"No, I'm fine, just drink some hot water!" In her previous life, she was determined to be free, but she never thought about being reborn. Now that she sees the people and things in the past, Su Lanzhi always feels a little emotional. Can't help it.

These people used to be her right-hand man, but they were all implicated by her, and lost their fresh life early! <The appearance of Nuan at that time was bruised and purple all over her body, her clothes were not enough to cover her body, and she was dying. Su Lanzhi thought about it, so she couldn't help pulling Nuan to follow her. She was the one who followed her for the longest time, and she was also the most cautious among the maids around her, so those People used such means to get rid of her, it can be seen how cruel those people's hearts are!

"Miss..." Perhaps it was because of the indifference between her parents that affected Su Lanzhi. Su Lanzhi used to be a happy and carefree girl, but since the addition of an aunt and concubine to her family, Su Lanzhi has gradually become Be cautious.There is also a distance between people and things. It is really rare to get close to a person like this now. There is a warm current in Chun Nuan's heart. The face is warm and the sky is cold. Don't always Staying outside, I have nothing to do here, you just warm up in the house! "In the previous life, if these people hadn't protected me so carefully, I would have been gnawed to the bone by Qin Yan long ago?

The moment when the young lives of these people disappeared in memory coincided with the current situation, Su Lanzhi made a decision in her heart!

"Miss, how did this happen?" This is the boudoir of the lady, how could they just warm up here without any restraint?

"If I say yes, I will. I will rest for a while and ask someone to find out when Daddy will come back, and let me know as soon as possible!" I can no longer hurt my father who loves me so much like in my previous life!

"Yes, miss!" Because of Murong Yan's relationship, although Su Lanzhi is the eldest daughter of the prime minister's mansion, she is not close to Su Qinglan, so the concubines and concubines in the family naturally do not treat Su Lanzhi when they see her. Seriously, Su Lanzhi suffered a lot of grievances for this, Nuan, as a slave, had no choice. <Nuan's positive look gave him a sense of relief. <Nuan is a person who is too close-minded. She always feels that such a person will harm her, so she has not been very close to the other party. It was not until the moment Chun Nuan died that she realized how wrong she was!

In her previous life, she was cautious, never showed her sharpness, and she didn't completely trust the people around her, which led to such an ending!In this life, she must take a good look at the people around her. She is no longer the same as in the previous life. She is just a hedgehog, so that no one can get close to her!

"Miss, don't sit still. The imperial doctor said you should take a good rest. The master hasn't gone to court for a few days. He will definitely not be back so soon. You should rest first!" Chun Nuan left, and Qiu Shuang saw Su Lanzhi With all the thoughts, she felt that the young lady in front of her was becoming more and more difficult to understand, but she was very happy with Su Lanzhi's change.

"Yeah!" Lying down, Su Lanzhi remembered that she fell into the water this time, and asked, "Qiu Shuang, it's so cold, why did I fall into the lake?"

She was born prematurely, so she has a cold body, so when winter comes, she basically doesn't go out, let alone get close to the water.

But she remembered that this time, she was with a few concubines, but why did she fall into the water?With her cautious personality, she shouldn't be able to!

"Miss, a few days ago, the second miss and the third miss came to ask you to go out to enjoy the snow, but you refused, but the second miss insisted on dragging you. The servant girl originally followed, but the second miss sent the slave servant to get the cakes, etc. When the servant came back, Miss, you had already fallen into the water. At that time, the second lady seemed to be terrified, and the servant hurriedly called for someone, and then the lady was rescued!"

"Really?" Su Qinglan used to have only one wife and one daughter. Both wife and daughter were Su Qinglan's treasures. There are more and more.

Among these female family members, the most prestigious one is the side wife Bai Xin. Bai Xin is the second daughter of Marquis Yuan Wu. , this Bai Xin's status in this Prime Minister's Mansion is not generally high, and his mother doesn't care about things. In fact, the one in charge of this Prime Minister's Mansion is that Bai Xin, especially the other party has a son and a daughter. No one can shake the status of the government!

"Miss, you have to be more careful in the future. You are already afraid of the cold. The imperial doctor said earlier that you should cultivate yourself. From now on, you must not go out in such a cold day!" , It can only be a reminder that Su Lanzhi has experienced the pain of her previous life now, and looking at the people around her again, she knows who is really good for her.

"I know!" Thinking of her falling into the water this time, Su Lanzhi's impression in her heart is extremely vague. In her previous life, because of this falling into the water and the tense relationship between her parents, she was always worried and couldn't get medical treatment, so she fell. root cause.When it comes to the weather in the twelfth lunar month of winter, her hands and feet are cold, and she is very easy to catch cold. Once she catches the cold, it will take several months to rest. As time goes by, she has lived in Lanyue Pavilion for a long time, and her contact with the outside world has become less and less. Because of this body, the son became more and more silent and unpleasant.

Trying to recall all these things, Su Lanzhi combined with Qiushuang's words, she had a bold guess in her heart, "Qiu Shuang, when you saw me fall into the water, how did the second lady react?" The second lady Su Lingyue said It was born to Mrs. Side, and Su Lanzhi has always been at odds with each other.

"When the maidservant arrived, the second lady was terrified and just kept crying!" Qiu Shuang was actually a little suspicious of Su Lingyue, but she was so anxious at the time that Qiu Shuang didn't have time to think about it. Now that Su Lanzhi asked, Qiu Shuang He also felt that this person became more and more suspicious.

"You said she was just crying in anxiety and didn't ask someone to save me?" Seeing someone falling into the water, the first reaction was to cry by herself instead of calling for help. Su Lingyue, isn't that brainless?

"Yes, miss!" At that time, if she hadn't hurried back and got the miss saved, I don't know what it would have been like!

"Miss, do you suspect Second Miss?" Qiu Shuang was also a smart person, seeing Su Lanzhi's question, she also felt that Su Lingyue was a little suspicious.

"Don't talk nonsense, go and ask, when will Daddy come back!" Su Lingyue, right?Su Lanzhi remembered that this person had made troubles for her in previous lives, especially after Murong Yan's death, when Bai Xin was in charge of the mansion, Su Lingyue didn't pay attention to her, and always robbed her of this and that. He even ruined her reputation outside, so that no one proposed marriage when she was sixteen!

She will settle this account slowly!

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