The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 321 Mother and Daughter Night Chapter

"Hehe, I saw that you guys were having a lot of fun just now, so I didn't bother you. Come and see you now." Murong Yan looked at Su Lanzhi lovingly, thinking that her daughter would get married tomorrow, Murong Yan was really reluctant.

"Mom, sit down!"

"Well." Looking at Su Lanzhi, the smile on Su Lanzhi's face has become more and more in the past few months, Murong Yan is sincerely happy for Su Lanzhi, "Lan'er, you are going to get married tomorrow, Are you nervous?" I think back when I got married, I couldn't sleep all night, I was always looking forward to my wedding, I was nervous and apprehensive.

A woman's happiness in this life can be said to be directly determined by the husband of the other party. Although she knew that Su Qinglan was a good man at the time, and his family background was comparable to her own, not to mention that she was also in her fancy, but it was inevitable that there would be some worried.

She remembered that her mother was with her and taught her a lot, but she didn't learn well.Now, she must teach Lan'er everything about herself, and hope that Lan'er is happier than her! [

"A little bit." Smiling, although Su Lanzhi had already identified Qin Zhiyan.And both of them like each other, but Su Lanzhi also knows that when they are together in the future, many things will be different, bumps and bumps are inevitable.

It's just that she believes in Qin Zhiyan, and even more in their friendship, so she believes that they will overcome all difficulties and finally achieve happiness!

"Hehe, this woman will have such a experience when she gets married. Although she is a little nervous, don't worry. Zhiyan is a good man. He is very responsible and assertive. I believe he will not let you suffer. Sorry."

"Well, mother, I know."

"Mother is also negligent to you because of her own affairs, and she hasn't taught you well these years. Now you are getting married. Although I want to teach you more things in the past two years, you are always so sensible and completely Don't worry about it, to be honest, I really feel guilty." If it wasn't because of my stubborn temper back then, my daughter should be happy at this age, but...

Hey, it's all her fault!

"Mom, what are you talking about? You have taught me a lot."

"You child, everything is fine, but you have deep thoughts, and you don't tell me directly about anything. I know you don't want me to worry, but when you get married in the future, you can't always hide things Yes. Being someone else's daughter-in-law is not as good as being a girl. Naturally, there will be some grievances. Some grievances can be endured, but even if you endure it, you can't just say nothing. You don't Say, how do others know about your grievances? Do you understand? Child?" Su Lanzhi was very relieved in other respects, but in terms of this "temper", she was too quiet, and always hid everything behind her. I feel bad.

When you get married, you should be of one mind with your husband, and you need to communicate. If you don't communicate all the time, it is extremely bad for your relationship.

"Mom, I can save it."

"Mother and Concubine Qin are considered to be acquainted. Concubine Qin is excellent, and Prince Qin is also very upright. If you think about it, they won't make it difficult for you. It's just that you, as a daughter-in-law, still have to do your duty. Yes, this kind of derivation will naturally give you a high opinion of you.

Knowing that Su Lanzhi is going to get married tomorrow, Murong Yan can't wait to tell Su Lanzhi everything she knows, so as to save Su Lanzhi from taking many detours in the future.

"Mother, don't worry, I will be filial to King Qin and Princess Qin."

"There is also the side concubine of the palace, no matter how she treats you, as a junior, you should be filial and don't let people leave anything to talk about, you know?" Murong Yan must be worried about Shangguan's worries, but Su Lan After all, Zhi is a junior, no matter what the other party has done, Su Lanzhi can't leave anyone with a clue.

"I know it well, mother!"

"Hey, there are so many things I want to tell you one by one, but I don't know where to start. In a blink of an eye, my Lan'er is so big, and I really don't want you to leave home like that." Not to stay, but who is willing to marry their daughter?

"Mother, I'm married not far away. Mother misses me. You can visit me at Prince Qin's Mansion. I miss you. You can come back to see mother!"

"Silly boy, you can't be so casual when you get married. Although Princess Qin is polite, she is your mother-in-law after all. It's not good for you to always go to your mother's house. Others will say it." Yes, isn't that worth the candle?

