The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 348 Su Qingxiu Stroke

"Lan Lan, don't worry, Dad is not confused. I know this matter well, and I will help you pay attention to it secretly." Qin Zhiyan knew that Su Lanzhi cared about his family, and of course he didn't want Su Lanzhi to do it for him. This matter has any troubles.

Now that he is married to Su Lanzhi, Su Lanzhi's family is his family. Even if Su Lanzhi doesn't say anything, he will take the initiative to help.

"Yan, I'm sorry to trouble you." If possible, Su Lanzhi really didn't want Su Qinglan to get involved in the affairs of Prince Qing's Mansion. Anyway, in her eyes, she didn't regard those people as her own at all. loved ones.However, Su Lanzhi also knew that there were some things that she could really ignore just because she said she didn't care.Su Qingxiu and Su Qinglan's identities are there, even if she does not recognize this relative, others are still watching.

"Don't worry." After thinking for a while, Qin Zhiyan finally said for Ansu Lanzhi's heart, "Lan Lan, King Qing is different from his father-in-law. King Qing still has other children besides his son Su Mingyou. Lan Lan , if the other party really has ulterior motives, we can choose someone else's. Now the initiative is in our hands, the key is to see what we plan to do."

"Yan, when you mention this, I think of someone." It's just that I don't know if that person is still there. [


"I remember that my uncle used to dote on a concubine very much, and that concubine was tortured to death by my aunt in the end, but she has a pair of children, but she doesn't know what happened." Because of Aunt Zhao's death, Su Lanzhi knew, that If the two children were still there, they would definitely hate Sun Xueru very much!

This, perhaps, is something she can take advantage of.

"Well, Lan Lan, I'll ask someone to find out. If these two people are still alive, maybe we can cooperate!" Qin Zhiyan, like Su Lanzhi, does not allow anything that may hurt his care People exist.What Su Lanzhi said was right, there was Su Lanyu's knot between them and Sun Xueru, and it was impossible for them to coexist peacefully.

"Yan, thank you."

"Fool, you and I are husband and wife, and we are one. Why do you say these words of thanks?" Touching the tip of Su Lanzhi's nose, Qin Zhiyan held her in his arms and looked at Su Lanzhi with a smile With Zhi's face, she has never felt that she has been so satisfied in this life.

"Well!" Leaning in Qin Zhiyan's arms, Su Lanzhi finally found a shelter from the wind. The man in front of him has a heart as broad as a mountain, which really makes Su Lanzhi feel extra relaxed. .

This feeling of being able to rely on is really good, and she is really happy.


Qin Zhiyan's efficiency was also very fast, and he found Su Zhenxian the next day. When Su Lanzhi saw Su Zhenxian again, he almost couldn't recognize him.

"You, you are Su Zhenxian?" I remember that when we first met, although Su Zhenxian was not very old, he was good-looking, and he also looked like a modest son. Why is he now so downcast?

"What, cousin, don't you know me?" Su Zhenxian never thought that someone would find him suddenly today, and it turned out to be Su Lanzhi.

The woman in front of him was as beautiful as he remembered, especially now that she was older and married, her whole person had an indescribable charm that touched people's hearts and souls.

"Second cousin, hello!" Although Su Zhenxian's appearance has changed too much now, Su Lanzhi can still hear the general idea from the other party's voice.

"I don't know why my cousin came to me in such a big way, but why?"

"Forgive me for asking, how did the second cousin become like this now?" After all, he is also Prince Qing's concubine son, why is he so down and out?

"What does my cousin think? A person without the protection of his biological mother, and his father doesn't care about things. Do you think that I, a little bastard, can be safe and sound?" When he said this, Su Zhenxian's eyes were a little hazy. Yes, her mother is gone, and her younger sister is also living in poverty. I heard that Sun Xueru arranged a marriage for his younger sister and sold his younger sister to Su Mingyou to pave the way. How could Su Zhenxian be reconciled?

But now that he is so down and out, Sun Xueru schemed to drive him to Zhuangzi, if not for his cleverness, he would be a pile of bones by now.

"Second cousin, you have suffered." Judging from such a big change in the other party, Su Lanzhi can guess that Su Zhenxian's life is very unsatisfactory.It's just that the other party is still alive, which proves that the other party is not a scheming person. It seems that this transaction is also possible. [

"What's the point of suffering? It's good to be able to keep this humble life, but now I'm surrounded by enemies, and I'm still struggling. Maybe that day, I won't be able to hold on." Su Zhenxian is not very old. , It’s just that I may have experienced a lot, and the whole person feels very vicissitudes, and it is also more profound.

