The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 195 Leaked Thoughts

() "Concubine Nan..." Mai Ya never thought that Concubine Nan would directly reject her offer, looking at Qin Zhiyan out of the corner of her eyes, wondering if she should continue.

Qin Zhiyan saw the defensiveness in Nan Wangfei's eyes, and he was sure of something in his heart, but on the surface, he didn't miss it at all, "Nan Wangfei, I think you seem to be seriously injured. Best of all, even the princess is full of praise. Princess Nan will let Maiya show it to you, so as not to hurt your bones, that would be bad." His tone was full of concern, but his words made Princess Nan My heart raised a lot, "Zhiyan, no need, I just suffered some skin trauma." A little embarrassed smile, Nan Wangfei looked at Qin Zhiyan's appearance, as if she knew something. Embarrassed by being seen through by the younger generation, he stopped looking at Qin Zhiyan immediately, so as not to expose himself.

"Concubine Nan was injured. The imperial doctor should show Concubine Nan a good look, otherwise I won't be able to explain to Wang Nan with a smile!" Looking at Imperial Physician Sun with a smile, Qin Zhiyan's words seemed casual, but Sun The imperial physician understood Qin Zhiyan's hint.When he carefully examined Concubine Nan's injury, surprise flashed across his eyes. Looking at Concubine Nan, seeing the warning in her eyes, Imperial Physician Sun's heart twitched, it was really embarrassing.

"Doctor, I think you don't look very good, but Princess Nan is seriously injured?" Looking at Princess Nan with concern, people who don't know think how much Qin Zhiyan respects Princess Nan, and even Princess Nan is somewhat sure at this moment It was not allowed whether Qin Zhiyan cared about her because of friendship, or had other plans, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, gave Sun Taiyi a warning look, and then smiled indifferently, "Zhiyan, you think too much , I have nothing to do. Physician Sun, what do you think?"

"Hehe, although Princess Nan's injury is a bit serious, she will recover if she takes good care of her. It's just that Princess Nan is better off resting in bed recently. Your chest has been severely injured, so you must not be sloppy." Concubine Nan took the pulse, and she obviously felt that Concubine Nan was injured internally, but looking at Concubine Nan's warning eyes, Imperial Physician Sun really couldn't explain clearly.However, it is not good not to say it. There is also a King Wucheng, and Sun Taiyi can only hide part and say part.It's just that as soon as he said this, Nan Wangfei felt a little deceiving even if she saw the footprints on her chest.

There was a flash of surprise on her face, Nan Wangzhen really didn't expect that this doctor Sun is so good-looking, and she can't offend both sides.

But yes, it's that easy to sit on the head of the Grand Hospital?

It's hard to say anything at this moment, so as not to fall into the trap of others, Nan Wangfei clutched her chest, and seemed to feel more pain.

That damned girl, why is she so strong?She remembered this account!

There was a trace of resentment in his eyes, which happened to be seen by Qin Zhiyan. Qin Zhiyan looked at Princess Nan and said, "Since Princess Nan is seriously injured, let Doctor Sun come in and give Princess Nan a good check-up." , Physician Sun, please show Nan Wangfei if she has hurt her ribs, just tell me what medicinal materials you need, and I will get them together right away!" The meaning in the words was to find out what happened, Nan Wangfei looked Qin Zhiyan frowned uncontrollably, "King Wu Cheng doesn't need it, I'll just go back and take care of myself! Hongyu, help me up, let's go back to the mansion!"

"Yes, Concubine!" Seeing Concubine Nan's displeasure, Hongyu was a little nervous, and hurriedly helped Concubine Nan stand up carefully. Concubine Nan's face was filled with pain, but she could only bear it and looked at Qin Qin. Zhiyan smiled, "Zhiyan, if something like this happened today, I won't cause you any trouble, everyone, I'll take my leave first!"

"How could Princess Nan just leave like this? Let Doctor Sun take a good look at you, so that you don't suffer from any serious illness." Standing up to greet her, Qin Zhiyan naturally knew what Princess Nan was planning, all to avoid Just suspect.

It's just that everyone already has doubts, and it's not something you can avoid if you want to.

"It's okay, there are so many injured wives and misses here, so I won't cause you any trouble. Anyway, our two houses are close, so I'll go back first and leave!" Nan Wangfei's attitude of leaving was very firm, without saying a word He left without saying anything. Seeing Concubine Qin walking in a hurry, a dark light flashed in his eyes, and then he moved his hands. The red jade feet beside Concubine Qin hurt, and the hand holding Concubine Qin became a little unstable, even Pressing on Qin Wangfei, Qin Wangfei couldn't dodge in time, so she fell to the ground.

The incident came too suddenly, and Princess Qin only cared about holding herself steady, but she couldn't care less about covering her chest, so the footprints on her chest fell into everyone's sight so clearly, and some people in the crowd smiled ironically, Concubine Qin suddenly felt her face turn red, burning with embarrassment and anger!

"Princess, I'm sorry, the maidservant didn't do it on purpose!" Hongyu was the closest to Concubine Qin, so she naturally felt the anger of Concubine Qin, and tears were about to come out on her face. Princess Qin is about to deal with her.

Everyone in the world only said that Concubine Nan was kind, but only those close to her knew what Concubine Nan was up to.Otherwise, there are so many concubines in the mansion, why are so few of them able to give birth to children?Even in the mansion, there will always be news that the concubines are gone, let alone those concubines and concubines, how many of them can survive?

This has a lot to do with the person in front of me!Even the child in Concubine Yu's belly...

Thinking of something, Hongyu was afraid for a while, now she didn't support Nanwangfei, which made the other party lose face, if Nanwangfei blamed her, she might lose a layer of skin!

"My lord, forgive me, servant girl, servant girl really didn't do it on purpose!" Seeing that Princess Nan was silent, Hongyu could already feel the anger of Princess Nan. At this moment, in order to save her life, she was also a little frightened, so she didn't care too much. kneel down.When she knelt down, her face was full of tears and panic, which really made people suspicious.

