Yuxuanzhai is a well-known tea house in the metropolis. Su Qinglan has no special hobbies in her life, but loves drinking tea. Su Lanzhi also likes it. If she wants to see what good tea is available here, it can be regarded as Express your filial piety.

The Su family was deeply favored by the emperor, so Su Qinglan naturally drank a lot of tribute tea, but Su Lanzhi knew that what she bought must be different from what the emperor rewarded.

When she came to the tea house, Su Lanzhi was still wearing a veil. At a young age, her gestures and gestures had already begun to look elegant, elegant and noble. Although she was dressed in plain clothes, her temperament made people feel her just by looking at her. Good upbringing means that as soon as she enters the door, many eyes will be cast on her. Su Lanzhi doesn't care, she just looks at the tea carefully, thinking about what to buy to go back.

"Miss, do you want to taste tea or buy tea?" Yuxuanzhai not only sells tea, but also serves people to drink tea, so there are many literati here, and the whole room exudes a faint tea fragrance. People are also people who love tea and books. As soon as they enter, they can feel the strong atmosphere of literature and ink.

"I want to pick some tea for my father that can relieve fatigue? The taste is the best!"

"This chrysanthemum ginseng tea is good. The lady chooses 4-5 dried chrysanthemum flower buds and 10-20 grams of ginseng. Chop the ginseng into fine pieces, put in the chrysanthemum flower buds, and brew half a stick of incense with hot water for an hour!" <What Yes, this is the first time Su Lanzhi has seen such a method of making tea, so she couldn't help being a little curious.

"Miss, you can rest assured that our boss is also a tea lover and understands some medical principles. This kind of combination is what he came up with. The effect is very good. Miss, you can buy some and go back to try it. If the effect is good, you can buy it again! "

"Well, that's good! Is there any other tea with a lighter taste? I want to buy some for my mother too!" In winter, my mother always worships Buddha and buys some good tea. hurt the body.

"This cloud is not bad. It comes from Yunshan. It is an excellent high-quality cloud. Miss likes it. You can buy some back!" On the second floor, the half-closed window exposed the white clothes. The man's eyebrows were like peaks, his eyes were like stars, and his white clothes were like dust. Like a fairy, with a slight smile on his face, it only makes people feel like the wind in March.

Standing respectfully beside him was a man in black. The man's face was frosty. He watched Su Lanzhi leave and said, "Second Young Master, that woman is the owner of the carriage that almost collided with me just now."

"En!" Nodding his head, when Qingfeng thought that the other party had something to say, the man just drank his tea quietly, as if he didn't care much about it.

"Second young master, do you need your subordinates to inquire about the reason for that woman's visit?" He knows best about his master's personality. Although he looks gentle and gentle, and smiles at everyone, in his heart, he is cold and aloof. Yes, Qingfeng was a little curious and even more puzzled that he would give way to the other party just now. <As warm as the wind, the man gracefully put down his teacup, got up, and soon left. <Nuan and Yuetao were a little puzzled when they saw each other, but neither of them was a talkative person, so they didn't say anything, they just followed Su Lanzhi silently, and Su Lanzhi bought some medicine and went to buy some clothes , This is finally going home. <Nuan put away the medicine carefully, but didn't ask any questions. Su Lanzhi was very satisfied when she saw her.

In her previous life, because of her body, she became a doctor after a long illness. There are many secret books in the palace, and she can be regarded as reading medical books. In addition, she has consulted a lot with the imperial physician, and her medical skills can be regarded as a little achievement.

When she went to see Murong Yan that day, she found that although her mother's body was injured when she gave birth to her, she has taken good care of her over the years and there is no serious problem at all, but she has never been pregnant, why is that?

There were too many doubts in her heart, and Su Lanzhi realized that there were too many things she had overlooked in her previous life, so she had to figure it out!

So her most important task right now is to take good care of her mother's body, so that she will not go away suddenly like in her previous life!

Along the way, Su Lanzhi was thinking about what to do so that Murong Yan would not be suspicious, and she had figured out many things in the mansion, and she arrived home before she knew it.

"Miss, we're here!" Yue Tao looked at Su Lanzhi, who was becoming more and more difficult to understand, and felt that Su Lanzhi had changed into a different person. Most of the time, her deep appearance didn't look like a 13 What a young girl should look like!

"Hmm!" Su Lanzhi just got out of the carriage, and before she could stand still, she felt a dumpling running in front of her. He had already arrived at his side, and Su Lanzhi wanted to hide, but it was too late. Fortunately, Chun Nuan quickly pulled Su Lanzhi aside, and the dumpling crashed into the carriage, and soon came the message There was an earth-shattering cry.

"Wow, big sister, you bullied Hua'er!" Su Zhenhua didn't knock Su Lanzhi to the ground, but hit his head with a big bump. Snow was startled.

"It's you?" Looking at Su Zhenhua's bleeding head, a cold light flashed across Su Lanzhi's eyes, and she was about to say something, but another voice caught Su Lanzhi's attention, "Sister, you Why are you so cruel? Hua'er is only a seven-year-old child, look, his head is broken!"

As the voice came, Su Lanzhi followed the voice and saw a girl who looked very similar to Bai Xin. The little girl was about nine years old, wearing two girlish buns. Bright and charming, with a small face, exquisite facial features, and moist eyes, she looks extremely cute.Especially that palm-sized face, although it is a little baby fat at the moment, it is not difficult to see that this person has grown up.

It is true that she is a beautiful woman, but it is only empty on the outside, but the heart inside is black!

Isn't this person Bai Xin's daughter, her second sister, Su Lingyue?

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