() "Thinking viciously? Oh, you didn't learn well at such a young age, but you learned this dirty trick. Madam Su, your way of raising children is really top-notch!" Sun Xueru's words really took advantage of Chang Mrs. Bohou's heart is broken. She looks at Su Lanzhi with a vicious expression on her face, and she doesn't even let Murong Yan go. Today she is hurt, and if she doesn't ask him for advice, won't she have to swallow her anger?

It's just a pity, she would never do such a thing!

"What's going on with you now? Miss Su, are you trying to wrench my hand off by making you a dog slave? So many people are watching, you have to think clearly!" Looking at Su Lanzhi domineeringly, then There are many people here, and Mrs. Chang Bohou also has the confidence, she still doesn't believe it, Su Lanzhi is really going to die!

"Mrs. Chang Bohou, please pay attention to your words and tone of voice!" Murong Yan was also irritated. After all these years, she was used to dealing with it calmly. She rarely felt angry like this, but seeing Chang Bohou at this moment The madam slanders her daughter so much, even if she is a muddy temper, she can't bear it!

"Mrs. Chang Bohou, please be careful!" Xi Lerong frowned when he heard Mrs. Chang Bohou's words becoming more and more unpleasant, and felt that Mrs. Chang Bohou was really abominable.

Lan'er is just a little girl, and being pointed and scolded like this, how will Lan'er behave in the future?

And if the news of today got out, wouldn't Lan'er's life be ruined?

This person is really hateful!

"Yes, Mrs. Chang Bohou, why did Lan'er push you for no reason? I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding? Maybe Lan'er was careless?" Although Sun Xueru was also helping, but what she said If there is no reason, people don't like it. Not to mention that it is not convincing at all, but it makes people feel that there is something tricky in it.

Su Lanzhi looked at Sun Xueru's behavior, and there was a flash of anger in her eyes, but seeing her mother, eldest aunt, and young Xiang'er protecting her family, a little bit of warmth flashed in Su Lanzhi's heart, and finally There was a little warmth in those eyes.

Recalling that she always encountered such situations in her previous life, she was alone and helpless. Every time she went out, she would encounter indifference and indifference from everyone. At that time, she could only rely on Xue Lingyun. Standing by his side, but never thinking about it, that person actually wished to embarrass himself?Therefore, although that person was defending himself and speaking for himself on the surface, in fact he was more and more isolated from others.

Smiling, Su Lanzhi was surrounded by this warm affection at the moment, looking at Mrs. Chang Bohou's angry and aggrieved face, she kept spitting out the vicious words, and seeing her mother and aunt were already angry. His face changed, Su Lanzhi knew that if he didn't speak again, he would really be bullied like this.

Now the time is ripe, Mrs. Chang Bohou has been ashamed enough, so she patted her skirt, as if she was patting off something unclean, raised her head to look at Mrs. Chang Bohou, that shrew cursing He smiled, and his smile seemed to be mocking Mrs. Chang Bohou's ignorance and stupidity. Seeing Mrs. Chang Bohou's heart tremble, she immediately felt a little guilty, "Mrs. Su, Mrs. Murong, you Just protecting her like this? No distinction between right and wrong?" The tone was obviously yelling, and only people with a guilty conscience would use their voices to cover up their inner insecurity?

Su Lanzhi didn't ask Murong Yan and Xi Lerong to answer the conversation again, so as not to lose her identity and argue with the mad dog, she gave Murong Yan and Xi Lerong a stable expression, looked at Mrs. Chang Bohou, her tone was calm and stable, and Chang Bohou Mrs. Bohou's furious appearance is really a great contrast, "Mrs. Changbohou, as an elder, you scold me and slander me like this, but are you really so dissatisfied with me?"

"Hmph, Mrs. Benhou doesn't have any dissatisfaction with you. It's just that you've gone too far. As an elder, Mrs. Benhou should point it out!" I can't get angry!

"Hehe, Mrs. Chang Bohou's words are wrong. What did I do wrong? I was scolded by my elders myself, but my mother didn't scold me. Don't Mrs. Chang Bohou feel that she is overstepping?" How can a daughter of the Xiangfu be treated so rudely?Even if you Mrs. Chang Bohou are a Mrs. Hou, you are not mine, so I won't allow you to make irresponsible remarks to me!

When Su Lanzhi said this, Mrs. Chang Bohou's face flashed with embarrassment, and then she thought of the injury on her head, and Mrs. Chang Bohou immediately gained confidence, "Although you said so, you have hurt this Marquis Madam's head is broken, Madam Benhou just endured it and won't seek justice for herself?"

"Mrs. Chang Bohou's words are wrong. Everyone can see that the wood hit you on your end. What does it have to do with me?" Looking at Mrs. Chang Bohou with a smile, Su Lanzhi really What is unexpected is that this person is so stupid!

However, since the other party is asking for humiliation, then she should let the other party enjoy it!It also avoids wasting the other party's wonderful performance just now.

"Although it was hit by a log, but if you don't push Mrs. Benhou, how could Mrs. Benhou fall down and have no way to run out, and was hit by this log?" Pointing to his bloody wound Mrs. Chang Bohou only felt that her whole body was hurting to death, and her body was also injured. If she hadn't troubled Su Lanzhi at this moment, she would have been lying down and asked to be healed.

"Mrs. Chang Bohou's words are wrong. I have no grudges with you in the past or near. Why should I push you away?" Seeing the blood on Madam Changbohou's face, Su Lanzhi just smiled , as if watching a joke, and said these words calmly and calmly, comparing the two, Mrs. Chang Bohou looked even more embarrassed.

"Who knows what you think in your heart?" Bai Bai Su Lanzhi, Mrs. Chang Bohou looked at Su Lanzhi so calmly, and felt uneasy inexplicably.

Why does this person seem to have no reaction at all when he encounters such a thing at such a young age?Don't you feel anxious at all?You must know that this is a matter related to Qing Yu. Does she really have nothing to fear when she is like this?

