() In a daze, Su Lanzhi saw Murong Yan's anxious expression and Su Qinglan's out-of-control shout. At the moment when she was about to face death, Su Lanzhi's mood miraculously calmed down.

She is a person who has already died. Being able to live these days and redeem something is already a preferential treatment from the heavens. Now that she has left like this, she has no regrets.

There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, that kind of smile seemed to bring relief, seeing Murong Yan's heart being torn apart, Su Qinglan also rushed over, but the dead man's sword had no eyes, the two of them were still in the end. That's too late.

"Lan'er..." Called feebly, as if hoping that this would save Su Lanzhi from danger. Su Qinglan hated her negligence, and Murong Yan hated her weakness.Everyone can't bear to look at such a touch...

However, at the moment when the sword was drawn on Su Lanzhi's body, a gust of wind blew. Immediately afterwards, Su Lanzhi only felt the pain piercing the skin on his back when his body was covered with condensation, but he didn't pierce his skin. Wearing her body, and being pushed away in a blink of an eye, Su Lanzhi's nose was filled with a strong smell of blood, she opened her eyes in surprise, and waited until she saw the man in black in front of her, stern and flawless The facial features are indifferent, and the black robe gives people a sense of distance. Surrounded by exquisite leopard fur on the chest, the whole person gives people an extremely noble feeling, but those eyes are as cold as ice. Ning, people can't look directly!

It's him!

Su Lanzhi never thought that people who can't avoid it would meet in such a situation, but she herself was so embarrassed, a faint light flashed across her face, Su Lanzhi looked at the distant The dead man whose arm had been cut off was killed by a single blow, and the surprise on his face was still there. It can be seen that the man's shot was indeed very accurate!

It fits his style, he's supposed to be so decisive and ruthless, doesn't he?

Just, why is he here?

Before she had time to think about it, Su Qinglan had already rushed over. Seeing that Su Lanzhi was injured, she hurried over to check, "Lan'er, are you okay?" Looking over at Su Lanzhi's blood-stained back, her usually indifferent face was a little flustered at the moment, "Lan'er, you, are you injured? What should I do?" What medicine doctor, what should I do?

"Father, mother, I'm fine!" Smiled, although the injury on her back was a bit serious, Su Lanzhi didn't want the two of you to worry, the tingling feeling reminded her of the burning pain of burning in the fire back then, which made her Su Lanzhi's eyes suddenly darkened.

"You..." Seeing Su Lanzhi's blood-soaked back, Su Qinglan was a little worried, and hurriedly took a cloak for Su Lanzhi to wear. Su Qinglan seemed to have noticed the condensed man at the side at this moment, and looked at it The other party's eyes were also full of inquiry and surprise, "Thank you, Lord Yan, for saving my little girl's life!"

How could this person be here?

Not only was Su Lanzhi surprised, but even Su Qinglan felt a little inconceivable.

It is said that things that are too coincidental will become more and more weird. At this moment, Qin Yan appeared not too early and not too late, just in time to save Su Lanzhi, so he felt rushed.

"Su Xiang, you don't need to be polite, I'm just dropping by." Qin Yan's indifferent tone and cold attitude, there was nothing unusual about Qin Yan's reaction, which made it difficult for people to see through and understand what the other party was thinking.It's just that the stern facial features seemed to be a little colder, looking at Su Lanzhi from the corner of his eyes, a look of annoyance flashed across Qin Yan's eyes.

what happened to him?Why, just now, there was such a slight pain in my heart?

I stopped looking at Su Lanzhi in a blink of an eye. Qin Yan has always been a self-disciplined person. He has clear goals and never wants to disturb his heart because of anyone or anything. Therefore, such inexplicable emotions seem to be beyond His control made him very unhappy.

It's just a woman he wants to use. He seemed to care too much just now. This is not a good sign!

