() "Sister Wangfei was also frightened today, so I should hurry back and rest. Doctor Sun, please show my sister Wangfei a good look, and prescribe medicine to suppress the shock. It's not light!" I don't want to be suspected, Shangguan Wuyou tried his best to pull out his gentle and friendly smile on weekdays, and he was very concerned about Qin Wangfei, which made Qin Wangfei feel very uncomfortable.

"Sister Wuyou, I'm fine. The most important thing is you. Do you feel okay now? Does your heart hurt?" In fact, if possible, Princess Qin would like Shangguan Wuyou to treat her harder, hate her more, and be more vile.In this way, she can at least face the other person bravely, and feel better in her heart, instead of always being afraid to face the person in front of her.

In the final analysis, she also took her position and identity. Although Qin Wangfei and Qin Wang sincerely love each other, but their love is based on Shangguan Wuyou's happiness after all. Qin Wangfei has always had this thorn in her heart. Here I am.Every time she saw Shangguan Wuyou smiling happily at her, bowing his head and bowing his head, his eyebrows were pleasing to the eye, and he had no intention of blaming her at all, she felt more and more guilty in her heart, and always felt sorry for the person in front of her.Because she always wondered, if it wasn't for herself, would Shangguan Wuyou be able to marry the King of Qin as she wished, and the husband and wife would treat each other with respect?Don't you need to be suppressed by yourself everywhere?

It is precisely because of this entanglement that Qin Wangfei tolerated Shangguan Wuyou a lot, and treated Shangguan Wuyou as kindly as possible, for the sake of making up for it as much as Qin Wang.

In the final analysis, it was she who robbed other people's happiness.

Shangguan Wuyou saw Qin Wangfei's guilty and caring expression, and his heart flashed with pride, but he smiled indifferently on his face, "Don't worry, sister Wangfei, I have an old problem, just rest for a while and it will be fine. But Wangfei Elder sister is in good health, so she should rest well, but don't worry the lord and the little lord." At this moment, Shangguan Wuyou is completely respectful and kind, and his eyes are full of kindness when he looks at Qin Wangfei, just pay attention If you look at her, you will find that under her kind appearance, in the depths of her eyes, there is actually a piece of ice.

"Sister Wuyou, don't say that." Although Princess Qin has a noble status, she has never been a person who maintains her status. Now that Shangguan Wuyou said that, she felt quite uncomfortable.

"Hehe, the concubine is going to rest, the concubine is fine. The concubine is worried after being tired, it is the concubine's fault." With a little anxiety and guilt on his face, Shangguan Wuyou looked like this, even if he saved Qin But the princess didn't ask for anything at all. The look of selfless dedication made Princess Qin feel more and more sour. Even the king of Qin felt a little guilty when he saw it, "Then you have a good rest, we will come to see you later!"

"Your lord, you don't have to, I'm fine!" She smiled, the smile was not forced at all, but it was this strong and sensible smile, accompanied by Shangguan Wuyou's pitiful face like Daiyu, it was hard not to feel sorry for her up.

"You take a good rest, Wang Momo, take good care of me. If there is anything wrong with the side concubine, come and report to me as soon as possible!" Seeing that Shangguan Wu had nothing to do, King Qin naturally didn't want Princess Qin to stay here all the time, after all, Princess Qin I was also injured.

"Yes, the old slave will take good care of the side concubine!" She lowered her head respectfully, the corners of Wang Momo's eyes were full of dissatisfaction and distress for Shangguan Wuyou, but in the current situation, all they can do is to endure That's all.

"Luo'er, let's go!" After all the orders were given, King Qin pulled Princess Qin and was about to leave. Princess Qin saw Shangguan Wuyou's tired face, and knew that she couldn't stay for a long time at the moment, "Sister Wuyou, please take a break." Come on, I'll come see you later!" After finishing speaking, Qin Zhiyan glanced at Shangguan Wuyou, and finally followed. When they arrived at the door, they saw Qin Xuan anxiously carrying the medicine, and followed Beside Qin Xuan, there was also Qin Xu who came back in a hurry. When they saw Princess Qin and the others, they hurriedly stood respectfully and saluted, "Father King, Mother Concubine!"

"Well, you are so happy to stay with your mother, remember to inform us in time if you have anything to do!" Seeing Qin Xuan and Qin Xu's anxious faces, and even going to boil the medicine himself, King Qin was still satisfied.

They are all filial children!

"Yes, Father!"

