() Chapter name: Chapter 150 Got smallpox?

Suddenly hearing a familiar voice, but it was kind without memory. At this moment, it was full of anger and coldness, but Su Lingyue shivered. She never thought that her father, who loved her the most, would treat her as well. So grim!

It's all because of the people in front of me!

Thinking about being scolded by Su Qinglan again and again, and every time, it was because of Su Lanzhi, at this moment, Su Lingyue was full of resentment and puzzlement towards Su Lanzhi!

They are all the people in front of me. If it wasn't for the other party, my father wouldn't suddenly stop loving me, my mother wouldn't die, and I and my younger brother wouldn't be the lonely people we are today!

That vicious gaze just looked straight at Su Lanzhi. If eyes could kill, Su Lanzhi would have been delayed by Su Lingyue's gaze for many times!

However, Su Lanzhi smiled indifferently, and looked at the man who came in a hurry, with a handsome face and the calmness of a mature man, and his whole body revealed a mature charm, "Daddy, why are you here?" Look Seeing that Su Qinglan was in a hurry, Su Lanzhi knew that Su Qinglan was also worried that Sun Xueru and the others would find out about Su Zhenhua's affairs, and that it would be bad if it would be passed on to the old Princess Qing, so why did she come here in a hurry?

"I came back and heard that you came to see Zhenhua, I'll come and have a look!" As soon as I came back, I heard that Sun Xueru brought Su Lingyue back, Su Qinglan only felt a headache, especially when I heard that Su Lanzhi brought several people to see Su Zhenhua Su Qinglan was even more worried. |i^

However, he also knew that there must be a reason for Su Lanzhi to do this, so he just came here in a hurry, and his expression was as usual, making it impossible for people to see any worries, so as not to make people worry.

Looking at Sun Xueru at this moment, Su Qinglan hurried over to say hello, "Why did sister-in-law come here early? Don't say hello, otherwise I will wait for sister-in-law at home, so as not to neglect her!" Come uninvited, that is My own family is also a little unreasonable, especially when Su Lingyue is brought over, so let's make a surprise attack. Although Su Qinglan didn't say anything, it just gave Sun Xueru the feeling that she came to the house to make trouble.

Indeed, in order to be polite on weekdays, when relatives and friends communicate with each other, they are all greeted in advance, so that the host can wait at home and greet them easily.If you go there rashly, if you have a very good friendship, then it can barely be justified. They are informal, but if you have a bad friendship, then it is really bothering you.

Uninvited, in case the host has his own arrangements, or has something to do, then if you come rashly, won't you bother the host?Although Sun Xueru is Su Qinglan's sister-in-law, they don't have much contact with each other. Sun Xueru's behavior is also wrong.

Sun Xueru didn't expect this, and now Su Qinglan proposed so tactfully, her face was a little worried, "Qinglan, I also sent Yue'er back under the order of my concubine, and Yue'er has been in the palace for a long time. , although we also welcome her. It's just that the palace is not her home. She has stayed in the palace for a long time. If people know about it, gossip will spread! Now that you are an extremely human minister, Qing Lan, you have to be scruples. Today The mother concubine asked me to send Yue'er here, one reason is to avoid gossip, and the other reason is that Hua'er is young now, and Yue'er is by my side so I can take care of her. Look, it hasn't been long since Hua'er came back. He is sick, and there is no one around him who knows the cold and the hot. Children are inherently fragile. After all, you are a man, so it is inevitable that you will not take good care of them. You can feel at ease when Yue'er is around, can't you?"

Although she was a little unhappy with Su Qinglan's words in her heart, Sun Xueru also knew that it was not time for her and Su Qinglan to turn against each other, so at this moment, she moved out of the old Princess Qing and pushed everything on the old Princess Qing.

The son did not blame the mother, and she did this to stop Su Qinglan's mouth.