Isn't this Southern Princess Suri the most kind?Why is this servant girl afraid of becoming like this because of this matter?

Seeing everyone's suspicious gazes with scrutiny, Princess Nan was half-dead with anger, but now she had no choice but to put on a smiling face, looking at Hongyu full of kindness and incomprehension, "Hongyu, What are you doing? Why don’t you get up quickly, this will make people see a joke in my Nanwang Mansion!” After speaking, Hongyu got up in person, and even patted the corner of the other party’s clothes regardless of her own injuries, her tone was She looked gentle, but Hongyu knew that the warning in Nan Wangfei's eyes, "Hongyu, I didn't mean to blame you, why did you kneel down? I know you didn't mean it, go, don't do it again." This place has lost the face of the Nanwang Mansion."

After finishing speaking, she put her hand on Hongyu's hand, Hongyu could feel the pain of Princess Nan's nails piercing her skin, she wanted to withdraw from the pain, seeing that her hand was already red, Hongyu's heart was full of fear, but now she didn't dare to make any more moves, she could only smile reluctantly, full of gratitude to Princess Nan, "My servant thanked Princess for your tolerance!" Princess Nan left.It's just that she was worried all the time, Hongyu knew that she had met Nan Wangfei's bad luck today, Nan Wangfei was angry now, she just did this thing, if she went back today, she would be very miserable!

Nervously, she helped Princess Nan out of Prince Qin's mansion, and the two got into the carriage. Princess Qin ordered the carriage to drive away. Hongyu was very uneasy along the way, kneeling as soon as she got into the carriage, for fear that Princess Nan would cause trouble for her.

The sound of the wheels of the carriage gradually moved away from the Qin Palace, and the fear in Hongyu's heart became greater, and her legs gradually became numb. I don't know how long it took, but before Hongyu could react, two hot spots were drawn across her face. hand!

"Slap!" "Slap!" two times, Hongyu's cheeks on both sides immediately became red and swollen, and her body fell to one side from the impact of the force, which shows how strong Nan Wangfei is!

However, Hongyu didn't dare to slack off at all, and hurriedly knelt back to her original position, feeling her face was numb, but she didn't care about it at the moment, knelt without moving and kowtowed, "Princess forgive me! " Hongyu kowtowed desperately, that appearance really made people look cautious.

Not long after, Hongyu's head was broken, but Nan Wangfei just looked at it coldly, her eyes were completely gone from the usual kindness and gentleness, instead they were cold and vicious, looking at Hongyu, it was already soaked with blood His forehead seemed not to be looking at a person, but at a dead thing, and he was dazed by the rubbing of Hongyu.

"The princess forgives the sin, the princess forgives the sin, the princess forgives the sin..." This begging for forgiveness has become instinctive, and Hongyu gradually feels that she is about to faint, but her will has been holding on, because she knows that she has committed a big crime today. Wrong, if she fails to ask Nan Wangfei for forgiveness, then she will have to confess in this life!

What happened to those disobedient concubines and sons and daughters in the mansion? How could she, as Princess Nan's personal maid, not know?Princess Nan is extremely ruthless and merciless, she doesn't want to give up her life for nothing!

Concubine Nan looked at Hongyu begging for mercy coldly, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, for a long time, so long that Hongyu thought that Concubine Nan would not speak anymore, but Concubine Nan's gentle voice was transmitted with a cold temperature Come here, "Hongyu, you know that you are wrong, but do you know where you are wrong?" Hongyu is a capable servant girl by Nan Wangfei's side, but today she made her ashamed in front of so many people and made her lose face. To survive, to ruin the image she has built over the years, she really deserves death!

"Princess, slaves shouldn't, shouldn't have fallen, and hurt the concubine!" Hongyu was also afraid, in fact, she didn't know what was wrong with her, why she suddenly felt pain in her feet and fell down.

But there is no way to do this, now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, the reputation that Nan Wangfei cares most about has been ruined, and she cannot escape the blame!

"Yes, you shouldn't have fallen, and you shouldn't have hurt me. Then tell me, what should I do?" Southern Princess Su Ri cared most about her own reputation, whether it was in front of the Southern King or in front of his servants. In front of her, or in front of the wives and ladies of aristocratic families, she has worked hard to manage her image, gentle, generous, friendly, kind, all good words are used to describe her.She is also working hard to manage her image, just to keep people from knowing her secret methods.

But now, her image has been ruined like that, and the troubles in the future can be imagined!

"Princess, concubine, please forgive me, servant girl, servant girl didn't do it on purpose, I didn't know what happened just now, my foot suddenly hurt, servant girl, servant girl, I really couldn't hold it anymore, so I bumped into the princess, I hope the princess will forgive me Kowtowing harder and harder, Hongyu knew that the miscarriage of Concubine Yu's side concubine had made Nanwang dissatisfied with Nanwangfei a few days ago. The princess became suspicious.When all these things are involved in these years, if Nan Wangfei refuses to talk about it, she will really become a thorn in Nan Wangfei's eyes, a thorn in her flesh, she must plead for herself, she is still young, and she doesn't want to just die like that!

"You said your leg hurts?" Hearing Hongyu's words, Nan Wangfei's eyes froze, she thought of something, but she was not sure.

"Yes, my concubine, my servant has been following my concubine for many years and has always been cautious. How could this servant make such a mistake? It was really because my servant's feet hurt suddenly, and this servant really couldn't bear it, so I offended my concubine. My concubine forgives me. Forgive me!" Seeing that Princess Nan's eyes seemed to loosen a little, Hongyu continued to intercede, and after getting along for many years, she has controlled many of Princess Nan's secrets and has become Princess Nan's right-hand man. She believes that as long as she is willing to work hard Well, Princess Nan won't get rid of her left and right hands easily!

"Pull up your trousers and let this concubine take a look!" Who is going to deal with her?

I thought of the girl next to Su Lanzhi, she seemed to be a strong one, but could it be her?

