() "Princess Qin?" The Prime Minister's Mansion and Prince Qin's Mansion have not had much contact over the years, and there have been some exchanges of gifts recently, but there have been no real visits. When Murong Yan heard that Princess Qin was coming, she subconsciously felt a little Surprised.I was a little puzzled by the sudden kindness and acquaintance of Prince Qin's mansion, especially Princess Qin Xijing, who seldom visited in Surrey, why today...

I always feel that something is not right, but I can't tell where it is.

what is going on actually?

"Yes, ma'am, Princess Qin and King Wucheng are here, and they said they came to see you, madam! They also brought a lot of presents!" Princess Qin has a noble status, and now among the aristocratic family, she belongs to Prince Qin's mansion The most honorable thing is that the King of Qin, as the younger brother of Emperor Wen, held the military power in his hand, and married the sister of the Emperor Nanzhao, and Qin Zhiyan was named King Wucheng at a young age. Comparable!Even the princes in the palace today rarely have such grace and honor!

So no matter who it is, they are proud to associate with Prince Qin's mansion. When the servants saw Princess Qin bring Qin Zhiyan to the door in person, the joy on their faces could not be concealed.

"Since Princess Qin is here, let me greet you nicely and say that I will go soon!" Murong Yan couldn't invite people to her yard at this moment. Princess Qin has a noble status, and there are not many exchanges between the two houses. , It is good to pick up guests in the living room outside.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Hurry up and order someone to make tea, take the top-notch cloud and mist to make tea, and then prepare exquisite snacks, and let Princess Qin wait for a while!" Now that she is too heavy, Murong Yan can't walk too fast , I had to let someone go to greet Princess Qin first, but the person was very fast, and she stood up very quickly, but the servant saw Murong Yan standing up, so she hurriedly stopped, "Madam, don't worry, Princess Qin said Well, Madam is not in good health yet, she is not good to let you go out, she asked her servants to ask, if Madam doesn't mind, Princess Qin is willing to come into Madam's Yanyun Pavilion, but I don't know if it is convenient for Madam?"

These words were obviously to give Murong Yan a lot of face, but Murong Yan did not expect Princess Qin to consider her so much, after thinking about it, she hesitated.

Her courtyard is some distance away from the living room outside, and it will take some time to go there. It would be best if Princess Qin came here on her own initiative, but the other party is a noble one, and she doesn't go to greet her. Will be a little neglected?

Su Lanzhi saw Murong Yan's hesitation, thinking about how many times she had contact with Princess Qin, she knew that the other party was not such a fussy person, and it was not easy for Murong Yan to go too far at once, so she also persuaded her "Mother, just sit down. You are not in good health yet, so you can't walk too much. How about Lan'er pick up Princess Qin?" neglected.

"Like this, okay?" She hadn't had much contact with Princess Qin, and Murong Yan couldn't figure out the other party's temperament, so she didn't want to cause any unpleasantness to each other because of her own negligence.What's more, Qin Wangfei came to see her in person, which is already very face-saving, and it is not easy for her to refute the other party's face.

"Mother, don't worry, Princess Qin is a very easy-going person, so she won't be too fussy. Since she said that, she naturally doesn't care about these hypocrisy. If mother insists on going, it will be against Princess Qin's decision to come. It depends on your original intention, mother, are you right?" Indeed, people are here to visit Murong Yan, so naturally they hope that Murong Yan will be well, but if Murong Yan is not well enough and goes out to enjoy the cold wind, then this way, Doesn't this visitation make people suffer?

What Su Lanzhi said was reasonable, Murong Yan thought about it, but she didn't insist anymore, "In that case, then you go, remember to pay attention later, Qin Wangfei is no better than the family members." Now the child in her belly is the most The important thing is that although her fetus is a little more stable, she still can't exercise too much. For the sake of the child, Murong Yan had no choice but to give up.

