Concubine Jing is also a bit domineering. She has been favored these years, and there is a prince with a high voice, and Yuan Wuhou is behind him to support him. These years, she has been in the palace like a fish in water. After a long time, her temperament is a bit arrogant. Yes, I am in a bad mood at this moment, and the sting in those words is obvious.

Everyone in the world knows that Concubine Luan has been favored for decades, but the only regret is that Concubine Luan has no children. Of course, this does not mean that Concubine Luan is infertile.Concubine Luan was also pregnant with children back then, but it was just a court battle. How many children in the palace can be born safely, and how many can grow up safely?

Concubine Luan was very prosperous back then, she won the holy favor, naturally she made a lot of enemies, especially after Concubine Luan was pregnant, Emperor Wen doted on him in every possible way, and almost responded to Concubine Luan's request, how could such kindness not be recruited What about jealousy?

Some people are jealous, so naturally some people will do it. Concubine Luan just entered the palace back then, relying on Emperor Wen's favor, although she was careful in every possible way, but the child still had a miscarriage at five months, and it was already a formed male fetus Concubine Luan almost collapsed from the blow at that time, and her body was also damaged by such a huge blow. Even though she had tried various treatments over the years, she still couldn't conceive a child.

The women in this palace don't have a single child. Now that Emperor Wen is still there, they can flourish for a while, but when Emperor Wen dies, these women will spend their entire lives in the palace in misery.

There is a child, and when the child grows up in the future, if he is a prince and crowned king, then he can take the concubine out of the mansion and become that concubine.

Therefore, all the women in the palace want a child to be with them. Even if they cannot ascend to the supreme position, they can have someone to rely on.

Concubine Luan has no children, this is Concubine Luan's heart disease, and it is also the pain in Concubine Luan's heart. Many concubines present also know about this, so no one dares to use this matter to provoke Concubine Luan, lest Concubine Luan get into trouble At this moment, Concubine Jing is irritating Concubine Luan in this way, and everyone's faces are full of worry and uneasiness.

Today is the Queen's Empress's birthday banquet, this Concubine Jing, is she too disrespectful?Wouldn't it ruin the Queen's Empress's birthday banquet to start a fight with Concubine Luan in front of so many people?

At this time, not only Concubine Luan's complexion was not good, but even the dignified and elegant Empress had a little bit of displeasure in her eyes, and she felt that Concubine Jing was too presumptuous.

Although she doesn't participate in the fights among the concubines, she is happy to see these people fighting with each other, and she benefits from it. However, today is her birthday banquet, and the queen's authority still cannot be violated!

Although she was extremely displeased, the queen is a queen after all, as the lord of the middle palace, of course she wouldn't be overjoyed to make others see something, so now seeing Concubine Luan's complexion is not good, the queen quietly I just took it off, and just looked at Su Lanzhi, her face tightened with joy, "Okay, don't say a few words, Miss Su is still waiting there, we are so negligent when she comes, it's okay Scared her!"

The words also blamed Concubine Jing for deliberately making things difficult. Hearing Concubine Jing's expression was disturbed, and she was about to say something, Su Lanzhi didn't want to be watched all the time, and was tricked by the arrow, so she ordered Yunzhu to take out the arrow. Things are ready, "The Queen's Empress is celebrating her birthday today, and the daughters of the people don't know what to give as a birthday present. I just heard that the Empress is always frugal, so I made a pair of cotton shoes with my own hands. I hope the Empress likes it!"

Time was in a hurry, and Su Lanzhi didn't have time to do anything valuable. Thinking about the rumors about the queen, and the experience of her previous life, Su Lanzhi finally decided to make a pair of cotton shoes, which were simple and elegant, and contained her own heart , this is very good for the queen who has always loved frugality.

At this moment, the queen was worried that Concubine Jing would make trouble and cause trouble for herself. Now that she heard Su Lanzhi's words, the queen became interested, "Oh? Bring it up and have a look!" With a look, the maid went down to pick it up, and the queen took the embroidered shoes. The fabric was made of floating fabric that had been paid tribute a few days ago. The texture was soft and silky, and it was very warm. The picture of the peony is flat, without any thread ends, it is comfortable to the touch, and when you look inside, it is wrapped with thick silk, which is really warm and tight.Especially the soles are very thick. For the queen who doesn't walk often, she won't feel cold when she walks on the icy snow.

Looking at the shoes, the queen smiled, and seeing Su Lanzhi's attitude, she was much more kind, "It's rare that Miss Su has such a heart, I just wear it now if I want to, it's a good job, thank you! "

After a while, a court lady brought a plate with a lot of good things on it. The queen smiled and nodded, "I don't know what you like, so I'll take these little things back for you to play with!"

The queen was also kind, and gave Su Lanzhiwen a bamboo inlaid ice plum inlaid sapphire Ruyi handle, beeswax bracelets, white jade earrings and a string of fragrant wood beads. Although the things are not particularly luxurious, but fortunately they are exquisite and beautiful. It was bestowed by the queen again, but it has attracted the envy and hatred of many people.

