() "Sister Lan, I haven't heard you play the piano for a long time, why don't you just play the piano, your piano sound is so nice." Seeing Qin Zhiyan making this request, Murong Xiang smiled and pulled Su Lanzhi, thinking Although she didn't understand the pieces that Su Lanzhi played before, she thought they were very good and wanted to listen to them again!

"Hehe, yes, Lan'er plays the piano very well, why not just play the piano!" Murong Ya also missed Su Lanzhi's piano sound quite a bit, looking at Su Lanzhi with eager eyes.

"Playing the piano is not bad, can Miss Su play a piece for the occasion?" Qin Zhiyan saw that Murong Ya and Murong Xiang had said so, so he naturally wanted Su Lanzhi to play a piece. Anyway, he still has many opportunities today, this is the first time A punishment, it's better not to go too far, or it will be too embarrassing when the time comes.

"Well, good!" I was still thinking about performing something, but everyone wanted to hear her play the piano, so Su Lanzhi asked her to prepare her guqin and started playing.

I chose a famous ancient song called "Snow Ri". The elegant sound of the piano and the lightness of the tune make people only feel the misty and pure picture of white snow, which is just right for the white snowy world at this moment.

After half a year, Su Lanzhi's piano skills seem to have improved more and more, perhaps because her mood has become more tranquil. At this moment, Su Lanzhi, sitting there playing the repertoire, gave people the illusion of blending with the ice and snow , with ethereal in the nothingness, it is so immersive that everyone's eyes flashed a touch of surprise.When Qin Zhiyan saw it, he might have gotten excited, took out the soft sword in his arms, and started dancing to Su Lanzhi's song.

With the same elegant and noble posture, that light blue figure blends into the pale world of ice and snow, as if adding a beautiful picture scroll, especially with the sound of Su Lanzhi's piano, one is melodious and misty, the other is chic and wanton, the two The cooperation of the people was so harmonious and perfect that the people on the side were stunned. They didn't even notice when Su Lanzhi stopped the song and when Qin Zhiyan stopped.

Talented man and woman, qin and harp singing harmoniously, created in heaven and earth, peerless... Maybe it's because the qin music is too beautiful, or Qin Zhiyan's sword dance is too reckless, so everyone can't help but think of these words in their hearts. For the two people present, Murong Ya and the others had a look of surprise and amazement in their eyes, as if they were all fascinated by this scene.

And Su Lanzhi stopped what she was doing, looked at Qin Zhiyan who had come before her at some point, thinking that just now the other party was able to follow her melody so recklessly, even so chicly Sword dancing, Su Lanzhi's heartstrings trembled for some reason. She never thought that there would be someone who could understand her piano sound.

Is this the bosom friend?

In her previous life, even though her piano skills were superior, she never liked to be in the limelight. When she married Qin Yan, she occasionally played the piano alone. At that time, she had good wishes for the future, and the sound of the piano was filled with anticipation And beautiful, always happy.Occasionally, she played it to Qin Yan, but the other party just smiled at her and said "it sounds good", but said nothing else. At that time, in fact, she was also a little disappointed in her heart, always feeling that Qin Yan didn't listen. She couldn't express the love in her piano sound, let alone understand what she wanted to express to the other party.At that time, she was undoubtedly lost, so gradually, she stopped playing the piano.It's just because no one can understand the meaning of her piano.

But at this moment, looking at Qin Zhiyan's eyes as deep as the sea, Su Lanzhi felt a sense of sympathy for each other. She always felt that the other party seemed to have fully heard the meaning in her kiss, and even expressed it.The first time she met a bosom friend, Su Lanzhi's heart was inevitably a little uncontrollably excited.

Since ancient times, it has been hard to find a bosom friend. If there is really someone in the world who can understand her like this, then shouldn't she also discuss the rhythm with him?

The solid city wall in my heart seemed to be loosening. Su Lanzhi's rare look at Qin Zhiyan was no longer always defensive.

Qin Zhiyan naturally discovered Su Lanzhi's changes, and felt that he was one step closer to the other party. Qin Zhiyan was ecstatic in his heart, thinking that this was an unexpected surprise, "Miss Su's piano skills really improved Now, compared to half a year ago, my state of mind seems to be more calm, and I think Miss Su will come true!" Qin Zhiyan, as the son of King Qin, has been involved in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since he was a child. He is not only talented, but also has high martial arts skills. , and his wisdom root is very good, he can learn everything well, and he is very serious. He listened carefully to the thoughts that Su Lanzhi inadvertently revealed just now, and he naturally understood.It was precisely because of understanding that he couldn't help dancing his sword along with it, which was an echo and also a kind of enlightenment.

"Wu Chengwang is also good at swordsmanship, I admire it!" Qin Zhiyan just now was more chic than usual, and Su Lanzhi had always longed for that feeling, but couldn't match it, so She can only envy it.

"Hehe, it's just years of practice." He was born in such a place, and the dark places are quite dark. In order to protect himself, he must also learn these things, otherwise how could he be safe so far?

"King Wu Cheng always seems to be so humble." It's hard to find a confidant, and it's rare for Su Lanzhi to meet such one, so her attitude towards Qin Zhiyan has also changed a little.

"Why isn't Miss Su?" Smiling, both of them saw appreciation for each other in each other's eyes, which was a kind of tacit understanding.

"If there is a chance, I really want to compete with King Wu Cheng in piano skills."

"Hehe, Ms. Su has an appointment, how can I refuse? Find a chance, we must have a good discussion!"

"So it's settled?"

"En!" In ancient times, there was Boya's child, but now, Su Lanzhi felt that Qin Zhiyan was her child.


"Ah, it's so beautiful!" Murong Ya and the others finally came to their senses, looking at Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan, their eyes were full of admiration.

Such two people, maybe they are the real match made in heaven?

