The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 171 Bingqing Jade Cream

() "Mother..." Looking at Murong Yan, Su Lanzhi knew that her previous recklessness had hurt her mother, but at that time, she acted completely subconsciously. Why did she think too much?

"Silly boy, don't be so impulsive in the future, you know?" When encountering such a thing again, she would rather be the one who gets hurt!

As a mother, if she can't even protect her own children, can she still be considered a qualified mother?

"I see..." If she encountered such a thing again, she would still do it, but after this time, Su Lanzhi would not allow it to appear again.

"Okay, Yan'er, Lan'er is awake now, don't blame her, or she will feel bad." Seeing that Murong Yan's eyes were still shining with tears, Su Qinglan was a little panicked after seeing her for many years. My heart ached so much right now, why would I want to see Murong Yan shed tears again?

"Yeah, mom, I've been sleeping for a long time, and I'm almost hungry. If you don't give me anything to eat, I'm afraid I'm going to faint from hunger!" Su Lanzhi looked at Murong Yan while laughing and saying naughty things. Her expression was not very good, and she knew that Murong Yan must have not slept well, so she felt a little guilty.

"Look at me, I forgot, Yuetao, hurry up and get the porridge stewed for Miss!" Because Su Lanzhi just woke up, she didn't want to eat anything else, so Murong Yan had ordered someone to cook it for Su Lanzhi since morning The porridge is ready, but Su Lanzhi has not woken up, and the porridge can only be stewed like this all the time, and I don't know how long it has been cooking.


"Mother, you and Daddy didn't eat much? Let's eat together!" It seemed that Su Qinglan had vaguely heard Su Qinglan persuade Murong Yan to take medicine just now, of course Su Lanzhi didn't want Murong Ya to go hungry because of her.

One must know that Murong Yan is now a pregnant woman, how can she be hungry?

Seeing that Su Lanzhi said that, Su Qinglan hurriedly agreed, "Yeah, Yan'er, you didn't eat well today, now that Lan'er is awake, you can rest assured? Go and order someone to bring the food, and we'll eat here, okay?" Murong Yan was already in poor health and was frightened, Su Qinglan didn't dare to be careless, so as not to cause accidents.

"Okay!" Seeing Su Qinglan and Su Lanzhi's eager eyes, Murong Yan finally nodded, "Okay, I just happen to be hungry too!" I was always worried about Su Lanzhi before, so I didn't have an appetite. When Su Lanzhi woke up, Murong Yan was relieved a little, and naturally had an appetite.


The meal soon came up. Su Lanzhi was recovering from a serious illness and slept for so long. Doctor Sun only ordered Su Lanzhi to eat porridge, so as not to overwhelm her and make her stomach feel uncomfortable. Su Lanzhi I didn't have much appetite at first, so I ate some casually, and looked at Su Qinglan in front of me who kept persuading Murong Yan to eat, and although Murong Yan always refused, she ate a lot.

Seeing that the atmosphere between her parents is more harmonious and beautiful, Su Lanzhi knows that the assassination before may make her parents' hearts closer?If this continues, they will reconcile, and I'm afraid it will be just around the corner.

that's nice!

Thinking that this time it was a blessing in disguise, Su Lanzhi's mouth overflowed with a little smile. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something. Looking at Qiushuang beside her, she was a little puzzled, "Qiu Shuang, where is Yunzhu? Why didn't you see her?" ?" Yunzhu has been serving close to her all day long, and has always stayed by Su Lanzhi's side. It has been so long now, why is Yunzhu still not there?

"Miss, this..." Seeing that Su Lanzhi asked about Yunzhu, Qiushuang was a little embarrassed, looked at Su Lanzhi, and hesitated to speak, Su Lanzhi understood, "Just say it, she hurts." Is it heavy?"

"Miss..." Su Lanzhi guessed it without thinking about it. Qiushuang nodded and said in a nutshell, "There is a lot of blood on her body, and there are many wounds, large and small. The imperial doctor said that she should live well." Just recuperate some days."