"Madam Benhou is straightforward, and she doesn't pay much attention to what she says on weekdays. Who knows when Madam Benhou accidentally offended you? Are you going to treat Madam Benhou like this? Miss Su, as an elder, Madam Benhou has no choice but to advise Let me tell you, it is better to leave room for others in everything, if you are so vicious at such a young age, who will tolerate you in the future?" Although this was not clearly stated, anyone with a little brain would have thought of it.If it were an ordinary woman, she would be too ashamed to meet people, let alone refute.

Mrs. Chang Bohou has such thoughts in mind, knowing that her daughter's family is thin-skinned.It's just that Mrs. Chang Bohou is facing Su Lanzhi after all. She has experienced too much in her previous life. Su Lanzhi has long been indifferent to many things, not to mention that she no longer has any hope for her marriage and love between men and women. Naturally, I will not be like other people, worrying that what I do will affect other people's impression of me, so that I will not be able to get married in the future, and I am too ashamed to speak.

"Mrs. Chang Bohou thinks too much. Although Mrs. Chang Bohou is straightforward, she doesn't think about her words, and she doesn't know if she offended anyone. How can I care about you?" I don't care about Mrs. Chang Bohou's words at all. Su Lanzhi just sat there quietly and looked at Mrs. Chang Bohou with a smile. It really seemed that she was just an outsider. Looking at Mrs. Chang Bohou, she just felt like that Like a clown, it's very funny.

Does that mean she's out of her mind?

Mrs. Chang Bohou's face was a little distorted. She had never been insulted like this before, so she naturally felt uncomfortable, "Miss Su is really eloquent, but you didn't just get over this matter so perfunctorily. Mrs. Benhou was pushed to the right place by you. As a matter of fact, you almost killed Mrs. Benhou, this matter can't just be left alone!"

"Mrs. Chang Bohou, you are so unreasonable. Even if Lan'er pushed you, it might have been careless. As an elder, do you have to make things so ugly?" Sun Xueru seemed unable to see it, Talking to Su Lanzhi, in fact, has already convicted Su Lanzhi.

Su Lanzhi saw Sun Xueru's appearance of defending herself, and smiled, "Auntie, I have always been careful. Even if there was chaos just now, I would not accidentally push it to Mrs. Chang Bohou. You are too worried. " Directly refuted Sun Xueru's words, if the other party wanted to trip her up like this, she would not let others bully her!

"Lan'er, you..." In fact, I really want to say, why don't you just admit your mistake and forget it?Why make things so deadlocked?It's just that Sun Xueru looked at Su Lanzhi's eyes. Although she was smiling, her eyes were cold. Sun Xueru simply closed her mouth, not wanting to make fun of herself.

She wants to see how the other party handles this matter!

With the intention of watching a good show, the corner of Sun Xueru's mouth flickered strangely, but Su Lanzhi knew that Sun Xueru was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, not to mention that this person hated her very much, so of course he would not let this opportunity go to punish her.It's just that she won't let the other party get what they want, "Mrs. Chang Bohou, you insist that I pushed you, but you have evidence?" Returning to this topic again, Su Lanzhi knew that Mrs. Chang Bohou would bite She won't let go of this matter, so she has to give the other party a good time.It's also good to let the other party know that it's the end of angering yourself.

Do you want her to lose face?Then she wants to see today, who has lost all face!

"Madam Ben Hou saw it with her own eyes. Isn't this evidence? And the wound on Madam Ben Hou's head, isn't this evidence?" Aggressive, Madam Chang Bohou's performance at this moment is perfect. If eyes can kill, Su Lanzhi At this moment, Mrs. Chang Bohou might have been delayed by Mrs. Chang Bohou, "And..." When she said this, Mrs. Chang Bohou's expression was a little strange. Looking at Princess Nan, Mrs. Chang Bohou suddenly laughed Oh, "Princess Nan also saw it, so, is that enough?" I have to say that Madam Chang Bohou said the name of Concubine Nan at the moment, and everyone's eyes on Su Lanzhi changed immediately.

If Mrs. Chang Bohou talked about this hysterically before, everyone would not have a good impression of Mrs. Chang Bohou. They also knew that Mrs. Chang Bohou was always domineering, and they didn't doubt that the other party was embarrassing Su Lanzhi on purpose.

It's just that this matter involves Princess Nan. Princess Nan has always had a good reputation. As a typical lady, Princess Nan is noble, elegant, generous, and has no airs. She is very kind to everyone.Concubine Nan will try her best to reconcile any conflicts between the ladies of Surrey when she sees it. People like this will naturally believe it when they come out to testify.What's more, Princess Nan is different from Mrs. Chang Bohou. Mrs. Chang Bohou had an affair with Su Lanzhi today, but Princess Nan didn't seem to.

The previous Nan Wangfei had been sitting there as an outsider, asking the doctor to heal her wounds, and she had long hated Su Lanzhi in her heart.But she was smart enough not to join, also to see Su Lanzhi's jokes.But never thought that Mrs. Chang Bohou would drag her into it.

Feeling a little annoyed, Princess Nan looked at Mrs. Chang Bohou's eyes with a little warning. She had a bad start before, and wanted to take the opportunity to push Su Lanzhi and hurt Su Lanzhi. It would be better to disfigure her or something. Bad breath.But she never thought that there was a force that bounced herself away. Before she could see it, she was seriously injured.

She knew that Su Lanzhi could not get rid of it, but she knew she was at a disadvantage, so she didn't dare to say anything. She only wanted Mrs. Chang Bohou to help her vent her anger, but she never thought that Mrs. Chang Bohou was so useless, and she still asked for help. Here she comes!

