The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 149 What a formality!

() When she heard that Sun Xueru had come, Murong Yan was a little surprised. Hearing the servant's reply, Su Lanzhi also turned a few corners in her heart. She didn't know what Sun Xueru was going to do when she came.

"Sister-in-law is here? But what did you say?" After Murong Yan married Su Qinglan, she didn't know if Sun Xueru had noticed something. She had always had a bad attitude towards Murong Yan, and the relationship between the two was not good. Many, there were very few unavoidable contacts in Prince Qing's Mansion in the past. Later, Su Qinglan moved out of the Prince's Mansion, but Sun Xueru never came to the Prime Minister's Mansion on his own initiative for no reason. Today, there is nothing wrong, so what is the reason for the other party's coming?

Feeling a little uneasy in her heart, Murong Yan felt that Sun Xueru's visit today was indeed a bit strange.

"Ma'am, Princess Qing came back with Second Miss. She said that Second Miss has been taking care of the old Princess in Qing Palace for a long time. She didn't want Second Miss to be too far away from her parents, so she sent Second Miss back in person. "The servant didn't dare to hide the slightest thing, but said it directly. Murong Yan frowned when she heard that Su Lingyue was back. Naturally, Murong Yan couldn't say that she would know about this daughter who had little to do with her. I like it.

"Really? Let them in!" I was puzzled why Sun Xueru suddenly sent Su Lingyue here. Now that Murong Yan knew that Su Lingyue was coming back, she might be troublesome, but it was hard to say anything, so she could only go first coped.

She can't just blow people out?



Su Lanzhi watched the servant go out, thinking about Sun Xueru's purpose today, and thinking about the previous day when she entered the palace, she was planned and suppressed by Concubine Jing in every possible way. The day was so close, Su Lingyue came back suddenly Well, Su Lanzhi naturally knew that this matter must have something to do with Concubine Jing!

It seems that this concubine Jing is now afraid to strengthen her control and win over her father?It's just that Bai Xin is dead, and these people are nothing more than nobody, nothing worth mentioning.

However, now that Su Zhenhua is not in the house, if the eldest aunt asks about this matter, it may be troublesome.

After thinking about it, Su Lanzhi looked at Murong Yan and knew that Murong Yan had to be more careful now, and she couldn't let other people see her flaws. Naturally, Su Lanzhi was worried that Murong Yan and Sun Xueru would meet, "Mom, we Go to the outer hall!" There are some baby items inside, so we should go out, so as not to let Sun Xueru see anything, which will cause trouble.

"Alright!" Standing up carefully, Su Lanzhi supported Murong Yan, and the two went to sit outside.

"Go make a pot of hot tea, and tell the kitchen to prepare some snacks, and bring some cushions!" The outside is naturally incomparable to the inside, Murong Yan has ordered these things, and everything is ready, right now However, Sun Xueru arrived in time. Seeing Murongyan sitting comfortably, but did not go out to meet her, Sun Xueru's tone was a bit sarcastic, "Your brother and sister are really arrogant!"

No matter how she is a princess, her rank is much higher than that of Murong Yan, she condescended to come here today, the other party not only did not go to greet her, but instead let her come in to meet her, Sun Xueru's temperament was a bit arrogant, naturally she was not happy.

"Sister-in-law, don't blame me. I recently caught a cold. The imperial doctor said that the wind is not good, so I neglected my sister-in-law. I hope that my sister-in-law will not be offended. When I get better in the future, I will definitely apologize to my sister-in-law and entertain her!" Facing Sun Xueru However, Murong Yan remained calm, and the smile on her face never diminished. Looking at the people brought by Sun Xueru, Murong Yan did not see any displeasure. Something is blocked, and I always feel very uncomfortable.

"My siblings are not in good health. I think there are fewer filial children around me. Today, I sent Yue'er back on purpose, so that Yue'er can be filial and take care of her younger siblings. It's also good!" The indifferent expression was agitated, and Sun Xueru was a little displeased, as if she really wanted to see Murong Yan sad and jealous, but the other party didn't have it, so she had no choice but to pull Su Lingyue out directly, "Yue'er, you're not happy yet. Come and meet your mother!"