"Okay, go in!"

"Father, mother concubine, goodbye, elder brother (second younger brother)!" Qin Xuan and Qin Xu looked at each other after seeing King Qin and the others away, with a little nervousness in their eyes, and finally went in with the medicine, watching Shangguan Wuyou lying down, Both of them felt a little worried, "Mom, it's time for you to drink the medicine."

"Where did you go just now?" It was expected that King Qin and the others had also gone away, Shangguan Wuyou didn't care about pretending at this moment, and sat up directly, looking at the pair of children, feeling a little out of place.

She worked so hard to pretend to faint, but it's good for Qin Xuan, who disappeared without a trace, which caused her to endure all the embarrassment and humiliation just now!

If Qin Xuan was here just now, how could those two be so close without any scruples? '

She is really mad at her!

"Mother, I went to make medicine for you just now!" Qin Xuan looked at Shangguan Wuyou cautiously, seeing Shangguan Wuyou's uneasy expression, she became a little scared.

Could it be that mother is angry again?Why is his face so ugly?

"The matter of boiling the medicine can be done by the servants. You are a rich lady, why are you going to boil the medicine?" Frowning, Shangguan Wuyou looked at Qin Xuan, and really didn't understand why Qin Xuan avoided it just now. up?

Don't you know she will be embarrassed?

Thinking that he almost couldn't bear it just now, Shangguan Wuyou's face turned terrified, very angry.

"Mother, didn't you say that? You must be filial in front of your father and mother. My daughter, my daughter was worried about you just now. You fainted..." Actually, Qin Xuan couldn't tell if Shangguan Wuyou really fainted, or She was pretending, so she was also afraid that she would show her flaws, so she found an excuse and left, so as not to ruin Shangguan Wuyou's plan and be scolded.

"..." Seeing Qin Xuan was a little scared, Shangguan Wuyou knew that he was a little bit angry, and tried hard to restrain his anger, and finally returned to normal, "Okay, mother knows you are filial, don't be sad, it was me just now. Impulsive." I can't be separated from my children because of that person, or the loss outweighs the gain!

"Mother, do you want to drink this medicine or not?" Holding the medicine, Qin Xuan really didn't know whether Shangguan Wuyou's health was good or not.

"Down!" He waved his hand, with a little impatience on his face, Shangguan Wuyou had already spent too much effort on his patience just now, and at this moment, she was very irritable.

"Yes!" Consciously, she quietly poured the medicine on a plant on the window, and Qin Xuan finally came back after pouring it.

"Okay, Xuan'er, you go back to rest, I have something to say to your brother!" The daughter is too young, after all, she is a little out of control, so there are some things that Shangguan Wuyou dare not let Qin Xuan know, lest Qin Xuan leak it What's up.

"Yes!" Knowing that Shangguan Wuyou and Qin Xu had something to say, although Qin Xuan really wanted to know what it was, she also knew that she was still young and lacked concentration, so it was easy for others to spot it.In order not to ruin Shangguan Wuyou's plan, she carefully went out with the medicine bowl in her hand, closed the door carefully when leaving, and left as if nothing had happened.


"Xu'er, how is the matter going? But everything has been dealt with properly?" At the moment, apart from Shangguan Wuyou, there are only Qin Xu and Wang Momo in the room. Wang Momo is Shangguan Wuyou's dowry mother. Friendly and thoughtful, Shangguan Wuyou never hides anything from him.

"Mother, don't worry, my son has been taken care of." Qin Xu is wearing a dark red padded jacket today, and his figure is tall and straight. His facial features are somewhat similar to those of Shangguan Wuyou. He looks very delicate, just because his appearance is similar to Shangguan Wuyou's. More, but it can't compare to King Qin's elegant demeanor, which reveals the spirit of a Confucian general, but a little soft, and there is a bit of haze at the bottom of those eyes. Seeing it now, it makes people feel a bit cold.

"Won't people doubt it?" Looking at his son, he is now in his twenties, a big boy, but in fact he has already reached the age of getting married and having children.It's just because she is a bastard, she was afraid of wronging the other party, and she has not been able to find a suitable candidate, so she has been delayed until now.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Wuyou's anger and jealousy towards Concubine Qin and Qin Zhiyan increased again. She only felt that it was because of each other that her son's happiness was delayed!

If it wasn't for those two people blocking him, his son would be the eldest son of this mansion, how could he be despised by others?If she hadn't asked the imperial concubine and sister in the palace to help, and her father Zhen Guogong had mediated it, who knows what kind of person her only son would marry!