She gave Mrs. Chang Bohou a warning look, but she didn't know whether Mrs. Chang Bohou didn't know how to look at people's faces or did it on purpose. She smiled and looked at Princess Nan. What she was waiting for was the other party's. Testimony, "Princess Nan, everyone seems to have doubts about what I just said. Just now you stood close to me, but you saw it. How did Miss Su treat me? How did she treat you?" The last sentence Mrs. Chang Bohou spoke lightly, but Princess Nan heard it.Feeling terrified, Nan Wangfei looked at Mrs. Chang Bohou's determined appearance, and was a little worried that what she did just now would be watched by Mrs. Chang Bohou, so at this moment, Mrs. Chang Bohou is threatening her up.

She has always had a good reputation and treats people with generosity and courtesy. This is the image she has worked so hard to cultivate for so many years, and it cannot be ruined like this.Otherwise, it would be her fault to implicate her own sons and daughters.

Concubine Nan was a little worried at the moment. The inexplicable force before made her viscera feel broken. She had no doubt that it had something to do with Su Lanzhi.In this way, Su Lanzhi also knew that she was the one who did the trick just now, so she didn't need to hide anything.

It's just that when she saw Su Lanzhi's appearance, she was not worried at all. She hesitated in her heart, for fear that Su Lanzhi had something to do, and when she testified to Mrs. Chang Bohou, she would fall into the other party's trap.

For a moment she was undecided, Princess Nan didn't say anything, she just thought about what to say in her heart, which would be the best for her, and she would be able to get herself out of this matter.Mrs. Chang Bohou saw that Princess Nan did not answer, she was a little worried, and her face was a little anxious, "Princess Nan, you were by my side just now, we were so close, didn't you see?" A word is also a temptation. When she tripped Su Lanzhi, she seemed to feel that there were hands pushing Su Lanzhi around her, so she also wanted to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, but she didn't see who that person was.

I wanted to test Princess Nan to see if it was the other party, so that I could have a handle, but now that the other party looks like this, could it be that she guessed wrong?

Princess Nan saw the anxious and uncertain expression on Madam Chang Bohou's face, and she knew that Madam Chang Bohou was just guessing just now, and she couldn't fall into the other party's trap.

It's just that it's hard for Su Lanzhi to make her happy like this. Now she's in pain all over her body. This account can't just be forgotten!

Thinking of this, Nan Wangfei's chest seemed to be hurting more, her face was a little painful, "Mrs. Chang Bohou, I was also a little anxious just now, and I didn't pay attention to it, but I saw you standing close to Miss Su, maybe it was out of urgency. Next, it may not be that Ms. Su accidentally bumped into you, Mrs. Chang Bohou, you are an elder, so let’s forget about it? Why make things so stiff?” Nan Wangfei came out to make love with her now, although she didn’t say it clearly Seeing that Su Lanzhi pushed Mrs. Chang Bohou, it also hinted that Su Lanzhi might be careless.And now that she is seriously injured, she came out to intercede for Su Lanzhi and persuade Mrs. Chang Bohou, wouldn't it highlight her virtuous name?

Su Lanzhi saw that Nan Wangfei still didn't forget to trip her under the request of self-protection at this moment, a trace of sarcasm crossed the corner of her mouth, and looked over, "Nan Wangfei's words are wrong, this matter can't just be like this Forget it, otherwise I was wronged for no reason? Although I am young, I cannot afford such a crime. Although I have no talent or virtue, I cannot embarrass my family. Let's talk about it, then we have to figure it out, so we can figure out who is right." Su Lanzhi's words obviously meant to disrespect Princess Nan, and everyone looked at Su Lanzhi, and felt that Su Lanzhi was a little displeased. Know good and bad.

In the current situation, it is obvious that Su Lanzhi is at a disadvantage. First, Mrs. Chang Bohou is aggressive, and the meaning of Nan Wangfei's words is understood by everyone, but she thinks that Nan Wangfei is giving face to the Xiangfu and Su Lanzhi , It’s hard to tell the truth.

Now, the two elders have the same meaning. As a junior, Su Lanzhi could possibly still say that the elders are wrong?Even if it is [-] steps back, Su Lanzhi didn't do these things today, but now she just clings on and cries so endlessly, I'm afraid it will leave a bad reputation, which is very bad for Su Lanzhi Adverse.

The daughter's family is just to find a good marriage, so that she can be safe and worry-free in this life. Now she is so aggressive and doesn't give people face at all. With such a woman and such a reputation, which family's mother-in-law would want this daughter in law?

Everyone looked at Su Lanzhi's eyes and became a little unfriendly. Now they are in the Qin Palace, they are guests, but they are so disrespectful to the master's house in the master's house. A woman like this really doesn't know how to advance or retreat!I don't even know how to be ashamed!

The relationship between the aristocratic family is intricate and intricate, and the bones are still connected. Normally, the ladies and wives of Li met each other, which one is not polite, even if there is a little trouble, who would be so serious ?Really hurt your peace?

Everyone says that harmony makes money, so no one wants to tear their face openly and make each other look bad, so many people wear masks. Even if you don’t like someone, these ladies and ladies can smile Greeting each other, chatting and laughing happily, this is the rule of this class, and it is also the tacit understanding between everyone. Su Lanzhi is a bit too much now.


"Hehe, Miss Su, let's forget about this matter, why make it so embarrassing?" You and the old man came out to talk, and everyone agreed that it was Su Lanzhi who pushed Mrs. Chang Bohou, but in the case of Xiangfu and Jingbei For the sake of Hou Fu's face, he planned to make a divorce.

"Yes, Miss Su, Mrs. Chang Bohou is an elder. If you are not careful, just give her an apology. Why hurt your friendship?" Seeing what she said, why did she feel uncomfortable listening to it?

Looking at Princess Nan, Su Lanzhi has really seen the viciousness of this woman today.He obviously didn't say anything, but it just made people feel that she did this thing, well, it really is good!

The reputation in Suri is not useless. How can such a virtuous and virtuous Princess Nan lie?It's no wonder that there are so many people who like to do superficial kung fu to gain this virtuous name. At critical moments, it's really easy to use!