"Mother Wan'an, Yue'er heard that her mother was sick and caught a cold, so Yue'er specially made a pair of warm gloves for her mother, hoping that she can recover soon!" Although she wished for Murong Yan to die in her heart, but now Su Without the support of Bai Xin, Lingyue could only swallow her anger, superficially filial to curry favor with Murong Yan.

"You really have a heart." She gave Zi'er a look, and Zi'er took the things, Murong Yan looked at it and nodded, "The embroidery is pretty good, and it's dense and warm, you put your heart into it! "With the formulaic praise, Murong Yan let Zi'er hold the things in a relaxed manner, and seeing Su Lingyue's face was also kind, and she was completely free of any displeasure.This appearance of her falling in front of Sun Xueru made Sun Xueru even more jealous and angry.

"My brother and sister are good-tempered. My mother was worried that my brother and sister would not be able to take good care of Hua'er and Yue'er. Now, it seems that my brother and sister are tolerant. My mother and I can rest assured!" The meaning of sarcasm and provocation is quite obvious, Sun Xueru thought that she would always suffer from Su Qingxiu's concubines and jealousy, and wished that Murong Yan would be like her.

Today she came here unwillingly, she originally wanted to see Murong Yan's jokes, but now, she was a little disappointed.

"Sister and sister, you are also the aunt of Hua'er and Yue'er. The two children have no mother, so the younger siblings have to worry more. Before leaving, the mother and concubine have to explain in every possible way, asking me to ask my younger siblings to take good care of this poor couple. Brother and sister!"

"Sister-in-law is serious, these are what I should do!" Murong Yan didn't really like Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue, but the children were innocent after all, she would not be harsh, but she would not treat them with heart.

"It's the best for the younger siblings to think like this. Now that the two children have no biological mother, the younger siblings are the aunts, taking good care of them. When the two children grow up, they will definitely be filial to the younger siblings!"

"Hmm!" Murong Yan never expected Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue to be filial to her. After going through so many things, and Su Zhenhua's previous attitude and calculations, Murong Yan felt a little afraid of the siblings in her heart. of.

It's just that she has not been a hard-hearted person to Xiangfo these years. Although these two children are not her children, they even remind her of Su Qinglan's betrayal all the time, but she will not harm them like others. Two kids now.

As long as the two children live in peace, she doesn't mind giving them everything they deserve.

"Hehe, I'm relieved that my younger brother and sister are so reasonable. I can complete more than half of the mother's concubine's order before leaving." Every sentence is like poking a honeycomb into someone's heart, but Sun Xueru still refuses Knowing the same, seeing Murong Yan just smiling, not speaking, not showing any dissatisfaction or jealousy, Sun Xueru felt extremely uncomfortable, "By the way, where is Hua'er? Why didn't you see him?"

Before she came today, she had been ordered to send Su Lingyue back, but she had to see if Su Zhenhua was doing well.

"Zhenhua is ill, and the imperial doctor ordered him to rest, so don't disturb him!" When Sun Xueru came, Murongyan was also well prepared, if she could delay, she could only delay as long as possible.

At that time, I really can't delay, let's talk about it!

"Hehe, it turned out to be like this. Since he is sick, it doesn't matter if he doesn't come. But since he is sick now, I haven't seen him for a long time as the eldest aunt, and the concubine is also very concerned. I will go see him What's wrong with him, when the time comes, let's report his safety! So that the mother and concubine won't be worried all the time!" Sun Xueru can't tell Su Zhenhua how she feels at all, but seeing Murong Yan deflated today can make Murong Yan feel uncomfortable, She's still willing to do it.

Are you sick?Who knows what's going on?How can she not see it with her own eyes?

"Don't bother my sister-in-law. Hua'er is very sick. The imperial doctor said that it is easy to get infected. If my sister-in-law goes, I'm afraid she will get sick!" She refused without thinking too much. If Sun Xueru really went, it might be troublesome. Murong Yan naturally wanted to stop her.It's just that the more she stopped her, the less Sun Xueru would be able to fulfill Murong Yan's wish, "Since Hua'er is seriously ill, I should go and see her. The concubine has been worried about Hua'er recently. I have to go and have a look, when the time comes, the mother concubine asks, so I can answer!"

