Seeing that King Qin was angry, the servant was also a little scared, but he also knew that if he didn't say anything, the end would be even worse, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "My lord, when the servant went to find the young master, it suddenly I heard someone screaming on the way. The servant seemed to hear the voice familiar, so he ran over quickly, but when he saw it, he saw..." After speaking, he swallowed his saliva, glanced at Shangguan You and Li Ruolan, then The servant was really afraid that if he said it, he would not see the sun tomorrow.

"What did you see? Why are you hesitating?" Qin Wang has never been a person with so many crooked intestines, and he doesn't like others to complicate simple things.Hearing that the servant's tone was not right at this moment, King Qin also became anxious.

"Don't worry, my lord, just see what he says." Princess Qin also frowned, as if she didn't expect things to turn out like this.

"Well, tell me quickly!" Qin Wang naturally didn't want Su Lanzhi to see something bad about Qin Wangfu in front of Su Lanzhi, the new daughter-in-law. Today is the first official family meeting after all. When we met, King Qin hoped that the whole family would live in harmony, so why would he expect any other accidents to happen?

"My lord, I just saw the young master and Xia He in the yard of the second young master were together, Xia He's clothes were disheveled, and he looked flustered, my servant, I came back immediately to report when I saw this !" After finishing speaking quickly, this person is waiting to be scolded, after all, those who suffer from the dirty things of these masters are actually only them who are servants forever. [

"Is what you said true?" Qin Wang was about to die of anger, a friend's wife should not be bullied, not to mention that Xia He is Qin Zhiyan's man!Besides, it was Qin Zhiyan's wedding yesterday, what did Qin Xu do for this?

Is it to express dissatisfaction?Or deliberately give a blow?

This son is really outrageous!

"Slave, you don't dare to tell the truth about your master casually, my lord!" He also knew that there were some things he should say and some things he shouldn't say, but he had seen them all, and so many people had seen them, so he just didn't want to. Say it, others will say it too!

So, instead of offending both parties, it's better to say it out, at least I'm doing this for the sake of my master, I believe it can reduce the punishment more or less!

"Who else saw it besides you?"

"My lord, I was with the servant, but I saw them all. If you don't believe me, you can ask me. The servant will never dare to lie!" With so many eyes, even if he wants to lie, there is no way out!

"Tell me, what's going on?" King Qin asked the person mentioned directly, but everyone said the same thing. When King Qin heard it, his face turned completely green, "Give me that Prince Qin will pressure you!" On his brother's wedding night, King Qin naturally had some thoughts in his heart, and even Princess Qin would not be able to speak to Qin Xu at this moment.After all, although Princess Qin felt guilty towards Shangguanyou, yesterday was a special day after all, and Princess Qin naturally couldn't see her son and daughter-in-law being wronged.

"Yes, my lord!" In fact, there is no need for anyone to press Qin Xu. Qin Xu woke up when he heard the movement just now. Now he hurriedly put on his clothes, warned Xia He, and was full of doubts. 』Go to plead guilty.

What exactly is going on?How did things become like this?

Thinking back carefully along the way, Qin Xu couldn't figure out what happened last night, and he didn't even think about why he was with Xia He, which made Qin Xu really annoyed!

"Don't talk nonsense for a while, but nothing happened to us, understand?"

"Young master, this servant is yours now, how can you do this?" Xia He is also a smart person, she is now Qin Xu's person, if she says nothing happens, then she will die in this life Is there any hope?When the time comes, she will become Qin Xu's thorn in the flesh, isn't it just the result of being secretly killed by Qin Xu?

She's still young, she doesn't want to die yet!

"What nonsense are you talking about? Yesterday I was drunk and didn't know anything. You'd better remember to speak well for a while. If you say something wrong, you should know the consequences!" Looking at Xia He warningly, Qin Xu wished this It's fine to strangle the other party to death in a while, so as to avoid trouble in a while.

But in the end, he was seen by others just now, and Qin Xu had no chance to kill people to silence him. Now he can only think of a way to get himself out, so as not to lose King Qin's favor because of this incident, and make Qin Wangfei even more sympathetic to him. He is also dissatisfied.

"Eldest young master, the servant girl is not perfect anymore. Does the young master think that this matter can be hidden from others? Even if the servant girl insists that nothing happened, when the time comes when the princess asks an experienced nun to check the servant girl, she will still Found it. Didn’t the young master ever think about what the consequences would be if the concubine knew about this and that the slaves were helping the young master to hide it?” Xia He is also a brainy person, so of course she didn’t want to be told by Qin Xu just like that. Abandoned, I don't know how to die.So what she has to do now is to protect herself and try to get Qin Xu to admit this matter as much as possible, and then it will be easy to handle.

Although being a concubine for the eldest young master is not as good as the second young master, but the eldest young master is also the eldest son after all, and he can get some benefits to some extent!