Nan Wangfei remembered that she had been paying attention to Su Lanzhi before, in order to prevent Su Lanzhi from continuing to cheat, but she never saw the other party take any action.So, who is it?

Seeing Hongyu carefully lift up her trousers, there were no scars on them, let alone red spots, Princess Qin's complexion became even more unsightly, "Hongyu, do you know what will happen if you cheat on this concubine? Cough cough, cough cough Cough..." I was so pissed off, the wound on my chest seemed to be hurting more, Princess Nan coughed uncontrollably, Hongyu looked at her intact leg, and then went to look at the other leg, and it really wasn't there. What, I was stunned immediately, "Princess, my servant must never dare to lie! My concubine, this servant has been with you for many years, you have to trust your servant!"

Nan Wangfei saw that Hongyu's expression didn't look like she was lying, she was a little confused, her chest hurt even more, Nan Wangfei also knew that it was not suitable for her to get angry at this moment, so as not to hurt her vitality, "Okay, don't cry , let people think that this concubine bullied you! Shut up!" Hearing Hongyu's voice, she felt irritable, Nan Wangfei frowned, only feeling very thirsty.

Seeing this, Hongyu quickly knelt down and poured a cup of tea for Princess Nan, and handed it over respectfully. Seeing this, Princess Nan looked at Hongyu and finally looked better, "Haven't you ever filmed Concubine Ben? Did it really hurt your leg just now?" Is this a coincidence, or was it done on purpose?

If someone really did it on purpose, who is that person?

Suddenly, that handsome face flashed across his mind, and Princess Nan immediately denied it.

It can't be his, the two families have a deep friendship, and Qin Zhiyan is a character who won't meddle in other people's business, so he definitely wouldn't do that.What's more, she didn't see the other party make a move just now.

"Princess, I dare not deceive you. Just now, I felt that my legs suddenly became weak. I couldn't hold on and fell on you, wangfei. I really didn't mean it. Even if you gave me a hundred courage, I would not I dare not offend the concubine!" Expressing her sincerity, Hongyu knew that only in this way could she save her life!

She knew too much about Nan Wangfei's secret, once she was abandoned by the other party, she would definitely be silenced, Hongyu understood this without even thinking about it!

"In your heart, this concubine is such a vicious person? This concubine has never said that she will deal with you, and you are so frightened? Could it be that you thought that this concubine would kill you?" It seemed that Hongyu's eyes could be seen Concubine Nan's eyes flickered coldly, and she became unkind when she looked at Hongyu.

"Slaves, servants dare not?"

"Don't you dare?" Is she really that scary?

Touching her perfect face, Concubine Nan thought she was absolutely gorgeous, no matter her family background or herself, she was excellent.But why, she married a passionate husband?As long as she thinks about those who compete with her for favor, she can't help but hate in her heart!

Why, why should she share her husband with those people, why, why should the children of those people compete for favor with her pair of children?

She won't allow it because they don't deserve it!

"No, servant girl..." Hong Yu looked at Nan Wangfei's face full of jealousy, and was too frightened to say anything.

"No? Hongyu, don't you also think that this concubine is scary? Are you also afraid of this concubine?" Touching her face, although she took good care of herself, Princess Nan knew that she was no longer young.It is precisely because she is no longer young and can no longer control Nanwang's flirtatiousness, as long as she thinks of those smoky women in the mansion, her heart will be filled with resentment!

"The concubine is as beautiful as a flower, noble and elegant, and she is the most friendly, servant girl, why would the servant girl be afraid?" At this moment, Princess Nan is very difficult to provoke, and Hongyu consciously said nice things, but she didn't want to touch Princess Nan's feelings. Moldy.

"Hehe, is that so? Is this concubine really beautiful?" Nan Wangfei has always been beautiful. Although the years have passed, she has been well maintained and she doesn't look big. It's just that sometimes, the jealousy in her heart makes her It's just hideous.

"Beautiful, the concubine is naturally extremely beautiful." He responded quickly, Hongyu didn't dare to be wrong at this moment.

"Hehe, come on, get up, this is ointment, wipe your face well, don't let people think that this concubine bullied you!" After Hongyu said this, Nan Wangfei's mood improved a lot.Knowing that some things are a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed, she can only accept the facts and find a way to reverse the situation.

As long as she knows who she is doing today, she will definitely not make the other party feel better!

"Thank you, Princess!" Carefully took the ointment and wiped it off, Hongyu knew that she had survived this calamity for the time being, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but she was still a little scared thinking about the viciousness of Princess Nan.

"Today, my concubine will spare your life for the time being, but you have to remember that from now on, you owe my life to this concubine, do you understand?" Hongyu is her right and left hand, and she cannot leave now.However, if someone needs to do something for her in the future, Hongyu is undoubtedly the best choice.

"My servant, thank you for your kindness!" Knowing that Nan Wangfei didn't move her for the time being, it was because she was still useful, and also because she didn't want to make troubles, so as not to cause any troubles.

Knowing this, Hongyu felt relieved for the time being, but she also knew that she might not be reused by Princess Nan again, so this meant that it was inconvenient for Princess Nan to do anything she needed in the future. It will be replaced.At that time, she will really be an abandoned child.

But now there is still time, as long as she can live and keep the green hills, she will not be afraid of running out of firewood. She can wait for the opportunity to use her again, so that she will not be discarded!

Thinking of this, Hongyu became more and more careful. Seeing Concubine Nan clutching her chest, Hongyu didn't care about the injury on her face, "Princess, does your chest hurt? I will rub it for you!"

"Hmm!" It was indeed a bit unbearable. She was kicked and injured. She was hit by a piece of snow and wood. In fact, her injuries were not less than that of Mrs. Chang Bohou, but she endured it all the time. Now, I can hardly bear it anymore.

She remembered today's shame!

Seeing Hongyu carefully massaging herself, Concubine Nan felt a little more comfortable. When she remembered something, Concubine Nan's sharp eyes immediately fell on Hongyu's face, making Hongyu's mind tighten and she was terrified, " Concubine, are you being too heavy handed as a servant?"