"..." Qin Yan has never been a talkative person. He has excellent abilities, but his temper is very cold and he rarely talks. At this moment, the atmosphere is a little stiff. Su Qinglan looked at his wife and daughter, then at Qin Yan, In the end, I had no choice but to make a request, "I wonder if King Yan can do me a favor?" Murong Yan was frightened, Su Lanzhi was injured, and Su Qinglan didn't want to cause trouble, but just wanted to deal with the matter here as soon as possible. Hurry up and take the two of them back to let the government doctor take a look, so as not to have any accidents for the two of them.

He didn't want to owe favors to others, but today, he might have to make an exception.

Looking at the two groups of people fighting vigorously in front of them, Su Qinglan looked at Qin Yan with complicated eyes, as if he was testing whether the other party knew something, but he couldn't see it from the other party's calm indifference. What happened, Su Qinglan only felt that the person in front of her was very difficult to deal with.

Such a timely appearance, such a timely rescue, and now watching such a scene without rushing, Su Qinglan really doesn't know whether Qin Yan is an insider or not.Even if the other party doesn't show up sooner or later, if he shows up now, isn't he also waiting for something?

Su Qinglan looked at Qin Yan with some doubts in his eyes, with a little bit of scrutiny and pleading, Qin Yan's cold eyes glanced at Su Qinglan, Su Qinglan was frozen by the condensation in his eyes, and scratched all over his body. After a bit of stiffness, although it was very fast, Su Qinglan found that Qin Yan was not a good person to get along with.

It seems that in the future, I still need to be more defensive against the people in front of me!

Patiently meeting the other party's gaze, Su Qinglan accepted the other party's cold eyes frankly, thinking about the rumors about Qin Yan, Su Qinglan knew that Qin Yan was indifferent, and had never been a meddlesome temperament, and he did a good job of exporting to Japan today Prepared to be rejected, but to his surprise, Qin Yan just looked at him for a while, then his cold lips parted, "Leave one, kill the rest!"

Give an order, and there are a few more black shadows in the air. Those black shadows are strong and agile, and they are completely on a higher level than those who attacked Su Lanzhi and the others.After a while, the sound of swords and swords became intense, and the smell of blood in the air became more and more intense, but gradually, the sound became quieter, and in the end, except for the bloody smell that lingered from the tip of the nose, there was no sound of fighting anymore. It's loud!

"My lord, this man is going to commit suicide. The subordinates only have time to seal his lifeline. I'm afraid it won't last long!" After all, the person was a step too slow, at this moment, that person's face was already livid.

"Leave it to Prime Minister Su!" There was still no extra expression on his face, Qin Yan glanced at Su Lanzhi, seeing that the other person's face was a little pale, Qin Yan was a little worried.But this kind of worry is not what he should have, so he quickly averted his gaze, "The person Su Xiang offended this time seems to have a lot of background!" Su Qinglan only felt that laughing was a bit forced when he narrated calmly. "That's true!" Looking at the livid-faced person, Su Qinglan knew that she couldn't ask any more questions, and her heart was full of regret, "It's just a pity that I let him take the poison one step ahead, so I couldn't ask any more questions. "The time is too short, and there is no time to torture and extract a confession. It seems that this matter is really going to sink into the sea.

"Not necessarily!" Looking at Su Qinglan, Qin Yan seemed to be in a good mood today, and pointed out some paths for Su Qinglan, "These people can be seen at a glance as dead men, and it is not easy to raise such a large dead man in a big family and each family of dead men has its own special mark, Prime Minister Su will let someone check it out!"

"The prince is thoughtful!" It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but the truth is too cruel, and Su Qinglan really can't bear to expose it.

Concubine Mu, is that really you?

"Su Xiang slowly checked, there is nothing wrong, I'm leaving!" Xu Shi saw something, Qin Yan was very interesting and prepared to walk away, knowing in his heart that Su Qinglan still had doubts about him, and Qin Yan was not overly acquainted , turned around and left, Su Qinglan met and kept the other party, "I am grateful for today's matter, and I will remember Lord Yan's kindness, and I will do my best if Lord Yan needs it in the future." !" This can be regarded as a promise to Qin Yan. Su Qinglan doesn't like to owe others, let alone give any favors, so he naturally has to pay back the favors. Otherwise, many things in the future will be at stake Have scruples.