Thinking of this, although Xia He is a little bit unwilling, now he can only do this. [

"You lowly maidservant!" Qin Xu was murderous at this moment, but after thinking about it, Xia He was right, and Qin Xu was really unwilling, "I don't know what happened yesterday. , tell me, did you cheat and climb onto my bed on purpose? Did you seduce me?" Qin Xu couldn't think of any other way except thinking this way, but Xia He also had a look of " Confused, "eldest young master, you have wronged this slave girl. The slave girl was serving in the second young master's yard yesterday, but someone came to tell the slave girl that the second young master was drunk and sent the slave girl over. At that time, I was suddenly beaten unconscious, and then I don’t know anything else about this servant, young master, you must not wrong this servant, even though this servant is just a slave, she still knows how to be polite and honest!”

"Is what you said true?" Qin Xu was stunned for a while when he heard Xia He's words, and suddenly thought that he had indeed sent someone to Qin Zhiyan's yard to call Xia He over yesterday, but why did it happen? Is it on his bed?

Thinking of something, Qin Xu's face at the moment is really ugly.

Qin Zhiyan, you are doing well, I remember this account!

"Young master, how dare this servant lie to you? Everything this servant said is true!" Naturally, Xia He was not afraid, and she also felt a little strange about this matter, but she would not say it now.Anyway, she is already Qin Xu's person. If she wants to survive, she can only be Qin Xu's concubine. In the future, if she has a son and a half daughter, she can also be raised as an aunt. She will work harder at that time, If Qin Xu inherits the throne, wouldn't her status also rise with the tide?

Just thinking about it, Xia He couldn't help but feel happy.

Comparing to the second young master, the eldest young master seems to be easier to deal with. The second young master seems to be quite talkative, but she has been with him for a while, but she knows that the other party is not so easy to talk to!Now that it's done, she can only hold on to the young master!

Qin Xu thought about it carefully at this moment. Apart from Qin Zhiyan, he couldn't make any other guesses. Looking at Xia He, although Qin Xu was very impatient, he also knew that he had nothing to do with the other party for the time being, so he had no choice but to continue. A warning, "You play by ear in a while, follow my words, don't just make up your own mind, I will give you an explanation after this matter is over, understand?"

"Yes, young master, the slave's life is in the young master's hands, the servant understands!"

"If you dare to act rashly in a while, you should know that I am not a soft-hearted person!" Qin Xu stared at the other party with cold eyes, as if Xia He was going to be pierced through by Qin Xu's eyes. A little scared, "Yes, this servant knows." Although Xia He answered in this way, Xia He also had his own calculations in his heart. Anyway, when he was in front of King Qin and Princess Qin, he didn't say anything. They must be left alone.

Thinking of Xia He in this way, she also has some calculations in her heart. Anyway, she has made up her mind to become Qin Xu's concubine, so naturally she has to work hard for this. The next thing will depend on her own improvisation.

If she can't become the young master's concubine, her only destiny is to die. Xia He has always cherished her life, so naturally she wouldn't be so stupid!


The two went to the hall in a hurry, Qin Wang also sent someone to arrest them at this time, but seeing them go, Qin Wang's complexion not only did not improve, but even worse, "Nizi, you Kneel down!" As soon as Qin Xu entered, before he had time to call for someone, he heard King Qin's roar, Qin Xu naturally did not dare to offend the angry King Qin, so he had to kneel obediently.

"Father!" I wanted to say something, but King Qin didn't give him this chance at all, "Don't call me father, I don't have a shameless son like you!" Fornication, isn't this a slap in the face of the other party?

Although King Qin apologized to Shangguanyou, the person he loves the most is still Princess Qin. Naturally, he loves Wu and Wu, and he values ​​Qin Zhiyan's son even more.

This is not a matter of eccentricity or non-eccentricity, but he feels that Qin Xu's temper is not as stable as Qin Zhiyan's, and he feels that Qin Xu is still not suitable for a big job.

"Father, my son knows his mistake!" Seeing that King Qin was angry, Qin Xu originally wanted to defend himself, but Shangguan You gave him a warning look.Qin Xu knew that at this moment, he must not be arrogant, and could only temporarily bow his head and admit his mistake.

"You know what's wrong, where did you go wrong?"

"Father, the son was calculated. The son toasted with the second brother yesterday, and later saw that the second brother was drunk. The son originally wanted to send the second brother back. I never thought that this would be the case when I woke up this morning. Son, son really doesn't know what's going on!" To be honest, Qin Xu really didn't know what was going on.Although he guessed that Qin Zhiyan did this, he still couldn't think of it. He didn't come back all night. Wouldn't Li Ruolan and Shangguanyou be in a hurry and send someone to find him?

Moreover, it was obviously Qin Zhiyan who took the "drug" yesterday?Why is Qin Zhiyan the one who is fine, and he has become like this instead?

Qin Qinxu is really angry, he and Qin Zhiyan's Liang Zi, but once again connected! [

I don't know how many times I have cursed Qin Zhiyan in my heart. Qin Xu looked at Qin Zhiyan at this moment, quite puzzled, "Second brother, you should tell your father, I was obviously with you yesterday How could it be like this?" In Qin Xu's view, this matter must have something to do with Qin Zhiyan, but he has no evidence, so he can only pour dirty water on Qin Zhiyan at this moment At least in this way, King Qin can alleviate some of his anger, and by the way, he will also have doubts about Qin Zhiyan, and it will prevent him from bearing King Qin's anger alone.