"Sister-in-law is very right!" Su Qinglan really couldn't say wrong about old Princess Qing, but now she agreed with what Sun Xueru said. Sun Xueru saw Su Qinglan, but she felt that Su Qinglan was very interesting, "In that case, let's go in and have a look at Hua Son! The concubine mother has been lying on the bed these days, worrying about Hua'er, worrying whether he is thin or sick. Before, I advised the concubine not to worry. But now that Hua'er is sick, I am the eldest aunt Yes, of course I also want to go in and have a look, and go back so I can report to my concubine that she is safe, so as not to worry about her. Qing Lan, do you think so? The concubine mother can't be angry or worried, otherwise it will be bad for her body! "

These words blocked Su Qinglan's refusal directly. Sun Xueru would definitely go in to see Su Zhenhua today, but she was also firm at the moment. Su Qinglan looked at Sun Xueru's swearing-in attitude, which made her very embarrassed!

Su Zhenhua was sent to Zhuangzi by him, now, where would he find Su Zhenhua to show these two people?Is this how they let the two know that Su Zhenhua went to Zhuangzi?But if this is the case, it will be very troublesome in the future!

While hesitating, Su Lanzhi stood up and looked at Sun Xueru and Su Lingyue in embarrassment. Regardless of Su Lingyue's eyes that wanted to eat her, she frowned, "Auntie, Lingyue, not Daddy And we don't let you in, but it's really not easy for us to go in!" The two of them couldn't understand what they said, and Sun Xueru looked at Su Lanzhi with sharp eyes, "; Lan'er, what are you doing?" What do you mean? Hua'er is just a little cold, so why don't we go and visit?"

"It's fine if it's a little wind and cold, but Zhenhua..." Biting her lips, Su Lanzhi was a little hesitant like this, and her behavior made both Sun Xueru and Su Lingyue's hearts rise to their throats Suddenly, "What do you mean? What happened to Hua'er?"

Why does it seem like there is something else going on?

"Auntie, Lingyue, this matter is very important, don't tell it!" Looking at Sun Xueru and Su Lingyue, Su Lanzhi seemed to have struggled for a long time before she finally made up her mind Seeing her like this, Sun Xueru and Su Lingyue became more and more anxious, "What's going on, you tell me!" Why did she feel that things were not simple?

Sun Xueru looked at Su Lanzhi, wanting to see something, but Su Lanzhi's face was heavy, and Sun Xueru felt a little uneasy in her heart.

"Auntie, if you and Lingyue must go to see Zhenhua, then you can only stay in the room with him." Su Lanzhi's words were undoubtedly like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which made Sun Xueru and Su Lingyue Shocked all over his face!

"You, what did you say?" Sun Xueru couldn't believe it. At such a young age, Su Zhenhua had some kind of infectious disease?

"Auntie, Zhenhua was originally infected with wind and cold before, but for some reason, he became smallpox. Now we have to keep him locked up in the house, and we dare not leak it out, so that people will not let Zhenhua suffer. Hua was kicked out. Smallpox is extremely easy to infect these days. If Auntie and Lingyue are really worried about Zhenhua, if you go in and have a look, you may be easily infected with smallpox, so you can't come out casually, or let the emperor know about it. I'm afraid our two houses will have to be quarantined!" Su Lanzhi also knew that Su Zhenhua couldn't hide this matter, so she found such an excuse so that no one would dare to visit Su Zhenhua, and after a few days Hey, send Su Zhenhua away on an excuse, so that it won't look awkward, this way, it's the best!

"You, what are you talking about? My God, smallpox?" When it came to smallpox, Sun Xueru's face turned pale, and after a flash of panic, she subconsciously took a step back, as if she was afraid that she would be infected.

Smallpox is contagious, and once a person gets it, it is extremely difficult to recover, so she should avoid it!

"Big sister, this, how is this possible? Why did Hua'er get smallpox all of a sudden? How could it be like this?" The moment she heard that Su Zhenhua had smallpox, Su Lingyue felt that the sky supporting her was about to collapse. So, subconsciously took a few steps back, feeling dizzy.