"No!" Shaking her head, looking at Hongyu, Nan Wangfei's eyes were full of aggression and warning, "Hongyu, go back later, how do you explain the injury on your forehead and the injury on your cheek?"

"The maidservant knocked it accidentally!" Knowing that Princess Nan didn't want what happened today to be revealed, and she didn't want people to know that her injury was caused by Princess Nan, Hongyu naturally dared not say anything.

"But this doesn't look like knocking!" Her eyes turned cold, Princess Nan was very dissatisfied with Hongyu's answer!

"The slave girl accidentally offended the nobleman in the Qin Palace today, and was punished!"

"Well, then who punished you?"

"Slaves, servants dare not speak!"

"So, that's great!" Closing her eyes, she felt relieved seeing that Hongyu was obedient and obedient. Seeing that there was no change in Princess Nan's complexion, Hongyu felt a little uneasy in her heart, and wanted to She didn't dare to say anything, but in the end, Concubine Nan couldn't stand it anymore, and pointed to her shoulder, "Okay, my concubine's shoulders are a little sore, please give me a rub!"

"Yes, Wangfei!" Now it seems that this matter is over for the time being, Hongyu is also safe for the time being, she can't help but feel happy, and concentrate on giving Nan Wangfei a massage.

It's just that Nan Wangfei's heart is quite uneasy.

After so many years of prosperity, but now she has suffered a big somersault at Su Lanzhi's place. Princess Nan feels depressed when she thinks about it, but Su Lanzhi can't help it now, she is really panicked!

However, the relationship between her and the Prime Minister's Mansion has been settled, and she will never forget the humiliation that the other party gave her this time!

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They send off Princess Nan and continue to return to the dividing line of Prince Qin's Mansion

Concubine Nan is gone, but the scene just now has been left in everyone's hearts, and it won't leave for a long time.I used to think that Concubine Nan is noble, elegant, generous, kind, and virtuous, but today, everyone's impression of Concubine Nan is completely disillusioned. Until Concubine Nan left, everyone had a lot of guesses in their hearts, but now It's hard to say anything, so I have to wait and see.

At this moment, Qin Wangfei has been repaired and came out, and her steps are a little slow. It seems that her foot is injured. She looked at everyone with apologetic eyes, "I'm sorry, everyone, I didn't entertain you well, let everyone I was shocked. Now that something like this has happened, I don't think everyone is interested, so please take a shocking gift each, and we will meet again on a different day. Next time, I will personally shock everyone!" Princess Qin said In terms of amiability, as the highest status princess in the current dynasty, she is still a princess of another country. She can treat each other with such courtesy and show so much sincerity. The dissatisfaction in many people's hearts has long since disappeared.

Seeing that Princess Qin came out in person, everyone expressed their gratitude, "Concubine Qin is worrying too much, what happened today is nothing more than an accident, Princess Qin's injury is serious? It's better to rest, I'll wait for today Don't bother me!" A banquet, with so many things removed, today is really wonderful.

"Yes, Concubine Qin, you are not feeling well now, so don't come out. Everyone will not think too much about what happened today, it was just an accident."

"Princess Qin, you can rest easy!"


They all said that they would not think too much, and everyone's expressions eased a little.

People say that the princes and dignitaries of the current dynasty have apologized to them so politely today, how can they push their noses?

No matter what, since there is a surprise gift, they will accept it, and today they can be regarded as lucky, and they can see so many beautiful flowers this winter.

It's just, what a pity!

"Since everyone doesn't blame it, it's fine. I'll make amends to everyone as soon as possible. There are a lot of things in the house today, and I can't be too busy. Yan'er, send everyone for me!" Let Qin Zhiyan send it off, it is already It's very face-saving, so sincere, no matter how much dissatisfaction there is, it's all gone now.

"Princess Qin is too polite, let's say goodbye!"

"King Wu Cheng has a noble status, let's forget it, what happened today is just an accident, everyone didn't want to!"

"Farewell, farewell!"


They left one after another, and the busy Qin Palace suddenly became deserted. Qin Wangfei's previously pretended smiling face could no longer be suppressed, and turned into sadness.

In her greenhouse, there are many flowers planted by her and Hai together. They have spent so much effort to make this greenhouse so beautiful and bloom so many beautiful flowers. Now, is it so ruined? ?

"Princess Qin, don't think too much about everything. What happened today was an accident. Although the flower house is gone, it can still be rebuilt. The most important thing is that everyone is fine, so it's fine." Murong Yan can stay at the end before leaving , I am a little worried about Princess Qin.

Even if Princess Qin didn't say much about the meaning of the greenhouse, she still knew it.Now that it is ruined, Princess Qin feels uncomfortable, which is understandable.

"Mrs. Su, it's my fault that you were surprised today. I originally wanted everyone to get together and have fun, but I never thought that everyone's lives would be in danger." Thinking of what happened today, Concubine Qin had some doubts about whether her actions today were right. Otherwise, why did she make such a mistake, "Madam Su and Miss Su were never injured?" If they were injured, it was really her fault up.

"Princess, don't worry, we are not injured, and everyone is not seriously injured. This is luck."

"Hey, isn't it?" If someone is seriously injured or loses his life because of this, how can she explain to everyone, how can she be worthy of her own conscience?

It was her lack of thoughtfulness.

"Princess Qin doesn't need to blame herself. This is not what you expected. Although everyone is shocked, it's okay. This is a good thing. Concubine Qin should not worry about it." Those who appreciate Qin Wangfei's temperament, generous and unaffected, are much better than many wives and ladies from aristocratic families.

People with true temperament are worthy of deep friendship.

"It's good that Mrs. Su doesn't blame her. I'm still worried that Mrs. Su won't dare to come here in the future!" She smiled, Princess Qin didn't want others to worry, so naturally she couldn't express all her psychological distress.

"What did Princess Qin say? I will come and sit with Lan'er when I have time, and I hope that Princess Qin will not dislike us!" Knowing that Princess Qin will not think about it for a while, neither will Murong Yan. There is a lot to say, and I can only do my part.