After saying that, she got up and planned to leave. Murong Yan wanted to stop her, but she also found that the more she stopped, the more Sun Xueru would do that thing. It was hard for Murong Yan to say anything else at this moment, lest Sun Xueru get suspicious. At this moment, Su Lanzhi also saw that Sun Xueru was deliberately picking on Murong Yan's thorns today, so she hurriedly called someone to pour tea for Sun Xueru, "Auntie, don't worry, drink a cup of hot tea and warm yourself up, Lan Er later Accompany you there!"

While speaking, she gave Murong Yan a reassuring look. Su Lanzhi knew that Sun Xueru sent Su Lingyue back today to check on Su Zhenhua, so as to make sure that Su Zhenhua was doing well, so this trip, they It cannot be stopped.

"Hehe, I'm not thirsty at all. I've walked all the way just now, and my body has warmed up. There's no need to drink tea!" Mentioning Murong Yan's negligence again, Sun Xueru didn't agree to stay so easily. The standing body still didn't sit down, and because Su Lingyue was worried about Su Zhenhua, she naturally followed suit and stood up.

"Don't be impatient, Auntie. My younger brother is drinking medicine and drinking hot tea. Auntie has worked hard all the way!" At this moment, she just handed over the teacup, and Su Lanzhi's attitude was extremely extreme. Respectfully, it's not wrong for Sun Xueru to answer, and it's also wrong not to answer.

If you accept it, you will have to delay your time, but if you don't accept it, then you will not give your niece face, and it is not good.

Sun Xueru was a little annoyed by Su Lanzhi's cleverness, and Su Lingyue at the side naturally didn't have much interest in drinking tea, just because she hadn't seen Su Zhenhua for many days, Su Lingyue was worried that Murong Yan would criticize Su Zhenhua, and wanted to see him very much. up.

Now, they can be regarded as two siblings who depend on each other for life. If something happens to Su Zhenhua, she will really have no one to rely on in the future.

So, as long as Su Zhenhua is doing well, then they still have a chance!

"Sister-in-law, Lingyue, don't worry. Zhenhua is not in good health. It's still early. He still has to eat and take medicine. You're gone now, and he doesn't take medicine well. Why don't you come back later?" Go, this tea is rare cedar, it is excellent tea, it tastes excellent, and these small snacks are just made in the kitchen, sister-in-law and Lingyue rushed over early, I am afraid that there is no good life It's better to have some food first, it's good to warm up." Murong Yan saw that Su Lanzhi wanted to keep the two of them, although she didn't know what Su Lanzhi was going to do, but she was extremely cooperative.When she said this, Sun Xueru had to sit down even if she didn't show face, but she didn't notice that since they asked to see Su Zhenhua, Yunzhu beside Su Lanzhi had quietly retreated.

"Sister-in-law, try it!" Looking at Su Lanzhi and seeing Su Lanzhi still holding a teacup, Murong Yan felt extremely distressed.On the other hand, Sun Xueru seemed to be teasing Su Lanzhi on purpose. After waiting for a while, she seemed to notice Su Lanzhi again, but she smiled, "Look at me, I almost forgot that Lan'er was still here." I'm holding the teacup, Lan'er personally brought the tea, I naturally have to taste it to see how it tastes!" He took it with a smile, and accidentally shook his hand a little bit, because Murong Yan was worried about Su Lan. When Zhi was burned, Su Lanzhi withdrew her hand very cleverly, and she was not burned at all, "Auntie, please try it!"

"Yeah!" Her face was a little worried, but Sun Xueru didn't expect Su Lanzhi to hide away, so she had to drink tea, "It tastes good. Uncle Suwen loves tea, and it seems true. The tea here is also very good!" Murong Yan's negligence was unavoidable in the words, Su Lanzhi heard it, but it seemed casual, "Auntie, this is a joke, I just heard that my aunt came, mother is the one Let people prepare the best tea in the mansion, and treat my aunt well, ordinary people come, but they can't eat it!"

