From Su Lanzhi's point of view, Qin Zhiyan and herself are just acquaintances who nod to each other. He looks kind, but he is an unpredictable person in his heart. Su Lanzhi would not think that such a person would care about a person who has little relationship at will. (First issue)

They don't seem to be that familiar yet?

Su Lanzhi has always been a person who is close and distant. Familiarity means familiarity, and unfamiliarity means unfamiliarity. Unfortunately, Qin Zhiyan belongs to the latter group, and it is too late for Su Lanzhi to avoid him.But hearing the other party's obviously caring and familiar words, Su Lanzhi didn't think that the other party was just asking politely!

At this moment, seeing the concern in the other party's eyes, Su Lanzhi was a little puzzled, but she quickly concealed her emotions, "My mother has recovered a lot, but she is still a little weak, and the imperial doctor suggests that you should not come out and walk around Good." Regardless of whether the other party really cared or just greeted politely, Su Lanzhi only regarded the other party as the latter.

The person in front of her is noble, handsome, and talented, and she can't afford to provoke him, so if she can avoid it, she will avoid it!

"It's good that Mrs. Su is fine." Looking at Su Lanzhi's eyes without any worries, Qin Zhiyan felt relieved.I thought it shouldn't be a big deal, but Murong Yan didn't come today, so why didn't someone take care of Su Lanzhi?

After all, although the other party looks well-behaved and sensible, and is much more mature than her peers, after all, she is only a 13-year-old girl.

I was a little worried, but Qin Zhiyan couldn't help but said, "Miss Su, today, is she here alone?" According to the rules, Su Lanzhi is still a child, so she should be accompanied by someone Yes, Su Qinglan and Murong Yan shouldn't be so confused.

But, why is there only a maid beside this man?

Qin Zhiyan felt that something was wrong, and out of concern for Su Lanzhi, he asked without hesitation. Although Su Lanzhi was surprised that the other party seemed to care about him, today the other party did help him, and these words She refused to answer, which was a little bad, "Mother originally asked me to come with my aunt and the others today, and we made an appointment to meet at the gate of the palace, but maybe I came late, and the aunt and the others It was first recruited by the empress."

It is also possible that the Jingbei Hou's mansion is favored and the queen treats him better. Although Su Lanzhi feels that there is something wrong with it, but now that the deal is done, there is no need to entangle this matter again.

"Did the Empress recruit in first?" Listening to Su Lanzhi's words, Qin Zhiyan's eyes also flashed with confusion, and he also noticed something wrong. At this time, he saw an eunuch leading the way beside Su Lanzhi Not at all, Qin Zhiyan also guessed something in his heart, "When Miss Su arrived at the palace gate, didn't someone lead you into the palace?" If this is the case, then those eunuchs are too remiss in their duties!

"Yes, it's just that I was tired halfway, so I rested for a while. The eunuch said that he had gone to help me get food. I watched him not come back for a long time, thinking that he was stumbled by something, so I walked over by myself. It's gone." Falsely, and fictitiously, Qin Zhiyan heard the information in Su Lanzhi's words.

It seems that today, someone deliberately wanted to give her a blow, but who is this person?

There was a chill in his heart, he was a little worried that Su Lanzhi had already made enemies before entering the palace, and today is the queen's birthday banquet, so there are naturally many people here, Qin Zhiyan sees Su Lanzhi lonely at this moment Alone, I was a little worried that Su Lanzhi was being plotted against.

It seems that for a while, I still have to be more careful and take care of myself.

Involuntarily wanting to protect Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan's feeling like this became more and more intense, but he didn't reject it, and let himself go, "The palace is no better than home, Miss Su today Be careful!" There are some things that both of them know in their hearts, and Qin Zhiyan also knows that Su Lanzhi is not a fool, and he must have discovered something is wrong, otherwise he would not have found his own way.

Although he was surprised at how Su Lanzhi went the right way by mistake, Qin Zhiyan didn't doubt where he was going.

After all, Su Lanzhi has never entered the palace before. Who would know that the woman in front of her was also the one who entered the middle palace in her previous life, and she is the most honorable woman in this world?