Everyone had such thoughts in their hearts, but they didn't say it out loud.But because of the dance of the piano and sword, the way everyone looked at Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan became different.

In the past, they thought that a man like Qin Zhiyan must be worthy of a woman of peerless beauty. Now, looking at Su Lanzhi, although they have not completely lost their childishness, the two of them are so harmonious just now that everyone She actually felt that the two were destined to be born for each other, and in her heart she felt surprisingly that the two were the half of each other.

"Lan'er, your piano skills have improved more and more. I, a layman, was fascinated by listening to it." Just now she seemed to have entered a world of ice and snow, where there was a piece of pure white and no worries. No worries, the whiteness and purity of the world made her see a different winter for the first time.

Is this the winter sun in Laner's heart?There is no scruple of desolation, nor the sadness of the silence of all things, but only seek that piece of tranquility?

"It's also a good song. I heard it once and thought it was very good, so I wrote it down, as long as everyone likes it!" Xu Shi was amazed by Qin Zhiyan's figure just now, but Su Lanzhi still has some Unable to recover, he smiled at everyone, "I made a fool of myself just now, I hope everyone will take care of my dissatisfaction." This is self-effacing words, but everyone will not regard Su Lanzhi as making a fool of herself .

"Miss Su's piano sound is elegant and generous, just like Miss Su's people. It's really rare. It's the first time I've heard such a beautiful piano sound. I'm afraid I won't forget it in the future." Mo Ying seldom Praise, but this praise is recognized from the bottom of my heart.

"Isn't it? The sound of Miss Su's piano, accompanied by King Wu Cheng's sword dance, is really beautiful, and the harmony of the piano and the cymbals is nothing more than that?" The scene just now was really amazing. People only feel that they have seen a picture of a loving couple playing the piano and dancing swords. It is so harmonious and beautiful that people only feel overflowing with happiness. They will never forget such a picture in this life.

Could it be that these two were born for each other?

"Yeah, this is the first time I've seen such a beautiful picture? One person playing the piano and the other dancing the sword, such a scene is really enviable! King Wu Cheng is in a good mood today!" Murong Xiao said in his tone. I don't know what's the matter, it's sour, and the eyes looking at Qin Zhiyan are a little sad.

Hey, he's a fool if he doesn't understand.Thanks to myself and my grandmother, they still wanted to match Ya'er and King Wu Cheng. Isn't that just being self-indulgent?

Others don't know, but Murong Xiao still doesn't know?Qin Zhiyan has never been a troublesome person, and he has never been impulsive in doing things. A normal Qin Zhiyan would never do things like today.All of them are just to illustrate a problem.

Really lost, such a good man, his little sister is not blessed.But Cousin Lan'er is also very good, and Ya'er is indeed incomparable in many ways, hey...

If it were someone else, Murong Xiao might be unconvinced, but today Su Lanzhi can't tolerate Murong Xiao being unconvinced.

These two are both dragons and phoenixes, a match made in heaven. Indeed, my younger sister is really not good enough... Although I really don't want to admit it, it is a fact, and Murong Xiao has to face it.

If it was Lan'er's big cousin, he could only recognize it. Who made his big cousin so good and perfect?If you can have such a magnanimity and elegance at such a young age, in another year, I am afraid that no one will be able to match it again?

Only such a person, such a man, will be attracted?

Thinking a little bit in his heart, Murong Xiao looked at Qin Zhiyan, although he was a little disappointed, but he had no other thoughts, one was his good friend and the other was his cousin, so he naturally blessed him.

Seeing the change in Murong Xiao's eyes, Qin Zhiyan knew what Murong Xiao had guessed. During these days, they knew each other a little bit. Seeing that the other party did not reject each other, Qin Zhiyan showed a little blessing instead. The other party smiled and nodded, "Just now it was just for the occasion. Thinking of Miss Su's beautiful piano sound, some things would be better as a backdrop, so I also danced the sword on my own. Don't be disgusted with the bad dance. , Ms. Su, don't you blame me?" Although he knew that Su Lanzhi did not reject his actions, Qin Zhiyan still wanted to ask symbolically.

"Wu Chengwang is serious. Today is just a gathering for everyone to have fun. Where can the temple blame the blame?" Smiling, Su Lanzhi's eyes at the moment were sincere.For a friend who can understand her, she really can't be cold-hearted. <A flower blooms like a flower, and the petals are blooming, colorful, and I just feel lost, and I am a little lost for a moment, but he concealed it very well, no one noticed it.

It turned out that she smiled sincerely, and it turned out to be so beautiful. I really hope that I can see her such a beautiful smile in the future.


"Okay, okay, let's stop talking about these polite words and start the second round, otherwise today, there won't be so many exciting events!" The first round was very successful, making everyone feel the feast of the audition, then the second round Everyone is looking forward to it.

"Hehe, okay, let's start. This time, we must come to a more exciting one!" Gradually, everyone's interest grew, and a new road race started.Su Lanzhi played well in this round, but Murong Ya lost, and the winner was Murong Xiao. Murong Xiao deliberately made things difficult for Murong Ya, and asked Murong Ya to write a poem, and Murong Ya blushed so much. , I finally came up with a poem, I barely managed it, and it was over.

In the third round, the fourth round, and the fifth round, everyone seemed to win or lose. I don't know if it was agreed. Almost everyone performed. After a few rounds, except for Qin Zhiyan who didn't drink, the rest of the people After drinking a lot, Murong Shu and Yang Qing's young Ji Xiao also lost a lot, their faces are a little hazy at the moment, their little cheeks are red, it seems that they are a little drunk.

"Wu Chengwang, you can't do this. You always let everyone lose. Everyone is a little drunk now, and they are all performing. If you don't perform, it's boring?" Murong Xiao saw Qin Zhiyan always like that. The pervert didn't lose, and he was in a bad mood. At this moment, Qin Zhiyan just smiled indifferently, "Winning or losing is a common thing. Why do you care about it? Come on, maybe, you can really win." I!"

