The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 190 Worries and Temptations

() The maids naturally hope that Su Lanzhi will be well. After all, they and Su Lanzhi are sitting in the same boat. When Su Lanzhi is well, they will be well, and they are loyal to Su Lanzhi. I hope that Su Lanzhi will be happy.Shu Shu

Therefore, Qiushuang and others have the same opinion as many people. They think that Qin Zhiyan is a rare benefactor, not to mention his gentle temperament, and his family background is prominent. Princess Qin is easy to get along with. In the future, the problems between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will also be difficult. not big.What's more, the population of King Qin's mansion is much simpler than that of other aristocratic families. There are no old people from the ancestors in the family, and the King of Qin only has Princess Qin and a side concubine. A simple person, in a big family, is already very simple.

The relationship between aristocratic families is intricate and complicated, and one has to look forward and backward and be cautious in doing things, and the communication between people is also troublesome. If there are more sisters in the family, more brothers and sisters-in-law, naturally there will be more conflicts and fights.So if it is possible, Prince Qin's Mansion is really a good choice. Apart from being prominent in status, Prince Qin's Mansion will be relatively free. There are no old people in the family, so there are naturally not many rules, and queen mothers in the palace are not common. To, so there are not many people who need to ask for security, so it couldn't be better.

However, Qiu Shuang and the others knew this in their hearts, but they would not tell Su Lanzhi. After all, Su Lanzhi hadn't reached the age yet, and she and Qin Zhiyan were both unmarried and unmarried. Pull it together to avoid trouble.

Su Lanzhi can more or less understand the thoughts of the maids, so it's up to everyone to say that Qin Zhiyan is good in front of her intentionally or unintentionally. Most of the time, she pretends that she didn't hear it and doesn't care. , "The white fox, you will take care of Qiushuang. There is still some meat in the kitchen. You can feed it a little first and see if it eats. Prepare a nest for it to live in, just warmer. As for Wu The painting that King Cheng gave you, just put it away." Qin Zhiyan's thoughts, Su Lanzhi understood after so many contacts, that man has never hidden anything from her, and even wished to She saw the same thing, no matter how dull Su Lanzhi was, she understood.

It's just that she was hurt so badly in her previous life, she had already lost the ability to trust and love someone. In her previous life, she loved Qin Yan so hard, and what she got was nothing more than an ending where her soul could not be saved. Now , are also the children of the royal family, although Qin Zhiyan and Qin Yan are different, but, who knows, will he change?

Since ancient times, men have been fickle, and there have been very few normal ones, and those who have been hurt and disadvantaged are always women.She finally escaped that cage, really, do you want to jump again?

There was some hesitation in her heart, but today, seeing that Qin Zhiyan could understand her, Su Lanzhi felt a little bit confused and hesitant.

It is said that one person can understand another person with his heart, so did Qin Zhiyan put his heart into her?So can you understand her sadness and hesitation?Will he go to enlighten her?

There was some doubt in her heart, and reason told her that she shouldn't trust a man casually, but her heart seemed a little involuntary.

Seeing Qiushuang carefully holding the white fox and preparing to leave, Su Lanzhi saw the white fox's eyes, like the pearls in the deep sea, dark and bright, with an innocent innocence, Su Lanzhi suddenly wanted to hug , "Wait, Qiushuang!"

"What's the matter, Miss?"

"Give me Xuebai, and, go to the kitchen and bring some meat, I'll feed it!" No matter how hard her heart is, there seems to be a touch of special softness. Su Lanzhi took Xuebai's soft body and stroked it. Xuebai's soft hair, seeing Xuebai's guard against her, smiled, "Xuebai, are you hungry? Don't be picky eaters for a while!" A little worried about Xuebai's picky eaters, Su Lanzhi asked Qiushuang to go to the kitchen to prepare different meat They all prepared a copy, and when Qiushuang brought it, Su Lanzhi felt the snow-white body tremble in her arms, and her eyes became a little brighter, she couldn't help but smiled, "It seems like a little greedy cat, Qiushuang, give me the meat!" After saying that, he carefully picked up a piece of rabbit meat with chopsticks, Xue Bai ate it without saying a word, it looked extraordinarily sweet.

"I thought this white fox was difficult to raise, and it seems that he is not picky about food!" Qiushuang felt relieved when she saw that Xuebai was not picky about food, and waited on her carefully. Su Lanzhi patiently fed Xuebai, every meat After trying all of them, I found that Xuebai seems to like eating rabbit meat and fish meat the most.After patiently trying every kind of meat, Su Lanzhi told Qiushuang, "Let the kitchen prepare more rabbit meat and fish in the future, and feed them in three meals a day."

"Miss, I got it." Seeing that Su Lanzhi had an extra night shift, Qiushuang and the others were happy to see her.

Their young lady is good at everything, but her temperament is a bit dull. Sometimes, she can read or embroider all by herself without even saying a word. This is really not good.

The young lady is not very old, and she is not yet old enough, so it is better to be cheerful and lively.


Su Lanzhi fed Xuebai well, and seeing Xuebai treat her, she seemed to be less guarded. Su Lanzhi knew that it was because of the effect of her own feeding. After thinking about it, she continued to order, "I'll come here these few days. Feed it, so you can get acquainted with it." Xuebai is still very young, a fox cub, probably not even a year old, and now is the time when he feels insecure.Having just arrived in a new place, many things are a little scary, and it can be seen that she is very uneasy. It is time for her to cultivate a relationship with the other party.

It is also convenient for the white fox to get acquainted with her existence first, and then to feed it later.

It was originally intended to be thrown to Qiushuang, but Su Lanzhi didn't know what to do, so she planned to feed it herself, but seeing Xuebai's enjoyment, and the dependence on herself in her eyes, although she felt that she was like this It met Qin Zhiyan's wishes, but Su Lanzhi didn't regret it.

In fact, apart from the fact that this thing was given by Qin Zhiyan, Su Lanzhi thinks this white fox is really cute, and the round eyeballs have a simplicity that Su Lanzhi doesn't have, which makes Su Lanzhi always feel a little bit unbearable. Live happily.