"Don't second cousin want to change the status quo?"

"What if it changes? Cousin?" Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Su Zhenxian is not a fool. He and Su Lanzhi don't have a deep relationship, and they hardly even communicate with each other.Su Lanzhi came to him suddenly, she must have asked for something.

Now he also needs an opportunity, an opportunity to change the status quo, otherwise his fate can be imagined.

"I think so. Second cousin, you are my uncle's biological son anyway, and you were loved by my uncle back then. Second cousin, are you willing to go on like this?"

"Of course I'm not reconciled, but I'm just a little bastard, and now my sister is still in the hands of my aunt, what do you think I can do?" In fact, my heart was already moved, but Su Zhenxian didn't know To what extent Su Lanzhi will help him, there are some things that need to be weighed more and more.

"The second cousin intends to continue to suffer like this. In the end, someone plotted against him. In the end, does he have everything? There is also the revenge of the second cousin who killed his mother. Isn't the second cousin planning to avenge it?"

"Heh, now I'm just a useless person, what else can I do?" I laughed at myself. At the beginning, I was calculated by others, so many boards were beaten down, and Sun Xueru deliberately suppressed him to treat his illness. He is already lame. How can a disabled person inherit the throne?

"Physically disabled and mentally disabled, Second Cousin, don't you just keep complaining about yourself like this and don't care about anything?"

"Then tell me, what can I do? Is there anything I can compete with others for with my crippled body?"

"Although the second cousin's leg is disabled, what if I have a way to heal the second cousin? How will the second cousin treat him?" In order to show her sincerity, Su Lanzhi had to give the other party some benefits first. .

"Cousin, are you joking? My leg has been crippled for almost three years. Do you think it will recover?" The treatment was delayed at the beginning, and the injury was serious. Can it be cured?

"Second cousin's leg injury is also a disability accumulated over the years. He didn't get good treatment at the beginning, so that's why it happened. I know a few imperial doctors with good medical skills. They can show second cousin, maybe it can be done. Yes, I just don't know if the second cousin can bear the pain or not."

"If my legs can be good, I will suffer any hardship!" Who wants to be crippled for a lifetime and be looked down upon by others?Su Zhenxian also had such an idea in his heart, now that there is hope, of course he wants to give it a try.

"Okay, that's it, second cousin, how about we cooperate? I can try my best to get someone to heal second cousin's leg, so how about second cousin also try his best to pursue what he wants?" This is mutually beneficial It's a matter, in fact Su Zhenxian is the one who benefits, Su Zhenxian has no reason not to accept it.

"My cousin is really straightforward, and now I have nothing else, so why not take a gamble?" Su Lanzhi has said so, and Su Zhenxian will not continue to take Joe. This opportunity is hard-won, just for himself With a broken body, for the sake of his aunt, Su Zhenxian planned to try his best!

"That's it, then we've made a deal!"

"Okay, it's just that when the time comes, I hope my cousin can help me a lot!"

"Second cousin is in need, I will naturally help, but everything depends on second cousin himself, what second cousin wants, I should know in my heart!"

"Of course I have it!" Smiling, they reached a consensus. Su Zhenxian really never thought that there would be such a good opportunity when he was almost desperate. Now, he just wants to cherish it!

Those who owe him, he will definitely let the other party repay, and he will get what he wants!

"I wish us a happy cooperation!" After finding Su Zhenxian, the other party was not an idiot, and Su Lanzhi felt relieved, and reached a consensus with each other, so Su Lanzhi began to treat Su Zhenxian.Now, they are waiting for Sun Xueru to make a move, and then they can reap the benefits. [


And Sun Xueru naturally didn't know Su Lanzhi's plan. She got Su Qinglan's approval, and now she is working harder to find a woman for Su Qingxiu, and the daily dose of medicine for Su Qingxiu has also increased. Su Qingxiu is immersed in her daughter's fragrance. Inside, finally one day, the body couldn't bear it in the lingering, and had a stroke.

"Hurry up, please call the imperial doctor!" Su Qingxiu's stroke came very quickly. When Sun Xueru received the news, she waited for a while, and then she called someone, but it was too late. Su Qingxiu's stroke this time was worse than her old Concubine Qing was even more serious, she was basically paralyzed all over her body, she couldn't speak, she couldn't move her body, and her whole mouth was crooked, which shows his seriousness.

"Emperor doctor, my lord..."

"Hey, my concubine, the rescue was not timely, and my lord's body has been hollowed out. I'm afraid it's..." Even if the imperial doctor didn't say anything about the rest, Sun Xueru understood.

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