The queen's words successfully aroused everyone's envy and hatred towards Guo Meiren again. Guo Meiren sneered, knowing that the queen was deliberately making enemies for her, but now, it really is...

"Thank you, Empress, for your praise. It's just that the flowers blooming in the imperial garden are excellent, and everyone can see them. The concubine will never dare to monopolize them, so that everyone will not be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery." The flower If she really accepted it, then the trouble would be big.Guo Meiren's ability to enter the palace and win the favor of Emperor Wen is not something that ordinary women can do.

"Hehe, Guo Meiren, you also need to be polite. Now that you have the favor, even if the emperor knows that you like these marigolds, he will give them to you. I am just doing a favor. Does Guo Meiren not appreciate it? ?” The queen looked at Guo Meiren with a grin, and she wanted to see how this clever woman would solve the situation in front of her.

Dare to fight with her, the other party seems to be a little tender!

"The concubine understands the empress's love and concubine. The concubine is not someone who doesn't know good and bad. The concubine thanked the empress!" The beauty felt more and more that the queen was vicious, but she still showed a tolerant look, Guo Meiren really didn't like it. [

"That's right. After the banquet is over, I will send someone to send it to you. These flowers match beautiful women very well. The emperor also likes chrysanthemums very much. I think the emperor will be very happy when he comes to your place next time. "The queen's words successfully made Guo Meiren receive a lot of poisonous eyes. Guo Meiren smiled wryly, feeling that the queen really thinks highly of her more and more.

"Hehe, what the empress said is very true. It's just that the concubine dare not take advantage of this. Can the concubine keep these marigolds in the imperial garden, so that when I go out for a walk, the concubine can See you?" Meiren Guo took the things, but it doesn't mean that she will really step into the Queen's trap and become a public enemy in the palace.

"Hehe, isn't it good to put it in your palace? This way you can see it every day, so why go so far?" Seeing that Guo Meiren refused to really take the things back into her palace, the queen was not annoyed, she just smiled Looking at Guo Meiren, I feel more and more in my heart that this Guo Meiren is capable.

"These chrysanthemums are the most beautiful when there are many of them together. If I take this marigold away, wouldn't it be beautiful? I think it's better to put it among the flowers. The palace of my concubine is terrible." I can't grow such beautiful flowers." She deliberately belittled herself, and Guo Meiren's behavior made some people feel better.

The queen didn't expect Guo Meiren to be able to do this. In order to reject her "good intentions", she belittled herself. If she persisted, it would be bad. "Since Guo Meiren insists, let's stay here and let's enjoy it together." It’s good too. It’s just these chrysanthemums that Meiguo Guo has to worry about.” Since it was given to Meiren Guo, the queen of course didn’t care about it.

"Yes, empress, don't worry, the concubine will take good care of these chrysanthemums." I was not really forced to accept it, but changed a way. Although there are more things for no reason, Guo Meiren thinks this is the same. Excellent.

"Hehe, I believe that Meiren Guo is such a delicate person. Under your care, these marigolds will bloom very well." The queen looked at Meiren Guo with a half-smile, although she did not achieve her goal, she interrupted her. The queen is also extremely happy to get close to Su Lanzhi.


"By the way, the hairy crabs in this river are very plump and tight. Today, the palace has prepared a lot of crabs. You should try more later."

"Hehe, the hairy crab tastes very good. You can't usually eat it. Now we are lucky to be with the empress!" I like it, but it is not so easy to eat authentic and delicious hairy crabs.

"The tribute that was just sent to the palace a few days ago tastes really good, everyone, please try it!"

"Thank you, empress, my wife has been greedy for this hairy crab, but I have been greedy for a long time."


Hearing that today's main banquet is hairy crabs, everyone showed interest and couldn't wait to eat them.It’s just that when it’s lunch time, the queen warmly invites everyone to have dinner. Su Lanzhi just left, but sees Guo Meiren coming over, looking at Su Lanzhi still smiling, “I don’t know if Princess Wucheng is Do you like to eat hairy crabs?"