It's right and wrong, it's half concealed, and Nan Wangfei has always been kind-hearted, it's hard not to let people think so!

There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, Su Lanzhi looked at everyone talking back and forth, looking at the faces of those people, why did she suddenly feel so disgusting?

Murong Yan saw that everyone recognized Su Lanzhi's crime, and protected her daughter behind her. Looking at everyone, that friendly face was tinged with indifference for the first time, "Ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention Proper, Lan'er didn't push Mrs. Chang Bohou, why do you ask her to apologize?" The old hen carefully pulled Su Lanzhi behind her like a chicken, Murong Yan has always been a person who does not offend me. Not a prisoner, today, I was really angry.

It seems that she really hasn't come out for so long that these people don't take them seriously at all!

They are not so easy to bully!

"Mrs. Su, what you said is wrong. Although you love your daughter, right is right and wrong is wrong. Could it be that you still want to take sides?" Nan Wangfei's words have basically convinced everyone that this matter is Su Lanzhi. I did it, so the way everyone looked at Su Lanzhi was already very bad.

Surrounding Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan one after another, Murong Yan couldn't stand it any longer, and Xi Lerong beside her was also full of anger, and couldn't hold it anymore, "What do you mean? Many people bully others, don't they? This matter It's just that we and Mrs. Chang Bohou only see grievances, so what are you bothering with?" Xi Lerong was almost pissed off today, and it's really unpleasant to see these people getting carried away!

Why do these people think that Nan Wangfei's words mean that Lan'er is wrong?Didn't Princess Nan say it clearly?Why bother?

"Mrs. Murong, this matter is obvious. Princess Nan is trying to save face for you, and she didn't say it clearly. Why do you do this?" Everyone saw that Su Lanzhi and the others didn't know good from bad, and their faces were a little worried. Today, the flower house collapsed. Everyone was in a bad mood, so naturally they needed a vent at the moment, Princess Qin and the others had nothing to do, but Su Lanzhi, they still had nothing to do.

It's all Su Lanzhi's bad luck to blame.

"That's right. Peace is the most important thing for everyone. It's fine for Ms. Su to admit her mistake. Let's pretend that we didn't see this matter, and we didn't see it. Why make things so rigid?"

"That's right, Mrs. Murong, you are considered upright in your daily life, and you are not used to these nasty things. Could it be that today, because Ms. Su is your nephew, you are taking sides?"

"Mrs. Su, we know that you are kind to your daughter, but now that the facts are in front of us, since Miss Su didn't do it on purpose, it's not an exaggeration to say an apology? You have also seen that Mrs. Chang Bohou's head is broken."


Everyone joined the ranks of persuasion. Of course, some of them thought that Su Lanzhi was venting at the beginning. He was upset and impolite when speaking. Murong Yan and Xi Lerong were protecting Su Lanzhi, and Princess Nan looked at the corner of her mouth. After a moment of complacency, as if she was watching a good show, she was thinking about the timing in her heart, how to speak is the best way, so that everyone can quickly realize her virtuous name and kindness, but before she could speak, Su Lanzhi's steady voice, However, it seemed to have magical powers, and Nan Wangfei suddenly felt uneasy.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that the wives and ladies of the so-called aristocratic families all like to bully others by fighting together!" Once these words came out, it would inevitably make people feel uncomfortable, but everyone really didn't agree. Dare to besiege Su Lanzhi and others.

"Miss Su, what you said seems to be too much? It's not good to be so eloquent if you don't study "Female Virtue" well at such a young age!" Everyone adjusted their appearance one after another. Said that each of them was a little worried on their faces, but everyone was a master of all kinds, so they quickly covered up their emotions.

"That's right, Ms. Su, we are also doing it for your own good, so why are you so stubborn?"

"Miss Su, at such a young age, it's better not to be so aggressive, lest you regret it in the future!" The warning meaning in these words is obvious. Girls' Generation, who was so unforgiving before she was young, is also a fierce person. Bad reputation!


In the face of everyone's siege, Su Lanzhi always kept a smiling face, looking at everyone's expressions, as if the person they were talking about was not her. Her attitude like this angered many people, some people Wanting to take the opportunity to teach Su Lanzhi a lesson, her words became a little vicious.

"Miss Su, you are a junior, and today you are in Prince Qin's mansion. If you look like this, don't you want to give face to Princess Qin and King Qin?" Su Lanzhi is so unreasonable, if Su Lanzhi makes trouble again If you go on, you are deliberately finding fault, which can be regarded as dragging Princess Qin into the water. If this matter is not handled well, maybe even Princess Qin will be dissatisfied with Su Lanzhi!

It would be a bad luck to offend Da Cang's most favored prince now!

"Miss Su, you have to know that this is Prince Qin's mansion, not your prime minister's mansion, and you can't tolerate being so wild!" The purpose of withdrawing Qin Wangfei is worth studying.

It's just that they didn't expect that as early as they started to quarrel, someone would sneak out. At this moment, a moon-white figure walked by the door. That person's face was like a crown of jade, but at this moment, his face was stained a little. "Indeed, this is my Prince Qin's mansion, and no one can tolerate wild things. It's just Mrs. Zhang, as an elder, is it too much for you to criticize Ms. Su so harshly?" Qin Zhiyan walked in chicly, The footwork was extremely fast, and he came to the hall in a short while, standing in front of Su Lanzhi, looking at Su Lanzhi from the corner of his eyes full of worry and apology, it could be seen that he was very sorry for what happened today.

"King Wu Cheng!" He really didn't expect that Qin Zhiyan would come, and he came so suddenly that there was no prior notice!Mrs. Zhang's expression was a little embarrassed, and she was also a little scared. It could be seen that she was a little scared.

She didn't have the ability to borrow and create the momentum of Prince Qin's mansion.