"I understand. You have always been careful. She has been seriously injured these days, and many of them will remain the same. These few times, you will take care of her. If you need anything, just satisfy her directly. And tell the kitchen Give her more stewed supplements, medicinal materials and so on, don't be stingy, as long as it is good, just send it to her!" Yun Zhu was injured because of her, Su Lanzhi has always been a person with clear grievances, Naturally, there is a return.

This girl suffered a lot. She obviously couldn't hold on that time, but she insisted on holding on, especially when she saw that she was in danger and lost her mind. She might have suffered a lot of injuries?

"Miss, this servant knows." Qiu Shuang is not jealous of Su Lanzhi's concern for Yunzhu, but just feels that it is good to be with such a master, and she has made up her mind to take good care of Yunzhu, so that the other party will get well soon up.

"Well, just tell me if there's any situation. I'm also inconvenient now. Tell her, I'll see her in a few days!"

"Okay!" Su Lanzhi is injured now, so naturally it is not easy to go to the ground. Qiushuang understands this, but Su Lanzhi has this kind of heart, which is already very good.


Su Qinglan and Murong Yan, who were eating at the side, noticed that Su Lanzhi had stopped eating, looked at the bowl on the other side, and there was still a lot left, Murong Yan frowned, "Lan'er, didn't you say you were hungry? Why do you eat so little?" My daughter has been in a coma for a day and a night, and now she wakes up and only eats so little, how can this be okay?

"Mother, I've been sleeping for a long time. It's not good to eat too much at once. This is enough." The doctor Sun also said this, although Murong Yan knew that Su Lanzhi had slept for a long time, and she suffered He was injured and had a high fever. He didn't have much appetite, but seeing that Su Lanzhi ate so little, he was still worried, "Eat more? With so little, how can he recover?"

"Mom, I'm full. I'll eat again when I'm hungry. Don't worry. But you, since I fell into a coma, I'm afraid you haven't eaten well? You should eat well and go to rest in a while. I'm fine, don't worry." Looking at Murong Yan's face, the blue color under her eyes is so obvious, Su Lanzhi is not a fool, how could she not see it?

"Lan'er, don't worry about me, I know it. It's you, now that your back is hurt, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep well at night, it's hard for you." With a back injury, you can't lie down, and Now that the wound has not healed, it is not good to sleep on the side, so Su Lanzhi can only lie on her stomach now.But where is it comfortable to sleep on your stomach?

"Mother, don't worry, I'll just ask someone to put a few more cushions on me in a while. There's nothing I can do about it. It will be fine in a few days." Regarding her back injury, even if Su Lanzhi didn't go See, also know.It seemed that she was going to suffer a lot recently, but fortunately she was already mentally prepared, so she wasn't afraid.

At most, it's just a little uncomfortable. Now that the family is fine and Murong Yan is fine, that's enough.

"Hey, you, let me tell you what to say about you!" Seeing her daughter so calm and calm, Murong Yan thought of what Dr. Sun said, and became worried, her eyes were full of sadness, she opened her mouth to say something, and finally But nothing came out.When Su Qinglan saw Murong Yan like this, she knew that Murong Yan was worried that the wound on Su Lanzhi's back would leave scars in the future, so she said, "Okay, Yan'er, Lan'er is awake now, she is still weak , let's not bother, and go back to rest! You didn't sleep well yesterday, so you have to go back and lie down today, don't forget, you are also a sick person!" Su Lanzhi didn't wake up before Knowing that Murong Yan is worried, even if Murong Yan is forced to go back to rest, it will only make Murong Yan more worried.So Su Qinglan had no choice but to agree to let Murong Yan guard Su Lanzhi.

Now that Su Lanzhi is fine, Su Qinglan naturally wants Murong Yan to go back to rest well, so as not to be too tired and affect her body.

"Yeah, mother, I'm fine. I'll go to bed after drinking the porridge and the medicine. You and Daddy will go back. If you keep guarding me here, I'll be worried!" Murong Yan is now a couple. How can a healthy person survive staying up all night?Naturally, Su Lanzhi would not let Murong Yan keep it.