"Okay, mother, sit down, I'll be back in a while!" Helping Murong Yan to sit down, Su Lanzhi was careful, Murong Yan smiled, with a kind face on her face, "Okay, go quickly, don't let Concubine Qin has been waiting for a long time!" Such a touch, a loving mother and a filial daughter, is a very warm picture, but looking at Su Lingyue at the side, I feel that it is particularly dazzling!

If mother hadn't left, I'm afraid I would be so happy?My mother has been very kind to me since I was a child. My mother will find a way to get what I want. The days I have lived since I was a child are all the days of a master. Where is there any grievance?

But now?After her mother was gone, she finally realized how difficult life would be for a concubine without a mother to rely on!

Why, why is she a concubine?Su Lanzhi's identity and status belonged to her!

I was not angry, and now I saw Su Lanzhi going to see Princess Qin. Su Lingyue had heard of such a person, so she hurriedly stood up and took Su Lanzhi's arm intimately, "Big sister , I'll go with you!" Su Lingyue has been trying to be tight lately, she is extraordinarily enthusiastic in everything she does, she acts obediently in every possible way in front of Murong Yan, even to Su Lanzhi, she tries her best to get close Yes, it's just that Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi don't like her.

"Lingyue, don't you want to accompany mother here? If you go with me, mother will be alone?" Su Lanzhi walked away calmly, lest Su Lingyue really be Holding her arm, Su Lingyue looked aggrieved when she saw Su Lanzhi's alienation from her, "Big sister, I'm just worried that you will be nervous facing Princess Qin alone, and isn't there King Wu Cheng?" I’m worried that you won’t be able to handle it alone, so I want to go with you. If you don’t want me to go with you, well, then I won’t go...” Su Lingyue’s eyes became moist all of a sudden. , seems to have become extraordinarily fragile, always crying.

Seeing Su Lingyue like this, Su Lanzhi felt displeased, but she couldn't be too harsh on Murong Yan in front of her, "I don't want you to go, since you want to go, then follow!" She I just want to expose Su Lingyue's true face. Su Lanzhi knows that Murong Yan has some pity for Su Lingyue, but Su Lingyue is lonely now, so she doesn't criticize him severely. She has some, and Su Lingyue has a lot of them. Yes, it's just that Su Lanzhi knows that no matter how good they are to Su Lingyue, Su Lingyue will only feel that they are not enough and that they are unfair. A heart and heart, so that Su Lingyue won't deceive Murong Yan.

This younger sister, in her previous life, she had seen too many inconsistencies in the other party's face, and in this life, she would never believe that the other party would change his appearance!

A person's character has long been doomed, and the country is easy to change, and the original character is hard to change. How can one say change, just change?

Su Lingyue didn't know what Su Lanzhi was thinking, if she knew, she wouldn't be in a hurry to go now.Seeing that Su Lanzhi agreed at this moment, Su Lingyue's eyes gleamed with joy, but she also knew how to put on a show, "Mother, Yue'er will accompany eldest sister to meet Princess Qin, okay?" I don't want to be too aggressive. I was anxious, lest Murong Yan see her small thoughts, Su Lingyue has turned back into a good girl now.

"Well, go!" To Su Lingyue, Murong Yan could only do her best to treat Su Lingyue well.To ask her to treat each other like Su Lanzhi, Murong Yan thought that she was not so great yet.In particular, Su Lingyue is still docile on the surface, but restless in the back.Of course, Murong Yan knew this, but she just thought that Su Lingyue was just a concubine without a mother to rely on, and felt that she was pitiful, so she just wanted to be more tolerant.

"Thank you mother, big sister, let's go, don't keep Princess Qin waiting!" Seeing Murong Yan agreeing, Su Lingyue walked to Su Lanzhi's side affectionately, although she really wanted to hold her arm , pretending to be a loving sister, but thinking about Su Lanzhi's avoidance just now, Su Lingyue didn't want to make fun of herself, but stood beside Su Lanzhi in a well-behaved manner.