"Hehe, how could it be? There is a chance to invite Mrs. Su to be a guest again. Today, I, the host, did not do well and made Mrs. Su laugh!" After finally opening the door to welcome guests, it turned out like this. Who would have thought otherwise? It's not good.

"Concubine Qin is worrying too much. Today we have opened our eyes. Lan'er and I are very happy!"

"That's good, you take some ginseng back home, don't worry, I'm here to make amends to you. I was in a hurry just now, I didn't have a chance to say thank you to you, thank you very much, otherwise, I really wouldn't be so safe and sound right now I'll just stand here and talk to you." She ordered people to prepare two old ginseng, which Princess Qin gave to Murong Yan's mother and daughter alone, and it was considered to make up for her guilt, and it was also regarded as a thank you.

"You don't have to worry about it, Princess Shen. You should make it up for yourself. Lan'er and I are not injured, but the princess is injured." Murong Yan naturally didn't want it, so she refused directly. Seeing this, Su Lanzhi, of course It is also unacceptable, "Princess, we have received your thanks. This old ginseng is too precious. The concubine should keep it for herself. We have nothing to do today, so we don't need it." Saving Princess Qin is just a matter of effort Forget it, she appreciates Princess Qin's personality and also likes Princess Qin, otherwise she might not be able to save it if it were someone else.

"Madam Su and Ms. Su don't like this?" Seeing that the two refused to accept her thank you gift, Princess Qin was a little worried that Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi would be separated because of what happened today.

"Hehe, the princess is worrying too much. We can't ask for this participation. The princess has already spent today." Rejecting Princess Qin's kindness, Murong Yan's attitude was very firm. Qin Zhiyan saw it from the side and came out to persuade him "Mother Concubine, since Mrs. Su and Miss Su are unwilling to accept, Mother Concubine should not force it. I believe Mrs. Su and Miss Su are sensible people, and they will not care about today's affairs. What's more, Miss Su saved It's out of good intentions that I missed you, and the concubine mother's behavior makes Miss Su feel embarrassed."

Qin Wangfei saw that Qin Zhiyan said so, and seeing that Murongyan and Su Lanzhi didn't intend to accept the things, she had no choice but to take back the old ginseng, "Since Mrs. Su doesn't accept it, let me give it to Mrs. Su later." Make amends!" Qin Wangfei really felt extremely uncomfortable when she was kind enough to mess things up.

"Princess Qin doesn't need to worry about it all the time, this is the end of this matter! Lan'er and I will take our leave first. When the concubine recovers, we will make an appointment to get together again. Now I won't disturb the concubine. The concubine is still good to rest." Good!" Everyone has left, and it's not good for her to stay here, and it's time to leave now.

"Alright, Yan'er, send Madam Su and Miss Su well!"

"Princess, there's no need, we can just go by ourselves!" It would be troublesome for Qin Zhiyan to send so many people off, and he is a prince after all, so it is not good to let the other party send him off.

"I want it!" Smiling, she asked Qin Zhiyan to go out to see off the guests. Princess Qin finally felt a little better when she looked at her son and Su Lanzhi.



"Mrs. Zhang, go slowly. I hope everyone will forgive me for today's matter!"

"Mrs. Zhao, your carriage is here. Get in the carriage and walk slowly. I won't see you off!"

"Madam Qian, please!"


Qin Zhiyan is quite busy today, sending away one after another guests, all with smiles on their faces. Everyone saw Qin Zhiyan's unassuming, friendly attitude, and gradually more smiles appeared on his face In the end, each of them left with their own surprise gifts. The smiles on everyone's faces were not adulterated. It could be seen that Qin Zhiyan's behavior pleased everyone.

I have to say that Princess Qin's actions today won the hearts of the people. Everyone was daring to be angry, but now they have some sympathy for Princess Qin. Before leaving, they said a lot of good things. Why come again next time? They all sat in their own carriages one after another, and finally all left.

"Wu Chengwang, you go back, you can come here!" Seeing Qin Zhiyan smiling all the time, Murong Yan also knew that Qin Zhiyan was a little embarrassed, and didn't want Qin Zhiyan to continue to embarrass him, so she urged Qin Zhiyan gone back.

"Mrs. Su, I'll send you to the carriage!" Qin Zhiyan only sent the rest of the people to the door, but he personally sent Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi to the carriage, which shows how special he is to them.

"Wu Chengwang doesn't need it. The master will come to pick us up in a while. The princess is in a bad mood now. Wu Chengwang should go back quickly to persuade the princess and accompany the princess, so as not to think too much and affect her body. "

"Mrs. Su, today I surprised you and Ms. Su. I'm really sorry. I hope Mrs. Su and Ms. Su won't be offended!" Murong Yan was a little surprised when she couldn't find a chance to apologize personally, " King Wu Cheng, don't say that, it's all an accident, we can't stand your apology!"

"Madam Su, don't blame me!"

"Where is it strange? Everyone doesn't want this!"

"Thank you!" Looking at Murong Yan, the rest of his eyes looked at Su Lanzhi. Qin Zhiyan wanted to say something to Su Lanzhi alone, but now, he couldn't find a chance.


"Sister-in-law, hurry up, my uncle is here!" Xi Lerong saw Murong Yan deliberately walking slowly before, and knew that Murong Yan had something to say to Princess Qin, so she left early, but she was always there Just wait.After all, she is a sister-in-law, so she has to take good care of Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi.

"Hey, here we come! King Wu Cheng, you go back!" After finishing speaking, Su Lanzhi was about to leave. Seeing Qin Zhiyan's eyes, Su Lanzhi knew that the other party had something to say, and it was rare to take care of Qin Zhiyan's emotions. She slowed down her pace, and sure enough, seeing Murong Yan turned around and left, Qin Zhiyan quickly approached Su Lanzhi's ear, and said "I'm sorry, I surprised you", with a warm breath In Su Lanzhi's ears, the soft whispers of a lover made Su Lanzhi's earlobes turn red, her heart beat faster, and she even felt her cheeks were getting hotter.