"Miss also said that Xuebai needs to be fed by Miss herself, so that she will get close to Miss in the future. Miss Surrey is always alone, and with Xuebai's company, the room will be much more lively." Seeing that Su Lanzhi likes this white fox , Qiushuang was also happy, Xuebai had finished eating, so she put away the things, Su Lanzhi and Xuebai played for a while, looking a little tired, so she asked Qiushuang to go down and put Xuebai in place, ready to go to bed.


A good night's sleep, Su Lanzhi seemed to have a good dream that night, the dream was full of warm soft light, in the confusion, Su Lanzhi only felt that there was something pulling her in front of her eyes, she tried her best to get closer, closer, I just feel that if I get close to it, I will get a different life. When I finally get close, in a sea of ​​flowers, Su Lanzhi sees a piece of white clothes in the distance, and tries hard to catch up. Wait until the person turns around. At that time, Su Lanzhi looked at the other party's smiling face, and was shocked.

Before he had time to take a closer look at that person, Su Lanzhi felt his face was itchy, frowned, and stretched out his hand to shake off the itching thing, but touched a piece of softness, Su Lanzhi felt Strange, when she opened her eyes, she saw Xuebai staring at herself with those round eyes, licking her face with her small tongue, Su Lanzhi hadn't adapted to this situation, and it took her a long time to react.

"Okay, Xuebai, stop making trouble." Seeing that Su Lanzhi hadn't recovered, Qiushuang knew that Xuebai had disturbed Su Lanzhi, and her face was a little guilty, "Miss, Xuebai woke up very early. When they came together, they ran into your room, miss, and the servants couldn't stop them, for fear of disturbing the miss. Unexpectedly, it ran to the bed of the miss by itself..." Xuebai just came to the prime minister's mansion, and Su Lanzhi regarded it as The most familiar one. I was carried out yesterday, and I felt very uneasy when I woke up today. Naturally, I really wanted to find someone familiar. This way, I wouldn't feel scared.

"Miss, I'll take it away, and miss will sleep for a while..." Qiushuang was about to take Xuebai away after speaking. Xuebai seemed a little reluctant to part with Su Lanzhi, and grabbed the quilt with her paws. Seemingly aggrieved, she smiled and shook her head at Qiushuang, "Forget it, let it stay here, it's fine."

"But miss, are you awake?" Su Lanzhi drank alcohol yesterday, although she drank hangover soup, Qiushuang was still worried that Su Lanzhi would feel uncomfortable, "Miss, do you have a headache?"

"I'm fine. I slept soundly last night. It's time to wake up now. I have to say hello to my mother in a while. I won't sleep anymore." I touched Xuebai's head, which was soft, and looked at Xuebai lying on the bed while taking advantage of the situation. Beside her, looking at herself without blinking, Su Lanzhi smiled, got up and put on her clothes, washed up, and hugged Xuebai in her arms.Xuebai didn't reject Su Lanzhi's embrace, and lay in Su Lanzhi's embrace obediently, seeming to enjoy it very much. Qiushuang and the others felt novel when they saw it, "This Xuebai really doesn't look like she just came from The fox hunted in the wild looks very well-behaved, not wild, and easy to raise. Before, the slaves were worried that it would run away in the middle of the night, so they locked it in the house and always got up several times at night. But I never thought it was cute, never ran around, never messed with things, it really is a fox with a spirit." The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention, Su Lanzhi originally doubted Qin Zhiyan's intentions, now Seeing that Xuebai is very cute, except for a little bit of hesitation and fear yesterday, today he seems to be particularly clinging to himself.

Looking down at Xuebai, the fur is very pure, and the snow-white piece gives people a feeling of cleanliness, and is very well-behaved. Compared with wild foxes, it is indeed more quiet.

"Maybe I fed it yesterday, and it has some special feelings for me!" Whether Qin Zhiyan did it on purpose, Su Lanzhi has no way of knowing now, anyway, Murong Xiao testified to Qin Zhiyan yesterday Yes, she also took the things, and there is no way to go back on it.

But if it's really Qin Zhiyan's intention, it's also the other party's intention. Since the other party is so willing to put so much effort into her, she won't refuse.

"Well, it must be like this. See how dependent it is on Miss!" Smiling and smoothing Su Lanzhi's hair, Qiushuang nodded in satisfaction, "Miss, do you want to insert some pearl flowers?" Su When Lan Zhiping was at home, she didn't like to dress up too much, and she gradually combed her hair into a girly bun, so she didn't have too many decorations.Qiu Shuang always felt that it was too plain, which was not good.

Little girl, she should wear more bright clothes and beautiful beaded jewelry, so that she looks lively.

Their young lady is really too plain.Although she is naturally beautiful, she is extremely beautiful even without dressing up, but if she dresses up, she will look even more beautiful.

"Just three chrysanthemums, don't want too many." Su Lanzhi was in a good mood today, so she didn't disappoint Qiushuang. Qiushuang hurriedly put on pearl flowers for Su Lanzhi, and showed Su Lanzhi a mirror Take a look, "Miss, are you satisfied?"

"Well, your craftsmanship is very good, so don't look at it." Su Lanzhi in her previous life was very concerned about her appearance, and she also wanted to leave a perfect impression in front of the man she loved.But no matter how beautiful she was, she still failed to win Qin Yan's heart, so now Su Lanzhi also looked away.

Appearance is just a fleeting moment. When Ronghua passes away, it will be gone. If a person likes you and cares about you because of your appearance, then this person is not worth entrusting.Because the time of this liking is limited, when I get old, it will break up.

"Is the lady going to Madam's place now?"

"Well, it's time for mother to get up."

"Miss Xuebai, are you planning to take it with you?" Seeing that Su Lanzhi didn't put Xuebai down, Qiushuang felt a little strange.

"Well, it's good to take it with you, let it get acquainted with the environment, and get used to the Xiangfu as soon as possible, so that you don't always feel strange." Today I planned to bring students to visit, Su Lanzhi hugged happily Going out with Xuebai, Qiushuang looked at Su Lanzhi all the way, and stopped talking several times. Seeing this, Su Lanzhi stopped, "Qiu Shuang, what do you want to say? Don't always hide it." on."

