The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 328 Being a Concubine

Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan looked at each other and exchanged glances. They both understood the purpose of Shangguanyou and Qin Xu.Kill people to silence, as long as Xia He pushes everything, King Qin will naturally not be angry with Qin Xu again.After all, it was just a servant's fault. After all, Qin Xu is also the young master of this family, isn't he?

Qin Xu got Shangguanyou's instructions at this moment, so of course he became smarter, he sincerely admitted his mistake and apologized, and cleverly blamed Xia He, "Father, mother, son is really I don't know what's going on. The son doesn't even know the woman's name, but the son has made such a big mistake. I hope that the father, mother and concubine will be punished severely. It is the son who can't help the second brother! Second brother, you must forgive me elder brother!"

As a man, Qin Xu certainly wouldn't be particularly aware of the maids in Qin Zhiyan's yard, and these two maids were considered newcomers, who had just been given to Qin Zhiyan by Princess Qin.Qin Xu's words made sense. Xia He's face turned pale when he heard Qin Xu and Shangguanyou's words, and he didn't care about Qin Xu's previous warning, and immediately began to kowtow, "My lord, my concubine, and my slaves don't care about anything. I don't know, what the servant said just now is the truth. The servant was serving well in the second young master's yard, but suddenly someone came to ask the servant to go out, but then the servant was beaten unconscious, the servant didn't know what to do I'm going to go with the young master! Now that the servant is not perfect and shameful, it's better to let the servant die!"

Xia He is also a ruthless one, knowing that the situation is very unfavorable to her, she doesn't care about it now, she quickly stood up and planned to hit the wall, if it wasn't for Qin Zhiyan to stop her, Today's good happy event is about to turn into a funeral, which is very unlucky!

"What is this for? Today is the first day of my wedding. You are doing this to embarrass me, aren't you?" It can be seen that Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei's expressions are a little loose, of course Qin Zhiyan can't let it go. [

If he hadn't been careful yesterday and saved his hand, then the one who was wronged today would be his Lan Lan.Then what face would he have to see Lan Lan again, and where would he put the face of his father and mother?

"Okay, shut up, today is a good day, are you trying to find bad luck for Yan'er?" You must know that today is the first day of Qin Zhiyan's wedding, so he should be happy in the first place.This one or two were crying, and almost had a bloody disaster. Isn't this a deliberate curse on Yan'er?

After all, King Qin still loves Qin Zhiyan, because of Qin Zhiyan's words, he immediately withdrew his soft heart, and didn't intend to let it go.

"What is going on with this matter, both of you should make it clear, don't hide it, this king will find out and give you a clean and clear account!"

"Father, my son really doesn't know!"

"My lord, my servant, my servant doesn't even know!"


This time the two really didn't lie. Qin Xu really didn't know what happened. He just vaguely guessed that it was related to Qin Zhiyan, but he had no evidence!As for Xia He, she was used by others, and she was beaten unconscious, how could she know all this?

"This Prince Qin's mansion is heavily guarded, and you have become enemies on weekdays, haven't you? Are you going to deal with you like this?" King Qin didn't believe that the two of them knew anything about it. Qin Zhiyan got married yesterday, and King Qin didn't allow any accidents. Many people were sent to guard it. If Qin Xu and Xia He had an affair without alarming anyone, it would be impossible!

"Father, do you not believe in your son?" Qin Xu looked at King Qin with deep resentment in his eyes.

Why is it that no matter how good and excellent he is, in the eyes of King Qin, he is still inferior to Qin Zhiyan?

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that I have to figure it out!" I was a little annoyed, and Qin Xu and Xia He made me like this after a good day.The King of Qin was somewhat annoyed by Qin Xu's attitude, Xia He was obviously Qin Xu's now, but Qin Xu still didn't want to recognize him.

King Qin didn't like this kind of irresponsible behavior very much.