"Well, let's go!" What Su Lanzhi hates the most is Su Lingyue's flattering and obedient appearance. Recently, Su Lingyue comes to greet Murong Yan on time every day. No matter what Murong Yan says, she insists , rain or shine.And when she came, no matter whether she had something to say or not, she would sit with a stern face, waiting until Su Qinglan came, and then always acted like a good girl in front of Su Qinglan, showing great respect to Murong Yan, and treating her like this. The eldest sister is also extremely close. Su Lanzhi knows that Su Lingyue wants to kill her and Murong Yan. Every time she sees Su Lingyue's pretended appearance and the hatred in the other party's eyes, Su Lanzhi really doesn't want to There are too many involvements with Su Lingyue.

Why bother?Do you think others will believe it like this?At least she didn't believe it, because Su Lingyue's eyes couldn't deceive anyone after all.

After all, she is still young, and Su Lingyue still can't learn to hide many emotions well, but this is fine, if the other party is really impeccable, then she really has to be more careful.


Along the way, Su Lingyue saw that Su Lanzhi was just walking, and knew that Su Lanzhi was not very close to her. Thinking about what Nanny Zhuang said, Su Lingyue gritted her teeth and said, "Big sister, When have you met Princess Qin?" Even she only saw her occasionally, so she couldn't speak, so she just looked at it from a distance, why did the other party seem to be somewhat familiar with Princess Qin?

And she heard that Princess Qin rarely visits her family, so why did she come to the Prime Minister's mansion today?This is a great blessing, how could it be like this?

"When I was in the palace, I saw her occasionally!" Su Lanzhi didn't say that she met Qin Wangfei elsewhere, Su Lanzhi's answer was obviously perfunctory, and she didn't want to go deep into this topic with Su Lingyue at all.

"Really? I heard that Princess Qin is the younger sister of the Emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom, and she is deeply loved by the Emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom. Moreover, Princess Qin is one of the best beauties in the world. You saw it before, is it true? "Having a quick glance once, Su Lingyue only felt that her eyes were surrounded by bright light. Although she didn't see the front clearly, she knew that Princess Qin was extremely beautiful.

"You'll know after a while." Qin Wangfei is indeed beautiful, as beautiful as that gorgeous emerald, noble and elegant, like a blooming peony, with elegant temperament, which makes people unforgettable at first sight.

"Big sister, why do you think Princess Qin suddenly came to see her mother? Mother has lived in seclusion these years, how could she know Princess Qin?" This is where Su Lingyue was curious and worried.

If Murong Yan had an extra close friend like Princess Qin, wouldn't it be even more difficult for him to overthrow the other party?

"I'm not very clear about this..." Typical perfunctory, Su Lanzhi was only puzzled by Su Lingyue's temptation, but answered simply, making Su Lingyue always feel embarrassed and angry.

"Big sister, tell me, Princess Qin has such a noble status, will it be difficult to get along with? I'm a little scared!" Her heart was already smoking with anger, but Su Lingyue still had to pretend to be a sister. It seems that she is very close to Su Lanzhi.

"People with noble status naturally pay attention to etiquette, and they are familiar with poetry and books, so they are not unreasonable."

"Big sister, are you nervous? I'm very nervous. It's the first time I meet Princess Qin, and I don't know what she will think of us after a while..." Su Lingyue wanted to come today because she wanted to be in front of Princess Qin. She looks familiar, and it's even better for her to please Qin Wangfei and make her like her, so that she can rely on one more person in the future.

"Let's be more cautious in a while, don't be afraid." If possible, Su Lanzhi really wanted Su Lingyue to shut up, she really admired Su Lingyue, her attitude was so cold, and her answer was so Perfunctory, how could the other party have the cheek to ask?

And it looks like they are very close, but are they really that close?

Su Lanzhi has to say that Su Lingyue has made progress these days, and she seems to be completely incapable of observing words and demeanor, so she has cultivated a thick-skinned, sloppy approach, which really makes her speechless!