"This king originally wanted to see everyone's injuries, but he didn't expect to hear everyone scolding Miss Su from a distance. Miss Su is just a weak girl. Everyone is so persecuted, why don't you give Miss Su a chance to speak? What about it?" Looking at Su Lanzhi from the corner of her eyes, seeing the other party sitting there calmly, it seems that everyone's gossip has no effect on her.Qin Zhiyan felt a little distressed, wishing to take the other party into his arms so that he could love her so much, and would never let anyone bully her at all.It's just that now, he doesn't have the qualifications, so he can only come here in a hurry to cheer for the opponent.


"What King Wu Cheng said is very true, but Princess Nan also said it just now..." Before she finished speaking, Su Lanzhi shook her skirt at this moment, and finally stood up, after watching for so long The play, what should be performed, has been performed, she should have seen clearly, and she has seen clearly, now, it is time to end, "I just want to get my innocence back, everyone didn't listen to me, why? Do you condemn me?"

In the past, Su Lanzhi didn't like to associate with these ladies and ladies, and she also found them troublesome.It's still the same now, wishing that she was the incarnation of justice, it seemed that it was for her own good, but didn't this force her to confess the crime she shouldn't have confessed?If she really apologized today, who knows how it will be spread tomorrow?

She suffered from gossip in her previous life, but in this life, she must not let anyone discredit her!

Therefore, even if she gained a fierce reputation because of it, she wouldn't just let things go today.

Princess Nan, Mrs. Chang Bohou, I gave you enough time to sing just now, if you guys want to force me like this, then don't blame me for being rude!

Glancing Nan Wangfei and Mrs. Chang Bohou faintly, the smile on the corner of Su Lanzhi's mouth has never changed. She looks so calm, as if the person who was persecuted just now is not her.Her appearance is really disturbing!


Seeing Su Lanzhi's control over everything, Qin Zhiyan also heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that he was impatient just now.How could the woman in front of her put herself in such an unbearable situation?

He should believe her, so he let her handle it by herself, "Miss Su said very well, ladies and gentlemen, today's incident happened in Prince Qin's mansion, we don't want anyone to be wronged, this matter, let Su It’s good for the lady to explain it herself. I believe that all the people present are smart people, and they won’t be misled because of things without evidence?” Qin Zhiyan’s words made everyone blush, everyone really What's more, I didn't expect Qin Zhiyan to say it directly, and felt a little shameless.It's just that I can't say it, who made them so irrational just now?

"What King Wu Cheng said is very true. We were impulsive just now." All the wives and ladies present were from aristocratic families, and all of them were educated by ladies. Encountered the collapse of the flower house, everyone was a little flustered, and there was some anger that could not be vented, so they would not just seek Su Lanzhi's bad luck.

Thinking about it now, everyone regrets it, especially Qin Zhiyan is standing here now, and many people who are a little bit cautious are so regretful that their intestines are green.

Let King Wu Cheng see them as they were just now, will he have a bad opinion of them?Will that affect my daughter?

Because of Qin Zhiyan's presence, everyone restrained a lot, each thinking about their own concerns, and no longer had time to trouble Su Lanzhi.Nan Wangfei saw that the situation was not good, so she hurriedly smiled awkwardly, "Zhiyan, why are you here? Is Princess Qin okay?" Originally, she wanted to divert Qin Zhiyan's attention so that Qin Zhiyan would not continue to help Su Lanzhi, but never thought about it, Qin Zhiyan just replied lightly, "Mother Concubine was only slightly injured and is resting now. She asked me to come over to see how everyone is doing. She will come over later!" The meaning is that I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Qin Zhiyan didn’t look at Princess Nan while he was talking, which made Princess Nan a little embarrassed. of."

"Really? It's inevitable that everyone will be a little angry when we are together. It's our Qin Palace's poor hospitality today. It's our fault that everyone was surprised. This is a shocking gift that my concubine asked me to give everyone. I hope everyone will accept it!" The person on the side brought the box over, and everyone looked at it. Aren't the things on it just gold, silver and jewelry, and some supplements?These things are all very expensive, and they seem to be the most popular styles in the palace. This Qin Wangfei is really a big deal!

"A small gift is not a respect. Today we were negligent and surprised everyone. I think my concubine asked me to give you a shocking gift. I hope everyone will not be offended!"

Everyone looked at the gold, silver and jewelry, as well as the bird's nest and shark's fin, and their eyes were dazzled. Thinking that they could get one, they naturally felt better.

"Princess Qin is really too polite!" The sharp-eyed person found that there were many royal gifts inside, which cannot be bought with money!

"It should be. When everyone leaves later, you can just take whatever you like. The meaning of the concubine mother is that I hope everyone will not blame you today. We are too careless. The greenhouse has been in disrepair for a long time, and the snow in the back mountain It was too heavy, so it fell down and just hit the greenhouse, which surprised everyone." He briefly explained what happened today, and comforted everyone by the way. It was used as a gun.

"Princess Qin is worrying too much. Today's incident was purely accidental, so there's no need for it." Even though he said so, some people couldn't even roll their eyes when they looked at the shining jewels.

These are all valuable items. It is a blessing to get one, and it is a glorious thing.Especially those bestowed by the emperor, wearing them out in the future is all about face!This Prince Qin's Mansion is really in the hands of honor and favor, it is really too generous!

"It should be!" He signaled people to put the things down, but Qin Zhiyan didn't give them to everyone right away, deliberately whetting everyone's appetite, but now he looked at Princess Nan with a half-smile, exactly the same as Su Lanzhi , Seeing Nan Wangfei's heart, something is not good.Just as she was about to speak, Qin Zhiyan took a step ahead of her, "Today it is indeed our Qin Palace's negligence that caused everyone's inconvenience, and what happened just now also made everyone wronged. It was also my negligence that made everyone bored." , I failed to come out to mediate in time, causing everyone to be at odds, and I, the host, can hardly escape the blame. Miss Su, if you have anything to say, just say that you are our distinguished guest today, and we will get it back for you It's fair!" After smoothing everyone's hair, now that the old matter was brought up again, Qin Zhiyan's words of partiality and respect for Su Lanzhi made everyone look at Su Lanzhi's eyes differently.