God, Hua'er is her support for the rest of her life. She is just a woman, a concubine without a mother, and her father doesn't love her as before. If there is no Hua'er, she will be lonely, what will she do in the future?

"This incident was also sudden. Zhenhua caught wind and cold that day. It may have become serious, and it turned out to be smallpox in the end. %&*"; Smallpox is extremely contagious. If one is bad, it will involve a wide range of people. We don't care It's easy to say it, but it's just to make people shut up and let the government doctor treat him well.I hope Zhenhua can be blessed with good fortune! "At this moment, she seemed to be concerned about her younger brother. Su Lanzhi looked at Sun Xueru's undecided expression, and then at Su Lingyue's shocked expression, she was very cooperative.

"How could this happen?" It never occurred to her that Su Zhenhua's life and death were uncertain now, and Su Lingyue looked at the closed door, but she didn't have the courage to open it at this moment.

The people inside the door seemed to feel the nervousness of the people outside, so they spoke weakly, "Auntie, Second Sister, you better not come in, I, I will scare you too..." Weak and hoarse Although the voice was familiar, at this moment, Su Lingyue could not stop crying.

"Well, what should I do?" After all, she was just a little girl, Su Lingyue had no idea at the moment, her face was full of tears.

"Now, we can only take care of it first, and then look at it slowly!" Su Qinglan didn't expect that Su Lanzhi would find such an excuse. Seeing that Sun Xueru and Su Lingyue no longer insisted on going in, she was also relieved. tone.

"Hey, Hua'er, how come..." Sun Xueru felt a little regretful, but she felt a little gloating in her heart, and it was impossible.Anyway, she and Bai Xin are not quite right, Su Zhenhua is not dead, she doesn't feel much, but she thinks this matter can stimulate the old Princess Qing, she is still happy to see it.

"Sister-in-law, I hope you keep this matter a secret, especially from the concubine mother. You also know that the concubine mother can't get angry now..." Looking at Sun Xueru, Su Qinglan cooperated with Su Lanzhi, with a worried expression on her face. Sun Xueru Seeing that the atmosphere is not good, thinking that there is still a person infected with smallpox inside, I just feel that the place is very unclean, as if if I stay for a quarter of an hour, I will be infected by the day's flower, but I wish I could leave immediately, " Qinglan, don't worry, I will help hide this matter from my mother and concubine now, but Huaer's illness can't be delayed, you have to take good care of it!" For Su Qinglan, Sun Xueru knew that she would also need it in the future. I relied on it, so I was kind, and I wanted to leave for a long time, and I was a little anxious.

"My sister-in-law is keeping it secret for me. I will handle this matter well."

"Enen, since Hua'er is ill, I won't go in. Now the mother concubine is still lying on the bed, worried, I'd better go back and have a look, so as not to worry her old man!" But he didn't think about it for a quarter of an hour Stay here, lest one accidentally get some smallpox, that would be bad.

Her woman cared about her appearance very much. If she got smallpox, wouldn't her fair skin be ruined?

"Sister-in-law, I'll see you off!"

"No, no, I'll go by myself." I'm afraid that Su Qinglan will also pass the disease to her, Sun Xueru is a little disgusted at the moment, but Su Qinglan is not good, really let Sun Xueru go like that, it is a good thing to send the other party away. yes.


Seeing Sun Xueru's evasive look, Su Lanzhi immediately felt it was funny, but she also knew that Sun Xueru would not bother her in a short time, so Su Lanzhi was also at ease.

This excuse is very good!It can be regarded as a solution to the worries of the future. After a few days, he will excuse that Su Zhenhua is seriously ill, and then send the other party to Zhuangzi to recuperate. When the time comes, won't it be a matter of course?