Everyone persuaded herself, one big and one small, and Murong Yan also knew that she couldn't persevere, so that everyone wouldn't worry, and she didn't want to disturb Su Lanzhi's rest, so she nodded, "Okay, I'll sit for a while and watch you eat." Take the medicine and go to sleep. Just you have to take a good rest. If you are not feeling well these few days, arrange for Qiushuang and Yuetao to watch the night together, and Mother Zhao. There are more people, so you can feel at ease!" Sick, want Naturally, it is better to have more waiters, otherwise it will be uncomfortable at night, and one or two will not be a problem.

"Well, mother, I understand!" Nodding her head, Su Lanzhi knew that if she didn't agree, Murong Yan would not go back at ease.

"Okay, then you can just lie down and let me talk to you so that you won't be bored!" She said she was lying down, but in fact Su Lanzhi was lying on her stomach. Although there were many cushions under her body, it was soft. But lying on the stomach all the time, I still feel a little uncomfortable. I feel that the weight of my whole body is squeezing my chest cavity, and my breathing is not smooth.

Su Lanzhi is not used to lying on her stomach, and now she has to lie on her stomach, which is strangely uncomfortable, but there is nothing she can do, and she doesn't want to worry Murong Yan, so she has to wait for a while for Murong Yan to leave, and then let Yuetao and the others help her again. I added some cushions so that I would not be able to breathe well and sleep comfortably.

Hey, hurt, really uncomfortable!

She came to a conclusion in her heart, but she didn't dare to reveal anything, lest Murong Yan feel more guilty and worried. After talking with Murong Yan for a while, Su Lanzhi was worried about Murong Yan's body, so she yawned. Murong Yan saw that she was sleepy, It's not good to bother me all the time, "Lan'er, then go to bed earlier, I'll come and see you tomorrow morning!"

"Okay!" Pretending to nod in a daze, Su Lanzhi sent someone to send Murong Yan and Su Qinglan back.After the two left, Su Lanzhi ordered Yue Tao to help her up and sit down.It's just that Yue Tao was startled by her order, "Miss, you are wounded. The imperial doctor said that you should lie on your stomach properly. Don't touch the wound, otherwise it will open."

"I know, I just lay on my stomach for a long time, and I feel a little airtight, so I'll just sit for a while." I am also aware of my own body, Su Lanzhi has been lying on her stomach at this moment, and it may be difficult to fall asleep this night.

"But miss, what if the wound is involved?" I remembered that when Su Lanzhi came back, her back was already blood red, and Yuetao and the others gasped when they cleaned Su Lanzhi for such a wound. Taking a breath of air, I was almost frightened. Now that Su Lanzhi was about to get up, several people naturally objected.

What if the wound is involved and the blood bleeds again?

Physician Sun said that Miss, the wound is very deep, and it is easy to leave scars. What if...

As soon as Yue Tao thought of the scars left on Su Lanzhi's perfect skin like porcelain jade, she felt extremely regretful and worried.

Miss is not married yet, this woman's skin is ruined, what will happen in the future?Will she be rejected by her husband's family?

Yuetao was originally a simple girl who couldn't hide her thoughts. Now she looked at Su Lanzhi with worry and sympathy in her eyes. Su Lanzhi was a little baffled. Qiushuang saw her and pushed her away with a crutch. Yue Tao smiled, and supported Su Lanzhi to get up, "Miss, if you think about it, then the servant will help you, but you have to be careful, otherwise the wound will burst open, and it will be bad."

"Yeah!" Su Lanzhi also understood this truth, she nodded and got up, being careful not to touch the wound on her back, and finally sat up, Su Lanzhi only felt that her whole body was weak, After thinking about it, he asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Miss, you have been in a coma for a day and a night, and you had a high fever last night. The master and wife were frightened, and they guarded you in the house all night!" Seeing Su Lanzhi's question, Yue Tao said nothing. Back, Su Lanzhi thought of Murong Yan's worried look, and knew that she had let Murong Yan worry about her, and felt a little sorry, "Mother was also frightened yesterday, why are you still guarding me? Why didn't Dad stop me? "

"I don't know how many times I have persuaded you, but Madam doesn't listen, and I can't do anything about it!" Murong Yan's stubbornness was more or less known by the people in the Prime Minister's House.If he hadn't been so stubborn, he wouldn't have broken up with Su Qinglan just like that.