It seems that King Wu Cheng is on Miss Su's side this time!Princess Nanan...

At this moment, some people were startled to realize that they were being used as a gun in anger, and they were angry in their hearts, and the eyes that valued Princess Nan were not as friendly and trusting as before.

Seeing this, Princess Nan knew something was wrong, so she hurriedly said, "Miss Su, I know you were wronged, just now..." Originally, she was waiting for the opportunity to rescue Su Lanzhi, so as to show her generosity and virtuousness, but she never Thinking that Su Lanzhi took the opportunity first, Princess Nan felt bad and wanted to save something, but Su Lanzhi never gave her this chance at all, "Princess Nan, everyone thought I accidentally pushed Chang Mrs. Bohou is gone, but I don't know, has Nan Wangfei seen it with her own eyes?" Now that the time is ripe, Su Lanzhi no longer talks nonsense.

She didn't want Concubine Nan to deliberately confuse the public and say things that were true and false. Now, she let the other party slap her in the face!

"Hehe, Ms. Su, it was so chaotic just now, I naturally didn't see it clearly, but..." Her face was a little uneasy, but Nan Wangfei couldn't just say that Su Lanzhi pushed Mrs. Chang Bohou. Since the feeling of slapping her mouth, she wanted to explain, but Su Lanzhi didn't give her a chance to say more, "Since Princess Nan has never seen it, why did you say those things that people misunderstood just now? I have always heard that Princess Nan is a good lady." Virtue is the most kind, and Surri is also just. Why did you treat me like this today? Could it be that I did something that dissatisfied Princess Nan?" At this point, Su Lanzhi's eyes were a little wet , picked up the handkerchief and carefully wiped the corners of his mouth, looking extremely aggrieved.

"Miss Su, I..." The corners of my mouth twitched a little, seeing Su Lanzhi's aggrieved look, as if she had done something heinous, Princess Nan opened her mouth to explain, but Su Lanzhi interrupted directly She said, "Princess Nan, I don't know when I offended you. When I was in the greenhouse, someone pushed me and someone stepped on me. I was almost buried by the snowball. These people did it secretly. I won't talk about the messy things that happened. If Yunzhu didn't protect me and push the person who pushed me away, and I was worried that I would fall, so I pulled back my skirt. As for the person who stepped on me Did my person fall down because of this? I was busy coming out at the time, so how could I pay attention to this? I don’t even remember that I pushed Mrs. Chang Bohou, but she insisted on relying on me, if it was really because of me If I accidentally pulled back my skirt and caused Mrs. Chang Bohou to fall, then I would like to apologize!"

As soon as Su Lanzhi said this, everyone took a deep breath and looked at the faces of Nan Wangfei and Mrs. Chang Bohou, extremely unfriendly.

Nan Wangfei looked at Su Lanzhi in surprise. Although the other party didn't say anything, Mrs. Chang Bohou had already said that she was standing beside him, and she was obviously helping Mrs. Chang Bohou just now. In this way, isn't it self-inflicted?Otherwise, why would she target Su Lanzhi like this?

Annoyed in her heart, Nan Wangfei hated herself so much that she was a little out of control just now, but the matter has come to this point, she can't say anything, so she can only think of countermeasures in silence, so as not to make too many mistakes.

But compared to Princess Nan's composure, Mrs. Chang Bohou was furious, and pointed at Su Lanzhi suddenly, the kind of anger that was exposed by others was really disgusting, "Miss Su, you must pay attention to evidence! I When did I step on you?" What do you mean?Didn't the words just now point to the fact that she stepped on the other party, and the other party made her fall?

You mean she deserved it, right?She won't do what the other party wants!

Everyone looked at Mrs. Chang Bohou's angry look, and there was some contempt in their eyes. Some people stood close to Mrs. Chang Bohou, and even moved away from each other. portion.

Seeing this, Mrs. Chang Bohou felt even more upset, and her eyes staring at Su Lanzhi became angry.Seeing that the other party lost her temper so quickly, Su Lanzhi smiled, her eyes were as innocent as possible, "Madam Chang Bohou, I didn't say that, just stepped on my skirt, Is it you who caused me to almost fall? I really don't know, if I knew, I should have apologized to you just now. I'm really sorry, I really didn't know it was you!"

Looking at Su Lanzhi's innocent and apologetic face, but her eyes were full of sarcasm towards herself, Mrs. Chang Bohou was so angry that she trembled, "You, you..." In a dilemma, Mrs. Chang Bohou understood now. It tastes good.

If she insists that Su Lanzhi pushed her, isn't she indirectly saying that she stepped on Su Lanzhi first?She won't do such a thing that loses her identity!

But is that all?Now that she has lost all face, if it's just like this, how can she see people?

While struggling, someone seemed to be afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and exclaimed, "Ah, Miss Su, why is the hem of your skirt torn? There is still such a big footprint on it? Whose is this? So cruel? "Isn't this the one who said Su Lanzhi just now, Mrs. Zhang who was caught on the spot after being kissed?"

She said this because she wanted to restore her own image, so as not to offend the Prince Qin's House and the Prime Minister's House.

But she is indeed very smart. When she said this, many wives who felt embarrassed just now tried their best to help, "Oh, isn't it? How big is this footprint? And it's so heavy, Afraid it was intentional?"

"Miss Su, do you want someone to compare the footprints to prove your innocence?"

"That's right, look at the footprints are so deep that they have trampled the hem of your skirt, Miss Su. It's really too much."


Everyone spoke in a few words, all pointing their fingers at Mrs. Chang Bohou. Mrs. Chang Bohou's face now really looks like that swallowed a fly, and she is really aggrieved.

What do you want to say, but the big footprints on Su Lanzhi's skirt are all there now, what can she say?Could it be that you can't do it yourself?

