() On the day of the Flower Appreciation Banquet at Prince Qin's Mansion, Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan woke up early. After dressing up, both of them looked completely new. They were already very good-looking and magnificent, but now they are a little bit more decorated. It made the skin of the two of them look like jade, and their hair was so refined.

Murong Yan, who was already tainted with Buddha's aura, has become softer and warmer due to the change of her mood in the past six months. Her upper body is autumn-scented Lu silk jacket, and her lower head is a white silk skirt. She wore a new velvet cloak in honey-sewn, elegant and low-key luxury, making her even more elegant and charming. Accompanied by the light smile on Murong Yan's mouth, it made people feel envious. I feel that seeing Guanyin is alive, full of kindness and gentleness.

Su Lanzhi is wearing a pink ermine jacket today, with exquisite lotus flowers embroidered on it, which bloom extremely beautifully. Although the small and exquisite facial features have not been fully opened, they have already begun to take on a beauty. Her jet-black hair was simply tied into two girlish buns, she wore pink pearl flowers, and inserted two beautiful silver-leaf hairpins. The whole person looked generous and beautiful, yet luxurious. , is very touching.

Standing together, the two of them have beautiful faces. Murong Yan has become more calm and elegant due to the years, while Su Lanzhi is still childish at a young age, but she also looks calm and demure, walking arm in arm In the snow, there is a creaking sound, and the warm boots on the feet look exquisite and small, which is really a beautiful scenery.

Su Qinglan looked at his wife and daughter like this, and even he was a little crazy when he always saw it. On weekdays at home, Murong Yan was always used to wearing a green dress, accompanied by the ancient Buddha with a green lamp, and there was nothing else on her body except for a mahogany hairpin. The same is true for Lan Zhi, who also wears very simple and elegant clothes. She usually wears girlish hair in a bun, occasionally inserting a few pearl flowers. It is rare to dress up like today, especially in the past six months when Murong Yan has been pregnant. Lan Zhi was injured, and the two of them hadn't dressed up for a long time, so they went out.

Seeing the two of them carefully dressed again, looking at his wife's peerless face that has not changed for more than ten years, Su Qinglan has a little obsession in his eyes, and then looking at Su Lanzhi's beauty that is gradually opening up that day, my family has something. The feeling of growing up as a girl also made Su Qinglan a little proud, but also a little sour.

So many years have passed, and my daughter has grown up. Soon, she will belong to someone else's family. I really can't bear it!

Although she felt that she was worried too early, she was her beloved daughter after all, and Su Qinglan also knew Murong Yan's purpose today, so she suddenly didn't want Su Lanzhi to go out, so she wanted to keep her daughter for a few more years.

It's just that women don't stay in college, if they stay, they will become enemies, and they will have to marry sooner or later. While it's still early, they can still choose carefully, otherwise, if it is delayed, won't they be picked by others in the future?

How could his Su Qinglan's daughter be picked by others?

Thinking of this, Su Qinglan had no choice but to suppress the sourness in her heart, looked at Murong Yan, and said, "Yan'er, come back earlier, I will pick you up later."

"Master, don't bother, the Prince Qin's Mansion is a little far away, we just need to come back by ourselves."

"It's okay, so I don't have anything to do today, and I'll treat it as a walk in a while!" Having been together day and night for more than half a year, no one disturbed, let alone destroyed, Su Qinglan has long been used to having Murong Yan and her every day. During the days that Su Lanzhi accompanied, the family of three were happy and couldn't tolerate anything else. To be honest, he was really reluctant to see his wife and children for a whole day.

"That's fine, but if it snows soon, the master should not go out, it's inconvenient!"

"Okay, you guys go quickly, it's the first time to be a guest at Prince Qin's Mansion, so don't be late, I'll take you to the car!" After Murong Yan was interrupted, Su Qinglan didn't want to continue discussing this topic with Murong Yan, He knows what's in his heart, so there's no need to waste his words.

"Master, it's cold outside, just get in the car by yourself, don't you still have some business to deal with? Hurry up and get some rest!"

"There are not many things to do now, it's okay, let's go, I will walk with you!" Without saying a word, he took Murong Yan's hand. Now Su Qinglan is more and more comfortable doing these things, although Murong Yan is not used to Su Qinglan. Now the more enthusiastic attitude, let alone in front of Su Lanzhi, I feel a little embarrassed.But she also couldn't bear to push the other party away, lest Su Qinglan would think too much and be sad.Therefore, he could only stare at Su Qinglan, and helplessly let the other party lead him away.

Xu is that after the past ten years of joys and sorrows, they have matured a lot, and they are no longer as stubborn as the hot-blooded young people who were so stubborn that they hurt their loved ones without knowing it.Today, they have experienced so much, they have long learned tolerance and understanding, and now they are slowly learning to adapt to each other's existence again, getting used to each other's warmth and protection.

So far, they have done a good job, gradually getting used to each other, and now the warmth between them is slowly emerging.Occasionally such intimacy is common, and Murong Yan is not as indifferent and repulsive to Su Qinglan as before.Everything is developing in a good direction, so that is enough.The past is like smoke, and life is unsatisfactory ten times out of ten, so why always worry about it?

Su Lanzhi looked at the intimate interaction between her parents, and secretly lamented that her father had such a flirtatious scene. She smiled and watched Su Qinglan hold Murong Yan's hand in a daze, and slowed down a little when she saw Murong Yan's blaming expression. The pace, leaving the space to the parents.

Fortunately, after being reborn, she finally did a good job. Now the relationship between her parents is heating up. Although it is not as good as it used to be, but slowly, she will go back.

In this life, the parents are no longer strangers like in the previous life. Instead, they gave birth to a child, which changed the fate of the previous life, and also changed her fate.

From now on, Murong Yan will never endure grievances because of childlessness, and Su Qinglan will no longer be forced by the old Princess Qing to take a concubine. Everything is developing in a better direction. I really hope that in this life, the fate of her parents will never be the same. Like the previous life, they will not end well in the end. I hope that in this life, their family will be safe and sound, and they will never suffer from that unreasonable disaster again.