She tried her best to please Sun Xueru, and Su Lanzhi also wanted to please Sun Xueru, so as to prevent Sun Xueru from always thinking about Su Zhenhua.

"Hehe, so that's the case. I'm saying, no wonder this tea leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth. It's really delicious. Yue'er, you should try it too!" Smiling and looking at Su Lingyue, Sun Xueru had a rare kindness. Cheerful, smiling to everyone.

"Hmm!" Su Lingyue looked a little absent-minded, worried about Su Zhenhua, and wished she could see Su Zhenhua as soon as she had wings, but now that Sun Xueru had also sat down here, she was a junior, so she couldn't say anything, so she had to wait.


"Auntie, this nanny Lan'er looks strange. I don't know when there is such a decent nanny by my aunt's side?" Delaying time, or probing something, Su Lanzhi has noticed the nanny who has been standing beside Su Lingyue since Sun Xueru entered the door.That nanny was wearing a dark blue cotton-padded jacket, she looked almost brand new, her figure was plump, her facial features were regular, she looked a bit older, her eyes were shrewd and accidental, she seemed to be a person with a lot of ideas up.The hairpin on this person's head is also somewhat colored, which looks quite decent, and it is more solemn than ordinary old mothers.

I also remembered that when Su Lingyue came back that day, Su Qingxiu mentioned that there was a foster nun who took care of Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue, but Su Qinglan refused. Looking at this person now, Su Lanzhi also has something in her heart. Kind of guesswork.

From this point of view, this person has some ideas. In the future, I'm afraid he should be careful.

"Hehe, I've been concerned about the health of my younger siblings just now, but I forgot to mention that this is Yue'er's nurturing mother, Mother Zhuang, Mother Zhuang, hurry up and meet my wife and eldest lady!" I don't know if Sun Xueru is Intentionally or not, I forgot about this matter just now, and now, Nanny Zhuang came to see the ceremony, but Nanny Zhuang bowed to Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi in a calm manner, "Slave servant See Madam, Eldest Miss, Madam and Eldest Miss, all blessings!" His demeanor was undisturbed, calm and undisturbed, and no one could find any faults. His attitude was also respectful, and he advanced and retreated politely. Looking at Nanny Zhuang, the first feeling in my heart is that this person is a difficult master!

"It turned out to be Nanny Zhuang." Murong Yan had also noticed it before, but Sun Xueru didn't say anything, and Murong Yan didn't ask, she just thought it was someone from Sun Xueru's side, but she didn't expect that this person turned out to be Su Lingyue's.

Murong Yan looked at the other party's demeanor, she didn't look like an ordinary nun, and the etiquette was very standardized, it seemed that she came out of the palace.

Thinking of the palace, Murongyan naturally thought of the Concubine Jing in Yuanwuhou's mansion in the palace, and felt a little uneasy, but now that Sun Xueru has brought her here, there is nothing wrong with this person's demeanor, Murong Yan didn't like it, so she refused, "So it's Nanny Zhuang. I don't know where Nanny Zhuang lives, and who else is there?"

"Returning to Madam, the maidservant lives in Huaiyang. Back then, the house was flooded and the fields were flooded. People in the family died or scattered, but they didn't have any relatives. They have been alone all these years." From this point of view. , such a person is really difficult to grasp.

There are no relatives, but it's hard to know, and it's hard to check the identity of this person.

"Sisters and sisters, this Nanny Zhuang is very good at etiquette, and you can see that Nanny Zhuang knows a lot. Now that the children in the mansion are grown up, it's great to have a nanny who educates you. Learn from it. Rules, of course, are good, brother and sister, don’t you think so?” Although the two of them were not at odds in their daily life and had little contact with each other, Sun Xueru was kind today, knowing that Murong Yan would not accept this Nanny Zhuang lightly. , but at this moment, she countered Murong Yan's words. When she said this, Murong Yan seemed a little disrespectful to her when she said that she didn't want Nanny Zhuang.