Assuming a gesture of invitation, Murong Xiao still didn't believe it. Qin Zhiyan is a general who wins all the time. He singled out Qin Zhiyan a few times, and each time he was defeated badly. In the end, he drank a lot of peach blossom wine , although the wine is not strong, but still drunk.

"Come on, come again, I don't believe it anymore, I really can't win!" Murong Xiao and Qin Zhiyan got into a fight, everyone was a little drunk, so they booed too, Qin Zhiyan accepted it with a smile, and came again After a few rounds, Murong Xiao still lost. Murong Ya, as Murong Xiao's younger sister, was a little anxious at the moment, "Lan'er, should we think of a way? Brother's loss is too ugly!" Although the opponent was tough, but always It's embarrassing to lose, okay?

"Yeah, Sister Lan, King Wu Cheng always wins. Look, we are all a little drunk now, and he is the only one who is sober. It's unfair and boring. Why don't we find a way to make him lose once?" How are you?" He smiled treacherously, and all of them drank a lot of alcohol, and were punished to perform various shows.Everyone is getting more courageous now, and they also want to punish Qin Zhiyan to see if that fairy-like man will be in trouble.

"Miss Su, what Xiang'er said is very true. Why don't we think of a way? Wu Cheng Wang Suri looks gentle and polite, but he is not easy to get close to. It is rare for everyone to get together today, so we should have fun together. Let's let it go in a while. If King Wu Cheng lost, it would be nice to ask a question to make things difficult for him?" Mo Ying is also a person who is afraid of chaos in the world, seeing that Murong Ya and Murong Xiang have such thoughts, she naturally wants to participate .

"That's right, he always wins alone, we are not convinced!" Such a perverted person is really...

"Hehe, okay, let's wait a while..." Seeing that Qin Zhiyan caused public anger, Su Lanzhi was a little drunk at the moment, and her mind was wandering. Seeing that everyone had this idea, she didn't stop it, but instead joined.

So, when Qin Zhiyan's side just started, Su Lanzhi's side became lively, "Ah, what is this? What a big bug!"

"Ah, Lan'er, I've climbed on your head!"

"It's so slippery, I'm going to fall!"

"This snack is not bad, ah, my hand slipped!"

"Be careful, King Wu Cheng, it seems that you threw it crookedly!"

"Oops, is the pot about to be poured?"


I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, as long as Qin Zhiyan throws the pot, there will definitely be a voice from Su Lanzhi's side, and it is easy to distract people's attention when he is surprised.From the corner of Qin Zhiyan's eyes, he looked at Su Lanzhi's blushing cheeks, and at the smile and interest on the other person's face. After several rounds of squeezing Murong Xiao, Qin Zhiyan's mouth showed a hint of helplessness. Finally, in the When Su Lanzhi yelled "Yunzhu, why did Xuebai run away?", Qin Zhiyan's hand seemed to have paused, lacking in strength, the arrow was not thrown in, and it happened several times in the next few times. Murong Xiao finally With a difference of one arrow, with an advantage of seven to six, he narrowly defeated Qin Zhiyan.

Looking at his pot, and then at Qin Zhiyan's pot, Murong Xiao finally won after countless times of miserable defeats and punishments. At this moment, he seemed to be in disbelief that he had won, thinking that he was just drinking Too much, my eyes were dazzled, I looked at the pot, blinked my eyes several times, as if I was confirming something.In the end, Murong Ya couldn't stand it any longer, walked to Murong Xiao's side, looked at Murong Xiao earnestly, and felt that her elder brother really couldn't bear the big responsibility, "Brother, don't look, You do have one more than King Wu Cheng, King Wu Cheng, you are punished with wine!"

"Okay!" Originally planning to take the peach blossom wine on the table, but never thought about it, Yunzhu handed the three bowls of wine directly in front of him. Qin Zhiyan was suddenly surprised, "Miss Su, what is this?" Looking at Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan was a little puzzled.

Didn't you say that if you lose, you will be fined a cup?Why are there three bowls?And this wine seems to be quite strong.

"Ahem, that, King Wu Cheng, you also know that you lost everyone badly today. Look, the big cousin is drunk and can't tell the winner. Now everyone is drunk, but you are sober , so everyone unanimously decided that your fine wine should be three times more, and I heard that your drinking capacity is very good, we specially prepared this old wine for you, this autumn wind wine has a rich and mellow taste, I believe King Wu Cheng will like it It's because Qin Zhiyan has won too much, and everyone is a little unconvinced, so this rare opportunity is naturally to deal with Qin Zhiyan well.

Qin Zhiyan looked at Su Lanzhi's smiling face, his eyes were full of cunning, he naturally knew that after drinking this wine, he would get drunk easily, and he would have to be punished later, so it would definitely not be so easy.But seeing that Su Lanzhi was happy, he was also happy to play with everyone, so he didn't refuse, "In this case, I want to taste the legendary Autumn Brew." When it comes to Autumn Brew, it is extremely strong Wine, and it has a lot of stamina, it is easy to get drunk, let alone this full five big bowls.It can be seen that Su Lanzhi and the others intend to make things difficult.

"Hehe, King Wu Cheng, please!"

"Okay!" On weekdays, Qin Zhiyan would definitely not be so indulgent, but today is Su Lanzhi's birthday, and Qin Zhiyan wanted to make Su Lanzhi happy, so he drank it without saying a word.

One bowl in one breath, and three bowls in three breaths, almost without a drop left. Everyone looked at Qin Zhiyan, and they really adored him now.

"King Wu Cheng is really massive!" Even Su Lanzhi was a little frightened, seeing Qin Zhiyan's face was not red and his heart was beating, and he was not affected at all. Several women exchanged glances, thinking , Am I being too kind, or should I change it to something stronger?