Therefore, what she has to do now is to prevent Qin Yan from ascending the throne. In this way, that person will not have the chance to execute her father!

She made a decision in her heart, thinking about such a beautiful life now, Su Lanzhi naturally cannot allow anyone to destroy it!

Qin Yan, in this life, I will never be manipulated by you, deceived by you, or even used by you to harm my family. In this life, I will definitely not make you happy, because I will not do you any harm Right to my loved ones!

Having made up her mind, Su Lanzhi cheered herself up secretly, followed Murong Yan into the car, and finally, Murong Yan explained uneasy, "Master, I'm not here today, Master Yang will take extra care, if If there is anything, please tell me, and I will be back soon."

"Don't worry, Brother Yang will be taken care of by me and the Liu family. Nothing will happen. Have fun and be safe!"

"Then master, if you go back, it's freezing cold today, so don't get sick."

"Okay, you should pay attention to yourselves too, old horse, slow down the carriage, don't fall over Madam and Miss!"



Finally on the road, Murong Yan immediately handed Su Lanzhi a heater, "Although it's warm in the car, your hands are cold. Hug it and keep it warm. Come, sit closer, we lean on each other, and it's also warm." !" After finishing speaking, she pulled Su Lanzhi to sit beside her, Murongyan looked at Su Lanzhi with a smile, and looked at her daughter's jade-like skin and beautiful face after dressing up, she felt proud from the bottom of her heart.But vaguely, there are also some worries.

Today, Laner is more and more beautiful, and it seems to be more beautiful than she was back then, but Laner is a little weak now, and she was injured before, so she looks younger, her facial features are not fully opened, and her body is not fully developed yet. Well-developed, she looks a little thin, which is why she conceals her elegance.In another year, Jiji will be able to wear Jiji women's hair in a bun. At that time, I don't know whether it will be lucky or unlucky to have such an appearance.

"Mother, I'm actually not cold." Even though she said so, Su Lanzhi sat obediently beside Murong Yan, letting Murong Yan pull her closer, feeling the warmth of her mother, only feeling that her whole body was cold. It also seems to be warmer.

"Stupid child, even if it's not cold, it's warmer to look at your mother!" Pulling Su Lanzhi against her, Murong Yan deeply touched Su Lanzhi's hair with her hands, watching her daughter's more and more beautiful face, His eyes were a little worried, but they were full of kindness, "Our Lan'er has also grown up. Now she is getting slimmer and slimmer. Mother, I see her sometimes, and I feel amazing!" It's a good thing that my daughter looks good. , but sometimes, it is not necessarily a good thing.

"Hehe, my mother is more beautiful. Compared with my mother, I am much worse." In fact, Su Lanzhi's appearance has inherited the advantages of Murong Yan and Su Qinglan. Having experienced the encounters of two lives, the whole person is more calm than his peers.Especially those eyes, as deep as an ancient well, with a different mystery and charm, which always make people want to explore, and naturally they also have an extra charming charm.

The more experienced a person is, the more people have the feeling of having a story, and the easier it is for people to explore. This is how Su Lanzhi feels.Because of the story, it is even more mysterious, but it also has a fatal attraction.

Although Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi have similar appearances, Murong Yan has been worshiping Buddha for a long time these years, and her whole person has a layer of elegance and extraordinaryness, like a fairy who is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and will not easily enter the world again, giving people the feeling that it is natural It is elegant and dusty, longing but not profane.On the other hand, Su Lanzhi is like a lighthouse in the thick fog, with a mysterious light. In the thick fog, people yearn for the light and attract people to approach, but it makes people feel unpredictable.

Although mother and daughter give people different feelings, they also give people a sense of distance, but this distance, one cannot be approached, and the other cannot be grasped.

"You silly boy!" Actually, looking at Su Lanzhi today, although it is still a piece of rough jade, which has not been carefully carved, it has begun to shine. Murong Yan knows that in time, Su Lanzhi will surpass her. She is gone, and she will even stand taller and farther than her.

Of course, it is also doomed that Su Lanzhi's future encounters will be more troublesome than hers, so Murong Yan has already decided that she must do her best to give Su Lanzhi a worry-free future!

"Hehe, mother, you are more beautiful than me. Mother's beauty is unmatched by anyone!" In Su Lanzhi's eyes, although there are many beauties, just like Princess Qin, the noble and gorgeous beauty, such as Empress, graceful beauty, like concubine Luan, coquettish beauty... Even though there are many beautiful women in this world, in her eyes, Murong Yan's beauty is unique, mixed with a little bit of elegance, kindness But not arrogant, elegant but not artificial, this kind of beauty naturally distinguishes Murong Yan from other people.

"You, if others hear this, they will have to arrange a meal for you!" How could anyone praise their family like this, and be so complacent?

"My mother is, I'm not wrong!" Su Lanzhi has always been very confident about Murong Yan's beauty. Few women can achieve Murong Yan's beauty, but her appearance is second, it's just that feeling , that kind of state of mind.

"Girl, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. Come on, have a sweet jujube cake and go to Prince Qin's mansion later. Your mouth will continue to be so sweet!"

"Hehe, mother, you can eat too!"


It was peaceful along the way. After walking for about an hour, I finally arrived at Prince Qin's Mansion. When Su Lanzhi got off the carriage, she saw the solemn and solemn Prince Qin's Mansion. It was similar to what she imagined. The lions who are only in the company, and the golden three characters of King Qin's Mansion on the door, show the nobility and honor of King Qin.

The crowd is full of people, chatting and laughing, and what they say is nothing more than that?

Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan came early, but there were already a lot of carriages parked at the door. Judging from the signs on the carriages, all the people who came here today were from the famous aristocratic families of the Great Cang. Everyone has a smile on their faces, elegant and generous, and everyone brings their own daughters, with different expressions, but with a certain kind of earnestness.This reminded Su Lanzhi of the rumors about Qin Zhiyan that she occasionally heard in her previous life. It is said that countless noble ladies wanted to marry their daughters to Qin Zhiyan, and they almost broke their heads. He tried every means to get together.She even heard that some ladies from a great family even went up to Qin Zhiyan regardless of their reserve because they loved Qin Zhiyan, in order to let the two have a physical relationship, and Qin Zhiyan had to be responsible... All these are just rumors from previous lives , but now looking at this posture, Su Lanzhi knew that the rumors were indeed based.

No, isn't everyone today dressed carefully?Which one didn't come here wearing brand new clothes, dressed up beautifully, with exquisite makeup, exquisite hairpins on his hair, and exquisite gemstones, all of them looked dazzling.

In comparison, Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan seemed too pure among these people.But also because the two of them don't "get together", it is more likely to attract people's attention. No, she and Murong Yan just got off the carriage, and one of the noble ladies was wearing a red padded jacket with brocade from Suzhou. He wears a set of ruby ​​red gold headbands on his head, a string of gemstone earrings on his ears, and his slightly fat body is luxurious. One can tell that the family is rich, and judging from the person's temperament, he has a good family background .

At this moment, beside her is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. The girl combed the hair bun of an adult woman, wearing a red gold hairpin with five phoenixes facing the sun, and a round sapphire is embellished delicately on it. The lake blue padded jacket all over her body is even more shimmering, glamorous and moving.This person's face is like peaches and plums, his skin is like jade, his facial features are very upright, and his whole person is a little arrogant. It seems that everyone has raised eyebrows, giving people a feeling of looking down, just like the women beside her, giving people a sense of arrogance. People feel like they look down on people.

Who is this?

Su Lanzhi had some vague impressions, but she couldn't remember them. Seeing the two people walking in slowly, with aggression in their eyes, Su Lanzhi was very unhappy in her heart, and frowned. Yan walked away directly, but before she left, she was stopped by the woman who walked over quickly, "This lady looks strange, I don't know which woman she is from? Did you pass by today?" Qin Concubine Xijing, since she married King Qin, she has never held such a big banquet. In everyone's eyes, today is an opportunity. Qin Zhiyan has not yet married a concubine. Anyone who has a marriageable woman in the family will dress up carefully I brought it, so when everyone came today, all they saw was a bustling scene.However, Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi are very different from most people. They have outstanding looks. Even if they don't have luxurious clothes, they still compare to many people, especially Su Lanzhi, which puts everyone in a crisis It's just that many people insist on their own identities and didn't come to get to know each other. But this woman is a contemptuous person. She deliberately came here and even misinterpreted Murong Yan's identity today, just to find out who Murong Yan is.

These two people are really too outstanding, compared them all, if they don't kill their prestige well, they will be the ones who will suffer in a while, isn't it them?

Mrs. Chang Bohou felt a sense of crisis when she saw Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan, and naturally she didn't care about anything else, so she immediately brought her daughter Zhao Yirong over, just to test and suppress the two of them by the way.

So at this moment, she put on an arrogant look, with contempt on the corner of her mouth. She just looked at the cars of Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, but they couldn't compare to their luxury, and her family background must be inferior to theirs, so she didn't care, just Deliberately provoking Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, the meaning of provocation is very obvious.

Su Lanzhi felt displeased when she saw this person. They didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble came to them. They didn't let others bully them!

Smiling, Su Lanzhi looked at the person in front of her. Although her face was luxurious, it was all piled up with clothes and jewelry. That person's face was hideous, and I couldn't really like it. "Madam is so strange, My mother and I are not just passing by, today Princess Qin invited us, and we naturally came to Princess Qin's flower viewing banquet just like Madam." It doesn't matter if that person deliberately insulted them, she just let him reap the consequences, People who don't show face to others don't deserve to show face to the other party themselves!

Thinking of this, the smile on Su Lanzhi's face became a bit more sarcastic, as if she was laughing at the other party's lack of vision. After all, this is the Qin Palace, and now it's a rare feast in the Qin Palace. If it's not a guest, how dare you just stay here Where is the door?

Mrs. Chang Bohou seemed to be stimulated by Su Lanzhi's smile, her face turned red with anger, she looked at Murong Yan, and her tone was full of blame, "This lady is so impolite, I'm asking you Mother, why did you interrupt at will? Is it true that today's ladies are so ignorant of etiquette?" This was an indirect accusation that Su Lanzhi was uneducated. Zhila came to her side, looked at the other party and smiled, but there was no smile in her eyes, "Madam, my daughter, I can raise it myself, but we are going in, Madam blocked our way for no reason. What? I don't think I ever knew Madam, Madam, please get out of the way!" My own daughter is too late to be hurt, how could she have the heart to let her be wronged?

Although Murong Yan has a good temperament, she can't tolerate others saying that Su Lanzhi is wrong.

"You!" Mrs. Chang Bohou was a little annoyed that Murong Yan didn't show her face so much, she blushed a little and pointed at Murong Yan, "You also know who I am? You just offended me casually? "At any rate, she is also a Mrs. Hou, how can she tolerate others being bullied like that?

"I don't know who Madam is, and I don't want to know. As for offending, I can't say anything about it. Madam, please step aside. We will be late in a while, and it will be difficult to explain to the princess!" It easily aroused Madam Chang Bohou's anger. Madam Chang Bohou saw Murong Yan dare to treat her like this, her face was so angry that it turned blue and purple. Now, I also came to join in the fun, "Hehe, isn't this Mrs. Chang Bohou? What's the matter?" Murong Yan deliberately raised the identity of Mrs. Chang Bohou, and everyone was also surprised by Murong Yan.

Chang Bohou is a big family of the Great Cang, and he is extremely rich, and controls a part of the minerals. He has real power and money in his hands. Mrs. Chang Bohou has always been arrogant, and everyone usually bears it. Ri, there is someone who is not afraid of death?