"Hey..." Thinking of Murong Yan, Murong Yan's haggard face, and Murong Yan's tears, Su Lanzhi was really frightened.

She has always known that her mother is forbearing and strong. Although she was still young back then, even in the face of such a big change, her mother was not like other ladies of the family. This method completely blocked himself and Su Qinglan, drawing an insurmountable ditch between the two.

Such a mother cried because she was worried about herself. I am afraid that she really worried her?

Things like this will never happen again!

"Miss, the imperial doctor told you to take a good rest. The maid will wipe your body for you, wash up and go to sleep, okay?" Seeing that Su Lanzhi's expression was a bit complicated, Qiu Shuang didn't want Su Lanzhi to think too much when she was ill. , there was this proposal, and Su Lanzhi also agreed, "Alright!"

After Qiushuang wiped her body, although Su Lanzhi felt a little awkward and was not used to being looked at by others, she also knew that she had no choice but to let Qiushuang and Yuetao serve her.

It's just that after Qiushuang wiped her body, she took out an ointment, what did Su Lanzhi think of it, how did she feel familiar, "This is it?" Su Lanzhi knew this, but she didn't. Whose is this thing.

It smells good, and she has seen it before in her previous life. It is the beautifying and beautifying Bingqingyu cream. It is said that using it can make the skin like snow, and even remove freckles on the face. Any scars on the body can also be eliminated.Such good things have always been tributes in the palace, and the amount is not much every year. They are used by the favorite concubines in the palace, and the emperor's relatives who have won the trust of Emperor Wen. They have had them before in their house, but It seems to be used by Baixin, where did this come from?

There was some doubt in her heart, Su Lanzhi smelled the pleasant scent of snow lotus, and knew that it was undoubtedly Bingqingyu cream. In her previous life, she had used it a lot because she was almost disfigured by Xue Lingyun several times, so she was naturally familiar with it.

"Miss, this is Bingqingyu Ointment. The imperial doctor said that after using this, you won't have any scars." It's just that the amount is not enough.Qiushuang didn't say the rest, because she didn't want Su Lanzhi to worry.

Although Su Lanzhi doesn't behave like a 13-year-old child now, everyone has a love for beauty. Who wouldn't like their own jade-like skin, which is white and flawless?

Such a big scar, if you see it in the future, maybe you will also find it scary?

"Well, but I remember that there is no one at home. Who gave it to you?" There seems to be some vague memories, but Su Lanzhi is not sure, just looking at Qiushuang, hoping to get an answer from the other party.

"The servant doesn't know either. It was given by the master. He said that the servant will give it to you three times a day!" Qiushuang really didn't know. The scene where Qin Yan handed Su Qinglan a bottle of golden sore medicine seemed to be very similar to this Bingqingyu cream. Su Lanzhi became a little irritable for no reason, "I feel a little uncomfortable on my back, so don't rub it!" Then Human kindness is nothing more than a means to win her heart. This time, she even put her thoughts on Su Qinglan. This is something that Su Lanzhi cannot accept!

She doesn't want benefits with ulterior motives!She would rather carry this scar on her back, remember the lesson of this time, and remember the other party's cunning temperament. She could have helped earlier, but she waited until that critical moment!

In her previous life, because she was deeply in love with Qin Yan, even though she knew that the other party was a ruthless person, she rushed in because the other party's pitiful promise made her father difficult, and even killed her in the end. own father!

Su Lanzhi vividly remembered the past and the future, and knew exactly how cold and unfeeling Qin Yan was. At this moment, the ice cream was placed in front of her, which only made her feel extremely ironic!

I already knew in my heart that Qin Yan must have been watching their good show from the dark all the time, waiting for the critical moment to make them owe each other a big favor and pave the way for the future. This is a typical Qin Yan method!

Only this time, she won't be confused again!

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