Looking at Qin Zhiyan's apologetic eyes, Su Lanzhi's heart suddenly softened, she smiled, she was a little reluctant to part with the other party, so she was always apologetic, so she mouthed to tell the other party "No Obstacle", gave the other party a comforting look, then turned and left.

Her rare response actually made Qin Zhiyan's eyes light up. Seeing Su Lanzhi turn around and leave, Qin Zhiyan seemed to be overwhelmed by the comforting smile at the corner of the other party's mouth, and did not respond for a long time coming.

Standing at the entrance of the palace in a daze, the smile on the corner of Qin Zhiyan's mouth was a little weird, it was a rare kind of dumbfounded, the guards on the side were about to drop their jaws, and they turned their eyes away one after another. Don't feel like being caught, otherwise they won't know if the other party will come to their senses and settle accounts with them when they see the young prince's expression.

Hey, really, it's not easy...


Qin Zhiyan naturally didn't know how terrifying his look was, and even ruined his image among the guards. He remembered Su Lanzhi's bright smile before leaving, that was the first time This time, Su Lanzhi smiled so indifferently at him, how could he be unhappy?

If it weren't for the fact that he still has important things to deal with now, he really wanted to relive this scene well.

When he came back to his senses, Qin Zhiyan thought of today's events, a condensed look flashed in his eyes, the smile just now disappeared completely, he turned around and walked into the mansion, his steps were very brisk, and he could tell at a glance that it was someone master.


Soon he came to Shangguan Wuyou's courtyard, and seeing that Princess Qin was here, Qin Zhiyan pursed his lips, a look of displeasure flashed across his eyes, and walked in, but he heard the conversation between King Qin and Princess Qin .

"Hai, do you think sister Wuyou will blame me? She hasn't woken up yet, why? Could it be that she was seriously injured?" Shangguan Wuyou helped her block the snowball, and immediately I was dizzy and asked the imperial doctor to treat me when I came back. The imperial doctor only said that I was frightened and had some injuries, and I still haven't woken up yet. Naturally, Princess Qin felt extremely guilty.

"Luo'er, don't worry, didn't the imperial doctor tell you? She was just frightened and woke up in a while." Although he was apologetic to Shangguan Wuyou, seeing Princess Qin intact by his side, King Qin still I feel a lot more relaxed.

It's not that he is selfish, but that there is only one person in his heart, and there is really no room for others.

"But why hasn't Sister Wuyou woke up yet? Could it be that there is some kind of wound that hasn't been discovered?" The scene just now was too thrilling, and even thinking about it now, Princess Qin is terrified.She didn't know how Shangguan Wuyou had the courage to help her avoid all dangers, and the guilt towards Shangguan Wuyou deepened in her heart.

How can she pay this back?What should she do in the future?

If possible, Princess Qin really hoped that Shangguan Wuyou would not save her, so at least she would not have to be in trouble in the future.

"Don't worry, Luo'er, she may be tired, she should wake up when it's time to wake up, you are also injured, I will help you go back to rest!" Today's good things turned out like this, King Qin knew that Princess Qin I feel uncomfortable, but at this moment there is also a Shanghang Wuyou mixed in, King Qin really feels a headache.

Hey, what is it all about!

"But Hai, I'm worried. Let me wait. My sister Wuyou hasn't woken up. I'm really worried!" Everyone said that the debt of favor is hard to repay, and the entanglement between Princess Qin and Shangguan Wuyou is really true. What is troublesome.The two are obviously rivals in love, they should have been hostile, but Shangguan Wuyou has saved Princess Qin several times, and she has always been submissive to Princess Qin, never fighting for anything, which makes Princess Qin really don't know how to deal with this situation Therefore, every time something happened to Shangguan Wuyou, Princess Qin could only make compromises.

This is also the brilliance of Shangguan Wuyou, otherwise, with Qin Wangfei's temperament of daring to love and hate, I am afraid that Shangguan Wuyou will not be tolerated.However, Qin Wangfei is very affectionate and kind, and Shangguan Wuyou took advantage of this, and has been standing in Qin Wangfu for many years.

"Hey, you, why do you embarrass yourself like this?" Sighing, Qin Wang actually didn't want Qin Wangfei to make things difficult for Shangguan Wuyou, but this person just lay across them like an invisible ditch Between each other, sometimes, it is difficult to ignore.

The King of Qin regretted it more than once, regretted that he hadn't made up his mind, or that he had cut off the thought of Shangguan Wuyou early, resolutely regretted the marriage early, or had been resolute when his father bestowed the marriage earlier. of rejection.That way, won't all these things happen later?

It's just that things happened, and there is no what-if.The only thing to blame is that they are all mere mortals, and they never expected that such a day would come.

Seeing the woman he loves is always sad because of another person, Qin Wang naturally feels guilty in his heart, not to mention the destruction of the greenhouse belonging to their love sanctuary today, Qin Wang really can't tell what it feels like at this moment.

"Hai, just wait a little longer. I won't worry if I don't see her wake up in person." Qin Wang also understands Princess Qin's temper. Considering this point of Princess Qin, Princess Qin is naturally worried, not to mention, everyone knows what Shangguan Wuyou did today, for whom she is doing it.

"That's all, I'll wait with you!" Sighed, King Qin also knew that he was unable to repay the debt he incurred. Now, he can only try his best to make up for this debt, and try his best not to let his beloved woman be hurt. up.

It's just that he is not a mortal after all, and he can't achieve the best of both worlds.

"Hai, thank you!" Looking gratefully at King Qin, Concubine Qin leaned on King Qin's arms, feeling grateful for the warmth and heartbeat of the man she loved, and the mood that was caused by the destruction of the greenhouse finally gradually calmed down.

It's okay, the flower house is gone, and it can be rebuilt, as long as her sea is always by her side, that's enough.