"The hairy crab tastes very plump, I think it's good." I don't understand why Guo Meiren asked this way, and Su Lanzhi only gave an official answer.

Even if she didn't like it, she couldn't say such a thing today when the queen specially entertained her like this, otherwise it would be bad if she offended the queen.

"Hehe, what Princess Wucheng said is very true, but although the hairy crabs are delicious, women are not suitable for eating more." Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Guo Meiren seemed to want to get close to Su Lanzhi, There were gestures of goodwill in the words, but Su Lanzhi's answer was always faint, "What Guo Meiren said is very true." Hairy crabs are cold in nature, and it is really not good to eat too much, especially for pregnant women. It is easy to cause tire slippage.

"Hehe, I also kindly reminded Princess Wucheng that although the hairy crabs are delicious, Princess Wucheng is married after all. Children are the most important thing. If you don't want to eat the hairy crabs, it's better not to eat them, otherwise eat them." If something goes wrong, then it’s not good.” When Guo Meiren said this, she was very close to Su Lanzhi, and her voice was very soft, except for Su Lanzhi, no one else knew about it.

Su Lanzhi didn't understand why the other party showed her kindness in every possible way today, let alone why the other party reminded herself like this, as if she had something to say, Su Lanzhi knew that the other party meant the queen was uneasy and kind, but Su Lanzhi was pretending Puzzled, "I appreciate Guo Meiren's kindness." [

I expressed my gratitude, and Su Lanzhi didn't say much about the rest. Seeing Su Lanzhi's indifferent attitude, Guo Meiren didn't continue to come over, "That's all I said. Princess Wucheng comes to my palace more often when she is free. I just entered the palace and I don’t have any friends. Now I feel close to Princess Wucheng. friend's."

"If there's a chance, I'll go!" The answer was ambiguous, Su Lanzhi didn't know Guo Meiren well, so naturally she wouldn't eagerly approach her.

"Hehe, Princess Wucheng doubts me so much. I really want to be friends with Princess Wucheng. In the future, if Princess Wucheng needs help, just say it. If I can do it, I will definitely do it." I hope that Princess Wucheng will put aside distracting thoughts and see my sincerity." Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Guo Meiren didn't seem to be angry at Su Lanzhi's defense, but was always smiling, it seemed that she was sincere I really want to make friends with Su Lanzhi, but Su Lanzhi doesn't know Guo Meiren well, and it's hard to make any promises, "Thank you Guo Meiren for your kindness."

Although in the words, the other party meant that they could help him and they could become an alliance, but Su Lanzhi felt that there was something wrong with this Guo Meiren, so naturally she didn't dare to really respond.

"Hehe, well, I won't bother Princess Wucheng anymore. My suggestion, Princess Wucheng can think about it carefully. I'll go there first!" It was too enthusiastic, so as not to be disgusted by Su Lanzhi, but now he walked away consciously.

Seeing the back of the other party, Su Lanzhi frowned, something flashed across her mind, but it disappeared quickly, Su Lanzhi didn't catch it.


At the next banquet, Guo Meiren did not come to disturb Su Lanzhi anymore. Su Lanzhi sat there quietly and ate. Today's hairy crabs were cooked very well. Everyone ate very happily, but Su Lanzhi His physique is cold, so of course he wouldn't let go of his mouth to eat, so Su Lanzhi just meant it, and didn't eat too much.

"Lan'er, but you don't like to eat hairy crabs? Why don't you eat them?" The queen saw that the hairy crabs in front of Su Lanzhi were moving very little, and her words were a bit concerned. Naturally, Su Lanzhi would not express her thoughts , "Auntie Huang, these hairy crabs are very good, but when Lan'er came out in the morning, she ate too much, so she didn't have much appetite for the time being."