But she just accepted it like that, she was so unwilling.Could it be that she wanted to teach Su Lanzhi a lesson and embarrass the other party, but now she repays it to herself?Then how will she meet people in the future?

Suddenly, I regretted my impulsiveness just now. Mrs. Chang Bohou looked at Su Lanzhi's smile at this moment, as if everything was in her mind, and suddenly felt that she was being calculated.

Well, it turned out that she did it on purpose. She deliberately looked at her like that when she entered the door, intentionally provoked herself, and even deliberately let herself direct and act on her own, in order to withdraw from all these things and catch her and Nan Wangfei all at once!

At this moment, she finally understood, but Mrs. Chang Bohou knew that it was too late, and the impulse had already been created. As a result, Su Lanzhi won. Today, she lost face and even lost her dignity.For a long time in the future, I'm afraid you won't dare to come out to meet people?

My heart was full of anger and unwillingness, and I even wanted to go forward and tear up Su Lanzhi's smiling face that she hated, but Mrs. Chang Bohou knew that what she did now, the face of Chang Bohou's mansion would really be changed. If it's gone, even the happiness of her own children will be ruined by her!

But, what should she do?The other party has pushed herself to such a state, how can she get out of the predicament?

Confused, Mrs. Chang Bohou is an impulsive and arrogant person, she has no idea at the moment, standing there with a livid face, feeling everyone's ridicule, she really can't hold it anymore.

Xu Shi saw the embarrassment of Mrs. Chang Bohou, Zhao Yirong hurried out, really couldn't stand it anymore, pulled the corner of Mrs. La Changbohou's clothes, and looked at Su Lanzhi with apologetic eyes, " Ms. Su, in the chaos just now, my mother may have misread it, and everything was just a misunderstanding. Ms. Su should not be offended, I am here to make amends for my mother!" After finishing speaking, she lowered her noble expression First, Zhao Yirong hated Su Lanzhi to death at this moment, but her mother was ashamed, and she was also ashamed. Now she just hopes that Su Lanzhi can calm things down, otherwise how can they gain a foothold in the future?

She doesn't want to be pointed at in the future!

Zhao Yirong is like this, apologizing to Su Lanzhi in person, hoping to preserve a little face of Mrs. Chang Bohou, otherwise, if Mrs. Chang Bohou really apologizes to Su Lanzhi, it will really lose face .It's just that she didn't expect that Su Lanzhi looked at her apologizing, seemingly indifferent, and seemed quite confused, "Miss Zhao, you are serious, I can't afford this apology." This means that she refuses to accept it. I apologize, Zhao Yirong's teeth itch with hatred, wishing to rush over to fix Su Lanzhi, but now they are in a weak position and have to bow their heads.

"Miss Zhao, get up quickly, I'm in a difficult situation if you're like this!" Even though she said that, Su Lanzhi refused to let go at all, and Zhao Yirong almost hated her to death.

"Miss Su, why did you make such an embarrassing situation? My mother, my mother didn't do it on purpose." Gritting her teeth, Zhao Yirong knew that at this moment, she couldn't help herself, so she could only admit her mistake, otherwise this matter would happen. , it's really not over.

"Miss Zhao's words are serious? I don't mean to blame. After all, the person I accidentally pushed just now was just the person who stepped on me. Could it be that person is really Mrs. Chang Bohou? Then I should apologize It's me, not Miss Zhao!" He hurriedly helped Zhao Yirong up, Zhao Yirong had lowered her head, but now she lowered her head desperately, she didn't want to get up, but she only felt a sharp pain in her neck, Unable to bear it, I had to raise my head.As soon as she raised her head and saw Su Lanzhi's face, Zhao Yirong wished she could ruin it!

It's just that before she could hate it, Su Lanzhi directly apologized to Madam Changbohou. Madam Changbohou looked at Su Lanzhi's apologetic face. Although this apology was what she wanted, at this moment, at this moment In this situation, she accepted the apology, didn't she just indirectly say that she was the one who stepped on Su Lanzhi?Then why did she step on the other party, why did she do something wrong but complained first? These things need to be studied. It really made Mrs. Chang Bohou a little unbearable. She hurriedly stopped Su Lanzhi's behavior, "Miss Su, this is not you wrong!"

"But Mrs. Chang Bohou, your head is broken. I shouldn't have. You should have made it clear just now, otherwise I wouldn't..." Su Lanzhi needless to say the rest, everyone can understand, see Looking at Mrs. Chang Bohou's face, she really felt a little contemptuous.

Being old and disrespectful, are you afraid that this is the kind of person?Obviously I made a mistake first, but I still called out to catch a thief, didn't I?

"Miss Su, stop talking. I accidentally stepped on you and fell down. It's not your fault. I should apologize to you!" Madam was forced to this point by Su Lanzhi, so she can only admit it all, otherwise she doesn't know what new tricks Su Lanzhi will come up with, she can't stand it!

"Mrs. Chang Bohou, you..." It seemed a little surprised by Mrs. Chang Bohou's apology. Su Lanzhi didn't know what to do at the moment. Seeing everyone looking at her with contempt, Mrs. Chang Bohou, I couldn't bear it anymore, and lowered my head, "I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, King Wu Cheng, please tell Princess Qin, I'll go first!" After speaking, he wanted to leave, but Qin Zhiyan didn't Let the other party evade, "Mrs. Chang Bohou, do you want to take care of your head injury? It looks serious?"

"No, I'm fine, I'll go back and deal with it myself!"

"But it's not good to look like this? You should at least freshen up. It's not good if people see you when you go out like this!" Mrs. Chang Bohou had a big hole in her face, and she was only focused on finding Su Lanzhi to settle accounts just now, but it was too late Deal with it, the blood on his face is crusted right now, sticking to that hair, he looks really embarrassed, it's really scary for others to see him like this.In normal times, Mrs. Chang Bohou would naturally not tolerate her embarrassing side, but she dared not stay any longer, otherwise she would really lose face.