"En!" Responding lightly, Qin Yan ordered someone to give Su Qinglan some healing medicine, "Su Xiang, these are some good medicines for gold sores, as well as medicines for calming the nerves. I think Mrs. Su and Miss Su are affected by it." After being frightened, Su Xiang gave them some medicine early, and then went back to see the doctor!" It was rare to say so many words, and Qin Yan's concern made Su Qinglan a little puzzled, "I know, how much?" I want King Yan to care about you!" In my memory, Qin Yan was a man with outstanding abilities and won the trust of Emperor Wen, but he was extremely cold-tempered. Although he had many supporters, he also secretly wooed officials in the court, but this man had always been face-to-face. Everything gave people a feeling of being cold and difficult to get along with, but why did he feel that Qin Yan seemed to be more enthusiastic than usual today?

He had some doubts in his heart, but Su Qinglan had no time to think about it. At this moment, the safety of his wife and daughter made him anxious, and the identities of these people also needed to be unraveled. Su Qinglan ordered people to carefully check the items on each other's body, and finally saw the other party's body. What flashed across Su Qinglan's eyes, Su Lanzhi could clearly see the deep despair and back pain, as if she could no longer see the light, those once warm eyes instantly became icy cold .

Daddy, after learning the truth, are you in a bad mood?

Too many things happened today, first the break with the old concubine Qing, then the assassination, and finally, Su Lanzhi was frightened by these people that Su Qinglan inexplicably recruited, and she vaguely connected the things in her heart, Su Lanzhi's current situation My heart is also heavy.

But now, seeing Su Qinglan's strange silence and scary appearance, Su Lanzhi couldn't help but feel a little worried.She wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth, but she didn't know where to start. When Su Lanzhi didn't know what to do, Su Qinglan returned to normal in an instant.He calmly ordered people to prepare a new carriage, but the carriage just now had no horses, and the carriage was also worn out, so it was a bit embarrassing for a while.

Xu expected Su Qinglan's embarrassment, and after a while, Qin Yan's people came over, "Su Xiang, the prince said that if Su Xiang doesn't mind, the prince is willing to give you a ride!" Don't think it's deliberate, Su Qinglan is also worried about Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, if it's not good, she will be particular about it casually, after thinking about it again and again, she finally agrees, "It seems that Lord Yan will be troubled again!"

"Su Xiang, please!"

"Yeah!" Holding Murong Yan in his arms, he ordered Yunzhu to carry Su Lanzhi into the carriage. As soon as he entered Qin Yan's carriage, he looked at the low-key luxury inside the carriage, the nobility represented by the dark red lacquered wood, and the padded cushions. The shiny black sable velvet all showed the luxury of the car. Sitting on it, they felt soft and indescribably comfortable.

"Su Xiang is free, you don't need to be polite!" It seemed that he didn't feel uncomfortable because there were a few more people in the carriage. Qin Yan sat alone on the side, studying the chess game in front of him. The statue is not too late, but you are fascinated by the impeccable handsome face in front of you?Rescued each other several times, and finally fell in love with each other, only because of the other party's indifferent, yet caring attitude.

Qin Yan never spoke much, but the occasional oaths he uttered were enough to make her crazy and obsessed. It was just like this, why did the self in the previous life love him that much? <It’s her. To her, her appearance is nothing more than an empty surface. What’s more, she didn’t know it before, but now, she knows that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.Qin Yan's appearance is naturally the upper class, but it's not the only best, isn't it?

For some reason, Su Lanzhi's mind suddenly flashed that cold and dusty white figure. That person had facial features that were not inferior to Qin Yan's, and were even much higher. Forget, maybe this is the charm of that person?It's just that that person is too perfect, after all, God is jealous of talents.