"Thank you King Wu Cheng for your reminder!" Qin Zhiyan's kind concern made Su Lanzhi feel kind. Although she was repulsed by the person in front of her in her heart, Su Lanzhi still couldn't just ignore the other person's kindness to her. of.

It seems that I will owe a favor after all.

"No problem!" He replied lightly. Qin Zhiyan was not a talkative person at all. At this moment, he didn't say anything. Su Lanzhi didn't want to have too much involvement with Qin Zhiyan, so naturally They wouldn't be looking for something to talk about, and the relationship between the two would be brought closer, so the two walked quietly. Although they didn't say a word, they felt very peaceful in each other's hearts.

Today's weather is still very good, because it's still early, the sun has not come out, occasionally a few gusts of breeze blow, with a faint fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed.

Many men smell of sweat, but the man next to him seems to have a different smell. It has a very light fragrance, but it smells very pleasant. What is it?Somewhat similar to sandalwood, but lighter than sandalwood, it just smells good.

While thinking about it, Qin Zhiyan who was at the side suddenly spoke again, "Miss Su is going to find some Mrs. Murong, is there Miss Murong?"

It's rare to see the woman he likes. Qin Zhiyan doesn't have much contact with women in the past, and he really doesn't know how to talk to women in order to be good. For a while, he feels that he is a little short of words, which is really embarrassing.

"Well, I have to pay my respects to the empress first before I can go to my aunt and the others!" Now, it is already too late for her, so it is better to go to see the empress earlier, so as not to cause criticism.

"Alright, it's better for Ms. Su to be with Mrs. Murong and the others today, so I can take care of them!" This is also a disguised reminder to Su Lanzhi not to leave Xi Lerong and the others, so as not to cause trouble, Su Lanzhi is naturally Hearing the other party's kind reminder, I couldn't tell what it was like.

"I see." This person is obviously not such a warm-hearted person, but why does he persuade him repeatedly?

An inexplicable feeling flashed across her heart. To Su Lanzhi, this feeling was a bit weird.

"Today, there are many wives and ladies from aristocratic families. The empress used to be frugal. This year, there will be a big birthday banquet. Naturally, there will be a lot of people. Don't be nervous, Miss Su. Follow me in a while, and someone will bring you You go to see the empress. The empress is gentle and easy to get along with. Be careful, and she won't make things difficult for you!" She is the mother of a country, and she has been able to sit firmly in this position, and has been treated for many years. Emperor Wen's favorite is not a simple person.

"Hmm!" Su Lanzhi had met the queen many times in her previous life. The graceful and luxurious woman in her memory was just like the gorgeous peony. In, but without losing the close ones.

It's just that Su Lanzhi knows that this is just a superficial appearance of the queen, this palace is a big dye vat, anyone will be dyed, let alone the queen who is the master of the palace?

Su Lanzhi can still vividly remember the memories of her previous life, and she still remembers the events of that year especially deeply, especially when the Queen's eyes full of hatred stabbed at her and Qin Yan like fire. , Su Lanzhi had nightmares for a long, long time afterwards, unable to sleep peacefully!

Although it is said that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, there is no right or wrong in this, but back then, with such ruthless means, such scheming and betrayal without regard for brotherhood, it is Su Lanzhi who has come to realize it now. I understand that the man I was once infatuated with has always been just a cold and heartless person. Such a person can betray and destroy my close relatives, let alone an outsider like myself?

I always feel that my eyes are always fascinated by people, and I can't see the people and things around me clearly. As for the end that I ended up like, now that I think about it, Su Lanzhi often can't help but think, did she do it on her own?

Many times, as long as she kept an eye on it, maybe it wouldn't end like this?It's just that she didn't do anything after all.

Sighing, Su Lanzhi has already been reborn now, and looks at the people and things around her with a calm heart, so that she won't be blinded by her feelings again.


Along the way, the two had occasional conversations, their tone was indifferent, but they were indescribably harmonious. Su Lanzhi herself didn't feel this, but Yun Zhu who was on the side felt it.

Miss and this Wu Chengwang, but...

Looking at the two, Yunzhu was walking behind, seeing the two walking together, although they abided by the etiquette, they were not particularly close, but they stood together, like the golden boy and jade girl, they were a very good match up.

