"Doctor, did you make a mistake? Our lord is always in good health. This is just a stroke. How could it be so serious?" Sun Xueru's face was full of disbelief. Looking at the doctor, her eyes also changed. Sad up.

"Princess, I have tried my best. My lord is not as good as before these days. My body is very weak, and now I can't do it anymore." Su Qingxiu is now obsessed with beauty and enjoys it every day. This is her iron body. , that is unbearable!It just so happens that the other party doesn't know how to exercise restraint, so what else can I do?

"This..." Sun Xueru naturally knew about Su Qingxiu's physical condition, and she had a lot of credit for it. At this moment, her heart was full of sneers, and Sun Xueru wiped her face with a handkerchief, feeling very sad , "Even so, please trouble the imperial physician to show it to the prince. Even if you need the best medicine, the imperial physician can just prescribe it. I will definitely cure the prince!" I just sighed, "Hey, I just try my best."

"There is an old doctor!" People waited for the doctor to prescribe medicine. Sun Xueru sent the doctor away and wiped the tears on her face. At this moment, there is no sadness in her eyes. "The prince is also paralyzed now. Take good care of me, let the second master come back!"


Su Qingxiu's illness this time came suddenly, and she persisted for a short time. After a while, she almost couldn't hold on anymore. Su Qinglan promised that Sun Xueru would help, so when Su Qingxiu was critically ill, in order to prevent the palace from going into chaos, Su Qinglan also Discussed with Sun Xueru, and asked for Su Mingyou to inherit the throne.

Su Mingyou is not too young now. Although he had no choice but to inherit the throne at this time, it was reasonable. Emperor Wen didn't have much objection to it. Understand.

Sun Xueru was crying to death, but misfortunes never come singly, Old Princess Qing seemed unable to bear the blow of losing her son, so she also passed away.The entire Prince Qing's Mansion was immediately plunged into a haze, very gloomy.

These things happened so fast that people were overwhelmed. When Su Lanzhi found out about this, she was a little stunned, "The old princess is really..." She always thought that the old princess Qing was the biological mother He was very tenacious, but now that he went so soon, Su Lanzhi couldn't even tell what it felt like.

"Second Madam, the old Princess Qing went there this morning, and it was the same day as King Qing. Now that the mourner has arrived, Second Madam still needs to make some preparations. I have to go to Prince Qing's Mansion in a while." The mother and son did not know People thought they were a mother-child connection, and both of them had a stroke.It's just unfortunate that the old concubine Qing had survived for so long, but Su Qingxiu became ill suddenly and died suddenly.

"Okay, I'll get ready. I'll talk to my concubine in a while, and I'll leave right away!" Su Lanzhi couldn't ignore anything like this and didn't know about it. Go for it.

"Yes, Second Madam!" Su Lanzhi quickly cleaned up and explained the matter to Princess Qin. Princess Qin's face was a little sad, and she looked at Su Lanzhi's expression with comfort, "Lan'er, people You can't come back from the dead, you have to think about it."

"Mother, I understand."

"Okay, let's go, there are suddenly two people gone over there, I'm afraid there are too many things to do."

"Yes, mother-in-law!"

"Old Concubine Qing and King Qing have gone, so I have to go and see. Let's go out together in a while, so we can take care of them."

"Well, what the concubine mother said is absolutely true!"

"Wait a minute, I've got the carriage ready, and we can set off for the Super Creature Empire soon!" Princess Qin didn't care much about these things before, even if there were these things, she was at most just a human relationship, Usually not in person.It's just that it was Su Lanzhi's grandmother and uncle who went there this time. Princess Qin felt that she should go for a while.

"Hmm!" Su Lanzhi knew that Princess Qin valued her, otherwise, as the other party, she could not have gone at all, and she was also moved in her heart.


After packing up, when the group arrived at Prince Qing's Mansion, many people had already arrived at Prince Qing's Mansion.Although the present Prince Qing's Mansion is not as beautiful as it used to be, the death of the old Princess Qing is a major event after all, and there are quite a few people who have come to offer their condolences.

As soon as Su Lanzhi and the others arrived, someone came to pick her up. Su Lanzhi knew it well, and she also had to wear mourning. Fortunately, she was a married daughter, so she didn't have to follow those rules.

After going in and offering incense, and kowtowed, Su Lanzhi saw Sun Xueru sitting aside with a pale face, her face was full of tears, she looked really heartbroken.But Su Lanzhi couldn't see the slightest sadness from the other party's eyes, it can be seen that Sun Xueru's little husband and wife friendship with Su Qingxiu has long been consumed in these years.

After all, Sun Xueru is also a poor woman. She is also a proud daughter of heaven, but she has become what she is now. [

However, although she felt that Sun Xueru's fate was a bit rough, Su Lanzhi did not intend to sympathize.From the initial mutual standpoint to Su Lanyu's matter, they were destined to be hostile, so Su Lanzhi would never waste her sympathy.

"Princess Qing, the mourning is changing, the body is important!" Seeing Sun Xueru's appearance, Princess Qin probably felt that she was pitiful.When a woman lost her husband at Sun Xueru's age, the situation was actually very difficult. The remaining decades had to be spent alone, and everyone around her was very painful.