I didn't understand why I suddenly thought of Qin Zhiyan, and even compared Qin Zhiyan with the person in front of me, but Su Lanzhi found that the two were not comparable at all, and felt a little annoyed.It's just that her irritability made Su Qinglan a little worried, "Lan'er, are you okay?" Looking at Su Lanzhi's pale face, Su Qinglan blamed herself very much.

He should have been with her just now.

"Daddy, I'm fine!" Smiling, feeling the caring eyes of Murong Yan and Su Qinglan, Su Lanzhi gave the two of them a stable look. Qin Yan, who was on the side, saw it, his eyes flickered, and looked at Su Qinglan who was so forbearing. Lan Zhi seemed a little surprised.

She seems to have changed a lot, but when did she start to change?

Qin Yan is not a person who likes to change. Relying on Xue Lingyun's control over Su Lanzhi before, Qin Yan thought that he could easily make Su Lanzhi fall in love with him. In the future, he could capture Su Lanzhi's heart and persuade Su Qinglan to help her. He is fighting for the throne.It's just that now, the woman in front of me doesn't seem to be as easy to control as before. This is not a good sign...

I was a little confused, but Qin Yan sat on the side without saying a word, even Su Lanzhi felt a little surprised.

The other party today, which song is this singing?She clearly remembered that Qin Yan was bound to win Su Qinglan in his previous life, that's why he chose her, and tried every means to fall into the other's love and marry him.

It's just that today is such a good opportunity, why did the other party miss it for nothing?

Did the other party suddenly change sex today, or is there some other purpose?

Su Lanzhi was also a little puzzled for a while.

He vaguely guessed that it wasn't a coincidence that Qin Yan saved her today, but at this time, there must be a conspiracy.It's just that what Su Lanzhi didn't know was that Qin Zhiyan had received the news of today's incident early in the morning, and he had been observing in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to act.But he didn't show up all the time, he just wanted to wait for some things to be confirmed, and now that it was confirmed, he was thinking about how to dispel Su Qinglan's suspicion of him, so naturally he would not act rashly.

Huh, hussars?It turned out that it was really in his hands!

There was a flash of determination in his eyes, but Qin Yan played leisurely on the sidelines, occasionally saying a few words of concern to Su Qinglan and the others, and because of Qin Zhiyan's escort, he was safe along the way.

When they reached the gate of Xiangfu, someone saw that Su Qinglan and the others had come back, so they hurried up to greet him. Su Qinglan looked at Qin Yan and felt apologetic. !" Now he is very worried about the health of Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, and Su Qinglan really can't get away to entertain Qin Yan.Fortunately, Qin Yan understood and nodded, "Miss Su is busy, don't worry about today's affairs, as I said, I just dropped by." He didn't consider himself a benefactor at all, but it was because of his This kind of attitude makes Su Qinglan more and more unlikely to expose it so easily, "I don't want to thank you for your kindness, Lord Yan's kindness today, I will remember it!"

"Su Xiang is busy, so I won't bother you. I'll come to Su Xiang to play chess some other day. I heard that Su Xiang's chess skills are very good!" Taking advantage of this, I made a request and just came to sit casually. Now that Su Qinglan is favored by others, Naturally, it is not easy to refuse, "Your official should wait for the prince to visit you!"

"Just do whatever you want, Su Xiang quickly let people see Madam Su and Miss Su! Farewell!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan looked very bad, Qin Yan was a little worried, but they didn't let him at this moment. Wait, he didn't want to just stay there, his eyes fell on Su Lanzhi, after a pause, Qin Yan seemed a little annoyed, and left without looking back.

After a long distance, the people around Qin Yan finally couldn't help it anymore, "My lord, today..." I always feel that Qin Yan is a little weird today, as if it is different from peace day.