"I don't have anything to say, miss, I just think that you seem to be in a good mood today." Su Lanzhi came together today, and the whole person gave people a pleasant feeling, which is rare, especially today Su The corners of Lan Zhi's mouth raised unconsciously, Qiu Shuang felt it was strange and wanted to ask, but felt that she didn't know how to ask.

"Really?" Touching her face, Su Lanzhi felt that she was in a good mood today.Is she as obvious as she appears?

"Of course it is. When the lady woke up before, she seldom smiled, but today she was smiling, and she was smiling just now. Miss, did you have such a good dream yesterday?" Otherwise, how could it be so? happy?

"Did you have a good dream?" Thinking about the dream last night, the dream was full of crabapple flowers all over the ground, the sun was shining brightly, full of vigor, and I was running happily all the time looking for something, as if I was looking for something. After searching for a long time, I found that person... Su Lanzhi recalled the scene in her dream, and an invisible shyness flashed across her face, but she hid it well, so Qiu Shuang didn't notice it, "Maybe it's a good dream, I just feel refreshed and comfortable after doing chores today.”

How could I dream of him?It's really strange.

Thinking of Qin Zhiyan in the dream, compared to what he saw in Su Ri, he seemed to be more friendly, making people feel extra friendly. What's wrong?

"Really? If it's really like this, the slave girl hopes that Miss can often have sweet dreams." In this way, it would be great for Su Lanzhi to be so happy every day, so as not to always be alone A daze is a whole morning.

"A good dream is not something you can do if you want to. Okay, let's go, or mother will be in a hurry."

"it is good!"


When he came to Yanyun Pavilion, Su Mingyang was crying so hard, Su Lanzhi quickened his pace, hearing his brother's crying, he was a little anxious, "Mother, what's wrong with Brother Yang? Why are you crying so hard?"

"It's okay, I just peed my pants. I didn't notice it just now. I guess he felt uncomfortable and cried." He washed Su Mingyang's butt and changed his diaper with a smile. Only then did he feel relieved, "Brother Yang is fine."

"Don't make a fuss, by the way, this is the white fox that King Wucheng gave you yesterday?" Looking at the white fox in Su Lanzhi's hand, it was a snow-white ball, although it was not big, it was also very cute. It sounds very flattering.

"Well, I named it Xuebai, mother, what do you think?" She leaned over to show Murong Yan Xuebai, and Murong Yan nodded, "Well, yes, King Wu Cheng has a heart, and the gift he gave is also special. , you just keep it. It’s just that this white fox is not as good as an ordinary object, so it needs to be raised well, but do you know what it eats? Do you need to ask the kitchen to buy it for it alone?”

"This guy likes to eat fish and rabbit meat, and he also likes to eat chicken. These are also prepared in the kitchen, so you don't need to buy them deliberately."

"Well, that's good. It's good to have a baby. You also have a companion on weekdays. I look good and cute."

"I see, mother." Holding Xuebai with a smile, Su Lanzhi's mouth overflowed with a smile of love. Murongyan saw Su Lanzhi's smile in her eyes, remembered something, and asked, "I heard that you Yesterday I asked King Wu Cheng to paint, and King Wu Cheng gave you the painting, did you keep it?" Asking this, Murong Yan naturally meant more than that, as a woman, she was also a smart woman, Murong Yan Yan naturally noticed that Qin Zhiyan treated Su Lanzhi differently, so she asked now because she wanted to see Su Lanzhi's attitude indirectly.

Su Lanzhi naturally knew Murong Yan's worry, smiled, touched Xuebai's head, and nodded, "Well, I let Qiushuang put it away, mother, don't worry!" The last few words are comforting , is also implied.

Seeing that Su Lanzhi understood her worries so quickly, Murong Yan smiled, and didn't ask any more questions, "I heard that King Wu Cheng's paintings are extremely rare, and the paintings are excellent, since he sent them No matter what the reason is, you should take it easy." After all, the other party has a high status and a noble status, even if they have unusual thoughts about Su Lanzhi, they cannot accept it, but they cannot neglect it .

Friends, one more is never too much. If you can offend others, do as little as you can.

"Mom, I can save it." Even if Murong Yan didn't say anything, she would have kept it easy.

"Okay, you should be hungry too, Chuanshan!"

"Alright, Qiushuang, tell the kitchen to prepare a fish for Xuebai!"



The dishes were served quickly, and the breakfast was very rich. Because Murong Yan was going to feed Su Mingyang herself, she cooked chicken soup every day. Not to mention chicken soup was fish soup, it was very nourishing.

But when the dishes came out today, Xue Bai looked at the bowl of chicken soup, and her eyes became straight. Su Lanzhi looked at Xue Bai, a little confused, but she still filled it with some fish soup and fish meat.Seeing that the food was placed in front of her, Xue Bai knew that she could eat it, so she ate it happily. Su Lanzhi looked at it and suddenly understood, "Yesterday, what he fed was raw meat. Although he ate it, But it's not that sweet, it seems that it still prefers to eat cooked food."

"This fox is really weird. Don't most wild foxes hunt by themselves? It's good. It's the same as us. It even likes to eat cooked food." Murong Yan's joke fell on Su Lanzhi's heart In the future, Su Lanzhi's doubts in her heart were even greater. Thinking of Xuebai's cuteness and eating habits, Su Lanzhi didn't believe that Xuebai was wild.

Even if it is wild, I am afraid that it has been domesticated for a period of time, otherwise the wildness has not been eliminated, and it will not be so well-behaved.

Qin Zhiyan, what should I say about him?It took so much pains to go around such a big circle just to get her to accept it.

At this moment, Su Lanzhi couldn't tell what it was like in her heart.

She hadn't tasted the feeling of being cared for by others for a long time, but now she experienced it little by little, and she discovered that she didn't actually reject it in her heart.