Looking at these things, Su Lanzhi felt a little bit of a hot potato at the moment. She wanted to throw them away, but she couldn't throw them away, so she had to thank her, "Thank you, Empress, for the reward!" Can she say no?Of course it can't.

"Look at this child, she's really sensible, Concubine Xue, don't you think so?" Looking at the woman in pale yellow beside her, that woman was just like her name, she was really as beautiful as Snow White, and she was so beautiful that she couldn't be real Especially since she doesn't talk much and sits there quietly, giving people a feeling that she is more than a flower.

Such a woman, as a rare imperial concubine in the dynasty, shows her noble status, especially the friendly attitude of the other party, who seems to be very easy to get along with, which is even more commendable.

At this moment when the queen asked about it, Concubine Xue smiled, that smile was like the warm winter sun, very bright and moving, "What the empress said is very true, Miss Su is really ingenious, and she looks good." The voice is soft and soft, without any edges and corners, which makes people listen extraordinarily comfortable.

"To be praised by Concubine Xue, it seems that Ms. Su is really good. Concubine Jing, what do you think?" Seeing the unwillingness on Concubine Jing's face at this time, the Empress didn't know what was wrong, she always liked to talk Going to Concubine Jing, Concubine Jing's eyes were full of disgust for Su Lanzhi, but in front of so many people, she couldn't do too much.

After all, the two families are still related by in-laws, so it's not good to really tear each other apart!What's more, it's the queen's birthday banquet now. The queen has already warned her just now. Although concubine Jing is arrogant, she also knows how to measure, so she won't say more, "Hehe, the empress and Concubine Xue both praised her very well. , Miss Su is indeed a wonderful person!"

These words are obviously insincere, so I can't tell that Concubine Jing has any sincere good words, that is, Su Lanzhi watched these high-ranking people come and go, talking and laughing, feeling like a It's the same item, being appraised by others, I feel a little displeased, but the other party's status is noble, Su Lanzhi didn't get what the other party said, and she didn't dare to take any action, so she could only stand down in a proper manner, with her head bowed, and worked hard lowered his own existence.

This queen must have done it on purpose!

Who is she?

Or, what are you testing?

There is an untimely bomb planted by the queen in the mansion, but Su Lanzhi dare not let go of her guard against the queen, especially when entering the palace today, it is already strange, not to mention there are so many things to do once entering the palace , it is obvious that someone is deliberately tripping her up and against her!

Who is this person? Now that she is standing here, she basically understands. Although she is angry in her heart, she can only hold back and look for an opportunity!


Maybe someone heard Su Lanzhi's heartfelt voice. After Su Lanzhi had stood there for a long time, there was a noise at the door. Three handsome men came in, each with their own style. man. <Feng, the picture-like face is inlaid with a smile, that smile is like the sparkling water surface, elegant and indifferent, people look at it, there is a kind of want to get close, but there is an invisible distance, I am afraid that I have blasphemed the gods.

And the other has the completely opposite temperament, cold as ice, on a handsome face, the sharp and hard facial features are like carvings, with sharp edges and corners, and a pair of eyes are as cold as ice, which makes people feel a little bit Don't dare to approach.

The difference from the previous two is that the man walking in the middle has a graceful and luxurious face, and the smile is always approachable. Although the facial features are beautiful, they just have a little more yin and softness, which women feel ashamed of.

Even if the three of them appear alone, they will attract the attention of everyone. Appearing together at this moment, it has attracted the attention of most people in Chengyuan, and it also made Su Lanzhi feel like he was relieved. Become the focus of the crowd again.

"My son, please greet the empress. I wish the empress a blessing like the East China Sea, and a long life than the South Mountain!" Because he is the empress's parent and son, Qin Mo's attitude seemed much more casual and intimate, and he took out a box from his arms and gave it to the empress. It's the queen.

"You!" Seeing Qin Mo, the queen smiled dotingly, and she didn't hide the kindness and love in her words at all.

"Mother, this Nanzhu Erchen has been looking for it for a long time, and even went to Yunlai Temple to see him. It can cure diseases and eliminate disasters in 49 days. Mother should always carry it with her." Qin Mo's gift is very precious. Yes, and the intention is also good. The queen saw her, and the smile on her face was warmer. It was not as graceful and luxurious as before, but it was just a superficial effort. "I know you are filial!"

At this time, looking at Qin Zhiyan and Qin Mo, the queen looked at the three dragons and phoenixes among them. At this moment, they had already attracted all the attention of the people present. She smiled and joked, "The three of you are late, so you still have one I'm late, didn't I agree?"

"Mother, that's not true. We just met by chance, so we came together!" Facing his biological mother, Qin Mo's attitude was naturally much more casual than others. Everyone watched Qin Mo get along with the queen, Some people are rather envious.

"Hehe, it's good that you guys are of the same age and often get together!" The queen has never objected to Qin Mo's establishment of his own circle of friends. At this moment, she certainly approves of Qin Mo's association with other honorable families. , and Qin Yan and Qin Zhiyan, as two powerful people in the dynasty, the queen naturally hoped to win them over.