But the matter is a foregone conclusion, they can't go back on their promises, so they can only let it go, and make eye contact with each other, Qin Zhiyan is not in a hurry, but quietly uses his inner strength to relieve the alcohol in his body, looking at everyone's expressions, Still gentle, still calm.

This guy is really not human!

Everyone in my heart was a little surprised. Su Lanzhi and the others finally discussed a countermeasure, and someone told Murong Xiao. Qin Zhiyan didn't point out the actions of the few people. He just looked at Murong Xiao and asked, "Xiao How do you plan to punish me?"

"Hehe, King Wu Cheng, it's rare for you to lose once. Naturally, you have to come up with a big one, otherwise it would be in vain. I just drank so much wine and was fined so many times." Qin Zhiyan was a little bit to him just now. You're welcome, Murong Xiao is already a little unsteady at this moment, his face is red, and his eyes are a little confused, but fortunately his mind is still clear, otherwise the competition just now was really useless.

"Then how do Brother Xiao want to play?" He also guessed that everyone would play a big one, Qin Zhiyan was well prepared and wasn't afraid.

As long as everyone is happy today, he is also a rare indulgence, so don't worry about it too much.

"Hehe, King Wu Cheng's painting is very good. Today is my cousin's birthday. Why don't King Wu Cheng just draw a painting!" This request is very simple, but Qin Zhiyan knows that it will not be so simple Just like, "Oh? It's that simple?"

"That's definitely not it." Smiling, Murong Xiao's eyes flickered with interest, motioning for people to prepare pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and then pointed to the table not far away, "Wu Chengwang is going to draw there, but... ..." Pointing to the pen and ink in front of him again, "You have to sharpen this ink yourself, and you have to dip ink here to paint there. Straight, don't bend, or you will have to go again, what do you think, King Wu Cheng?" After speaking, he looked at Qin Zhiyan rather amusedly, Qin Zhiyan just drank three bowls of strong wine, and he has enough stamina , I have to walk back and forth in a straight line, and I have to draw. I believe I will faint soon.

Qin Zhiyan's paintings have always been well-known. Today, if this painting is painted under such circumstances, it must be shameful. When they collect it, there will be many opportunities to blackmail Qin Zhiyan.

Thinking of this, Murong Xiao felt very relieved, even with himself being so drunk that he couldn't stand still, he also felt that it was worth it.

Qin Zhiyan did not expect that several people came up with such a tricky idea, a helpless smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and looked at Su Lanzhi from the corner of his eyes, quite helpless, Su Lanzhi felt Qin Zhiyan's gaze , turned his face away, pretending not to see, Qin Zhiyan was not annoyed, looked at Murong Xiao and nodded, "Yes, just what do you want to draw?"

"Wu Chengwang can draw whatever he likes. Anyway, he has to paint well, otherwise he will lose the reputation of Wu Chengwang, which is not good." Qin Zhiyan's paintings can be said to be hard to come by, and the paintings are extremely beautiful. Well, many people want it but may not be able to get it. Today, I'm afraid it's really a bit of a mystery. Murong Xiao actually wants to see Qin Zhiyan make a fool of himself.

"Okay, can we start then?"

"King Wu Cheng, please!" Seeing that Qin Zhiyan agreed, they ordered people to bring tables and chairs and simply sat down. They sat by the fire, talking and laughing, eating snacks, chatting, Occasionally, I saw Qin Zhiyan coming to dip his ink, but he kept reminding, "King Wu Cheng, be careful, you made a detour."

"Wu Chengwang, but the painting is finished, we have to wait anxiously."

"Wu Chengwang, do you want to come over and have a rest and have something to eat?"


It seems to be intentionally disturbing Qin Zhiyan. When Qin Zhiyan is drawing or walking, everyone will divert his attention and disturb him deliberately. If Qin Zhiyan's concentration is not enough, Are you afraid that you won't be able to calm down long ago?

He didn't care about the disturbance of Murong Xiao and the others, Qin Zhiyan painted quietly, what he painted was exactly the scene in this courtyard, but he never knew how to draw people, so he just painted the scenery, and finally finished the painting, Qin Zhiyan looked at Su Lanzhi thoughtfully, and finally, in the painting, he vaguely mentioned a sentence, "People searched for him thousands of times, but when I looked back, that person was deep in the snow." It was also his The painting skill is superb, in that snow-white scenery, under the inscription, you can vaguely see the blurred outline of a woman, but this requires a certain perspective and sensitivity, otherwise you can only see layers of snow covered Numbers give people a sense of tranquility and beauty.

After finishing the picture, Qin Zhiyan smiled in satisfaction, and named the painting, "Snow and Sun Warmth", and then finished the work. Murong Ya and the others who were sitting not far away saw Qin Zhiyan stop Putting down the movements in his hand, he hurried over to look at it, and when he saw the picture drawn by Qin Zhiyan, Murong Ya didn't have any artistic skills, so he asked directly, "Why do the scenes in this picture look familiar to me? "

"Yeah, I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it." Murong Xiang also felt familiar, touched her chin, frowned, and seemed to be trying hard, but she couldn't think of it.

"Hey, isn't this the yard?" Luckily, Mo Ying has sharp eyes and found out that this painting is the same as where they are staying right now?As soon as she said this, everyone understood, "As soon as you said that, I could see it. It's not the place where we are, but it really looks like it. It's just why I drew the place where we were sitting just now, but didn't draw us. Where are the people?" Although the painting is very good, Murong Ya feels that it is still a bit monotonous, without the embellishment of people, the snow-white scenery still doesn't seem so lively.

"Miss Murong, I'm good at landscape painting, I rarely draw people!" Qin Zhiyan's rule, anyone who is familiar with him knows that he never draws people in paintings, but he thinks that there is no one worthy of his painting Forget it, to the outside world, he only said that he was good at landscapes, so that no one would ask him to draw people.

What he wants to paint is always the person in his heart, because only when he really cares about him can he discover the perfect side of the other person.