She had already found an excuse in her heart, Su Lanzhi looked at Su Lingyue's pale face, but she didn't let her go at all, "Lingyue, do you want to go in and see Zhenhua? Take care of her by the way. Him?" In fact, Su Lanzhi knows that Su Lingyue has always been a selfish person, even though Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua are brothers and sisters, when it comes to life and death, what Su Lingyue cares about is always It's just herself.

Sure enough, Su Lingyue shook her head subconsciously when she heard Su Lanzhi's words. Although she needed Su Zhenhua, it didn't mean that she would take risks for him. This smallpox is not easy to mess with. She is like a flower now If Siyu's age is infected, even if it heals in time, there will be pockmarks on her face. How can she get married by then?

"Since Hua'er has smallpox, let him have a good rest, I, I'd better not bother you!" Brother and sister, in fact, it's nothing more than that, both of them are selfish people, especially Su Lingyue!

"But Hua'er is alone, if you don't go to see Lingyue, Hua'er will be lonely in the future, with you by his side, maybe his condition will be much better, Hua'er, what do you think?" asked the people inside , it was silent for a while, when Su Lingyue thought that the other party could not speak, Su Zhenhua's weak voice came again, "Second sister, I, I am very scared..." It sounds like this Well, Su Zhenhua really wanted Su Lingyue to be with him, but he also knew that his illness was scary, so he didn't dare to say it outright.

When Su Lingyue heard her younger brother's voice, she felt that her whole heart was being pinched. If it was other diseases, she would naturally have to take care of them, but this smallpox...

"Hua'er, be obedient and take good care of your illness. Second sister will come to see you when you recover!" Su Lingyue couldn't avoid it, although Su Lingyue was worried now, she could only calm down.

"Second Sister..." The voice seemed a little disappointed. It would be best if the people inside didn't say anything. Su Lingyue felt very uncomfortable, and she was afraid of getting smallpox here, so she wanted to leave, "Eldest Sister, Since Hua'er is ill, let's not disturb his rest, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, she looked like she wanted to leave, but at this moment, Su Lanzhi didn't want to leave, "But I see Zhenhua like that, and I really want you to accompany him. Second sister, even if you don't It would be great to go in and have a good talk with Zhenhua, he might be a little bored these days."

"Yeah, Second Sister, talk to me!" The people inside seemed to be extremely cooperative with Su Lanzhi. The voice of praying made Su Lingyue go away. Zhiqu said, "Lingyue, you and Zhenhua haven't seen each other for a long time. I think you have a lot to talk about. I won't bother you anymore. I'll go to my mother first." After speaking, Su Lingyue didn't have any chance to respond. She just left, leaving Su Lingyue there alone, not knowing what to do.


After walking a certain distance, Yuetao followed Su Lanzhi all the time, but she was a little puzzled, "Miss, why did you leave the second lady there, are you not afraid..." Not afraid of being caught by the second lady, and that one who looks very Jing Did Nanny Zhuang see anything?

"Don't worry, let them have a good talk, so as to shorten the distance between them. It also prevents them from still having doubts in their hearts." If she always hides it, the other party will still doubt it, so why not just be so bold. Giving the other party a chance will reduce the other party's suspicion.

"But the slave girl sees that Nanny Zhuang is not a fuel-efficient lamp, will she see something?" Although they have prepared for a long time, this matter is not true after all, and Yue Tao is a little worried.

"She was just listening and watching. We also arranged for the people in the mansion. A few days ago, Zhenhua was brought back, but suddenly contracted smallpox. Everyone knew about it. She just suspected it. There is no way to start. Unless she desperately proves it herself, otherwise, they will not believe it!" It was also when she came back from the palace that day, Su Lanzhi knew that Concubine Jing was not used to seeing her, and she was in every possible way. I know, Concubine Jing won't let it go!She also knew that Concubine Jing would move, so she made a false appearance just in case.

She kept this matter from Su Qinglan and Murong Yan, and she didn't want them to worry.Now that the incident really happened, she has found a way to deal with it. Everyone in the mansion has been rectified, and there will be no mistakes, so she doesn't have to worry.