"What the queen mother said is very true. We have made an appointment to find an opportunity to get together. When the time comes, we can call a few younger brothers and we can have a little poetry meeting!" Qin Mo has always been the same in the eyes of outsiders. The prince who doesn't have any airs is gentle and polite in his speech on weekdays, and his reputation has always been good.

"You young people are so lively!" Looking at Qin Mo dotingly, the queen looked at Concubine Jing beside her, and it was considered an invitation, "Concubine Jing, when the time comes, let the fifth son of your family join us, how many Child, it's been a long time since we got together."

"That's natural. It's just that Yan'er has been sent to the south of the Yangtze River by the emperor, and he doesn't know when he can come back." There was a bit of flaunting the favor of the fifth prince in the words, and Concubine Jing was also a person who refused to admit defeat. There are many excellent princes in the palace, but her son Qin Yan is not bad, and now he has the support of some people. As long as time passes, that seat is not far away.

"Hehe, the fifth son of your family, it's too much work for those who are capable. The emperor trusts him very much. Now he is asked to investigate the corruption case in the south of the Yangtze River. When he returns from his meritorious service, the emperor's reward will naturally be indispensable. There is absolutely no jealousy in these words, of course, even if there is jealousy, the queen will not say it.

Anyway, she is the queen, the master of the middle palace, and the most honorable woman in the world. Does she still need to be jealous and envious of others?

"Rewards come second. Being able to share the emperor's worries is Yan'er's blessing!" Although Concubine Jing is also from a famous family, the rewards in the palace represent the favor of the emperor's younger brother, and are also related to a concubine's status in the palace. happy.

It's just joy, and it can't be too much. Now that Qin Yan is too popular, Concubine Jing dare not be too public.

"Concubine Jing is always humble!" Looking at Concubine Jing's pretentious appearance with a half smile, the queen's eyes were a little sneering, but looking at Qin Zhiyan and Qin Yan, her face was soft, "It's also your filial piety!" , I took time out of my busy schedule to visit this palace, this palace is very happy, this palace has not been so lively for a long time!"

The queen didn't know whether it was really quiet or troublesome, but she seldom held banquets. Other concubines just wanted to hold banquets. Seeing that the queen didn't move, they didn't dare to make it too large-scale, so in the palace these years, It was indeed a little deserted.

"The empress's birthday party today, of course we are going to attend!" Qin Zhiyan and Qin Yan said birthday wishes one after another, and gave out their own gifts, which made the queen's smile deepen a little.

"I have gained a lot today. One or two of you have given all the good things to me. It seems that in the future, I will have to do more for such a banquet!" Joking with a smile, the queen Seeing that the queen was in a good mood, Concubine Luan on the side naturally agreed, "What the empress said is very true, we are just visiting each other every day in the palace. Holding some banquets can be more lively, and it will save us in Surrey, that is, visiting each other and having no entertainment."

"Isn't it? Looking at this flowery and jade-like young lady, I feel that the years are passing faster." The fifth prince Qin Yan has not married a wife yet, and Concubine Jing also wants to get in touch with some wealthy daughters. It is good for Qin Yan to marry a good wife as a help.

"In a few months, it will be the Hundred Flowers Festival. At that time, we will have to hold a big event. The princes in this palace are gradually growing up, and it is time to make good plans for them!" The queen said Concubine Jing's face flashed a touch of displeasure, and Concubine Luan was not worried because she had no children. Concubine Xue Gui on the side was always quiet. Anyway, her daughter was her daughter, so she didn't pay too much attention to it. Some of the other concubines showed joy, but some were also a little sad.

There are many women in this palace, but the emperor's love and favor are limited. Those who are lucky enough to give birth to a man and a half woman are their blessings, but those who have no children are doomed to be miserable when they grow old.

"Hehe, look at this palace, I forgot how many children are waiting, you don't always look after us, go sit and eat by yourself, always standing, it's tiring!" Bearing Qin Mo's suffering, the queen let Su Lanzhi and the others go at this moment. Su Lanzhi bowed out, and passed by Qin Zhiyan. Su Lanzhi suddenly had a radiant feeling with his smiling face like melting ice and snow.

This man is really terrified!

Withdrawing her thoughts, Su Lanzhi walked step by step to the place where Xi Lerong and the others were sitting, feeling the strong cold light cast on her body, Su Lanzhi felt uncomfortable all over!

What is this man going to do?Keep staring at yourself, why?

Now I don't want to get along with Qin Yan too much, so Su Lanzhi simply let Yunzhu block Qin Yan's cold sight, and then she felt a little more comfortable. On Qin Yan's side, Qin Zhiyan had been with Qin Yan all the time. Together, they naturally noticed Qin Yan's gaze, and casually blocked Qin Yan's face, and smiled, but that smile damned made Qin Yan feel extraordinarily flattered!

"Lord Yan, should we go to Uncle Huang's place now, or sit here for a while?" Naturally, most of the queen's birthday banquets will be entertained by female family members. , Qin Zhiyan asked like this, although it disturbed Qin Yan's gaze, but Qin Yan couldn't refute it.

I never thought that Qin Zhiyan was a person who was in the way before, but today, the other party did something that was in the way. Qin Yan felt a little displeased, "There are all female relatives here, let's go to the father's house." there!"

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