It is said that this King Wucheng has a gentle personality, a good status, and he has no airs. Now it seems that this is really the case.

Seeing Qin Zhiyan's kindness towards Su Lanzhi, Yunzhu also felt happy in her heart, looking at the two people in front of her, she felt that they were more and more suitable for each other.

It would be a beautiful thing if Miss could marry King Wu Cheng.

Yun Zhu looked at Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan expectantly from behind, the more she watched, the more she felt that the atmosphere between the two was extraordinarily beautiful and harmonious, and she was also thinking about the benefits of Su Lanzhi marrying Qin Zhiyan, They listed a lot, but Su Lanzhi didn't know about these. If she knew, Su Lanzhi would not easily spare Yunzhu.


At this time, Su Lanzhi couldn't tell what it was like. Although she rejected Qin Zhiyan in her heart, she walked all the way with the other party. The occasional conversation between the two of them also abided by the law and never exceeded it. Qin Zhiyan was also a kind understanding Although the satisfactory man was much taller than her, his steps were not too big, and he deliberately slowed down so that Su Lanzhi would not be able to keep up. Even if he was worried about Su Lanzhi's embarrassment on the way, his occasional words were extraordinarily considerate, making Su Lanzhi While Lan Zhi felt surprised, she didn't feel abrupt or uncomfortable, nor did she feel uncomfortable at all... The other party's carefulness made Su Lanzhi feel a little rippling in her heart.

He's a good guy, it's just a pity...

Facing a person with no future, Su Lanzhi didn't care about it before, but after getting in touch with Qin Zhiyan and Qin Wangfei more, and feeling the sincerity and kindness of these two people, Su Lanzhi felt for them. sighed.

Perhaps this world is really fair. People who are too perfect and happy will always be envied by others. Isn't it the same for Princess Qin and Qin Zhiyan?

Their status is noble, and they have obtained everything that many people dream of. Qin Wangfei has a deep affection with Qin Wang and his wife. Over the years, their love remains unchanged, and together they gave birth to such an excellent son as Qin Zhiyan...

Maybe this kind of happiness will really be envied. Has even God become cruel?

Suddenly she turned her head and took a look at Qin Zhiyan. Su Lanzhi knew that many things, since they were already doomed, could not be changed. Looking at the smile on Qin Zhiyan's face and the healthy complexion of the other party, And that vigorous body, Su Lanzhi really didn't expect that in the end, it would end like that.

Now he is afraid that he will be crowned soon?So, isn't it only four years from that incident?

Time flies, four years have passed quickly, but I don't know, will the same ending befall this person again?His own rebirth has changed the fate of many people, so what about him?

The sudden idea in his heart made Su Lanzhi jump. While in a daze, Qin Zhiyan seemed to have noticed Su Lanzhi's attention, but he turned his head and looked at each other. The electric current of the strands passed by. In the end, it was Qin Zhiyan who saw the regretful light in Su Lanzhi's eyes, and felt a little strange, "What is Miss Su looking at? So engrossed?" Did not point out that Su Lanzhi was Look at yourself, so as not to embarrass the other party.

But it's really strange. In Surrey, he hates women staring at him the most, and feels very irritable every time, but this time Su Lanzhi is looking at him. In his heart, there is no reason, some Happy.

It seems that she is really different!

"I..." While thinking about an excuse, Su Lanzhi saw a dark blue figure in the corner of her eyes, watching the man walk in, a faint light flashed across Su Lanzhi's eyes.

How is he?

------off topic-----

Recommend a friend article "The First Daughter of the Warlord" Author: Qiqiye

She, Su Nianshui, a top student in the Department of Modern History, was reborn by accident, and she fell into the era of turbulent wars, warlords and operas.

He, Yin Shaofan, the arms lord standing on the top of black and white on the beach in Shanghai, the son of darkness who came from the slaughter.

He, Gong Qingcheng, the well-known third young master of the Southern Marshal's Mansion, a man endowed with the color of legend.

He, Wen Rensu, is a returnee from a rich family in a foreign company, and a well-known romantic son in Shanghai.

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