Along the way, Su Lanzhi had to speed up her pace, but she didn't want to continue to face Su Lingyue, looking at the other party's face that made her uncomfortable, and finally endured Su Lingyue, Su Lanzhi didn't want to really just be there She tore her face openly, lest Su Qinglan would look sad, so she had to endure it.When I arrived at the living room outside, I saw Qin Wangfei and Qin Zhiyan sitting on chairs from a distance. Both of them were rare and beautiful in the world. Although they were just sitting there, their aura could not be ignored. All the servants were cautious, and waited on the side lightly, and there was quite a bit of fear in that way.

Concubine Qin is dressed elegantly today, the honey-colored padded jacket is embroidered with golden autumn chrysanthemums with gold thread, layers upon layers, vivid and tight.As for her own exquisite and perfect facial features, she put on a little makeup today, and wore a set of red gold headgear on her head, embellished with a red gemstone. It looks good!

Qin Zhiyan is wearing a cloud-colored jacket today, which is really like the floating clouds, with the color of white clouds in the blue, and the cuffs and hem of the clothes are bordered with blue, which is a bit delicate The tricks are hard to see clearly from a distance.But Su Lanzhi can see the smile hanging on the picturesque facial features, making those deep eyes seem to be broken into a little bit of starlight, the hair is wearing a jade crown, he is such a handsome young man, no wonder There are so many women in the capital falling in love with him!

The expressions of the two are quite comfortable, it seems that they are not uncomfortable as guests, but looking at the servants around them, they are quite uncomfortable.

Su Lanzhi lamented the peerless temperament of the two, and also noticed that Su Lingyue beside her was staying there. She felt a little funny in her heart, but she pushed the other party with a crutch before walking in, "Lan'er I have seen Princess Qin, His Royal Highness King Wucheng!" At this moment, Su Lingyue came back to her senses, still immersed in Qin Zhiyan's unparalleled beauty, her face was a little obsessed, and she followed Su Lanzhi mechanically After the ceremony, I was thinking in my heart, is this King Wu Cheng a human being? How could he be so handsome?

Could it be that the immortals descended to earth?How can there be a fairy spirit?

"Hehe, Lan'er is here? You're not in the palace now, so you don't need to be polite, just get up!" Princess Qin didn't like Su Lanzhi's polite appearance, so she just walked down and pulled her up, yes Su Lingyue on the side was a bit unfamiliar, but she thought she was here with Su Lanzhi, so she ignored it, "Get up too!" The obvious intimacy made Su Lingyue feel dry Yes, I'm even more jealous of Su Lanzhi.

All of this was snatched from her by the other party. Originally, all of this belonged to her!

She has always felt that she is the only prostitute in this Prime Minister's mansion. Su Lingyue also wanted wind and rain since she was a child. How could she be so neglected by others?Naturally, I was unhappy, but in front of Princess Qin, it was not easy for her to have a fit.

"Thank you, Princess!" Even though she was very upset, Su Lingyue did not forget her purpose today. She wanted to make a good impression in front of Princess Qin, and it was best to have this backer.But now, looking at Qin Zhiyan's unparalleled face, she felt a little nostalgic.

How could there be such a handsome man in this world?

"Miss Su, this young lady just looks at you? But your younger sister?" Princess Qin also heard that Su Lanzhi also has a concubine sister. Seeing Su Lingyue's behavior, she had this guess.

"Yes, Princess, she is my second sister."

"It turned out to be Miss Su." After asking Su Lingyue politely, Princess Qin looked at Su Lanzhi carefully at this moment, but forgot about Su Lingyue, "Miss Su, the last time I heard that Mrs. Su was ill , I have been worried since I went back, and now you come here uninvited, you will not blame me for disturbing?" In fact, it is reasonable to say that the two families have no formal visits, so it is a bit presumptuous to come here suddenly, but Qin Wangfei is also a little impatient. Well, she is not really a very polite person, so if she wants to come, she will come too.