Who is this man?Even crazier than Chang Bohou?

Originally, they were watching the excitement from the sidelines, but some people couldn't help but look over here, curious about Murong Yan's identity.It's just that Murong Yan has lived in seclusion for the past ten years, and she has been raising a baby for more than half a year. The current situation is more happy and peaceful than when she appeared in front of everyone. Such a person is full of elegance and change of mind. Even more beautiful, some people think that Murong Yan looks familiar, but they feel a little uncertain.

After all, Murong Yan still has a two-month-old child, so logically speaking, she would not appear here.

For a while, there were those who watched the excitement, and some who had doubts. Mrs. Chang Bohou was originally happy that someone called out her identity, and wanted to see Murong Yan's worried look, so she could take the opportunity to suppress Murong Yan, but she never thought about it. , the other party just smiled, "It turned out to be Mrs. Chang Bohou." I'm aggrieved.

"I don't know who Madam is? Why haven't I seen it before?" Well, you are not afraid of me. If you have the ability, please report your name. I want to see who you are.

Murong Yan was very helpless when she saw Mrs. Chang Bohou's aggressiveness, and she didn't want to talk to her, but someone just didn't like her, "Miss Su?" Someone in the crowd suddenly spoke, everyone listened to this person, They looked over one after another, and the person approached, isn't it the Nan Wangfei?

It's been almost half a year since the incident, and Princess Nan hasn't shown her face for some days, and she still looks radiant, but Su Lanzhi can see the worry in Princess Nan's eyes, and some people have lost weight, it seems that this For more than half a year, Princess Nan was also very concerned about Princess Anning's affairs.

Seeing Princess Nan approaching, with a friendly smile on her face, Su Lanzhi couldn't get close no matter what. She always thought of Princess Anning's jealous and vicious face, and the haze in Princess Nan's eyes, Su Lan Zhi knew that Nan Wangfei's move was to push her and Murong Yan to the forefront, "Hehe, it really is Miss Su. I stood far away just now. I thought I was wrong. I haven't seen you for half a year. Miss Su But it's getting more and more moving, and I'm fascinated by it, it really is the Eighteenth Change of the Women's University. This is Mrs. Su?" No need to guess, you can know that the person in front of you is Murong Yan, although the two have not formally met However, Princess Nan could guess from the similar faces of Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi.

"It's my mother!" Smiling, Su Lanzhi looked at Nan Wangfei's pretendingly friendly face, watched the other party hold her hand intimately, said her praise without hesitation, and looked at the people beside her The more jealous and guarded she was in her eyes, Su Lanzhi knew that Princess Nan was making an enemy for herself!

What is everyone's purpose today? Su Lanzhi is not a fool. From what I saw just now, Princess Nan wanted to marry Princess Anning to Qin Zhiyan, but Princess Anning couldn't come today. Naturally, Princess Nan wanted to My daughter planned it out.Pushing myself to the cusp of the storm, letting everyone deal with me, and then Princess Nan reaping the benefits of the fisherman, isn't this an excellent plan?

A sneer flashed across her heart, Su Lanzhi looked at Princess Nan's kindness, and she was kind, so she introduced Murong Yan to Princess Nan with a smile on her face. Princess Nan saw her and smiled, "Madam Su, I have long admired your name, Now I can finally see that Mrs. Su is indeed a beautiful woman, so it's no wonder that Su has always favored Mrs. Su!" When Su Qinglan was mentioned, everyone knew Murong Yan's identity, and everyone's face was very good-looking. Some are upset, some are jealous, and some are watching a good show.Among them, Mrs. Chang Bohou's face is even more beautiful.I saw her looking at Murong Yan in surprise, she never thought that the woman who was loved by Su Qinglan in the legend, who just gave birth to a son a few days ago, turned out to be the smiling, peerless woman in front of her .

Who is Su Qinglan? Mrs. Chang Bohou doesn't need to ask at all. Even though her family is very rich, she is also a meritorious official. them!

I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed and unwilling. What was annoyed was that I was too impulsive just now, and I was unwilling. Naturally, Murong Yan's status was not low, that is to say, Su Lanzhi's chances today are also very high.

"Hehe, so it's Mrs. Su, I've admired him for a long time!" After all, Mrs. Chang Bohou is not completely out of her mind. Now that Murong Yan is not easy to offend, she smiled and planned to laugh it off.

"Madame Chang Bohou has also admired her for a long time!" She returned to Madam Chang Bohou with a smile, Murong Yan's tone couldn't tell whether she was happy or angry, but it was obvious that she had coped well.

Murong Yan has always been rude to people who are not polite. Although she has been worshiping the Buddha for a long time these years, Murong Yan also knows that sometimes, blindly forbearance will only make the other party push forward.So, today, with so many people watching, many people are thinking of watching the jokes. Murong Yan must show her position well today, lest others think they are easy to bully!

"Hehe, did Mrs. Su have any unpleasantness with Mrs. Chang Bohou just now?" Seeing Mrs. Chang Bohou's embarrassment, Nan Wangfei felt that Murong Yan had overdone it, and she smiled to smooth things over in order to maintain her amiable image. , "What's the matter? It's also Princess Qin's banquet today, so everyone just shake hands and talk happily, forget it. It's just a misunderstanding, Mrs. Su, do you think so?" Her image is well managed, and she looks friendly. Her words are really irresistible.

"Nan Wangfei, it's nothing serious, just a misunderstanding." Nan Wangfei has come out to make peace, and Murong Yan can't continue to lose face, she smiled, and let it go.

"Hehe, misunderstanding is fine, misunderstanding is fine, then let's go in quickly, don't make Princess Qin wait!" She smiled and gave Mrs. Chang Bohou a comforting look, and Mrs. Chang Bohou quietly stepped aside, Concubine Nan asked Murong Yan to go in together, and everyone who watched was really envious and jealous!


