"Master, it's very windy here, so I'll get into the car first!" Seeing Bai Xin leaving, Murong Yan didn't want to continue standing at the door to blow the wind, so she pulled Su Lanzhi into the car directly. Seeing Su Qinglan, she hurried to leave followed.

When Murong Yan saw Su Qinglan coming up, the hand that was rolling the Buddhist beads paused, but then she began to chant Buddha silently with her eyes closed, as if she didn't care whether Su Qinglan was by her side or not.

"Mother, there is a heater here, you take it so that your hands don't get cold!" The carriage is huge and has everything in it. It can be seen that Bai Xin also enjoys it very much, but it is not the other party who enjoys it today.

"No need mother, you are cold, hold it so you don't catch a cold!" Su Lanzhi's body cold problem, to be honest, Murong Yan is very worried, this woman's cold body means that it is difficult to conceive, Lan Er this year She's also thirteen, and in two years she'll have to start discussing marriage, but if it's difficult for Lan'er to conceive a child because of her health, what should she do?

I was worried in my heart, Murong Yan also knew that this matter should not be made public, lest people find out, Su Lanzhi's reputation would be ruined in the future, so this matter has to be done slowly!

"Mother, my daughter puts her hands in this hand warmer. It's not cold, but mother, she always worships the Buddha with the prayer beads on her body, her hands are always stretched out, and she's cold!" Handed the heater to Murong Yan involuntarily. , it's not easy for her parents to be alive in this life, so Su Lanzhi naturally hopes that the whole family can be healthy and healthy, as long as there is no disease or disaster!

"Then Lan'er is leaning against mother, so it can be warmer!" Although the car was paved with soft mats and a fire was burning, it was very warm, but Murong Yan was worried about Su Lanzhi, so she pulled Su Lanzhi to lean against her. I, the mother and daughter looked so close, but Su Qinglan, who was watching from the side, felt a little sour.

Yan'er, when will you be able to treat me like before?Even if you can't forgive me, at least let me care about you, don't always reject me thousands of miles away, okay?

Seeing the closeness between Su Lanzhi and Murongyan's mother and daughter, Su Qinglan felt that she was like an outsider, and felt very uncomfortable. However, it was rare for the family to sit together. Su Qinglan hadn't seen Murongyan for a long time, so naturally I will not give up this opportunity, "Yan'er, Lan'er, there is something to eat here, you can eat some to satisfy your cravings!"

This chapter is played by hand)

Bai Xin is a person who knows how to enjoy herself. She originally prepared this carriage for herself, so it has everything in it, including food and drink, and even some recreational gadgets, such as chess. This opportunity to get close to Su Qinglan, but never thought that Murong Yan would suddenly appear today, and Bai Xin would do everything to make wedding dresses for others.

"Mother, these foods look good. You didn't eat anything when you got up early in the morning to prepare. Eat something. There is still some distance to go to Prince Qing's Mansion. Let's fill our stomachs first, so as not to be hungry!" Seeing that Murong Yan didn't What kind of reaction, Su Lanzhi didn't want her father's courage to be summoned up so hard to be beaten back to his original form, so he quickly picked up a crispy cake and handed it to Murong Yan's mouth, Murong Yan couldn't help but looked at Su Lanzhi helplessly With one glance, he had to open his mouth slightly and ate.

"How does it taste, mother?"

"Not bad!" This crispy biscuit was carefully prepared by Baixin. It is crispy and delicious, and it melts in your mouth. Moreover, it is freshly baked, so the taste is naturally good.

"Eat more if it's delicious!"

"Okay, I'll do it myself! You can eat some too!" Seeing her daughter's enthusiasm, Murong Yan couldn't bear to refute her daughter's face, so she started to eat too.

After taking a few bites and seeing that Su Qinglan didn't move at all, Murong Yan looked over and found that the man was just looking at her with a slight smile, just like when the two met for the first time, she was caught by this springy smile I was attracted, and I always felt that a man with such a gentle smile must be a considerate husband. It turned out that although this was the case, it was just that in the end, everything that was so happy disappeared too quickly.

There was nostalgia in her eyes, as well as a touch of helplessness and pain. Murong Yan looked at Su Qinglan's smiling face, and her eyes were still as gentle and doting as yesterday. For some reason, Murong Yan's heart crossed With a little helplessness and pain, he sighed, "Master, eat some too, so as not to get hungry and hurt your body, it's the concubine's fault!"

"Yan'er, you..." She never thought that Murong Yan would still care about her, Su Qinglan's eyes flashed with ecstasy, and she was a little dazed for a while, not knowing how to react.

"Okay, daddy, mom told you to eat some too, don't just watch us eat, you eat too, or you'll hurt yourself from starvation!" hurriedly handed a few pieces of cakes to Su Qinglan, Su Qinglan looked at her daughter The encouraging eyes quickly received it, "Okay, Yan'er, you can eat too, there is still some tea here, drink some, so as not to choke!"

"Yeah!" The looseness in her expression just now dissipated long ago, and Murong Yan regained her light and cold expression, eating quietly, and never looked at Su Qinglan again. Although Su Qinglan was a little disappointed, Murong Yan could Taking the initiative to care about him, he is already very happy, and he doesn't expect too much!


The atmosphere was just right, Bai Xin also came at this moment, but he didn't see Su Qinglan and the others when he came out, but he heard the conversation from the carriage, Bai Xin was so angry that he almost wanted to rush over and push the other party off the carriage!

This was carefully prepared by her for herself and the master, how could this bitch Murong Yan steal her position?

No matter how angry she was, Bai Xin knew that she could not go up with her current status, but she still had a little hope in her heart, so she pulled Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua to the front of the carriage, "Master, the concubine and Yue'er Hua'er have already It's changed!"

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua to go up, so that Murong Yan and Su Qinglan would not make progress along the way, but it is rare for Su Qinglan to get along with Murong Yan at this moment, so how could she be willing to let Bai Xin and others come up? What about Murong Yan?

"Well, the carriage is right behind, you go up!" When Murong Yan appeared today, let alone Bai Xin was surprised, even Su Qinglan was also surprised. Originally, only one carriage was prepared, but Su Qinglan asked someone to prepare two. From this, it can be seen that Su Qinglan cares about Murong Yan!

"Yes, master!" Swallowing the anger into his stomach, the coldness in Bai Xin's eyes made Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua who were so frightened suddenly not know what to say, but In a daze, Bai Xin pulled them to the carriage at the back. The two saw that the specifications of this carriage were too different from the previous carriage. They wanted to say something, but they saw that Bai Xin's face was not good. I can only swallow my grievances and get in the car obediently!

"You have all seen it today. If you don't live up to it, the three of us will no longer have the status of the three of us in this Xiangfu, so what should we do later, do you know?" Murong Yan, Su Lanzhi, you are really good Yes, unfortunately, I thought you were no longer threatened, and didn't attack you so quickly. Now it seems that I was really deceived by you!

"Mother, we know!"

"Okay, very good!" The five fingers under the sleeve held tightly, so tight that even the blue veins were exposed, which showed Bai Xin's anger!

This book is from this site, please do not reprint!

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