"Princess Qin, thank you very much, I know it. It's just that knowing it is one thing, but what I think in my heart is another..." The eyes of Sun Xueru were full of sadness, the circles of Sun Xueru's eyes were always red, and her face turned pale. She was also extremely pale. It seemed that these days were really difficult for her.

"Hey, people can't be resurrected after death, the concubine is lenient." The relationship between Concubine Qin and Sun Xueru is also indifferent, and there is no other words of comfort to say at this moment.After saying a few thoughtful words, Princess Qin let Sun Xueru relax, but she really didn't know what to say.

After all, this kind of thing is not something that you can relax if you want to relax.


There are a lot of people who came to express their condolences today, most of them are looking at Su Qinglan's face, Su Qinglan and Murong Yan are already helping, when Su Lanzhi came, she saw that Murong Yan was busy, and she looked a little bit Pale, Su Lanzhi couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Mother, are you okay? But are you too tired?" Su Qingxiu passed away in the early morning of this morning, and the old Princess Qing died early in the morning. As direct relatives, Murong Yan and Su Qinglan are naturally I arrived at the first time, so busy so early, I am afraid that my body will not be able to bear it.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, you go and sit for a while, I still have some things to do!" Although Su Qingxiu had many concubines during her lifetime, none of them could be brought up on the table.Naturally, there was no way to host such a scene, and the only one who could help was Murong Yan.

Murong Yan was dressed in plain white today, and greeted the guests who came to express their condolences with a sad face, and had to arrange places for them and show them the way, she was so busy that she didn't even touch the ground.Seeing Su Lanzhi, she couldn't bear it, "Mom, let me help you!" Otherwise, it's not a big deal to keep busy like this!

"You are a guest now, you should go and sit down first, mother is busy here, and Lianyue and the others can help, it's okay!" Su Lanzhi is now a married daughter, and Murong Yan is also reluctant to let Su Lan Zhi is tired, of course she won't ask Su Lanzhi to help.

But why does Su Lanzhi care about these?Seeing that Murong Yan was too busy, she naturally wanted to take the initiative to help, "Mother, let me help you!" After finishing speaking, she didn't give Murong Yan a chance to object, and directly found something to do.

"Lan'er, you..." I wanted to say something, but seeing that Su Lanzhi was already busy, Murong Yan didn't say any more, and she didn't have a chance to say any more, because someone came again and she needed to be greeted. !

"Princess, Zhiyan, you go and have a rest first, Lan'er may have to help me here!" She looked at Princess Qin with some embarrassment, Su Lanzhi was from the Qin family after all, no matter what, she couldn't She went beyond the mother-in-law, Princess Qin.

"Well, that's fine, then you're busy, we won't bother you anymore!" Seeing so many people, Princess Qin didn't talk to Murong Yan at the moment, so as not to disturb Murong Yan, she told Su Lanzhi a few words, So I went to rest with Qin Zhiyan.


The funeral of Princess Lao Qing and Su Qingxiu was very lively, and everyone was looking at Su Qinglan's face. There were a lot of guests. Because the weather was cold, the corpse could still be preserved. Days, ready to be buried.

The dead are the most important, although the old Princess Qing had many absurd things during her lifetime, but now that everyone has gone, naturally she doesn't care about it any more.The same is true for Su Qingxiu, when the light of death goes out, everything is over.After the dreary funeral, Su Mingyou took over Prince Qing's mansion completely. Although Su Lanzhi was still a little reluctant about this, there was nothing he could do for the time being.

Sun Xueru's speed was too fast, and Su Mingyou was very disciplined these days, they couldn't find a chance to make a move at all, and now, they could only wait and see what happened.


After a busy few days, the funeral of Princess Qing is finally over. Su Lanzhi has helped her for the past few days, and now she suddenly feels relieved. She just feels pain all over her body, "Hey, I really didn't expect that , Grandmother and uncle will go one day." Although she knew that this day would come, but now that it came so fast, Su Lanzhi had to admire Sun Xueru's means.

"The world is always the same, so who can say for sure? It's just that my father-in-law is not in a good mood these days. I'm afraid it's because of my grandmother's death. I'm not happy, right?" It doesn't matter anymore.After all, Old Princess Qing is Su Qinglan's biological mother. It is normal for Su Qinglan to be in a bad mood.

"Hey, I just hope that Daddy can recover soon, right? I see that Daddy has lost weight these days." Old Princess Qing has gone, and now Su Qingxiu has also gone. Su Qinglan is the only son of Old Princess Qing, so naturally I want to Wake up.It's just that Su Qinglan is getting older, and her mood has been affected by it, so she really lost a lot of weight. [

"There's nothing to do about it. My father-in-law is really tired these days. It seems that he needs to take good care of him and he will be fine. My father-in-law is always in good health. Don't worry."

"Well!" Time is the best medicine to cure everything, Su Lanzhi believes that Su Qinglan will get better in a few days.

However, even though they thought so, no one thought that Su Qinglan was always in good health, but she fell ill the next day. When Su Lanzhi heard the news, she immediately went back.

