashly accept his allegiance.

But the current situation has changed to a certain extent. If Beorn agrees, Allen is ready to accept Grimm and let the skin-changer be his intelligence director.

After being calculated by the wolf on the old dense forest road this time, Allen felt that he had a big defect in intelligence.

There is still a general trend in the trajectory of history, and Allen can rely on his understanding of Middle-earth to speculate and try to figure it out.

But for short-term information in a small area, he is completely blind and completely blind. Now he is no longer in a comprehensive defensive posture like before. To start developing, he must have a certain understanding of the surrounding situation.

Just like a few days ago, there was a group of bloodthirsty hungry wolves not far from his territory, but he didn't know it at all.

With such intelligence capabilities, how can the townspeople go out and open up more villages with confidence?Let them die?
So when Allen was thinking, he was extremely envious of the raven partners of the Lonely Mountain Dwarf. Those birds could not only provide information, but also send letters, they were simply the information couriers of Middle Earth.

If you want to build your own intelligence system, in the current environment in Middle-earth, it is not feasible to rely entirely on humans, and the efficiency is too low, but you can rely on animals, especially birds.

They fly very fast and are extremely difficult to attract the attention of the enemy. It can be said that they are very suitable intelligence agents.

But there are still problems, one is whether the intelligence of the animals can complete this work, and the other is how to communicate with these animals.

All these problems can be solved here by Beorn. He can train animals to become extremely smart, and he can also understand animals' speech, and even make animals understand human speech.

Of course, besides Beorn, Alan still has other choices, this is a magical world after all.

For example, the dwarves in Lonely Mountain have a language that can communicate with ravens, and Bard, the lord of River Valley City, also has the ability to understand the words of thrush birds. According to records, the even more powerful King Thranduil can understand most birds. class language.

But the dwarves took this aspect very seriously, and it was equivalent to racial secrets. Bard was already the lord of River Valley City, let alone King Thranduil.

Ability like this is generally equivalent to racial secrets, and it will never be spread easily, especially for dwarves.

Allen has always been very cautious in dealing with these knowledge issues, and has never proposed to share with his allies. He thinks it is better to exchange.

So after comprehensive consideration, Allen mentioned this matter to Beorn.

The relationship between the skin-changing people and Wilderness Town is very complicated. They are like allies and guests. Compared with dwarves and elves, the relationship between the two parties is closer.

And Beorn, the leader of the skin-changing people, is also a very close friend of Alan. According to the friendship between the two, Alan felt that it should be considered too abrupt to mention this matter.

It's just that Beorn's reaction was very strange. He told Allen with a look of surprise that Kress, who often went to the Oak Forest as a guest, had almost learned this ability and was completely competent for this part of the job.

Alan, who heard the news, was much more surprised than Beorn, but he didn't show it too much, but asked Beorn if he could teach this skill to more people.

Beorn scratched his head and said that it needs to be selected, and only humans who have been recognized by the skin-changing people can learn this skill.

Beorn's ability to make such a promise has greatly exceeded Allen's expectations.

Afterwards, the two friends had a hearty drink in the banquet hall. In the afternoon, Beorn bid farewell to Ai Lu and went back to his garden.

And Allen didn't immediately summon Kress because of Beorn's words, and things went too smoothly, far exceeding Allen's expectations.

He hasn't figured out the specific operation method yet. How many animals will be released and how many strongholds will be built on the Misty Mountains?How should Dol Guldur be monitored?Do you want to send a reconnaissance team in the direction of Mordor to investigate the movement of Quelon?

Allen needs a certain amount of time to gather his thoughts, and then discuss with Kress how to establish this intelligence agency.

 Thank you for my editor, and the recommendation from the transparent boss. It’s a pity that I’m a little trash and can’t add updates. I can only maintain about 5K per day. Let’s do it. I’ll work hard recently to see if I can code more. In the near future Jiageng, I also thank all the book friends for their support to me, thank you, thank you, by the way, the recent state-owned major events, comments can not be replied, I give everyone a thumbs up.


(End of this chapter)

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