"Miss is right, but now that the young master has 'smallpox', can he be sent to Zhuangzi in a legitimate way?"

"Don't worry, take your time!" It was too sudden and too coincidental, so it would inevitably arouse suspicion, so it's better to take it slowly.

"Well, what Miss said is that the servant is in a hurry!"

"Let's go to mother's place quickly, and I'm in a hurry to come to my father and mother!" Su Lanzhi is also planning ahead for this matter, and doesn't want to worry Su Qinglan and Murong Yan. Right now, it's a good time for Su Qinglan and Murong Yan Having said that, it will save the two elders from worrying.


When I came to Yanyun Pavilion, I saw that Su Qinglan and Murong Yan were waiting there early, their faces were a little gloomy, but when Su Lanzhi saw her, she hurried forward, smiled, and wanted to break her parents' eyes. The yin between them became gloomy, "Father, mother, don't worry, let Lan'er tell you slowly!"

"Okay!" Ordered everyone to go down and closed the door, leaving only three of them. Su Qinglan looked at Su Lanzhi and felt that he couldn't understand her daughter, "Lan'er, what's going on?" What's going on?"

"Daddy, Lan'er knows. Daddy has always been worried that Grandma and the others would find out about Zhenhua being sent to Zhuangzi. So Lan'er let people create the illusion that Zhenhua was going back to the mansion a few days ago, and then made Zhenhua suffer from smallpox. The reason is just in case something happened today." Su Zhenhua is not in the prime minister's mansion, so it's fine if no one comes to ask about it on weekdays, but if someone comes to ask, they can't stop them.Therefore, it is extremely important to find an impeccable excuse.

Smallpox is contagious, the death rate is extremely high, and the infection is rapid. Once infected, it will definitely cause panic. Su Lanzhi doesn't believe it. Su Zhenhua has smallpox, and some people dare to go in and see!

"Lan'er, why did you think of so many things?" Murong Yan looked at her daughter, but she never thought that Su Lanzhi was so thoughtful at such a young age!

Such a thing is beyond the imagination of a 13-year-old girl!

"Father, mother, Lan'er knows that this time Lan'er did these things and kept them from her parents. Daddy was disturbed by the pretentious matter, so she secretly made arrangements and preparations for emergencies, and hoped that Daddy and Mother would not blame her. Lan Er didn't want Daddy and Mother to be in trouble, she just wanted to find an excuse. It also prevents father from always worrying, and mother, who will not be safe." Knowing that she is too young and too shrewd, it would be bad, but Su Lanzhi wanted to protect her family well once she was reborn. Yes, she doesn't care!

Therefore, even though she knew what she was doing, it was inevitable that it was too inappropriate for her age, which would make people suspect, but she couldn't care less!

Looking at Su Qinglan and Murong Yan, Su Lanzhi was very frank, with determination in her eyes. Looking at Su Lanzhi like this, Su Qinglan and Murongyan suddenly felt that they didn't understand their daughter very well.

Their daughter, what must have happened to them all these years, that they have so many plans for a rainy day at such a young age?It was their negligence!It was the first time in ten years that the two looked at each other, looking at each other, both Su Qinglan and Murong Yan found guilt and surprise in each other's eyes.In the end, the two exchanged glances, decided to accept this matter, and acquiesced, "Lan'er, sit down, we didn't blame you!" Knowing that her daughter was also doing it for their own good, how could Su Qinglan be willing to blame her?

"Thank you, Daddy!" Su Qinglan and Murong Yan never thought that they would expose this matter so easily. Su Lanzhi sighed in her heart for her parents' love for her, and she also felt warmer on her face.

"Lan'er, since you let Zhenhua get smallpox, do you know that Nanny Zhuang is old, and someone in the palace got smallpox many years ago, I'm afraid that Nanny Zhuang is not afraid, in case she goes Check and verify, but what should I do?" At this moment, putting aside other matters, Su Qinglan naturally wants to solve the matter of Su Zhenhua going to Zhuangzi first.

