() Xiangfu's side is naturally happy and harmonious, but at this moment, the palace is still full of gunpowder smoke!As soon as the banquet was over, the queen dispersed the crowd in a hurry, dismissed everyone, and was alone in the room, so angry that she wanted to throw everything in the room clean!

The anger in her heart stained the queen's elegant face with a little haze. The queen thought about her layout today, and thought that Concubine Jing was so smart this time that she found a substitute. How could the queen not gas?

"Bai Rui, this time, I'm counting on you to be ruthless!" She firmly held her hand. If the queen hadn't always been self-disciplined, I'm afraid people would have noticed something today!Especially thinking about the way Emperor Wen looked at him today, that scrutinizing gaze made the queen feel unreasonable, and I was a little flustered!

She knew that Emperor Wen was not such a foolish person. Although he was getting older, he would sometimes be confused and his ears would be softer, but Emperor Wen had experienced a lot when he was young, and he has worked hard over the years. He managed Da Cang very well, and it was precisely because of the title of Ming Jun that Emperor Wen paid special attention to it.So even though he was old and confused, he would inevitably be suspicious, but in major matters, Emperor Wen was still very cautious!

Over the years, the empress has always been cautious, maintaining a graceful and generous demeanor. Naturally, the reason is to let Emperor Wen see her generosity and trust her. She has never guaranteed the status of herself and the second prince Qin Mo, but today...

It never occurred to her that Concubine Jing was smarter today. The empress had prepared a good show, but it ended just like that. I really feel a little bit unwilling!

"Your Majesty, don't be angry, it hurts your body, Empress Empress, you didn't get nothing from what happened today, at least one threat was eliminated, didn't you?" The only person left in the room was the old man who had been following the empress. This person is the queen's dowry, and now she has become a nanny in the palace. She looks decent, but she is a bit older.

"It's just that this matter didn't go in the direction I thought, and I really don't want to!" She patted the table angrily, and the queen felt very upset when she thought of Concubine Jing's proud face!

"My lady, at least Zhang Meiren's belly is gone, isn't it? And by the way, Su Jieyu was also eliminated, and the mother year is not for nothing. Although Concubine Jing didn't do it directly this time, but Su Jieyu did that. It is definitely inseparable from Concubine Jing, Madam, just wait with peace of mind, don't we have a better pawn in our hand now? Using her to deal with Concubine Jing would be the best!" The eyes of Nanny Rong Under the taint of long-term interests, it has become a little muddy, but the jingle in the eyes has never disappeared.

"Ma'am, you're talking about Zhang Meiren?" Thinking of the woman who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, the queen had to say that a woman of this age has a lot more charm than her now.

Time, it really is not forgiving, in a blink of an eye, she is already old, not as young and beautiful as before, and she can't do so many things, which arouses pity.

"Your Majesty is really clear! This beauty lost her dragon fetus, and she must be very angry. Although Su Jieyu has been punished now, the person behind the scenes has not been punished yet. Why don't you let Zhang Meiren get some news, so that she can get a better result?" Zhang Meiren and Concubine Jing are fighting with each other, how can we benefit from it?" This is also the trick used by the queen, the queen likes to do superficial tricks, pretending to be generous, pretending to be noble, so there are so many dirty things, the queen seldom Hands-on, often like to use people as arrows!

Sowing dissension, the queen has always done a good job!

Sure enough, upon hearing Nanny Rong's words, the Queen's originally angry face relaxed a lot, "Mommy is right, I will leave this matter to Nanny."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this old slave will definitely live up to your Majesty's expectations!" The master and servant have been working together for many years, and the tacit understanding is very good!

"This matter is entrusted to you, I am very relieved. It's just that there is one more thing, I always feel that I am a little worried." Thinking of Su Lanzhi, the queen is really afraid at this moment.

"Your Majesty is talking about the eldest lady of the Su family?" The master and servant Lianxin has also served the queen for many years, so Mother Rong can tell what the queen is thinking at a glance.

"Well, in the past, Su Lanzhi was dull and honest, and she didn't talk much, so it's nothing to worry about, but it seems that the rumors are more than that. Today's birthday banquet, I want to test her, it is also an opportunity, but I just see Looking at her spirit, she is not chaotic in the face of danger, which is much better than many ladies. I am worried that there is such a person in Suxiang. Our future plans may be difficult, and this Su Lanzhi seems to be It is not so easy to submit to the Lord!" How can one person become so many?The queen really didn't understand.

People who were not to be feared in the first place can be pinched at will, but now, she is afraid that she has to think about it.

"Besides, the emperor's attitude towards the Prime Minister's House is very vague. Now, I don't know what the emperor is thinking." The former Emperor Wen had a lot of trust in Su Qinglan, but he didn't know it was because of his age. , or what, these years, Emperor Wen seems to be a little jealous of Su Qinglan.

"If your empress is worried, just observe slowly, but according to this old slave, the emperor still trusts Prime Minister Su a lot, otherwise the emperor may have a seizure today." Emperor Wen has such an ambiguous attitude now , is what makes everyone more confused. Many people who want to win over Su Qinglan have an extra layer of consideration.