"So this is Mrs. Su, I thought I was wrong before, but I haven't seen her for half a year, Mrs. Su seems to be more and more beautiful, and it's rare for Miss Su to have such a graceful bearing at such a young age. Today's matter, we are afraid that it is in vain."

"I heard that Princess Qin and Mrs. Su have been very close for more than half a year. Tell me, what does Princess Qin mean by that?"

"Who knows? It's been more than half a year since King Wucheng was crowned weak. Now Princess Qin invites everyone to this flower viewing feast. I think it means to choose a concubine for King Wucheng. Mrs. Su and Miss Su are here today. This matter , I’m afraid it’s hard to say.”

"I heard that Miss Su has not yet reached the age of hair, I'm afraid she is not?"

"Hey, look again! But Mrs. Chang Bohou and Mrs. Su had sex so early today, I'm afraid there will be a good show today."

"Isn't it? Now Princess Nan is here too. I heard that it has been almost a year since Princess Anning went to Zhuangzi, and I don't know what happened. Today, I saw Princess Nan's face is not very good. Then Princess An Ning got some serious illness?"

"I heard that Princess Anning fell into the water more than half a year ago and contracted a severe cold. I'm afraid it's not good now? Otherwise, why didn't Princess Nan bring her here?"

"Princess Nan and Concubine Qin are also very good. Today, Concubine Nan is so enthusiastic about Madam Su. Does it mean that Concubine Qin and Madam Su also have a very close relationship? I wonder if we can get a little bit from Madam Su. information?"

"We'll see if we see it in a while. Well, let's go in quickly. It's not good to be late!"


The Palace of the Prince of Qin was so lively that it invited a lot of people to come today. Everyone was dressed up, and many people put their minds to it, so they dressed extraordinarily carefully.However, where there are many women, there will be a lot of gossip, and there will be a lot of right and wrong. Everyone saw the good scene just now, and everyone had different opinions. When everyone left, Mrs. Chang Bohou, who had not left, looked very ugly.

"Mother, tell me, Miss Su is so beautiful, will Concubine Qin know?" Zhao Yirong has seen Qin Zhiyan several times, and her heart has already fallen on Qin Zhiyan. Now that she is old enough, she is just waiting to marry Qin Zhiyan came here today deliberately dressed beautifully, just to let the other party take a look at her more, and finally settled down.

After all, she is also the daughter of the Marquis Mansion. Their Marquis Mansion is rich and distinguished. She and Qin Zhiyan are a perfect match. Zhao Yirong really thinks that their marriage is very good.Chang Bohou naturally felt the same way, that's why when he saw Su Lanzhi just now, he felt threatened and came to protest.

"Don't worry, she's just a fluffy little girl, don't be afraid, you just need to show your most beautiful side to Princess Qin today, and I will arrange the rest for you!" Mrs. Chang Bohou believed that Zhao Yirong's dowry Being rich, and their status in the Marquis Mansion is not low, she did not believe that Princess Qin would not be tempted.

"But mother, Ms. Su, she..." She really wanted to say that Su Lanzhi was so beautiful, but Zhao Yirong, who was also a woman, was so jealous that she couldn't say that.

"Okay, I heard that Su Xiang's daughter just turned fourteen, and she is still young. King Wu Cheng has long been weak, and it's time to marry a concubine. The King of Qin and the Palace of the King of Qin have such a son. Naturally, we can't wait. Yes, I wish that King Wu Cheng would marry his wife Scattered Leaves early and give birth to an heir early, so as to consolidate his position. Now that King Qin's concubine has been engaged and is about to get married soon, even if King Qin is not in a hurry, Princess Qin will be too. , don’t worry, I will arrange for you, everything will be worry-free!" Mrs. Chang Bohou has this confidence, and it is also because Princess Anning is seriously ill and is temporarily shameful, and the biggest competitor has no competition. In her opinion, she is sure to defeat the others, and now Shangguan Wuyou's son is engaged, and his fiancée is about to marry.At that time, if the child is born ahead of time, the position of the son of the Prince of Qin's Mansion may be even more hanging.Therefore, she believed that with the financial resources and strength of their Marquis Mansion, it was not impossible to get married with Prince Qin's Mansion.

"Mother..." Feeling a little embarrassed, Zhao Yirong lowered her head shyly when she saw Mrs. Chang Bohou being so confident. Mrs. Chang Bohou knew that her daughter was thin-skinned, so she didn't say anything, she dragged Zhao Yirong in, but If she didn't want to, she fell behind Murong Yan and was compared.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++ I am the plot transition line

Murong Yan naturally didn't know the plans of Mrs. Chang Bohou and Zhao Yirong. At this moment, she was pulled by Nan Wangfei intimately, and seeing Nan Wangfei's kind smile, she really felt a little overwhelmed.

"Mrs. Su, I heard that Mrs. Su is happy with Lin Zi. I wanted to go, but there are some things at home that I can't leave. I hope Mrs. Su will not be offended." Princess Anning has been missing since falling into the water Well, the cold air invades the body, and the lungs are a little hurt. For more than half a year, Princess Nan has to take care of Princess Anning, and also guards against Concubine Yu, and calculates the child in Concubine Yu's belly. Fortunately, she is cautious, Concubine Yu did not She can give birth to a child, otherwise, she will be the one who suffers.

But also because of this reason, Nan Wang has a grudge against her, and treats her not as close as before, and Yu side concubine hates her to the bone, Nan Wangfei's current situation in Nan Wang's mansion is really difficult, especially her daughter is sick In this way, Princess Nan is at a loss for doppelgängers, and she has lost too much weight in the past half a year. If Princess Qin had not held a banquet today, she was worried that something would happen, and she would not have put aside so many things to come and see for herself. read.

"Princess Wang is busy in Suri, so naturally I don't want to disturb her. The concubine is serious." The Prime Minister's Mansion and Nan Wang's Mansion don't have much contact, and Murong Yan doesn't think it's time to invite Nan Wang Concubine. Seeing Nan Wang Concubine's enthusiasm today, Murong Yan was a little confused in her heart, and she had to concentrate to deal with it.

