Having reached a consensus with Nanny Li, Su Lanzhi didn't say much, just sat quietly in the carriage, thinking about the actions of that beautiful Guo today, Su Lanzhi's heart was full of doubts.

What is the purpose of this beautiful Guo?Why does she always have a very familiar feeling with each other?

The thoughts in her mind flashed quickly, Su Lanzhi didn't have time to catch them, she just frowned slightly, subconsciously felt that Guo Meiren was not a simple person, but she couldn't figure out why, she felt more or less in her heart , I am still a little worried.

When they arrived at the palace, when Su Lanzhi went back, Qin Zhiyan hadn't come back yet, so Su Lanzhi changed her clothes, asked some questions, and sat by the door to make clothes by herself.

Now in late autumn, it is already very cool. Su Lanzhi sewed for a while, but felt that her eyes were a little shivering. Just as she was about to rest, she felt a shadow above her head. Su Lanzhi looked at the other party with a smile, and put down the things in her hands "Are you back? Are you busy today? Why are you a little late?" [

"After resting for a long time, some things have to be dealt with. How is your entry into the palace today? Is everything okay?" Taking advantage of the situation, he hugged Su Lan in his arms. Qin Zhiyan was already used to this movement. Su Lan Zhi also let the other party go, "Well, everything is fine, but there are a lot of gossip in this palace, every time I go, there seems to be some gossip, I just don't want to participate."

"You don't like it. If you have nothing to do in the future, you don't have to go there. Don't dirty your eyes with their dirty things." Where there are many women, there are many right and wrong, especially in the palace, where Emperor Wen is the only one in the palace. For such a man, one can imagine the dirty things between the concubines.

"Well, I just want to see the meaning of the emperor's grandmother and aunt. They want me to enter the palace more often. There are some things that cannot be avoided." Although Su Lanzhi tried her best to avoid going, she is Qin Zhiyan's wife after all. It is unreasonable not to go all the time.

"Then you just stay away from them in the future." Smiling, he picked up the needlework in Su Lanzhi's hand, Qin Zhiyan saw that it was a man's underwear, and couldn't help laughing, "Is this made for me? "

"It's been a while since I got married, and I haven't made anything for you. Naturally, I can't fake your personal belongings. How about it, do you like it?" As a wife, if even the husband's underwear is made by others Do, that would be a little bad.

"Well, I like it very much. I like this material, and the stitches are very fine. When can Lan Lan make it? I can't wait to wear it." It is rare for Su Lanzhi to take the initiative to make something for him. Qin Zhi Derived from is happy.

"It's not ready yet, don't worry. Since you're here, just try it on and see if the size is right." Su Lanzhi made this size by herself. Although she was a little sure, Qin Zhiyan's upper body was natural It is the best to read the full text of Xijiayounv.

"What Lan Lan did is suitable!"

"Stop talking, just try!"

"Yeah!" He tried it with a smile on his face, Qin Zhiyan was wearing the clothes that Su Lanzhi made for himself, the smile on his face was warm, and his heart was sweet, "It's very suitable, Lan Lan, your stitches are so good !" Before getting married, Qin Zhiyan's clothes were all made by the servants of the family. Although the clothes were well made, without Su Lanzhi's intentions, he didn't feel much.

"Well, I think it's just right. It's going to be cold now, and I'll make you some more clothes." As a wife, she also needs to make a few clothes for her husband, so that they can be more comfortable with each other. Even closer.

"Although I really like the clothes you made, Lan Lan, don't be too tired, Lan Lan, so I will feel bad." Su Lanzhi is very skilled, and the clothes she makes are also very comfortable, Qin Zhiyan thought Very satisfied, but it's not good to always ask Su Lanzhi to make it for him.

After all, Su Lanzhi has a lot of things to do now.

"Don't worry, I know what's in my heart." Ask Qin Zhiyan to take off his clothes. Now that Qin Zhiyan is back, Su Lanzhi just plans to take a rest, and he doesn't want to do it for the time being. I have seen Guo Meiren."

