On the spacious and lively street, pedestrians come and go, the sound of hawking, and the noise of noise can be heard.

The Great Cang Kingdom is rich, the people are strong, and the current emperor is making great efforts to govern. He can be regarded as a wise emperor, so the streets are full of prosperity.

At this moment, the streets are bustling with traffic, and among them there is an exquisite carriage driving on the street. The carriage is not luxurious, but the workmanship is very exquisite. It can be seen that the people sitting in the carriage are not ordinary people .

At the corner of the street, this ordinary car almost collided with a spacious and magnificent carriage. Su Lanzhi was a little unsteady, and hurriedly supported the table beside her. Yuetao and Chunnuan beside her saw each other and hurriedly protected her I asked her, "Miss, are you alright?"

The two girls were sincere, Su Lanzhi stabilized her body, shook her head, "I'm fine, go ask what's wrong." The driver is always smart in driving the carriage, why was he so unsteady just now?

"Yes!" Yuetao got the order, opened the curtain a little bit, and asked, "What's the matter? Miss almost fell down. If something happens to Miss, can you take care of it?" Stopped so Suddenly, if something happened to this young lady, what would happen?

"Miss Yuetao, a carriage came out of this corner, and I had to stop." If I didn't stop and bumped into it, it would be bad.

"This..." Looking forward, Yuetao really saw a huge carriage, all made of the most precious rosewood, and her eyes were very deep brown. If she was not an expert, she would not be able to see this. The car is expensive.

Yuetao has always been cautious, smelling the red sandalwood fragrance from the car, looking at the old and introverted but not majestic carriage, she understood, and hurried back to Su Lanzhi, "Miss, outside The carriage blocked our way, and the servants saw that the carriage did not look like an ordinary family, what should we do?"

This corner is so wide, one of the two must give in, although they are from the Xiangfu, but the most important thing in this capital is the nobles, Yue Tao thinks that it is better to avoid troubles. <Wan came out because she felt that these two people were very cautious, so she decided to focus on training.

Today, Yuetao did not disappoint her!

"Yes! Old Zhang, get out of the way!"

"Okay!" After receiving the order, the coachman outside, Lao Zhang, was about to give way, but he never thought that the carriage over there would give way first.

"This..." Seeing this posture, Lao Zhang suddenly didn't know what to do.

"What's going on?" A clear voice came, and Su Lanzhi felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and she was a little puzzled.

"Miss, the carriage has already given way!"

"In that case, go over and say thank you, and then leave!"

Sure enough, this man was still the same as in his previous life, the magic power of that voice was always unforgettable.

But who would have thought that such a proud son of heaven would end up like that in the end?

Only a few warm profiles of that person flashed in my memory, that white dress, and that graceful posture. Su Lanzhi only remembered that there was always a slight smile on that person's face, just like the spring in March. The wind is warm and charming. At that time, I didn't know how many girls in the boudoir were fascinated, and how many people became crazy, but in the end, he fell like Nan Ke Yimeng, but it was so sudden, so, and let a person fall. I feel extremely sorry.

<Nan, smiled, "What's wrong?"

"Miss, Jinyumantang has arrived!"

"Well!" Da Cang's folk customs are more civilized, and his requirements for women are not so harsh, but Su Lanzhi knows that her face has caused a lot of trouble for her in her previous life, so she still wears a veil when she goes out today.

After getting out of the carriage carefully, Su Lanzhi looked at the most prosperous jewelry store in the city, and walked in.

"Hehe, what do miss want to buy?" Seeing Su Lanzhi coming in, the shopkeeper knew it must be a lady from a rich family, so he hurried over to greet her.

"Shopkeeper, what can you give to the old man?" In a few days, it will be the birthday of Princess Qing. Su Lanzhi remembered that her mother rarely attended such occasions because she devoted herself to practicing Buddhism in her previous life. Also because the illness has not recovered, so I did not go.

It's just that everything changed in the blink of an eye that day, and soon Bai Xin became pregnant again. The old Princess Qing became more and more dissatisfied with Murong Yan, and even moved into the prime minister's mansion to support Bai Xin, and carried out a policy of suppressing Murong Yan. The government exalted Bai Xin's status, and her mother was depressed because of these feelings. Soon after, her mother became seriously ill and passed away.

Thinking about it now, Su Lanzhi regretted it very much, so this time, she must prevent such a thing from happening!

"Miss, we have a lot of new good things in our store. I'll show you and see if you like them or not!" Su Lanzhi was guided to sit down, and the shopkeeper was very considerate and someone brought tea for her. The man brought all the good things in the store to Su Lanzhi. Although Su Lanzhi saw that these were all good things, she also knew that the old Princess Qing was used to seeing them. It would not be enough for her to just give them.

"The shopkeeper, is there nothing else?" Although I can't express any feelings for this grandmother Su Lanzhi, I still feel a little resentful in my heart that the old Princess Qing interfered in destroying the relationship between my parents, but the other party is an elder, Da Cang is the most important. Filial piety, Su Lanzhi's superficial skills still have to be done.

"Miss, what do you want?" I didn't expect the other party to be dissatisfied after seeing so many, and the shopkeeper was a little embarrassed, but looking at the other party's clothes, although they were not very popular, they were full of noble Tsinghua. Se, the shopkeeper naturally wants to make this business, "The things in our store are the best in the whole city. If the lady wants anything, I can give it to the lady's staff."

"I just want to give the old man something for his birthday. I want something special."

"Miss, we have a string of oriental beads here, the color is very good, would you like to see it?"

"Alright, let me see!"

"Miss, look, this oriental bead is most suitable for the elderly to wear. It looks blessed and has the effect of longevity. I think Miss's elders must like it!"

"Okay, that's it!" The pearls were one by one, very round and clear, Su Lanzhi knew that the old Princess Qing was a person who wanted face, this gift, compared to the other party, would like it. <Nuan went to pay the money, Su Lanzhi finished shopping, looked at the bustling street outside, and suddenly felt that it was good to be alive!

"Miss, should we go back or go shopping again?" Su Lanzhi Pingnuan naturally hoped that Su Lanzhi could take a good look around.

"Well, let's go to Yuxuanzhai to have a look!"

"Okay, miss!"

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