"Madam Su is too polite. An Ning and Miss Su are also friends. It's just that An Ning is seriously ill now, so it's not easy to see Miss Su. Before Madam Su was unwell, An Ning wanted to come and see her. It's just that the Prime Minister refused to see visitors, and so did we. I can't see you. Anning originally wanted to come here today, but accidentally caught a cold. The imperial doctor said it was not good to go out, but when she saw me coming, she kept telling me that if I saw Miss Su and Mrs. Su, I must say hello to her. By the way I want to ask how you guys are doing, she has always been worried for the past six months, but she just couldn't see you. Miss Su, don't you blame me?" Nan Wangfei is very kind today, even "my concubine" is useless, yes Murong Yan was extremely kind, and both Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi thought it was weird.

"Concubine Nan is being polite, how could I blame Princess Anning?" Seeing that Princess Nan cleverly described the wind chill that Princess Anning had contracted from the cold air entering her body half a year ago as a general minor wind chill, Su Lanzhi didn't point it out. Anyway, these things, even if you want to hide them deliberately, you may not be able to hide them.

But it's been so long, is Princess Anning really that sick?It hasn't appeared yet?It's really rare.

"It's fine if you don't blame her. An Ning is sick now, and she is always lonely. Ms. Su will visit her when she is free, and talk to her, so that she will not be lonely alone." Of course, this is just polite. , Princess An Ning's health was better before, but because it has become colder recently, it has become worse again, how could Princess Nan dare to let people see An Ning's current appearance?

Didn't that deliberately tell everyone that An Ning is seriously ill now, and that daughter's life will be ruined?

"Well, I will go if I have a chance!" Knowing that Princess Nan is not sincere, Su Lanzhi's answer is also perfunctory. Seeing Su Lanzhi, Princess Nan also knows that it is all just polite, so she is relieved, "Okay, Then go to the palace and sit down in another day!"

Although Nan Wangfei was always talking with a smile, she didn't seem to be unhappy, but in fact, she was only thinking about the people who came today, and she felt a headache, wishing to drive these people out!

It's really delusional for these people to dress up beautifully. For a person like Qin Zhiyan, how can these people be compared to others?

Qin Zhiyan was the son-in-law that Princess Nan had valued very early on, so in these years, Princess Nan deliberately made friends with Princess Qin, in order to let Princess Anning deliberately get along with Qin Zhiyan more and develop a relationship since childhood.But I don't know why, Princess Anning likes Qin Zhiyan more and more, and Qin Zhiyan has always been indifferent to Princess Anning, which makes Princess Nan very worried.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the good relationship between the two families and their similar family backgrounds, and set up a marriage with Princess Qin, but Princess Qin always evaded saying that Qin Zhiyan was still young, and we can wait until the sex is fixed. Princess Nan finally waited Qin Zhiyan is weak, Princess Nan originally planned to take advantage of her family to come to Kyoto to celebrate the New Year last year, and settle this matter, but Princess Anning is like this now, and now she is shameful, Princess Nan really Worry!

She was worried at first, but now seeing the situation in Prince Qin's mansion, Princess Nan is even more worried, her daughter still needs some days to recuperate, what should I do?

I am anxious, Nan Wangfei is not pleasing to anyone now, she always feels that these people are here to steal people from her daughter, especially looking at Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan, thinking that Princess Anning is like this because of Su Lanzhi Concubine Nan hated her so much in her heart, but she had to be kind on the surface to show her generosity and spirit, which really made things difficult for her.

Su Lanzhi looked at the corners of Princess Nan's mouth and laughed so hard that she knew she was uncomfortable. Although she really didn't want to deal with Princess Nan, lest Princess Nan use them as a weapon today, but this person is just like that cowhide high sugar In the same way, they have been walking closely with them all the time. People who don't know think how good the relationship between the two of them is, which makes Su Lanzhi quite helpless.Especially seeing some people's jealousy, Su Lanzhi felt that she was wronged, and she was even more dissatisfied with Nan Wangfei's ulterior motives.

This person obviously doesn't like them, even hates them to death, why does he have to drag them?Isn't this intentional?

I really wanted to send away the duplicity Princess Nan, but she felt "like old friends at first sight" with Murong Yan. Along the way, she dragged Murong Yan to talk about the child, and also sadly talked about the child that Concubine Yufang lost half a year ago. The eyes were quite sad, but Su Lanzhi thought of that enchanting woman, recalled the scene of that day, and then looked at the flash of pride in Nan Wangfei's eyes, and couldn't help being shocked!

It seems that this person really made a move. No wonder, she never heard that King Nan had other bastards in her previous life!I see!

Suddenly, she understood the reason why Prince Nan had so few sons. Su Lanzhi only felt that Princess Nan was terribly tight, and she was a little displeased with Princess Nan who couldn't tell. She looked around and wanted to find an excuse to dismiss Princess Nan. In case Princess Nan continues like this, she and Murong Yan will become the target of public criticism today.

Xu felt Su Lanzhi's thoughts, and it was a coincidence that they met Sun Xueru while they were walking.


I haven't seen each other for more than half a year, and each of them has undergone some changes. Today, Sun Xueru, Xu and Su Qingxiu have a bad relationship, and her eyes are a little cloudy. When she saw Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, she didn't want to say hello, but she saw Nan Wangfei Sun Xueru was a little uncomfortable with the acquaintance of the two, so she quickly chased after her, "Siblings, Lan'er, wait!"

When Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan looked back, they saw Sun Xueru. At this moment, there was a girl beside her, who should be of a good age. She was pretty and pretty, and she walked beside Sun Xueru obsequiously. She seemed a little afraid of Sun Xueru Su Lanzhi felt that this person looked familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was, but seeing Sun Xueru's displeased face, she could guess that this woman must be the daughter of one of her uncle's concubines, and that uncle also wanted to be close to her. In the big tree of Shangqin Prince's Mansion, without the concubine's daughter, it took out the concubine's daughter. It's really... thick-skinned.I don't know if my uncle now regrets not helping Su Lanyu back then and letting him be his sister-in-law?Otherwise, it would not be the turn of a concubine to do this now.