"I think so too, it's just the emperor's thoughts. Now, it's becoming more and more difficult to guess." The queen always felt that Emperor Wen seemed to be on guard against someone, and felt a little uneasy in her heart.

"Your Majesty, don't think too much. The Sacred Heart is unpredictable. It's hard to guess. Your Majesty has already achieved victory today. In the future, you will naturally be able to coordinate the overall situation. The emperor will come today. Your Majesty should prepare earlier to satisfy the Emperor. As for the other things, you don't need to worry about it, even though Miss Su is clever, she should know which is more important, the lady is very good at handling it, and she can't even turn the palm of the lady's hand!" Rongmao said indeed She is very good at talking, but a few words made the Queen let go of the burden in her heart. She looked at Nanny Rong with a kind face on her face, "Madam Rong is right, but I think too much."

People, maybe it is like this, the more you get, the more burden you have, and you always worry about gains and losses.

"Your Majesty, you also have a lot of opportunities, how can this old slave compare?"

"Forget it, Su Lanzhi still has to observe carefully in the future, so don't take it lightly."

"Don't worry, ma'am!"

"And Mo'er, this child, today is a bit outrageous!" Concubine Jing played a trick on Su Lanzhi today, and the queen was naturally happy to watch the play, but she didn't expect that Qin Mo would actually get involved!

"Your Majesty, Prince Mo naturally has his own plans. Your Majesty can rest assured that Prince Mo has been cautious since he was a child, and he knows what he is doing after all!"

"How can I not know what he wants to do? It's just that Su Xiang's daughter is so easy to marry? It's fine if he doesn't marry the main concubine, but after marrying the main concubine, Su Xiang is just such a daughter. Are you willing to make her inferior?" The queen is somewhat aware of Su Qinglan's love for Su Lanzhi, but she does not agree with Qin Mo's plan.

Offending a future ally for a woman is really not worthwhile!

"Your Majesty, the prince is also in a hurry now, so he wants to use this method. Since the empress knows that this is counterproductive, it is better to persuade the prince. The prince has listened to the mother since he was a child, and he will understand if he thinks about it!"

"I hope so. This child is also stubborn. He thinks that everyone will like him! But if this Su Lanzhi is so easy to marry, wouldn't others be crazy about it?" If it was the former Su Lanzhi, The queen thinks it is possible, and the queen also had this plan before.But after seeing Su Lanzhi today, the queen always felt that the other party was not so easy to control, and it was best not to provoke her easily, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

She was not afraid of trouble, but worried that her efforts would fall short.

Therefore, this matter has to be discussed in the long run!

"Your Majesty, the prince has been gifted since he was a child, and his appearance has won the advantages of the empress and the emperor, but he is in the upper class. Besides, the status of the prince is also extremely noble, and the girls from other families have sharpened their heads and want to marry the prince. According to the old slave It seems that it is not an exaggeration for Miss Su to marry the prince as a side concubine, which is considered high-profile!" My own child, it is okay to talk about it by myself, and naturally I hope others will perform. The words touched the queen's heart, and the queen felt happy when she heard it, and the smile on her face got bigger.

"Mommy's mouth is still so sweet!" She didn't refute Nanny Rong's words, it seemed that the queen agreed.

In my own eyes, my own children are naturally excellent in all aspects, and so is the queen, who also thinks that Su Lanzhi's marriage to Qin Mo is considered a high priority.

Marriage is indeed a better way to win over Su Qinglan. The queen actually agrees in her heart, but there is no rush for this matter!

"Your Majesty, this old slave will serve you to take a bath. When the Emperor arrives, I will be fascinated by your Majesty when I see the glory of your Majesty!"

"Hey, now that the palace is getting older, I can't compare to those concubines who are as beautiful as flowers and jade in the palace. It's just a matter of tidying up." The woman is a self-pleasing person, and the queen has taken good care of herself these years. It's still a little old, so naturally it can't compare to a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

<Where are you often?

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate yourself. The old slave is watching. Those many concubines are not as beautiful as the Empress. They are so graceful and luxurious! A few days ago, I paid tribute to some excellent rouge and water powder. After a while, the old slave put on makeup for the empress. Guaranteed that the empress is as beautiful as a flower, and the emperor will be fascinated when he sees it!"

"That's it, it's time to thank you!" Everyone is willing to be praised for their beauty, and everyone is willing to show their best side in front of the man they love. Let people prepare hot water for bathing.

After taking a bath with fragrant essence, she lightly put on makeup and changed clothes, but quietly waited for Emperor Wen to come, and her mood improved exceptionally.


But the empress is in a good mood, while concubine Jing is not in a good mood.

"Has the emperor gone to the empress's place?" Thinking that the empress is so old and can still be favored by Emperor Wen, Concubine Jing felt suffocated in her heart!

"Go back to empress, the banquet in front has already been withdrawn, and the emperor is probably going to the empress's place soon!" Seeing Concubine Jing's uneasy expression, the maid was a little worried, but she still told the truth to avoid being punished.