It is reasonable to say that Qin Yan can completely stand by and watch, so as to avoid being suspected by others, but he actually made a move, and he did it himself, he thought it was too inconceivable.

Especially when Qin Yan gave Su Qinglan such a good medicine for sores, he was even more puzzled.

That medicine, Qin Yan spent a lot of effort to get it, it's the best for the wound, you don't have to worry about leaving scars after using it, why...

"The king is free to advocate this matter. By the way, are you sure that Marquis Yuan Wu did what happened today?" Thinking of the informant he received, a mocking smile flashed across Qin Yan's cold mouth, thinking Because of what happened today, Marquis Yuanwu might have completely broken with Su Qinglan, which is naturally a good thing for him.

It seems that in the future, he will have more opportunities to go to the prime minister's house, so he doesn't believe it. With his ability, he will not be able to convince Su Qinglan!

"My subordinates have confirmed that it was indeed the message sent by Princess Qing. From today onwards, the people of Marquis Yuan Wu will be waiting for the opportunity."

"Okay, very good, let people continue to pay attention to the news from Marquis Yuanwu, don't miss anything." Qin Yan is his opponent, and Qin Yan has never been soft-hearted when dealing with opponents.

When he was young and miserable, he was used to too many human relationships and worldly conditions. He has long understood that only by obtaining the supreme right can he be the master of this world, and no one can threaten him or even persecute him anymore. .And those who have harmed him, he will repay them one by one!

He will settle these accounts one by one!

"Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will make people pay close attention!"

"En!" Nodding, Qin Yan didn't know if he was tired or didn't want to talk anymore, so he just closed his eyes and rested his mind. Su Lanzhi's stubborn but forbearing and strong face appeared in his mind, with a smile that didn't belong to her. The stability of that age made Qin Yan Fangfo see his former self, and for some reason, his heart suddenly became turbulent.

what happened to him?Why do I always think of her?Isn't she at least a pawn?Why can't I forget it?

A fickle person treats feelings naturally very coldly. Qin Yan didn't understand the reason for the throbbing in his heart, but because the throbbing disturbed his sanity, he cut off all thoughts without even thinking about it. , in an attempt to gain peace of mind.

After a long, long time, he recalled all the things of today again. At that time, he finally realized that he had missed the only most beautiful treasure in this world.It's just that the beautiful woman had already gone away at that time, and he was destined to die alone forever.

+++++++++++++++++++ I am Su Qinglan anxiously asking about the situation of Murong Yan and Su Qinglan

"Doctor, how are Yan'er and Lan'er?" Su Qinglan invited Imperial Physician Sun to come as soon as Su Qinglan went back, and Imperial Physician Sun and the government physician in the mansion treated them together. Now, seeing Su Qinglan's anxious expression, Imperial Physician Sun was a little worried "Master, Mrs. Su's body was originally weak, but now she has been frightened. Fortunately, rescue measures have been taken before, and now I am afraid that she will have to rest in bed to recover."

"What about Lan'er? Her injury is serious?"

"The lower official has already taken Miss Su's pulse, but it's just that Miss Su is a woman after all, and it's not easy for the lower official to check, but the lower official can see from the pulse that although Miss Su is fine, it's just that the wound is a bit deep. In order to avoid infection, the lower official The official has to prescribe some medicine for Miss Su quickly. If you don’t have a fever tonight, you will recover slowly in the future, and you will be fine. But if you have a fever tonight, you need good care. If you pass the night safely, you will be fine. Yes. It's just that the wound is a bit deep, and I'm afraid there will be scars on Miss Su's back..." Physician Sun was very worried about the latter words.This woman has scars on her body, and she is still so big. It may be rare to find a good husband's family in the future. Even if she finds it, she will be disgusted by others.

The appearance of a woman's skin is very important, why did it hurt so much?

"Doctor Sun, is there a remedy for this? Is there any good medicine that can remove the scar?" Su Qinglan's face was full of guilt and uneasiness when she thought of such a hideous scar on her daughter's fair and tender skin.