"What does Lan Lan think of this person?"

"She showed me all kinds of good things today, and she always reminded me that she seemed to want to form an alliance with us."

"The Guo family's foundation in the capital is indeed a little weak. She has just entered the capital. Although she has won the favor of the emperor's uncle, but the emperor is old, and she has no children to support her. Naturally, she has to plan for herself. Fantastic. Prince Qin's Mansion is probably a good choice for her."

"That's what you said, but she feels a little strange to me."

"How to say?"[

"I don't know, although she tried her best to be nice to me, but I repulsed her very much in my heart, and looking at her back, I always felt a little familiar, as if she was a bit like someone in my memory .” It’s just that she really couldn’t remember who it was.

"Really?" Frowning, Su Lanzhi had such an idea, and Qin Zhiyan also felt very strange, "It's just that according to my investigation, she has never been to the capital. She has rarely stayed in the capital of Jiangnan these years. At home, she spent most of her time in the nunnery to cultivate, and she was taken back when she was old, so logically speaking, you should not know each other." But since you don't know each other, why does Lan Lan feel familiar?

"I don't know, I just have a very strange feeling, and I can't explain it." There seemed to be some kind of guess in my heart, but Su Lanzhi just couldn't remember it for a while.

"Okay, Lan Lan, I'll let someone find out about Meiren Guo, so you don't have to worry about it for the time being. It's just that if she gets close to you next time, just be more careful. This Meiren Guo may not be easy." To make Su Lanzhi feel this way when they met for the first time, Qin Zhiyan had to be vigilant.

But, what kind of woman is this?Uncle Huang doesn't care much about female sex anymore, why would he suddenly take a beauty by leaps and bounds and bring him directly into the palace, and even dote on him?

"Don't worry, I will be careful. By the way, do you feel that something is wrong when you see Uncle Huang these days?"

"Uncle Huang's spirit seems to be better than before, and I can't see anything else for the time being." Perhaps in the words of Emperor Wen, he is now old and strong, especially when he has a new beauty. Emperor Wen is just happy. People's spirits are naturally much better.

"Really?" Su Lanzhi always felt a little uneasy in her heart. Su Lanzhi felt that something she didn't know was developing, but she couldn't explain it. Such a feeling, Su Lanzhi really felt very bad.

Qin Zhiyan naturally saw that Su Lanzhi was worried, and pulled Su Lanzhi into his arms, "Okay, Lan Lan, just leave these things to me, now you have enough to take care of If there are too many, don't think about it." The family affairs are enough to bother Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan doesn't want to worry Su Lanzhi any more about the affairs in the palace.

"Yeah!" Nodding her head, Su Lanzhi also knew that she couldn't help much with the affairs of the court, "Yan, since we are supporting Prince Xuan, things in the palace are a bit strange now, I think, Shall we let Prince Xuan enter the palace?" After all, Qin Xuan is far to the north, if something happens in the future, it will be troublesome.

"The end of the year is approaching. Uncle Huang is in a good mood recently. There hasn't been any war in the north recently. I'll find a way to let Xuan enter Beijing!" Su Lanzhi was right, the north is too far away, in case something really happened here Qin Xuan must be too late for anything.

It seems that he really needs to discuss it with Xuan.

"It would be great if Prince Xuan can stay in the capital." In this way, even if there is an emergency, it is better to take measures as soon as possible.

"I'm afraid this will be difficult. Uncle Huang has always had a knot with Xuan, and this knot may not be easy to untie. Besides, Aunt Huang will definitely not let Xuan stay." Only these two resistances, It was already doomed that Qin Xuan would not be able to stay in the capital all the time.Otherwise, after all these years, he would have figured out a way.

"Yan, I see that Uncle Huang treats the other princes well, but why is he so kind to Prince Xuan? I heard that Concubine Xian was quite favored back then. It stands to reason that Uncle Huang treated Xuan very well. The prince should be well-loved?" Although Qin Zhiyan mentioned to Su Lanzhi about supporting Qin Xuan, Qin Zhiyan didn't say anything about the right and wrong in the past, and Su Lanzhi felt that it was really wrong. Strange.