Maybe, he and Qin Yan are different?A person who understands her thoughts, a person who will put his mind to her, thinks that there is an essential difference between Qin Yan and Qin Yan, isn't there?

Qin Yan never bothered to get to know her, and every time he made promises, it was just to make her completely devoted to the other party.That man never exchanged his sincerity for his sincerity in treating her, and everything he did was just to take advantage of her.He and Qin Zhiyan are completely different.


Just as she was thinking about it, Murong Yan reminded Su Lanzhi to eat breakfast. Su Lanzhi smiled and ate a piece of white jade steamed bun. Murongyan was a little worried when she saw that Su Lanzhi seemed to be thinking about something just now, "Laner , what were you thinking just now? So lost in thought?"

"I didn't think about anything, I just thought that the white fox sent by King Wu Cheng was clever, cute and cute." Touching the snow-white hair, Su Lanzhi felt that the touch of her fingertips was very soft, even snow-white. The warm breath from her body spread to her heart through her fingertips, and Su Lanzhi felt her heart became a little warmer.

Perhaps, because of this kindness towards the other party, and the subtle care and help for the past six months, she shouldn't always reject people thousands of miles away.

That person didn't have any bad intentions towards her, and what he did was just following his will. She shouldn't always trample on this sincerity.

Suddenly, it seemed like he had figured it out, perhaps because what Qin Zhiyan did yesterday touched the heartstrings of longing in Su Lanzhi's heart, today's Su Lanzhi seems to be sympathetic to everything about Qin Zhiyan. It doesn't feel so repulsive anymore.

Looking at it from another perspective, Su Lanzhi would actually feel that Qin Zhiyan has been very considerate in the past half a year. She has helped her several times without any attempt. When she was injured, Qin Zhiyan would calmly persuade her Princess Qin came to deliver the medicine. In the middle of the night, she would always visit her secretly without disturbing her, but she never overstepped her behavior... Such carefulness and consideration are still rare for a gentleman. In fact, this In terms of people, she is really good. How can she be so favored by the other party?

Perhaps, this is her luck.

"This white fox is really cute. If you like it, just keep it as it is. When I get older, I can spend more time with you." Seeing Su Lanzhi looking at the white fox, Murong seemed to be thinking about something. Although Yan wanted to ask, she knew that Su Lanzhi seldom talked about what was on her mind, so she stopped the topic, "Okay, let's eat."



During this meal, Murong Yan always had some inexplicable worries in her heart. When Su Lanzhi went back and Su Qinglan came back, Murong Yan couldn't help expressing her worries, "Master, what do you think King Wu Cheng is like?" A man?" She didn't have much contact with him, but Murong Yan knew that Qin Zhiyan was excellent both in appearance and character, but in the situation of Prince Qin's mansion, even though she hadn't asked about world affairs these years, she still knew that there were some troubles.

"Wu Chengwang? Why did you suddenly ask him?" Murong Yan thought that she was not worried about things that did not concern her, and she rarely asked him about other people's things. Why did she ask about Qin Zhiyan today? ?

Su Qinglan was very strange. Looking at Murong Yan, she really hoped that the other party would give her an explanation.After Murong Yan saw it, it was hard to say anything else, lest it was her own guesswork, which made her embarrassed, "It's nothing, it's just that Princess Qin and King Wu Cheng often come to the prime minister's mansion. I think this King Wu Cheng seems to He is not too young, but he has a wife?" Although Qin Zhiyan is excellent in all aspects, as a mother who loves her daughter, Murong Yan would rather Su Lanzhi marry an ordinary person than her daughter suffer.

Their current power has reached its limit, and sometimes climbing high branches is not a good thing.On the contrary, a marriage that is not very brilliant in the eyes of outsiders may be what they need most.

"Wu Chengwang has already reached the crown. Now that he is a weak crown, I haven't heard that he has married a wife. Why did you suddenly ask about him?"

"I'm just asking casually. You know that such an excellent man as King Wu Cheng is also the only son of King Qin. I think many people from aristocratic families want to marry their daughters to him. I'm just curious about who has this blessing. It was an explanation with a smile, Murong Yan knew that she was hiding her thoughts by saying this, but she didn't want Su Qinglan to just worry.

Maybe it's all just her thinking too much?Who is Qin Wangfei and Wu Chengwang? Although their Lan'er is excellent, but she is still young, how could they take a fancy to it?

Telling herself like this, Murong Yan didn't know if she wanted to comfort herself.

"It is true that there are many people who want to be married to Prince Qin's mansion, but as far as I know, Princess Qin has not indicated that it is all right."

"Really?" My heart was a little flustered, something was hidden, Murong Yan really wanted to find out, but she didn't know where to find out.

"Wu Chengwang is the only son of Princess Qin. It is only natural that Princess Qin wants to see each other well. It seems that she is not in a hurry. Perhaps King Wu Cheng will not marry a wife in a short time." Su Qinglan after all He has been in the court for a long time, and he also has frequent contact with the outside world. King Qin is the other party that everyone pays attention to. As the only son of King Qin, Qin Zhiyan naturally needs attention.

"But doesn't it mean that King Wucheng is weak?" Many men of this age have become fathers. Qin Zhiyan, as the only son of King Qin, is the only heir of King Qin. Could it be that King Qin is not in a hurry?Could it be that the emperor is not in a hurry?

"It took many years for King Qin to marry Princess Qin. King Wu Cheng and King Qin are father and son, maybe they are the same in some places?" Looking at Murong Yan, Su Qinglan really felt that Murong Yan was very strange today, " What happened to you today? Why are you so concerned about King Wu Cheng's marriage?" Did you hear something?But why doesn't he know?

"Hehe, it's nothing, I'm just a little curious. After all, a man like King Wu Cheng can be regarded as a rare lover." Indeed, Qin Zhiyan is very good, but as the only son of the King of Qin, there is another man with a noble status in the mansion. The princess' side concubine, there is also a concubine elder brother and a concubine sister.This Qin Wangfei seems to be a simple person, but in fact, she is probably very complicated?