"Hehe, is that right? But it doesn't matter. I'll ask someone to bring you some back later. When you have an appetite, I'll ask someone to make it for you. The hairy crab tastes very good. I believe you will like it." The queen's words made Su Lanzhi think of Guo Meiren's words just now, but Su Lanzhi didn't care and just said, "Thank you, Auntie Huang."

"Hehe, what are you thanking? You are the younger generation that I love so much. I can still afford this little thing!" Looking at Su Lanzhi lovingly, the queen saw that Su Lanzhi didn't eat much, so she motioned for Su Lanzhi to eat For some other things, Su Lanzhi naturally agreed, but she just didn't eat much.

"You child, you can eat more, or your body is too weak, it's not good." Looking at Su Lanzhi ambiguously, many people couldn't help laughing at the meaning in the queen's words. They all looked at Su Lanzhi, making Su Lanzhi blush.

"Auntie Huang!" With her head down, Su Lanzhi was really embarrassed to see everyone looking at her belly.

"Hehe, this child, why are you so shy? This woman will always have this experience when she is married!" The queen is from here, so she is naturally not as thin-skinned as Su Lanzhi.

"This, it's still early!" I don't know whether it was intentional or not, Su Lanzhi kept her head down all the time, the queen saw that Su Lanzhi was shy, and didn't make fun anymore, she just glanced at Guo Meiren suspiciously, There was a cold light in his eyes, and he finally greeted everyone with a smile, and it was a situation where the host and guest enjoyed themselves.


The Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet this time was very successful. Apart from the taunting among the concubines, everything else was fine. Su Lanzhi took her leave after lunch, and the queen did not stay long. He went to the palace to sit and admire some things, and then let Su Lanzhi go.

Before leaving, Su Lanzhi went to the Palace of Compassion to pick up Nanny Li. The queen mother asked Su Lanzhi about the chrysanthemum appreciation banquet with a smile. Zhi took good care of her body, and as soon as possible to add a child to the Qin Palace, there would be no more.

Su Lanzhi understood the queen mother's expectation, blushed, and left with Li Nanny. On the way back, Su Lanzhi didn't ask Li Nanny what the queen mother asked, but Li Nanny Seeing that Su Lanzhi remained silent, Mama said everything by herself, "Second madam, the queen mother asked about the old slave Dongxue and Xia He today, and the queen mother was very angry when she found out about Xia He." Su Lanzhi never told the Queen Mother about He's matter. Naturally, she also asked the people around her not to tell it. She just didn't want the Queen Mother to know and make things difficult for Princess Qin.

It's just that Nanny Li was left alone today, and Su Lanzhi knew that there are some things that she can't hide even if she wants to hide them. He nodded, "Well, I see."

"Second madam, the empress dowager also asked about the second madam and the second young master, and asked the old slave to take good care of the second madam, and the empress dowager also gave the old slave a prescription, asking the old slave to cook for the second madam, so that the old slave can cook for the second madam soon. It's an addition to the Qin Palace." This Li Nanny is much more disciplined than Yue Nanny, which is why Su Lanzhi brought Li Nanny out.Seeing that Nanny Li had explained everything now, Su Lanzhi nodded, "What is the prescription?"

"The old slave saw it. It's a formula for conceiving a child. It's a folk prescription. There's nothing serious about it." After speaking, Madam Li handed the prescription to Su Lanzhi. Su Lanzhi accepted it with a smile, looked at it, It is indeed a nourishing prescription.I felt a little sorry for the empress dowager being so impatient, but Su Lanzhi didn't say anything, "Just follow this prescription to cook the medicine." [

"Yes, Second Madam!"

"You did a good job this time, what should be said, what should not be said, I believe that Mammy has a ruler in her heart, the queen of special forces, come here! As long as Mammy has a guilty conscience, Mammy can rest assured, I said I will give the nanny a pension, and I will take good care of the nanny." There are some beatings on the two nanny on weekdays, but there are also benefits, otherwise how could Su Lanzhi hold the two nanny in the palace mother?