"The princess is serious. It is our honor that the princess can come. How could it be an interruption?" Although Su Lanzhi's words were for the occasion, what she said made sense. Because Princess Qin is a princess of another country, She is not very clear about Da Cang's many personnel affairs, and she doesn't like to deal with those hypocritical people, and she always holds back. She doesn't often attend banquets in Surrey, and she rarely visits.Therefore, except for a few acquaintances, Princess Qin rarely goes to other prefectures, but today she came to Xiangfu. I have to say that this is really an honor.

"Hehe, you can talk. Although I don't know if you really welcome me, but I came here uninvited. Naturally, I want to take a good look at your mother. How is your mother recently? Is she feeling better?"

"Thank you, Princess, for your concern. Mother's body is much better."

"That's good, take me to have a look, since you're here, you have to see me, right?"

"Princess please!"

"By the way, Yan'er is a man, would it be inconvenient to go in?" I don't know whether it was intentional or not, Princess Qin came to visit Murong Yan, but she brought Qin Zhiyan with her, and now it seems that she is going to let him Qin Zhiyan went in, and Su Lanzhi couldn't refuse, "It's okay, princess, King Wu Cheng, please follow me!"

"Hehe, let's go!" Blinking mischievously at Qin Zhiyan, Qin Zhiyan couldn't help showing a slight smile at the corner of his mouth when he saw Qin Wangfei like this, knowing that Qin Wangfei did it for himself, he naturally felt in his heart I was very moved.

Walking behind at this moment, looking at Su Lanzhi's back, Qin Zhiyan felt a little missing.

It has been more than a month since the last time we met. I didn't feel it before, but now I understand the taste of missing. It seems that this woman has really caught her heart.

How can this be good?


"Wu, King Wu Cheng..." Su Lingyue was completely ignored by Concubine Qin and Su Lanzhi, so she could only look at Qin Zhiyan at this moment, and saw the handsome face of the other party, but she had never looked at him before. Having seen such a beautiful woman, I couldn't help being a little crazy.

"Yeah." Responding lightly, Qin Zhiyan didn't even look at Su Lingyue, but just looked forward inadvertently, but that gaze always fell on Su Lanzhi, deep in his eyes, revealing A little bit of affection made those deep eyes even clearer.

Su Lingyue saw that although Qin Zhiyan was smiling, she was indifferent to her, and she was thin-skinned. Su Lingyue was embarrassed to speak again at the moment, but just stared at her little feet, and occasionally glanced at Qin Zhiyan. Zhiyan, seeing the other party not looking sideways, felt a little lost in his heart.

Isn't she pretty?Why does the other party seem to not see him?

It was the first time that Su Lingyue was not confident about her appearance, and at this moment, Su Lingyue calmed down.


"Yan'er, look, the scenery of this Prime Minister's Mansion is exquisite, and it's not bad compared to our Qin Palace." It seems that it is intentional to let Qin Zhiyan and Su Lanzhi get in touch with each other more. Seeing Qin Zhiyan walking behind, Princess Qin stopped and waited for him.

"Su Xiang is also an elegant person. The scenery is full of elegance, and it is very comfortable to look at." Nodding his head, Qin Zhiyan didn't really look at the surrounding scenery much, but kept looking at Su Lanzhi, which made him feel uncomfortable. Su Lanzhi only felt that her back was burning hot, and she wished she could stop Qin Zhiyan's gaze, but it was difficult for her to speak.

"Hehe, that's right. This decoration is very exquisite. Although it may not be very expensive, it is very attractive. By the way, Miss Su, I heard that there are many peach trees planted in the backyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion, but it is really beautiful. of?"

"Well, but now, it hasn't bloomed yet!"

"I heard that the peach tree has been planted for a long time, and the flowers are blooming very vigorously. In a few days, the peach blossoms will bloom. Miss Su doesn't mind if I bother you again?" It means that it will come again, this Qin The princess came here for the first time, but she prepared an excuse for the second time. Su Lanzhi looked at the other party, and it was a little funny, "The princess is willing to come, and we are of course welcome!"