Although this is a good opportunity for Su Lanzhi, it is good for ordinary people, but Nanny Zhuang is old after all, it is hard to guarantee that she has never suffered from smallpox, which makes people suspicious.

"Dad, don't worry, the boy that Lan'er asked people to find is somewhat similar to Zhenhua, and he deliberately imitated Zhenhua's voice, and his face has more pockmarks, so it is easy for people not to see!" These, Su Lan Zhi naturally thought about it, she didn't want Su Qinglan to be in trouble, let alone Su Qinglan, of course, she also didn't want Murong Yan to be pregnant and have to work hard, so, it's not good.

"Well, you are very thoughtful. It's just that smallpox is spreading, but it's not good. Have you thought about how to deal with it?" Said this, Su Qinglan is not considered a test, she is so thoughtful about her daughter's young age , Su Qinglan accepted it quickly.She just thought it was her own negligence that made Su Lanzhi have to learn to protect herself, so at this moment, Su Qinglan wanted to make up for it as soon as possible.

"I've already thought about it. In a few days, I'll have the government doctor say that Zhenhua is seriously ill. It's not good to recuperate in the government, so I'll just send him to Zhuangzi." It is very unfavorable for their Xiangfu, Su Lanzhi knows this very well.

"Well, you have considered this matter very thoughtfully, but you should do it quickly so as not to cause any trouble."

"Don't worry, Daddy, Lan'er will make arrangements as soon as possible!"

"Leave this matter to me, you'd better accompany your mother!" Su Lanzhi didn't want to lose a lot of happiness at a young age, and lived in calculations every day, but Su Qinglan let this matter go.

"Okay!" There was no objection. Su Lanzhi knew that at this moment, she could just be a well-behaved and sensible daughter at ease. If she always rushed to do everything, it would inevitably make her parents sad.

"When you encounter these things in the future, you can discuss them with me and your mother. You are still young, and many things should not be carried on your shoulders alone!" These things were originally what they had to do , but let their daughter do it, they are indeed not very competent!

"Well, father, mother, I know!"


After a few days of peaceful days, on the third day, Su Zhenhua suddenly became seriously ill, and the mansion was in chaos. The new mansion doctor finally announced that it was best for Su Zhenhua to go out to recuperate, so Su Qinglan decided to send Su Zhenhua away .Su Lingyue originally wanted to object, but seeing Su Zhenhua's pockmarked face from a distance, and hearing the alarmist voice of the government doctor, Su Lingyue was also afraid, so she didn't say anything.Especially Su Qinglan's sentence "If you are worried, go to Zhuangzi to accompany Zhenhua, so that the siblings can take care of each other", such a sentence successfully made Su Lingyue shut up, but the few people quietly put Su Zhenhua Sending them away without making any publicity, so as not to spread the matter and harm the Xiangfu. Although Su Lingyue wanted to tell Mrs. Yuan Wuhou, but considering Su Zhenhua's situation, she didn't dare. At this moment, she is obedient She stayed in the prime minister's mansion, but obediently went to greet Murong Yan every morning, and there was no abnormality at all.

There was no news from the old Princess Qing until Su Zhenhua was sent away, but her condition got worse and she was able to talk, but for some reason, she suddenly had another convulsion, her mouth became even more crooked, and she looked extremely Su Qinglan couldn't figure out what was going on, but the old Princess Qing didn't ask about it, so Su Qinglan was relieved, and she was not as concerned about the old Princess Qing as before, and only asked about the illness of the old Princess Qing. The reason for the seriousness was that she had contracted a cold and her condition worsened, so Su Qinglan went to take care of the old Princess Qing for a few days and sent a lot of supplements, but she just didn't say anything.