"Hehe, is that right? That's me being abrupt!" She smiled embarrassingly, and Murong Ya really felt a little embarrassed.

What's wrong with her, what's wrong with asking, why did she ask this?

Did this person draw it casually?

"Miss Murong, you don't need to worry about it, it's fine!" Seeing Murong Ya's embarrassment, Qin Zhiyan gave the other party a soothing expression, looked at Murong Xiao and asked, "But are you satisfied?"

"Well, it's very good, the artistic conception is very good." I have to admit that even though Qin Zhiyan drank so much spirits, he is still as stable as Mount Tai at the moment, and his paintings are still at a normal level, which Murong Xiao really admires .

"Wu Chengwang's landscape painting is very good. The artistic conception of this yard is beautifully drawn, and the feeling of the snow scene is also drawn. Miss Su, this is your yard, what do you think?" Luo Jia looked at it. Su Lanzhi felt that the painting was so beautiful that people couldn't help but be fascinated by the scenery.

"Well, it's really beautiful."

"Wu Chengwang, you took this painting, but you still want to give it away?" Mo Ying joked, seeing that Qin Zhiyan painted this instead of painting, she was also a little curious.

"That's right, King Wu Cheng, you are painting Miss Su's courtyard, but are you planning to give it away?" The implication in Luo Jia's words is obvious. Qin Zhiyan painted the courtyard of the prime minister's mansion, so logically He said that it would be inappropriate to take it back, and it would be best to give it to Su Lanzhi as a joke.

"Hehe, Ms. Su doesn't seem very satisfied with the white fox I gave you just now. I wonder if, with this painting, Ms. Su will be satisfied with the gift I gave you today?" Qin Zhiyan said when he drew this painting. , I prepared to give it to Su Lanzhi, and now I naturally climbed up the pole, just to give my heart to Su Lanzhi, and when Su Lanzhi found out one day, I can understand his heart now.

He was looking forward to that day very much, and hoped that he wouldn't be made to wait too long.

"Miss Su, King Wucheng is really generous today. I heard that his painting is hard to come by. Miss Su, you should accept it!" Some of his calligraphy and paintings are very precious, today he took the initiative to give it to Su Lanzhi, everyone naturally persuaded Su Lanzhi to take it.

"Yes, Ms. Su, the artistic conception of this painting is very good, and it is a painting of your own yard. It is also very beautiful to look at in the house. It will be easy to put it away when the time comes, it is very good!"


Everyone persuaded Su Lanzhi, and Su Lanzhi had no choice but to bite the bullet and accept it, and told Yunzhu to look at the painting carefully, and put it away in a while. Su Lanzhi had to thank Qin Zhiyan again, "Let me let you go today." King Wu Cheng spent a lot of money, thank you!"

"We're all friends, you're welcome!" He smiled indifferently, Qin Zhiyan was very happy and satisfied when he gave away two things today.

"Oh, well, don't thank me anymore, today you are a birthday star, and you deserve all of these." It was also because I had a lot of contact with Qin Zhiyan today, and everyone felt that Qin Zhiyan seemed It wasn't that far away, so the words gradually became a little more impolite, very casual.

Qin Zhiyan doesn't care either, what he wants is to join Su Lanzhi's circle, suck Su Lanzhi into his world little by little, and gradually adapt to each other's existence in this way, so that at the end of the sympathy, this Although the process is a bit far away, he has plenty of time and patience!

It's just a long battle, he has long been used to it.


Today everyone came back having a good time, it gets dark early in winter, Murong Ya and the others originally wanted to play for a while, but because it was too late to go back, they had to leave after dinner, reluctantly before parting She told Su Lanzhi to go to the Jingbei Hou Mansion to write more letters when she had time, and finally Murong Ya and the others staggered away, looking a little drunk.But judging from everyone's satisfied smiles, today I was drunk and very happy.

After seeing off Murong Ya and the others, Qin Zhiyan was the last to get in the car. Looking at Su Lanzhi's blushing face, Qin Zhiyan's face was full of tenderness, and Su Lanzhi's pampering was clearly visible in his eyes , Su Lanzhi only felt that she wanted to get closer, but thinking of what happened in her previous life, she was a little scared again.

"King Wucheng, it's getting late." Reminding Qin Zhiyan that it's time to leave, Qin Zhiyan knew that Su Lanzhi still hadn't fully opened his heart, but Su Lanzhi is now willing to face him with sincerity, he is already very satisfied up.

"I drank a lot of wine today, so I'll drink some hangover soup later, so that I won't get a headache tomorrow!" He couldn't help but utter the words of concern, Qin Zhiyan's eyes were obviously spoiled, with such a light, he looked Su Lanzhi only felt a little dazzling in front of her eyes.

"Well, I got it." It was obviously the simplest words of concern, but why did she feel sweet in her heart, and even hotter on her face?

What's wrong with her?Why did he become a little swayed because of one or two words from the other party?

"Tomorrow, I'll send someone to bring some snow-white food. You just raised them. If you don't know how to do it or don't understand it, you can send someone to ask me." Sending the white fox, Qin Zhiyan admitted that he had a plan After such a back and forth, the two of them have more contacts, and naturally it is easier to develop a relationship.

"Trouble King Wu Cheng." Naturally, Su Lanzhi would not refuse the other party's kindness.It is indeed the first time for her to raise a white fox, and she doesn't know many things about it.

"No trouble, Xuebai is given to you by me, and I have the responsibility to help you take good care of it." Smiling, Qin Zhiyan's face showed a kindness and tenderness that is rare in ordinary days, looking at the woman in front of him , I just wish I could take the other party directly into my arms, so as to prevent her beauty from being peeped by others.

It's just a pity, under the secular confinement, he can't embrace the other party regardless of etiquette, but looking at it like this, it's also very good.