"Mother, you have already said that the princess is a good person, and she and mother are good friends, so you will never let me come back. And if mother misses me, you can go to see me at Prince Qin's mansion. If you want to come to Princess Qin Will be happy." [

"You child." Smiling, Murong Yan looked at Su Lanzhi carefully, as if she didn't want to miss a single bit of Su Lanzhi, and she was really reluctant to let her daughter get married, "My child, I know what you think Heavy, but Zhiyan is a good boy, do you remember to discuss with him more about anything in the future? Believe that he has the ability to protect you, protect you, and make you happy. "

"Yeah!" Nodding his head, Qin Zhiyan is the lover he chose in this life, who is better than Qin Yan by a few grades.Su Lanzhi believed that in this life, she would not be as miserable as her previous life.

"After getting married, prepare to have a child early. After all, you are still the one to rely on. This can also prevent other people from peeping at you, understand?" Like her mother, she persuaded her daughter to take a concubine for her husband.What's more, Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan agree with each other, Murong Yan feels that there is no need to hurt their feelings because of this.

"Hehe, mother, if you say that, aren't you afraid that your daughter will be called a jealous woman?"

"What's wrong with being a jealous woman? As long as you are willing, Zhiyan is willing, what others say, and your mouth grows on them, can you control so much? What's more, you live your own life, and you care too much about other people's eyes , so that you have wronged yourself, and you are the one who suffers in the end.”

"I know that my mother is the best for me."

"Concubine Qin is not such a pedantic person. She has a very good relationship with King Qin, but the heirs of Prince Qin's mansion are not prosperous. As long as you continue the bloodline of Prince Qin's mansion in the future, I believe she will not make things difficult for you. So Child, you have to hurry up on this heir." Murong Yan really isn't worried about anything else, but she is worried about Su Lanzhi's childbirth.Su Lanzhi was born with a cold body, and it was difficult to conceive with such a constitution.Qin Zhiyan, as the only legitimate son of King Qin and Princess Qin, naturally has great pressure on his heirs. Murong Yan is really worried that Su Lanzhi will be the same as her in the future, so what should I do?

Do you still want your daughter to suffer as much as she does?no way!

"Mother, I understand. I will take good care of my body. I have been taking the "medicine" prescribed by Dr. Sun. Besides, my daughter is also good at medicine. She has been recuperating for the past two years, and her body is much better than before. Now, look, haven't I grown taller and fatter now?" Su Lanzhi is actually quite slender, but she is indeed much taller than before, and her complexion is also rosy Some, but this physical problem cannot be changed overnight.

"Well, it is indeed taller and fatter. This is excellent, but I have to continue to take care of it in the future, understand?"

"Mother, don't worry, I won't make it difficult for Zhiyan, nor will I make it difficult for the princess." If it is really difficult for him to be an heir like in his previous life, Su Lanzhi knows that even if Qin Zhiyan doesn't want to take a concubine, Qin Zhiyan The princess defended her, and the emperor and queen mother in the palace would definitely not give up.At that time, it will not be a question of whether they say yes or no, so Su Lanzhi will definitely get herself pregnant as soon as possible.

It's just that there is no rush, her body is like this, and she is still weak and young, if she conceives too early, it will damage her body instead.

For the future, she will cherish and take care of herself well, for the sake of future happiness.

The happiness in this life has not come easily, and she will not allow anyone to destroy it, let alone allow any accidents to happen!

"You child also understands it in your heart, so I won't say more. You have to rest early today. This book is for married women to read, and it is also for the harmony of husband and wife life in the future. You should take good care of it." Look, go to bed early!" After Murong Yan finished speaking, she took out a book in embarrassment. Although she had been married for many years, Murong Yan still felt a little embarrassed when discussing such things with her daughter. Well, it's not easy to say too much, I just gave the book to Su Lanzhi, and then I resigned and left.

"Mother..." Looking at this book, Su Lanzhi had never read it in her previous life, but she knew more or less about it after marriage. Looking at Murong Yan's face now, Su Lanzhi Lan Zhi finally knew what it was.

Sure enough, there is a difference between having a mother and not having a mother. It is no wonder that many people from aristocratic families look at their daughter-in-law. If the other party does not have a mother, everyone will feel that they are uneducated. Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Didn't Bai Xin in the previous life just ignore him?What Murong Yan said before, Bai Xin didn't tell her at all, and her wedding was really bad. She got married with hope, but she was ignorant. In the end, she did many things wrong and caused many troubles. It's a joke, now that I think about it, how pathetic I am!

"Okay, take a look, mother won't bother you, go to bed early, and get up early tomorrow!" I also feel embarrassed, it should be said that Murong Yan said it, and now she got up and left, leaving Su Lan behind Zhi was quite dumbfounded there.

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