"Sister-in-law is very right!" Originally, she wanted to ask Nanny Zhuang to send another errand, but after Sun Xueru's words came to an end, Murong Yan couldn't easily refute the other party's words in person.

After all, Sun Xueru is a sister-in-law, and the eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, so Murong Yan should respect her a little bit, so as not to be blamed.

"Brothers and sisters, just don't worry, Zhuang Mama has taken care of Yue'er these days, and I have seen it, she is extremely careful, look at Yue'er now, isn't she much more sensible than before, female red Poetics has made great progress. I think Nanny Zhuang also has her own teaching methods. It is good to let her teach Yue'er. Lan'er is not young now, and it is time to learn these things. A woman can rely on these to gain a foothold in her husband's house in her life, and her siblings have to make preparations earlier." This Sun Xueru had a good plan, and she sent a person in without any explanation, and asked Madam Zhuang to educate Su Lanzhi. What kind of heart is there, it really needs to be explored!

"Sister-in-law is right, it's just that I have neglected to supervise Lan'er these years. Now, I want to raise Lan'er myself, so as to make up for the regret in my heart!" This can be regarded as an indirect rejection of Sun Xueru's proposal, Sun Xueru also knew that Murong Yan would not agree so easily, so she didn't take it to heart, "Since my brother and sister are like this, then I won't force it. It's just that my brother and sister are not in good health, so I don't care. With Nanny Zhuang around, It can save you a lot of worry!"

"Thank you sister-in-law for your concern, I know it well!" As for Su Lanzhi, Murong Yan hoped that Su Lanzhi would be happy, and other things came second.

"Okay, I won't say much, so you won't say that I care too much. By the way, this Ganoderma lucidum was brought to you by my concubine, saying that you are not in good health, so make up for it!" Sun Xueru today It seems to be particularly forgetful, and now I remembered the tonic that the old Princess Qing asked her to bring, and asked someone to take out the Ganoderma lucidum, it looks good, and it is very big, it seems to be a little old, but Sun Xueru They didn't give it away when they first came in, but only now, it always gives people an illusion, as if it was because of Murong Yan's good performance that she just gave it away.When Murong Yan saw the Ganoderma lucidum, she didn't seem to have thought of this layer at all. She smiled with gratitude on her face, "Today I really bothered my sister-in-law, and I hope that my sister-in-law will go back and say thank you to my mother and concubine. I'm in good health, I'm going to visit my concubine!"

Recently, she used the excuse of her poor health, but Murong Yan didn't go to see Old Princess Qing for some days, and she didn't know what was going on with Old Princess Qing recently.

"It's good if you have this heart. I see that you have lost weight recently, and your complexion is also pale. It seems that you still need to take care of yourself. Don't worry about the concubine mother. Now the concubine mother can be a little After talking, I feel much better. Besides, my brother-in-law often visits the concubine mother, and the concubine mother is already very happy." Doesn't this mean that it doesn't matter if Murong Yan goes to see the old concubine Qing?It is enough for the old concubine Qing to have a son to visit, and it is not rare for you to visit!

Sun Xueru was provoking Murong Yan in a disguised form, saying that Murong Yan was not favored by the old concubine Qing, so she was not welcome, and she didn't want to see Murong Yan even when she was sick. Originally, she wanted to remind Murong Yan of so many sad things, and felt unhappy of.It's just that the Murong Yan of today is not the Murong Yan of ten years ago. She now has a lot of openness and a lot of indifference. Murong Yan also sees clearly the attitude of the old Princess Qing, no matter how hard she tries. , cannot be changed, so Murong Yan just smiled lightly, she is also happy that the old Princess Qing is in good health, "I am relieved that the mother is in good health, the master can often go to see Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine is naturally happy, her mood is better, and her illness will naturally heal quickly!"

Murong Yan wished the old Princess Qing well, and she said it from the bottom of her heart, but because of Su Lanyu's matter, Sun Xueru wished that the old Princess Qing would have been paralyzed and tortured, and now it's quite unpleasant to hear it. "Okay, when I came out this morning, my concubine was worried and told me to go back early. I'd better hurry to see Hua'er, so I can know how he is, so I can go back and answer!"