Because of her own experience, Murong Yan only hoped that Su Lanzhi could marry a more ordinary and happier man, so she looked at the problem differently from many other people.

Others thought that Qin Zhiyan was a good match, but she saw the troubles behind Qin Zhiyan, and felt that it was not suitable for Su Lanzhi.

"Indeed, King Wu Cheng is a good man, but it's a pity that the Prince Qin's mansion is not peaceful." Although Su Qinglan admired Qin Zhiyan, he never regarded Qin Zhiyan as his son-in-law, not at all. With this kind of thought, he naturally would not have thought that Princess Qin might have such a thought.

In the final analysis, it was because he was a man, and Murong Yan didn't need to be delicate and sensitive in his mind, so naturally he wouldn't notice the difference.

"Yeah, it's really not peaceful..." So it's better for Lan'er not to have too much contact with King Wu Cheng.

It seems that after a few days, when the weather clears up, she should take Lan'er out for a walk and start showing Lan'er about her marriage.The sooner she settles down, the more stable her heart will be.

Thinking of this, Murong Yan didn't ask any more questions, but quietly coaxed Su Mingyang to sleep. Although Su Qinglan was a little confused, seeing Murong Yan didn't want to say anything, and he didn't want to ask any more.

Now that the two of them have managed to gradually restore the peace they once had, he doesn't want to interfere with Murong Yan too much, so as not to make Murong Yan unhappy.

+++++++++++++++++++ I am the dividing line when the plot shifts to Su Lanzhi

Naturally, Su Lanzhi didn't know about Murong Yan's worries and plans. After breakfast, she went back to her yard. Of course, she didn't know about the conversation between Murong Yan and Su Qinglan, let alone that Murong Yan actually had something in her heart. It was because she was dissatisfied with Qin Zhiyan that she decided to reduce her contact with Qin Zhiyan.

Therefore, when Qin Zhiyan came to deliver Xuebai's food according to yesterday's agreement this afternoon, he wanted to see Su Lanzhi, but what he saw was not Su Lanzhi, but Murong Yan.

Qin Zhiyan looked at the woman in front of him, wearing a rose-red ermine padded jacket embroidered with exquisite plum blossoms, which looked simple and elegant. At this moment, Murong Yan was sitting in the seat of the master, and ordered someone to give Qin Zhiyan After preparing tea, Jing's exquisite and perfect facial features are plump compared to before, and they look even more charming. Her hair is neatly combed into a phoenix tail bun, and two red gold plum blossom hairpins are inserted. , yet generous and elegant.

"Ms. Su!" After giving the other party a brief greeting, Murong Yan signaled Qin Zhiyan to sit down, and then asked the other party why he came, "Wu Cheng Wang is here today, but why?" He only came yesterday, and today he came again Here it is, I have to say that Qin Zhiyan has indeed come to their Xiangfu more frequently.Why didn't she notice this before?

Murong Yan saw Qin Zhiyan alone today, just to see if her previous guess was correct, and to decide what to do next.

She must take good care of her Lan'er, Lan'er has suffered too much, and she doesn't want Lan'er to suffer any more.So there are some things that she has to figure out once she has doubts.

"It's like this, Mrs. Su, yesterday I gave Miss Su a white fox, and Miss Su said she couldn't keep it. Today I went to ask the hunter yesterday, and I learned that white foxes are carnivores. Su ri It would be great if you could feed it some meat. Also, this white fox is still young, less than half a year old, so you can’t eat too much meat, and you should pay attention to its diet on weekdays, so as not to spoil it.” See Seeing Murong Yan looking at him with tentative eyes, Qin Zhiyan's heart trembled, he guessed something, his expression was calm, his speech was orderly, his attitude was respectful, but not overly enthusiastic.

"Wu Chengwang's words, I will bring them. Lan'er already fed the white fox some rabbit meat yesterday, and the white fox ate it too. Wu Chengwang doesn't have to worry."

"Thank you, Mrs. Su." Qin Zhiyan was quite disappointed after not seeing Su Lanzhi today, but looking at Murong Yan as the co-pilot, Qin Zhiyan knew that Murong Yan must have something to ask next. He had to stay alert, but he must not let Murong Yan feel jealous of him, otherwise it would not be easy to see Su Lanzhi in the future.

Every mother loves her children. Qin Zhiyan knows that Murong Yan is the same as many mothers, but there are some differences. Others may want to use their daughters to make a fortune, or they may think that he is a good match. .But the person in front of him has a pair of wise eyes, and he often sees problems more clearly than many people.It was also because she could see clearly that Murong Yan might not necessarily like him.

"Wucheng Wang came to attend Lan'er's birthday yesterday. He really wanted to. Lan'er is very grateful for the white fox you gave her. She likes it very much." The taste of the human heart, mixed with the Buddha spirit that belongs to the world, always gives people a sacred feeling.

Perhaps this is the aura gained from dealing with Buddha all the year round?

Murong Yan has always shown elegance and generosity, looks easy to get along with, and gives people a peaceful feeling, which has a lot to do with Murong Yan's year-round immersion in Buddhism.

However, Qin Zhiyan would never take Murong Yan lightly because of this appearance. At this moment, the smile on Murong Yan's face is still friendly, like the Guanyin statue in the temple, which makes people trust The feeling of love, the kindness on his face, he couldn't even lie against his will, Qin Zhiyan knew that the person in front of him was indeed a master!

"Yesterday I just happened to meet Brother Xiao. I heard about Miss Su's birthday, so I rushed to join in the fun. But I didn't have any preparations, so I searched everywhere, and finally saw that the white fox was pitiful, so I bought it. I also wanted to save the white fox's life, and I gave it to Miss Su as a gift to make Miss Su happy, and if Miss Su likes it, I am naturally happy." The tone was indifferent, and the explanation was exactly the same as yesterday, and no joy could be heard. , is to state the facts in general.Qin Zhiyan's eyes were also indifferently tight. Facing Murong Yan's scrutinizing gaze, Qin Zhiyan always smiled lightly. Murong Yan was a little surprised by his demeanor and reaction.

Do you really not care, or just pretend?

