Feeling Zhao's mother's meticulous care, Su Lanzhi's dead heart flashed a little warmth, smiled sweetly at Zhao's mother, shook her head, "Mom, I'm fine!"

"It's fine, miss, drink the medicine, if you don't drink it, you'll be cold!"

"Hmm!" Looking at the dark medicine, Su Lanzhi frowned, feeling a little embarrassed.

What she dislikes the most is bitter things. She didn't like it when she was a child, and she doesn't like it when she grows up. Because of this problem, the family members are especially afraid of getting sick, because every time she hates taking medicine.

For this reason, her father specially prepared candied fruit for her. Even when he married Qin Yan, he prepared a lot of sweets for her. Every time she was sick, he patiently coaxed her, which made her feel extraordinarily happy. The feeling of being protected by someone is what she has always wanted all these years, but...

Thinking of that man, Su Lanzhi shook her head, a piercing chill appeared in her eyes, and Mother Zhao was startled when she saw it, "Miss, what's going on?"

"No!" She quickly withdrew her thoughts, and Su Lanzhi was reborn. In this life, she naturally wanted to let those who hurt her in the previous life also taste the pain she suffered!

She drank the medicine without hesitation. Mother Zhao was planning to persuade her, but she was dumbfounded to see Su Lanzhi finished drinking the medicine. For a while, she didn't know how to react.

Miss, are you not afraid of taking medicine?

"Miss, this is candied fruit, it won't taste bitter after eating it!" Hurriedly handing the candied fruit to Su Lanzhi, I thought Su Lanzhi would be the same as before, so I couldn't wait to take it and eat it better, but today, Su Lanzhi But refused.

"Mommy, I'm not bitter!" In my previous life, because of my mother's early death, I held resentment towards my father and didn't get close to anyone, but deep down I longed for someone to love and pamper me. Will gradually lose his heart because of Qin Yan's love.

In this life, she will not allow herself to have these desires, let alone have such a cowardly side!

She must be strong, and she must not let anyone grasp her weakness again!

"Miss, you..." Su Lanzhi seemed to have changed so much overnight that Nanny Zhao felt a little unfamiliar.

You must know that Su Lanzhi used to be very afraid of suffering. When he took medicine, didn't the people in the room work hard?

How come this time...

"Mommy, go and do your work. I'm tired and want to rest!" Knowing how she looks at this moment scares Nanny Zhao, but Su Lanzhi can't allow herself to be as ignorant as in her previous life.

Being reborn, she will definitely protect her family well, and will not let her family suffer any harm again!

"Yes, the old slave is resigning!" Even though there were too many doubts in her heart, Nanny Zhao could only pretend to be in her heart.

It's a good thing that the little master can become stronger, at least he won't be bullied anymore.


Watching Mother Zhao go out, Su Lanzhi began to think carefully about the events of this life. She remembered that she also fell into the water in the cold winter and almost died. For this matter, the relationship between father and mother The relationship got worse, and the mother complained more and more about the father, and from then on she simply moved into the Buddhist hall, not caring about things.

Thinking of her falling into the water this time, Su Lanzhi's eyes flashed a little bit of cold light, but then it disappeared, and she began to recall all the past.

Su Lanzhi remembered that her mother was originally the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Jingbei. She was a famous talented woman at that time, she was so beautiful in the world, she had the gentleness of a Jiangnan woman, but she also had her own pride.

His father is the second son of King Qing, and he is a gentle and refined man who is highly respected by the current emperor because of his own strength.

Both of them are noble sons and daughters, one has the talents of all over the world, the other has the appearance of peerless elegance, and the fame at that time spread all over the country!

Such outstanding two people fell in love with each other at first sight and got married. The marriage of the two families strengthened the relationship between the two families. From then on, the Jingbeihou and Qingwang families formed a strong alliance and became the most powerful one of the strengths.

However, things are not always perfect. Su Qinglan and Murongyan lived a happy life after marriage, and Murongyan even gave birth to her the eldest daughter in just one year. However, because of the injury during childbirth, the doctor said it was difficult to get married again. pregnant.

After waiting for several years, no matter what methods Su Qinglan and Murong Yan used, they were still unable to conceive a child. Princess Qing was also a person who valued children and forced Su Qinglan to take a concubine. , had to agree.

However, Murong Yan is one who cannot tolerate sand in her eyes. Ever since Su Qinglan had another woman, she has never slept with Su Qinglan again. The relationship between the two has also changed from the initial sweetness to the current estrangement. .

Originally, they slept together every night, but in the end they became an ancient Buddha who was always accompanied by a green lamp, and stayed in a concubine's room at night, gradually drifting away.

In the end, Murong Yan was depressed, contracted a serious illness, and died, and the contacts between Prince Qing's Mansion and Marquis of Jingbei gradually decreased.


Thinking about what happened to her parents, now that Su Lanzhi sees her parents are here, she vows to take good care of her parents, and never let her parents leave her early!

Su Lanzhi knew her mother's suffering, because her temperament just followed her mother's, she was strong, stubborn, and couldn't tolerate a little sand in her eyes. When Qin Yan ascended the throne and started drafting, she and Qin Yan were strangers.

That child was also conceived by Qin Yan that night when Qin Yan forced her. However, at that time, she only thought that she was infertile and didn't care about it.

Thinking of that child, Su Lanzhi couldn't help but think of the biting cold on the soles of her feet in her previous life. Even though the room was filled with the warmth of the fire, Su Lanzhi still couldn't help shivering.

"Miss, what's wrong with you? Is the fever still on?" Qiushuang who came in to serve her saw that Su Lanzhi's face was warm, so she went to pour a cup of hot water! "

"Yes!" A tall woman walked in quickly, and carefully poured Su Lanzhi a cup of hot water. Qiushuang gently supported Su Lanzhi, and the other party carefully handed over the cup, "Miss, drink some warm water , servant girl, go add some charcoal fire now!"

"Yeah!" Seeing the maid in front of her, who was twelve or thirteen years old, much younger than those painful pictures frozen in her memory, Su Lanzhi immediately grabbed her hand tightly, looked at the two of them, His eyes were full of excitement. <Nuan, Qinghe was her personal maid back then. Since she was a child, her relationship with her is naturally very good. Yuetao died tragically because of saving herself, and Qiushuang was because of Qin Yan's ascension to the throne. Carefully angered Xue Lingyun, and was beaten by Qin Yan by [-] big boards, and died, Nuan, whose body was ruthlessly ravaged, Su Lanzhi can still see Chun Nuan's unrepentant look to this day!

Why did the lady look at them with such sad eyes?

Is it really burnt out?

Thinking of Su Lanzhi's not quite right since she woke up, Qiushuang and Dong Nuan were almost worried to death, "Miss, wait a minute, this servant is called an imperial doctor!"

If this young lady is really confused, what should I do!

This book is from this site, please do not reprint!

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