The daughter is still so young, if it is because of this that the happiness of a lifetime is really ruined, how can he be a father?

"I'm doing my best, but there are very few medicines for this type of treatment. There are some tributes in the palace, but not many. Now the emperor has rewarded them all. I'm afraid it's rare!" Thinking about the rare skin care product, Sun Taiyi Also a little regretful.

Such a jade-like woman, if she really left scars, it would be a real pity.

"Doctor Sun said it was Bingqingyu Ointment?" As soon as Doctor Sun said that, Su Qinglan knew what it was, and her mind quickly passed the few people who had it. Su Qinglan was thinking how to get it.

"Indeed, the Bingqingyu ice cream offered by the Western Regions in the past few days is excellent. After using it, it can make the skin look like jade and fade the scars. If Miss Su uses it, she is young and recovering well. I want to come here Scars are reversible."

"I've heard about this medicine. It seems that only Empress Empress, Concubine Jing, Concubine Xue, and Concubine Luan have it in the palace, right?"

"Indeed, there are only ten bottles of this ice-clear jade cream, each of the empresses in the palace has a bottle, Lord Yan has a bottle, and the rest, the emperor seems to have rewarded His Highness King Wu Cheng!" Speaking of the last two names, Surprised, Su Qinglan took out the golden sore medicine that Qin Yan handed him just now, and it turned into a living doctor, "I don't know what Doctor Sun thinks about this golden sore medicine?"

"This, isn't it Bingqingyu Cream?" Doctor Sun took it and sniffed it. After careful identification, he found that it was definitely Bingqingyu Cream. Looking at Su Qinglan, he was very surprised, "Mr. Xiang, how... "

"Physician Sun doesn't need to ask any more questions, you just need to tell me, with this, won't there be scars on Lan'er's body?"

"This..." Looking at Su Qinglan with some embarrassment, Imperial Physician Sun knew that the Bingqingyu cream was excellent, but the wound on Su Lanzhi's body was too big, and the Bingqingyu cream was obviously not much left. is not enough.

"If the imperial doctor has anything to say, just say it."

"My lord, the wound on Miss Su's back is very serious. I need to keep applying this Bingqingyu cream, three times a day, until the wound is healed and fully healed. Afterwards, I have to consolidate it every day to remove the wound. Scars, this bottle is not enough!" This is a good thing, and it is a rare good thing. All the empresses in the palace love beauty and want to keep their skin young. It is very difficult for them to give it away. something happened.

"I understand, the imperial doctor will be delivered first, and I will find a way for the rest!" A sense of powerlessness suddenly appeared in my heart, thinking about Su Lanzhi's wound, Su Qinglan's eyes were full of anxiety at this moment.

"Okay!" Seeing that Su Qinglan had spoken, Imperial Physician Sun went to prescribe medicine for Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan without saying a word. After busy work of people coming and going, Su Lanzhi was in a daze and was given medicine, wiped wounded, fell asleep.

In her sleep, she only felt a pair of warm hands gently stroking her cheeks, which made Su Lanzhi feel extra at ease. Even the corners of her mouth showed a faint smile, but she didn't know the owner of those hands looked at her. Seeing her in this state, she was full of worry, "Master, Lan'er has a fever, what should I do?" After struggling to get up, Murong Yan saw Su Lan Zhihong's fluttering face, and she was really worried, "Lan'er is still so Little boy, why do you have to suffer all these things? It's all my fault!"

"Yan'er, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, if you say this again, Lan'er will feel bad."

"But Lan'er is unconscious now, and she's still burning so hot, what should I do?" Touching Su Lanzhi's face, Murong Yan felt her fingertips burning hot, as if her heart was scorched. , making her restless.