"Luo'er, don't worry, I will let people find out about the greenhouse, and I will try my best to make up for the loss. I will build you a better and more beautiful greenhouse, filled with all your favorite flowers!" Caressing Princess Qin's cheek, the flower house was destroyed, both of them felt uncomfortable, King Qin naturally didn't want Princess Qin to have any regrets.

"Forget it, maybe my fate with the flower house is over, and I can't keep it after all. Hai, you don't need to spend so much experience to renovate." Today's matter is a nightmare for Qin Wangfei, although Qin Wangfei likes it. Those flowers, but I don't want to make everyone work too hard because of this matter.

In fact, what she wanted was always Qin Wang's love, and the flower house was just an expression and sustenance of love. At this moment, she has this man and is doted on by him. What else is she not satisfied with? ?

"Fool, don't bother. I've had people rescue those flowers. In fact, it's not very serious. It's just that the orchid happened to be hit and destroyed. Others have saved a lot. Now I have people move those flowers. If you enter the conservatory, if you want to have a good life, you will be fine!" How could King Qin not understand Princess Qin's worry?As a husband, what he has to do is to make his wife and children feel at ease.

"My lord, what you said is true?" This news is of course good news for Princess Qin. The flowers that have been cultivated for many years are now destroyed. How can she not feel distressed?Just now I tried my best to show that I didn't care, but I just didn't want everyone to be sad with her.

"Well, of course it's true. Although some were destroyed, some were still preserved. It's just that the orchid is your favorite, but there are not any left. Don't be sad!" I don't know if it was a coincidence or unintentional. Well, the place where the snow ball fell happened to be where the orchid was. The orchid was a precious variety and worth thousands of gold, and he spent a lot of time looking for it from all over the country.Cultivation is already not easy, but now that they are all destroyed, it may be difficult to find them again.

I thought Princess Qin would be sad, but I never thought that Princess Qin didn't show too much sadness after seeing loss in her eyes, "I'm happy if I can keep some, Hai, thank you!"< Oh my God, I'll send someone to look for that famous orchid, I'll definitely get you all of them, there's not a lot of them! "Princess Qin only loves this orchid, and everyone in the Palace of Qin knows it. The orchid in the greenhouse is the treasure of Concubine Qin. Now that it is destroyed, King Qin is of course worried that Concubine Qin will be sad. This is just trying to make up for it. .

"My lord doesn't need to be in front of me. It's not easy to find the best orchids. If you can find the best ones, it's fine if you can't find them. But it's all fate." Qin Wangfei likes orchids very much, and it can be said that she has a special liking. Even put some orchids in the bedroom.Now that her hard work has been ruined, her mood is naturally low, but Qin Wangfei doesn't want Qin Wang to be embarrassed because of her, so she just wants to ease Qin Wang's heart.

"Don't worry, I will find it for you. When the time comes, we will fill up the greenhouse little by little. This time! At that time, we will plant and cultivate together as before!" Few people know that the greenhouse is actually The incomparably brilliant flowers here were cultivated by Concubine Qin and King Qin personally, which wasted a lot of thought and energy, otherwise they wouldn't have grown so well.

"Okay, just this time, the prince doesn't need to be too forceful, just let it happen!"

"En!" Knowing that Princess Qin was worried that she was too tired and burdened, King Qin agreed well, but deep down, he wanted to create a bigger flower house for Princess Qin, so as to make up for the regret this time. So, lest Qin Wangfei be sad because of this.


The two were leaning on each other and talking intimately, the whispers that belonged to the lovers had a sweet taste of happiness. Although Princess Qin felt a little frustrated after this incident, she felt a lot better after being told by King Qin, and the smile on her face also changed. Gradually, it came out, and the tone of his speech became much lighter. King Qin finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it.

The two were only focused on talking, and naturally they didn't notice Shangguan Wuyou lying on the bed with his closed eyes and rolling eyeballs, the veins on his forehead, and the tightly clenched hands hidden under his sleeves up.

She hates it so much, it took so much effort to destroy that thing, why, why did she get it so easily, even if it was destroyed, she can still get it again!

Qin Canghai, in your eyes, what exactly am I, what am I?Where do you put me like this?

Shangguan Wuyou was out of anger at this moment, but she was still in a coma at the moment, and it was hard to say anything, but at this moment, she couldn't pretend anymore.

Just thinking about how to wake up is the best and most timely way, but she never thought about it, when she suddenly heard Qin Zhiyan's disgusting voice, "Father, mother and concubine!" After staying outside for a while, Qin Zhiyan I also didn't want to disturb King Qin and Princess Qin, but I figured it was almost time, so I went in.

"Yan'er, are you here?" Seeing Qin Zhiyan coming, Concubine Qin retreated from King Qin's embrace in embarrassment, and asked with concern, "The guests are all gone, is everyone's mood okay? "

"Mother, don't worry, everyone will be fine when they leave!"

"That's good, that's good." Princess Qin didn't want to cause trouble for King Qin because of such a big incident, otherwise if there were any casualties today, she would have to bear the blame.

"Okay, don't worry about it. We can rest assured when Yan'er does things." Looking at Princess Qin with a smile, King Qin also felt a little strange about what happened today, and exchanged eyes with Qin Zhiyan. I knew it in my heart, but I didn't say it in front of Princess Qin, so as not to add to the troubles of Princess Qin.

"Well, fortunately, everyone is fine today, but I haven't seen Princess Nan and Mrs. Chang Bohou, they are..." I didn't have a chance to ask just now, but now Princess Qin has a chance to ask.Qin Zhiyan didn't hide it, and told Qin Wangfei directly. When Qin Wangfei heard it, her face was full of anger, "This Mrs. Chang Bohou is really going too far. She is such a rascal, Miss Su. She is not as magnanimous as an elder." ! And Princess Nan..." When it came to Princess Nan, Princess Qin didn't have much to say. The relationship between King Qin and King Nan has always been very good, so she and Princess Nan are also close. He is also a very talkative person, and his temperament is also very good, so Princess Qin didn't think much about it, but what happened today, Princess Qin's opinion of Princess Nan in her heart is much more.

