The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 322 Getting Married

Murong Yan left, and Su Lanzhi knew that Murong Yan was afraid of embarrassment, so she smiled and looked at the small booklet, which was very delicately done.In her previous life, Bai Xin ignored her, taught her nothing, and even wished for her to make a fool of herself, which caused her to suffer a lot.

In this life, she has made every step of the way, just to live a safe life. Now that she has found her husband, it is much better than being so mediocre in her previous life. She is really very happy.

Opening the booklet, although Su Lanzhi was married in her previous life, Qin Yan is not a person who cares about women and women, so she doesn't take special care of her.Su Lanzhi also stayed on the pain of the first night for that matter, and she really didn't enjoy it much.Now looking at the pictures on the booklet, which were vivid and meticulously drawn, Su Lanzhi couldn't help but turn a little red, and hurriedly closed the booklet, feeling a little embarrassed.

After drinking a cup of tea to cool off the heat on her face, Su Lanzhi touched her hot face, her eyes were also stained with a little intoxicating color, like a ripe apple, alluring.

I was trying to calm down my nervous thoughts, but Yunzhu's voice came from the door, "Miss, Xue Yuan is asking to see you, is the lady going to send you away?" [

"Let her come in!" Touching her face, Su Lanzhi took another sip of tea, she had already returned to normal, and was waiting for Xueyuan to come.

"Yes!" There was some noise at the door, and Xueyuan came in.Perhaps it was because Su Lan Zhiming was going to get married the next day, and the people in the mansion were all dressed festively. Xueyuan wore a pink skirt, and her beautiful face was not diminished by long-term labor. On the contrary, because of his thinness, he felt more pity.

In fact, although Xue Yuan's appearance is dangerous outside, Xue Yuan is a smart woman. Su Lanzhi knows that it is actually very easy for the other party to live a good life, but the other party does not seem to be interested in this.

"My servant congratulates Miss. Miss is busy today, so I don't want to disturb you. This is a set of clothes that I made for Miss. Although it is not extraordinarily expensive, it is also part of my wish. I hope Miss will like it." Xue Yuan She is very caring, and has been trying her best to please Su Lanzhi, especially after she has been working in Su Lanzhi's room, the work has become much easier, and she has more time to please Su Lanzhi .

"Show me!"

"Yes!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi wanted to see it, Xueyuan hurriedly opened the dress. The bright red satin dress was embroidered with exquisite mandarin ducks. The embroidery was extremely detailed and neat, lifelike, and it was indeed very well done. .

"The servant girl is not good at craftsmanship, I hope the lady will not dislike her!"

"It's good that you are like this, you have a heart, let it go!"

"Yes!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi accepted it, Xueyuan was filled with joy, and then she knelt down, "Thank you for your trust, my servant, and I will follow you to the Qin Palace in the future, and I will definitely serve you well and will not let you Disappointed."

"Just remember what you said. I have to get up early tomorrow. I'm going to bed first. You should go back first!"

"Yes, Miss, go to bed earlier, and the maidservant will retire and annihilate the world!" Today's goal has been achieved, and Xueyuan has fulfilled her wish and can follow Su Lanzhi to the Qin Palace. Xueyuan is naturally happy, and now it is natural He also left obediently.


"Put everything away, I'm going to sleep."

"Miss, is it true that Xueyuan will go with her tomorrow? Miss, don't you worry about her?"

"I'm even more worried about staying here. If I stay by my side, maybe I can still know who she is behind the scenes and what she wants to do." If you don't take Xueyuan away, Xueyuan will definitely find a way, it's better to take Xueyuan with you from the beginning, and save trouble.

"But the young lady will be a newlywed tomorrow, and everything is unfamiliar in Prince Qin's mansion. Wouldn't it be a serious problem to leave Xueyuan behind?"

"Yunzhu, although Xueyuan's origin is unknown, she still has plans after all. Maybe she can help me a lot in the future!" Although Su Lanzhi knew about Qin Wangfu's affairs from Qin Zhiyan Some, but I haven't faced it in person, and it's still a mess after all.With Xueyuan as an uncertain factor, it may also become a breakthrough for others. At that time, it is not certain that she may get something from it.