"Thank you very much." For some reason, she became familiar with Qin Zhiyan. Su Lanzhi looked at the handsome face in front of her, and knew that this was the husband-in-law that many women yearned for. He was excellent, perfect, gentle, and amiable. Such a man, if he treats someone sincerely, would that person be extremely happy?

"Then I'll go first, and I'll come to Xiangfu again when I'm free in a few days!" Even if you don't want to give up, it's not good to stay here all the time, so as not to let everyone watch and talk about Su Lanzhi's love Bad reputation.

"Well, King Wu Cheng, go slowly!"

"You go back first, it's cold!" This time, he turned around very directly, and King Wu Cheng got into his carriage. Seeing Murong Xiao's expression that seemed to be a half-smile, Qin Zhiyan gave him a shallow smile back, Gu Zi sat down and didn't pay much attention to Murong Xiao.

"Hehe, why did King Wu Cheng grow up so slowly? But what do you have to say to Miss Su?" With a hint of teasing, Murong Xiao looked at Qin Zhiyan and his calm look, but felt itchy in his heart Yes, if you don't play tricks on the other party, he will feel uncomfortable.

"It's just talking about some white things. You also know that Miss Su raised foxes for the first time, and there are some things she doesn't understand." Opening his mouth lightly, Qin Zhiyan has recovered his usual warmth at this moment, elegant and dusty, but The upward arc of his mouth showed his good mood.The rare emotion was revealed, but it was because of the person he loved in his heart. Seeing Qin Zhiyan's serious look, Murong Xiao had many questions in his heart, just like that cat's paw. He was very curious, but he couldn't get the result. Everyone seemed a little depressed.

Although this person is his good friend, he thinks he understands a little bit, but he has never seen through him.

Everyone said that King Wucheng was as gentle as jade, kind and courteous, and easy to get along with, but what about the truth?Who knows what this man is thinking?How many people can really gain the trust of each other?

Others don't know, but he and Qin Zhiyan have known each other for so long, can't they see anything?

After all, this person is a sheep in fox fur. He looks gentle and harmless, but he is actually the most treacherous and treacherous. Otherwise, why did he find this incident weird?But I can't tell what it feels like?

This feeling of powerlessness is just something he often encounters here at Qin Zhiyan's place.

"Hehe, King Wucheng's gift today is really thoughtful, and it is very tight!" Murong Xiao wanted to say this a long time ago, but there was no real evidence before.However, after a day of careful inspection, Murong Xiao really felt that Qin Zhiyan treated Su Lanzhi differently, and his words at this moment were naturally for the purpose of testing.

How can I say that Su Lanzhi is his eldest cousin, and his family loves her so much. You have to figure out what the person in front of you is thinking.After all, Prince Qin's mansion is not as peaceful as their mansion!

Hey, it is inevitable that he has to worry again, he is just a hard worker!

"Hehe, it's just a coincidence. It's because I was lucky today that I was able to buy such a beautiful fox." With a smile, Qin Zhiyan kept a calm attitude towards Murong Xiao's temptation.

Although he is bound to win Su Lanzhi, but now everything is not foregone, Qin Zhiyan does not want to bring any trouble to Su Lanzhi, let alone any unfavorable rumors.

Although Murong Xiao is trustworthy, walls have ears, so one should be more careful in everything.

"Hehe, indeed, King Wucheng's luck today is indeed rare." Seeing that Qin Zhiyan didn't seem to want to delve deeper into this topic, Murong Xiao lost his meaning.

Today, I vaguely discovered Qin Zhiyan's thoughts on Su Lanzhi, and everything was just Murong Xiao's unilateral guesswork. I wanted to test Qin Zhiyan and see what Qin Zhiyan said, so as to confirm my guess.However, the other party remained calm as usual, and lightly pushed back all his temptations. Murong Xiao knew that he would not be able to ask any more questions today, but he did not give up and asked, "Hehe, this white fox is really cute. It’s tight, Ya’er and the others are pestering me for it. King Wu Cheng, do you know where I can find such a pure white fox, so that I, an older brother, can give it to my younger sister as a gift, so as not to be dishonest, when the time comes I will definitely thank you very well!" Pretending to be right?I'd like to see how long you can pretend!

"Young Brother Xiao might as well go to the market tomorrow and ask, maybe there will be Orion that sells furs. If Brother Xiao has the opportunity and luck I have today, maybe you will meet better ones then." To Murong Xiao Qin Zhiyan's attitude was still calm, and the answers he gave were formal and strict, which made people really confused and confused, and what's more, it made people even more confused.

False and real, real and false, it is really a thing that people can't see through.

Murong Xiao secretly scolded Qin Zhiyan the old fox in his heart, but there was still a smile on his face, "Then Wucheng Wang Mingri, is there time to accompany me for a walk? I almost forgot about the Orion today, but look at him It looks like it will produce good products. We will go to bang bang tomorrow! Maybe it will be as you said, and I will meet better ones." What happened today is too coincidental, but tricky, Murong Xiao just figured it out, and he could take this opportunity to figure it out properly.

"Since Brother Xiao wants to go, I will naturally go with you. But judging by the way Orion looks like, he doesn't seem to go to the market often. Let's try our luck tomorrow!" Murong Xiao originally thought Qin Zhiyan There was a ghost in his heart, so he would refuse, but he agreed without hesitation. Murong Xiao looked at Qin Zhiyan who was so reckless, and couldn't get any words out. He felt a little depressed, knowing that Qin Zhiyan His opponent, he couldn't ask anything today, so he stopped talking in vain, "Well, let's go and see tomorrow!"

He still doesn't believe it, he really can't find any clues?

Qin Zhiyan's thoughts are meticulous and difficult to guess. Murong Xiao had some doubts today, so he had to make sure of it, so he could rest assured.

"En." Nodding his head, Qin Zhiyan knew that Murong Xiao was concerned about Su Lanzhi, so he wanted to be sure.But he has his own principles, and he has to consider for Su Lanzhi, so naturally he won't say it.