What is the actual cause?

"It's a long story..." Su Lanzhi didn't ask before, and Qin Zhiyan didn't say anything, but now that Su Lanzhi asked, Qin Zhiyan wouldn't hide it. It was because Concubine Xian was favored. Back then, the emperor’s uncle almost exclusively favored Concubine Xian. Concubine Xian’s natal family was also a prominent and famous family. After Concubine Xian gave birth to Xuan, Uncle Emperor Long Yan Dayue almost made Xuan the crown prince. However, when Xuan was young, the emperor's uncle had a special preference for Xuan, and even raised Xuan as his heir. However, in this palace, who would never want to be favored by the emperor? Who wouldn't want to be on the throne? Concubine Xian was so favored, so she was naturally jealous. I didn't know what happened back then, but suddenly it was reported that Concubine Xian was stealing people, and Concubine Xian was arrested and raped on the spot. The imperial uncle executed Concubine Xian in a fit of rage, and even Concubine Xian's mother family did not let go, beheaded, exiled, the once prominent family fell. Xuan is also because he is the prince, father and mother The concubine can only survive under the protection of the concubine. It's just that the emperor's uncle has since then had a knot in his heart. He sent Xuan far away to the frontier. They never cared about Xuan. It's just that the father, mother, and concubine Nianji Xuan was young, and the mother concubine and Concubine Xian are also good friends, so they have been secretly protecting and nurturing Xuan all these years, so that Xuan would not be caught by the North at a young age. swallowed up..."

"So that's how it is..." Although Qin Zhiyan didn't say much, Su Lanzhi could understand Emperor Wen's mood and understand why Emperor Wen treated Qin Xuan like this. I'm afraid it won't be easy to open." An ordinary man would want to kill his beloved woman if he saw her having an affair.Not to mention being the most honorable man in Da Cang, a man as proud as Emperor Wen might not easily let go of this matter.

"Indeed, so all these years, the father, the queen, and the concubine only let people protect Xuan secretly, and didn't let him come to Beijing, just to avoid disasters. But even so, Xuan's life these years has not been peaceful, and the queen has always been afraid of Xuan , and sent a lot of people, but they were all stopped by us. Now that Xuan has grown up, his wings are gradually plump, and he has completely controlled the northern army and fiefs, but now the time has not come, he has been Keep a low profile, I just don’t want to be murdered again.” As the son of the emperor’s only concubine, Qin Xuan’s status alone is dreadful, and he can grow up safely, which shows that Qin Xuan’s heart is tenacious , can be a big job.

"It seems that he has had a really hard time these years. It's no wonder that he refuses to accept Nancy." Su Lanzhi suddenly understood Qin Xuan's choice.The more you love someone, the more you are afraid of being hurt by the other person, right?Qin Xuan has experienced so much since he was a child, so his thinking is naturally far-reaching, and of course he will not take this step lightly.

"So letting Xuan stay in the capital is a very dangerous thing, and it is inevitable that no one will continue to make a fuss about what happened many years ago. This matter has to be considered in the long run." Qin Zhiyan didn't know that Qin Xuan stayed in the capital. the best choice?But so many people are still looking at Qin Xuan, if Qin Xuan really stays, troubles will definitely continue.

"I understand, I was thinking too simply."

"Lan Lan, what you said is also correct, but you don't know what's going on here, so it's inevitable that you didn't think carefully." If Qin Xuan stayed in the capital, he would be in danger of being feared and hated by Emperor Wen, and even more so that he would be regarded as the most important thing by others. Qin Zhiyan certainly didn't want to put his friend in such an embarrassing situation because of the danger in his eyes.

"Things in this palace are really too cold. Prince Xuan's life experience is really pitiful. He has survived these years. If he really succeeds in the future, he must be an excellent emperor. "Although I don't have much contact with Qin Xuan, how can a person who is recognized by Qin Zhiyan be a capable person?