When Sun Xueru said this, Su Lingyue hurriedly put down the teacup in her hand, wishing she could leave immediately.

Murong Yan looked at Sun Xueru and Su Lingyue not giving up today, she was a little embarrassed, she didn't know what to do, at this moment, Su Lanzhi got up, "Auntie, Lingyue, please follow me Come on, mother is not feeling well, I can't blow the cold wind, so let me take you there, okay?" Taking advantage of Sun Xueru and Su Lingyue not paying attention, Su Lanzhi gave Murong Yan a look of not worrying, and looked at Sun Xueru with a smile And Su Lingyue, they looked confident.

"Sister-in-law, according to the imperial doctor's order, please forgive me for not being able to accompany me, and I hope sister-in-law will forgive me!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi was not worried at all, Murong Yan also chose to believe in Su Lanzhi. At this moment, the old monk is still sitting still , I didn't mean to get up.

"You're not in good health, I'll save it, you should rest well, and I'll come to see you again in a few days!" To put it bluntly, the relationship between the two is very good, but only Sun Xueru knows, unless it is absolutely necessary, she is absolutely She will never step into the Xiangfu, because she really doesn't like Murong Yan!

"Okay, sister-in-law please!"

"Auntie, please come with Lan'er!"


"Lingyue, you follow too!"

"Okay!" Su Lingyue has grown better in the past few days, she has some flesh and blood, but after all, it is the pain of losing her mother, Su Lingyue's face with baby fat no longer exists up.

Nanny Zhuang originally wanted to go, but Su Lanzhi had some scruples about Nanny Zhuang in her heart, so she refused, "Mommy is still waiting here, Lingyue and Zhenhua haven't seen each other for a long time, I just want to say something It's not good for Nanny to go!" As for Nanny Zhuang, Su Lanzhi didn't know much about it yet, so she could only take isolated measures for the time being. As for the rest, just look at it slowly in the future .

"This..." Su Lingyue couldn't do without Nanny Zhuang these days, seeing that Su Lanzhi didn't allow Nanny Zhuang to go, Su Lingyue became a little anxious, "Big Sister, it doesn't matter, Nanny is not an outsider! "

"That's good, mommy will follow!" Looking at Zhuang nanny's scrutinizing expression, as if she could read people's hearts, Su Lanzhi became vigilant.It's hard for Su Lanzhi to say too much, this person seems to be very secretive, in order to avoid Madam Zhuang's suspicion, Su Lanzhi decided to let the other party go there in person.

"Thank you big sister, Nanny, follow up!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi agreed, Su Lingyue was relieved immediately. She trusted Nanny Zhuang very much, and Nanny Zhuang is also a powerful person. With Lingyue by her side, she wanted to give herself some support and security.

This is a gift from my grandmother and aunt, so I should pay attention to it!

"Yes!" No matter whether she was rejected or accepted, Nanny Zhuang looked as usual, standing aside respectfully, waiting for Su Lanzhi and the others to leave, then she respectfully followed, always separated The distance, it seems, seems like a person who keeps his duty.

Su Lingyue felt at ease when she felt that Nanny Zhuang was following her all the time.

These days, after Madam Zhuang's upbringing, Su Lingyue was gradually able to face Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan calmly, and today she advanced and retreated politely, without overstepping at all.But all of these are because of Nanny Zhuang's suggestion, she has accepted her temper, otherwise she really doesn't know what to do

After losing her mother, Nanny Zhuang has always been with her, comforting her, taking care of her, and teaching her. Su Lingyue has become more and more trusting in Nanny Zhuang. Hate and anger in my heart.


Along the way, Su Lanzhi carefully observed Su Lingyue and the three of them, and found that Sun Xueru was going to see Su Zhenhua because she wanted to fight against Murong Yan and complete the task. She didn't have any worries on Su Zhenhua's face. , this is easier to deal with.