"But miss, isn't this too risky?"

"Yunzhu, if you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't get a tiger cub. From now on, just watch Xueyuan carefully. Under our noses, we believe that we will understand what she is going to do." Su Lanzhi's attitude was very clear, Yun Zhu also knew that it was better to take Xueyuan away than to stay, so she was speechless, "Miss, this servant understands, this servant will look at her well."

"Well, well, I have to get up early tomorrow, and I have to go to bed too, so go to bed early too!"

"Yes! Miss!" After waiting for Su Lanzhi to wash up, Yunzhu went outside to watch the night. Su Lanzhi was lying on the bed, thinking that she would marry a woman tomorrow and start a completely different life, so she said no It's impossible to be nervous.

In her previous life, she didn't have any friends on the day she got married, and there was no excitement at all. She married in a daze without knowing anything, and made a lot of jokes after marriage. It's the same, but I don't know what tomorrow's wedding will look like?

After thinking about it, Su Lanzhi fell asleep, but she didn't seem to be asleep for long, and was woken up in a daze, "Miss, wake up, it's time to get ready."

"Hmm!" It was still a bit stale, Su Lanzhi was pulled up by Qiushuang and the others in a daze, and let the other party dress herself or something. After washing, Su Lanzhi sat by the mirror and looked When Murong Yan led a woman with a friendly smile, she came over.

Su Lanzhi invited Mrs. Quanfu this time to be Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu's family is very harmonious. There are old people on the bottom and young people on the bottom. They have all children, all of whom are extremely filial. He and Mr. Liu are also filial people. The family is a model in Kyoto, and Mrs. Liu is also very kind and polite. When marrying a daughter in Kyoto, everyone likes to ask her to be Mrs. Quanfu.It's just that she is also particular about her, and she won't just agree to be Quan Fu's wife, but Murong Yan invites her as soon as she goes, and everyone says that Su Lanzhi is very lucky!

After Mrs. Liu came in, she admired Su Lanzhi, "Hehe, this is Miss Su, she is really a wonderful person! Only such a wonderful person, and Wu Chengwang are the real match Well, it's really enviable!" Mrs. Liu smiled and took Su Lanzhi's hand, and observed Su Lanzhi carefully, "You are indeed blessed, Mrs. Su, you have raised a good daughter!"

"Thank you Mrs. Liu."

"Hehe, it's my good fortune to be Miss Su's Mrs. Quanfu. Let's make a show of it first!" Dacang women always want to show their faces when they get married. Mrs. Liu asked people to prepare something, and then she started to show her face to Su Lanzhi. Su Lanzhi looked at Mrs. Liu's clean hands. Although her face hurt a little, Mrs. Liu's craftsmanship was very good, so she didn't suffer too much.

"Look at this skin, it's delicate, just like that fresh egg shell. I've been Mrs. Quanfu for so many years, but I haven't seen anyone's daughter's skin so good. This is the same without makeup. It's very beautiful, I put on makeup for a while, I'm afraid that King Wu Cheng will be so fascinated that his eyes won't make any money!" Xu wanted to divert Su Lanzhi's attention so that Su Lanzhi's face wouldn't hurt, but also Perhaps Mrs. Liu felt that Su Lanzhi was really beautiful, so she kept praising her, but Murong Yan was a little modest, "Mrs. Liu is too much, please don't praise this child like that, the child cannot bear to be praised." Mother, although she agrees with Mrs. Liu's words, Murong Yan is a very modest person, and it is definitely impossible for her to be complacent.

"I'm telling the truth. It's hard to see Ms. Su's appearance like this." Mrs. Liu opened up to Su Lanzhi carefully, and praised Su Lanzhi's appearance and skin very much. After the face was opened, Mrs. Liu had no choice but to admire, "Look, it's great without the face, isn't it as white as jade after the face is opened? It's really beautiful, what I have seen today It’s called Bing Qing Yu Skin.”