"The empress has been favoring her for so many years, it really is a good way!" Thinking that she was almost used by the empress today and became the target of that arrow, Concubine Jing is also afraid for a while now!

"But the queen's mood today, I'm afraid it's not very good?" Thinking of the queen's expression of wanting to eat her before, Concubine Jing's grievances over the years suddenly felt elated.

"After the servant girl heard that the banquet was over, the queen asked everyone to go out, but she was alone in the room, and she didn't know what she was thinking."

"Hehe, I'm afraid I'm thinking of some way to clean up my palace again, but I'm not afraid anymore. After all these years, don't you come here like that?" Thinking about the pain in my heart when my first child passed away, I thought about it again. Seeing the fifth prince she gave birth to with great difficulty, and finally gaining a foothold gradually, Concubine Jing's hatred for the queen has never stopped!

If it wasn't for that person, where would I have only one child now?

"Your Majesty, don't think about things that make you unhappy?"

"No, I have to remember it all the time, otherwise, wouldn't I be tricked by her one day?" I have been enduring all these years, but there is no evidence, everything is speculation, and the queen's power is unbreakable, She can only do so, superficially respectful.

However, she believed that one day, she would let everyone see the true face of that vicious woman!

"Your Majesty, please relax. Lord Yan still needs your support. Now is not the time to turn against the Empress. What's more, these things are just your own conjectures." Qingxia beside her reminded Concubine Jing. The concubine nodded, expressing her understanding, "Don't worry, I know it well!"

Concubine Jing knew that the empress had always done a perfect job, and she couldn't find any evidence, but she just felt that the empress was suspicious, but she would not give up.

The two are now more and more at odds with each other, especially her son is now more and more promising, and has gained the emperor's trust more and more. The queen may not be able to sit still!

"Your Majesty, it's good if you can pay attention to the overall situation!" A little intolerance will lead to chaos and big plans. What they want is the supreme status. They have come all the way, and they can't tolerate any mistakes!

"Hehe, over the years, Bengong has become more and more arrogant, but this made that person relax her vigilance. She probably never dreamed that Bengong would rake her down today?" Thinking of the queen today Concubine Jing felt relieved at Ri's unconcealable surprise!

Empress, empress, I will show you your true colors, let everyone see your true face, and let the emperor take a serious look at you, to see if you are really so noble and magnanimous!

"It's also the empress who is smart and saw through the queen's conspiracy!"

"Hehe, I am happy today, but it's a pity that the emperor still went to her place!" Old half-mother Xu didn't know it, and she came to compete with them every day, which is really uninteresting!

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. The Empress is old after all, and she cannot compare to her beauty. The Emperor went to the Empress's place today. I am afraid that he also took care of the relationship between the husband and wife. In addition, today is the Empress's future. The Emperor has treated the Empress all these years. The love is not diminished, didn't the emperor also come to the empress's palace yesterday? I think the emperor will come tomorrow!" Knowing that Concubine Jing is jealous of the queen, Qingxia naturally picked up what Concubine Jing liked and said.

"You still have a sweet mouth, well, get ready to take a bath, I'm going to rest!"

"Yes, madam!"

"There is one more thing, I want to leave it to you!"

"My lady, please tell me!"

"Go and send a message to your mother, ask about the situation of my nephew, and see if they are in the prime minister's house now, but it's okay."

"Ma'am, this is..."

"Su Lanzhi is really outrageous today. I haven't seen her for many years. She is not as dull and silent as my poor sister said. Now it seems that she is very clever. If things go on like this, I think she will come to the future It must be a big threat to Hua'er and Yue'er! But Murong Yan didn't come today, I feel a little uneasy, so I should hurry up and ask someone to find out what's going on!" Finally interrupted (forbidden words) Now that the white core is gone for this pawn in the Prime Minister's Mansion, it has lost a great help.Concubine Jing is even more unwilling to give up on Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua, especially Su Zhenhua. As the only son of Su Qinglan, Concubine Jing must make good use of it, otherwise all the hard work and painstaking efforts invested in Su Qinglan for so many years will be in vain up!

"Yes, the servant understands!"

"Tomorrow, I will issue a sign to you. Go out as soon as possible and check the situation. When the time comes, we can deal with it as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry, ma'am!"


What Su Lanzhi didn't expect was that neither Marquis Yuan Wu nor Concubine Jing would let Su Qinglan go easily. When she entered the palace that day, Concubine Jing's dislike for her increased even more. He was a little more afraid of her, and naturally wanted Su Zhenhua and the others to suppress her, so as to prevent Su Qinglan, an ally he had cultivated all along, from suddenly becoming ineffective.

Also because of the emphasis, when Concubine Jing learned that only Su Zhenhua had returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and Su Lingyue was still in Prince Qing's Mansion, Concubine Jing hurriedly asked Mrs. Yuan Wuhou to come to tell Concubine Qing, so on the third day, early in the morning Yes, Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi were still having breakfast. At this time, Su Qinglan went to the morning court, and someone came to report, "Madam, Missy, Princess Qing brought Missy, and some people are here!"

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