Life is like this, Murong Yan's fetus is gradually stable now, and the people in the mansion are also under control, Su Lanzhi also managed to get rid of the annoying mansion doctor, Su Lanzhi saw Murong Yan gradually Some of the flesh has grown, and I am happy in my heart.

"Lan'er, let's go out for a walk. We've been in the house for almost two months. I haven't moved for a long time, and my legs and feet are a little soft." Murong Yan is now almost four months pregnant, and her belly is starting to show. , It's just that the winter clothes are very heavy, so you can't tell.

"Okay, mother, let's take a walk in the yard, okay?" The imperial doctor said that we can walk, Su Lanzhi helped Murong Yan and went out for a walk. Now the weather is getting warmer and the snow is gradually falling Melted, the breath of early spring is very obvious.

"It's been a long time since I went out to look outside. I don't know. It's winter, but it's still very cold. There was a little snow last night. Now I can't take off my cotton coat. I don't know when it will get warmer."

"Should be soon too?" Seeing that Bai Han hadn't come outside yet, he thought he had some clothes out to wash and dry in the sun, so he could put them on in time! "Nurse Zhang is happier now. Seeing Murong Yan's belly getting bigger and bigger every day, Nurse Zhang can't wait to see Murong Yan's belly bulge right away, and give birth to a son for Su Qinglan. Like this, Murong Yan Yan's position is also unbreakable.

"It's still early, and it's still cold today!" Several people were chatting and laughing in the yard, Murong Yan had also been sleepy for a long time, now she was finally able to walk around, she was naturally happy.

"Mother, slow down!" Seeing Murong Yan's brisk footsteps, Su Lanzhi was worried!

"Don't worry, I'm not that squeamish, but now that I can walk around, it's time to say goodbye to my mother. Recently, my mother always sends a lot of supplements and medicinal materials, but it's time for people to come to ask about it every few days. Mother is relieved and happy." Previously worried that the fetus would be unstable, Murong Yan didn't want to tell Mrs. Jingbeihou, so that Mrs. Jingbeihou would not be worried, but now the imperial doctor said that the fetus is fine, and Murongyan is also Don't worry.

"This joy, of course, must be reciprocated. It's just that mother, you are heavy now, and you are exhausted. Go like this, okay?"

"My mother gave birth to me and raised me. She has been worrying about me all these years. Because this time she didn't tell her the truth, she would be troubled by riri. Now that I have recovered a bit, I should come to my mother's house to report the happy event in person." Jing Jing Mrs. Beihou was originally an elder, so it would be a bit bad to let her come, so Murong Yan could only go.

"Since mother has made a decision, then get ready. It's just that you have to ask Doctor Sun about this matter!" Seeing that Murong Yan looked good, Su Lanzhi didn't insist. She also knew Madam Jingbei's worries. Lan Zhi also didn't want to stop Murong Yan's filial piety.

"Lan'er, don't worry, I can save this matter!" Looking at her daughter amusedly, Murong Yan only felt that she was pregnant this time, and Su Lanzhi was the one who was nervous.Seeing her daughter always acting like a grown-up, Murong Yan sometimes just felt sad.

"Okay, mother, I'm tired after walking for a long time, let's sit for a while!" These days I often read related books, knowing that pregnant women walking more is good for childbirth, Su Lanzhi didn't stop Murong Yan, it's just that Murong Yan's birth was not easy, so Su Lanzhi naturally didn't dare to be careless.

"Okay, sit down and drink a glass of water, I'm just thirsty!" Murong Yan also knew her body, so she sat down obediently. Not long after she sat down, she heard Su Lingyue coming.

"Mother Wanan!" Every day, she came to greet Murong Yan on time. Murong Yan said several times but she didn't pay attention. No matter it was windy or rainy, she would always come. Murong Yan was really helpless, "Lingyue, You're here? Didn't you say you don't want to come every day? It's serious to warm up in the house and read a book. I don't have anything to do here, so you don't need to come so far every day. "

Su Lingyue's yard is also some distance away from Murong Yan's. At the beginning, Bai Xin didn't want Su Qinglan to see Murong Yan all the time, so she deliberately chose a location farther away. She didn't expect it, but Su Lingyue is suffering now.