"Hehe, look at what you said." Murong Yan smiled. Her daughter was praised, and Murong Yan was naturally happy. Madam Liu opened Su Lanzhi's face and began to put on Su Lanzhi's makeup. The bride The makeup is about festive occasions, but Mrs. Liu is also winking.Seeing that Su Lanzhi's foundation is very good, she didn't really put on heavy makeup, but she was self-defeating. She put some blush on Su Lanzhi to make Su Lanzhi's face more moist and moving, and Madam Liu painted Su Lanzhi She raised her eyebrows, combed Su Lanzhi's hair, and finally put on the phoenix crown.

"Look, Mrs. Su, am I right? Ms. Su is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." She left her lips untouched, so that Su Lanzhi could eat something later, so as not to be overwhelmed hungry.

"This is Mrs. Liu's craftsmanship!" She gave Mrs. Liu a big red envelope, and Mrs. Liu accepted it with a smile, without looking at how much it contained. Anyway, today is a happy day, and she will be Mrs. Quanfu for Su Lanzhi. It's a decent thing, and she doesn't care about anything else.

But will the Xiangfu make a move, will it be less?

"Yuetao, go and bring the noodles you cooked for Miss!"

"Yes!" A bowl of deliciously cooked longevity noodles was brought to me, and Murong Yan took the bowl and fed it to Su Lanzhi, "Good boy, I've had a lot of trouble today, eat more, and it won't take a while I’m hungry.” Women eat noodles before they get married, and the noodles are long and smooth, which also symbolizes the bride’s future life and beauty, so it’s best to finish the noodles.

"Yes, mother!" Eating mouthfuls, Su Lanzhi felt that the noodles were cooked very well and were very delicious. After a while, the bottom was seen, and Murong Yan smiled with satisfaction, "It's good to eat the noodles." , This is the bottom line, and the days to come will definitely be harmonious and beautiful." After wiping Su Lanzhi's mouth, Mrs. Liu hurried over to paint Su Lanzhi's mouth too, and Su Lanzhi looked very pale The brilliance shines a lot, and it makes people's eyes brighten up immediately.

"Miss, you are so beautiful!" Su Lanzhi usually dressed plainly, but she was already extremely beautiful, and now she was dressed formally, which was really amazing.

No wonder everyone said that the day when this woman got married was the most beautiful, and it was indeed so!

"Okay, don't be dazed, the time is coming soon, go and see if Zhiyan and the others are here!"

"Yes!" Qiu Shuang just went out to check and came back soon, "Madam, King Wu Cheng and the others are almost here." [

"Okay, hurry up and get ready, don't miss the auspicious time!"

"Hehe, ma'am, I'm afraid it won't be so fast, don't worry!" Qiu Shuang gestured to the few people present who were eager to try. Isn't this just Murong Xiang and the others?Looking at the excitement on the faces of these people, everyone knows that Qin Zhiyan's test may not be easy.

"Mrs. Su, don't worry, we won't let King Wu Cheng marry Lan Zhi so easily, we must make things difficult." As Su Lanzhi's girlfriends, Murong Xiang and the others were very angry yesterday. He thought of many ways to embarrass Qin Zhiyan, and now it just came in handy.

"Okay, but just don't miss the auspicious time." Seeing the girls happy, Murong Yan would not stop her that day. Anyway, this is also a custom, and it is not unacceptable to embarrass the groom.

"Little aunt, don't worry, we have a sense of proportion!" Several girls inquired that Qin Zhiyan had already entered the mansion, and hurriedly closed the door of Su Lanzhi's boudoir. It seems that there are some malicious intentions in the latest chapter of the evildoer cultivation system.

Su Lanzhi was sitting on the stool well-behaved at the moment, seeing a few people blocking the door, she didn't say anything, just smiled, and didn't stop at all.


After a while, I heard the sound of the door, someone was opening the door, "Open the door quickly, the auspicious time has come, welcome the bride!"