"Didn't Doctor Sun say that? Lan'er was injured, and it's expected that she would have a fever. As long as the fever subsides tonight, she'll be fine. Don't worry, just go back and rest. I'll be here to watch over you. Don't forget the doctor Sun's order, you are also a patient now, you need to rest!" Haosheng persuaded, but Murong Yan insisted on not leaving, "No, Laner was injured because of it, I want to stay here with you She, watch her, or I won't worry!" As a mother, instead of protecting her child, she let her child protect her, Murong Yan still blamed herself enough.

"Yan'er, your body..."

"Master, please let me stay, otherwise I won't be able to comfort you tonight. Don't worry, master, I will take good care of myself and won't let anything happen to me!" Su Qinglan knew Murong Yan's temper with a firm gaze without giving in at all. In the end, I had no choice but to nod, "That's fine, just sit like this and don't move around. Don't forget that you are not in good health. Lan'er blocked that for you because she was worried about you." If she woke up and saw you fell ill, she would probably be even more worried!"

"I see!"


The two watched anxiously all night, keeping close to Su Lanzhi's side, feeding Su Lanzhi medicine to cool down, Murong Yan touched Su Lanzhi's forehead with her warm palm from time to time, checking Su Lanzhi's fever. Is it back?After finally waiting until the sky was dim, Su Lanzhi's fever finally subsided, and Murong Yan and Su Qinglan suddenly seemed to have collapsed, and finally there was a long-lost smile on their faces.

"Yan'er, can I go back to rest now? Lan'er is fine now!"

"No, I have to let Dr. Sun take a look!" Still worried, Murong Yan called Dr. Sun to give Su Lanzhi a diagnosis and treatment. As a result, Su Lanzhi's fever has subsided and there is no danger. The rest is just fine. After being recuperated, Murong Yan finally felt relieved, "Physician Sun, I'm tired, I kept you up all night!"

"This is what a subordinate official should do!" As a doctor, he should save lives and heal the wounded. Physician Sun is highly skilled in medicine, and Su Lanzhi in Surri always asks him for advice. Publicly or privately, Imperial Physician Sun didn't want anything to happen to Su Lanzhi.

"Doctor Sun, since Lan'er is fine, Doctor Sun will take a rest in the mansion for a while. There are some matters that need to be troubled by Doctor Sun!" Although Su Lanzhi is fine, the wound still needs to be dealt with. Of course, Su Qinglan will not be so easy Let him go.

"Okay, then I'll go to rest for a while, if you have anything to do, call me!" I was also a little worried, and Doctor Sun naturally wouldn't refuse.

When Sun Taiyi left, Su Qinglan persuaded Murong Yan to go to sleep again, and repeatedly promised that she would stay with Su Lanzhi all the time. Murongyan finally thought about her body and told Su Qinglan to call her the moment Su Lanzhi woke up. He reluctantly went back to rest.

Su Qinglan watched Murong Yan leave, then looked at the blush on Su Lanzhi's face that hadn't dissipated, her eyes were full of worry, "Lan'er, Daddy won't let you have anything to do!" Promise, also like a guarantee, Su Qinglan looked at Su Lanzhi, sighed, finally found a chair, and sat by Su Lanzhi's bed the whole time, occasionally checking Su Lanzhi's body temperature, and stayed with her all the time. It's been a night for Su Lanzhi.


Su Lanzhi only felt that she seemed to have had a long, long dream. In her sleep, there was always that soft murmur, which made her whole body seem to be surrounded by a layer of warm temperature, and her heart was unprecedentedly stable. After sleeping until dawn, Su Lanzhi almost slept until the next night. Murong Yan had already woken up at this moment. Seeing that Su Lanzhi hadn't woken up, she was about to die of anxiety.

"Master, didn't Imperial Physician Sun say that Lan'er is fine? But why hasn't Lan'er woke up yet?" Looking at Su Lanzhi, Murong Yan's usual calmness was no longer there. At this moment, she was just a worried woman. Mother, her eyes were slightly reddish. It seemed that she was really worried this day.