However, Su Lingyue really cares about Su Zhenhua. After all, the fate of the two siblings is related. Su Lingyue has no mother now, and the two siblings can be said to depend on each other. It can be said that Su Lingyue's life after that is going well Whether it's good or not, most of it depends on Su Zhenhua, especially Su Zhenhua's successor to the prime minister's mansion in the future, that is Su Lingyue's most powerful backing, so even if Su Lingyue gets married, she won't be looked down upon.

Su Lanzhi understands Su Lingyue's thoughts. Women in this dynasty are precocious, and Su Lingyue has undergone such a big change. Although a nine-year-old girl, she has grown up a lot now and knows how to hide her emotions , I also know how to bear the edge.

Su Lingyue like this, I have to say, is much more difficult to deal with than Su Zhenhua, who is younger, not to mention, beside the other party, there is another Nanny Zhuang who she has not figured out yet. trouble.

It seems that when Su Lingyue returns home, she has to be more careful not to cause any trouble.

At this moment, I glanced at Nanny Zhuang from the corner of my eye, and saw that the other person's face was always respectful, and his expression seemed to be engraved on it. There was not much joy or anger, but it was confusing. What was going on in the other person's mind.

It seems that this person has a deep mind, and it seems that he has strong observation skills. In the future, when facing her, he must be more careful!

She also didn't dare to look at Nanny Zhuang too much, so as not to arouse the other party's suspicion. Su Lanzhi just walked without looking sideways, and glanced at her from the corner of her eye. It's rare to make any mistakes!Not daring can also be seen from this, this person is cautious and difficult to deal with!


Su Lanzhi got a lot of information along the way, and led a few people to Su Zhenhua's yard. Once inside, Su Lingyue looked at those unfamiliar faces, frowned, and said involuntarily, " Why are the people in this courtyard so unfamiliar?" This was considered tactful, and she didn't directly mention changing people, just said that she was unfamiliar, it seems that Su Lingyue has made great progress in these days.

"A few days ago, Zhenhua was sick and refused to take medicine. These servants did not report it. Daddy was very angry, but he was punished heavily. In addition, some people made mistakes before, so some people were sold out. I'm going." Su Lanzhi didn't need to hide this, since everyone knew it anyway.

"Why is Hua'er refusing to take the medicine?" Su Lingyue was immediately worried when she heard that her younger brother refused to take the medicine.

This is my only hope, nothing can happen!

"Children, are you afraid of suffering? That's why I didn't eat."

"That Hua'er is serious now?"

"Well, the illness has been delayed for a few days. It is indeed serious, but recently it has been restful, and it is much better!" Just as he was speaking, there was a piercing pain inside, and Su Lingyue's heart was tense. "Why is Hua'er so sick? Didn't he see the imperial doctor? Why is he coughing so badly that he can't even breathe?"

Hearing the breathless coughing, Su Lingyue hastened to speed up her pace, wanting to go in, but the door was locked tightly, Su Lingyue was very annoyed, "Big sister, what do you mean?"

Looking at Su Lanzhi, her eyes were full of dissatisfaction and hatred. Although she didn't see Su Zhenhua, but hearing Su Zhenhua's cough, she almost lost her breath. Su Lingyue was so worried that she wanted to go in and have a look immediately. , but unexpectedly, the door was locked from the inside!

"Big sister, Hua'er is my own younger brother. I'll go in and have a look, isn't it okay? Big sister, why are people locking up Hua'er like this? Why don't you let him recover from his illness?" Also worried about Su Zhenhua, Su Lingyue couldn't care less about hiding it at the moment, but kept questioning Su Lanzhi, but forgot that the door was locked from the inside, so how could it be that Su Lanzhi made someone lock it?

"Second Miss!" Seeing that Su Lingyue's previous efforts were in vain, Madam Zhuang had to remind Su Lingyue to stare at Su Lanzhi unwillingly, really wishing to ruin the other party's smiling face!

Why, all my pain and misfortune are caused by the other party, why, the other party can be so calm!

From Su Lingyue's point of view, it was Su Lanzhi who took everything from her and killed her mother, so she felt that what Su Lanzhi has now is what she once had. How can she not be jealous of Su Lanzhi? , don't you hate it?