"Auntie!" I can't say whether I like or dislike Sun Xueru, but Su Lanzhi knows that the other party definitely doesn't like her, and even hates them because of Su Lanyu's affairs, so she has a rare acquaintance with Sun Xueru today. Lan Zhi was also in high spirits.

The few times before when they held weddings in the Prime Minister's Mansion, only Su Qingxiu came. It can be seen that Sun Xueru actually didn't want to associate with them. Even if she took the initiative to come here to make friends this time, she definitely had a purpose, so she just had to pay attention.

"Hehe, brother and sister, Lan'er, did you also receive the invitation from Princess Qin today? Lan'er is becoming more and more attractive now. I saw it just now, and I dare not come over to recognize each other. I am afraid that I have admitted the wrong person! See Look at how it looks, but it's watery, especially those eyes, even after I look at it, I feel a little lost." I didn't expect that Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi would also come, and she occasionally heard that Princess Qin and Murong Yan didn't care about getting close these days, but today, she was a little worried.

Looking at Su Lanzhi, I thought that Su Lanzhi will reach the age of Ji in a year. Now it is time to grow her body, and she is more and more beautiful. Even when she sees her, she has to be amazed. If Su Lanzhi really was chosen by Princess Qin, then she...

Naturally, Sun Xueru didn't want the Prime Minister's Mansion to marry the King Qin's Mansion, so it would be even more difficult for her to deal with Su Lanzhi and the others in the future.As long as she thought of her poor daughter, she wished that Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi's life would be better than death. How could she want the two to have a bright future?Therefore, she would rather push the concubine next to her up, at least she can control it by then, and she doesn't want Su Lanzhi to get what she wants.

The bottom of my heart has already turned a few turns. Sun Xueru was not willing to bring Su Lingling here at first, but now she is a little glad that she couldn't stop Su Qingxiu's request to bring her here, otherwise she would let Su Lanzhi marry her After Qin Zhiyan, wouldn't she be outmatched by Murong Yan again?

"Sister-in-law, don't praise her like that, children can't bear to be praised!" Murong Yan naturally knew what her daughter looked like, but she felt uncomfortable after hearing Sun Xueru's praise.It seems that her daughter can seduce people. If this is the case, it really makes people unhappy.

"My brother and sister are always so modest. I haven't seen you for half a year, but my brother and sister have become a little plump. I think these days are going well. How is my nephew? My prince said that he is very beautiful, with delicate features, and he is better-looking than a woman!" This describes a man as beautiful. Doesn't that mean that Su Mingyang looks a bit feminine?Murong Yan looked at Sun Xueru, she didn't know if this person could not speak or did it on purpose, she frowned, Murong Yan was really uncomfortable when her two children were described by the other party.

"Sister-in-law, who is this?" Simply changing the subject, Murong Yan looked at the somewhat soft and weak woman beside Sun Xueru, she was quite attractive, it fit the feminine beauty of a woman, and it was easy to feel a kind of affection for her.

"Hehe, this is my adopted daughter not long ago, Su Lingling, Lingling, come and meet your second aunt soon! And your cousin and Princess Nan!" After meeting with Princess Nan, Su Lingling was pushed away by Sun Xueru When she came out, she timidly called out "Concubine Nan", "Second Aunt" and "Sister Lan", with a little bit of shyness across her face, as if she was a little embarrassed. When Su Lanzhi saw this person, she knew that Sun Xue was a vegetarian. The concubine's son and daughter were suppressed severely, otherwise the children raised would not be so cowardly.

However, this uncle is also thick-skinned, he let Sun Xueru adopt one of his prostitutes, so he can use this child to make a good marriage in the future, really...

She was also speechless for this uncle, Su Lanzhi smiled, she couldn't say she sympathized with Su Lingling, but she just didn't like it either.

Concubine Nan also saw this scene in the same way, her heart flashed with surprise and surprise, she looked at Su Lingling and smiled, "This child is quite handsome, Princess Qing is very lucky."

"This child Su Ri is also sensible and filial. Now that my poor Yu'er is not by my side, I have a caring daughter by my side. I feel a little comforted in my heart." Speaking of Su Lanyu, Sun Xueru thought about her previous days My daughter went to visit her, her daughter has grown up a lot, but her face is no longer haggard like before, because she was hit by the board, her legs are also a little limping, she tried her best but couldn't heal, seeing her daughter's limping The look of turning around, and thinking about the sadness and anger in her daughter's eyes, Sun Xueru made up her mind that she would not let those who harmed her daughter have a better life!

"Princess Qing, don't be sad, one day you will get the emperor's grace, maybe Miss Su will be able to come back." Nan Wangfei also found out about Su Lanyu's matter later, seeing Sun Xueru's eyes were a little sad, it was just words It was a comforting word from the scene, and she said it very smoothly.

"Hey, this child is unlucky, that's all, let's not talk about her." Thinking of her daughter's suffering, and seeing Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi's life getting better and better now, the hatred in Sun Xueru's heart swelled It's coming up, I can't wait to let Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi go to accompany Su Lanyu immediately.But these two people are not comparable to Princess Lao Qing and Su Qingxiu, so she can let her do the tricks.She had to plan slowly, otherwise, how could she be reconciled in her heart?

"Princess Qing, don't worry too much. Now that Princess Qing has an extra daughter, filial piety, she can make up for some regrets. Miss Su is still young, so there is always a chance. When the time comes, if you find an opportunity, maybe it will be a success." It's gone." Nan Wangfei Xu saw a little bit of trickery, knowing that Sun Xueru and Murong Yan were not as harmonious as they appeared on the surface, so she also intentionally or unintentionally stimulated Sun Xueru with her words, in order to make Sun Xueru hate Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi even more layer up.