Seeing that Qin Zhiyan's eyes were clear and did not dodge, Murong Yan picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and signaled Qin Zhiyan not to be polite, Qin Zhiyan smiled and picked up the teacup, drank it quietly, She was waiting for Murong Yan's question.

Sure enough, after a while, Murong Yan said again, "The snow scene painted by King Wu Cheng yesterday is really beautiful. It is said that King Wu Cheng's painting is hard to find, but yesterday he gave it to Lan for nothing. Son, King Wu Cheng has a heart."

"It's just because I lost the pot, so I did it as I like. It's just that the painting is the courtyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion after all. I took it back and gave it to Miss Su. The painting is not good. I hope Mrs. Su and Miss Su, don't be disgusted!" Completely concealing his purpose, Qin Zhiyan at this moment is like a cunning loach, making it impossible for people to catch his tail.

Murong Yan looked at Qin Zhiyan's indifferent expression, her eyes did not evade, she seemed calm at all, without a trace of concealment, but she was still a little worried after all, "Wu Chengwang came today, but there are other things. Something?" If Qin Zhiyan came here just for such a trivial matter, it would be intriguing.

After all, these few words can be done by the servants.

"I'm here this time, of course I have other things to do. Madam Su, this is the invitation letter my concubine mother asked me to hand over to you. I invite you to go to the palace to enjoy the flowers in two days. I hope Madam Su will show her face and have fun." " Respectfully handed the invitation letter in his arms to Murong Yan, in fact, Qin Zhiyan didn't intend to give it so early, at least tomorrow, but today Murong Yan seemed to be a little worried about him, he just I can take it out now.

He also understood in his heart that Murong Yan cared about Su Lanzhi, and that's why he had this kind of maternal love today. Qin Zhiyan was very happy for Su Lanzhi, so naturally he would not be dissatisfied.

"Blossom viewing feast?" It's already winter, the sky is covered with snow, and there are no other flowers except plum blossoms. Why is there a flower viewing banquet in the palace? <, there are many kinds of flowers.It's just that when the mother and concubine came to Dacang, the four seasons are distinct, especially in winter, there are almost no flowers.The mother and concubine are somewhat uncomfortable. When homesick, they want to see the flowers in their hometown. Therefore, the father and the king built a flower house for the mother and concubine. There are hundreds of flowers blooming all year round. The mother and concubine also want to invite everyone to sit and sit. It's so lively. "Qin Wang spent a huge amount of money in doing this, which shows that his love for Qin Wangfei can no longer be described in words.

"Oh, is that right? I haven't heard of such an interesting story." Maybe it's really been locked in the house for too long, and she doesn't understand the outside world.

Thinking that this is a good opportunity, Murong Yan also wanted to go out more and make friends with some wives, so as to plan for Su Lanzhi's life.

"Now the flowers in the flower room are blooming very well. Concubine Mother thinks the day is just right, so she invited everyone to enjoy the flowers together. Concubine Mother deliberately asked me to invite Mrs. Su in person. Mrs. Su must go." Looking at Murong Yan, she seemed moved. Looking interested, Qin Zhiyan persuaded, after all, Murong Yan was a little worried about the children at home, and was a little worried, "Of course I want to go, but Brother Yang is still young and can't leave me." Su Mingyang is only two now After many months, Surri clings to her tightly, Murong Yan is really worried.

"If Mrs. Su is worried, she can take Young Master Su with her and let Nai take care of her, so that Mrs. Su doesn't have to worry."

"Let me think about it!" After accepting Qin Zhiyan's invitation letter, although Murong Yan also wanted to go out, but she was too young, it was really difficult for her to make a choice.

"My concubine has talked about it many times. She always wanted to ask Mrs. Su to play. Before I came today, my concubine repeatedly told me that I must invite Mrs. Su, and I hope Mrs. Su will definitely honor her!" I always just emphasized to invite Murong Yan. Qin Zhiyan's attitude is obvious. When Murong Yan saw it, she suddenly felt that she was thinking too much. After all, Qin Zhiyan is much older than Su Lanzhi, so it shouldn't be Have this thought.

Even if he wanted to, he probably couldn't wait. After all, Qin Zhiyan is not young. Even if he doesn't marry the main concubine, the side concubine should be married too?

If this is the case, it will be even worse.

"Please, King Wu Cheng, go back and tell Princess Qin, I will try my best to go." After thinking about it, Murong Yan felt that it was still necessary to go to Prince Qin's mansion.Qin Wangfei has helped them a lot in the past half a year, and now it is a great honor for Qin Zhiyan to come to invite them in person, and it would be rude for them not to go.

"I will definitely tell Concubine Mu. I hope Mrs. Su will come on time!"

"Well, I'll try my best!"

"Madam Su, is there anything else you need me to convey to Concubine Mu?"

"Just say hello to the princess for me."

"I will take care of you. If there is nothing else, then I will take my leave first. There are still some things to deal with, and some invitations to send!" Indirectly told Murong Yan that he sent invitations today, not just Xiangfu, so to speak, he didn't come to Xiangfu deliberately.

Seeing Qin Zhiyan leaving simply, Murong Yan thought of what Qin Zhiyan said just now and his attitude, and suddenly felt that she was overthinking.

What is Qin Zhiyan's identity? Her Lan'er is still young, even though she is beautiful, but given her age, the other party is already a vigorous man, and her daughter looks only eleven or twelve years old.Murong Yan believed that Qin Zhiyan's vision was normal, so she shook her head, feeling that she was troubled, took the invitation letter, and went to find Su Lanzhi.

What is she doing?Is it too boring on weekdays?So I was a little turbulent, so I thought about it a lot?

++++++++++++++++++++++ I am the dividing line between Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi

"Mom, why are you here? It's cold on the road, come and have a seat!" Su Lanzhi really didn't expect that Murong Yan came here despite the wind and snow, and hurriedly dragged Murong Yan to sit on the kang Going up, I ordered someone to bring hot tea to Murong Yan. After Murong Yan drank it, Su Lanzhi couldn't help being a little bit reproachful, "Mother, if you have anything to do, just ask someone to come over and order it. Why do you have to come in person? Now the slippery floor , it’s easy to fall, and it’s so cold, what if you’re sick?”