"My lord, this matter really needs to be clarified. It's just that Xu'er is indeed at fault. I hope the lord will not soften his heart and punish him severely so that Xu'er can learn the lesson and won't do it again!" Shangguan You didn't expect, Originally, everything could be blamed on Xia He.Anyway, Xia He is just a servant girl, and when she dies, she will have nothing.But I never thought that Qin Zhiyan was so clinging to him that he interrupted her plan, how could Shangguanyou not hate him?

"Of course I care about this matter!" This matter slapped Qin Zhiyan in the face. King Qin is a fair person. What are you going to do?"

"Father, I believe that the eldest brother was just confused for a while. He was afraid of your blame, so he didn't dare to admit it. Now that the uncooked rice has been cooked, Xia He is also the elder brother's person. This Xia He follows me. It's also innocent, now that the elder brother wants her body, let Xia He be his concubine, and after having a son and a half daughter, he will be promoted to be a concubine, what do you think, father?" No one thought of Qin Zhi Yan Hui said this, and when he said this, many people were stunned, and Li Ruolan's reaction was the biggest among them, "Second brother, what are you talking about? I have been married to my husband for less than a year. Why did you take a concubine? This lowly servant girl climbed into the husband's bed without shame, why did you let her be his concubine? Isn't this a shame for the husband?"

In fact, Prince Qin's mansion doesn't like this kind of thing. King Qin's whole heart is on Concubine Qin, and he is not a womanizer, so for the younger generation, they never talk about taking concubines. Now Qin Zhiyan is like this Li Ruolan, who has always been proud and arrogant, couldn't take it anymore when he mentioned it!

She is the daughter of a dignified first-rank official, how can she share a husband with a lowly servant?

No, she will never allow it! [

"Sister-in-law, you can't say that. This kind of thing is what you want. Although Xia He is a maid in my yard, I have never thought about it. Since big brother moved Xia He, of course he has to be responsible, and it is common for this man to have three wives and four concubines, is it possible that sister-in-law is going to stop elder brother from taking concubines?" It stands to reason that Qin Xu moved the people in Qin Zhiyan's yard, Qin Zhiyan should be very angry to find Qin Xu to settle accounts, but Qin Zhiyan did the opposite, which made everyone confused.

"You!" Naturally, Li Ruolan couldn't speak against Qin Zhiyan, and no matter how tough she was, she couldn't say that her husband was not allowed to take a concubine.Otherwise, he would be said to be jealous, and he could be dismissed with this excuse.

She doesn't want to be divorced!

"Sister-in-law, don't be angry. It was because of my inappropriate words just now, but I think this is the best way to deal with it. Our Qin Palace is not a place where people's lives are taken lightly. Although Xia He is just a small maid, after all, it is also the mother's concubine who cares about her." I chose it, and it is also a surprise to do things on weekdays, and I think I will be very considerate in serving my elder brother in the future, what do you think, concubine mother?" Xia He is distorted, if she does not marry Qin Xu, then there is really only a dead end. At this point, everyone present knew very well that Qin Wangfei heard Qin Zhiyan say this, and seeing that Qin Zhiyan didn't mind, she let go, "What Yan'er said makes sense, although there are still many doubts about this matter. But Xu'er In the end, I still want the girl Xia He, and it's not good to let this girl have no name or status. Ruo'er, I'm afraid I will wrong you."

The master wants a girl, but you can't make her die just because she doesn't want it, right?Besides, Xia He is Qin Zhiyan's girl, Qin Zhiyan didn't care about it, and planned to give it to Qin Xu. This is the best way to deal with it. Could it be possible to really let Xia He die?

Of course Princess Qin couldn't do it, so she could only let Xia He be Qin Xu's concubine to the temptation of her aunt.

"Mother Concubine, me!" No matter how magnanimous a woman is, she definitely doesn't want to take a concubine for her husband. Li Ruolan is proud and arrogant, and naturally she is even more so.