"I hope that I can borrow a good word from you, princess!" In the past six months, where has Sun Xueru not worked hard?How many relationships have been dragged on, how many people have been found, and I want to ask for the emperor's grace to let Su Lanyu come back, so I can take care of her nearby and raise my daughter well.But after all, it was a decision made by the Holy One in a fit of anger, how could it be changed at will?Now Sun Xueru has no choice but to let Su Lanyu take good care of her. First, heal her daughter's leg, so as not to come back in the future, become disabled, and ruin her future.

It's just that Yanlai Temple is not as good as the capital after all. Where can there be such a good doctor?It's been a year since my daughter has been dragging on like this, and it's really frustrating.

"If you need help, please feel free to mention Princess Qing. If you can help a little, I will do my best!" Quickly decided to recruit Sun Xueru as an ally. Anyway, Sun Xueru brought a concubine daughter today. Although she looks good, However, this identity is flawed and cannot be an obstacle to Princess Anning, and Princess Nan naturally wants to make friends.

"If necessary, you must trouble Princess Nan!" Although Princess Nan and King Nan have always been neutral, and King Nan has been nothing but an idle prince these years, after so many years, King Nan has already established a deep foundation in the south. The south of the Yangtze River is rich, and Nanwang's wealth should not be underestimated. Besides, Nanwang is a prince. He has been idle for many years, but he has also gained the emperor's trust. With the help of the other party, perhaps, her Yu'er will be saved one day!

"Hehe, we are all friends, and we should always help!" In this way, we reached a tacit understanding with Sun Xueru. What Princess Nan needs now is an alliance to help her deal with those Yingyingyanyans today. She doesn't want her daughter to come in. At that time, Qin Zhiyan already had a concubine, so it's not her daughter who will suffer at that time?

My daughter has a deep affection for Qin Zhiyan, I am afraid that the infatuation will not change, if I don't help, is it possible to watch her daughter wash her face with tears every day?

"Princess Nan is being polite!" Although she didn't know the reason why Concubine Nan was wooing her, Sun Xueru was very happy to have an alliance. She was smiling with Concubine Nan along the way, but left Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi aside.

Murong Yan didn't care either. Seeing that Nan Wangfei and Sun Xueru hit it off like old friends, apart from occasionally politely asking herself something, talking to herself, and walking together with a smile on her face, Murong Yan didn't feel embarrassed, just being with Su Lan. Zhi talked and laughed along the way, looking at the scenery of King Qin's Mansion, she felt admiration from the bottom of her heart, "I heard that the layout of King Qin's Mansion is beautiful and different from other mansions, but now it seems that it is indeed different. It's over. This layout is not at all like the layout in the capital city, but it looks like another country." The layout of the Qin Palace is somewhat similar to the gardens in Suzhou, with pavilions, terraces and pavilions, forming a scene of its own, intertwined and intertwined. It is very exquisite and beautiful. It can be seen that a lot of effort was wasted when it was first arranged.

"Mother, I heard that when Princess Qin married far away, King Qin was worried that Princess Qin would miss her hometown, so he remodeled the palace according to the pattern of Princess Qin's princess mansion. Now that I think about it, this is probably the style of Nanzhao, so I am a big man. Many yards are different." Nanzhao is like spring all the year round, so compared to the buildings in the capital city of Dacang, it is more delicate and has more vegetation, but now it is deep winter, and the vegetation is withered, otherwise it looks like it must be It was a scene of prosperity.

"So that's how it is. King Qin and Princess Qin really are a husband and wife with a deep love." Thinking of how every time she saw Princess Qin, she always had a soft smile on her face, without any force or affectation, which showed that Princess Qin was really happy.

What about marrying far away?As long as you meet someone who is sincere and willing to treat yourself sincerely, even if you marry far away, you can make up for that regret.

Murong Yan also heard about Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei back then, and felt envious from the bottom of her heart.

"Hehe, the relationship between father and mother is also very good. Didn't father obey mother's orders? Mother, don't envy others." Smiling and hugging Murong Yan, Su Lanzhi thought that the relationship between her parents was getting better, then The heart also gradually let go.

"You girl, stop talking, this is no better than being at home!" Touching the tip of Su Lanzhi's nose, Murong Yan couldn't help laughing when she saw her daughter teasing her.However, I also know that happiness cannot be envied. The happiness of others belongs to others after all. For example, when a person drinks water and knows how warm it is, others cannot see those things in the dark.

"I'm telling the truth. Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei are deeply in love as husband and wife, aren't father and mother also deeply in love?" In fact, behind the happiness of every family, there are also many sad things, such as Qin Wangfei. She has a deep affection with Qin Wang and his wife, but there is also a big-name side concubine in the mansion, secretly, is she not angry at all?Even her father and mother were inseparable back then, didn't they become indifferent and alienated because of the concubines in the mansion?

So, whenever she wants to be with someone sincerely in the future, that person must promise her.Apart from her, there will be no one else in the house, otherwise no matter how loving and happy the two are, they will still have a lot of troubles and jealousy.

Thinking of this, Su Lanzhi couldn't help but think of that elegant and handsome face. The man's picturesque face is clearly visible, and the uncanny facial features have a soft temperature. Looking at her eyes are affectionate like the sea, Su Lanzhi can't help but ask herself , "If it's that person, can he do it?"

A man from a wealthy family has countless concubines in his mansion, and he is proud of it.This is already a kind of chaos, even if the emotional couple is like the King of Qin, there is still a side concubine, her father has also gone through hardships, and now the mansion is finally separated.It can be seen that it is really difficult to achieve one person, one job, one pair.

And that man is the proud son of heaven, a royal relative, and the only son of the King of Qin. He bears the heavy responsibility of an heir, but he himself is a heir who has a hard time.They, is it possible?

It has to be said that having no children in the previous life is a thorn in Su Lanzhi's heart after all, it has been deeply penetrated and cannot be removed. Although she behaves very well on weekdays, how can she not be worried in the dead of night?

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