It's good that he and Su Lanzhi knew each other about this matter. As for other people, it's better to keep it a secret for the time being, otherwise there will be ears in the wall, and it will fall into the ears of those who are interested, and Su Lanzhi will suffer.

Qin Zhiyan knew his own situation. His marriage had always been calculated by others. He had been cautious all these years. Now that he had someone he wanted to protect, he naturally had to be even more careful.

When Murong Xiao saw that Qin Zhiyan stopped talking, he just closed his eyes and rested his mind, so he didn't want to disturb him anymore. He drank a lot of wine today, and he was already a little dizzy, but he looked at Qin Zhiyan like a normal person In the same way, if Murong Xiao said he wasn't jealous, it was really impossible.

Such strong wine didn't make him drunk, and he couldn't get anything out. His heart was really itchy, as if a cat's paw was scratching, it was really uncomfortable!

How much does this man mean to his eldest cousin?Hey, I hope my guess is right?For a person like this, it's better to stay in your own home, but don't make it cheaper for someone else.

Although he was disappointed in his heart, compared to Qin Zhiyan's liking for someone else, Murong Xiao was more able to accept Qin Zhiyan's crush on Su Lanzhi. After all, they were all family members, and Su Lanzhi was indeed much better than Murong Ya. The two are also a match made in heaven.

However, if King Wu Cheng really likes his eldest cousin, wouldn't there be more to wait?

Thinking about Qin Zhiyan's age and Su Lanzhi's age along the way, Murong Xiao had to say that he was entangled.


When they arrived at the fork in the road, Murong Xiao went back and left by car with Murong Ya and the others. Qin Zhiyan returned to Prince Qin's Mansion, and went straight back to his yard as soon as he entered.As soon as the front foot entered his yard, Qin Wangfei came back. Qin Zhiyan looked at Qin Wangfei's expression of interest, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless, "Mother, why are you here?" At this time, shouldn't the mother and concubine Is father and king together?Did the two of them cultivate their relationship with each other?How did you come to him?Father won't stop?

"Your father is in the military camp today. There are some things to deal with. If you don't come back, I'll come to see you!" He sat down with a smile, and looked at Qin Zhiyan's face as usual, but Qin Wangfei was very keen. The smell of alcohol in the stock, "Have you been drinking?"

"Well, I drank a little bit." Qin Zhiyan has a good capacity for drinking, and he can use martial arts to break up the wine, so although he drank a lot, he looked like a normal person, and he didn't really get drunk .

"Come on, go and make some sober soup for the little prince!" Smiling, she pulled Qin Zhiyan to sit down. Qin Wangfei looked at Qin Zhiyan and seemed to be in a good mood today. As a mother's intuition, she knew that there must be something good going on. What happened, "Yan'er? Today is Miss Su's birthday, but it's a lot of fun? Did you have a good time?" Step by step, don't let the child wake up, so as not to tell her anything.

"Well, it's very interesting. The people who went were all acquaintances, so I had a good time." He never liked excitement, but the people who went today were very different from the people he met before, and he liked it very much. The atmosphere like that is not deliberate, but sincere.

"Then what gift did you give today? Does Miss Su like it?" Princess Qin originally wanted to help her son with what gift, but Qin Zhiyan has been elusive these days, and Princess Qin had no chance to help, so she asked Qin Zhiyan Not to mention, Princess Qin has endured it for a long time, and today she finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"I should like it." Although Su Lanzhi refused before, but later, didn't she also like it?

"It's good if I like it. I've seen you riri go out early and come back late these days, and I was worried that you didn't know what to give. Now I feel relieved." It's the first time my son has enlightened, and as a mother, I am also worried, lest Qin Zhiyan did something that Su Lanzhi didn't like, and her daughter-in-law would fly away.

"Mother Concubine, did you come here in a hurry just to ask this?" Qin Zhiyan looked at Princess Qin helplessly, and Qin Zhiyan also knew that Princess Qin cared about him, but this was too obvious?

"Hehe, I just want to ask, to see how you are doing today, it would be nice to see you happy." Princess Qin knows that Qin Zhiyan is a person with her own opinions, and Su Ri doesn't like to talk to her about everything. He said that today she asked too many questions, and Qin Zhiyan might be disgusted, so he wisely didn't ask, "Of course, I stopped by, and I also want to tell you that your father and king have already discussed the day of the banquet." Yes, in a few days, the first snow will just fall, and the flowers in the greenhouse will be in bloom. I have almost prepared for these few days, and I will invite everyone to the palace as guests in three days. Let it be delivered by you, okay?" Although it would be fine to send the posts to the servants, but it is better to let the family members go, which represents respect and hospitality.

"Well, when the post is ready, give it to me, and I'll send it when I'm free!"

"It's already written, you can find time to go there, but you must invite Mrs. Su and Miss Su!" I have said many times that I want Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi to come to the palace, but it's just something that happened in the past half a year There were a lot of them, and in the end, the Prime Minister simply closed the door to thank the guests, and she didn't look for an opportunity. This time, this opportunity was rare, so everyone got together.

"Well, concubine mother, thank you for your hard work." Looking at Princess Qin, Qin Zhiyan said in his heart that he was not grateful or moved, that was a lie.

Concubine Qin is a princess from another country. Although she has a husband and children in Dacang these years, it is inevitable that she still has some discomfort.In addition, all the people Princess Qin knew were in Nanzhao, and in Dacang, Princess Qin had very few real friendships, and Princess Qin was not a troublesome person, so she hardly held a banquet in these years, and other people's banquets were also Few participated.