"Of course this old slave is clear. This old slave will take good care of the second lady." This Li mother has been in the palace for most of her life, and she is also happy to be able to leave the palace now.Although she was indeed a little cautious in the past, she has been suppressed by Su Lanzhi these days, and Nanny Li has also seen the reality clearly, so she doesn't think too much about it.

Anyway, now that she is out of the palace, with the grace of the Empress Dowager, she is worried about food and clothing, why bother to fight against the person in front of her, and make herself unhappy?

"It's good for Mammy to understand in her heart. Don't worry, Mammy, I won't treat Mammy badly."

"The old slave will also take good care of the second lady."

"Mommy will try to persuade Nanny Yue more in the future, she is also an old man beside the emperor's grandmother, and I don't want her to suffer." Nanny Yue's heart is much bigger than Nanny Li's.Su Lanzhi is very clear about this, and also knows that the other party is restless, so Su Lanzhi will win over Li Nanny first, so that once Madam Yue does something, Su Lanzhi will not be ignorant of everything.

"Second Madam, don't worry, the old slave will persuade her well, and Mother Yue actually has no bad intentions. It's just that the Queen Mother is kind to Mother Yue, and Mother Yue is a person who understands kindness very much. Naturally, she also wants to do it." Li Nanny's words were cryptic, but Su Lanzhi also understood what the other party meant.

This month's mother, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win over.It seems that I really have to find a way to get the other party out.

"I understand what Mammy means." In fact, there is no conflict between these two nanny and my interests for the time being, and the empress dowager sent these two people, and she was worried about herself.Afraid that he would be the same as Qin Wangfei, and would occupy Qin Zhiyan.

Now that she and Qin Zhiyan are newly married, the most important thing for the queen mother is to embrace her grandson, so she won't embarrass her for the time being, but if there is no movement in her stomach for a long time, there may be some troubles on the queen mother's side It's quiet, at that time, the conflict between the two nuns and himself will naturally be there.

"By the way, Second Madam, today the Empress Dowager asked about Nanny Yue."

"Well, the imperial grandmother told me." Since I haven't brought Yuemao into the palace these days, the queen mother probably has some ideas in her heart, right?After all, among the two nuns, the Queen Mother has the greater trust in Yue Nunnies.

"Mother Yue was favored by the Empress Dowager when she was young, and she has been loyal to the Empress Dowager all these years. It is common for the Queen Mother to miss Mother Yue now." That's all Li Nanny can mention, although she is also by the Queen Mother's side. She is an old man, but after so many years, what she wants most now is to be able to enjoy her old age in peace.

These days, Su Lanzhi's ability is also seen in her eyes, so she chose the path she should stand wisely, and will not do things that she will regret.

"I understand Mammy's intentions, and I won't treat Mammy badly."

"The old slave has served the empress dowager for many years, and the empress dowager is also kind to the old slave. The old slave is not the kind of ungrateful person, so the old slave can only say that he is considerate to the second wife as much as possible. As for the others, the old slave I really can't do it, and I hope that the second lady will not make things difficult in the future." After all, Nanny Li is someone close to the queen mother, and if she really wants her to go against the queen mother, she will definitely not be willing.

So there are some things that Nanny Li still needs to clarify.

"I can understand Mammy's mood. Don't worry, Mammy, I won't make things difficult for Mammy." She just didn't want these two mammies to cause trouble for herself. If she really wanted to make these two her own, Su Lanzhi never had this plan.

Even if she wants to accept someone who betrays the master easily, she still has to weigh it carefully.

"In this way, the old slave can rest assured." I have to say that Nanny Li is very smart. Now that she has chosen such a position, she not only has an explanation with Su Lanzhi, but also with the queen mother, she will not fall out. As expected of someone who spent most of his life in the palace.

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