Su Lanzhi recalled the events of her previous life, and vaguely remembered that shortly after Qin Zhiyan's accident, Princess Qin also passed away, and King Qin was depressed and no longer cared about things.In the end, the north seemed to be under a huge attack. Qin Xuan fought the enemy bravely, and finally died on the battlefield.

Although Su Lanzhi didn't know if there was any connection in it, she also knew that with Qin Xuan's ability, it would be impossible for her to be ambushed so easily, there must be something in it.

Nothing in this life has happened yet, she will definitely not let the tragedy of her previous life continue!

"What you said is very true. For those who can compete for the throne now, Lord Yan is too cold in character and too ruthless, so he is really not suitable for taking on the big responsibility. And Lord Mo is also feminine and suspicious, and the emperor's aunt is not a worry. Yes, if he succeeds, I'm afraid that the palace will definitely not be peaceful. Now that I think about it, only Xuan is the most suitable, otherwise we wouldn't involve him in these battles." Qin Zhiyan chose Qin Xuan, I have also seen clearly the nature of Qin Mo and the others. I know that these people's succession is not only the court, but also their Qin Palace. I am afraid that they will become a thorn in the other side's side. At that time, the Qin Palace will definitely be suppressed. Framed, this is naturally what Qin Zhiyan and the others don't want to see.

"Indeed, these princes in the capital are narrow-minded. If they succeed to the throne, the prosperity of Dacang may be gone." Qin Yan in the previous life immediately adopted an iron-blooded policy as soon as he succeeded to the throne, and eliminated dissidents one by one. , completely take back the rights, even the Xiangfu will not let go, if such a person really succeeds to the throne, wouldn't the Xiangfu repeat the same mistakes?

As for Qin Mo, since Su Lanzhi met that man, he knew that he was also a scheming and ruthless person. Such a person would probably not allow any powerful forces to exist to affect his status, would he?

Therefore, even if it is for themselves, they have to choose Qin Xuan!

"What Lan Lan said is very true. In the current situation, I'm afraid that some things will change. I have to inform Xuan so that he can get ready!" Qin Zhiyan went to the study after speaking. There are still some things that need to be changed. It is good to discuss it with Qin Xuan early, otherwise the loss outweighs the gain if you are caught off guard.

"I won't let what happened in my previous life happen again! I will definitely stop it!" Seeing Qin Zhiyan leave, Su Lanzhi watched for a long time but couldn't recover, and secretly made a decision in her heart, she must Guard your own things!


About Guo Meiren, Qin Zhiyan has always sent people to inspect, but after all, Guo Meiren has stayed in the nunnery for too long, and there are only a few people who serve her around. There are too few people who have seen Guo Meiren , really can't find anything, Su Lanzhi and the others can only take precautions.

Guo Meiren in the palace is still favored, and the palace that has been quiet for a few days has begun to be lively. The queen is anxious to deal with Guo Meiren, and has not bothered Su Lanzhi anymore. , ushered in Su Mingyang's birthday.

Su Mingyang is two years old this year, and on his two-year-old birthday, Su Mingyang looks very beautiful now.It's his birthday these few days, Murong Yan dressed him up early, put on red clothes, gold locks, bracelets and anklets, the whole person is like a fuwa, people can't wait He hugged and kissed hard.

"Brother Yang, come, sister, give me a hug!" Although there are a lot of things going on recently, Su Lanzhi still took time to visit Su Mingyang, and followed Qin Zhiyan early in the morning to see how cute his younger brother looks , Su Lanzhi couldn't help but wanted to hug and kiss her.It's just that Su Mingyang has a very individual character, and I don't know if he is angry. He used to want to hug Su Lanzhi when he saw Su Lanzhi, but now he ignores Su Lanzhi. Su Lanzhi looks so happy Inexplicably, "Mother, what's wrong with Brother Yang? Why are you ignoring me? Could it be that I haven't seen you for a few days and don't know me?"

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