"Ruo'er, I know that you have been wronged by this matter, but now that it has become like this, this is the only way to go." If this Xia He was Qin Xu's maid in his own room, then Qin Xu would not accept a concubine, She doesn't care.But it happened that Xia He was a maid in Qin Zhiyan's room, and she loosed it to Qin Zhiyan. The relationship here was not just a word.

"No, absolutely not, you can't bully people like this!" Li Ruolan was angry, she had not been married for a long time, but she had never thought of taking a concubine for her husband, and now she was stuffed by someone, and she was still so beautiful , how could Li Ruolan bear it?

Absolutely not!

"You child, what are you talking about? Shut up and don't salute the concubine!" Shangguanyou knew that this is the best way to deal with it now. If Qin Zhiyan doesn't pursue it, King Qin won't punish Qin Xu severely.Now it's just that Qin Xu took a concubine. Anyway, everyone is Qin Xu's, so they have the final say on how to deal with it at that time?

It's not wise to continue arguing and arguing now!

"Mother, what are you talking about?" Li Ruolan did not compromise so easily, asking her to take a concubine for Qin Xu, unless she died!

"Silly boy, this is just a girl, can you still beat you? What are you doing, apologize to the princess!" He gave Li Ruolan a wink, and what Shangguanyou has to do now is to let Xia He become It's best for Qin Xu's people to deal with it in the future without having to watch Qin Zhiyan act.Why is this daughter-in-law so useless?

"Mother, my husband and I have been married for less than a year!" She is not pregnant yet, and now she has such a beautiful concubine, what should I do?

"Don't worry, you are Xu'er's official wife. No one can change this matter. Even if this maid is Xu'er's concubine, she is just a concubine. Why are you flatulent?" Li Ruolan would be upset by this incident, otherwise Li Ruolan would go back to her mother's house and say that it would be troublesome for the Li family to be dissatisfied with Qin Xu and put pressure on Qin Xu.

It's just a maid, and being a roommate is considered a face for the other party. If this time the accident happened in someone else's yard, it would be good to deal with it casually.This servant girl was lucky, and she became Qin Zhiyan's servant girl.It's really annoying!

Although Shangguan You didn't know exactly what happened, but she could make a good guess based on her posture. At this moment, she was pulling Li Ruolan tightly and gave him a warning look. What did Li Ruolan want to say? In the end, it was Shangguan You who whispered something in her ear, and she finally held back, but those eyes looked at Xia He as if she wished to tear him apart, and she was quite fond of Qin Zhiyan. I became dissatisfied.

This is a good way to block people for her husband. Isn't this intentional to block them?She has remembered this account, and she will definitely let the other party know how powerful it is!


Qin Wangfei saw that Li Ruolan didn't say anything, and she was almost settled at the moment, "Ruo'er, don't worry, Xia He won't disturb you until you give birth to a son-in-law, come here, cook a bowl for Xia He Bizitang!" Qin Wangfei is also kind, this is considered to have done each other's face, Li Ruolan saw Qin Wangfei like this, in the end she didn't say anything, but she was still very unwilling in her heart.

"Xu'er, are you willing to deal with it this way?" After the matter was almost settled, Princess Qin asked Qin Xu for his opinion. What else could Qin Xu say at this moment? [

"Mother and concubine, my son is willing!" Can he say no?Of course not.

Although Qin Xu also likes beauties, he has never liked beauties who are forced by others. What's more, this beauty was prepared by Qin Wangfei for Qin Zhiyan before, and Qin Zhiyan gave it to him, Qin Xu thought I feel the shock!

Although he didn't know what Qin Zhiyan's purpose was this time, Qin Xu felt uncomfortable!

"Well, no matter what the reason is this time, you are always at fault. This girl Xia He will be in your house from now on, and you must always take this as a warning in the future, and don't make such mistakes again. Girl, please let me pamper you." On the night of his brother's wedding, he touched his brother's woman, but it was a very serious matter, if it got out, Qin Xu's reputation would be affected.

"Yes, concubine mother, my son respectfully obeys the instruction!" No matter how unwilling he was, he could only suffer like this. Qin Xu hated Qin Zhiyan so much in his heart that he never thought that things would be like this.