"Then it's settled like this, Yan'er, then we will have to come and enjoy the scenery of this Taoyuan!" A sly look flashed across his eyes, and Qin Wangfei's appearance was quite treacherous.

"Hehe, if mother and concubine want to come, I will naturally come with you!" I was extremely willing to come in my heart, but Qin Zhiyan's tone has always been like this, he is friendly and polite to everything, even if it is an answer, there is no way to advance or retreat It's true, but few people know what he's thinking in his heart.

"Don't say that you are unwilling!" Qin Wangfei directly tore off her son's modest mask, knowing that the other party was happy in his heart, but he still looked like an old monk sitting still, and let Qin Wangfei look at him. I'm so upset!

<It's like a story, it's heart-warming, Su Lingyue, who was watching from the side, was stunned again.

How could there be such a handsome man?

"Don't just talk and don't do it, I don't like you perfunctory me!"

"Mother and concubine, of course it is not perfunctory. The Taoyuan of Xiangfu is very famous, and my son has long wanted to come and see it. It is also thanks to the blessing of mother and concubine that I have this opportunity. Naturally, I cherish it!" After talking about his own feelings, Qin Zhiyan did not pretend to be ambiguous as usual, and Qin Wangfei looked satisfied, but she was not embarrassed.But he looked at Su Lanzhi, and his eyes were a little bit trembling, "Miss Su, don't mind, my son is like this, Su Ri seems to be very easy to get along with, but he likes it." Taking advantage of the loopholes in words, if you are not careful, he will be perfunctory." Qin Zhiyan is indeed like this, he never shows his joy in front of outsiders, no matter what he asks, he always gives very vague answers , It's right and wrong, often people can't see through his mood.

"Princess is joking." Seeing that Concubine Qin always brings the topic to Qin Zhiyan, Su Lanzhi feels helpless, but there is nothing she can do. Hearing Concubine Qin teasing Qin Zhiyan along the way, Su Lanzhi occasionally She smiled cooperatively, and looked at the way Qin Wangfei and Qin Zhiyan got along, feeling a little envious in her heart.

It seems that the relationship between mother and son is really good. Princess Qin loves King Wu Cheng very much, and King Wu Cheng is indeed filial. Such relatives are rare for people in the royal family.

Seeing this warm scene, Su Lanzhi's mood changed a bit. Seeing the smile on Qin Zhiyan's face, it was the first time for Su Lanzhi to feel that that smile was very charming, and it was damn good-looking .


Several people were talking and laughing along the way. Princess Qin was very kind to Su Lanzhi, but she was a little colder towards Su Lingyue. Except for occasional polite inquiries, she didn't pay too much attention, which made Su Lingyue's complexion became more and more bad, and she even regretted following her.

Su Lingyue, are you asking for humiliation?

Her face was a little stiff, Su Lingyue watched Su Lanzhi being treated so affectionately by Princess Qin, seeing Qin Zhiyan's rare kindness towards Su Lanzhi, and then thinking about Qin Zhiyan's indifference towards herself, Su Lingyue's heart became more and more uncomfortable, and she even wished that the people in front of her could walk faster, so as not to suffer for herself.

But God didn't seem to hear her prayer at all, the people in front walked very slowly, Su Lingyue just felt extremely tormented.

After finally seeing Murong Yan's Yanyun Pavilion, Su Lingyue felt as if she was relieved, and she felt a little more relaxed.


"Mrs. Su!"

"Princess Qin, King Wucheng!" Seeing Concubine Qin and the others coming, Murong Yan hurriedly got up, and Princess Qin stopped her when she saw her, "Mrs. !"

"Princess Qin, please sit down!" Being pulled to sit by the other party, Murong Yan couldn't struggle, she called Princess Qin and King Wu Cheng to sit down, her gaze spared Qin Zhiyan, and a look of surprise flashed across her eyes.

This man is a rare handsome man in the world, with an extraordinary bearing, and it seems that he is not a thing in the pool.