"Mother, what's the matter with daddy? Why did he suddenly get sick?" When someone said that Su Qinglan was sick, Su Lanzhi was worried.My father has always been in good health, and he rarely gets sick on weekdays. How can Su Lanzhi not worry?

"Maybe it's because I was overly sad and overworked a few days ago. I can't bear it after I've been free. Lan'er, don't worry, the doctor said, just rest for a few days and you'll be fine." Seeing her daughter hurrying Hurriedly rushing over, Murong Yan felt a little regretful that someone told Su Lanzhi.

"Mom, let me go and see Daddy?"

"Your father is sleeping, don't worry, you will go after he wakes up later, so as not to disturb him, what do you think?"

"Well, what mother said is very true!" She was too anxious, Su Lanzhi thought about it, and seeing that Murong Yan didn't look particularly worried, she was also relieved, just remembering that Su Qinglan fell ill, Su Lanzhi I have to remind Murong Yan, "Mother, you have been working hard for the past few days, and now you are done with your work, you have to rest well, your body is important!" One of them has already fallen ill, Su Lanzhi doesn't want to Here comes another one.

What's more, Murong Yan's body is much worse than Su Qinglan's Reborn Taeyeon.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'll be fine if I take a rest. It's just that your father is not feeling very well, so it may be caused by his overthinking." How can a son not be sad when his biological mother passed away?Murong Yan also felt unbearable when she thought of the emaciated and distorted corpse of the old Princess Qing.

It seems that these days of paralysis for the elderly are also very difficult, and now it may be a kind of relief.

"By the way, mother, the imperial doctor has prescribed medicine, can you show me?" Seeing that Murong Yan's expression was still stable, Su Lanzhi felt relieved, and took Murong Yan's pulse, and found that Murong Yan was just weak. After thinking about it for a while, I prescribed a tonic prescription for Murong Yan, and there was no major problem.It's just about Su Qinglan, she should pay attention to it.

Parents are getting older now, sometimes, it is better to pay attention to minor illnesses and disasters, so as to avoid troubles in the future.

"Well, wait!" Afraid that Su Lanzhi would be worried, Murong Yan didn't stop her, and sent someone to bring the prescription. Seeing that it was indeed some nourishing herbs, Su Lanzhi felt relieved. "The medicine prescribed by the imperial doctor is good. Mother, your body is also a little weak. I will prescribe some tonic for you in a while, and you can take it as a medicinal diet. It will be better after a while." This small problem will also become a big one. problem, so it is necessary to pay attention to maintenance on weekdays.

"Okay, little imperial doctor, mother knows! You, don't worry too much!" Murong Yan still felt very sorry for her daughter who was married and had to worry about the family.Especially looking at Su Lanzhi's stomach, seeing that there was still no reaction, she felt a little anxious.

Lan'er's situation would be much better if she had an heir earlier. With a son-in-law, she will be confident in the future, and she will have less worries about what to do.

Hey, it's just that she can't always say that it's not good to put pressure on Lan'er.

Sighing, Murong Yan withdrew her gaze, smiled and pulled Su Lanzhi to sit down with her, asked about Su Lanzhi's situation, and asked Su Lanzhi to take a good rest. When Su Qinglan woke up, Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan Yan hurriedly went to see each other.

"What's wrong with me?" Su Qinglan suddenly passed out in the study today. The main reason is that he was too preoccupied and tired these days. It can be seen that the death of the old Princess Qing really hit him hard.

"Lan, you passed out in the study today, do you remember?" Looking at Su Qinglan's face that had lost a lot of weight, Murong Yan felt distressed, and she had made up her mind to make up for Su Qinglan.

"Really?" After thinking about it, it was indeed the case.During these days of the old Princess Qing's funeral, Su Qinglan has not slept for several days. As a son, he has to keep watch. Those who go to the second place will naturally fall ill.

Thinking of what happened when she passed out, Su Qinglan was filled with guilt, "I made you worry, don't worry, I'm fine." If she passed out, she must have frightened her wife and daughter, right?Otherwise they wouldn't be like this.

"Lan, you have to take good care of your body in the future, otherwise I won't be able to bear this blow!" Thinking about it now, Murong Yan is still a little scared. When she first heard the news that Su Qinglan had passed out, Murong Yan was still Really freaked out.

"Aren't I okay? Don't worry." Seeing that Murong Yan couldn't help crying, Su Qinglan couldn't help joking, "Okay, don't cry, the child is still watching, don't let the child laugh!"

"Lan, you don't want me to be laughed at by children, so don't scare me in the future!"

"Okay, don't scare you! I will be fine in the future, take care of myself, okay?"

"En!" With Su Qinglan's guarantee, Murong Yan finally smiled. Seeing that Su Qinglan agreed to her like this, she was also very happy.

Su Qinglan thought it was her sky, what would she do if the sky collapsed?

"You, wipe away your tears!" Dotingly wiped Murong Yan's tears, Su Qinglan knew that she was frightening her, seeing Murong Yan like this, she couldn't help but think of Su Mingyang, "By the way, Brother Yang Where is the son?"

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