Although Murong Yan is a bit plump now, Su Lanzhi is still worried. In the cold weather, Murong Yan has to take care of Su Mingyang, and she is already one head and two older. Su Lanzhi really doesn't want Murong Yan to bother.

"Actually, there's nothing special about it. It's just that I haven't come to your yard for a long time, so I just stopped by to see you." Looking carefully at Su Lanzhi's yard, she hasn't been here for a long time, because it was inconvenient to be pregnant. Now that her body is convenient, of course she needs to pay more attention to Su Lanzhi.

"Is there anything nice here, isn't it the same as before?" Pulling Murong Yan, feeling that Murong Yan's hand was a little cold, Su Lanzhi handed over a thermos, Murong Yan smiled and declined, "I It's not cold, but you, this room is warmer? Do you need to add some silver charcoal for you?" Su Lanzhi is afraid of the cold, this is something that can never be improved, and Murong Yan is quite helpless about this.

"Mother, don't worry, the silver charcoal in my house is enough. Besides, there are fires everywhere in the house, so it's already very warm. Look, am I just sitting on the kang right now? Covered with a quilt, and put a thermos on your hand, it's not cold." The physical problem can't be changed, and Su Lanzhi can only try to warm herself up as much as possible.

"Hey, it's just that I have to take Brother Yang now, and I don't have time to make clothes for you. Otherwise, I can make you some thicker jackets, so that you won't get cold." Su Lanzhi adjusted Su Lanzhi's collar and touched it. Touching Su Lanzhi's hand, and then touching Su Lanzhi's feet, it was really cold. Even sitting on the kang, there was no way to warm up, and Murong Yan had no choice but to hug Su Lanzhi into her arms , using her own body to warm Su Lanzhi.

"Mother, in the early winter, you had someone make me a lot of thick padded jackets, cloaks, neck warmers, and gloves. That's enough." Although Murong Yan couldn't make them for her by herself, she was already ready. Yes, Su Lanzhi is already very happy.

"You, it's so cold, why do you still do these things? Don't do it, it's important to warm yourself up." Looking at the little clothes in front of Su Lanzhi, it was for Su Mingyang, Murong Yan couldn't help but feel a little bit blamed.

"Hehe, mother, you have to take Yang brother with you now, and you don't have time to do it. Anyway, I have nothing to do. I will make some warm clothes for Yang brother, so he can wear them after a few days."

"You child, with so many servants in the family, you still worry that Brother Yang has no clothes to wear, don't you?" Many people in the family are very good at sewing, and when Murong Yan is too busy, she will order the servants to do it. It seems that it's important for Su Lanzhi to warm up to the fire, it's so cold, just don't catch a cold.

"Brother Yang is naturally not worried, but I also have a heart to be a sister." She smiled, knowing that Murong Yan cared about herself, Su Lanzhi leaned on Murong Yan, and the relationship between mother and daughter was naturally one This is the meaning of intimacy.

"Hehe, this white fox is very comfortable and enjoys it." Seeing Xuebai lying in Su Lanzhi's arms, Murong Yan touched it, and felt that Xuebai seemed to be a little repelled, and Murongyan was not angry, "It seems This white fox will also recognize people."

"Isn't it? Ever since Miss fed Xuebai to eat, Xuebai has been very attached to Miss. Just now Miss was going to sit on the kang, so Xuebai had to go up, and the servants had no choice." Qiu Shuang waited on the side all the time, He was also embroidering something in his hand, and it could be seen that it was Su Lanzhi's shoes.

"Lan'er hugging is very warm?" She smiled, and Murong Yan didn't have any objection to the white fox's clinging to Su Lanzhi.

Anyway, it's just an animal. Murong Yan is also happy to see Su Lanzhi being close to her and making Su Lanzhi happy.

"Well, Xuebai is very warm and well-behaved." She embroidered quietly, and Xuebai lay quietly on her lap, as if she was sleeping. Su Lanzhi liked this feeling very much.

"It's good to be good. By the way, King Wu Cheng came here just now and told some things to pay attention to in raising this white fox. I saw that the weather was cold, so I didn't let you go. I just conveyed it to you." After finishing speaking, I told Su Lanzhi what Qin Zhiyan said. Su Lanzhi listened, smiled, and said to Qin Zhiyan that he was right and caring. The person who is here, you have to say thank you to him instead."

"He is indeed careful, and he is also an enthusiastic young man. Heir of the royal family, it is rare to be able to be as friendly and unassuming as he is." In fact, I was also worried that what I did might be wrong in my heart.Su Lanzhi is a very assertive child, she can't see what Qin Zhiyan is thinking now, but if Su Lanzhi likes Qin Zhiyan, Murong Yan still doesn't want to make Su Lanzhi sad.

The daughter seems to be very sensible, and it seems that she seldom pays attention to one thing. If her daughter really has different thoughts about King Wu Cheng, although she is a little worried, she is willing to believe her daughter's vision and choice.

"Wu Chengwang is indeed an excellent person." Nodding, Su Lanzhi admired Qin Zhiyan. When Murong Yan saw it, she knew that Su Lanzhi did not reject Qin Zhiyan. Although she was a little worried, As a mother, it's hard for her to say extra words.After all, Su Lanzhi is still too young to say these things.

It seemed that she could see the worry in Murong Yan's eyes. Although Su Lanzhi didn't know what it was, she cleverly changed the subject, "By the way, mother, you came to see me, but what's the matter?" I heard that Qin Zhiyan It's here, but Murong Yan didn't let her see the guest, and Su Lanzhi didn't think too much about it.Anyway, as a woman, it is normal for her not to go out to meet guests.

Murong Yan still kept her mouth shut about what happened in the living room just now, Su Lanzhi naturally didn't know what Murong Yan and Qin Zhiyan talked about, but seeing that Murong Yan's face was still good, she also felt relieved.