Su Lanzhi could clearly see the hatred in Su Lingyue's eyes, but the smile on her face remained the same, and she didn't immediately defend herself, because she knew that there were still people who didn't speak up!

Sure enough, after a while, Sun Xueru was a little surprised, "Lan'er, what are you doing? Everyone is a family, why did you lock Hua'er up? Although Hua'er is sick, he is not a prisoner." How can you not even give him some freedom?" Sun Xueru was happy to watch the show, and naturally hoped that the prime minister's mansion would not be peaceful, but now she was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Su Lanzhi saw the gloating in Sun Xueru's eyes, Immediately, the smile faded, replaced by a little grievance, "Auntie, Lingyue, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand?" At this time, an idiot in fashion, pretending not to understand, Su Lanzhi is good at it.

"Why don't you understand? Big sister, why is Hua'er's door locked?" Pointing to the locked door, Su Lingyue was so annoyed!

"This..." It seemed a bit awkward, Su Lanzhi saw the locked door, before she had time to say anything, Su Zhenhua's weak voice came from inside, "Second sister, don't blame eldest sister, I locked it myself Yes, I'm very sick now, I don't see my second sister or my aunt, so I won't overwhelm you..." His voice was much hoarse, and it was extremely deep and weak, which only made people think it was A terminally ill person, Su Lingyue was terrified to hear that!

"Hua'er, why are you so sick? You have always been in excellent health. What's going on? Did some slave bully you? Open the door and let my sister see, she will help you vent your anger!" Although he was blaming the slave, everyone knew that the slave acted according to the master's orders. If this slave dared to do that, it was naturally ordered by someone behind his back.The hints in Su Lingyue's words are obviously tight, especially those eyes are staring at Su Lanzhi without blinking. In this way, it is impossible to think that this matter has nothing to do with Su Lanzhi of!

"Second sister, I was careless. I went to play in the snow in the middle of the night. I didn't dare to tell my father when I was sick. I refused to take medicine. It took a long time. That's why I was like this. If I got seriously ill, the imperial doctor said The wind can't blow, so I closed the windows and doors, second sister, don't worry!"

"Since you don't want me to worry, then let me go in and take a look!" If she didn't see it with her own eyes, how could she feel relieved?

"Second Sister, Hua'er is disobedient and has a bad complexion, and the disease is contagious quickly. Second Sister should wait for me to recover before coming in!"

"Here, Hua'er, you are obedient, open the door, and I will take care of you!"

"Second Sister, I'm fine. There are people here to take care of me. I'll be fine. When I'm well, I'll definitely go see Second Sister right away!"

"You, why don't you want to see me? I'm your own sister. Let me see, can't you?"

"This..." The people inside were a little hesitant. Seeing Su Lingyue, she thought that Su Zhenhua had something to hide, so she hurriedly continued to ask, "Do you have any difficulties? Or is there someone who won't let you see me? Tell me." , the eldest aunt is here now, she will definitely make the decision for you!"

Now that Sun Xueru is here, Su Lingyue has nothing to worry about. The people inside were silent for a while, but when Su Lanzhi saw her, she kindly reminded her, "Lingyue, Zhenhua won't let you see, so naturally there is a reason for not seeing you. You... ..."

"Shut up, is it because you don't want Hua'er to see me?" Su Zhenhua refused to see her, Su Lingyue was worried, and now she was a little unscrupulous, and after she finished speaking, Su Lingyue regretted it and looked at Su Lan Zhi's aggrieved face made Su Lingyue feel irritated for a while, and wanted to say something, but before she could say anything, she was startled by a roar, "Su Lingyue, is this how you talk to your big sister? Cheng What system?"

------off topic-----

Cough cough, many relatives are a little anxious, want to see the heroine grow up earlier, Yun Xiao also wants to, but there are still some people who have not been dealt with, and some things that have not been dealt with, Yun Xiao has to write, otherwise it will suddenly arrive At the age of 15, it's a bit too fast, don't you guys think?

Dear friends who can’t wait can raise Yang Wen first, Yunxiao still has some content to write, that is, Murong Yan gave birth, and Lan’er will grow up faster by then, (*^__^*) hee hee...

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