"Okay, let's go back to rest, Yan'er, Lan'er, you guys also get ready, you're going to enter the palace to thank you soon!"

"Yes, mother-in-law!"


After the matter was settled, there were no other people around at the moment. When she returned to her yard, Su Lanzhi went directly to ask Yunzhu and Qiushuang to guard the gate, and sent everyone else away. Looking at Qin Zhiyan, "Zhiyan, what the hell is going on?" Su Lanzhi is not stupid. When Qin Zhiyan came back last night, she felt weird. Su Lanzhi originally wanted to ask, but Qin Zhiyan later asked She was so teased that she couldn't think, and she didn't have time to ask anything.Now that everything is connected, Su Lanzhi of course wants to ask clearly.

The matter between Qin Xu and Xia He may not be that simple.

"Lan Lan, don't worry. I've already taken care of the matter. Sit down for a while and rest. There are many rules in the palace, but I'm tired." Pulling Su Lanzhi carelessly, she sat down, Qin Zhi Yan didn't say anything, it seemed that he didn't want to say much.

"Zhiyan..." Su Lanzhi didn't like the feeling of being concealed like this, although she knew that Qin Zhiyan was doing it for her own good.But she didn't want to be protected by the other party all the time, and she didn't know anything.

She really wants to fight side by side with the man she loves, instead of being well protected by the man under his wings.

"Lan Lan, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that during the toast yesterday, Qin Xu put medicine in my wine, trying to make me unable to have a bridal chamber with you. But I just changed the medicine, so today you see This is the situation." Needless to say, Su Lanzhi also understood the rest.

Thinking about it, Qin Xu was still not reconciled to Qin Zhiyan marrying Su Lanzhi, so yesterday he deliberately wanted to make Qin Zhiyan and Su Lanzhi look ugly.On the wedding day, the groom did not have a bridal chamber with the bride, but a maidservant. What a disgrace to the bride. Even if Su Lanzhi doesn't care about this matter, there will definitely be a gap between the husband and wife in the future, and When something like this happens, everyone will lose face. If it gets out, Qin Zhiyan's reputation may be damaged.

Such a killing three birds with one stone, such a vicious method, is indeed very similar to what Qin Xu would do.

Su Lanzhi thought of yesterday's adventure, and then thought that if Qin Zhiyan was not cautious enough yesterday, Qin Zhiyan would be the one who would be ashamed today. Maybe Qin Zhiyan would have to accept Xia He as his concubine today. Su Lanzhi thought about it. Feeling chilling, "Zhiyan, they..." They were born from the same root, so why rush each other!

"Lan Lan, don't worry, I won't let you suffer any harm!" Holding Su Lanzhi's hand, Qin Zhiyan hugged Su Lanzhi in his arms, and was very grateful for Qin Xu's behavior yesterday and the previous one. What Qin Xu did, Qin Zhiyan was already very angry, so he didn't intend to bear it any longer, "Don't worry, I won't let him go so easily!"

"I know!" Otherwise, Qin Zhiyan would not have given Xia He to Qin Xu.

"This is just the beginning. He has become more and more outrageous recently. If we don't teach him a lesson, he won't know the north, south, east, and west." Qin Xu is going too far now, and he can do things like yesterday, Qin Xu Zhiyan will definitely not just be a small punishment and a big reprimand.

"I believe you will handle this matter well, but don't hide it from me."

"Don't worry!" Since they are husband and wife, of course he has to make Su Lanzhi prepare for some things.

"Then let's get ready and go to the palace in a while!" Qin Zhiyan didn't talk about many things in detail. Hearing what Qin Zhiyan said today, and what he saw with his own eyes, Su Lanzhi also understood something about Qin Wang's mansion. Contradictory, "When you come back, you have to tell me about the things in this mansion when you have time, so I can prepare for it!" She didn't want to be bullied like that without knowing anything.

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