"Hehe, why is it so easy for someone to marry a bride? Why do you have to go through three barriers?" To pick up a bride, you must pass the test. Several people have discussed it long ago. How could it be impossible today? Qin Zhiyan has to make things difficult, so that Qin Zhiyan will cherish Su Lanzhi even more in the future.

"Hehe, tell me, what do you want us to do!"

"Hehe, it's the groom's job to marry a bride. Why did you ask you to do it? Naturally, let King Wu Cheng come in person, so that can show the sincerity of King Wu Cheng?" Everyone knows that Qin Zhiyan is almost a He is a perfect person, with a noble background, a beautiful face, and he has made great achievements in the army. He is the true pride of heaven. Murong Xiang and the others really want to see what Qin Zhiyan can't do.

"Hehe, tell me, what do you want to do?" The door was silent for a while, and then Qin Zhiyan's gentle voice came in. Just hearing that voice gave people a feeling of spring breeze.It really makes people wonder what kind of person the owner of the voice is.

"Hehe, this breakthrough is undoubtedly the same. The first thing we have is an elegant one. I heard that King Wu Cheng is very talented. How about writing a poem on the spot? Today is the day of great joy for King Wu Cheng and Miss Su. Why don't King Cheng write a poem to express King Wu Cheng's friendship with Miss Su?" Although Qin Zhiyan is the proud son of heaven, he has never heard of Qin Zhiyan who can compose poems. Murong Xiang and the others thought of it. This embarrassment, of course, also wants to see Qin Zhiyan's level.

"In ancient times, there were famous people who wrote poems in seven steps, but King Wu Cheng was even better at it. Can you do it?" Murong Xiang and the others almost didn't give Qin Zhiyan any time to react, and let Qin Zhiyan say the poem directly. Qin Zhiyan Yan smiled at the door, and the few friends around him couldn't help casting a sympathetic look at Qin Zhiyan when they heard the embarrassment inside.

Even if you are a genius, is it not easy to come up with a poem so soon?

Everyone was a little worried at first. After all, although Qin Zhiyan has a good reputation, Qin Zhiyan has always kept a low profile. There are indeed no poems, and the people inside are obviously embarrassing.But to everyone's surprise, Qin Zhiyan's smile didn't change color, but when he heard the person inside questioning, his smile became bigger, "I didn't give me any time to think about it, isn't it too fast? "

"Wu Chengwang is just joking. Who doesn't know that Wu Chengwang is a genius of the sky. It's just a piece of cake, right? How is Wu Chengwang? But if you do it well, don't lose in the first game. !" Murong Xiang snickered inside, they actually knew that they were really embarrassing, but they just wanted to test Qin Zhiyan and see how much Qin Zhiyan liked Su Lanzhi.

"Hehe, since you guys said that, I'll make a song. It's just that I'm in a hurry, and I hope everyone will forgive me for what I didn't do well." Without any impatience, let alone any nervousness, still with that faint smile, looking at the door, the beautiful lips opened immediately, with a voice like spring breeze, as if moistened by the drizzle, Sprinkled into the hearts of the people present, "Happy candles to welcome the newcomers, hurry to get married. With the sound of firecrackers, congratulations welcome thousands of families. We will be husband and wife, and there will be no doubts about love and love. We will live together in this life, and we will never live up to this heart." !" Although this poem is short, but listening to the last sentence, people are shocked from the bottom of their hearts. The people present listened to Qin Zhiyan and what Qin Zhiyan said, and they only felt that Su Lanzhi She is really the happiest woman in the world.

It is very common for men in this world to have three wives and four concubines. Few men are willing to make such a promise. Not only has Qin Zhiyan made it now, but it is not the first time he has made it in front of everyone. People can't help but think of Qin Zhiyan's bold words in Qianlong Temple. If some people thought it was just a joke at the beginning, then everyone has to take it seriously now.

To have such a man so devoted to protecting each other, who else is happier than this?

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Qin Zhiyan, who was wearing a fiery red wedding dress, and they really didn't understand why Qin Zhiyan, with such a noble status, could have countless beautiful women in this world, so why did he choose such a beautiful woman for himself? What about confinement?

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