Maybe it's really knowing people and knowing faces but not knowing people's hearts?

Qin Wang naturally saw the meaning of Qin Wangfei's words, and smiled, "Okay, if you don't like someone, just don't associate with him. Nan Wang has always been an unruly person, so he won't blame him." This can be regarded as indirect He promised Qin Wangfei that if Nan Wangfei is really so unbearable, then Qin Wangfei can force herself without worrying about his face.

He has already caused the woman he loves to suffer a lot, how can he be willing to let the other party suppress his temper because of his grievance?

"Hai, thank you!" It was her happiness to marry such a caring husband in her life.Although this happiness is not perfect, she is already very satisfied.

"It's all about the relationship between husband and wife, there is no need to thank you!" Qin Wang really spoiled Qin Wangfei too much, and was never willing to let Qin Wangfei be wronged.Of course, this is also because he caused Qin Wangfei to suffer the greatest grievance, and Qin Wang sincerely wanted to make up for it.

"Well, I understand, but I still want to thank you!" Marrying someone else may not be as infinitely pampering and tolerant to her as King Qin, so she has never regretted leaving the motherland and coming to a completely strange place. The country, contact with complete strangers.

This person is worth her sacrifice.

"You!" At this point, Shangguan Wuyou finally couldn't help it anymore. Qin Zhiyan saw the veins on Shangguan Wuyou's face, and there was a hint of clarity and sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, as if he had just discovered something ordinary, something Surprised, "Father, mother, and Shangguan's side concubine seem to have woken up!"

Qin Zhiyan's words successfully attracted the attention of Qin Wangfei and Qin Wang, and also made Shangguan Wuyou curse inwardly. In the end, he tried his best to suppress his emotions, but it was inevitable that he still felt a little unhappy.

"What's wrong with Sister Wuyou? Why is her face so ugly?" Qin Wangfei was the first to see Shangguan Wuyou's livid expression, and looked at Shangguan Wuyou's tightly pursed lips, feeling a little worried.

"Mr. Sun, hurry up and show your concubine what's wrong!" Qin Zhiyan didn't respond to Shangguan Wuyou, and directly called Mr. Sun to come in. With a headache, Mr. Sun was about to take the pulse of Shangguan Wuyou, but Shangguan Wuyou He opened his eyes suddenly, and there was still jealousy and hatred in those eyes, so that Doctor Sun was a little frightened.It's just that when he looked again, Shangguan Wuyou had recovered his calmness. Doctor Sun felt very surprised, but he also understood the crooked bowels in this big mansion, so he didn't ask much, "My concubine, let me The officer took your pulse, you look very bad!" After finishing speaking, he was about to take the pulse of Shangguan Wuyou, Shangguan Wuyou glanced at Qin Zhiyan quickly, saw the sneer at the corner of the other party's mouth, his eyes froze , but refused, "Physician Sun, I'm fine."

"But concubine, you..." Unexpectedly, Shangguan Wuyou would refuse, and Imperial Physician Sun was a little embarrassed.

Princess Qin saw it, and hurriedly advised, "Sister Wuyou, your complexion is really bad, let Doctor Sun show you, you have been in a coma for some time, it is good to be more careful, so that you don't get caught. Something went wrong." Qin Wangfei said these words of concern, but when they fell into Shangguan Wuyou's ears, they felt extremely uncomfortable and ironic, and there was a faint sense of riot at the temple, and Shangguan Wuyou tried his best to suppress his anger and anger. Jealous, but she refused, "Princess, I'm fine!" The tone was a little alienated and cold, it was already rare for Shangguan Wuyou to do this.Otherwise, she really wished she could tear the person in front of her into pieces, so as not to always see Qin Wangfei's face that made her hate it.

Why is that face so beautiful all these years?It was this face that took away all her happiness and power, she was not reconciled!

"Sister Wuyou. What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Sensing Shangguan Wuyou's indifference, Qin Wangfei only thought that Shangguan Wuyou was not feeling well, and was a little worried, "Doctor Sun, why don't you show Wuyou sister quickly?" , something went wrong, my concubine is asking for you!" It is rare to put on the airs of a princess, but it is for Shangguan Wuyou, Sun Taiyi only feels a headache, looking at Shangguan Wuyou, it is really embarrassing, "Side concubine, empress, I'd better let the subordinate officer feel your pulse!"

"I'm fine..." He closed his eyes, as if he wanted to suppress his emotions. After a long time, Shangguan Wuyou calmed down and covered his heart, "I just have a pain in my chest, Mr. Something's wrong, just take a rest." As soon as she moved, King Qin's complexion changed, Concubine Qin's eyes flashed a touch of injury, and Qin Zhiyan looked at Shangguan Wuyou, but the coldness in his eyes suddenly disappeared. It's been several floors.

"Sister Wuyou, you..." I didn't expect to cause Shangguan Wuyou's heart disease again, Princess Qin was full of guilt, "I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't either, I'd better let Imperial Physician Sun show it to you, It's also less serious."

"The concubine is worrying too much. I do all these things willingly. The concubine is fine, so I am satisfied. Now I have nothing to do, just take a rest. Please come back, the concubine and the prince!" At this moment, Shangguan Wuyou didn't want to face these two people again, lest she couldn't bear it and ruined her plan.

With a knife on her head, she has been here for so many years, and she doesn't care about this moment.

"Sister Wuyou, are you blaming me?" Seeing that Shangguan Wuyou didn't blame him at all, nor did he intend to ask for credit at all, Princess Qin felt a little uneasy.

"Sister Wang Concubine is worrying too much. Sister Wang Concubine is safe. That's better than anything else. How could I blame Sister Wang Concubine? If it wasn't for Sister Wang Concubine, I'm afraid I don't even have a place to live now. Yes, it's just gratitude." He smiled hard, Shangguan Wuyou's patience was really good, and in a blink of an eye, he had already forced himself to restore the former harmony and peace.

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