Princess Qin noticed that Murong Yan was looking at Qin Zhiyan, and seeing the surprise in his eyes, Princess Qin was very happy, "Hehe, Mrs. Su, I see that your complexion looks good, and you think you are in great shape."

"It is indeed better, and it is also thanks to the blood swallow that Wang Hao sent that day. I ate much better." She is pregnant now, and she should eat some bird's nest. The blood swallow that Princess Qin gave is very good. A few days later, Murong Yan felt that her complexion had improved, and her whole body was much more energetic.

"Madam Su, you don't have to be polite, I'm just doing my best." The two of them spoke politely, but Murong Ya didn't put on airs at all when she saw Princess Qin, and she was kind to herself, and her attitude gradually changed a little. Yes, the two started a conversation around the child, and for a while, it felt like it was hard to see a confidant.

As they talked, the two of them forgot the people around them. In the end, Princess Qin seemed to remember suddenly. Seeing the children sitting quietly, she felt a little guilty, "Look at us, it's a good idea. I forgot about the matter, it’s not good to put the children aside. We talk, and the children don’t want to interrupt. It’s really uncomfortable. Mrs. Su, how about letting the children play by themselves? It just so happens that the view of the Prime Minister’s Mansion is very good Why don't you ask the two Miss Su to take Yan'er for a walk, so that the children don't feel uncomfortable here?" Although Su Lanzhi wanted to go with Qin Zhiyan, but Su Lingyue was here Well, it's not good for Princess Qin to make it too obvious, lest Murong Yan refuse to agree, and it will be bad when the time comes.

"What the princess said is very true, Lan'er, you and Lingyue take King Wu Cheng around, so that King Wu Cheng won't be sitting here, it's boring!" Together with several women, Qin Zhiyan was the only man. , it is inevitable that you will feel a little uncomfortable, anyway, with Su Lingyue by your side, Su Lanzhi and Su Lingyue are also young, so there is no need to be too defensive.

"..." Su Lanzhi wanted to refuse subconsciously, but she hadn't spoken yet, Su Lingyue was elated, "Big sister, what mother said is very true, mother and princess have something personal to say here, It's not easy to disturb us." Xu Shi saw that Su Lanzhi was a little unwilling, and Su Lingyue couldn't tell the reason, but directly blocked Su Lanzhi's refusal.

The adults want to talk, you are a child, why join in the fun?It's better to leave consciously and give the two adults some space.

"The concubine, Mrs. Su, let's go for a walk first, so I won't bother you." Qin Zhiyan also didn't give Su Lanzhi a chance to speak, but stood up directly. Murong Yan saw that Su Lanzhi still sat down. Then he urged, "Lan'er, King Wucheng is a guest, you and Lingyue, don't neglect."

"Yes, mother!" She had to stand up, Su Lanzhi saw that Murong Yan and Qin Wangfei were chatting happily, but she never thought that her mother's indifferent temperament would be able to hit it off with someone.

It's rare, it's rare, but I'm a little entangled.

"Wu Chengwang, let's go for a walk in the garden, okay?" Actually, Su Lanzhi would rather sit quietly on the side, but since she was called out, Su Lanzhi had no choice but to greet her politely.

The visitor is a guest, so don't neglect it.

"Miss Su is determined, I am not familiar with the Prime Minister's Mansion."

Unfamiliar, unfamiliar, who came in night clothes before then?Su Lanzhi sneered in her heart, but she didn't say it directly, "Then Wucheng King, please!" <, the weather is really cold, but there is a little bit of fresh green, a little more vitality.

Several people came to the garden. Seeing the monotony, Su Lingyue also wanted to greet Qin Zhiyan, so she suggested to Su Lanzhi, "Big sister, should we order some tea and snacks, so that we can sit and eat?" something?"

"Well, that's good!" Su Lanzhi agreed with Su Lingyue's proposal, and ordered people to go down to prepare, but took a few people to the pavilion in the lake.