"King Wu Cheng, it's fine, I'll just go back and wash myself!" Without saying a word, she dragged Zhao Yirong away, and Mrs. Chang Bohou didn't care about the surprise and contempt in the eyes of the people around her, even a little gloating , all she knows at this moment is that she has to leave here, leave this place of right and wrong, so as not to be ashamed to see anyone again in the future!

"Mrs. Chang Bohou, this shocking gift..."

"Wu Chengwang, there's no need, thank you!" At this moment, how could she have the thought to take a gift?She wished she could dig a hole and get in, she just wanted to disappear as soon as possible!

"This..." Seeing Mrs. Chang Bohou running away in a hurry, she was indeed forced by Su Lanzhi. Qin Zhiyan just looked at Su Lanzhi in a funny way.He has always known that Su Lanzhi is not someone who can be manipulated so easily, but he never thought that Su Lanzhi would treat Mrs. Chang Bohou like this today.

But it's fine like this, his Lan'er, that's how it should be, don't be bullied and bear it.

But Lan'er has done so well, how can he do it without expressing anything?Mrs. Chang Bohou is really hateful today, if he doesn't teach Lan'er a lesson, he will feel uncomfortable.

"Mrs. Chang Bohou left in a hurry, and she forgot to take this shocking gift. She was injured today after all. The cold wind, you will send the ginseng and a bottle of jade skin ointment to Chang Bohou in a while. Madame is shocked." When he said this, Qin Zhiyan's eyes were a little strange, but no one saw it.

"Yes!" The cold wind got the order, and obediently went to prepare, Qin Zhiyan winked at Su Lanzhi from a place where everyone could not see, and his eyes were a little playful.Seeing the interest in Qin Zhiyan's eyes, Su Lanzhi couldn't help but roll her eyes back at him. Seeing Mrs. Chang Bohou's figure as if chased by hunting dogs, Su Lanzhi also felt relieved.

She has never been a soft-hearted person, and those who offend her will have to bear the corresponding price. This kind of ending is all chosen by the other party, so it's no wonder she is there.

Thinking that she will not see Mrs. Chang Bohou for a long time in the future, Su Lanzhi also feels very happy, otherwise she will have to deal with Mrs. Chang Bohou when she goes out in the future, and it will be troublesome to see her disgusting face.

Now, there is one more person...

Su Lanzhi looked at Princess Nan sitting there with a nervous expression on her face. Although her face was still calm, the other party's pale face and tightly clenched hands had already revealed her thoughts.

Princess Nan, Princess Nan, why are you persecuting me?I thought I was on good terms with you, but you are so aggressive today, so don't blame me for being rude!


Nan Wangfei looked at the condensate on Su Lanzhi's face, and immediately felt that it was not good, but she didn't expect that Su Lanzhi would change her face in the next second, "Oh, Nan Wangfei, do you have a chest pain? ? But it hurts badly?"

Qin Zhiyan saw that Su Lanzhi's face changed after a while, and he understood, so he hurriedly asked the doctor to examine Princess Nan, "Doctor, Princess Nan seems to be seriously injured, please show her well Look, is there an internal injury? Why do I see Princess Qin always clutching her chest?"

"Hehe, no need for King Wu Cheng, I'm fine!"

"How can that be done? Juncai, go and call the imperial physician. Princess Nan has suffered some kind of injury, we can't bear it!" For double insurance, Qin Zhiyan dispatched even the imperial physician. The corners of Princess Nan's mouth twitched, wanting to say something What, but it seems that everyone has already gone, and there is no room for her to speak, so Qin Zhiyan has to let it go.

It's just that Mrs. Chang Bohou was forced to lose face by Su Lanzhi just now, and Nan Wangfei was also a little bit cold. She wanted to find a chance to escape so that Su Lanzhi would not continue to embarrass her, but at this moment, she really couldn't find it. Here's the way.

Seeing that Princess Nan wanted to find an excuse to leave, Su Lanzhi said worriedly, "Princess Nan, just now Yunzhu used a lot of strength to protect me from being pushed down by that person, just now I heard Madam Chang Bohou Said you were standing by my side, have you been affected? Can you be seriously injured?"

There are so many wives and ladies, but Mrs. Chang Bohou and Nan Wangfei did not come out. Mrs. Chang Bohou did not come out because she wanted to plot against Su Lanzhi, but she reaped the consequences of herself. Now it has been confirmed.So, is Princess Nan the one who pushed her as Su Lanzhi said just now?

Everyone looked at Concubine Nan with puzzled eyes. After all, Concubine Nan has always been gentle and generous, with a good temper. Everyone thought Concubine Nan was a kind woman. Who would have thought that the other party would be so vicious?

Nan Wangfei felt that everyone was looking at her with a little bit of suspicion, secretly cursing Su Lanzhi's cunning, wanting to destroy the image she had built for many years, she smiled with pain, "How could it be? I won't be It's just a minor injury, it's fine!" She said it was a minor injury, but her chest actually hurt!

She really didn't expect that the dead servant beside Su Lanzhi was so strong and so ruthless, she might be injured internally now?

"It's good that the princess is fine. Just now, Yunzhu had no choice but to kick the other party with her feet in a hurry. She was also eager to protect the master. I was really worried that it was you, the princess. Otherwise, I would really feel sorry." It seems As if she believed Princess Nan's words, Su Lanzhi breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Princess Nan holding her chest, Qin Zhiyan's eyes flashed a little bit of understanding, and gave Mai Ya a look, and Mai Ya hurried over, "Princess Nan, do you have a chest pain, and I want you to rub it?" After speaking, she was about to rub it for Concubine Nan, but Concubine Nan hurriedly stopped her, "No need."

It would be bad if someone saw the footprints on her chest.

Princess Nan is not such a fool as Mrs. Chang Bohou. She knows that the situation is reversed now, and all she can do is to keep a low profile. She must not let people see anything, otherwise, the image she has worked so hard for for many years will be ruined. Yes, many things in the future will be troublesome.

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