"It's like this. Princess Qin asked us to go to the Prince Qin's mansion to enjoy the flowers in two days. I decided to go, but I was a little worried about Brother Yang..." The child is still young, so a mother is naturally worried.

"Mother, don't worry. I see that the Liu family is very good. It's great to take Brother Yang with you. Mother, you should be fine if you go out for a day." Murong Yan really didn't go out for a long time, Su Of course, Lan Zhi hoped that Murong Yan would go out if she had the chance, lest the news would be too stuffy. This would be bad for Murong Yan, her, and the Prime Minister's House.

Now that there is no aunt in the Prime Minister's Mansion, many forces must start to stare at her again. Su Lanzhi must pay attention, lest people take advantage of the loopholes again.

Therefore, it is very important to let Murong Yan go out. Firstly, Murong Yan no longer lives in seclusion, and secondly, Murong Yan's face is full of happiness now, which is the evidence of a very good relationship with Su Qinglan, and can also dispel some people's thoughts.

"You child, don't you want me to go out?" Seeing that Su Lanzhi made a decision without saying a word, Murong Yan touched Su Lanzhi's face with some amusement, and naturally understood Su Lanzhi's intentions in her heart, just watching Seeing her daughter think so much about herself, Murong Yan felt really uncomfortable in her heart.

They are mother and daughter, but their identities always seem to be reversed.

"Mother, it's also very good for you to go out more. And Princess Qin has been visiting our house for more than half a year, but we have never had the opportunity to visit. Princess Qin is very good to us. Taking advantage of this opportunity, of course we You can’t be too disrespectful to Qin Wangfei.” Making good friends with Qin Wangfu will be a good guarantee in the future, Qin’s throne is high and powerful, and he has the trust of Emperor Wen. They are close to Qin Wang, thinking that Emperor Wen’s fear of them, It will also be less.

"You're right, I intend to go, but I'm not worried about Brother Yang."

"Mother, if you are worried, then let me take care of Brother Yang, so that you can go there with peace of mind, mother."

"Silly boy, Princess Qin made an appointment, why should I go alone? Of course you are going too." In fact, not to mention her, even Su Lanzhi rarely went out to meet people, especially in the past half a year. Thanking guests behind closed doors, Su Lanzhi hasn't gone out for a long time, Murong Yan also wanted to take this opportunity to relax and let everyone know Su Lanzhi.

"Mother, since you have already made plans, why are you playing tricks on me?" Su Lanzhi pouted on purpose, feeling quite helpless.

"Hehe, I just want to hear your opinion, well, don't be angry, let Qiushuang and the others prepare clothes for you in a while, and then don't let people underestimate us!" Su Lanzhi, She must take it with her, and it will be ready in one year. There are some things that can be prepared.

"Mother, there's no need to be so grand?" Su Lanzhi is used to simple attire, and she really doesn't like elaborate attire. She always feels that she will be a little restrained in doing things like that.

"You, it's the first time you go to the Qin Palace, of course you have to be more cautious. This is also respect for the master, understand?" She tapped her daughter's small nose and watched her grow up, although Murong Yan was worried about Su Lanzhi. The marriage, but also somewhat reluctant.

It would be great if her daughter could always be a spoiled child in her arms. In this way, she could always guard her daughter.

It's just a pity, daughter, she is going to get married after all, otherwise this life would be incomplete.

"Mother, I got it." She looked at Murong Yan helplessly, if it was too much trouble, Su Lanzhi would rather stay in Xiang's mansion to embroider and read books.At least it's comfortable.

"Qiu Shuang, remember to find suitable clothes for Miss, and you can go to me to get a set of hair masks later, and put them on for Miss!"

"The servant knows."

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore. It's just that you don't always embroider. You can read a book when you're bored, or take a walk around the house. It's warmer. Brother Yang is probably going to wake up now. I have to go back first, you will remember to come and have dinner together later."

"Mom, I got it, you go slowly!" I wanted to send Murong Yan off, but Murong Yan stopped him directly, "Okay, we are a family that meets every day, so don't be so polite. Sit down and be warm." Some." She left with a smile on her face, Murong Yan had let go of the burden in her heart now, and was relieved to know that Qin Zhiyan had no other intentions.


Seeing Murong Yan leave, Qiushuang tidied up the quilt for Su Lanzhi, "Miss, madam really loves you!"

"Naturally, Mother loves me, but sometimes she is too cautious." As if she was afraid that she would be hurt, Su Lanzhi didn't want Murong Yan to become too cautious because of her.

"The madam is just worried about the young lady, young lady, eat some snacks, so that your body will be warmer."


"Miss, have you thought about what clothes to wear to Prince Qin's Mansion in the future?"

"You go and have a look at my clothes, just pick a slightly newer and warmer one."

"What color does Miss want?"

"A more elegant color would be nice." When the time comes, it will be the flower viewing feast, and she remembers hearing that there is a flower house in Prince Qin's mansion, in which many words are planted, which can bloom even in winter.Undoubtedly, Qin Wangfei just wanted to invite them to visit the flower house. It will be colorful and colorful, but it's not good if she dresses too much, it will look tacky.

"But Miss, what Ma'am means is that you are not allowed to wear too plain clothes." Murong Yan meant to let her dress up Su Lanzhi properly, how could Qiu Shuang dress Su Lanzhi in plain clothes?

"It's too plain, of course, it's not good. A little bit of color is fine. Don't be too colorful. After all, we are guests, so it's not good to steal too much light." Su Lanzhi's consideration made Qiushuang feel reasonable, so she ordered Nodded, "I remember Miss has a pink padded coat with lotus flowers embroidered on it, it's just made, and it's still new, Miss thinks it's good?"

"Well, good, just that one!"

"The servant girl will go to the madam for a while to get the face, and then I will see how to match it."

"I can trust your vision, as long as you think it's good." In terms of attire, after rebirth, Su Lanzhi handed it over to Qiushuang to take care of her, and she didn't pay much attention to it.

For her now, as long as she is comfortable, clean and tidy, she doesn't want to spend too much time on other things, anyway, no one can appreciate it, right?Why waste this time?

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