There is a large lotus pond in the Xiangfu, and a pavilion was built on it. The weather is still cold, and the lotus has been frozen. Occasionally, some branches can be seen, but it is a bit depressed.When Qin Zhiyan saw the faint branches, he also knew that this was a lotus pond, "Now the lotus pond is in a depression. If you think about it, after a few more days, it will be full of green leaves and lotus flowers. When the time comes, think about it." It's also beautiful!"

"Although that's the case, we have to wait for a while!" Su Lanzhi's attitude was lukewarm, but Su Lingyue was extraordinarily enthusiastic, "What King Wu Cheng said is very true, this lotus pond is Daddy's favorite I like it, it spent a lot of money to build it back then, and when the time comes, the pond is full of white lotus flowers, it's so beautiful!"

"Really?" Smiling, Qin Zhiyan looked very interested. Seeing Su Lingyue, she thought that the other party really liked her, so she said a few more words, "Isn't it? Our lotus flower The lotus flowers in the pond are all white, there are no other colors. Looking around, they are really charming. When the lotus seeds are ripe, you can occasionally go boating in the pond and fetch some lotus seeds, which is very interesting! "Lotus, beautiful scenery, delicious food, just thinking about it, I find it interesting. Qin Zhiyan listened, with a smile on his face all the time, and seemed to be extremely interested, but Su Lingyue said She was pregnant, but Su Lanzhi watched from the side, Qin Zhiyan's smile didn't reach his eyes at all, it was just Qin Zhiyan's protection.Seeing that Su Lingyue was in high spirits, and looking at Qin Zhiyan at the side, who was calm, Su Lanzhi had to say that these two people were not on the same level at all.

But seeing Su Lingyue's reaction, Su Lanzhi also had to admit the charm of the handsome guy. Su Lingyue wanted to maintain her own identity, but she would rarely flatter a person like this. It seems that Qin Zhiyan's appearance really is Su Lingyue was fascinated.

Beauty, falling on such a man, I really can't tell what it feels like.

"Wu Chengwang is interested, and he can come at that time. The lotus here is the best white lotus, and the lotus seeds produced are also very delicious, especially in the days when the lotus is blooming, boating on the lake is a special experience. I just feel that the whole person is like being in a sea of ​​flowers, and the tip of the nose is filled with the faint fragrance of lotus, and the whole person is much more refreshed." Most of the time, Su Lingyue was talking alone, and Qin Zhiyan only occasionally catered to a few No, but Su Lingyue is happy.

"What Second Miss Su said is very interesting. If possible, I would like to come and experience it!" Anyway, Qin Zhiyan would be happy to have an excuse, and Su Lingyue didn't know what was on her mind. When we met, I just felt that such a man was dazzling, and of course I was happy to see him more, "Wu Chengwang rewards the light, we naturally welcome it, but when the time comes, don't forget that Wu Chengwang .”

"Of course I won't forget it!" There is such a chance to meet the woman he loves, how could he forget it?It's just a pity that Su Lingyue didn't know what Qin Zhiyan was thinking, otherwise, she would be so angry that she wanted to kill Su Lanzhi.

"Then let's put it this way! When King Wu Cheng comes, I will definitely take King Wu Cheng to experience it!" Su Lingyue is a little familiar at the moment, and feels that Qin Zhiyan is listening to her carefully, He also felt that the other party looked at him differently, and looked at Su Lanzhi's eyes very dissatisfied, but he didn't notice the impatience in Qin Zhiyan's eyes at all.

"Listening to Ms. Su's words now makes people yearn for it, but it's a pity that there is only tea and no wine here, so I can't enjoy myself." Looking at the refreshments prepared on the stone table, Qin Zhiyan looked a little regretful, Su Lingyue didn't know what to do, she suddenly became dizzy, "Why is this so difficult, King Wu Cheng wait a moment, I'll go get it for you!"

------off topic-----

Thank you for the coca cola mixed with ketchup Zanzuan, it’s so cute, ╭(╯3╰)╮

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