"When I come to visit my concubine every day, Yue'er can rest assured only when she sees that her mother is in good health!" These days, Su Lingyue said that she was walking on thin ice. Su Zhenhua was sent away. She had no choice but to stop her, so she just returned to the mansion , none of the old people she was familiar with before is gone. Except for Nanny Zhuang, Su Lingyue only feels that the future is dark, and she can't find a sense of belonging in the prime minister's house. She is very scared, although she hates Murong Yan , even hate, but in order to gain a firm foothold in the Xiangfu and let Su Qinglan look at her more, she had to be patient every day, and came early to say hello.

But every time I come here, I can see Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi looking happy and happy. Thinking about this scene, it used to belong to me, Su Lingyue only felt that she was suffering extremely.

She hates it, really hates it!

"You, hello, it's just a formality, just sit down when you want it!" I didn't want Su Lingyue to come, but she wanted to come, and Murong Yan couldn't stop her, so she had to let the other party sit down and let Su Lingyue sit down. Yue prepares snacks and tea, occasionally asks a few words, which can be regarded as caring, but Murong Yan's attitude has always been indifferent, she can't say she likes Su Lingyue, nor can she say she hates Su Lingyue.

Every time Su Lingyue sees Murong Yan's attitude like this, she just feels that the other party is perfunctory, and she is very angry in her heart, wishing to leave immediately, but now, she is alone and helpless in the prime minister's mansion, so she can only hold on to Murong Yan, borrowing This opportunity is close to Su Qinglan, let Su Qinglan see her filial piety, and then slowly figure it out.

"Thank you mother!" Regarding the tea prepared by Murong Yan, because Su Lingyue didn't trust the other party, she always felt that Su Zhenhua's smallpox was caused by Murong Yan on purpose, so she didn't dare to eat anything, but just sat dryly, although she had nothing to say , is also embarrassing, but she just won't leave, she has to wait until Su Qinglan arrives.

For Su Lingyue's stubborn temper, Murong Yan had seen a lot and was used to it, so she didn't say much, only occasionally said something, and the atmosphere was strangely tense.

"Mother was just lying in the room for the past few days, but today she came out for a walk. Yue'er saw that her mother looked good today, presumably she has recovered from her illness?" Xu Shi felt that she was always sitting and not talking. No, Su Lingyue spoke up now, pretending to care, and wanted Murong Yan to like her, thus strengthening her position.

It's okay for her not to like the other party, but the other party must like her!Otherwise, she really has no place in this family!

Who made her now, not as good as she used to be?

The days of relying on others, she is really aggrieved!

If it is possible, Su Lingyue really hopes that Bai Xin can be resurrected. In this way, her life will not be so helpless and difficult.

At this moment, she finally realized the suffering of the concubine. The more Su Lingyue looked at Su Lanzhi now, the more she disliked her. She always felt that it was Su Lanzhi who blocked her way and brought her to where she is now.

"Well, it's better. It's not good to stay in the house all the time. It's good to go out for a walk once in a while to breathe fresh air. The whole person is much more refreshed." Su Ling didn't expect it. Yue Hui takes the initiative to care about herself, Murong Yan always has a calm face, with alienation in the indifference, making people look at her and feel easy to get along with, but at the same time, she is also somewhat distant.

Su Lingyue was even more annoyed by such a distance!I always feel that no matter what I do, I can't attract Murong Yan's attention, let alone make Murong Yan look at her more, it's all in vain!

This person, what should I do to make her take care of me more intimately?

Just thinking about how to please Murong Yan, let herself regain attention, and live the previous life, Su Lingyue was distressed, but the people outside started talking back and forth, "Ma'am, Princess Qin and King Wu Cheng are here!"


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