The Su family is a rare king with a different surname in this big Cang. The great-grandfather and the holy ancestor once opened up territories and made great achievements. Although these generations of descendants have declined, there are few outstanding generations, but fortunately, each of the royal families They are all sincere, so the throne has been passed down to this day.

In this generation, Old King Qing died young, and Old Princess Qing had two sons. Although the eldest son Su Qingxiu did not make great achievements, he did not make a big mistake. He married the eldest daughter of Duke Nanchang. After the death of Old King Qing, he will be safe He inherited the throne, and now they have a son and a daughter, plus the children of concubines and servants, the current Qing Palace has a prosperous population.

Although Su Qinglan, the second son of the direct line, failed to inherit the throne, she relied on her own strength to worship the prime minister and won the trust of the emperor. She honored the ancestors of the Su family and won the heart of the old concubine Qing!

The only regret of the old Princess Qing in this life is that she was physically damaged when she gave birth to Su Qinglan, and she had no daughter. All these years, she has always been prone to fall ill in winter due to the root cause of the illness left by that year. Because of this reason, Su Qinglan is extremely filial to her mother , so many things are according to the old concubine Qing, and she has never refuted the other party!

The whole family went to Prince Qing's Mansion in a carriage. Although they went there early, Prince Qing's Mansion has been favored by the emperor because of Su Qinglan's relationship. It has been rising in recent years, and it has become a dispute among many princes and families Xiang wanted to win someone over, so early in the morning, the gate of Prince Qing's Mansion was full of people.

"Father, mother, grandma's birthday, it's very lively!" Sitting in the carriage, you can hear the voices of people outside, and Su Lanzhi can guess who is coming today without opening the curtain to see , there must be many.

"Your grandmother's [-]th birthday today, there are naturally a lot of people here!" Seeing Su Lanzhi, although she didn't want to go out, she opened the curtain to see the excitement outside, and thought of every time Su Lanzhi When Lingyue went out, she would open the curtain to see the excitement. She couldn't hold back the excitement on her face. Comparing the two, Su Qinglan immediately felt that the eldest daughter was indeed much more polite and sensible than the younger daughter. It was embarrassing to sit there so dignified. It's a bit like a lady's appearance.

"My daughter hasn't seen her grandmother for a long time, but I don't know if grandmother still remembers her daughter?" Thinking of the old Princess Qing, Su Lanzhi knew that she was not welcome, but because the other party was an elder, she couldn't avoid it. No, this will make Su Qinglan think of herself.

"Lan'er, don't worry, mother is very easy to get along with!" Seeing Su Lanzhi feeling a little embarrassed, Su Qinglan naturally knew that Princess Qing didn't like Su Lanzhi very much because of Murong Yan's relationship, and Su Lanzhi didn't like Su Lanzhi. Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua were as clingy to the old Princess Qing, so the old man naturally didn't like it.

"That's good!" In fact, Su Lanzhi has a bad impression of this grandmother in her heart. Her memory is all about the fact that this grandmother forced her father to take a concubine. Get over it, and it won't come again.


When they reached the door, several people got out of the car one after another. As soon as Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi appeared in the sight of everyone, they immediately attracted amazement.

"Whose family's daughter is that? Zensheng was born so beautiful, like a fairy, she is so outstanding at such a young age, why haven't I seen it before?"

"That's right, isn't that Su Xiang? It's just that the woman next to him looks familiar?"

"Could it be Su Xiangxin's concubine?"

"But look at the temperament, doesn't it look like it?"

"That's right, she looks so beautiful, and she is so noble and elegant, extraordinary, how can a concubine compare to her?"

"Yes, there is also that little girl, she is so beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful girl, but I have never heard of Su Xiang having such a daughter? Otherwise, the threshold would have been broken!" Who in the aristocratic family does not want to win over Su Qinglan, If there is such a daughter in the family, and it will soon be the age to discuss marriage, who will go there without scrambling?

"That's right, I remember that I met Su Xiang's second daughter. Although she looks pretty good, she doesn't seem to be so outstanding, and she doesn't seem to be that old?"

"You say, are those two women the wives of Prime Minister Su? The eldest daughter of Marquis Jingbei? Is that little girl the eldest daughter of Prime Minister Su?"

"But doesn't it mean that the two of them are not in good health, so they have lived in the boudoir for a long time and never go out?"

"That's right, and I heard that there seems to be something wrong with the eldest daughter of the prime minister's mansion? So she doesn't see anyone, how could she be born with such a heavenly color?"

"Then how do you say that?"


It is true that Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi have not appeared in the eyes of the world for many years, so everyone only recognizes and remembers Bai Xin and her children, plus Bai Xin and others deliberately slandered and concealed, everyone is very sad about Murong Yan. Few people know about the wife of the wife, and Su Lanzhi, the noble eldest daughter.They even thought that the two of them had some hidden disease, so they never appeared in front of others.

And under Bai Xin's misleading, everyone thought that Su Lanzhi was a girl with no talent and no looks. When they saw her today, everyone naturally had a lot of doubts and surprises in their hearts.


When Bai Xin and the others got off the carriage, they heard the faint voice of discussion among the crowd, and seeing the astonishment in everyone's eyes, Bai Xin became anxious!

His years of hard work were ruined, Bai Xin looked at Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi's eyes, wishing to shoot them through!

It's okay to come out and shake what?Didn't you never go out before?What are you doing now?Did you slap her in the face on purpose?

In my heart, I hated Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi so much that the message I had made was almost self-defeating, but it was not so easy for Bai Xin to admit defeat!

Pulling Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua over, Bai Xin's face was full of apprehension and flattery, "Ma'am, please wait for the concubine!"

With such humiliation, Bai Xin's face is full of flattery and fear, people who don't know may think that Murong Yan is oppressing others with her status.

On such a cold day, Bai Xin and the others were dressed plainly and thinly. Now standing in front of Murong Yan and the others, they looked a little trembling. Comparing the two sides in this way, everyone could see that Bai Xin and the others He had been treated unfairly, and the surprise and affection he had for Murong Yan and the others before suddenly disappeared.

"Isn't that the Bai family of Xiangfu?"

"From the looks of her, she is extremely respectful to that woman. Could it be that she is really the wife of Prime Minister Su?"

"But why do I think Mrs. Bai and her children are dressed so poorly? Today is the birthday banquet of the old Princess Qing. What's the matter with Mrs. Su?"

"I heard that Madam Su and Concubine Qing have always been at odds, and the matter of Concubine Qing forcing Prime Minister Su to take a concubine caused a lot of trouble. I guess Madam Su is angry. I don't know if I come today. Are you here to celebrate your birthday, or to add trouble!"

"But this seems to be too much. I heard that Mrs. Su is the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Jingbei. How could she be so jealous?"

"That's right. This woman is supposed to be graceful and magnanimous. Mrs. Su herself can't give Xiang Su an heir, and she doesn't allow Xiang Su to take a concubine. It's too much!"

"Hey, look at this Bai family is like this today, and he is in the Xiangfu on weekdays, isn't he suffering a lot of grievances?"

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