Concubine Qin did this because she wanted to be quiet, and she didn't want to associate with those people she didn't like, but now she worked hard to prepare a banquet for him, and invited so many people, so she must be busy at that time.Concubine Qin didn't need to be so troublesome, but for him, she chose trouble. Qin Zhiyan was grateful and guilty in his heart, and made up his mind in his heart. He must let Concubine Qin live well and protect Concubine Qin well. , Never let Princess Qin suffer the slightest bit of harm and grievance.

"Silly boy, Prince Qin's Mansion has been quiet for many years. It's not good to keep away from the outside world. Today, I just took this opportunity to be lively. In case the Prince Qin's Mansion is too quiet, many people forget our It exists." She smiled indifferently, Princess Qin used to be afraid of trouble, but now for her son, Princess Qin is willing to trouble.

It is also good for Duoduo to walk around with the big family. Although King Qin has a high position and authority, he has the trust of Emperor Wen, but Emperor Wen is getting old now, and it is not clear who will succeed him in the future.Their Prince Qin's Mansion can't even tell what the new emperor's attitude will be towards them at that time, and the future prosperity, wealth, safety and security are also uncertain.Therefore, it is also good to consolidate your network now and prepare for the future.

It is impossible for Emperor Wen to be their eternal support. Now they are safe and sound, but in the future, who knows?

"Mother Concubine..." Looking at Princess Qin helplessly, Qin Zhiyan knew that Princess Qin never cared about these things.She was originally a noble princess, and all she wanted since childhood was to just open her mouth. Concubine Qin never had to deliberately please others, let alone put down her figure, but now she did too much for him. Qin Zhiyan was really moved by what he did.

"Okay, don't try to be lazy when the time comes, but you need to help. This time I invited a lot of people. Princess Qin hasn't been this lively for a long time. It's good to let everyone take a look. Otherwise, some people will be arrogant. " Speaking of this, Qin Wangfei meant something, and now that Emperor Wen is getting old, the faction among the princes seems to be getting more and more serious.The throne of Qin is high and powerful, and he holds a heavy army. Naturally, everyone wants to win each other over. However, the king of Qin does not sell anyone's face. The trust in King Qin has never diminished, otherwise King Qin would be in some trouble.

"Mother, don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you and father!" The mother and father are the people he cares about the most. Qin Zhiyan has made up his mind to guard the palace since he was very young. , Guarding his parents, not letting them get hurt.

"I know you are a filial child. I have loved you for nothing all these years!" Seeing her son getting taller and more handsome, he is no longer the crying baby when he was young. This child has given her peace of mind since childhood. After I became sensible, I never cried again, and even some things were gradually buried in my heart, and my thoughts became deep and difficult to guess.

She knew that she was not a qualified mother and failed to give the child a stable and stable home, so she let the child mature prematurely. For this, Princess Qin felt ashamed.It is precisely because of this guilt that Princess Qin has always wanted to treat Qin Zhiyan well and make up for her childhood regrets as much as possible.

Now that the child is finally interested in someone, how can she not help?

"Mother Concubine..." Qin Zhiyan smiled when he saw Princess Qin's eyes moved, "It's getting late, Mother Concubine should go back to rest earlier, or she won't be in good spirits tomorrow."

"Okay, I see you drink the hangover soup before going to bed!" At this moment, the hangover soup has just been cooked, and Qin Wangfei watched Qin Zhiyan drink it with her own eyes, so she was relieved, "You also go to bed early, today After drinking, I have a good rest, so I don't have to get up early tomorrow to pay my respects."

"Mother, don't worry, I drink very well, so I won't get drunk!"

"Even if you don't get drunk, you have to pay attention to your body. Get some rest earlier, and I'll go back too!" Princess Qin left, but Qin Zhiyan didn't move. He just sat at the table, his thoughts seemed to be drifting away. Yan looked at the darkness outside the window, and clenched his fist tightly, "Mother, don't worry, I will protect you! No one can hurt you, and no one can hurt Qin Wangfu!"

This is his home, and there are people he cares about, so he won't let anyone disturb their peace!

no way!

There was a glint of light in his eyes, and that light seemed a bit cautious in those dark pupils. Qin Zhiyan has always been gentle, and his face is always soft. Such a cold and hard expression is rare. If others see it, I'm afraid To be surprised.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I am Su Lanzhi sending off guests, the dividing line at night

"Miss, are you tired today? You drank a lot of wine. This is the hangover soup that Madam made for you. Miss will sleep after drinking it, so as not to get a headache tomorrow!" Yunzhu carefully held a bowl of soup, Su Lan Zhi smelled the smell, frowned and drank it, "Although this peach blossom wine is not intoxicating, but if you drink too much, you will still feel a little euphoric."

"Isn't it? Today, the servant girl looked at Miss Ya and they were all drunk, and even Master Xiao's footsteps were a little vain. It seems that this peach blossom wine is not suitable for drinking too much." Thinking about what happened today, Yue Tao A smile appeared on his face.

Miss has not been so wanton for a long time. It seems that Miss is right to spend more time with her peers. The smile on Miss's face today is much more than usual.

"Yeah, Miss Xiang is so drunk today that she is talking nonsense. It seems that she is also a light drinker, but Wu Chengwang is really good. Then there is nothing abnormal about the three bowls of autumn wind. It's huge." Qiu Shuang couldn't help admiring Qin Zhiyan's face from the beginning to the end, thinking of how few people there were.

"King Wu Cheng is indeed powerful. I don't know if he will be drunk or what he will look like when he is drunk. I am afraid that such a calm and steady person will seldom get drunk?" Chun Nuan teased Su Lanzhi with a smile. The veil was wet, Su Lanzhi took it and wiped her face, watching the maids talking one by two, she didn't speak, just listened quietly.

"By the way, miss, what do you plan to do with the white fox and the painting sent by King Wu Cheng?" Qin Zhiyan was also generous today, sending two things, both cute and elegant, and good thought.

It's just that I don't know if King Wu Cheng has such a heart for their young lady?

Such an excellent man, if he really likes their lady, then it should be another good story?

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