"Yan'er, don't worry, eat something. Didn't Doctor Sun say that? Lan'er may be too tired, so she hasn't woken up yet. Let's let her rest for a while, maybe she will wake up today. You haven't eaten well, why don't you eat something, so you won't be overwhelmed!" Looking at Murong Yan and then at Su Lanzhi, Su Qinglan could only sigh, feeling really worried.

Laner, why haven't you woke up yet?

"Where can I eat?" Murong Yan was so anxious that she was about to cry, she tried her best to suppress her emotions, and looked at Su Lanzhi without blinking, as if she was afraid of missing Su Lanzhi's sobriety.

"Hey..." Sighed, knowing that Murong Yan was also stubborn, Su Qinglan only hoped that Su Lanzhi would wake up soon, so that everyone would not be worried all the time.

Lan'er, wake up quickly, don't you know, father and mother are very worried?

Xu felt Su Qinglan's call. Su Lanzhi slept for a long time, only to feel that her scalp was heavier than that filled with lead. She wanted to open her eyes several times, but found it very difficult. Until the end, she finally listened. Seeing Murong Yan's choked voice, and hearing Su Qinglan's voice was also hoarse, Su Lanzhi finally struggled to open her eyes.

"Master, madam, Missy is awake!" Yuetao saw that Su Lanzhi woke up with sharp eyes, and hurriedly told everyone, and immediately walked to Su Lanzhi's side, and carefully supported Su Lanzhi, "Miss , don’t move, your back is hurt!”

"Hiss..." Hearing Yuetao's words, Su Lanzhi felt a burning pain in her back. Thinking about the thrilling scene, and looking at her worried parents at the moment, Su Lanzhi had an apologetic expression on her face. Smiling, "Daddy, Mom, don't worry, am I okay?" Because she slept for too long, her voice was hoarse. When Qiushuang saw her, she hurriedly poured Su Lanzhi a glass of warm water, and Su Lanzhi drank it. Seeing Murong Yan's sour face, she was full of worry, "Mother, you are so heavy now, why are you still so emotional? Am I okay? Why don't you take good care of me?" Do you worry me about yourself?"

"You child, you, what do you want me to say about you?" There was no time to scold yesterday, but today Murong Ya remembered the scene yesterday, and she was full of blame when she looked at Su Lanzhi, "You said you stood in the way What are you doing in front of me? Are you acting like this to make me feel uncomfortable on purpose?" Thinking of the helplessness and panic at that time, and thinking of Su Lanzhi's seemingly relieved smile at that moment, Murong Ya still can't help but feel relieved. I still have lingering fears!

"Mother, don't get angry, be careful of the little brother in your belly!" With a pale smile, Su Lanzhi felt powerless all over, and was immediately frustrated.

My small body is really weak. Although these days have been well recuperated, but this time, it may not be able to recover for a long time.

"You still told me not to be angry. If you weren't so impulsive, how could I be angry?" If Su Lanzhi bought her life, Murong Yan would rather not!

That was her child, the child she was born in October, and the child she felt owed the most. How could she, how could she bear it?

This child is already too unfortunate, and it is too late for her to make up for it. How can she make the other party sacrifice for her?

Is this still what a mother should do?

"Okay, mother, am I okay? Don't worry, don't be angry, you are like this, you are worried that the little brother born in the future will be naughty and have a bad temper!" It is said that the temper of pregnant women can easily affect It's a child, Su Lanzhi deliberately made a joke, just to make the atmosphere more relaxed, so that Murong Yan would not always blame herself.

All of this is her choice, and she will still do it again.What she owed her parents in the previous life, in this life, she is willing to use her greatest strength to make up for it!

"Lan'er, you, you still say? You don't even know, what should I do if something happens to you?" Tears flowed out uncontrollably, and Murong Yan thought her tears started ten years ago At this moment, when the tears rolled down her cheeks, Murong Yan looked at Su Lanzhi, the panic in her eyes was so obvious, the hearts of both Su Lanzhi and Su Qinglan felt a twinge of pain.

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