"Mother, don't worry, my son has made a thorough plan, and no one will suspect us!" Today's matter, they didn't do it in a day, but they prepared for a long time and accumulated little by little. The right time, place and people have created today's situation. How can it be so easy for people to see the flaws?

"Well, that's good, but I think the lord wants to thoroughly investigate this matter, but you have prepared a scapegoat?" It's not good if there is no explanation, and it is easier to make people suspect them.

"Mother has explained it before, and my son dare not make good arrangements. If the father wants to investigate, he will find out, but it won't be us!" With a little mockery and confidence in their eyes, they can find out in the palace. It took a lot of thought to win the trust of those two people after standing for so many years.

"Well, that's fine." Nodding his head, Shangguan Wuyou felt at ease when Qin Xu was doing things.My own child is as capable as Qin Zhiyan, but it's just because of her being implicated by his mother.

But it won't be long, and all of this will soon return to their hands.

"By the way, you are going to get married soon. There are many things you need to prepare for recently. After you get married, you should have a child as soon as possible. By then, you will have the eldest son. The prince will not be able to say anything about the position of the son of the world." That's it." In Shangguan Wuyou's view, the position of son should have belonged to Qin Xu.It's just that King Qin still wants to give it to Qin Zhiyan, and he has been delaying the establishment of a son all these years, just wanting to wait for Qin Zhiyan to become an adult, and then decide the position of the son, but she will not let the other party do what he wants .

This throne should belong to her son. What is that person's son?

"Mother, don't worry, my son will work hard!" After so long, they were finally getting married, and Qin Xu didn't have any expectations on his face. He was very calm, as if the person who was going to marry was not him.

Seemingly seeing Qin Xu's indifference, Shangguan Wuyou continued, "Ruolan is a good girl, and she has some relatives with your grandma. Now you can ask her out for a walk to cultivate your relationship. In the future, I will treat you well. It also helps." Speaking of Li Ruolan, she has some relatives with the Duke of Zhen's mansion, her mother is the niece of Mrs. Zhen Guo's wife, and her father is a first-rank official. In the court, she can be regarded as a representative of the Qingliu faction. one of them.There is such a person as a father-in-law, although he is not from the family of a public official, he is also a dignitary. It can be seen that Shangguan Wuyou has indeed put a lot of thought into Qin Xu.

"Mother, don't worry, I'll save it!" To his future wife, Qin Xu's feeling is that there is one more person by his side.He has never been short of women, and he was born cold, coupled with his circumstances, which made him full of dissatisfaction and anger towards the world, so his behavior was considered flat.

In the final analysis, to him, his wife is nothing more than a tool to seize power.It doesn't matter who you marry, the important thing is whether you can be his help!Can you help him take back everything that should belong to him!

"Okay, you go back and stay here for a long time, so as not to be suspected!" Qin Xu is a son and the eldest son, and Shangguan Wuyou Suri also deliberately kept a distance from Qin Xu, so as not to make people think that she Has ambitions for power.

"Well, my son is gone, mother, take care of me!" I have been used to it for many years, Qin Xu has an extremely sinister and vicious mind, and is extremely dissatisfied and angry with this world, so his temper is somewhat sinister and offends him People who live in this world will never have a good time!

"Go, Su Ri is fine, you should go in front of your father more often, and let your father pay more attention to you, so as not to be always taken advantage of by Qin Zhiyan!" They are also the sons of King Qin, although King Qin Try to make a bowl of water level, but you can't pretend to love you sincerely. Anyone with eyes can see that King Qin loves Qin Zhiyan more.To Qin Xu, King Qin was mostly being polite and guilty.

"Son knows how to measure, mother doesn't need to worry!" Turning around and leaving, Qin Xu's yin and soft face flashed a touch of yin and ruthlessness. Although his facial features are beautiful at this moment, they were destroyed by the hatred and viciousness. .

Some people are like this, they are naturally cynical, feel that the whole world owes them, and are dissatisfied with everything, Qin Xu happens to be such a person.Ever since he was sensible and knew that his mother was divorced by the King of Qin, and that the honor and honor that should have belonged to him were taken away by Qin Zhiyan, he made up his mind that one day, he would take every bit of it away. return!

------off topic-----

The [-] that has been updated for seven consecutive days is really unbearable, hehe, be lazy today, take a rest, and adjust, otherwise I really won’t love again, hey...

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