But what Qin Xu didn't expect was that Qin Zhiyan's face was really thick enough, "Brother, what are you talking about? Didn't I separate from you halfway yesterday? Didn't you say at that time that you wanted to Toilet, so you let me go back first?" Qin Zhiyan looked at Qin Xu innocently, but if you look carefully, you will see a chill in his eyes, but he hides it very well, no one will find out.

"You!" Qin Xu didn't expect Qin Zhiyan to say this. After thinking about it, it seemed that it was true. To avoid suspicion, he found an excuse to leave yesterday, but why did he go to that place? He did it, but he couldn't figure it out at all.

"Brother, I know that you drank some wine yesterday, so it's inevitable that you can't help yourself. Xia He is a good girl. If you like it, I'll give it to you. Why do you do this? Parents, queens, mothers and concubines are very good. A good person will not blame you for this matter!" If Qin Zhiyan wanted to pursue this matter, King Qin would definitely not let Qin Xu go.But to everyone's surprise, Qin Zhiyan didn't pursue it, and instead gave him to Qin Xu.

You must know that this is a very embarrassing thing. After all, in Da Cang, in fact, the maidservants in the man's yard, especially Xia He, who was rewarded by Princess Qin, will know that sooner or later these are Qin Zhiyan's people of.It's really too much for Qin Xu to do this, but if Qin Zhiyan doesn't pursue it, it's another matter.

Qin Xu looked at Qin Zhiyan in surprise, never expecting that the other party was so kind.

However, Qin Xu knows that he and Qin Zhiyan have always been at odds, and the other party must not be so kind. Qin Xu has to be on guard at this moment, "Second brother, what do you mean? Xia He is the mother concubine The person who gave it to you, how can you just give it away? As an older brother, how can I take away your person?" Qin Xu is not stupid, and now he and Li Ruolan have not been married for long, and Li Ruolan He didn't have any children yet, so he was just trying to take concubines. How would the Li family think about this, and what would Li Ruolan think about it?

He finally got such a help, of course he didn't want to ruin it just because of an irrelevant concubine.

"Brother, it's not right for you to say that. Xia He has never belonged to me. But she is yours now. Don't you want to take responsibility?" Looking at Qin Xu with a smile, Qin Zhiyan wanted to take a look. How Qin Xu plans to deal with this matter.

"Second brother, don't talk nonsense, Xia He is a woman after all, if you slander her innocence like this, how do you let her stand in the world in the future?"

"Brother, aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open? Is it possible that the elder brother still wants the nanny to verify Xia He's body?" Seeing Qin Xu's stiff mouth, the smile on Qin Zhiyan's face is still kind He was kind, but his eyes were icy cold. Qin Zhiyan never had any hope for this brother.

"You!" A little speechless, Qin Xu knew that Xia He was already his, and he couldn't hide this matter, and was forced into a corner by Qin Zhiyan for a while, and didn't know what to say what.Shangguan You watched anxiously from the sidelines, but he couldn't help Qin Xu say anything, otherwise it would be bad if it would destroy her image all along.

But now seeing Qin Xu being "forced" by Qin Zhiyan to say nothing, Shangguan You was also anxious, and finally had to kneel down, "My lord, my concubine, Xu'er did something wrong, I hope my lord and concubine will punish me severely! Let him remember this lesson!" Although there was no intention of defending Qin Xu in her words, she really knelt down and said, could King Qin and Princess Qin be punished cruelly?

This was done very well by retreating into advance. Su Lanzhi looked at Shangguanyou's face of righteousness and words, and had to say that Shangguanyou was indeed an extremely smart person.

Sure enough, Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei saw Shangguanyou kneeling, and they quickly helped her up, "You, what are you doing? You are not in good health. It is cold now, so don't freeze your knees." I will naturally take care of this child's matter, don't worry!"

"My lord, my concubine, this child Xu'er has really gone too far this time. How can this be spread? Brothers naturally need harmony. Now that Xu'er has done something wrong, he should be punished, but he can't. Because this matter has affected their brotherhood!" Shangguanyou has now killed his relatives righteously, and she is so selfish, if the King of Qin really punishes him severely, he will feel guilty instead.

Qin Xu saw that the faces of the two had softened, and when he received Shangguan's worried gaze, he hurriedly began to kowtow fiercely, "Father, mother and concubine, the son knew it was wrong, the son should not have touched the woman of the second brother, and why did he not touch the woman of the second brother?" I hope that the father, the queen, and the concubine will be punished! The son does not want to let the second brother misunderstand something because of this matter. What happened yesterday, the son really did not do it on purpose, it must be this bitch who seduced the son!" Qin Xu and Shangguan You both He cleverly directed the blame to Xia He. It can be seen that the two of them wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone. Apart from Xia He, there was nothing wrong!

Sure enough, such a vicious method, such a vicious person!

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